Policy Brief

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Policy Brief

Improving Police-Community Relations

Research says Community-Oriented Policing is a YES

policing has positive effects

Community oriented policing is effective at relieving tension between the community and police officers. Community oriented policing is heavily supported by research, both past and present. Research says that Community-oriented

For more on research, go to page


Background InformationFind out exactly what

Community Oriented Policing is and a brief


Page 2

The Present IssueCurrent news stories that

highlight the need for community oriented

policing. Explore current legislation attempts.

Page 3

Policy RecommendationsDiscover some ways in

which the tension between law enforcement and communities may be


Page 5

What is Community Oriented Policing?

Early Timeline

Police and Community Services (PACS)

“A philosophy, not a program”

“Philosophy of policing that emphasizes

community involvement in crime prevention efforts.”

(Cordner, 2014)

3. Problem Solving”

2. Organizational transformation

1. Community Partnership

“A process with 3 components:

(Gill et al., 2014)

(Skogan, 2006)

1829 – Sir Robert Peel: 9 principles of policing. 3/9 related to

public approval,

public cooperation and public


1962 – San Francisco first

to develop Community

Relations Unit.

1967 - President's Commission

on Law recommend that police

become more responsive to a changing


1974 – First study on police-

community partnership conducted

highlighting benefits.

1978 – Flint, Michigan first

city to implement foot patrol program.

The Goal of Community Oriented Policing is to improve the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they service.

Police and Community Services (PACS)



Current EventsWhat’s causing all this tension?

“Hands up, Don’t shoot” – 08/09/2014 (Image top left): The shooting of unarmed 18 year old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting officer was acquitted of all charges. This shooting not only led to protests around the country, but the killing of four officers (two in Brooklyn, NY and two in Missouri, Ferguson.

James Boyd Shooting – 03/16/2014

(Image bottom left): The Albuquerque shooting of 38 year only homeless James Boyd, who also suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Boyd, 10 feet away, was shot at with 6 rounds, beanbag rounds, and a police dog was

also released upon him. He died in the hospital. Video was released to the public. Peaceful protests resulted.

Protests all over the country (Image top right): This is just one example of the many protests that have taken place in America against police brutality. These protests have led to deaths, hospitalizations and arrests. Most recently, riots have emerged out of Baltimore, MD in April 2015.

“I can’t breathe” – 07/17/2014

(Image bottom right): The choking of unarmed Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York City. NYPD policy prohibits the use of chokeholds. The officer who choked was not indicted. His death

Police and Community Services (PACS)



on citizens and police officers.

Overall, it improves the relationship between the community and law enforcements.

Community-oriented policing has positive effects on

Citizen satisfaction Perceptions of disorder Police legitimacy (Gill et al.


Training – Every law enforcement office should be required to undergo training for cultural sensitivity,

mental illness and in overall customer service.

Transparency – All policies and procedures should be

Talking – Public Forums should be held at least twice a year in which the police, local political figures and

citizens are invited to attend.

addressing tension, hosting events in the community as well as discovering more ways to increase relations.

Task Force – Dedicated task force in every police station with the sole goal of improving police-

community relations. This task force would include

4 Ts of Community-Oriented Policing


Research on Community Oriented Policing cont..

Community-oriented policing increases citizen’s satisfaction and trust in the police

(Sherman & Eck, 2002; Frydl & Skogan, 2004;

Weisburd & Eck, 2004)

Increasing trust in law enforcement will increase public cooperation with its’


(Goldsmith, 2005)

How can you help?


community oriented policing our efforts in getting

- Visit PACS.com to donate to

community-oriented policing. community about seeing more police departments in your

- Speak to the lawmakers and

Police and Community Services (PACS)

Written by Tiana Stewart, founder and CEO of PACS
