Please address all correspondence to · 21 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00 22...

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Transcript of Please address all correspondence to · 21 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00 22...



Please address all correspondence to:

The University Registrar University of Venda Private Bag X5050 THOHOYANDOU LIMPOPO PROVINCE 0950

TELEPHONE NUMBER : (015) 9628000 FACSIMILE NUMBER : (015) 9624749





The University of Venda aspires to be at the centre of tertiary education for rural and regional

development in Southern Africa.

MISSION The University of Venda, anchored on the pillars of excellence in

teaching, learning, research and community engagement, produces graduates imbued with knowledge, skills and

qualifications which are locally relevant and globally competitive.



Correspondence 1

Mission Statement 2

Contents 3

1.1 General Information 4

Academic Year Plan 5 - 18

Officers of the University 19

Council of the University 20

Senate 21 - 23

Academic Staff and Department 24 - 43

Administrative Staff 44 - 55

Colours and Hoods for Degrees 56 - 59

1.2 Admission and Registration 60 - 64

1.3 General Regulations 65 - 79

1.4 Library 80 - 85

1.5 General Rules for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates 86 - 105


Agriculture 106 - 159

Education 160 - 268

Environmental Sciences 269 - 318

Health Sciences 319 - 406

Human & Social Sciences 407 - 472

Law 473 - 507

Management Sciences 508 - 581

Mathematical & Natural Sciences 582 - 653








2 3 4 5



6 7 UNIVERSITY RE-OPENS Academic, Administrative and Service staff return

Return of students: School of Health Sciences and continuing postgraduate students

Residences re-open for Health Sciences and postgraduate students

Academic Programme commences

8 9 10



- Notification and Acceptance by first entering students - Registration of first time entering and returning students: Postgraduate and Undergraduate in all Schools

13 14 Lectures commences for Health Sciences and postgraduate students

15 16 Senior Management Committee 09h00

17 Mentor/Tutor Training

18 Submission of 2019 registration updates to DHET * Mentor/Tutor Training


- Registration of first-entering students in all Schools - Registration of returning students: Postgraduate and Undergraduate in all Schools continues

20 Week 1 21 Official Opening of Orientation Mentor/Tutor Training Life Skills Training

22 Occupational Health and Safety Committee 09h00 University Higher Degrees Committee (UHDC) 09h00 * Mentor/Tutor Training * Life Skills Training

23 University Research Ethics Committee 09h00 Life Skills Training

24 Official Opening of the Academic Year

Vice-Chancellor’s Students Academic Excellence Awards

Life Skills Training

Lectures commence




27 Week 2 28 Life Skills Training 29 Univen Innovative Growth Company (Pty, Ltd) (UIGC) Management Committee 09h00 * Life Skills Training

30 Registration of Masters and Doctoral Students (special date) * Life Skills Training




1 *University

Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 09h00

* Registrar’s Division Committee 09h00 *SMC and SRC 14h15

*Registration of Masters and Doctoral Students (special date) *Grants Proposal Writing 09h00 *Life Skills Training


3 Week 3 4 Executive

Management Committee 09h00

*Centre for Higher Education Teaching and Learning (CHETL) workshop *Registration of Masters and Doctoral Students (special date) *Grants Proposal Writing 09h00 *Late Registration commences

5 Valedictory Lecture 11h00 CHETL workshop Peer Helper Training

6 Research Advisory Forum (RAF) 09h00 CHETL workshop Peer Helper Training

7 Academic Division Committee 09h00 CHETL workshop

8 Risk Management Committee 09h00 CHETL workshop










10 Week 4 11 Senex 09h00 12 Board: Management Sciences 09h00 Board: Health Sciences 14h15

13 Board: Mathematical and Natural Sciences 09h00 Board: Education 14h15

14 Board: Law


*Employment Equity Forum 09h00

*Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00

*Board: Environmental Sciences 14h15

15 Senior Management Committee 09h00


17 Week 5 18 Board: Human and Social Sciences 09h00 Board: Agriculture 14h15

19 Induction Follow-Up Session 09h00 *Postgraduate Supervision Workshop 09h00

20 Registrar’s Academic Committee (RAC) 09h00 *Data Governance Committee (DGC) 11h30 *Postgraduate Supervision Workshop 09h00

21 Postgraduate

Supervision Workshop 09h00 *Final date for registration of honours and masters by course work

22 UHDC 09h00


24 Week 6 25 Honorary Degrees Committee 09h00

Final date for submission of Dissertation/Theses for examinations and graduation for May

26 Research Open Day 09h00

27 Research Leadership Workshop 09h00

28 Research and Publications Committee 09h00




Defence of postgraduate research proposals in School


3 Week 7 4 Executive Management Committee 09h00

5 University Linkages, Partnerships and Internationalisation Committee (ULP&IC) *Community Engagement Committee (CE) *Academic Liaison Committee (ALC) *Library Committee (LC) *Senate Teaching & Learning Committee (STLC) 09h00

6 Operations Division Committee 09h00 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 11h00 Bursary Committee 14h15

7 Student Affairs Committee 09h00

8 Human Resources Committee 09h00 Final date for submission of nomination of examiners for June examinations


10 Week 8 11 Senex 09h00 Board: Investment Management Committee 09h00 Board: Admin Management Committee 12h00

12 Board of Trustees 09h00 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00 Pre-retirement Counselling 14h15

13 SENATE 09h00 Last Day of 1st Term

14 RAC 09h00

DGC 11h30 Research Data Management 09h00 Occupational Health and Safety Committee 09h00 Institutional Forum’s EXCO 17h30 First day of 2nd Term

15 Research Data Management 09h00

UIGC Board 09h00

Institutional Forum 14h15

Convocation 17h30

Final date for registration of students who wrote supplementary and Aegrotat examinations

Late registration ends


17 Week 9 18 Senior Management Committee 09h00

19 Teaching and Learning Day

20 UHDC 09h00



23 Census date

24 Week 10

25 26 Research Indaba 09h00


28 Finance Committee 09h00

Prof. V.N. Ralushai Public Lecture 11h00

29 Audit Committee 09h00


31 Week 11


APRIL 2019





4 Bid Adjudication Committee 18h00



7 Week 12 8 Executive Management Committee 09h00 Final date for submission of exam question papers from internal and external moderators

9 Board: Law 09h00 Information Technology Steering Committee 09h00 Board: Human and Social Sciences 14h15

10 Board: Agriculture 09h00 Board: Education 14h15

11 Board: Environmental Sciences 09h00 Employment Equity Forum 09h00

12 COUNCIL 09h00


14 Week 13 15 Senex 09h00

16 Registrar’s Division Committee 09h00 Univ. Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 09h00 Univ. Research Ethics Committee 14h15

17 UIGC Management Committee 09h00 Board: Quality Assurance 09h00 Board: Health Sciences 14h15 Final date: Admissions of Registration of Masters and Doctoral Degrees by research Vice-Chancellor Excellence Awards in Teaching workshop

18 RECESS Vice-Chancellor Excellence Awards in Teaching workshop



21 Week 14 22 FAMILY DAY

23 UHDC 09h00 Final date for submission of May graduation lists RECESS

24 Academic Division Committee 09h00 RECESS

25 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30 RECESS



28 Week 15

29 Senior Management Committee 09h00

30 Risk Management Committee 09h00




2 Research and Publications Committee 09h00

Staff Development Committee 14h15

Article Writing Workshop 09h00

3 Human Resources Committee 09h00 Student Affairs Committee 14h15 Article Writing Workshop 09h00


5 Week 16

6 Senex 09h00 Time Table Committee 14h15

7 Board: Maths and Natural Sciences 09h00 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00 Board: Management Sciences 14h15

8 Research Ethics, Intellectual Property and Stress Management Workshop 09h00

9 Research Ethics, Intellectual Property and Stress Management Workshop 09h00 Institutional Forum’s EXCO 17h15

10 Honorary Degrees Committee 09h00

Institutional Forum 14h15

Convocation 17h30

Publications of semester marks by Schools

Final date for submission of Dissertation/Theses for examinations for September Graduation



12 Week 17 13 UHDC 09h00 Research Advisory Forum (RAF) 14h15

14 Graduation 09h00

15 Graduation 09h00

16 Graduation 09h00

Final date for submission of semester marks

Lectures end

17 Graduation 09h00


19 Week 18


21 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00

22 SENATE 09h00

23 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 11h00

Finance Committee 14h15

24 Audit Committee 09h00

Joint Audit Committee and Finance Committee 12h00





26 Week 19

27 Senior Management Committee 09h00 SMC and SRC 14h15

28 29

30 31



JUNE 2019




2 Week 20 3 Senex 09h00

4 Bursary Committee 09h00

5 Research & Publications Committee 09h00 UNIVEN Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 14h15

6 Information Technology Steering Committee 09h00

7 UIGC Board 09h00





9 Week 21 10 Executive Management Committee 09h00

11 UHDC 09h00 Operations Division Committee 09h00 Occupational Health and Safety Committee 14h15


13 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00 Bid Adjudication Committee 18h00 Final date for submission of examinations marks

14 EXCO OF COUNCIL 10h00 Last day of 2nd Term






20 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30 RECESS



23 24 Senior Management Committee 09h00 RECESS


26 Examinations results published RECESS






JULY 2019


Supplementary/ Aegrotat Examinations start RECESS

2 Supplementary/ Aegrotat Examinations RECESS

3 Supplementary/ Aegrotat Examinations RECESS

4 Supplementary/ Aegrotat Examinations RECESS

5 Supplementary/ Aegrotat Examinations end RECESS


7 Week 1 8 Senex 09h00 CHETL workshop First Day of 3rd Term

9 UIGC Management Committee 09h00 Research Day for Honours Students 09h00 CHETL workshop

10 Risk Management Committee 09h00 CHETL workshop

11 CHETL workshop

12 ULP&IC, CE, ALC, LC & STLC 09h00



14 Week 2 15 Executive Management Committee 09h00

16 Board: Education 09h00 Employment Equity Forum @ 09h00

17 Special Public Lecture 14h15 Final date for submission of Suppl./Aegrotat examinations results


19 Board: Environmental Sciences 09h00

RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30

Board: Maths and Natural Sciences 14h15

Final date for submission of nomination of examiners for year-end examinations


21 Week 3 22 Board: Health Sciences 09h00 UHDC 14h15

23 Board: Management Sciences 09h00 Registrar’s Division Committee 09h00 Board: Agriculture 14h15

24 Senior Management Committee 09h00 Postgraduate Students Gathering 09h00

25 Board: Law 09h00 Postgraduate Students Gathering 09h00 Board: Human and Social Sciences 14h15

26 Vice-Chancellor Excellence Awards for Academic and Support staff 09h00

Final date for submission of calendar entries for 2020

Final date for submission of new programmes and revision of existing programmes for academic structure for 2020


28 Week 4

29 30





1 Research and Publications Committee 09h00 Pre-retirement Counselling 09h00 University Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 14h15

2 Human Resources Committee 09h00 Time Table Committee 09h00 Staff Development Committee 14h15 Defence of postgraduate research proposals in Schools





4 Week 5 5 Senex 09h00 Board: Communication Management Committee 09h00 Board: Admin Management Committee 12h00

6 Student Affairs Committee 09h00

7 Board of Trustees 14h15

8 Academic Division Committee 09h00



11 Week 6 12 Executive Management Committee 09h00

13 Induction Follow-up Session 09h00

14 SENATE 09h00

15 Research Advisory Forum (RAF) 09h00 Institutional Forum’s EXCO 17h30

16 Audit Committee 09h00 Institutional Forum 14h15 Convocation 17h30



18 Week 7 19 Senior Management Committee 09h00 SMC and SRC 14h15

20 University Research Ethics Committee 09h00


22 UHDC 09h00

23 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30


25 Week 8

26 Occupational Health and Safety Committee 09h00



29 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 11h00 Last day of 3rd Term

30 Finance Committee 09h00 First day of 4th Term




Health Sciences 09h00 Information Technology Steering Committee 09h00

3 Board: Agriculture 09h00 Bursary Committee 14h15

4 Operations Division Committee 09h00 Board: Human and Social Sciences 09h00

5 Board: Environmental Sciences 09h00 Bid Adjudication Committee 18h00



8 Week 10 9 Senex 09h00

10 UIGC Board 09h00

11 Board: Education 09h00 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30

12 University Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 09h00 Board: Management Sciences 14h15

13 COUNCIL 09h00


15 Week 11 16 Executive Management Committee 09h00 Special Public Lecture 14h15

17 Risk Management Committee 09h00

18 Risk Assessment Workshop 09h00

19 Risk Assessment Workshop 09h00 Employment Equity Forum @ 09h00 Final day for submission of exam question papers from internal and external moderators

20 Graduation 09h00

21 Census date



25 Senior Management Committee 09h00 Call for application for mentorship and tutorship opens

26 Registrar’s Division Committee 09h00

27 Final date for enrolment and hostel accommodation applications for 2020



29 Week 13 30 Final date for call for application for mentorship and tutorship




1 Board: Law 09h00 Mentor/Tutor application opens Employability Skills Workshop

2 Research Conference 09h00 Employability Skills Workshop

3 Research Conference 09h00 Employability Skills Workshop

4 Research Conference 09h00 Project Boards 09h30 & 11h00


6 Week 14 7 Senex 09h00 UIGC Management Committee 09h00

8 ULP&IC, CE, ALC, LC & STLC 09h00 Time Table Committee 14h15

9 UHDC 09h00 Research Advisory Forum (RAF) 14h15 SRC CANVASS DAY (No lectures)

10 Research and Publications Committee 09h00 Board: Quality Assurance 14h15 SRC Election Day

11 Human Resource Committees 09h00 Board: Maths and Natural Sciences 09h00 Staff Development Committee 14h15


13 Week 15 14 Executive Management Committee 09h00

15 RAC 09h00 DGC 11h30

16 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 11h00

17 Student Affairs Committee 09h00 Institutional Forum’s EXCO 17h30

18 Institutional Forum 14h15 Convocation 17h30


20 Week 16 21 Senior Management Committee 09h00 University Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 14h15

22 Special Public Lecture 14h15 Lectures end

23 SENATE 09h00 Final date for the submission of semester marks

24 Academic Division Committee 09h00 University Prayer 09h00 Publication of semester marks by all schools

25 Final date for Mentor/Tutor application closes


27 Week 17 28 29






1 2



3 Week 18 4 5 6 Research and Publications Committee 09h00

7 Finance Committee 09h00 Information Technology Steering Committee 09h00

8 Audit Committee 09h00 University Research Ethics Committee Sub-panels 09h00






10 Week 19 11 Senex 09h00

12 Operations Division Committee 09h00

13 14 Bid Adjudication Committee 18h00







17 Week 20 18 Executive Management Committee 09h00

19 UIGC Management Committee 09h00 Final date for submission of examinations marks and publication of supplementary lists

20 University Research Ethics Committee 09h00

21 Mentor/Tutor Training

22 COUNCIL 09h00 Mentor/Tutor Training





24 Week 21

25 Senior Management Committee 09h00 SMC and SRC 14h15

26 UHDC 09h00

27 Board Investment Management Committee 09h00 Board Admin Management Committee 12h00

28 Submission of supplementary examinations marks

29 Final date for submission (Honours and 4th year research)







3 End of Academic Year Board: Investment Management Committee 09h00 Board Admin Management Committee 12h00 Examinations results published

4 Board of Trustees 09h00

5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12





18 19



22 23



27 28

29 30 31







Week 6 UNIVERSITY RE-OPENS Academic, Administrative and Service staff return Return of students: School of Health Sciences and continuing postgraduate students Residences re-open for Health Sciences and postgraduate students Academic Programme commences






Week 13 Lectures commences for Health Sciences and postgraduate students














27 28 29

30 31



Term Dates First Term : 07 January to 13 March Second term : 14 March to 14 June Third term : 08 July to 29 August Fourth term : 30 August to 06 December

Number of Lecturing Days/Weeks

Lecturing days Number of lecturing days per term : 1st term = 35 : 2nd term = 35 (+1 day) : 3rd term = 35 (+3 days) : 4th term = 35 (+1 day) Number of lecturing days per semester : 1st Semester = 70 (+1 day) : 2nd Semester = 70 (+4 days) Number of lecturing days for 2019 = 145 Lecturing weeks Note: 1 x lecturing week = 5 working days Number of lecturing weeks per term : 1st term = 7 : 2nd term = 7 (+1 day) : 3rd term = 7 (+3 days) : 4th term = 7 (+1 day) Number of lecturing weeks per semester : 1st semester = 14 (+1 day) : 2nd semester = 14 (+4 days) Number of lecturing weeks for 2019 = 29





Mr Serobi Maja, BA (UNIN)


Dr N B Nthambeleni, BA (Hons) (Durban-Westville), MA (RAU), D Litt et Phil (UJ)




Prof A E Nesamvuni, B.SC (Agric) (Natal), BSc (Agric.) (Hons), MSc. Agric. (Fort Hare), PhD

(Oklahoma State), MBA (MANCOSA)


LG Tshikhudo, BA(Hons) (Univen), PDM(Unisa), MBA (Regenesys Business School)


M Ligudu, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MBA (Mancosa), Post.Grad. NDBB (Unisa)

DEAN: SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Prof. G R A Mchau, Dip (Horti), BSc (Fruit Ind), MSc (Agric) (Pomona), PhD (University of California)


Prof. M P Mulaudzi, JSTC (VECO), BAED, BEd (Hons) (Univen), MEd (Bowie State Univ. USA), DEd


DEAN: SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Prof. J O Odiyo, BSc (Hons) (Egerton), MSc (Dar-es-Salaam), PhD (Wits), MWISA, MGSSA

DEAN: SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Prof. MT Mashamba, BA (Hons), UED, (Univen), BA (Hons) in HRD (RAU), Mphil (Stell), PhD (Univen),

Postdoctoral MSc (Columbia University).


Prof. M A Makgopa, BA (Hons) (Unisa), MA (Stell.), D Litt et Phil (Unisa), JSTC (Setotolwane)


Prof. L Ndlovu, LLB; LLM (Fort Hare); LLD (Unisa).

