PLUTO Our planet is the 9th planet if it was a planet PLUTO PLUTO By Lam.

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of PLUTO Our planet is the 9th planet if it was a planet PLUTO PLUTO By Lam.


Our planet is the 9th Our planet is the 9th planet if it was a planetplanet if it was a planet


Our planet is the 9th Our planet is the 9th planet if it was a planetplanet if it was a planet


Pluto was discovered in 1930 for fortunate accident of calculation. Pluto was found by Clyde W Tombaugh. The planet was named after Hades god of the the underworld. It was named after Hades because it was so far from the sun.

Here on the left is the telescope that Clyde W Tombaugh used to discover Pluto.

Our planet atmosphere has no atmosphere. The length of our planets day is six hour and thirty nine hour. It takes two hundred and forty seven day for whole year. Our surface is are made out of ice.

If you lived in Pluto and if you weigh one hundred pounds you would weigh 6.8 pounds.

Why would you want to live in Pluto, you would want to live in Pluto if you like cold weather and snow.

This is how we would look like if we live in Pluto.

Our planet temperature is -235c and -210c. That below freezing.

There is no suggestion what we should wear on Pluto, but my suggestion is wear something blue colored or any cool color.