Pole Shifting and the End Time Scenarios

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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There's a VERY interesting, fascinating site on the web - http://www.zetatalk.com Its source is rather controversial (some may argue), but its CONTENT is amazing. Have you heard about Ice Ages, frozen mammoth's and End of the World predictions? Then throw away all your reference "scientific" books - it is all complete nonsense. ZetaTalk presents the most comprehensive theory of Geological and recent Climate change I've evere came on. I prepared a presentation that was presented in English discussion club in my native town Drohobycz (Ukraine) and you can download it HERE. for further reference see http://www.zetatalk.com Think for yourself! Make your own investigation!

Transcript of Pole Shifting and the End Time Scenarios

Pole Shifting andthe End Time Scenarios

Inspired by www.zetatalk.com

Andrew Veresay, 2008


Nancy – author of ZetaTalk

Web-Operator, Founder of Troubled Times Inc.,Former Project Manager – Computer Consultant

Claims to be a contactee to a group of aliens called Zetas

The Zetas – hypothetical alien race

Receiving telepathic communications

… and occasionally having an actual Visitation

We can debate endlessly about the

REAL SOURCE of ZetaTalk . . .

as she says, she "jumps off the cliff“ believing ZetaTalk.

She has no way to know is it all true or not, and having put herself at risk, she just trusts.

she simply relays what Zetas communicate to her

Even Nancy can’t be sure,

… but whatever the REAL source,

the CONTENT is very interesting in and of itself

Alien Presence

Contact with Aliens Extra-



Indestructible Soul and Reincarnation

Human Psychology

Spiritual Growth

Trouble Times pending for the Earth…

Natural occurrence,

related to periodic replacement (shifting) of the Earth poles

I. Wandering Poles

What causes Continental Drift?

Ancient Incan cities so high in altitude

4 000 meters


The PORT city of Tihuanaco towering 4 000 meters above sea level !

Signs of violent tectonic movements

Ice sheet advances in the Northern Hemisphere



During the last Ice Age Europe had some 3 000 m thick ice sheet,

the ice and snow being compressed “as on the pole”.

Frozen mammoths in Siberian permafrost

– Died Suddenly

Tropical vegetation and fish

found under ices in Antarctica

Why would climatic zones shrink or spread at all?

Why would polar ice caps increase so dramatically in size during the so-called Ice Ages?

Fixed Climate Zones – Uneven Sunlight Distribution

North Pole South Pole

Current Glaciation

Did the Sun switch off for France and was switched on for Russia?

One of the “Ice Ages”

Inclination of the Earth’s axis – Pole Shift

Displacement of the Earth’s solid crust over the soft molten mantle

Pole residing over Europe – Ice Age

Past Pole Positions – Path of the Wandering Pole

Why is it happening?

II. Connecting the Dots

Zachary Sitchin –

historian, linguist, specialist on ancient Sumerian mythology

AN.UNNA.KI – “those who came down upon Earth from the sky”

Ancient Gods of Sumerians

Additional planet in our Solar System – 12th Planet

Seen as a Red Cross in the sky by ancients

- The 12-th Planet- Nibiru, Marduk- The Destroyer- Red Star, Death Star - Fiery Dragon, Twisted Serpent- Ancient Dragon, The Beast- Wormwood- Typhon

an Omen of Destruction

Long elliptical orbit taking 3600 years

Coming in from the direction of constellation ORION

32 degree Angle to Ecliptic

Passage between the Earth and the Sun

Clash of Magnetic Fields

Earth is a loser – Lesser Magnet

Forced into adjustment with passing Planet X

Magnetic Adjustment

Passing Planet drags Earth’s magnetic core as it passes nearby

Reshaping Earth’s Geography and Climate – Pole Shift

Sliding Crust – Bumping Plates – Mountain Building

Global Cataclysms

Decline of Mankind

- Charles Hapgood “Earth’s Shifting Crust”

“The Path Of The Pole”

- Immanuel Velikovsky “Worlds in Collision”

“Earth in Upheaval”

- Zachary Sitchin “The 12-th Planet”

- The Bible (Exodus, Revelations)

- Apocryphal texts, The Kolbrin Bible manuscript

Described by various sources:

Old Records telling about great Earth Upheavals and foretelling similar destruction to the present world

- Jewish Exodus in times of Moses

- Noah’s Flood

- Radical Climate Changes in Earth’s History

- Extinction of Mammoth’s

- Great Ancient Cities destroyed

- Major Upheavals of Lore

It happened in the past and it will happen again !

III. Incoming!

IRAS 1983 Planet X Discovery

Old Russian article, telling about IRAS Planet X discovery, mentioning Sitchin, ancient Sumerians and 3600 period

Caught by the Sun – 10th Planet

Earth Changes and Weather Extremes

Cutting down emissions wont make it go away

Greenhouse Effect?

Increasing Quakes and Volcanism

Global Warming?

Recent rapid rise, some last 15 years, cannot be attributed to human intervention

Real cause of Global Warming is unknown

Global Warming:

on Mars, Pluto and moons of outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune)

Unknown external factor affecting all these

Affecting Earth’s core

Roiling deep inside

Increasing Quakes and Volcanoes,

Heating the Oceans from below,

Heating and causing Turmoil in the Atmosphere


•"And as it was in the days of Noah, will be the days of the Son of Man: they ate, drank, married, until that day when Noah entered his ark; and then came the flood and took them all… The same will be the day, when the Son of Man appears. As it was in the days of Noah, the same will be the coming of the Son of Man".