DEAN: SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Prof, A Kadyamatimba MSc (Electronic Eng: Lvov-USSR), PhD (Comp Sci: Lancaster, UK), MZCS (Zim),

MBCS, MIEE, & Chartered Eng (UK)


Prof. N Potgieter, BSc (RAU), MSc, PhD (UP)



Mr. Serobi Maja - Chairperson

Dr N B Nthambeleni - Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Thovhele M.P.K. Tshivhase - Deputy Chairperson Prof J.E. Crafford - DVC (Academic)

Dr. R.L. Martin - DVC (Operations) Ms. S.T. Baloyi

Mr. M.E. Selomo

Mr. M.P. Molapo Ms. K.S. Makgoka

Prof. V.O. Netshandama Mr. K.R. Madzhie

Mr A.S. Tshifhango Mr. R.C. Chhagan

Prof. G.R.A. Mchau

Dr. S. Mombeshora Mr. N.A. Mutoti

Mr. L.L. Ndou Dr. L.J. Phahlamohlaka

Mr. J.M. Seoloane

Prof. K. Zuma Mrs. E.S. Mabusela

Mr. K.K. Maimela Mr. M.L. Mashego

Mrs. M.G. Maluleke Mr. K.C. Razwiedani

Mr. T.M. Hakamela

Mr S.M. Patel Vacant

Vacant Vacant

RESOURCE PERSONS Adv. E.N. Lambani (Director: Legal Services)

Mrs U Ndou (Director: Human Resources) Mr. N.R. Mgobo (Director: Finance)

Director: Internal Audit and Risk - Vacant

Mr Magadani A.A. (Director: Facilities Management)

EX OFFICIO ATTENDANCE Prof. A.E. Nesamvuni - University Registrar (Secretary to Council)

Ms. M.A. Lewis (Head: Committee Administration - Admin Assistant) Mr. K. Mashila (Admin Assistant)

Ms. M.C. Rampheri (Admin Assistant)



Dr N.B. Nthambeleni - Vice-Chancellor & Principal Prof. J.E. Crafford - DVC (Academic)

Dr. R.L. Martin - DVC (Operations)

Prof. A.E. Nesamvuni - University Registrar Mr. M.P. Molapo - Council Representative

Prof. K.G. Setswe - Council Representative

Deans of Schools Prof. J.J.O. Odhiambo - School of Agriculture

Prof. M.P. Mulaudzi - School of Education

Prof. J.O. Odiyo - School of Environmental Sciences Prof. MT Mashamba - School of Health Sciences

Prof. M.A. Makgopa - School of Human and Social Sciences

Prof. L Ndlovu - School of Law

Prof. A. Kadyamatimba - School of Management Sciences

Prof. N. Potgieter - School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences


Prof. A.I.O. Jideani Prof. J.J.O. Odhiambo

Prof. E.T. Gwata Prof. J.J. Baloyi Prof. P.K. Chauke Prof. P.O. Adesoye

Prof. J. Francis Prof. P.F. Kapila Prof. I. Wakindiki

Education Prof. T. Runhare Dr. N.F. Litshani

Dr. S.K. Muthambi Prof. N.P. Mudzielwana Dr. M. Mpeta

Environmental Sciences

Dr. F.A. Dacosta Dr. N.S. Nethengwe

Dr. E.M. Stam Dr J. Chakwizira Dr. J.P.O. Obiero

Health Sciences

Prof. M.T. Mashamba Prof. M.L. Netshikweta

Dr. L.F. Mushaphi Dr. T.G. Tshitangano Ms. M. Mohlala

Human and Social Sciences

Dr. M.T. Chauke Dr. M.G. Mapaya

Prof. R.R. Molapo Dr. T.D. Thobejane Dr. L.D. Mogorosi Dr. P.E. Matshidze

Prof M. A. Masoga Dr. L.M.P. Mulaudzi Prof. E.K. Klu


Mr. P.R. Mawila Adv. G.J. Joubert

Mrs. P.P. Letuka Adv. H.J. Choma Prof. A.O. Nwafor Adv. T.W. Majake

Management Sciences

Prof. R. Shambare Dr. G. Dafuleya

Prof. E.K. Oseifuah Prof. M.J. Mafunisa Prof. M.P. Khwashaba Ms. T. Nethengwe

Mr. D. Tutani Mr. R.F. Mashamba (Coordinator: Management Sciences Extended



Mathematical and Natural Sciences Prof. I.E.J. Barnhoorn Prof. M.P. Tshisikhawe

Dr. N.E. Maluta Dr. S.S. Mnyakeni-Moleele Dr. K.A. Kyei Prof. A. Shonhai

Dr. S. Moyo Prof. S. Shateyi (Science Foundation co-ordinator) Dr. A.N. Traore Prof. P.O. Bessong

Prof. P.J. Taylor Mr. N. Soganile

Prof. S.H. Foord

Elected Members Prof. R.R. Molapo Dr. F.J. Takalani

Dr. S.J.M. Kaheru Dr. N.C. Netshisaulu

Mrs. Z. Mopai Dr. W.M. Gitari Dr. N.V. Mudau Prof. M.S. Maputle

Dr. R.T. Lebese

DIRECTORS Prof. G.I.E. Ekosse - Research and Innovation

Mrs. M.T. Mulaudzi - Library Services

Prof. V.O. Netshandama - Community Engagement Prof. J. Francis - Institute for Rural Development

Institutional Planning & Quality Assurance - Vacant Dr. H.N. Mutshaeni - Centre for Higher Education Teaching and Learning

Mr. L.G. Tshikhudo - Student Affairs

Dr OS Obadire (acting) - International Relations


Dr. T.D. Thobejane (Institute for Gender and Youth Studies)

Dr. M.T. Chauke (MER) Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture


Prof A.E. Nesamvuni


Agriculture Education

Environmental Sciences Health Sciences

Human and Social Sciences

Law Management Sciences

Mathematical & Natural Sciences Minister of Education

Chair of Postgraduate Committee


Mr. T.V. Dzaga - Communications and Marketing Mr. M. Ligudu - Academic Administration

Mrs U. Ndou - Human Resources Mr. M.S. Khoza - Information and Communication Technology

Ms. N.R. Mgobo - Finance

Mr A.A. Magadani - Facilities Management Adv. N.E. Lambani - Legal Services

Audit and Risk - Vacant



Mr M. Ligudu - Assistant Registrar - Student Administration Mr A. Mulaudzi - Assistant Registrar (acting) – Auxiliary Services and Examinations


Mr. K. Mashila Ms. N.C. Rampheri

COMMITTEES OF SENATE Academic Liaison Committee

Academic Planning Committee Bursary Committee

Community Engagement Committee Executive Committee of Senate

Honorary Degrees Committee

Information Technology Services Committee Library Committee

Quality Assurance Board Research and Publications Committee

Research Ethics Committee

Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Staff Development Committee

Time Table Committee University Higher Degrees Committee

University Linkages, Partnership and Internationalisation Committee



Dean JJO Odhiambo, BSc (Agric) (Hons), MSc (Agric) (Nairobi), PhD (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Vice-Dean Vacant

School Administrator MM Maboho, BCom (Univen) Executive Secretary LH Kone


Professor I Wakindiki, BSc (Agric) (Hons), MSc (Soil Science) (Nairobi), PhD (Soil

Science) (Egerton), PGDHE (UFH). Research Assistant Vacant


Heads of Departments/Centre(s) are indicated by means of an asterisk*

Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Associate Professors *PK Chauke, BSc (Agric.) (Econ) (UFH), M.Inst (Agric) (Eco) (UP), PhD (Univen), HED

FDK Anim, BSc (Agric.) (Hons) (Ghana), M.Agric. Mgt (Natal), PhD (Agric.Econ) (UP)

Senior Lecturer EN Raidimi, BSc (Agric.) (Hons) (UFH), MSc (Agric. Ext) (Reading), PhD (UP) Teaching Assistant Vacant

Agricultural and Rural Engineering Senior Lecturers *MO Marenya, BSc (Hons) (Agric. Eng), MSc (Agric. Eng) (Nairobi), PhD (Agric.

Eng) (UP) PF Kapila, BSc (Agric), MSc (Agric. Eng), PhD (Agric. Eng) (CZU, Prague)

Lecturer Vacant

nGAP Lecturer DC Sambo, BSc (Agric)(Univen), MSc (Bioresources Systems) (UKZN) Chief Lab Technician MB Mongwai, BSc (Agric.) (Univen)

Animal Science

Associate Professor *JJ Baloyi, BSc (Agric.) (Hons) (UZ), MSc (UK), PhD (UZ)

Associate Professor Vacant Senior Lecturer(s) E Bhebhe, BSc (Agric) (Hons) (UZ); MSc (T&M) (USA); PhD (T&M) (USA)

Veterinarian Vacant Lecturers MS Mikasi, BSc (Agric.), MSc (Agric.) (Univen)

AJ Netshipale, BSc (Agric) (Univen), MSc (Agric) (Natal) F Fushai, BSc (Agric) (Hons) (UZ); MSc (Natal); PhD (Unisa)

Chief Farm Technician KT Mahlako, BSc (Agric), MSc (Agric) (Univen)

Chief Principal Lab Tech EM Nyathi, BSc, MPH (Univen) Lab Technician AM Raseona, BSc (Agric) (UL); MSc (Agric) (Univen)

Consumer Sciences

Professor Vacant

Lecturer MT Malaza, B Home Economics (Education) (UWC), B Consumer Science (Hons)(UP), Masters in Consumer Science (UP)

Senior Lab Technician M Mulondo, BFECS, HONRDV (Univen)

Food Science and Technology Professor *AIO Jideani, BSc (Hons), MSc (Food Tech) (Ibadan), PhD (Leeds),

PG Dip. (Food Tech)(Ibadan)

Associate Professor Vacant Senior Lecturer(s) Vacant

Lecturers H Silungwe, Dip. Agric. Eng. (UNZA), BSc (Agric) (UNISWA), MSc. (Agr.Eng.Tech) (Food Processing) (UCD-Ireland)

T E Kgatla, BSc (FST) (Univen), Master of Nutrition (UL)


M E Mashau, BInstAgrar (Food Processing) (UP), MSCFST (Univen)

Teaching Assistant Vacant Pilot Plant Manager Vacant

Lab Technician B Nethathe, BSc (Univen); BSc (Hons); MSc (UFH)

T Mokhele, BInstaAgrar (Food Processing) (UP) NB Moyo, BSc (Unisa)

Forestry Professor *PO Adesoye, B Tech, Forestry, MSc (FUTA), PhD (Forestry) (Ibadan)

Lecturer Vacant

Teaching Assistants Vacant Technician P Munyanduki, BSc (Forest Resources and Wildlife) (NUST)

Horticultural Sciences

Ass Professor *GRA Mchau, Dip (Horticulture), BSc (Fruit Ind.), MSc (Agric) (Pomona) PhD (University of California)

Lecturer F Thovhogi, BSc (Agric) (Univen), MSc (Horticulture) (Stell)

ML Ramphinwa, BSc (Agric), MSc (Agric) (Univen) Teaching Assistant Vacant

Crop Technician MV Makhado, BAgric (Hons) (Univen)

Plant Production

Professors *ET Gwata, BSc (Agric) (Univ Novi Sad), MSc (Univ. of Melbourne), PhD (Univ. of Florida)

JBO Ogola, BSc (Hons), MSc (Nairobi), PhD (Reading) Ass. Professor EC Kunjeku, B.S(Psy) (California Coast Univ.), BSc (Agric) (Hons), (UZ), MSc,

PhD (Univ. of London) Lab Technician T Leboho, BAgric(Hons)(Univen)

Soil Science Professor *JJO Odhiambo, BSc (Agric) (Hons), MSc (Agric) (Nairobi), PhD (Univ. of

British Columbia, Canada) Senior Lecturer J Mzezewa, BSc (Agric) (Hons) (UZ), MSc (Agric), (Aberdeen), PhD (UFS)

Lecturer HP Nemakundani, BSc (Agric) (Unin) BSc (Agric) (Hons) (UP), Masters in

Sustainable Agric (UFS) SG Lusiba, BSc (Agric) (UL); MSc (Agric) (Univen)

Lab Technician MP Tshidada, Dip in Agric (Tompi Seleka College), Cert in Soil Water & Plant Analysis (UF), BTech (Lab Mgt) (TUT)

Institute for Rural Development Ass. Professor *J Francis, BSc (Agric) (Hons), MPhil, PhD (UZ)

Senior Lecturers G Oloo, BSc, MBA (USIU), Dip HRM (Manchester), Cert MF (Cranefield), B Kilonzo, Dip. Community Empowerment (Israel), BA (Rani Durgavati),

MA (Agra), PhD (Univen) M. Manjoro, BSc (Agric) (Hons), MSc Agric (UZ); PhD (UFH)

J Zuwarimwe, BSc (Hons) (Rural & Urban Planning), MSc (Rural Econ.Dev

Plan) (UZ), PhD (UP) Lecturer MA Mathaulula, SSTD, BPaed (Home Econ.) (Unizul), PGDTE, PGDEM (Unisa),

HONRDV, MRDV (Univen) Farm Manager TG Kutama, N.Dip. (Animal Prod.) (Pret Tech.), B Tech. (Agric Mgt)

(Unisa), BAgric (Hons) (Univen)



Dean (Ass. Professor) MP Mulaudzi, JSTC (VECO), BAED, BEd (Hons) (Univen), MEd (Bowie State Univ. USA), D.Ed (Unisa)

Vice-Dean (Ass. Professor) T Runhare, Cert. in Personnel & Training Management (IPM

Zimbabwe); C.E, B.ED, M.ED, (UZ); PhD (Pretoria Dean’s Secretary B Mudau, Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa)

School Administrator GM Tshimange Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa) Senior Clerk NL Mushi, Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa)

Clerk TJ Phadziri, Cert. Local Gov & Admin (Unisa), Dip in Pub. Mgt (SBS)


Heads of Departments are indicated by means of an asterisk

Curriculum Studies Senior Lecturer *SK Muthambi (Coordinator), BA (Unin), BA (Hons) (Univen), BEd

(Hons) (ABET) (Unisa), MEd (Univen), UED (Unin) Cert Tesc (Pitts)

D.Ed (Univen) Senior Lecturer NP Mafenya, JSTC (Veco), Certificate in ABET(Unisa), Diploma in ABET

(UNISA), Diploma in HRM (Univen), BA(Univen), B.Ed (UCT), M.Ed (Univen). D.Ed (Unisa)

Lecturer MP Tshisikhawe, STD (RMTC), ACE, Educational Leadership (Unisa),

BA, BED (Hons), MEDCS (Univen) D.Ed (Univen)

Early Childhood Education Ass. Professor *NP Mudzielwana, BA, BEd (Univen), MEd (Australian Catholic),

PhD (Pretoria), FD in SR (RAU), Cert in ABET, HD in ABET (Unisa), UED, PGDip in HE (T&L) (Rhodes) Certificate in Women Leadership


Senior Lecturer Vacant Lecturers H Cassim, BA, MEd (USA-Northern Illinois), HED (Durban-Westville),

Cert in ABET, Cert in Maths Edu (Unisa) SA Mulovhedzi, Dip in PM (Techniven), BA, HDE, BEd, Cert in AS

(Unisa), Dip ECE, MEd (Univen)

RM Makhwathana, BA (Hons), MA, UED, ACE-SML (Univen), M.Tech (TUT)

MG Sikhwari, JPTD (Tshisimani), ACE-Tech (Unisa), FDE-Mangt (UJ), BA, BEd (UNISA), BA Hons (Limpopo), MA, PhD (Stell)

Educational Management Senior Lecturers *NF Litshani, BA, BEd (Unisa), M.Ed, DEd (Rau), HED (Vista), AMDP

(UP), Cert. in Theo, Dip. In Theo & B.Theo (Faith Bible College), PG. Dip HE (Rhodes)

Professor TS Mashau, STD (VECO), BEd (Hons), MEd (Potch), DEd (Univen), FDE, Cert in HR (Rau), Cert in CNB (BEIT BERL–ISRAEL), Cert in DM (UNISA)

Lecturers DA Sinthumule, BA(Ed), BA (Hons), BEd (Hons), ACE-SML (Univen),

M.Tech (Ed) (TUT) D.Ed (Univen) AT Nesengani, ScTD, BAED, BEd (Hons) (Unisa), BA (Hons), MEDEM

(Univen), HRD (RAU) DEd (Univen) MG Muremela, STD (Makhado), FDE, MEDEM (Unisa), BA, BEd

(Unisa), M.Ed (UNIVEN), Diploma in Theology (Living Gospel World

Mission) Vacant

Foundations of Education

Vice-Dean (Ass. Professor) *T Runhare, Cert. in Personnel & Training Management (IPM Zimbabwe); C.E, B.ED, M.ED, (UZ); PhD (Pretoria).

Lecturer: EN Thenga BA(Ed), BEDGC, MEd (Univen)

Teaching Assistant: B Dube, BA, PGDE (UZ), MEd (ZOU) D.Ed (Univen)


Dean’s Substitute: Vacant,

Vacant Vacant

Professional Studies Senior Lecturer *M Mpeta, BSc, PGCE (Lesotho), MSc (ETSD) (Twente, Netherlands)

PhD (Pretoria) SJM Kaheru, Dip Ed, BSc (Makerere), Dip in Sc Ed, MA (Sc Ed) (Kings

College London), PhD (Unisa)

LS Tshikota, BA (Univen), BA (Hons), Mphil (Stell), DPhil (UL) Lecturers LP Ramabulana, BSC, BSCHZO, MScEDU, DIPNRM, UED (Univen),

Cert. ICT in Educ. For Policy Implementers (WITS) D.Ed Science Education (TUT)

TE Tshiovhe, STD (Makhado), FDE, BEd (Hons) (RAU), MEd (Univen) D.Ed (Univen)

MA Nenzhelele, (STD) (Soweto College of Education), B.Com (Hons)

(Univen), MBA (MANCOSA) NM Nndwamato, BA (Hons), MA (Univen).



Dean JO Odiyo, BSc (Hons) (Egerton), MSc (Dar-es-Salaam), PhD (Wits), MWISA, MGSSA

Deputy Dean NS Nethengwe, BA, UED (Univen), BA (Hons) (UCT), MA (Wits), PhD (West

Virginia), Cert. (GIS) (Univ. of Southern Mississippi, USA) Executive Secretary N Mulovhedzi, N.Diploma Management Assistant (CTC)

School Administrator NP Khakhu, BA, HED (Univen) Typist/Messenger MA Kudzus N.Diploma Management Assistant (SBS)


Heads of Departments are indicated by means of an asterisk*

Ecology and Resource Management Senior Lecturer *EM Stam, MSc (Univ. Ámsterdam), PhD (Free Universito. Ámsterdam)

Professor WM Gitari, BEd (Kenyatta Univ.), MSc (Univ. Nairobi), PhD (UWC)

Senior Lecturers NI Sinthumule, BEnvSc, BEnvScH, MEnvSc (Univen), PhD (UCT), Certi. GIS and Remote Sensing (Netherlands), MSAGS

T Dalu, BSc (Hons), MSc (UZ), PhD (Rhodes) Lecturers JN Steyn, BSc (Agric) (UOFS), BSc (Hons) (UP), MEnvM (UOFS)

R Mulaudzi, B.Envsc (Hons) (Univen), BA (Hons) (UNISA), MEnvsc (Univen)

F.M Murungweni, BSc. (ZOU), MSc. (University of Twente, Netherlands), Dip. Geo-information (ITC, Netherlands), SACNASP, AARSE

Postdoctoral EE Awokunmi, BTech, MTech, PhD (The Federal University of Technology)

Geography and GEO-Information Sciences Senior Lecturer *NS Nethengwe, BA UED (Univen), BA (Hons) (UCT), MA (Wits), PhD (West

Virginia), Cert. (GIS) (Univ. of Southern Mississippi, USA)

Associate Professor BDO Odhiambo, BSc. (Hons), MSc. (Univ. Nairobi), PhD (Waterloo), PGDip. Geomorphology (ITC, Netherlands), Cert. Remote Sensing (GDT/CNES

Toulouse, France). Senior Lecturer TM Nelwamondo, BPEd, BPEd BSc (Hons) (Fort Hare), MA (Univ. PE); PhD (UP)

Lecturer NV Mudau, BA (Hons), MEnvSc (Univen), PhD (NWU), UED (Univen)

MJ Mokgoebo, BPEd, BA (Hons) (Durban-Westville), MEnvSc, (Univen), PGDip.HE (UKZN)

E Kori, BSc (Hons) (Midlands State, Zimbabwe), MEnvSc (Univen), PGDip.HE (UKZN)

H Chikoore, BSc (UZ), MSc and PhD (Zululand), Grad.Dip Meteorology (Aus)

KH Netshisaulu, BEnvSc, BEHGEO, MEnvSc (Univen). Technician Vacant

Postdoctoral FO Okaka BEd. (KU), MA (KU), PhD (Moi)

Hydrology and Water Resources

Senior Lecturer *JPO Obiero, BSc. Agric. Eng. (Hons) (Egerton), MSc & PhD (Nairobi) Professor JO Odiyo, BSc (Hons) (Egerton), MSc (Dar-es-Salaam), PhD (Wits), MWISA,


Associate Professor JR Gumbo, BSc, MSc (Univ. Zim), MSc, PhD (UP), PGDip.HE (RU), PrSci.Nat, MWISA

Lecturer R Makungo, BESHWR, MESCH (Univen), MWISA FI Mathivha BESHWR, MESHWR (Univen)

TR Nkuna, BESHWR, MESHWR (Univen), Cert. Sci. Nat, MIAH, MGSSA

JN Edokpayi, B.Tech (LAUTECH), Postgrad. Diploma (NTI), MSC (ABU), PhD (UNIVEN)

MI Mutoti, BESHWR (Univen), MSc EWS (UWC) Lab Technician E Malima, BESHWR (Univen)

Postdoctoral A Enitan, BSc & MSc (Ibadan), PhD (DUT) AM Ekudayisi, B. Eng. (UNAD), MSc (Ibadan), D. Eng. (DUT)

TE Volenzo, BSc. (Nairobi), MSc, PhD (MMUST), MEIK, LEEIA


Mining and Environmental Geology Senior Lecturer *FA Dacosta, BSc (Hons) (KNUST), MSc, PhD (Wits), MIECA

Professors JS Ogola, MSc. PhD, Postgrad. Dip. (Moscow); Dip.Ed (Nairobi), MKNAS

(Kenya), MIAGOD, MGSA, MGSK, MGSSA Senior Lecturer MO Kataka, BSc (Hons), MSc (Unv. Nairobi), PhD (Wits), Cert. (IISEE,

Tsukuba), Cert. (UPPSALA), Cert. (Potsdam), Cert. (NIAG, Cairo), Cert. (Strata Control)

L Diko, BSc (Hons), MSc (Buea), PhD (UL), Cert. Post Graduate Supervision

(RU), MIMGA, MCMS, MGSA, MYES, MACCMRG, MMIWSA Lecturers HR Mundalamo, BSc (Unin), BSc (Hons), MESC (Univen), MGSSA

NA Mahlaule, BESMEG, MESC (Univen), MGSSA N Rembuluwani, BESMEG, MESMEG (Univen), MGSSA, MSEG

SE Mhlongo, BESMEG, MESMEG (Univen), PGDip.HE (RU), MGSSA Junior Lecturer EM Nengovhela, BESMEG (Univen), SANIRE (Ass. Member), MGSSA

Chief Technician C Muzerengi, BESMEG, MESMEG (Univen), PGDip.HE (Stell),

Nat. Dip, Nat. Cert (Harare Polytec.), MGSSA, SAMI Lab Technician N Nemapate, BESMEG (Univen), MGSSA

Postdoctoral K Banda, BSc (UNZA), MSc. (UNZA & DTU), PhD (DTU)

Urban and Regional Planning Senior Lecturer (Head) *J Chakwizira, BSc (Hons) and MPhil RUP (UZ), PhD (Univen), PGDip.Trans.

