Post on 30-Sep-2015

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    lllliiriillllliiriltlliitrtllliillllll, *"+-'"o;..,,.*,,,,,,,[T-f_T [ i,]

    Language - Part II - English - Paper I(Reader and Linguistic Competencies)

    Time,\i1o\\.e.1 :3Ilour.s I WWWkalViSOlai.gOAn I N{aximum Marks : ]00

    Instructions : (1) Che.k the qu-.slion palcr {or faimess off1.intinli. I{ there is arry lack olfairness,lnJorm thc Hall Supervisor imme.lialelv.

    (2) Lse Black or Blue ink io wdte.

    Note : L1 vour ans\\'er book, use Lhe.{rabi. numerals 1 to 69 oI the questions you ans\'ver.

    SECTION-A(Vocabulary - Lexical Competencies)

    (Marks : 30)

    I. (A) Choose thc most appropriate of the lour givcn (ontexts which equates with' that of the underlined lexical item in each of the following scntences I 5x1=5

    1. N4ahatma Gandhi t,as a ceaqeless clusader of women's equality.(a) He \\'as determined t{r win.(b) t he untiing ef{ort ol Srinath has brought success to his iearn.j \, r-.u.....u."1 rpr.l.r. [J.(e.

    (Lt) \{v dog n as {aithfLrl iill the end.

    2. FIe fell on the floor and stare.l at the cobra pctdlicd ilith feal.(a) I'he boy hembled wlth fcar on seeing a lion.(b) Ihe elePhani 5u(i.1en1)' charged at the,llahout who siood inrmobile

    ivith {ear.

    t) I r- .rl fl.".l'um,'!m\ fterivovear'.(d) The judge did not condemn her.

    1 I he s.ipntrsrs were stri\ ins to harnest t}\e ultimale secret.(a) Thc police tried to chase the thief.(b) Don't reveal the secret to anvone.(c) Leam to conbol vour-tenPer.,d, \ e\ r'.. ll c. _ed'.'rr. I .o,or'q.r"_ _1r_1 rounrie'

    urwffi$alvisoiai.eomr I Turn over'

  • 4571 2

    a. I slerr hnn.(a) Thev beat him mer.ilessly.(b) 1he wornan .r,,,as assaulteLl bv two unidentjfie.l men.(c) The leader. .as killed bv his opponent.(Ll) The master thrashed the sen,ant.

    5. It mav lePr.ess the hiumph of malignant cdticism.(a) You need to restr-nin l,our an-er.ll.) ll e1 .,r.ured t. rn tt.c,r I tf.(c) The pla],er aims k) .in the meda1.(d) Renu prelerrecl sn imming to rfalkir-rg.

    (B) Choose themostacculate one ofthe fourgiven words oppositeto the underlinedword : 5xt=56. Kishore is a sturdl,r voung man.

    (a) dynamic (b) strong (c) r.veak (d) ambitious

    7. I he stoniest of hearts must have cursed the giJt.(a) blessed (b) refused (c) blamed (d) scoldect

    8. A le(.wild blunclers arcl risible absurditles.(a) subrrerged (b) s-.rious (c) comjcat (d) pathetic

    9. Frailtv, thy name is woman.G) pitv (b) knowledge (c) lo1.alty (d) strength

    10. There are man). \a,,ho despise the snake.(a) hate (b) derest (c) admire (ci) abhor




    (C) Ansrver any ten of the following:11. \^/ te a sentence using the plu:rai form of,alumnus, or ,crite on,.

    12. Use the idiom 'on cloud nine, in a sentence of your own.


    13. \{'rite a sentence using the expanded form oI the acronym AIDS.

    ll llF . fLll\ L Jboul hi, ,r do,r8 rh.r e:.{conscrence / conscrous)

  • 3 4671

    15. Form a lrord Lr,v blen.t g the lvords : 'electro' and 'execute' and use thebtended word in a sentence of vour o\\'n-

    16. Syllabifv any t1,o u'ords :er'adicate, dramaiic, vanish, entertain-

    17. Wdte sentences using the 1\rord'Iine' as a noun and'fine' as a vcrb'

    18. \{rite a ser-Ltence of vour own using, the English u'ord fol

    19. Use the comPound word'taxi - ddvel in a sentence of your own'

    20. \Vite a sentence using a word with the prelix'rl.-,'- or suffir'ment'.

    21. Form aompound words :(a) Ceruncl + Noun(b) Verb + Noun

    22. Write sentences using the phrasal verbs'calt on and'call oIf'

    23. Wrlte sentences using the clipped u'ords from'perambulator' and'aeroplane'-

    SECTION - B(Grammatical ComPetencies)

    lMarks:20)II. (A) Fill in the blanks of the {ollowing sentences :

    ,4 \ p heln lne nee.L\.lL ." " modal r cr bl

    25. All that


    (gtitter) is not gold.

