Polonia unesco

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Polonia unesco

Solidarity, cooperation and intolerant attitudes.

Alba Lorenzo GarcíaSonia Rey CaldasNoelia Rey RodríguezAmanda Rial GonzálezLara Cores Rodríguez


It is a unity, an adjective which refers to people who help each other just because they want to make the others happier and not because of another motivations like money, for example.


It is the process of groups of different people working together for common and mutual benefit as opposed to working in competition looking for their own benefit.

How do they affect to intolerant movements?

People who practise solidarity and cooperation are also tolerants and respectful with the others and it is very important for activities like exchanges as our Commenius ´´Conecting schools building citizenship``.

All of us (students and teachers) must show an open attitude to let to work together in peace rather in conflict. If we work together we will go further and we will be happier because we need other people. ´´If you want to go fast, walk alone but if you want to go far, walk together``.

How do they affect to intolerant movements?(II)

The majority part of the people is tolerant how we had explained before, but there are some cases that are not as coperative and tolerant as the rest and they generate xenophobic and racist movements.

How do they affect to intolerant movements?(III)

These movemens are so injurious for a society and we must work together to erradicate them.

Types of intolerant movements

The most ´´familiar`` intolerant conducts are : racism, islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, nazism and machismo. We must tell that we are totally desagree with all of these attitudes of discrimination.


It consists of different and related ideologies centered around the concept of race. It is a form of dicrimination from the occidental people to the African and South American people who have got a darker skin than them.


. This prejudice is too old and racist people think that people are better if you have got a fair skin and if you have got ´´black skin`` you are worse than them.


In History, racism was a driving force behind conquest and the Transatlantic slave trade and behind states based on racial segregation like the apartheid in South Africa.


People with dark skin were verybad-treated by pople with fair skin and they had to do very hard works. They were built and sold like things and they had not got any right as humans.


There are very racist people who want to kill people with dark skin just because it is dark but they are not equilbrated people.


Obviously, it was a very big mistake because people are equal, it does not matter the colour of our skin because it is just a colour produced by a substance called melanin.


Or anti- Muslim sentiment, is a prejudice against the religion of Islam and their followers, the Muslims.


It could be a type of racism of we realize that most of the Muslims have got darker skin than most of the Catholics but the majority part of islamophobics hate the Muslims because of their religion.


This year the Islamophobia had incremented because of the yihadists but we must remember that thei are not Muslims, they are terrorist and Muslims are normal people, like Catholics or Jews and they don´t want to hurt or kill anybody.


It encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexualuaty or people identified as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


It is a hostile behavior such as discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientations that are not hetero-sexual.


Homphobic people think that the homosexual people are sick and that is why they love people of their same sex or both sexs, they do not realize that it is a sexual option as valid as hetero-sexuality.


Love is love, it does not matter if it is between a boy and a girl, two boys, two girls...


It is the unreasoned fear of which is perceived to be foreign or starnge. In Spain we can distingue two types of xenophobia.

Xenophobia(II)- With the inmigrants: it might be another type

of racism because it is not with all the inmigrants, it is only with people from Asia, South America, Africa and little un-developed countries in Europe. In our school there are students from North America or North Europe who are very good adapted but there are discrminiation to the Africans, Asians... It is a type of discrimination just because they are different but, diversity is a wealth and not a problem and we must respect people. It does not moatter where are they from.


-With the gypsys: the majority minority in our country, the gypsys are from Spain but people discriminate them because they have got another culture and religion.


Is the ideology and practice of discriminate the Jews (it usually happended in Germany, during the Secong Global War) nowadays it is almost erradicated and Jews can live in peace.


During the Second Global War the must hide themselves to survive and hide that they were Jews because if the Hitler´s army realized of it they will kill them. It was the worst conflict in the history and the Jews had lived a horror.


It is a type of discrimintation towards women just because they are women. Every year there are a lot of women who die hurt by their couples becouse of it and it is horrible.


Women and men are equal, women are not the weak sex, they are powerful and strong and they should not tolerate any type of discrimination or violence towards them.


We must respect everybody it does not matter the colour of their skin, their sexual option, their religion of their sex.