(CITTL) (UK), PGDip. Urban Planning (Netherlands), Cert. PMUE (Intan

Malaysia), Cert. GIS&RS (Univ. of Zimbabwe), M.ZIRUP, M.IFRT&D, M.CIT&L, SACPLAN, SAPI

Professor P Bikam, BSc, MSc (Univ. of Tours, France), MPhil (Univ. of Paris Sorbonne, France), PhD (Univ. of Paris Sorbonne, France), Diploma in Cartography

(Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria), SACPLAN, SAPI Senior lecturer I Ingwani, BEd, MSc (UZ), PhD (Stell), Diploma (project planning) Diploma Ed


Lecturer T Gondo, BSc (Hons) and MRUP (UZ), PGDip. HE (Stell) J Banal, BSc (Hons) URP(ZOU), MURP (Univ. of Twente, Netherlands), N.Dip.TP

(HP), HNC CE (Glascow), NID CS (HP), M.ZIRUP, SAPI MT Makumule, BA, BA (Honours), Dip. ED (Univen), MSc. (Wits), SACPLAN,


Junior Lectures Vacant Lutya S.B, N.Diploma Building, B.Tech. Q.S., B.Tech. Cons. Management

(CPUT). Senior Technologist FV Mushiana, B.Arch (Hons) (Denmark), M.Arch (London), N. Diploma Arch

(TUT), Cert. Arch (DDA), CAD Cert. (TUT), SAID, SAIAT, SACAP.

Technician SG Tshikunde, N.Dip Town and Regional Planning (UJ), SACPLAN Secretary A Mashangu, Secretarial Diploma (NTTC), Comp. Literacy (NT), BBA (SBS)

GIS Resource Centre

Chief Technician F Dondofema, BSc. (Hons), MSc. (UZ), BSc (Hons), MSc. (Fort Hare), PGDip.HE (RU), Pr.Nat.Sc.Ecologist

Environmental Advisory and Assessment Unit

Project Co-ordinator JN Steyn, BSc. (Agric) (UOFS), BSc. (Hons) (UP) MEnvM (UOFS).

Institute of Semi-Arid Environment and Disaster Management Vacant



Dean MT Mashamba (acting) BA (Hons), UED, (Univen), BA (Hons) in HRD (RAU), Mphil (Stell), PhD (Univen), Postdoctoral MSc (Columbia University).

Vice Dean Vacant

School Administrator MN Mabidi, BA (Unisa), Masters Dip. HRM (RAU) Executive Secretary B. Netshiombo, Dip WMF (Univen), Dip in Management, BBA, Adv. Dip.

Management (SBS) Research Professor RT Lebese, RN (Elim Hosp), BA (Cur) (Hons) (Unisa), MCur, DCur (Univen)

ACADEMIC STAFF AND DEPARTMENTS Heads of Departments are indicated by means of an asterisk*

Advanced Nursing Science

Professor *ML Netshikweta, Diploma in Nursing (Kalafong College of Nursing), BA (Cur) (Hons), MA Cur, Dlitt et Phil (Unisa)

MS Maputle, RN (Groot Hoek College of Nursing), BA (Cur) (Unisa), MCur,

DCur (UJ). Associate Professor DU Ramathuba, RN, Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery (Groothoek College),

BA (Cur) (Unisa), Post graduate Diploma in Nursing (Unisa), BCur (Hons), BTech Oncology (TUT), MCur (Univen), PhD (North West)

L Nemathaga, RN (Venda Nursing College), BA (Cur) BCur (Hons) (Unisa),

MCur, PhD (Univen) H Shilubane, RN (Giyani College of Education), BA (Cur) (Hons), MCur

(Unisa), PhD (University of Maastricht, Netherlands) Senior Lecturers M Maluleke, RN (Giyani College of Education), B. Cur (Univen), MCur

(Medunsa), PhD (Univen) NJ Ramakuela, Diploma in Nursing (Kalafong College of Nursing), BA (Cur)

(Unisa), BCur (Hons), MCur, PhD (Univen)

ND Ndou, RN Diploma in Nursing (Venda Nursing College), BCur, MCur (Unisa)

Lecturers SA Mulondo, Diploma in Nursing (Venda Nursing College), BA (Cur), (Hons), (Unisa), MCur (Univen)

AR Tshililo, RN (Donald Frazer hospital), B Cur, B Cur (Hons), MCur (Univen)

NS Raliphaswa, RN (Venda Nursing College), BCur, Post Dip in Public Health (Unisa) BCur (Hons), MCur (Univen)

TR Luhalima, Diploma in Nursing (Venda Nursing College), BA Cur (Unisa), BCur (Hons), MCur (Univen), PhD (Pretoria)

KG Netshisaulu, RN (Venda Nursing College), BCur (Hons), MCur (Univen)

Junior Lecturer JL Mafumo, Diploma in Nursing (Venda Nursing College), BA Cur (Unisa), BCur (Hons), MCur (Univen)

TR Mathevula, Diploma in Nursing (Nkhensani hosp), BA Cur (Unisa), B Cur Hons, MCur (Univen).

TE Mbedzi, BCur (Hons) (Medunsa)


Senior Lecturers *LF Mushaphi, BSc (Dietetics), (Medunsa), M (Nutrition) (Unin), Post Dip High Education (Rhodes), PhD (Nutrition) (UFS).

CN Nesamvuni, BSc (Dietetics), (Uni. of OSU), M (Nutrition) (Unin), IMSciHPE (UM), PhD (Nutrition) (UFS)

Lecturers NS Mabapa, BSc (Human Physiology) (UP), BSc Hons (Community Nutrition),

MSc (Nutrition) (Univen). HV Mbhatsani, BSc (Nutrition), Post Dip Higher Education (Rhodes), MSc

(Nutrition) (Univen) TC Mandiwana, BSc (Nutrition), Post Dip Health Professional Education (UCT),

MSc (Nutrition) (Univen). SA Motadi, BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), Post Dip Health Professional Education

(UCT), MSc (Nutrition), (Univen).


TC Mahopo, BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), Post Dip Health Professional Education

(UCT), MSc (Nutrition, (Univen). TA Masia, BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), Post Dip Health Professional Education

(UCT), MSc (Nutrition (Univen).

Junior Lecturers RC Chauke, BSc (Dietetics) (Medunsa). B Baloyi, BSc (Nutrition) (Univen).

nGAP Scholar KR Netshiheni, BSc, MSc (Uinven)

Public Health

Senior Lecturers *TG Tshitangano, RN (Venda college of Nurs.), BA (Cur) (Unisa), PG Dip (Management) (Mancosa), MPH (Univen), MBA (Mancosa), PhD (Univen)

NS Mashau, RN (Venda College of Nurs), BA (Cur) (Hons) (Unisa), M.Cur, PhD (Univen).

Professors HA Akinsola, RN (NMCN), RNT (NMCN), BSC (UNIV of Ibadan), MSC (Com. MEd) (Manchester Univ), PHD (UNIV of Ibadan)

Lecturers JT Mabunda, RN (Baragwanath Hosp), BA (Cur) (Hons) (Unisa), MPH (UWC).

AG Mudau, RN (Univen), Dip. In Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (NWU), BA (Cur) (Hons), MPH (Univen).

BS Manganye, RN, BA (Cur), MPH (Univen), AHMP (FPD/Yale). Tshivhase SE, RN (Univen, BA (Cur) (Unisa), BA Cur (Hons), MPH (Univen)

Psychology Professor *MT Mashamba, BA (Hons), UED, (Univen), BA (Hons) in HRD (RAU), Mphil

(Stellenbosch), PhD (Univen), Postdoctoral MSc (Columbia University). Associate Professor MS Makatu, BA (Hons), UED, MA (Univen), MSocSci (EAP) (UP), IMSciHPE

(UM), DPhil (Psychology) (UP). Senior Lecturer FJ Takalani, BA(ED), BA(Hons), MA, PhD (Univen)

Lecturers A Maphula, BA (Vista), BA (Hons) (Univen), MA (Clin Psy), North West, PhD

(Univen) F Peters, BPsych, MA Psych (UWC)

MD Mushwana, BA Hons (UL), MA (Univen), PG Diploma in Health Professional Education (UCT)

L Manganye, BPsych, MA (Univen) PG Diploma in Health Professional

Education (UCT) M Koko, BPsych (Univen), MA (Clinical Psychology) (UL)

V Baloyi, BPsych (Univen), MA Clinical Psychology ( UL) KE Mphephu, BPsych, MA (Univen)

Junior Lecturer HB Magadani, BPsych (Univen)

Teaching Assistant Vacant

Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science Prof/ Associate Prof Vacant

Senior Lecturer Vacant Lecturers M Mohlala, BSc (Biokinetics) (Univen), MA (Biokinetics) (NWU)

V.K. Moselakgomo, (BA. Ed) , BA (Hons) (Kine & Phy.Ed) UNIN, MTech-

Clini.Tech (Sport and Exercise Technology) TUT, PhD (Human Movement Science) NWU.

SC Mugandani,Teachers Cert; Cert.Ed (PhysEd); BEd (Biology) (UZ), MSc (Sports Science)(NUST),MEd(Teacher Ed)(UZ)

SG Asihel,Teachers Dip (PhysEd) BA (Sport and Recreation Mgt) (UWC), MA

(Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) (UWC), PhD (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) (UWC)

Teaching Assistant Vacant Junior Lecturers ME Mamabolo, BA (Hons) (Kinesiology) (Unin)

K Matshovhana, BSc (Recreation and Leisure Studies) (Univen). ZL Ralubuvhi, BSc (Biokinetics) (Univen) PGDip HE (UCT)

AD Rasifudi, BSc (Sport Science) (Univen)

SJ Muyahalo, BSc (Recreation and Leisure Studies) (Univen)


FW Ramalivhana, BSc (Biokinetics) (Univen)

Secretary F Ramanyimi



Dean MA Makgopa, BA (Hons), (Unisa), MA (Stell), D. Litt et Phil (Unisa), J.S.T.C. (Setotolwane)

School Administrator TA Mmbadi, BAdmin (Hons), MPM (Univen)

Executive Secretary E Chauke, BAdmin (Univen) Executive Secretary TC Mutele, BAdmin (Hons); MGS (Univen)

School Research Professor: MA Masoga, B.Th., BA (Hons) MA (UNP), MA (cum laude) (UNISA),


Research Assistant : Vacant


Heads of Departments and Directors of Centre(s) are indicated by means of an asterisk

Institute for Gender and Youth Studies

Associate Professor *TD Thobejane, Diploma Community Development (JHB, RSA), MSC (Southern New Hampshire University (Manchester, USA), DED (Massachusetts Amherst USA)

PTC (Mokopane) Senior Lecturers NR Raselekoane, BA (Hons) (Unin), MA (Unisa), D.Litt et Phil (Unisa), Cert. in

Commonwealth Values in Youth Development (Commonwealth of Learning),


MH Mukwevho, BA (Hons), UED, MA, PhD (Univen) Lecturers KG Morwe, B.Soc. Sc (SW), MSoc.SC (SW) (North West)

TP Mulaudzi, BA, HONSGS, MGS (Univen),

Centre for African Studies

Senior Lecturers *PE Matshidze, BA, (Hons), UED, Postgraduate Diploma in Higher education (Rhodes), PGDIP (HE), LLB (Univen), LLM (Unisa), MPhil (Stellenbosch), PhD

(Unizulu) JLF Dederen, Kol, Lic (Ku-Leuven), PhD (Rau)

R Tshifhumulo, BA, (Hons), PGDip in Education (Rhodes University) MA, PhD

(Univen) Lecturers M Jacobz, BA (Hons) Cum Laude (Stell), MA, Cum Laude (Stell)

NE Mathoho, BA (Hons), (UNIVEN), MPhil (UCT) Junior Lecturer D Mabale, BA (Hons) (Univen), Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Heritage Studies)

(Wits) MA in Anthropology (Univen)

nGAP Scholar TJ Makhanikhe, BA Hons (Univen), MA African Studies (Univen)

Communication and Applied Language Studies Senior lecturers vacant

B Dube, BA, Grad. C.E. BA (Hons), MA (UZ) DPhil Journ (Stell) M Mabika, Cert. DTP (UFH), Cert. Web-designing (UZ), Cert. Comm. &

Journalism (CCOSA), Dip Comm. & Journalism (CCOSA), Commonwealth CYP

Dip, BA, Media Studies (ZOU), MSSc. Comm. (UFH), DSS (Fort Hare University) TJ Chari, BA, Post Dip-Media & Comm. MA (UZ), PhD (Wits)

Lecturers MF Sadiki, Diploma in Special Education (DoE), UED, Diploma in Educational Management, BA (Univen), BA (Hons)(Unin), MA (Stell), Cert. Comm. in

Journalism (Cum Laude), (UNISA) PTC, (Rehlahlilwe)

FO Makananise, BA (Univen), BA (Hons) (UL), MA (Media Studies) (UL) PG (dip) HE at Rhodes University

Development Studies

Associate Professor *RR Molapo, BA (Hons), MA (UCT), PhD (UWC) Senior Lecturers JDN van der Westhuizen, BA (Hons), BD, Dip.Theo Cum Laude (UP)

P Dzimiri, Executive Certificate in Defence and Security Management, (Wits),

BA, MSC- International Relations (UZ), PGDIP (HE) (Stell), PhD (UP)


Lecturers EB Bvuma, BA. PAED (UNIN), BA (Hons) (Unisa), M-Dev (UL)

SF Mathagu, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MA (Unisa), Dip. Journalism (TF. Cardiff)

N Sibawu, BA, (Hons), (UFH) (Cum Laude), MA (UFS) (Cum Laude).

HS Tshamano, BA (Hons) (Univen), MA (UJ) UED (Univen) Mr MJ Masipa, BA (Ed), B Ed, MDev (UL).

FE Ramudzuli, BA, (Hons) UED (Univen), BA (Hons), Certificate (Forensics), Diploma- Security Risk Management, Post-graduate Diploma Archival Science

(UNISA), MA (RAU), MBA (Mancosa), Certificate-Project Management

(Technisa) SA Mabitsela, BA (Vista University), MA (UP)

Dr LM Mudimeli, BA in Bible-Theology (ICI University), MA Theology (Univen), PhD (Unisa)

Junior Lecturers R Mashamba, BA (Hons) (Univen) MS Mokgola, BAIR (Univen), Hons Pol. (UL)

M Hobe, Diploma in Theology/Berea Theological College), Senior

Phase/FET,UNISA), B.Th, (Hebron Theological College, B.TH Hons (Social Behaviour Studies, (Unisa), M.Th, D.Min, PhD in Pastoral Studies (NWU)

nGAP Scholar NE Yende, BA (Hons) Community and Development Studies, MA (Development studies (UKZN)

English Professor H. Sewlall, Teachers Diploma (Springfield, Durban), BA (Unisa), BED (Unisa),

BA, MA (Cum laude) (Unisa), PhD (North-West University- Potchefstroom) Associate Professor EK Klu, BA (Hons) (Ling) (IBADAN) MEd, DEd (Edu Ling) (RAU)

Senior Lecturers *LMP Mulaudzi, BA, B.Ed, UED (Univen), MA (Wits), PhD (Univen) I Ndlovu, BA (Hons) (UZ), MA, PhD (Stell), DipED. (HillSide Teachers’ College)


MN Lambani, BA (Hons) (Unisa), MA (PU for CHE), DTECH (TUT), J.S.T.C. (VECO)

MJ Maluleke, BA (Hons), MA (UL Turf), PhD (Univen) GS Mashau, BA, (Hons) (Univen), MA, PhD (UL)

Lecturers VT Bvuma, BAEd (Unin), MEd (Tesl) (Notre Dame, USA).

TE Radzilani, BA, (Unisa), BAED, BA (Hons), (Univen), PGD, MA (Stellenbosch), PGD (Unisa).

HA Motlhaka, BED (SPF), BA (Hons), MA (Indiana University of Pennyslyvania (USA)

Junior Lecturer VN Demana, BA (Hons) (Univen) MA (Univen)

MER Mathivha Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture

Professor MA Makgopa, BA (Hons) (Unisa) MA (Stell), DLitt et Phil (Unisa) J.S.T.C.

(Setotolwane) Senior Lecturers *MT Chauke, BA(ED), BA (Hons) (Unin), MA (RAU), PhD (UL, Turf).

JJ Thwala, BA (Hons), MA (Unizul), MA (Unisa), PhD (Unizul), J.S.T.C. (Mgwenya College), Dipl. HRM (BMT College)

MT Babane, BA(Ed), BA (Hons) (Unin), M.Ed (Unin), D.Ed (Unisa) NC Netshisaulu BA (Hons) (Univen), MA, PhD (Stell) UED (Univen)

MC Hlungwani, BA(Ed), BA (Hons) (Unin), MA, PhD (Stell)

LE Mphasha, BA (Hons) (Unin), MA, D.Litt et Phil (Stell), STD (Setotolwane) M Mathabi, BA, BA (Hons), MA, UED (Univen), PhD, (Limpopo)

MR Raphalalani, BA (Hons), HED (Unin), MA (Stell), D.Litt (Unisa) KJ Nkuna, BA (Hons), MA, UED (Unizul) PhD (Univen)

TD Raphalalani, BA (Hons), MA (Univen) STD (VECO), Dipl. Ed Management

(Univen), PhD (Univen) Lecturers MJ Baloyi BA (Hons) (Univen), BA (Hons) (Unisa), MA (Univen), DLitt et Phil

(Unisa), STD (Science and Maths) Tivumbeni College, FDE (science and Maths) RAU, FDE(Education Management) RAU, AMDP (UP), Certificate in Project

Management (Unisa), Certificate in Strategic Management (Unisa


SL Baker, BA (Unisa), MA (UP), J.S.T.C.

OI Tshovhewaho, BA (Paed) (Univen) BA (Hons) (Unisa) BTech (Unisa), MA (UFS), FDE (Wits)

SA Tshithukhe, BA (Hons) (Unin), MA (Stell). J.S.T.C. (VECO)

A Mushwana, BA (Hons), MA (Univen), PhD (Univen) NM Malele, BA (Vista), BA (Hons), MA (Pretoria), Diploma in Education, HEDP

(Unisa), Diploma in Translation (Unisa) Junior Lecturers MG Maluleke, BA (Unisa), BA (Hons) (UP), PTD (Mokopane)

PJ Masilela, BA (UP) BA (Hons) (Univen), MA (Univen)


Professor *MG Mapaya, BMus, HDE (UCT), MMus (Wits) PhD (Univen) Senior Lecturer PEA Ramaite-Mafadza, BED, BA (Hons) (Univen) MA (RAU), PhD (Univen)

Lecturers HA Khosa, BMus (Univen), MTech (TUT), Certificate in Arts Administration (North West University)

Social Work Senior Lecturer *LD Mogorosi, BA (SW) (Unin), BA (SW) (Hons) (Unizul), MS, DSW, (Columbia

University) GM Lekganyane, BA (SW) (Unin), BA (SW) (Hons) (Pretoria), MA (Rau), DSC


Lecturers TC Matsea, BA (SW), MA (SW) (Stellenbosch), Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Univen), Higher Certificate in Management- FPD Business School,

Postgaduate Diploma in Higher Education (Stellenbosch) PGDIP (HE) N Phiri, B.A. (SW) Fort Hare, MA (SW) (Unisa), (Sabbatical)

AL Shokane, BA Soc Sc (SW), Postgaduate Diploma in Higher Education (Rhodes) PGDIP (HE), MA Soc Sc (SW) (RAU), D Litt et Phil (UJ)

MM Mamaleka, BA (SW), (Unin), MA (SW), (UFS)

MA Mabasa, BA (SW), MA (SW), (UL) TV Baloyi, BASW (Unisa), MA (SW) (UP)

NJ Budeli BASW, (Univen); BA (Hons) HIV/AIDS, (Unisa), Advanced Certificate: Labour Law (UFS), PGDE (Rhodes), MA (SW) (UL)

Junior Lecturers V Nemutandani BASW, (Univen), PGDE (Rhodes)

Administrative Officer MJ Majadibodu ND (Management Assistant) (TNC) BCom (Management) (Unisa)



Dean L Ndlovu, LLB; LLM (Fort Hare); LLD (Unisa).

