Pollution Photo Essay- Krissy S.

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Social Problems 2011

Transcript of Pollution Photo Essay- Krissy S.

Land PollutionAn Environmental Social Problem

By Krissy Salyer

One major cause of land pollution is the increase in urbanization. More people means more waste. More construction means more demand for raw materials like timber. This

also means greater demand for food and water. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs29/i/2008/114/4/4/Crowd_by_minotauro9.jpg

Another cause of land pollution is due to agricultural activities. Pesticides and herbicides used by farmers pollute the land when they are washed into the soil. http://chrisbeatcancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/danger_pesticides.jpg

Between 500 billion and one trillion plastic bags are consumed each year worldwide. Less than 1% of them are recycled because it costs more to recycle a bag than to make a new one; therefore they get piled into landfills and blown around. They are detrimental to the environment and wildlife as-if, but can also break down into more toxic petro-polymers

and make their way into the food chain. http://www.blogto.com/upload/2008/04/plastic_bags.jpg

Essentially a mini-landfill, this heap of junk is an example of domestic waste

The improper handling and

management of domestic waste from

households are causing adverse

effects on the public and also

deteriorating the environment

Uncollected waste is scattered everywhere and can reach bodies of water through run-off as well as drain to underground water sources. The toxics in the waste contaminate water. It can also make soil infertile and decrease agricultural productivity.

Hazardous waste is harmful to living

creatures. Heavy metal waste can have

serious neurological effects if consumed or

absorbed through the skin, and can contribute to the development of

cancer, respiratory problems,

neurological and developmental

disorders and birth defects.

Our environment is calling for help. You can make a difference!

You can start by recycling! It will reduce the amount of waste generated and reduce the negative impact it can have on the environment


Another way to help is by encouraging organic farming! The way it’s produced is much better for the environment, and enhances biodiversity.


Also help by using re-usable shopping bags to cut down on the consumption of plastic bags