• "What will be the sign of Your Return and the End of the Times?“

• The approach is stealthy, as a thief in the night, until the last days – The Kolbrin

Global Warming

Melting Poles

Rising Oceans - High Tides

Increasing Deluges

Weather Extremes

Snow in Winter – “Europe Covered With Snow”, June 10, 2005

Seasons Blend Into Each Other


January, 2007

Weather Becomes Extreme, UN says

Worldwide Drought

Crop Failure – Shortages – Starvation

The worst crop yield in 50 years

Food prices are rising, globally

Increasing Magnitude and

Frequency of the Earthquakes

Increasing Earthquakes in Ukraine, 2005

Domino Quakes, Global Quakes

Increasing Volcanic Activity


Collapsing Structures, Derailments

Pipe Breaks

Releases of Methane Gas, Explosions

1998 - the warmest year since temperature recordings began, each next year being warmer and beating previous year's record

Weather anomalies in Europe beating records – insurance companies confirm, 2004

In 2005 natural disasters took 92 000 lives and affected 157 MILLION more people, UN says. Increase of deluges by 57% and droughts

by 47% comprises for most of these numbers

In comparison to 80’s of XX century, which had 120 natural disasters on average, 2007 had 500

Economic Collapse

Diminishing Magnetic Field

Magnetic Wobble

Zetas RIGHT Again!

Mutant Frogs -

Slowing of the Earth’s Rotation

Hiding the Truth

Frantic Population - Social Collapse

Global warming to Slow Earth’s Rotation?

What to expect next? Decline, or next peak following general trend?

Do we know the factor causing it?

Then how can we say it will go away? Why should it?

It is unpredictible – not knowing the factor one can never come up with valid trend dynamics assumption

2002: by 2015 snows of Kilimanjaro will disappear, by 2020 – for sure

2005: “The Snows of Kilimanjaro Do Not Exist Any More”

• "Look at the tree when they are springing, seeing this, you know that summer is at hand. So do you, seeing all this happening, be aware that it is close - at the doorstep!“

• "World, existing today, is passing" (1 John 2:17)

V. Heralding

Exponential growth can seem even and not be considered dramatic or alarming for a long time

All trends and Earth Changes start increasing exponentially before the shift - ZetaTalk

…until numbers skyrocket

Constellations out of Place

Sunrise West

“And the Judgment Day will come, when The Sun rises not on the East, but on the West, And you will open a book – and there is no letters in it…” – Koran

Severe Earth’s Axis Wobble,

“Drunken Lurch”BEFORE the Shift

Bloody Red Sunsets, Red Moon

Strange omens in the skies precede the appearance of The Destroyer – The Kolbrin

Red Object in the Sky – Visible to All

The Passage

Slowing Rotation – Late Sunset/Sunrise

Magnetic Grip

Rotation Stoppage (Long Day/Night)

Red Dust depositing on land, turning water basins into red blood

Fire Dragon of Legend

VI. Hour of Doom

You will not wake one morning to find the Sun not rising as expected, … with scant days to scramble for safety. You will not find cities collapsing… and fault lines tearing into a continent, without literally weeks of warnings, increasing quakes that make such a situation a logical consequence, not a surprise – ZetaTalk

Not a Surprise

Happening Suddenly – Within Hours !

- Devastating Quakes Globally, (crust stops, end of the Shift)

Drama Script:- Hail of Gravel from the sky (meteorites)

- Moaning Earth (sliding crust)

- Firestorms from the sky

- Hurricane Force Winds

- Tidal Bore on all coastlines

What To Expect

Cities become death traps

End of Civilization

Volcanic Ashes – The Shadow of Death

Decades of Gloom

Mushrooms, Bugs and Moss

Mankind did survive in the past

And will survive this time

New Geography - Rebirth

VII. Countdown

No Exact Date

Orbit around the Sun taking 3 600 years

More close to 3 657 years, per the Zetas

- Santorini eruption around the time of the Jewish Exodus,

approx. 1500 BC

- Jewish Exodus during the last Passage

Missing Records – re: Santorini and Jewish Exodus

Recent study estimates Santorini explosion on island of Thera to happen in 1628 BC

This puts next Passage on 2029…

Earth’s “Spasms” become More Frequent and Violent

Anticipate it to happen EARLIER

Given observed rate of Changes

Rotation Stoppage followed by red dusting will be your undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident – ZetaTalk

"Who reads, may understand. May they run into the hills. And may they not enter to take anything from their house. Grieve upon those pregnant and feeding with their breast in those days! Pray, thus, for this not to happen in winter!"

Take heart, "the day of your liberation is coming!"

VIII. Solution Sets

Don’t rely on public services delivered by the government, as it will be not available

Assistance camps are likely to become slave labor camps

Don’t rely on Money, or gather things that cannot be bartered in the Aftertime

Self Reliance and Cooperation in Small Communities is a Key

see http://www.zetatalk.com

and Troubled Times web-sites

for further reference