Dean’s Secretary JP Siphorogo, NDipl. Mangt. Assist (DoE); NDipl. Com. Prac. (Unisa)

School Administrator MR Tshikomba, BA (Hons), Dipl. In Adv. Bus Comm (Unisa). ACADEMIC STAFF AND DEPARTMENTS

Heads and Acting Heads of Departments/Centres are indicated by means of an asterisk* Criminal Justice

Senior Lecturers *Adv. TW Majake, B. Proc; LLB (Unin); MALS (IIT Chicago-Kent).

Dr K Mothibi, BA.CRM; BAHCRM, MA.CRM, PhD (UL).

Lecturer Dr FM Manganyi, BA.CRM; BAHCRM; MA.CRM (Univen); PhD (UFH). Junior Lecturers LA Musekene, BAHCRM; LLB (UNIVEN); PGDHLM (Univen).

TC Tshidada, BAHCRM (Univen). Criminal and Procedural Law

Associate Professor T van der Walt, B. Proc; LLB; LLM (Unisa). Senior Lecturer *PR Mawila, B. Proc; LLB (Unin).

Lecturer LB Tsweledi, LLB; LLM (NWU).

VE Lubisi, LLB (Univen) MPhil (UP).

Junior Lecturers PBN Mawila, BA.LAW; LLB (Univen).

NL Malange, BA; U. ED; LLB (Univen).

NGAP Scholar SJ Rangoato, LLB; LLM (UL). Jurisprudence

Associate Professor JM Iyi, LLB (Benin); BL (NIG) PG Cert. (Oslo) LLM (University of Ibadan) PhD (Wits)

Senior Lecturer Dr EC Lubaale LLB (Makarere University); LLM; LLD (UP).

* Adv. GJ Joubert, BA(LAW); LLB; LLM (US). Lecturers ZBM Mopai, LLB; LLM (Univen).

Adv. AW Makulana, LLB; LLM (Univen). TN Raphulu LLB (Univen) LLM (US).

Mercantile Law

Associate Professor L Ndlovu, LLB; LLM (Fort Hare); LLD (Unisa).

Senior Lecturers *PP Letuka, BA(Law); LLB (Lesotho); LLM (London). Adv. TW Majake, B. Proc; LLB (Unin); MALS (IIT Chicago-Kent).

T. Maloka, BA; LLB; LLM (UCT). C. Simbo LLB (University of Zimbabwe); LLM (UCT); LLM (UCT).

Private Law

Professor *AO Nwafor, LLB(Hons) (Unijos); BL (Nigeria Law School); LLM (Unn); PhD (Unijos).

Senior Lecturers MK Choshi, B. Iuris (Univen); LLB (Wits); LLM (UP); Phd (UNIVEN).

Adv. GJ Joubert, BA(LAW); LLB; LLM (US).

Lecturers Adv. KJ Selala, B. Iuris; LLB; LLM (Unin).

CJMM Mkhabele, LLB; LLM (UL). Public Law Senior Lecturers *Adv. HJ Choma, B. Iuris (UNIN); LLM (Georgetown)(USA); LLM


Dr AO Jegede, LLB (Ife); MPH (Ibadan); BL (Nigeria Law School); LLM; LLD


Lecturers UCA Mokoena, LLB; LLM (Univen).

J Milne, LLB; LLM (UPE).

Adv. S. Mavundla, LLB (University of Swaziland); LLM (UP)


Ismail Mahomed Centre for Human and Peoples’ Rights Director Vacant.

Secretary Vacant.

Law Clinic

Head PJ Thokolo, BProc (Univen); Advanced Diploma in Labour Law (NWU).

Assistant Head PA Tshidzumba, LLB (Univen).

Secretary TG Tshishonga, Dipl. In Management (SBS).

Typist L Mbedzi, Dipl. in Public Admin, B Admin, B Admin Hons (Univen)

Candidate Attorneys TP Ramashidzha, LLB (Univen).

T Masindi, LLB (Univen).

M Mulaudzi, LLB (Univen). TE Masindi, (LLB) (Univen).



MIEE, & Chartered Eng. (UK) Executive Secretary SC Murovhi, Dip in Mgmt & BBA (SBS)

Research Professor NM Ochara, PhD (UCT), MBA University of Nairobi, Kenya, Bachelor of

Commerce (Management Science) - University of Nairobi, Kenya Research Assistant Vacant

School Administrator AC Thovhogi, BA (Univen) Academic Administrator Vacant


Heads of Departments/Centres, and Institutes are indicated by means of an asterisk*


Associate Professors *EK Oseifuah, BA (Hons), MSc in Finance & Acc, ACCA, CIMA, (UK), MTP (SA)

V Moyo, MSc (Leicester, UK), MBA (Manchester, UK), PhD (UP), FCCA (UK),

FCMA (UK) SAICA Secretary MV Mutangwa , Diploma in Management (SBS)

Senior Lecturers G Katekwe BCom (UFH), BCom (Hons), CTA (Unisa), CA (SA) N Machaya BCom (UFH), BCom (Hons), CTA (Unisa), CA (SA)

F Mache, BBS Hon (UZ), ACIS (Zim), MSc (NUST - Zim) M Mashamba, BAcc (UFS) BAcc Hon / CTA (Unisa), CA (SA)

KM Masia, BCom (Hon) / CTA (UNISA), MCom (UP), CA (SA)

L Maundzagona, BCom (Hons) / CTA, PGDA (UFH), CA (SA) C Munkuli, BCom (UFH), BCom Hon / CTA (Unisa), CA (SA)

NF Munzhelele, BCom (Univen), PGD (Natal) BCom Hon (UKZN), MCom (UP) N Musekwa, BCom (Hons) / CTA (UP), CA (SA)

LJ Muthivhi, BCom (Hons) (UKZN), CA (SA)

P Rambuda, BCom (Hons) / CTA (UKZN), CA (SA) N Shuro, BBA Acc (Solusi), BCom (Hons), PGDA (Unisa), CA (Zim), CA (SA)

RA, MAcc (UKZN) Lecturers MP Ndou, BCom (Hons) & UED (Univen), MBA (UL)

NE Ramafhidza, BCom (Hons) & UED (Univen), MBA (Regent Buss School)

ARI Tshifhango, BCom (UFS), BCom Hon / CTA (Unisa)

Business Information Systems: Professor A Kadyamatimba MSc in Electronic Eng (Lvov-USSR), PhD (Lancaster, UK),

MZCS (Zim), MBCS, MIEE, & Chartered Eng (UK) Senior Lecturer *D Tutani, BSc (Hons) & MSc (NUST – Zim), MCP, MCSA

Lecturers S Madzvamuse, BSc (Hons) (Jose Verona: Cuba), MSc in Comp Sci (UZ –

Zim) & PG Dip in HE (Rhodes) F Manzira, BSc (Hons) (MSU - Zim), MSc in Info Sys (FINLAND), MSc in Info

Mgnt (Tilburg Univ-Netherlands) & (Aix en Provence – France), PG Dip in HE (Stellenbosch)

NL Mashau, ND in IT, Btech an Mtech (TUT)

W Munyoka, BSc (MSU-Zim) & MSc (UZ-Zim) M Sepeame, MTech & BTech (TUT), NDip (DUT)

nGAP Scholar NN Patala, BCom (Hons), (Univen)

Business Management: Associate Professor *R Shambare, Assoc in Sci (Reinhardt), PDip (Zim), M-Tech & D-Tech (TUT)

Senior Lecturer Vacant

Lecturers NT Khohomela, BCom (Hons) & UED (Univen), Cert in CSM, Cert in BBF (Unisa), MBA (Regent Business School)

TR Musetsho, BCom (Hons), Dip Ed Mngt, UED (Univen), MBA (UL)


TR Netshilinganedza, BA (Hons), BCom (Hons), MBL (Unisa), Dip in Ed Mngt, JSTC (VECO)

LG Nkondo, BCom (Hons) (Univen), MBA (North West), HED (Unisa), PhD (Univen)

NG Ramavhona, BA, (Hons), MA, UED (Univen)

S Zindiye, BCom (Hons), MCom (UFH)

Economics: Professor Vacant

Senior Lecturer *G Dafuleya, BSc (Hons), MSc (Eco) (Zim), PhD (Eco) (UJ) Lecturers MA Dagume, STD (Veco), BEd (Unisa), BA (Hons) (Univen), Ma in Eco (UJ),

PhD (Eco) (Univen)

L Jeke, BCom (Eco & Mgt) (UFH), BCom Hons (Eco) (UCT), Mcom (Eco) (UFH), DCom (Eco) (UHF).

AR Khangale, BSc, BCom (Hons) (Univen) EN Molatsana, SSTC (Setotolwane), BCom (Unisa), BCom (Hons) & MCom (UP)

AI Nemushungwa, BCom (Hons) & UED (Univen), MCom (UJ)

NL Ramavhona, BAEd (Univen), BCom (Hons) (UCT), MAP Cert (Wits), Cert CPBPM (Wits), MBL (Unisa)

Z Nyamazunzu, Bcom (Hons), MCom (Fort Hare) Junior Lecturers F Sikhitha, BA (Hons) & UED (Univen)

RV Mudzanani, BCom (Hons) (Univen) TW Munzhelele, BA, UED & BA (Hons) (Univen)

Extended Programme: Senior Lecturer *RF Mashamba, BCom, BEd (UL), BCom (Hons) (Univen), MBA (Georgia State),

HED (UL) & PG Dip in HE (Rhodes) Lecturer Vacant

Junior Lecturer A Khosa, BA (UWC), PGD in Mgmt (HR) (UCT), Dip in Marketing (DHET),

MBA (UNISA) NM Nndwamato, STD (VECO), BA & BA (Hons) (Univen), MA (Univen)

O Sinthumule, BCom (Hons) (Univen)

Human Resources Management and Labour Relations

Associate Professor SS Babalola, BSc Hon (Nigeria); MSc, PhD (Ibadan, Nigeria) Senior Lecturer Vacant

Lecturers K Khashane, BCom (Hons) & UED (Univen), Cert in BM (Potch), MAdmin (UL) H Ngirande, BSoc (Hons) & MCom (UFH)

J Palo, BA Hons (UP), MA & PhD (NWU) Teaching Assistant Vacant

Public and Development Administration Professor *MJ Mafunisa, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MAdmin & DAdmin (UP), Cert in the

Protection of Human Rights (IIAP, France) NJ Vermaak, BA (Hons) & MA (UJ), PhD (Unisa)

Lecturers J Fourie, BA (Hons) (UJ)

E Mahole, BAdmin (Hons) & MAdmin (Univen) MM Nekhavhambe, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MPA (UP)

MJ Sethu, BA (Hons) & MPA (UP) MT Silima, BAdmin, DIPPA (Univen), BAdmin Hon (UL), MA (UJ)

Junior Lecturer TM Mabitsela, BAdmin (Hons) (UL)

Tourism and Hospitality Management

Senior Lecturer *T Nethengwe, Cert in Basics of TQM, ND (Natal), B-Tech (VUT), PGD (Natal), MSc (Wageningen)


Lecturers M Mokabe, BA (NWU), B-Tech & M-Tech (TUT) FH Sumbana, BA (Hons) (Univen), MA (UJ), MBA (University of Luton and

Regent College in SA) Junior Lecturers RS Khashane, Dip & B-Tech (DUT), PGCE (Unisa)

M Manuga, NDip & B-Tech (VUT)

M Nkuna, NDip & B-Tech (CPUT) MM Segooa, BCom (Hons) (Univen)


OR Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies Associate Professors Vacant

N Nkuna, BAdmin (UL), MPA (UP), PhD (UL)



Deputy Dean : S Moyo, MSc (Moscow, USSR), PhD (BRUNEL, UK) Executive Secretary : GC Mushiana

School Administrator : LD Dongola, BA (Hons) (Univen)

Academic School Admin : Vacant Typist/Clerk : MB Mantshimuli


Research Professors : PO Bessong, PhD (Univen), Postdoc (VIRGINIA, USA)

NRF SARChi Chair : P Taylor, PhD (UKZN)

Adjunct Professors : T van Ree, DSc (UP)

Emmeritus Professors : L Mammino, MSc (PISA, ITALY), PhD (Moscow, USSR)

ACADEMIC STAFF MEMBERS: (Heads of Departments are indicated by means of an asterisk*)

Biochemistry Department

Professors : *A Shonhai, BSc (Hons) (NUST), PhD (Rhodes) Senior Lecturer : NE Madala, BSc (Univen), Hons, MSc, DPhil (UJ)

Lecturers : B van Driessel, MSc (UFS), PhD (UFS)

: L Mathomu MSc (Unisa) Junior Lecturers : A Burger, BSc (Hons) (UP), PhD (Rhodes)

Lab Technicians : DC Mmboyi, BSc (Hons) (Univen) : C Ndou, BSc (Hons) (Univen)

Botany Department Associate Professors : *MP Tshisikhawe, BSc (Hons), MSc (UNIVEN), PhD (UP), PGDipHE

(Rhodes) Senior Lecturers : MH Ligavha-Mbelengwa, BSc (Hons), BEd (Univen), MSc (UCT)

UED, SABUFSEP (North Carolina A&T State University, USA)

: NA Masevhe, BA, BSc (Hons), UED, MSc (Univen), PhD (UP) Lecturers : RT Tshivhandekano, B.Sc (Univen), BSc (Hons), MSc (UCT),

M.Env.Man (PU for CHE) : LI Ramovha, BSc (Unin), BSc (Hons) (Univen), MSc (UP), HED

(Postgrad) (Unisa) PhD (UP) : N Swelankomo BSc (Hons) (UNITRA), MSc (US)

Lab Technicians : MP Legodi, BSc (Hons) (Unin), MSc (UL)

Computer Science and Information Systems Department

Senior Lecturers : C Chibaya BSc (CUBA), MSc (NUST, ZIMBABWE), PG Dip (CHE) (RU), PhD (Rhodes)

Lecturers : G Dzawo, BSc, MSc (NUST, ZIMBABWE); PG Dip (CHE) (RU)

: *N Soganile, BSc (CUBA), MSc (NUST, ZIMBABWE), PG Dip (CHE) (RU)

: B Moyo, BSc (CUBA), MSc (NUST, ZIMBABWE) : K Madzima, BSc (CUBA), MSc (NUST, ZIMBABWE), PG Dip (CHE)


Chemistry Department

Associate Professors : IDI Ramaite, BSc (Hons) (Univen), PhD (Rhodes), PrChem SA Senior Lecturers : *SS Mnyakeni-Moleele, BSc (Hons), PhD (WITS), PrChem SA

: MA Legodi, BSc (UCT), BSc (Hons) (Unin), PhD (UP), PrChem SA Lecturers : LR Puka, BSc, BSc (Hons) (VISTA), MSc (RAU)

: TE Ramurafhi, MSc (MEDUNSA)

: LC Murulana, BSc (Univen), BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (NWU), PrChem SA

: E Batisai, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (SU)


: N Tavengwa PhD (WITS), PrChem SA Senior Lab Technicians : FB Mutshaeni, BSc Hons (Univen) PrChem SA

Lab Technicians : NR Maseko, BSc (WITS) NMR Operators : P Pandelani, BSc (Hons)(Unin)

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department Professors : S Shateyi, BSc (Hons), MSc, DPhil (UZ)

: W Garira, BSc (UZ), MSc (UK), PhD (London) Senior Lecturers : *S Moyo, MSc (USSR), PhD (Brunel University, UK)

: JC Ndogmo, PhD (University of Montreal, Canada), DEA, (Louis Pasteur Of Strasbourg University, France)

Lecturers : MA Luruli, BSc (Georgia State University, USA), MSc (CLAR

ATLANTA), (USA) : FS Netshapala, BSc (Ed), BSc (Hons) (Univen), MSc (UP)

: RM Mukhodobwane, BA (Hons) (Univen), HED, B.ED (Unisa), MSc (Univen)

: D Mathebula, BSc (Hons) (Univen), MSc (US)

: M Mohlala, BSc (Hons) (KZN), MSc, DPhil (Howard University) : AD Maphiri, BA, BSc (MSc) (Univen), PGDE

: A Manthada, BSc, (Hons) (Univen), PGDE, MSc (Univen) : NJ Netshiozwi, BSc (Hons) (Univen)

: N Mphephu, BSc Hons (Univen) MSc (UP) : IR Makgatho, BSc (Hons)(Unisa), Business and Administration

(Hons) (Stellenbosch), MSc, HED (Limpopo)

: TL Kubjana, MSc (UWC) : VT Makhoshi BSc, (Hons), UED, MSc (Univen)

: N Mukwevho BSc Hons (Univen)

Microbiology Department

Professors : N Potgieter, BSc (RAU), MSc (UP), PhD (UP) Associate Professors : A Samie, BSc (Hons), MSc (Yaoundé), PhD (Univen)

: *AN Traore, MSc (RAU), PhD (UJ) Senior Lecturers : ME Musie, BSc (Wits), BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (Univen)

Lecturers : J Kabue-Ngandu MSC (US)

: MT Sigidi BSc (Hons) (UKZN) MSc, PhD (Univen) Lab Technicians : M Magwalivha, BSc (Hons) (Univen), MSc (UP)

Physics Department

Professors : Vacant Senior Lecturers : JK Kirui, BSc (Hons) (Nairobi), MSc (British Columbia), PhD


: *NE Maluta, BSc (Hons) (Unin), MSc (Univen), PhD (Bath University), (UK)

: D Tinarwo, Lic. Ed (PHY)(JOSE’ VARONA, CUBA) BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc (Zimbabwe), PhD.Ing (Germany)

Lecturers : L Jhamba, BSc (Hons), BEd, MSc, MScEd (UZ) PhD (Wits)

: F Nemangwele, BSc (Univen), BSc (Hons), MSc (UWC) : TS Mulaudzi, BSc.Ed, BSc (Hons), MSc (Univen)

Senior Lab Technicians : TS Ravhengani, MSc (Univen) Lab Technicians : TT Khedzi, BSc Hons (Univen)

: S Mathebe Bsc (Hons) (Univen) Science Foundation Department

Professors : *S Shateyi, BSc (Hons) (NUST), MSc, DPhil (UZ)

Lecturers : RS Pearce, MSc (UWC) : MS Mulaudzi, BSc (Hons), MSc (Univen)

: GM Mokganya, MSc (Univen) : M Mbodila, BSc (Hons) (FHU), MSc (UNW), PGDip in HE T&L (SU)


: VM Nekhubvi, BSc (Hons), MSc (Univen) : FR Mukiwa, BA (Hons) (MSU); MA (UKZN), DipEd (UZ).