    [Use the given verb il1 a suitable form]

    26. Students


    submit the record books on tine.

    [Use a quasi-modai verb]

    27. Ii the). had tried, the)r


    the match.

    luse the given verb in a suitable Iorml




    I Tum over

  • 4671

    28. He is the maniuse a relative pronoun]


    bike is stolen.

    29. Show me the pen _ you bought yesierday..L,\e d relal 'r P|oro'nl

    30. He wrote d1e exam _ his il1ness.lUse r

  • 5

    SECTION - C(Reading ComPetencies)

    (Marks : ll5)

    III. {A) ldentify each of the following scntences with the field in the list givenbelow, by understanding the word ol wolds selving as the clue :

    39. Shakespeare's plays are tead by many PeoPle-

    40. The yield of wheat has increased.

    41. Fast food is a gror,r,ing health hazard.

    42. My biother is planning to go to the U.S.

    43. Rai11a was declared the Nfan o{ the Match.INutlition and Dreietics, Travel, SPorts, Literature, Agriculture]


    (B) Read tte following passage and answer in your own words, the questions 5x2=10grven below :

    'fhings Lrecome belter when you exPect the best inslead of the worct Thereason is that, being {rced from selJ-doubt, vou can put your whole sel{ into

    your endeavour. Nothing can stand in the way of the man who Iocusses his

    entire self on a problem.

    Expecting the best means, that you put youl u'hole heart into what vouu'ant to accomplish. People are defeated in ljfe not because of lack oI ability,

    but for tack of whole heartedness- A major key to succeed in lfe is, to attajnthat which you deeplv desire, is to throw all that there is of yourself into Youlstudies, or any project m which yorl are engaged. Most people, unfofiunately,don't do that and this is the tragic cause of failure.

    Questions :44. How can you make things better ?

    45. \ 41at do you mean by expecting the best ?

    46. l\hy do people get defeated in life ?

    47. l\lut is the key to success ?

    48. N{ention the cause of failure.

    I Tufl1 over

  • 4671

    SECTION - D(Writing Competencies _ prose)

    (Nfarks : 15)IV. (A) Answer any one of the following questions in a paragraph of about 1x5=5

    700 uords .l

    49. Hou, did Gandhiji relate \ iomen kr ,satyagraha, ?

    50. tr ftat prompted Johnson to wdte a dictionary of the English language ?

    51. The immediate impact of the atomisation on HiroshinE_

    (B) Write an essay i\ about 250 zaotils on any one of the following : 1x10=1052. l{ow did Mark Antonv tutn the crowd against the conspirators ?

    53, Des. be hou, Gungararn's superstitious practices leacl to his death.

    54. Give an account of the h.ekkjng expedence of the author.

    SECTION - E(Literary Competencies _ poetry)

    (Marks : 20)V. (A) Itead ihe following sets of poetic 1ines and answer the questions given 6x1=6

    below for each of them :55. Speech that came like leech - craft

    And killed us almost, bleeding us white IWhat is leech - craft ?

    55" Till the gossamer thread you fling catchSomeu,here, O mv soul.\{hat is meant by gcssamer titead ?

    57. But ranged as infantrnAnd stadng face to face14ho were the two staring Iace to face ?

    58, In the world's broad Iield of battlaIn the bivouac of liIei\^.hat is meant by 'bivouac' ?




  • 7

    59. We claim to dwell, in qujet and seclusioryB"np,I\ tl_e l_ouseholo\rhere do women claim to dwell ?

    60. And I, ljke a second comer, wailing.IMlo is the se.ord - .omer ?

    (f) nead the following three sets of lines and answer the questions given 3x1=3below in each set of lines :61. Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

    was not spoken of the soul.\,fhat is the allusion referred to here ?

    62. You'd treat if met u,here anv bar isC)I heip to half - a - crown.\{r'ite the rvords in allitemtion in the above ln,F

    63. As humble plants bJ, counllJ, hedgerows grorringWhat is the figure of speech employed in the given line ?

    (C) Explain any two of the following sets of lines with reference to context: 2x3=664. Y.- qurirrl ard crrriou. uoI r..

    65. So let us, unobhusive and unnoticed,But happy none the less.


    (D) Answer any one of the following in a paragraph of abo11t 700 Toords: 1x5=567. The faceful retreat of the snake.

    68. B ng out the message of the poem/"A psalm of life"

    69. Walt \ ilitman's comparison oI the spider to the human soul.

    66. ln the end will be the I iORD\nd the wo.d will be (,od in Mdn
