Plenv and carton

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Managing different Perl environments with plenv and carton

Transcript of Plenv and carton

Set yourself free from

the system: managing

non-system Perls

Jose Luis Martínez Torres


Barcelona Perl Workshop 2014


System perl


squeeze: 5.10

wheezy: 5.14

jessie: 5.20


RHEL5: 5.8

RHEL6: 5.10

RHEL7: 5.16

The distribution perl is not what you

think it is

For Debian Perl 5.14

$ /usr/bin/perl -V | grep DEBPKG | wc -l


The distribution perl is not what you

think it is


Some investigation revealed that there’s a long standing bug in Redhat Perl that

causes *severe* performance degradation on code that uses the bless/overload

combo. The thread on this is here:

The distribution perl is not what you

think it is


Some investigation revealed that there’s a long standing bug in Redhat Perl that

causes *severe* performance degradation on code that uses the bless/overload

combo. The thread on this is here:

Compile my own perl? Hard???

In the olden days it could be a challenge

Compile my own perl: Now

No need for root!

You only need compiler (and libs)

apt-get install build-essential

Now you choose: perlbrew / plenv

I’ll use plenv today… (like it more)

Plenv to the rescue

git clone git:// ~/.plenvecho 'export PATH="$HOME/.plenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profileecho 'eval "$(plenv init -)"' >> ~/.profileexec $SHELL –lgit clone git:// ~/.plenv/plugins/perl-build/plenv install 5.20.1# wait for it…plenv rehashplenv install-cpanm

A Word of Caution

#!/usr/bin/perl is soooooooooooo 2010…

#!/usr/bin/env perl is the new #!/usr/bin/perl

It’ll help your programs find the correct perl!

Switching perls

(At the directory level)

plenv global 5.16.2

cd project1plenv local 5.14.0


My Modules!

carton to the rescue


cpanm Carton

vi cpanfilerequires ‘Module1’;requires ‘Module2’;

carton install

# Magic happens… All modules get installed# Also generates a cpanfile.snapshot with all modules and versionsinstalled

carton exec ./my_project


carton exec $SHELL –l

#Perl will find your modules without invoking carton

Handling failures

Handling failures

Look at the log

Normally some headers missing

DBD::mysql requires libmysqlclient-dev to be installed (Debian/Ubuntu)

SSL related modules usually require OpenSSL: libssl-dev (Debian/Ubuntu)

Some XML related modules require libexpat1-dev libxml2-dev

Find a missing .h file in the compiler errors, and find which package it belongs to

Rinse and Repeat “carton install”


carton bundle

- Look at your vendor/cache dir!

- Look at vendor/bin!

./vendor/bin/carton (fat packed version)

I personally add the vendor directory to version control

Smells like we get repeatable


carton install# install all modules that don’t meet cpanfile requirements

carton install --deployment# installs all versions from cpanfile.snapshot

carton install --deployment --cached# installs versions from the vendor/cache


plenv controls your Perl version

carton controls your dependencies



Independant interpreters for different needs (think of microservices)

Testing new versions

Using up-to-date modules with no fear of CPAN breakage


Tokuhiro Matsuno for plenv

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for carton

Extra, Extra

Extra, Extra: Here’s the cat