Statistics Department

Professors : Vacant

Associate Professors : Vacant Senior Lecturers : *A Bere, BSc (Hons), MSc (Zimbabwe), PhD (UWC)

KA Kyei, BSc (Hons), PGD (Ghana), DD, MD, (UCL, LOUVAIN-

LA-NEUVE, Belgium), PhD (UP) : C Sigauke, BEd, MSc (Zimbabwe), PhD (UFS)

Lecturers : TB Mulaudzi, BSc (Hons) (Unin), MSc (Univen)

: TH Tshisikhawe, BSc (Hons), MSc (Univen)

Zoology Department Professors : Y Moodley PhD (UCT)

: SH Foord, PhD (UP)

Associate Professors : *IEJ Barnhoorn PhD (UJ), Postdoc (UP) Senior Lecturers : L Swanepoel, PhD (UP)

Lecturers : CS Schoeman, MSc (US) : AJ Ramunasi, BSc (Hons) (Univen), MSc (UP)

: J Madonsela, MSc (UDW) : H Roux, MSc (UJ)

: HE Munzhelele, MSc (Univen)

Chief Lab Technician : K Magwede, BA, UED, MSc (Univen) Lab Technicians : MG Phaphana, BA, UED (Univen)




Vice-Chancellor and Principal NB Nthambeleni, BA (Hons) (Durban-Westville),

MA (RAU), D Litt et Phil (UJ)

Executive Assistant ME Munano, N.Dip. Com. Admin (TSA), B.Tech,

MTech (Unisa)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic JE Crafford, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (UP)

Personal Assistant Vacant

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Operations PL Martin, BAdmin (Unisa), MBA (ICM), DPhil (UP) Personal Assistant MS Mudalahothe, N.Dip. Com. Admin. (TSA), B.Tech.



Director Vacant

Internal Audit Assistant A Marindili, BCom (Univen)

Risk Officer TA Sibiya, BCom (UL)

LEGAL SERVICES Director NE Lambani, BProc (Unizul), LLB (Univen), LLM

(WITS), Adv Dip in Company Law, Dip in Close Corporation (RAU)

Executive Secretary Adv. IM Netangaheni, BIuris, LLB, (Hons) RDV

(Univen), LLM (UL) Labour Relations Manager AE Nemukula, LLB, (Univen) LLM (UP)

Student Discipline Officer T Mphephu, LLB (Univen) Legal Officer SN Lubisi, LLB (UL)


Director (acting) OS Obadire, PhDRDV (Univen)

Chief Administrative Officer N Ntakana, NDipl, BTech (Boarder Tech)

International Student Administrator HV Sithagu, BAIR (Hons) (Univen)

SM Sathekge; BA (UL)


University Registrar AE Nesamvuni B.SC (Agric) (Natal), B.SC (Agric.)

(Hons) MSC. Agric. (Fort Hare), PhD (Oklahoma

State), MBA


Executive Secretary W Tshivhenga, N.Dip Com. Practice (UNISA), BBA



Head: N Ngangani; BPAED (FH); Postg Dipl (UKZN), BEd

(Hons) (Univen)

Archives TL Bele, ND (TNG), BA (Hons) (Unisa)


Deputy Registrar (acting) M Ligudu, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MBA (Mancosa)

Post.Grad., NDBB (Unisa)

Executive Secretary M Holeni, Dip (Bus. Admin.)(Sultan Tech.)



Hemis Officer (acting) Z Fana, NDip in IT (WSU)

Assistant Hemis Officer Z Fana, NDip in IT (WSU)


Assistant Registrar M Ligudu, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MBA (Mancosa)

Post.Grad. NDBB (Unisa)

Chief Admissions Officer AS Ugoda, N.Dip.Com. Practice (TNG)

School Administrators DL Dongola, BA (Hons) (Univen)

MP Khakhu, BA (Univen), HED

MN Mabidi, BA (Unisa), Masters Dip.HRM (Rau)

MM Maboho, BCom (Univen)

TA Mmbadi, BAdmin (Hons), MPM (Univen)

MR Tshikomba, BA (Hons), Dip. In Adv.Bus. Comm.


GM Tshimange, N.Dip MNGT (Unisa)

A Thovhogi, BA (Univen)

Senior Admin Officers A Bugane, Dip in Management (SBS)

M J Netshidzivhe, BA, (Univen), BEHGEO (Univen)


Admin Officer M Masia, BA (Univen)

Typists Vacant

Student Admin Clerks TG Nefale, Dip. Infor. Tech. (OICE)

K Neluvhalani, BCom (Hons) (Univen)

A Mathelemusa, BA (Hons) (Univen)


Chief Clerk OM Ramaboe

Clerks FC Mulidzi

NA Muthevhuli

Cards/CUP/ (Matriculation Exemptions) AS Manenzhe


Chief Clerk AE Shavhani

Clerk B Madzivhandila, BEnvSc (Univen)

F Kwinda, BEnvSc (Univen)


Assistant Registrar (acting) Mr A. Mulaudzi, BAdmin (Hons) (Unisa)


Chief Exams Officer A Mulaudzi, BAdmin (Hons) (Unisa)

Senior Admin Officer IN Mukondeleli, NDip PMngt (Unisa)

Admin Officer GT Shitlhavani, BCom (UL)

Senior Clerk NR Netshisumbela, BA (Hons) (Unisa)

MM Nemavhola, ND in HRM (Vhembe FET)

Clerks AR Mudau, Dip in Comp (Vhembe FET), BBA (SBS)

LP Matidze

NS Mafukata

Postal Services

Clerks Grade II C Ravhutsi

NR Mani

Assistant Clerks AS Nemudzivhadi


TI Mulaudzi

Printing Services

Senior Admin Officer TM Ralineba, Dip in Mngt, (SBS)

Clerks Grade I TF Ratshitanga

NB Mahada, BA (Univen)

A Ngobeni, N.Dip (Public Mngt)

Assistant Clerks WM Mufamadi

MF Gwangwa


Director TV Dzaga; Dippa, BAdmin (Hons), MPM (Univen)

Executive Secretary FV Nonge, N.Dip.Mngt.Ass. (Dept.Edu)

Head Vacant

Operational Manager LR Kone, BA (Univen), BA (Hons), (Unisa), MA (UP),

D.Ed. (Univen)

Senior Secretary TR Muthadzwi, Dip.WDM (Univen), Adv. Dip (Mngt),

BBA (Hons) (SBS)

Admin Officer TJ Thabo, BA (FS)

Functions and Visitors Officer TG Cibi, BA (Univen)

Media/ Publications Officer W Mabogo; BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), Mphil. (UP)

Assistant Media and Publications Officer LP Mashishi, BA (UL)

Convocation & Alumni Officer ML Ramaleba, BAEd (Univen), FDE (UJ)

Media/Broadcasting Officer T Shirinda; N.Dipl Public Relations Mngt (UJ)

Assistant Media and Sound Broadcaster J Shipalana, BA (Univen)

Development Officer Corporates Vacant

Schools Liaison Officer TP Nyelisani, BA (Hons) (Univen) MBA (UP)

Assistant Schools Liaison Officer Lebopa, BA (Univen)

Website Content Officer M Masisi, BSc (IT) (FS), BSc (Hons) (Univen)

Chef ER Ndou

Assistant Chef NG Nemanashi

Waiter RM Mathibeli

Assistant Waiter TL Mufamadi

Tea Ladies TG Madzivhandila

ME Mphuma


Director: Institutional Planning

& Quality Assurance Vacant

Executive Secretary MR Nelwamondo, Adv.Dip in Mangt (SBS), BTech.


Head: Mngt Info Systems Specialist Vacant

Assistant Mngt Information Systems ST Mofokeni, ND, BTech in IT (CUT)

Institutional Performance Reporting NK Shaku, BA, Hons (UL)

Institutional Planning Officer M Mabaso, BIS, Hons (UP), Postg Dip (Stellenbosch)

Head: Quality Assurance LP Netshifhefhe, BEcon (Univen), PTQM (Unisa)

Chief Administrative Officer T Singo, BAdmin, MPM, PhD (Univen)

Planning Officers L Baloyi, B.Econ (Univen)

ME Thagwana, BAgric (Univen), PTQM (Unisa)



Head PJ Thokolo, B.Proc (Univen)

Typist/Clerk TG Tshishonga


Head: Committee Section MA Lewis, B.Tech (TSA), MBA (Mancosa)

Secretary R Khakhu, Dip. NRM (Univen), N. Dip. OM (Unisa)

Chief Admin Officers NC Rampheri, BA (Hons); PDM (Wits)

K Mashila, BAEd (Univen), BED (UJ), BA Hons


Senior Admin Officer NV Goliada, BA. Crm, BA (Hons) (Univen), PGDHLM,

MA (Univen)

Chief Clerk M Netshilema, ND in Marketing (TUT)

Typist/Clerk J Makhwedzha


Director LG Tshikhudo, BA(Hons) (Univen), PDM (Unisa),

MBA (Regenesys Business School)

Executive Secretary TBD Siwada, ND (TUT)

Administrative Officer E Mashavhanduna, BA, UED (Univen).

Student Accommodation

Head LW Charlie, Dip (Mango. Tech), B.Tech (Unisa)

Hostel Superintendents NS Phungo, BA, PGDHLM, PGCE (Univen)

Warden B Tshivhenga, ENVSC (Univen)

ND Muvhango, BA (Univen)

M Mbatha, ND, BTech (DUT)

AE Fungisani, BAEd, (Hons) (UL)

Student Governance:

Head: Vacant

Senior Administrative Officer KF Nevumbani, BCom (Univen)

Clerk/Typist (SRC) MF Mutavhatsindi

Driver PR Ramutanda

Messenger NS Mabidi, BAdmin(Univen)

Sport and Recreation

Head Vacant

Sport Officer PM Thaba, BSc (Hons) (Univen)

Sports Officer: Leisure & Creation JAM Mogashoa, ND. BTech (TUT)

Sports Administrator NP Mugwedi, BSc (Univen), MBA (Midrand)

Sports Officer: Competitive Sports MMW Louw BA, Hons, PostgDip (UP)

Administrative Officer TC Tshivhula, Dip (SBS)

Assistant Office Administrator L Miza, BA, Hons, PostgDip (FH)

Campus Health Services

Head MWF Mashau, BCur (Hons) (Unisa), M.Cur (Univen)

Typist/Clerk MJ Mbobvu

Senior Professional Nurse TE Dongola, B.Cur (Hons) (Unisa)

Professional Nurse MJ Muthambi, BA Nursing (Unisa)

J Neluheni, BA Nursing (Univen), Adv Dip in Health

Studies (Unisa)



HIV/AIDS Programme Asst. MM Hlungwani, Dip Gen Nursing (Gazankulu Nurs.

Coll), AdvDip Forens. Nurs. (Free State)

Health Promoter ML Maja

Emergency Medical Services

Paramedic/Driver TH Mulaudzi, BAA (PEC)

MS Mulangaphuma, BAA (PEC)

TI Sibilanga, Dipl in Safety Mng (Oxbridge), AEA

(MAC), BAA (City of JHB)


Director HN Mutshaeni, BA (Univen), BEd (Unisa) MEd

(Univen) DPhill (Pret)

Chief Admin Officer NP Lavhelani, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MADEV

(NW), PhD (FH)

Secretary N Mathase, BAIR (Univen)

Receptionist M Mpande

Academic Development Unit Head: Academic Development Vacant

Education Dev. Practitioner: LM Masehela, BA (UNIN), BA (Hons) UWC), MA

(RAU), DPhil (Rhodes)

TR Seaba, MTech (BIS)

TD Sikhwari, B.Ed (UP), MEd (Unisa), DPhil (UJ)

MWH Xazela, BSc (Hons), MCom (Fort Hare)

BG Ndawonde, BSc (Hons), MEd, DPhil (Zululand)

Disability Unit

Head TR Mbuvha, BA Hons (Univen), MA (Unisa), SPTC


Student Counsellor TG Dama, BA (Hons) (Univen) M.Ed (KZN)

TC Matodzi, BA (Univen); BEd (Unisa); MA (Univen)

M.C Takalani, BA (Hons), MA (UL)

Material Prod. Tech. Practitioner AM Gadisi, BA.Ed, MPM (Univen), EBEC (Optima

College), (Unisa)

Senior Clerk AO Sirwali, BA (Univen)

Student Counselling and Career Development Unit

Head: Vacant

Student Councillors LV Mathye, BCur (Unisa), BA (Unin), M.Ed, PhD


TD Sikhwari, J.S.T.C. (VECO), BA (Univen) B.Ed.

(UP), FDE (RAU), MEd (Unisa), PhD (UJ)


Director GIE Ekosse, HED, PDP, MA, MTech (Wits), DPhil



Executive Secretary HC Nemudzudzanyi, N.Dip in Acc & Comp. Practice

(GTC), N.Dip in Office Mngt, Adv.Dip. in Office Mngt


Research Coordinator ON Sotshangane, BA, Hons, MA, DEd (WSU)

Research Officer KS Sekhula, BSc, Hons (UL) DPhil (UL)

Research Admin Coordinator NJ Sigama MSc (Pretoria)

Research Officers KS Sekhula, DPhil (UL)

LP Nemaangani, MSc (UP)

WM Nemphagane, BSc, Hons (Univen)

ML Tshikosi, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen)

Research Assistant MV Khoza, BSc. (UL)

WM Sekgota, BSc (Hons) (Univen), BSc (Hons) (WC)

LG Mavhandu, MSc (Univen)

Postgraduate officers KL Mashavhathakha, B.Agric (Univen), MSc (Unisa)

MA Aphane, BA (Hons), MDev (UL)

Accounts Officer B Mpukwana, BCom (WSU)

Admin Officer KJ Molepo, BSc (UL), MSc (WSU)

Technology Transfer Assistant IT Morena, BCom (UL)

Grant Administration Officer SL Lesufi, BCom (Unisa)


Director MT Mulaudzi, BBibl (Hons) (Unin), MPA (Pret),


Executive Secretary vacant

Library Assistant MM Raphasha, BA (Univen)

Technical Services

Head MIG Mashamba, BBibl (Hons) (Unin), PG Dip. Inf.


IT Technician VP Nengovhela, BTech in IT (London School of


Acquisitions Section

Chief Library Assistant RE Sadiki

Library Assistants TH Ravhutsi

MP Ramabulana, Dip (Oxbridge)

Periodicals Section

Assistant Librarian SG Nndwakhulu, BIS, Hons (UL) Senior Library Assistant LM Makhavhu, N.Dip. Lib. Science, (Gender Studies)

(Hons) (Univen)

Library Assistant J Tshamano,

SI Baloyi

Cataloguing Section

Librarian NK Malabi, BA (Univen), H.D. Inf. (Unin),

Assistant Librarian ZG Siaga, N.Dip, B.Tech (Tech. SA)

CM Mutsila, Sch. Lib. & Media Scie (CCT; Teacher’s

Dipl (TCE), N.Dip. Lib. Inf. Practice (TSA), B.Tech.


Library Assistant MD Raulinga

TO Makahane

Reference Services

Head TA Matodzi, BBibl (Hons) (Unizulu), MPA (UP),



Law Library

Assistant Librarian MT Ramabina, BA Law, PG Dip. In Lib. Scie (UCT)

Senior Library Assistant DM Makhura, BA (Unisa)

Library Assistant HF Marwala

Special Collections

Librarian SM Hlabangwane, BA (Univen), BA (Hons) (UP)

Chief Library Assistant KM Mphidi, BAIR (Hons) (Univen)

Library Assistant LP Mudau, Dip Mngt. Stud. (SBS)

Subject Reference

Subject Assistant Librarian NP Mahwasane, SPTD (Tshisimani), BBibl (UNISA),

M Inf (Unisa)

AI Mokwebo

User Services

Head TV Nemalili, BA (Univen), HDL (Unin), UED,

MPM (Univen)

Library Commons

Information Literacy Librarian F Mavhunduse, BInf (Hons) (NUTS), Postgra Dip


Information Librarian JK Mahlangu

Chief Library Assistant (General Reference) AS Ndou, Dip Records Mngt, BBA (SBS)

Circulation Section

Circulation Librarian TP Tlakula, ND Lib and Info Service (ML ST)

Library Assistant RL Mabogo

Main Issue Desk

Senior Library Assistant NC Muvhango

ME Matibe

Reserve Collection

Library Assistants MA Ntshauba,

LG Tshipetane

MN Pandelani

Inter-Library Loans

Library Assistant MB Malima, DIPMR, (Univen), Dip in Mngt (SBS)


Chief Library Assistant SL Mtshali, BCom (Unisa), Dip in Inf Studies (UL)

Library Assistant MJ Mudzunga

LA Segudu

TD Mkhize, N.Dipl (DUT)

AT Bangani, N.Dip (DUT)

T.I Davhana

Media Centre

Library Assistant NM Mulaudzi


Library Assistant Vacant



Director VO Netshandama, RN (SANC), M.Cur (Unisa), D.Cur


Community Engagement Officer NI Nemadodzi, BAdmin (Hons) (Univen)


Director Mr MS Khoza, BA (Vista), BA (Hons), MA

(Information Technology) (UP)

Executive Secretary HV Nemavhola

Head Support Services NT Ratshitanga, BSc (Hons) (Unin) HED, MPM


Head: System Operations TU Thantsa, ND, BTECh in IT (TUT)

Senior Helpdesk & Training

Officer RB Mulovhedzi, BSc (Unin),

Helpdesk & Training Officer N Nkhumeleni, N.Dipl. Engineering Computer System


Training Officer T Njaba, N.Dip: IT (DUT), BTech (WSU)

Technician KAL Ramoba, BTech (Edexcel), BSc ((Greenwich)

IT Technician (Computer Laboratory) MF Matsaung, N.Dip (TUT)

TE Raphasha, Dip IT (PC Training)

SJ Maluleke, BSc (UP)

Audio-Visual Technician Vacant

Senior System Analyst and Developer TG Tharage, N.Dip IT (TUT)

Head: Network Support vacant

Senior Network Administrator WE Baloyi, STD (TNT), BSc (Natal)

Network Administrator MJ Thosago, BSc (UL)

Network Administrator: Vacant

System Support Officer T Tshikororo, N.Dip IT (TUT)

Support Officer VP Nengovhela, Dip IT (London School of Bus. Mngt)

Server Administrator Vacant

Business Support System Administrator RE Mukosi, BCom IT Mngt (Mancosa), Dip in IT


Online Technologist M Masia, BSc, Hons (UL)


Switchboard Operators LT Madilonga, Dip Management (SBS)

AL Khwashaba

JA Mutenda, Dip Management, BBA (SBS)

Technician NV Ndou, N.Dip (Boston College), Dipl in HR

(Exbridge Academy)


Director NR Mgobo, BCom (UFH), BCom (Hons) Acc Science


Executive Secretary RC Phaswana, BBA (SBS)

Financial Services

Finance Manager Income TP Ramulondi, BCom(Univen), BCom (Hons) (Unisa)

Finance Manager: expenditure MA Faulmann, BCom, MABA

Accountant Foundation: TE Maphangwa, BCom (Univen)

Accountant Debtors T Tshivhase, BCom (Univen)


Management Accountant MMP Sebetso, BCom (Hons) (Unisa)

Credit Controller: A Mbuvha BAdmin (Univen)

Cashier T Maraganedzha

Assistant Accountant: Cashbook and

Investment: M Molefe

Accountant Creditor ME Manari (Dippa), BAdmin (Univen)

Assistant Accountants M Dau, N.Dip (Fin. Mngt) (Techniven)

NR Netshinombelo

Clerks P Fhedzisani, Dip in Acc (Oxbridge)

TS Radzilani

NE Singo, BCom (Univen)

Accountant Payroll NG Dzivhani, BCom (Univen)

Assistant Accountants Payroll RM Mbelengwa, BCom (Hons), UED (Univen)

E Radali, BCom (Univen)

MM Choeu, Dip. Fin. Mngt. (Damelin)

Financial Aid, Management Accounting and Reporting

Head Financial Aid, Management Account &

Reporting B Ngobeni, BCom (Hons) (Unisa)

Manager vacant

Accountant vacant

Assistant Accountants vacant

L Sinthumule, BCom (Univen)

Clerks MP Mashau

Administration Assistant A Rambwa, BCom (Univen)

P Tshikalange

FS Mudau, ND (Germiston Tech College), PGD (VUT)

Assistant Project Accountant KE Ramabubuda, BCom (Hons) (Univen)

Accountant, Budgeting, Reporting

and Systems TC Mulaudzi, BCom (Univen)

Accountant General Ledger: MS Munyai, BCom (Univen)

Accountant Projects T Ndou, (BCom) (Univen)

Supply Chain Management

Head: XCS Ben-Mazwi, BCom (Hons)(Unisa)

Manager: Logistics Vacant

Buyers JV Raswiswi, BA, UED, MPM (Univen)

TB Nemudzivhadi, N.Dip: Purchasing Mngt (TNT)

HI Mbvimbi, BTech in Public Mngt (Tech FS)

Chief of Stores & Admin Officer P Tshanwakani, BBA (Hons) (SBS)

Storeman C Mugwedi, ND, BTech in Logistics (VUT)

Dispatch Clerks TE Nesamvuni JM Manena

NE Manena, Dip in Mngt (SBS)

Labourers: Ms A Mabogo Receiving Clerk MJ Masithulela

Typist ME Singo

Procurement Officers M Muneri, ND, BTech in Logistics (TUT)

OS Mutshelwa, ND, BTech in Logistics (VUT)

Chief Demand &Acquisition Officer A Mudzwari, ND in Logistics (VUT)

Chief Transport Officer: MR Miyen, Dip in Trans Mngt (RAU)

Transport Officer: HP Mushiana, Diploma in Road Transport Fleet

Management (UJ)


Drivers: K Mulaudzi

KS Mashava

TP Mudologi

MT Mafune

MD Ramantswana

TL Magadani

MM Mabogo

TD Kwinda

AD Madzunye

Labourers PR Netshitongwe

Mechanic: TJ Maeba

Chief Assets Officer MA Ramasimu Dip in Mngt, BBA, (Hons) (SBS)

Assistant Assets Officer

Clerks M Rathogwa, BCom (Univen)

T Bale, BCom (Univen)

Labourers VMP Ndadza, N.Dip.Logistics (VUT)

LG Ratshirumbi


Director Mrs U. Ndou, BA (Hons) (UP), MA (NW)

Executive Secretary MD Magau, N.Dip.Com. Practice (TNG); BTech.



