Plexus Point System -...

Post on 19-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Plexus Point System -...

Plexus Point System

The Plexus point system was designed to:

1.Provide profit sharing to all Ambassadors from

Day One.

2.Give Ambassadors an income formula that

would remain the same.

3.Encourage all Ambassadors to work together

for the benefit of everyone.

PV = Product Value

Each product sold by Plexus has a PV or Product Value

Example: Plexus Slim (30 day)

It is not necessarily the sales price or retail price.

At the end of the month Plexus adds up all the PV from all the sales that month.

50% goes to the company

50% goes to the Ambassadors

Cost PV

Retail $114.95 105.00

Preferred $99.85 90.00

Wholesale $89.95 80.00

Distribution of Ambassador PV

50% of Total PV

Less 3% for Emerald Pool

Less 1% for Sapphire Pool

Less 1% for Diamond Pool

Balance of 45% distributed to all Ambassadors – None goes

back to the company.

How the Value of Plexus Points are calculated:

For each Qualified Ambassador in your organization you earn points.

Plexus Point Earned by you as an Ambassador

1st Level 5

2nd Level 5

3rd Level 5

4th Level 4 Total 25 Points

5th Level 3

6th Level 2

7th Level 1

Monthly Formula to determine Point Value

A = 45% of total PV earned from all sales for month

B = Total Points earned by all Ambassadors for month

A/B = Actual Plexus Point value for the month

If every Ambassador did exactly $100 PV a month,

the value of a Plexus Point would be:

50% of 100 PV = $50

Less 5% for Pools = $ 5


Maximum Points per $100 PV = 25

45/25 = $1.80 Plexus Pay Points Value

If every Ambassador only did $100 PV per month, the Plexus Pay Points would be

worth $1.80.

However, if every Ambassador did $200 PV the Plexus Points would be worth $3.60.

What would it take to have the Plexus Pay Points worth over $5.00?

If the average Ambassadorship did $300 a month the Plexus Pay Points would be


Who controls the value of the Plexus Pay Points?


If you do the minimum of $100 PV a month, you are

dragging down the value of the Plexus Pay Point.

If you do an average of $200 PV a month, you are

helping to maintain the Points at over $3.

If you do over $300 PV a month, you are helping to

increase the value of the Plexus Pay Points.

Importance of Customers

Customers are the key to increasing the value of the

Plexus Pay Points.

Currently 40% of all sales are ordered directly by


An estimated 20 – 30 % more product is sold by

Ambassadors to their customers.

Here’s why customers are so important:

Sales directly or indirectly to customers increase the earnings of

an Ambassadorship.

The more PV generated by each Ambassadorship, the higher

the value of the Plexus Pay Points.

So once again…. Who controls the value of the Plexus Pay

Points each month?

Hint: It’s NOT the company


Announcing a pending change to the Plexus

Compensation Plan

Purpose of the Comp Plan:

• To encourage Ambassadors to build their business


• To reward Ambassadors when they do, in as many

ways as possible.

One of our incentive is not working out as well as we had hope.

When we originally developed the Comp Plan, we allowed husbands & wives to be

signed up under one another. Most other companies don’t. They say “One

Ambassadorship per family”.

We intended that this would be a huge benefit to the couples who signed up under

one another – “double-dipping” was designed to help couples earn almost double

the money.

Most couples used this comp plan feature as it was intended.

But more and more, the husband & wife sign up privilege is being used in a way that is

creating a negative impact on the Ambassadors.

Here’s how:

Mary Signs up a couple, John & Jane

John Signs up first

Jane Signs up under John

So far so good.

But…. Here’s what we are seeing happen:

John only does $100 PV – just enough to qualify to earn a check.

Jane is out working the business hard, sponsoring new Ambassadors and

signing up customers.

John and Jane are winning, but because John earns extra from Jane’s efforts,

Mary and every other Ambassador is losing.

Here’s what’s making this situation critical:

John and Jane think they have beat the system. So they sponsor another couple and

teach them to do the same thing, beat the system.

On and on it goes…

Soon here’s how Mary’s one leg looks:


John $100 Ambassador

Jane $ $$ Senior Gold

Ed $100 Ambassador

Susan $ $$ Senior Gold

Bill $100 Ambassador

Cindy $ $$ Gold

Frank $100 Ambassador

Betty $ $$ Silver

It looks like Mary is 8 Levels deep.

But in fact, she is only 4 Levels deep because the other 4 position are just dummy

positions, doing the minimum in volume and pushing volume down one level.

This system is hurting all Ambassadors

1. It is driving volume down lower and lower into the


2. It is lowering the value of the Plexus Pay Points.

3. It is rewarding people for building their business the wrong


We need to make a change to the Comp Plan to deal with this!

New Policy regarding Husband and Wife Teams

You will only be allowed to sponsor your spouse directly

underneath you, when you have achieved the rank of

a Gold Ambassador.

This will take effect September 1, 2014.

What about couples who are already signed up and misusing the privilege?

If you and your spouse are signed up and one position is not active, just doing the

minimum 100 PV, we are asking that you voluntarily get both positions to at least Silver

by December 31st.

We do not like making changes to the Comp Plan. However, when some feature of

the Comp Plan is being abused and hurting all Ambassadors, we have to take action.

We have done that.