Head (acting) LM Mariba, B.Tech (Unisa)

Training and Development Practitioner LM Mariba, B.Tech (Unisa)

Typist TV Netshituni


Head NV Sigama, Dip (TUT), B.Tech (TSA)

Recruitment Specialist PD Mapholi, BCom (Hons), UED (Univen)

Adv. Dip Mngt (SBS)

Human Resources Practitioners TA Ramabulana, Dip.HRM, Adv. Dip Mngt (SBS)

RR Mbedzi, ND: HRM, BTech: HRM (VUT)

N.W Mthonti, ND, BTech (DUT)

P Masiagwala, BAdmin (Univen)

T Tshidada, BCom (Univen)

Senior Clerk N Madzunye, ND in HRM (VUT)

Remuneration & Benefits Specialist NH Makhuvha, B.Admin (Hons) (Univen)

HR Practitioners TM Tambani, NDip (HRM) (Dept of Edu), Dip Crim

Just. (UJ)

L.V Lukhwareni, Dip (HRM), BTech (Bus Mngt (VUT)

A Kutame, ND: HRM, (DET)

Typist/Clerk IE Radzilani

Filing Clerk LE Phaswana, BCom (Univen)


Director Magadani AA, ND (TNG), BTech (Pret Tech)

Executive Secretary TP Nengovhela



Head: Infrastructure Maintenance: TR Phosiwa, NDip Arch. Tech (ML Sultan), BTech


Maintenance Supervisors RP Mammba, NDip (DET)

MK Masiagwala. NDip. (VUT)

NG Dama, NDip (DET)

SG Mthombeni, NDip (DET); Dip (SBS)

Head: Physical Planning NW Masiagwala, BAdmin (Unin), BCom (Hons)

(Univen), Dip. Project Man (Ex Edu), MBA (Newport),

ND.Dip.Real.Est (TSA), MSc (Pret)

Head: Project Management Unit K.R. Tshitangano, NDip Building (TUT)

Electrical Engineer TV Raphalalani, BSc. Engineering (Electrical), MSc in

Engineering (UDW)

Civil Engineer RM Ramurafhi, ND (TUT), BTech in Civil Eng (Unisa)


Electricians NR Nelwalani

Carpenters NT Mahasa

JS Nthambeleni

Welding Artisans TSO Mathoho

MO Mbedzi

Bricklaying Artisan NA Mutoti

Air-conditioning Artisans J Dama


Grounds Maintenance TE Nemuhuyuni, Dip. Agric (Tompi-Seleka),

BAdmin (Hons) (Univen).

NT Raedani, Dip. Agric (Tompi-Seleka)


Cleaning Vacant


Director A Mukheli, BA (Hons) (Univen), LLB (Unisa), MPhill

MPA (Western Cape),

Executive Secretary CN Naledzani, NDip (TUT)

Head Security

Investigation Officer NS Mathanya, NDip Policing (TSA)

Safety Officer AE Ndou, Dip (UNISA), BA (UNIVEN)

TB Makananise, BEnv (Univen)

CCTV & Alarm Operator MM Maswabela


Director MJ Mudau, BASW (Univen), MASW (UP), PhD


Personal Assistant KJ Ligege, ND in Commerce (Tech SA)

Head TK Takalani, BA (Univen), BInstAgrar, MInstAgrar (UP), STD (VECO), PhD (Univen

Admin Officer M Singo, BA, (Hons) (Rural Dev) (Univen)



School Colours:

School of Agriculture, Rural Development and Forestry - Apple Green School of Education – Neyron Rose

School of Environmental Sciences - Peacock Green School of Health Sciences - Ruby

School of Human and Social Sciences - Post Office Red/Nevron Rose

School of Law - Heliotrope School of Management Sciences and Law - Rust Brown/Heliotrope

School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences - Adonis Blue

Colours Indicating Areas of specialisation:

Administration - White

Criminal Justice - Old Gold Honours - Silver

Juris - Heliotrope Music - Honey bird

Nursing Science - Ruby

Procurationis Degree - Medici Crimson Religious Studies - Royal Purple

Theology - Violet Social Work - Yellow


BA - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon

BA (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded

ribbon in centre of School colour

MA - Cherry red hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon

PhD – Union Jack Red hood with Stewart blue corded ribbon

BA (Criminal Justice) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm old

gold corded ribbon edging

BA (Hons) (Criminal Justice) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in centre of School colour and 12.5 mm gold corded ribbon edging.

MA (Criminal Justice) - Cherry red hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm gold corded ribbon edging

PhD (Criminal Justice) – Union Jack Red with Steward blue corded ribbon.

BA(Ed) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm neyron rose corded

ribbon edging.

BA(Ed) (Agric) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm apple green corded ribbon with

12.5 mm neyron rose corded ribbon edging BA (Law) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm heliotrope corded

ribbon edging.


BA (Music) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm Cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm honey bird corded ribbon edging.

BA (Music) (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm honey

bird corded ribbon edging with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in the centre of the School colour.

MA (Music) - Cherry red hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm honey bird

corded ribbon edging.

BA (RS) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm royal purple ribbon edging.

BA(RS)(Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm royal purple ribbon edging with 12.5 Silver Corded Ribbon in the Centre of the School colour.

MA (RS) - Cherry red hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 royal purple ribbon


PhD (RS) – Union Jack Red hood with Steward blue ribbon.

BA (Social Work) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm cherry red corded ribbon with 12.5 mm yellow

corded ribbon edging.

MA (Social Work) - Cherry red hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm yellow

corded ribbon edging.

BAdmin - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon with 12.5 mm white corded ribbon edging.

BAdmin (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon edging with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in centre of School colour and 12.5 mm white corded ribbon edging.

MAdmin - Rust brown hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm white corded

ribbon edging.

DAdmin – Union Jack Red hood with rust brown ribbon.

BAgric - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm apple green corded ribbon.

BCom - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon.

BCom (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in centre of School colour.

MCom - Rust brown hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon.

DCom – Union Jack Red hood rust brown ribbon

BCur. - Steward blue hood with 75 mm Ruby corded ribbon.

BSCNUT - Steward blue hood with 75mm ruby corded ribbon with 12.5mm orange corded ribbon edging

BCur (Prax Ext) - Steward blue hood with 75 mm ruby corded ribbon with 12.5 mm white corded

ribbon edging

HONCNT – Steward blue hood with 75mm ruby corded ribbon with 12.5mm orange ribbon edging with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in the centre of the school colour


BCur (Hons) - Steward blue hood with 75 mm ruby corded ribbon with 12.5 mm white corded ribbon edging with 12, 5 mm silver corded ribbon in centre of School colour.

BCur (Prax Ext) (Hons) - Steward blue hood with 75 mm ruby corded ribbon with silver ribbon

MCurationis - Ruby hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 white corded ribbon edging.

MSCPNT – Ruby hood with 75mm Steward blue corded ribbon with 12.5mm orange ribbon edging

MPH - Crushed strawberry pink hood with 75 mm Steward blue corded ribbon edging.

BECon - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple green corded ribbon edging.

BECon (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm rust brown corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple green

corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in the center of the School colour.

MECon - Rust brown hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple green corded

ribbon edging.

DECon – Union Jack Red hood with rust brown ribbon.

BSc (Env Sc) - Steward blue hood with 75 mm peacock green corded ribbon.

BESMEG - Steward Blue hood with 75mm Peacock Green corded ribbon with 12.3mm Cinnamon

corded ribbon edging

BESHWR – Steward Blue hood with 75mm Peacock Green corded ribbon with 12.5mm Calamine Blue

ribbon edging

BSc (Env Sc) (Hons) - Steward blue hood with 75 mm peacock green corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in the centre of the School colour.

M Env Sc - Peacock green hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon.

PhD – Union Jack Red hood with peacock green ribbon

BEd - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm neyron rose corded ribbon.

MEd - Neyron rose hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon.

DEd – Union Jack Red hood with neyron rose ribbon.

Blur - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm heliotrope corded ribbon

LLB (Undergraduate) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm Medici Crimson corded ribbon edging

LLB - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm heliotrope corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in the centre of the School colour.

LLM - Heliotrope hood with 75 mm empire blue corded ribbon.

LLD – Union Jack Red hood with heliotrope ribbon.

BProc - Stewart blue with 75 mm heliotrope corded ribbon with 12.5 mm medici crimson corded ribbon edging.


BSc - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm adonis blue corded ribbon.

BSc (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm adonis blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm silver corded

ribbon in centre of School colour.

MSc - Adonis blue hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon.

PhD – Union Jack Red hood with Adonis blue ribbon.

BSc (Agric) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm Adonis blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple green

corded ribbon edging.

BSc (Agric) (Hons) - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm Adonis blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple

green corded ribbon edging with 12.5 mm silver corded ribbon in centre of School colour.

MSc (Agric) - Adonis blue hood with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon with 12.5 mm apple green

corded ribbon edging.

PhD (Agric) – Union Jack Red hood with apple green ribbon.

BTh - Stewart blue hood with 75 mm violet corded ribbon

MTh - Violet corded ribbon with 75 mm Stewart blue corded ribbon.

DTh – Union Jack Red hood with Steward blue ribbon.


Bachelor's degrees - Black Oxford style gown. Mortar board bonnet with black tassle.

Bachelor (Hons) degrees - Black Oxford style gown. Mortar board bonnet with black tassle.

Master's degree - Black Oxford style gown. Mortar board bonnet with black tassle.

Doctoral degree - Plum coloured Stellenbosch style. Mortar board plum coloured piped and tassled in

School colour.

NOTICE TO GRADUATES REGARDING ACADEMIC DRESS Academic dress is compulsory for graduands at graduation ceremonies.


Dippenaar & Reinecke, 1127 Acardia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.






A. Undergraduate Admission Admission means approval to report for registration as a student of the University. Application for admission must be made online or on the prescribed form, which must be

accompanied by the following: (i) a testimonial of good conduct;

(ii) a Matriculation/NSC/NCV certificate or, if not

(iii) yet available, some form of proof that the prospective student complies with the necessary requirements for the degree for which s/he desire to register for

or a statement of last school symbol achieved; (iv) application fee -; non-refundable

(v) Copy of page 1 of Identity Document/Passport.

No person shall be admitted as a candidate for a degree unless he has obtained the NSC/NCV

/with an achievement rating of 4 and above and meeting the specified appropriate level of – APS Score subject achievement for that particular Qualification, Matriculation Certificate of

Higher Education South Africa (HESA), a certificate of exemption from the Matriculation examination as approved by UMALUSI. It may be required of a prospective student to pass an

entrance test before being granted permission to register. Alternatively, it may be required of

a student to take special modules in certain disciplines.

Appropriate prior learning in a specified area of study may also be recognised. The criteria to assess prior learning shall be determined by Senate.


A+ 7 90 - 100 9.0 - 10

A 7 80 - 89 8.0 – 8.9

B 6 70 - 79 7.0 - 7.9

C 5 60 - 69 6.0 – 6.9

D 4 50 - 59 5.0 – 5.9

E 3 40 - 49 4.0 – 4.9

Unless the Senate grants special permission, modules taken outside a prescribed curriculum, i.e "extra-curricula" modules, shall be subject to the same admission requirements as modules

taken within the prescribed curriculum for a degree or diploma.

B. Registration of students (Chapter 10, Section 86, Statute of University of Venda)

NB: All programmes at the University of Venda are offered on full time basis.

A candidate must report for registration on the dates and during the times specified in the

academic year plan. To register manually, each candidate must complete and sign the prescribed registration form

and submit it to the Dean of the School concerned for approval, giving details of the module(s) s/he intends to follow.


To register online, a candidate has to accept rules and regulations after which s/he has to choose and enroll modules on the approved curriculum and level of study.

The full fees for the semester are payable in advance and not later than the date specified.

Only registered students may attend lectures.

A person registering as a student manually must complete and sign the official registration form, thus binding himself/herself to observe the rules of the University. A person shall only

be admitted to a module for a degree or diploma if his/her curriculum has been approved by the Dean of the School concerned. Online registration shall be guided by rules as set out on

the academic structure as approved by the school and in the form of approved calendar. An

approved curriculum may subsequently be amended within a specified period, provided that the amended curriculum conforms to the rules in force at the time of the amendment.

A student must ensure that the composition of the chosen curriculum complies with the general

rules for the various Schools.

A student has to register a maximum/total of 1 F.T.E credits. Senate may allow a final year

student to register a total of 1.25 F.T.E. credits.

C. Timetable Modules selected by students may not clash in the main lecturing timetable.

D. Date for Registration

To be accepted as a student, a candidate shall register before a specified date as announced from year to year. Late registration, if approved, is subject to the payment of a penalty. No

registration after census date

(Please refer to the academic year plan of this calendar.)

E. Renewal of Registration The first year student who, after two years of study does not yet qualify for admission to the second year of study will not be re-admitted to the University.

A student will be required to complete his/her degree within a period not exceeding two years

of the prescribed period.

F. Student Cards All new students will be issued with student identification cards on registration. No student will

be allowed to enter venues for lectures, examinations and the library without this identity card.

Lost cards will be replaced on payment of a replacement fee.

G. Orientation of First Year Students

An orientation programme for first year students is conducted at the beginning of each year on the days indicated, giving information on

- the nature of the University

- areas of study and career choices

- study techniques


- leisure-time utilization - the function of the library

- rules and procedures in general, etc. - e-learning

It is imperative that all first-year students attend the orientation programme.

H. Conditions of training/teaching The following conditions will be applicable:

1. Language medium

Except for no-English language modules, the teaching, training, instruction and examinations shall be conducted in English.

2. Lecturing, teaching, practicals and tests

(a) The University shall offer classes daily throughout the academic year. (b) The official lecturing times are as follows:

starting time: 08h00 Ending time: 21h15

(c) Unless otherwise arranged by a head of department, all lecturing, teaching,

field work, practicals, tutorials, projects, discussion, excursions and tests are conducted from Monday to Sunday throughout the academic year:

3. Attendance of classes

Lecturing, teaching, practicals, tutorials, projects, discussions, examinations and continuous assessment are held throughout the year. Students are required to obtain

admission to the examination in each module registered for according to department requirements. Failure to meet the requirements shall result inter alia in refusal of

permission to write the examinations or to present himself/herself for further

continuous assessment.

4. Discipline

Any person who registers as a student of the University will be subject to the Statutes,

Rules and Regulations of the University, as well as Library and Residence regulations and the Disciplinary Code of the University.

5. Continuation of Studies

Continuation of studies is dependant upon satisfactory academic performance.





GENERAL REGULATIONS The Higher Education Act of 1997 (Act No.101 of 1997) and the University of Venda Statute determine

the admission, registration and examination of students, as well as issues of student discipline, while the accompanying regulations, framed by the Council of the University, prescribe the application of

these legal instruments.


Admission of students

(a) No person shall be enrolled for a module for any degree, diploma or certificate unless she/he has satisfied all the requirements as determined in the rules of the School


(b) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Statute and these regulations, a student

shall comply with the following requirements for admission:

(i) A person applying for admission as a student shall submit, together with his

application form, testimonial of good conduct acceptable to the Council. (ii) A person applying for admission as a student shall sit for an admission examination,

if the Council so requires. (iii) Before a student is permitted to register for a particular module, he may be required

to submit satisfactory proof of good health. (iv) A Student shall produce a matriculation certificate or exemption certificate referred

to in the Act, or any other certificate which serves as a requirement for admission

to a particular module of study, to the Registrar before 15 May of the year in which s/he is registered as a student for the first time, unless the Registrar grants him/her

an extension of time. (v) Any person who registers as a student at the University for the first time shall

produce his/her identity document to the Registrar when s/he presents himself for

registration. (vi) A student shall after registration be subject to the rules and regulations applicable

to students on and off the campus. (vii) A student shall be registered when his application for admission as a student has

been approved.

(viii) Residential arrangements made by students for the duration of the University year shall be subject to the approval of the Council.

(ix) Before a person has been registered as student, he may attend lectures only with the permission of the Registrar.

Acceptance of a student’s prior obtained qualification for admission

A person who has graduated at another university or who is able to provide satisfactory proof of his or

her academic abilities may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, be specially exempted from compliance with the requirements prescribed for admission to study for a degree.

Admission to equivalent status

Subject to the provision of the Statute, the Council may on the recommendation of the Senate (a) Admit the graduate of any other university or university institution to a status at University

equivalent to that which he possessed at such other university or university institution; (b) Admit a candidate for the honours degree or for the degree of master or doctor of the University

any person who, at any other university institution or at any university considered by the Senate

to be equivalent to the University, has passed such examinations as in the opinion of the Senate


are equivalent to or higher than the examinations prescribed for a degree of the University which is a prerequisite for such honours.

Registration of and fees payable by students (1) The Council may, after consultation with the Senate, prescribe the minimum requirements of

study with which any person shall comply before he or she may be permitted:

i) to register as a student of the University;

ii) to renew his/her registration as a student in accordance with subsection (3); or iii) if he or she is registered as a student of the University, to attend or to continue

to attend the University as a student.

(2) The fees payable by a student to the University shall be determined by the Council. (3) Every person registered as a student of the University shall from time to time cause his or her

registration as a student to be renewed in accordance with the Statute.

(4) The Council may refuse to renew the registration of a student applying therefor if such student fails to comply with the minimum study requirements contemplated in subsection (1)

(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Statute, the Council may cancel the registration of a student if it considers such cancellation to be in the interest of the University:

Provided that such cancellation shall be final and the Council shall if required furnish reasons

therefor. (6) The Council may, after consultation with the Senate, limit the number of persons who

shall be permitted to register for any specific module of study and, where the number of applicants for admission to such a module of study exceeds the number so limited, the Senate

may select from the number of applicants those who are to be admitted to register for such module.

(7) The rules relating to study programmes and syllabuses in regard to full-time and part-time

studies shall be as determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate. (8) The Council may refuse to admit or re-admit as a student of the University any person who

applies for any such admission or re-admission if the Council considers it in the best interest of the University to do so and the Council shall furnish reasons for any such refusal.

Registration of students

(1) Every person registering as a student at the University must sign the official registration form or accept online rules and regulations, thereby binding himself or herself to such conditions

and rules as the Council may determine.

(2) A person registered as a student of the University is registered for the ensuing academic year or semester or for such shorter period as may be determined by the Council after consultation

with Senate generally or in any particular case. (3) No person is enrolled for a module for any degree or diploma or certificate unless he or she

has satisfied all the requirements laid down in the rules concerned.


Subject to the provision of the Act and of the Statute and these regulations, the following

general rules shall apply with regard to the conduct of students:

(i) Students and their parents or guardians shall submit themselves to the Statute, SRC

Constitution, regulations and rules of the University, as amended from time to time.


(ii) A student is required to attend lectures, tutorials and practicals regularly and punctually, to perform all prescribed written and other work and write all prescribed

class tests. (iii) A student shall submit the reason for failure to comply with paragraph (ii) to the

lecturer concerned as soon as possible.

(iv) A student who has been suffering from an infectious disease or who has been living in a house where such a disease has occurred, shall furnish the Registrar with a medical

certificate, issued by a registered medical practitioner, stating that his state of health is such that his attendance at the University will not be hazardous to the health of his

co-students or the University staff. (v) A student who contracts a serious illness during the course of the year shall notify the

Registrar thereof as soon as possible, and submit a medical certificate issued by a

registered medical practitioner. (vi) No student organisation may be established without the approval of the Director

Student Affairs, an application for approval shall be accompanied by a constitution of the proposed student organisation.

(vii) An approved student organisation may conduct meetings of registered students on the

campus, in accordance with the constitution of the student organisation concerned, provided that such meetings shall take place outside the scheduled lecturing times,

unless prior approval of the Director : Student Affairs has been obtained. (viii) Press statements or press interviews concerning the bodies or persons in the

management of the University, or which may harm the good name of the University, shall not be issued or granted by a student or a student organisation.

(ix) Alcoholic beverages may be supplied on the campus on occasions approved by the

Director: Student Affairs. (x) A motor vehicle may be brought or kept on the campus by a student provided that the

student have an access disc. (xi) A student who purposely or by negligence causes damage to the property of the

University shall be liable for the damage.

(xii) Money or goods may be collected on the campus only with the permission of the Director : Student Affairs

(xiii) A student shall be subject to the particular rules applicable to any specific part of the grounds or to buildings of the University.

(xiv) A student found guilty of a contravention of a regulation or rule of the University

applicable on or off the campus and expelled from the University or a hostel shall forfeit any claim to a refund or payment of moneys already paid by him or payable by him

and any right to remission of money due to him, unless the Council determines otherwise.

(b) Suspension of classes

The Principal may, if he/she deems it necessary in the interest of the University, and if

possible after consultation with the executive committee of the Senate, suspend classes wholly or partially.


1. Misconduct A student of the University is subject to the disciplinary provisions contained in the regulations

in respect of disciplinary action as determined by the Council and the Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council may cancel or, for a specified period suspend registration of a student or

admission to and accommodation in any student hostel or residence of the University or his or

her right or entitlement to utilise any other University facilities if, at any time after due inquiry, the Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council is satisfied that such disciplinary measures are in

the best interest of the University. a. A student shall, after registration, be subject to the disciplinary authority of the Vice

Chancellor and Principal or Council.


b. A student shall render himself/herself liable to the disciplinary action if he/she is guilty of misconduct, on or outside the campus of the University, in terms of the provisions

of the Statute, Regulations or Rules of the University. c. No student who is facing a disciplinary hearing may graduate until the case is finalized

d. A student shall be guilty of misconduct if he/she:

(i) violates any rules/ regulations of the University or attempts to do so;

(ii) conducts himself/herself in a manner which is or may be detrimental to the good name of the University or to the maintenance of order or discipline at the

University; (iii) intentionally and negligently damages, destroys, misuses or wrongfully

appropriates property of the University or of any other person or body or

attempts to do so; (iv) furnishes false information to a member of the teaching or administrative staff

of the University; (v) possesses or uses or attempts to use a habit-forming drug without a

prescription from a doctor;

(vi) Sells dagga or similar habit-forming drugs. (vii) is found in unlawful possession of a fire-arm or any dangerous weapon

(viii) Violates any order of court (ix) Kills, assaults or injures or intends to injure a fellow student or staff member

or member of the public (x) Sexually assault or harasses students, staff or member of the public.

2. Chief Disciplinary Officer

The Principal shall be the Chief Disciplinary Officer of the University and shall be empowered, in the event of any infringement of discipline or misconduct by a student, to exercise discipline

himself/herself and may:

(i) if a charge of misconduct against a student is under investigation, under certain circumstances immediately suspend the student from the University until the date of

the hearing; (ii) Review, confirm, alter or set aside any finding or sentence imposed by anybody set out

in these regulations provided any finding of the Council shall be final and cannot be

confirmed, altered or set aside by the Principal. (iii) Instruct any disciplinary body to institute disciplinary action in terms of these

regulations. (iv) Refer any disciplinary inquiry instituted by any disciplinary body for hearing to another

disciplinary body: provided that a disciplinary body may recommend to the Principal that an inquiry instituted by it be referred to another disciplinary body for further

investigation and hearing.

The decision of the Principal shall be final.

3. Disciplinary Enquiry

The Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council shall appoint a Chairperson who is a jurist to chair

the disciplinary enquiry.

A student found guilty of misconduct shall have endorsed, on his/her academic record, the words: “Not certified for good conduct”.

4. The procedure at a hearing by the Disciplinary Enquiry

a) The Registrar or his/her nominee shall notify a student in writing to appear before the Disciplinary Enquiry;

b) The notice shall be served on the student at least 48 hours before the time set down for his/her hearing;


The notice shall specify the place, date and time of the hearing; c) The notice shall call upon the student to file his/her plea or statement in answer to

the charge with the Registrar at least 24 hours before the time fixed for his/her hearing;

d) Legal representation shall be allowed, at the hearing of a student on a charge of

misconduct, and a minor shall be assisted at his/her hearing by a parent or guardian; e) The Registrar shall appoint a member of the administrative staff to act as secretary;

f) A student disciplinary enquiry shall be held in camera; g) The hearing of a student may be held in absentia if he/she fails to appear before the

Disciplinary Enquiry after having been served with a notice; h) If a student fails to file a plea or statement in accordance with paragraph (d), the

chairperson of the Disciplinary enquiry shall call upon the student to plead;

i) The Pro-forma Prosecutor may submit any documentary evidence at a hearing and call witnesses to substantiate the allegations, and any witnesses called by the Pro-forma

Prosecutor and the student may be questioned by the chairperson of the enquiry; The chairperson of the Disciplinary Enquiry may recall a witness or call any witness to

clarify an issue.

j) A student who is charged with misconduct may:-

i) address the Enquiry at the start of the proceedings to explain the basis of his/her defence;

ii) put questions to any of the witnesses called by the pro-forma prosecutor or the chairperson;

iii) inspect any document or exhibit submitted as evidence at his/her hearing;

iv) tender evidence himself/herself as regards his/her defence or in mitigation of sentence;

v) call witnesses and submit documentary evidence in support of his/her defence or in mitigation of sentence;

vi) Address the Committee in defence or in mitigation of sentence after all

evidence has been tendered.

k) Previous convictions of misconduct may be taken into consideration by the Disciplinary Enquiry when recommending sentence.

l) The Chairperson of the Enquiry shall inform the student of the verdict and not the

recommended sentence, but shall prepare a full report to the Vice Chancellor and Principal with his/her recommendations. The Vice Chancellor and Principal shall after

considering the evidence led at the hearing, including evidence in mitigation and/or aggravation of sentence, determine an appropriate sentence.

5. Penalties of misconduct

a. If the Disciplinary Enquiry finds a student guilty of misconduct, the Principal may impose one or more of the following penalties:-

- a warning;

- a reprimand;

- a fine, - payable within such period as the Principal may determine;

- suspension; - expulsion;

- a directive to apologise in writing to any person or body in a manner determined by the Principal;

- payment of an amount to make good any loss, damage or costs caused

- to the University or any other person or body; - exclusion from any further participation in any or all tests or examinations of

the University; - forfeiture of a bursary, loan or student appointment of whatever nature;


- cancellation of the result of a test or examination or registration in a particular module;

- divestment of the right to bring to or use a motor vehicle of any kind on the campus;

- Divestment of any right or privilege vested in the student as a registered

student of the University.

b. The Principal may suspend any punishment on such conditions as he/she may deem fit.

c. The Principal may postpone the passing of sentence for any period determined by himself/herself.

6. Students Representative Council’s Disciplinary Enquiry

a. The Council or the Principal may, subject to the provisions of the Higher Education Act, the University of Venda Statute and Regulations, appoint and authorise a Students'

Representative Council's Disciplinary Committee to try students for less serious cases

of misconduct as determined and set out by the Council or the Vice Chancellor and Principal.

b. All decisions of the Students Representative Council's Disciplinary Committee shall be subject to ratification by the Principal before implementation.

7. Appeal against a decision of the Principal

a. A student shall have the right to appeal in writing to a committee of Council against a decision given by the Disciplinary Enquiry or the Principal in the application of the

regulations, and may submit written arguments or explanations of the grounds of his/her appeal to the Principal together with the appeal, and any such appeal shall be

lodged within seven (7) days of the notification at the outcome of the Disciplinary

Hearing by the Registrar to the student. b. The Principal shall submit the appeal to a Committee of Council and may, with the

assistance of the pro-forma prosecutor, submit to the Committee any argument or; explanation in substantiation of the grounds on which the student concerned was

convicted by the Disciplinary Enquiry or on which the penalty was imposed.

c. The Committee of Council may, at the hearing of an appeal, confirm, alter or set aside the conviction by the Principal or Disciplinary Enquiry, or confirm, set aside or reduce

any penalty imposed by the Principal; or refer the matter back to the Principal for reconsideration with or without recommendations.

d. The Principal or any person who served on the Disciplinary Enquiry shall not attend the meeting at which the Committee of Council or Council hears such appeal.

e. The decision of the Committee of Council shall be submitted to Council for approval

and Council's decision shall be final.

8. Discipline in the Library and Lecturing Rooms

a. The University Librarian may summarily debar a student who has infringed any rule

applicable to the library from making use of library facilities for a maximum period of 14 days.

b. A member of the teaching staff may suspend a student who behaves in a disorderly manner from attending a period, lecture, tutorial and / or group discussion : provided

that if such member of the teaching staff is not the Head of the Department, he/she shall report such disciplinary action to the Head of the Department within a reasonable



9. Disciplinary action against minors

Before any disciplinary action is taken by the Students Representative Assembly's Disciplinary Committee or by the Principal against a minor, his/her parents/guardian shall be informed

wherever possible of the steps that will be taken.

10. Forfeiture of fees paid or payable

In cases of conviction on account of misconduct, the student concerned shall forfeit all claims

to a refund or rebate of fees paid or payable to the University by reason of any interference with or interruption or termination of his/her studies at the University, solely as a result of any

action against such student in terms of the provisions of these regulations.


Written and Oral Examinations and other forms of Assessment and Tests

(1) Subject to the Statute, the examinations and or other forms of assessment of the University shall be conducted under the control of the Senate.

(2) The University may, for the purpose of any examination or other form of assessment

determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate, make use of external examiners or moderators appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate.


(i) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statute, a candidate shall pass in an

examination or other form of assessment of the University in every module that he/she is required to take towards a degree, diploma or certificate.

(ii) A student shall not be admitted to any form of assessment unless he has paid all

fees or any fines imposed by the University: provided that the Senate may exempt a student from this provision.

(iii) A student shall, in accordance with the rules laid down by the departments and Schools attend lectures and tutorials satisfactorily and obtain a semester marks

which shall be taken into consideration in admitting the student to assessment and

determining his final mark. (iv) Progress within the curriculum for a degree, diploma or certificate shall be

prescribed in the respective rules. (v) Continuation of studies for a specific degree, diploma or certificate during a year

of study may be changed or cancelled by the Senate if it deems it necessary in the interests of the University.

(b) Written and Oral Examination Centres

Written and oral examinations shall be conducted at such places as the Senate may approve as assessment centres.

(c) Dates and times of assessment

The date and time of an assessment shall be determined by the Senate and it may determine different dates and times for assessment.


(d) Absence owing to illness

(i) A candidate who, owing to illness, is prevented from presenting himself/herself for assessment shall inform the Dean or have him informed, in writing, of such illness

before the start of the assessment, and such a notice must be supported within seven

days from his date by a certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner. (ii) The Senate may decide that a student mentioned in d (I) must present himself/herself

for assessment on a date and at a place as determined by the Senate.

(e) Assessment rules and instructions

(i) Any student shall strictly adhere to the assessment rules which the Senate may issue,

as well as to any instruction referred to which the Senate may make known to him/her through the assessor (lecturer)

(ii) The Senate may issue rules (in these regulations referred to as "assessment rules") to

a student in connection with the writing of an examination and any other form of

assessment and such rules refer to;

- matters referred to in these regulations; - the execution of instruction of the invigilator;

- times to report for an assessment; - late reporting to the assessment room;

- objects which may be taken into the assessment room;

- the identification of a candidate and proof of entry for the assessment; and - Any other assessment matter which the Principal may deem necessary.

(f) Assessment security

(i) Unless specifically otherwise provided in these regulations, no person shall prior to the date determined in terms of article (c) for the assessment concerned, have in his

possession, buy, sell, reproduce or in whatsoever way copy or have copies made of the question paper referred to.

(ii) Any person who contravenes the provision of sub-article (f) (i) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R500.

(iii) In case of a written examination no person except the chief invigilator, or an invigilator

by direction of the chief invigilator, shall open the sealed envelope containing the examination papers and the chief invigilator or the invigilator referred to shall open it

only on the date and at the time fixed in terms of regulations for the examination paper

concerned in the presence of students in the assessment room. (iv) No person, except the invigilators, the students for the examination concerned or any

person authorised thereto by the Senate shall be permitted in the assessment room during the time fixed for the examination.

(g) Irregularities by students

If any student (i) unless otherwise provided by an authorised person for an assessment, takes into the

assessment room or has in his possession while he is in the room, any book, memorandum, notes, card or other document or paper other than such as may be

supplied to him by the invigilator, his admission card and identification document; or

(ii) in any irregular manner helps or attempts to help another student, obtains or attempts to obtain help or communicates or attempts to communicate with any person (except

the invigilator); or


(iii) disregards the assessment rules or examination instructions and, after being warned by the invigilator, continues to disregard the rules and regulations referred to; or

(iv) creates a disturbance in an assessment room or behaves in an improper or unbecoming manner and refuses, after being warned by the invigilator, to stop causing the

disturbance or his improper or unbecoming behaviour; or

(v) disregards the arrangements of the invigilator and, after being warned by the invigilator, continues to disregard the arrangements referred to:

The invigilator shall immediately bring such irregularity to the notice of the chief invigilator.

The chief invigilator may, after he has confronted the student concerned with the alleged

irregularity and has afforded him the opportunity to present his side of the case in writing, or

verbally, in the presence of an invigilator or other witness confiscate the student's script, make a note of the time and circumstances surrounding this action and allow the student to continue

with the written examination in a new script.

A student who continues to create a disturbance for other students in spite of a warning by the

invigilator may be expelled from the assessment room by the chief invigilator in the presence of an invigilator or another witness.

The chief invigilator shall, immediately after the written examination, submit a complete report,

together with the student's written statement (or, in the case of a verbal statement, the chief invigilator's written version thereof) and any other evidence regarding the matter, to the


(h) Action by the Principal

Should the Principal be of the opinion that a student or group of students has obtained an

unfair advantage because

(i) the contents of a assessment question for which a student or group of students

have entered have become known to him or them prior to the date and time on which the assessment is conducted; or

(ii) any of the provision of (g)(i)-(v) has been contravened;

(iii) another person pretend to be the student concerned at the assessment session; or

(iv) some irregularity or other has occurred in connection with the writing of such examination or the handling of a script after such assessment has been conducted,

the Principal may take one or more of the following steps:

- prohibit the student or group of students from entering the assessment room

or from further writing the examination; - refuse to recognise the results obtained by the student or group of students in

the written examination; - refuse any person referred to admission to an assessment for such period as

the Principal may determine;

- instruct that any success in a module or an examination as a whole with which such student has been credited be cancelled; or

- reject the examination script in respect of the subject concerned.

The Principal may require a student or group of students to rewrite the examination as a whole or in part on such date, time and place as he may determine.

The Principal may, within three months after cancellation of any success, by notice in writing require a person to whom a diploma or certificate has been issued on the grounds of such

success to return such diploma or certificate to the Principal for cancellation within three weeks of such notice for cancellation.


(i) Consequences of suspension or expulsion from the University

If a student who is a candidate in terms of the Act is suspended or expelled from the University on account of misconduct after the assessment has begun, the Principal may take one or more

of the following steps:

(i) refuse to recognise the results obtained by the student in the assessment; or (ii) prohibit the student from further writing the examination; or

(iii) instruct that any success in any subject or examination with which the student was credited at such examination be cancelled

(j) Examination scripts

An examination script shall be the property of the University and shall be put at the disposal of

a student only during the period determined for the examination paper concerned. Examination scripts shall be kept by the University for a period of at least 90 days after the results of the

assessment concerned were made available.

(k) Assessment of Projects

Students individually or in groups shall be assessed on their performance on the approved projects. Marks obtained in this assessment should form part of the final mark.

(l) Re-marking of examination scripts

Any undergraduate student who fails a written examination or does not achieve the required symbol or is of the opinion that he should have achieved a higher symbol in a subject where

no external examiners are involved, may apply to Senate to

(i) have his examination scripts re-marked; or

(ii) have his marks for a separate subject or subjects as well as his total marks verified

A decision by Senate after consideration of an application referred to in (k) in respect of the

question whether a student failed or achieved a required standard or symbol shall be final and

the Senate shall not consider any further applications in this regard.

An application referred to in (k) shall reach the Senate within 90 days after the examination results are made known and shall be accompanied by the prescribed examination fee for re-


Remarking is not automatic. The Dean and the Vice-Dean of the School concerned will look at

each application.

Re-marking of internally moderated supplementary and special examination scripts is permitted and it should be done within 90 days.

(m) Diplomas, certificates and statements

A diploma or certificate, without any erasure of alteration on it, shall be issued free of charge by the Vice-Chancellor to any student who has complied with the requirements for such diploma

or certificate.

No person, except the Principal or an officer authorised by the Principal to do so, acting in

terms of this article, shall issue any such diploma, certificate or statement which indicates or purports to indicate that a person has passed an examination or successfully completed a

module or subject of such an examination.


If the original diploma or certificate is mislaid or destroyed or damaged, the Principal may on receipt of an application on a form approved by the Principal, and on payment of an amount

determined by Council, state in writing that a person has passed an examination or successfully completed a module or subject of such examination.

Any diploma or certificate which has been amended or erroneously issued may be reclaimed, confiscated and cancelled by the Principal.

(n) Viewing of scripts

In exceptional cases, where a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the assessment, the

examination script may be viewed in the presence of the examiner, Head of Department and Examination Officer, after he/she shall have obtained approval from the Dean, and paid

applicable fees.


1. Application for admission (a) Application for admission to a University residence must be made on the prescribed

form to reach the University in September of the year which precedes the year in which

he/she intends to register. (b) By signing the application for admission a student undertakes to abide by the rules and

regulations applying to residential students of the University of Venda as well as the disciplinary measure to be taken by the University in cases of infringement of these

regulations. (c) The University reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without supplying

reasons for doing so.

2. Residence regulations

(a) Allocation of rooms Rooms are allocated by residence authorities with the assistance of House

Representative Committee members. You are at liberty to choose your roommate

during room allocation if you have been allocated a double room. You are not allowed to swap rooms without the knowledge and consent of residence authorities.

(b) Control and authority

i) The control of and authority in the University residences is entrusted to the

House Representative Committee and the Residence Wardens.

ii) The House Representative Committee

Students in each residence elect one representative to the House Representative Committee at the beginning of the academic year. The

representatives elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. The

House Representative Committee is responsible for the general welfare of resident students and the maintenance of order and discipline in the

residences. The committee works in cooperation with the Residence Wardens, who is accountable to Head: Student Housing. Problems in the residences are

solved by the representatives with the help of the Warden. Only serious cases

are referred to the Director: Student Affairs. iii) The University's Disciplinary code prevails.

(c) Attitude towards property

i) Resident students are expected to cultivate a positive attitude towards University property.

ii) Students who break, damage or destroy University property shall be compelled

to make good the loss.


iii) Students must respect the property of the University. iv) The cost (material and labour) of damaged or broken residence property will

be distributed equally among students concerned. v) In every case of damage to property, the Residence Wardens will assess the

nature, extent of damage and the circumstances under which it occurred.

vi) If the name of the culprit is known to the Resident Warden, the culprit will bear the repair cost alone.

(d) Personal property

The University assume no responsibility for theft, damage to personal property, or loss of money, valuables or personal effects of any student or guest.

(e) Noise and disruption of studies

i) The period of silence in the residence, from 19:00 to 05:00, must be strictly observed for the purpose of study.

ii) Television sets, portable radio and tape recorders must be operated softly or switched off during evening study hours.

(f) Catering personnel i) A professional catering company is in the service of this University.

ii) Catering personnel must be accorded the respect they deserve. They are not under the control of students.

iii) Apparent irregularities on the part of catering personnel should be reported promptly to members of the House Representative Committee for


iv) Students who tamper with computer system will be reported to the residence authorities for appropriate action.

(g) Visitors to Residence

i) For purposes of control and safety, no overnight visit or stay by non-residents

without the knowledge or consent of the residence official is allowed in the residence.

ii) People who stay in the residence without the knowledge and the consent of the residence authorities will be referred to the Protection Services.

iii) Residents shall be responsible for their visitors and shall be responsible of

informing them about the rules. iv) The residents shall be held responsible for the conduct of their visitors.

(h) Room keys

i) The room keys remain the property of the University. ii) Students are required to return their room keys to the Residence Wardens

whenever the University closes for vacation

iii) Students who are bound to terminate their studies or wish to leave the residence of their own accord must return the room keys to the Warden.

iv) A resident student who loses or misplaces a residence room key or fails to return it to the Residence Wardens at the end of the academic year or at any

time if required to do so, will have his/her results withheld or pay for the cost

of lock replacement.

(i) Abuse of alcohol and habit-forming substances i) Students must abstain from alcohol and drug abuse.

ii) Disruption of studies, which results from consumption of alcohol and drug abuse, will be viewed in a serious light.

iii) Students, who purchase, store and sell liquor and dependency-producing

substances will be guilty of a serious offence.


(j) Aggressive and unruly behavior. i) University students are expected to behave in a manner that befits the public

image and dignity of the University. ii) Fighting in the residence and the vicinity is forbidden.

iii) Students who are found guilty of assaulting others will be severely penalized.

(k) Unofficial stay in the residences

i) It is a serious offence to stay in the residence without official permission ii) Students are not allowed to share beds or to accommodate friends and

relatives without prior approval. Hiring of beds or rooms is strictly forbidden. (l) Health matters

i) Students who fall ill, and feel that medical attention is necessary, should report

the matter urgently to the Professional Nurse in the Campus Health Clinic. ii) A consultation fee which is determined by Council is payable at the Campus

Health Clinic. iii) Smoking is not permitted in any public area in the residences including lounges,

passages, lobbies etc.

(m) General behaviour and conduct

i) Wherever they may be, students are always expected to behave and conduct themselves in a manner which reflects respect and the dignity appropriate to

University students. ii) Disciplinary measures will be taken against students who distort, damage or

misrepresent the good name and public image of the University.

(n) Voluntary termination of resident status

i) Students who intend to leave the residence must notify the Warden in time. ii) A written declaration of intention to leave the residence must be accompanied

by a room key.

iii) Closure of residences during winter and summer vacations;

Resident students will be required to leave the residences when the University closes for winter and summer vacations. Residences must be vacated at 10:00

following the day on which the University was closed. The University may

request students to leave the residences during Easter holidays. Students are under no circumstances allowed to take room keys with when they leave for


(o) Use of residence facilities during winter and summer vacations. Students who wish to remain in the university residences during winter and summer

recess must notify residence authorities in writing a month prior to university closure.

Such students shall be required to pay a daily fee which shall be determined by the relevant authorities from time to residences.

(p) Conducting of business activities on campus residences

Students are not allowed to conduct business activities, buying and selling of any

commodity unless allowed to do so by the residence authorities.




1. Membership The Library is accessible to the following categories of users: registered students, members of

the full-time and part-time academic staff, administrative staff, service staff of the University, the Chancellor and members of the University Council.

Registered students and/or staff of other Universities who wish to make use of the Library may apply to become external users. Such membership is subject to specific regulations.

2. Opening Hours

The Library is open during the following hours:

Mondays - Thursdays : 08:30 - 24:00

Friday : 08:30 - 24:00 Saturdays : 08:30 - 17:00

Sundays : 09:00 – 17:00 (Examination period only) During Vacations : 08:00 - 16:45 Mondays to Fridays.

Changes in the opening hours will be indicated by notices issued by the Library from time to time.

The Library is closed during the end-of-year closure period of the University.

3. Library Registration: External Members

Registration must be done at the Inter-Library Loans Section.

4. Library Orientation

4.1. It is compulsory for all new students to attend a Library orientation session on the day set aside for their School's Library Orientation.

4.2. Further orientation will be arranged with lecturers during the course of the year.

5. Loan of Library Materials

The following regulations apply to the loan of materials:

5.1. Undergraduates

5.1.1. Undergraduates may borrow 3 books at a time, each for a period of 7 days, and 1 item from the Reserve Collection for 2 hours at a time.

5.2. Postgraduates

5.2.1. Postgraduates may borrow 6 books at a time, each for a period of 30 days, and 1 item from the Reserve Collection for 2 hours at a time.

5.3. Academic Staff Academic staff may borrow 20 books at a time for 90 days.

5.3.1. Books are loaned during vacations on the same terms as set out above.

5.3.2. All books must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date slip.

5.3.3. The Director: Library Services reserves the right to recall any loan. 5.3.4. Material issued to borrowers may not be transferred to other people.

5.3.5. The replacement value plus a processing charge per item will be levied in the event of non-return/loss of Library material.

5.4. Administrative and Service Staff

Admin and Service staff may borrow 12 books at a time for 30 days.

5.4.1. Books are loaned during vacations on the same terms as set out above.

5.4.2. All books must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date slip. 5.4.3. The Director: Library Services reserves the right to recall any loan.


5.4.4. Material issued to borrowers may not be transferred to other people. 5.4.5. The replacement value plus a processing charge per item will be levied in the event of non-

return/loss of Library material.

5.5. Return of material

5.5.1. Material must be returned directly to the staff at the Issue Desk or Study Collection 5.5.2. On no account must they be placed on the shelves by borrowers.

5.6. Non-Return of Library Material

5.6.1. Examination results will be withheld in the event of Library material not being returned.

5.6.2. The replacement value plus a processing charge per item will be levied in the event of non-

return of Library material on time.

6. Study Collection / Reserve / Short-Loan The collection is composed of books in high demand, thesis and dissertations, audio-visuals

and pamphlets. Publications that are in heavy demand may be put on reserve by lecturers.

The following regulations apply to the loan of material from the Study Collection:

6.1. The material may not be taken out of the Library during the day. 6.2. The loan period is 2 hours at a time.

6.3. The loan period may be extended for a further 2 hours if no other user has requested the item. 6.4. The material may be used outside the Library overnight or over weekends.

6.5. Study material issued for overnight or over weekend use must be returned no later than 09:30

of the following working day. 6.6. Photocopies and theses on reserve are for use inside the Library only.

7. Periodicals

Periodicals may be consulted in the Periodicals Section only and they may not be taken out of

the Library.

8. Reference Material Reference material may be used in the Library only.

9. Special Collections 9.1. The Library has a number of special collections of which the Es'kia Mphahlele Collection is the

most noteworthy. Other components under this heading are: Rare Books collection and Government Publications.

9.2. Items from these collections may only be used within the Special Collections section. The section is not open on Saturdays.

10. Inter-Library Loan 10.1. Inter-lending services may be used when the material required is not available from our Library.

The service is for academic staff, postgraduates and administrative staff members.

11. Mutilation, damage and loss of Library material

This includes underlining, through-lining, writing comments, removing pages or disfiguring books in any other way.

As patrons of the Library, users are fully responsible for material they have damaged, mutilated

or lost. The following charges will be levied in case of damage, mutilation or loss of Library material:

11.1. An amount to be determined by Council upon the recommendation of the Director: Library Services.


11.2. Damaged materials, even if paid for, remain the property of the Library and are not returned to the person responsible for the damage.

11.1. Overdue material Material becomes overdue after the loan period has expired, and borrowers will be subjected

to the following fine rates:

12.1 Material from the open shelves: R6, 00 per day.

12.2 Material from the Short Loans: R10.00 per hour or part thereof. 12.3 Staff member’ fine is R5.00 after grace period.

12. Unauthorised Removal of Library Material

13.1. No material may be removed from the Library without being properly issued to the user.

13.2. Borrowers apprehended attempting to remove library material illegally may be subject to punishment as determined by the Director: Library Services. The punishment may include:

13.2.1. being blacklisted; 13.2.2. appearing before the Disciplinary Committee of the University;

13.2.3. being suspended from the Library for a period determined by the Director: Library

Services; 13.2.4. A fine to be determined by the Director: Library Services may be imposed.

14. Payment of monies due

All payments for Library fines should be made at the Finance Department. Receipts should be taken to the Library for updating of Library records.

15. Photocopying

15.1. For students

The following regulation apply for photocopying services:

15.1.1. Photocopying services are available at 60c per page.

15.2. For staff

Photocopying service for staff is available free of charge in the Law Library. The following regulations apply:

15.2.1. No multiple copies are allowed.

15.2.2. Only reference books, materials from the Special Collections Section, periodicals and law material, i.e material that is for use inside the Library only, may be photocopied in the Library.

16. Ordering of Library material

16.1. All academic staff members (including part-time lecturers) and heads of sections are encouraged to recommend titles for purchase by the Library.

16.2. Purchase recommendation forms are available from the Acquisitions Section of the Library and

should be returned there after completion. Please note that these forms should be approved by the HOD.

16.3. Publishers' catalogues are sent to departmental heads on a regular basis. Lecturers may consult the catalogues in the office of their departmental heads.

16.4. Multidisciplinary publishers' catalogues are kept in the Reference Librarian's Section for lecturers to consult at any time.

16.5. Staff members will be advised when the material they have ordered has been ordered or

received. Upon receipt of notification of receipt of ordered material, staff may request the cataloguing staff to process them urgently.


16.6. To avoid frustration, it is imperative that orders be placed long before the material is needed for lectures: ± 3 months in advance for South African published material and ± 6 months for

overseas material.

17. Study Cubicles

17.1. Cubicles are allocated to bona fide Masters and Doctoral students registered at the University

or supported by the Research and Publications Committee for postgraduate studies at other universities.

17.2. Staff members are not eligible for cubicles, unless they are also registered as above 17.3. A cubicle is only allocated on the recommendation of the Head of Department or the Dean of

the School.

17.4. Prospective cubicle users must complete an application form, which may be collected from the Short Loan Desk in the Library.

17.5. A cubicle may be shared with one other user at any one time. The number of users allocated one cubicle may not exceed four.

17.6. No unauthorised persons may use the cubicles.

17.7. Study materials are left in cubicles at the owner's risk: The Library does not accept liability for loss or damage.

17.8. Users are required to draw up a roster which may be placed, facing outward, on the inside of the window on the door.

17.9. Cubicle keys must be signed in and out in a book kept for this purpose at the Short Loan desk, each time the user wishes to use his cubicle. Users may NOT retain cubicle keys.

17.10. Cubicle users are subject to ALL existing Library rules and decisions.

17.11. Cubicles are normally allocated for a period of one year.

18. Use of Library Venues

18.1. Library Hall is available for use by academic staff for the following purposes:

18.1.1. Seminars

18.1.2. Group/Class discussion 18.1.3. Lectures by visiting lectures

18.1.4. Meetings of learned/professional societies

18.1.5. Displays/Exhibitions

18.2. Library venues may not be used for time-tabled lectures, i.e. they should not substitute ordinary lecture venues.

18.3. Booking for the venues must be made well in advance at the Secretary of the Director: Library Services.

19. Group Work Rooms Group Work Rooms are available for group discussions.

19.1. Users are required to book a day in advance. 19.2. Group work rooms can only be used by students

20. Special Needs Readers Room 20.1. It is available for all library users with disabilities.

21. Lesser-Used Material (Mobil Shelves)

21.1. All material not in demand is stored in mobile shelves in the lesser used material section.

22. Visits by Schools and Colleges

22.1. Visits by these institutions may be allowed by prior arrangement of at least 2 weeks.


22.2. Groups must be no larger than 100 at a time and they must be accompanied by a responsible teacher.

23. General

23.1. The Library does not encourage departmental loans. Request for such loans should be

addressed to the Director: Library Services. 23.2. No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the Library.

23.3. Silence must be observed at all times. 23.4. Any dissatisfaction with the Library Service may be discussed with Senior Library staff.

23.5. Always produce /display your staff /student ID card. 23.6. The Library is being monitored by surveillance cameras.





1. A Problem: Means lack of knowledge in understanding a particular phenomenon or conflicting knowledge about the same phenomenon or lack of integration of skills in solving a practical,

intellectual moral dilemma. 2. A Project: Means a well-planned design that seeks to address a particular problem as defined

by a particular department or clusters of departments.

3. Assessment: Means the evaluation of a student’s achievement of the learning outcomes of a module through written, oral and other forms of evaluations.

4. Continuous Assessment: Means the evaluation of a student performance in an oral and written examination, tutorials, assignments and projects reports during a particular year of registration.

5. Core Module: A core module or compulsory ancillary module is a subject that must be passed before a curriculum is completed.

6. Co-requisite: If a module X is a co-requisite for a module Y, a student must register for module

X simultaneously with the module Y. 7. Curriculum: A curriculum is a comprehensive programme of studies for a particular degree or

diploma. 8. Examination: Means the act of examining a candidate’s knowledge by means of written or oral


9. Final Mark: A final mark for an ordinary, special, aegrotat examination or continuous assessment is a combination of the semester or year mark and the examination mark. In the case of

supplementary examinations, the final mark is determined by the examination mark only. 10. Major subject: A major subject is that subject in a curriculum which determines the nature of

the curriculum. The final examination in a major subject may not be written before the end of the final year of study in that subject.

11. Module: Means a coherent, self-contained unit of learning, which is designed to achieve a set of

specific learning outcomes that are assessed within that unit of learning, and which is the smallest unit for which a final mark is entered in the student records.

12. Prerequisite: If a module X is a prerequisite for a module Y, a student must pass module X before he can register for module Y.

13. Programme: A combination of prescribed modules to be completed to fulfill the requirements

for a specific qualification. 14. Recognition of prior learning: Means the granting of status or credit for previous learning and

experience obtained by prospective student. 15. Semester module: A semester module following an assessment comprises the study of a subject

over semester and is the smallest unit in respect of which a candidate's performance is registered in the student records.

16. Semester Mark: A semester mark is a mark earned by a student in respect of tests, assignments,

practicals, class participation, etc., during a semester. 17. Syllabus: A syllabus is the content of a module. The term module refers to a year or semester


Module Codes

1. Each module is identified by a module code consisting of three capital letters, e.g. CHM. The

subject code normally identifies the Department offering the module. Additionally, the modules comprising each subject are distinguished by a four-digit number.

2. The first digit indicates the year or,

0 = bridging or non-credit courses 1 = first year of study

2 = second year


3 = third year 4 = fourth year

5 = Honours 6 = Master’s

7 = PhD or Doctoral

3. The second digit to show WHEN and DURATION of the module, e.g.

1 = first term 2 = second term

5 = first semester 6 = second semester

7 = year

4. The third digit indicates the number of contact hours per week (as should be indicated in the

timetable). 5. The fourth digit is used to indicate if more than one module is offered at the same time.

6. In the case of tutorial hours the letter “t” will be used at the end. In case that the module is

repeated, another letter will be used at the end.

6.1 An example for a module and its code could therefore be:


PSY = Psychology module

1 = first year of study 5 = offered during the first semester

4 = four contact hours per week 2 = number of modules offered at the same time


G.1 Admission

1.1 A candidate for the degree must have obtained the Matriculation certificate of the Universities

South Africa (USA) Matriculation Board, NSC/NCV Certificate, a certificate of exemption granted by the Board or any other certificate that the Senate may approve.

1.2 A student must have obtained at least 50%, or an E Higher Grade or D Standard Grade in English.

1.3 A candidate should have met the qualification and school specific admission requirement.

1.4 Appropriate prior learning in the relevant field of study will also be recognized as a criterion for admission.

G.2 Minimum duration of study

2.1. Students shall register no more that the prescribed maximum number of modules per academic level or no more that a total of 1 F.T.E.

2.2. A student will be required to complete his/her degree within a period not exceeding two years of the prescribed period.

(a) Bachelor's Degrees

Students registering for a B. Degree shall be required to enroll for the following compulsory university wide core module. - English Communication Skills (ECS)


Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (various specializations) BSCAGR 4 Years

- Animal Science BSCANN 4 Years - Agricultural Economics BSCAEN 4 Years

- Agribusiness Management BSCAGM 4 Years

- Horticultural Sciences BSCHRN 4 Years - Plant Production / Agronomy BSCPPN 4 Years

- Soil Sciences BSCSSN 4 Years - Forestry BSCFON 4 Years

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology BSCFSN 4 Years Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering BSCENG 4 Years

Bachelor of Education: Early Childhood/Foundation Phase BEDTEF 4 Years

Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training (various specializations) BEDFET 4 Years

Bachelor of Environmental Sciences BENVSC 3 Years Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Hydrology and Water Resources BESHWR 4 Years

Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Mining and Environmental Geology BESMEG 4 Years

Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Mine Surveying BESMS 4 Years Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning BURP 4 Years

Bachelor of Nursing BCurp 4 Years Bachelor of Nursing Science in Education, Management

and Community BCur (Prax Ext) 4 Years Bachelor of Science in Nutrition BScnp 4 Years

Bachelor of Psychology BPsyp 4 Years

Bachelor of Science in Biokinetics BSBKPN 4 Years Bachelor of Science in Sport Science BSSSPN 4 Years

Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Leisure Studies BSRLPN 4 Years Bachelor of Administration Extended Programmes

- Economics BADECX (in abeyance) 4 Years

- Human Resources Management BADHRX (in abeyance) 4 Years - Public Administration BADPMX 4 Years

Bachelor of Commerce Extended Programmes - Accounting BCOACX 4 Years

Business Information Systems BCOITX 4 Years

- Business Management BCOBEX 4 Years - Cost and Management Accounting BCOCMX 4 Years

- Economics BCOECX 4 Years - Human Resources Management BCOHRX 4 Years

- Tourism Management BCOTMX 4 Years Bachelor of Economics Extended Programme BECONX (in abeyance) 4 Years

Bachelor of Administration Programmes

- Economics BADMEC (in abeyance) 3 Years - Human Resources Management BADMPE (in abeyance) 3 Years

- Public Administration BADMAP 3 Years Bachelor of Commerce Programmes

- Accounting BCOMAC 3 Years

- Accounting (Revised) BCOACR 3 Years - Accounting Sciences BCOACS 3 Years

Business Information Systems BCOMIT 3 Years - Business Management BCOMBE 3 Years

- Cost and Management Accounting BCOMCM 3 Years - Economics BCOMEC 3 Years

- Human Resources Management BCOHRM 3 Years

- Human Resources Management BCHRMR 3 Years (Revised)

- Tourism Management BCOMTM 3 Years Bachelor of Economics Programme BECONO (in abeyance) 3 Years


Bachelor of Arts BA 3 Years Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies BADS 3 Years

Bachelor of Arts in International Relations BAIR 3 Years Bachelor of Arts in Language Practice BALP 4 Years

Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development BAYID 4 Years

Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge System BIKS 4 Years Bachelor of Social Work BSW 4 Years

Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice BA.CRM 3 Years Bachelor of Arts in Law BA.LAW* 3 Years

Bachelor of Laws LLB 4 Years

Bachelor of Science BSc 3 Years

(b) Post-Graduate Degrees/Diploma Bachelor of Agriculture Honours (various specializations) BAGRIC (Hons) 1 Year

- Animal Science BAGRHA 1 Year - Horticultural Sciences BAGRHH 1 Year

- Plant Production / Agronomy BAGRHP 1 Year

- Soil Science BAGRHS 1 Year Bachelor of Arts Honours in Rural Development BAHRDV 1 Year

Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE 1 Year Bachelor of Education (Honours) B.Ed (Hons) 1 Year

- Early Childhood Education BEDECE (Hons) 1 Year

- Curriculum Studies BEDCS (Hons) 1 Year - Guidance and Counselling BEDGC (Hons) 1 Year

- Educational Management BEDEM (Hons) 1 Year Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Honours in Ecology and

Resource Management BEHERM 1 Year Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Honours in Geography BEHGEO 1 Year

Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Honours in Hydrology

and Water Resources BEHHWR 1 Year Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Honours in Mining and

Environmental Geology BEHMEG 1 Year Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Honours in Urban and

Regional Planning BEHURP 1 Year

Bachelor of Nursing Honours in Community Nursing Science BCur (Hons) 1 Year Bachelor of Nursing Honours in Education HONNED 1 Year

Bachelor of Nursing Honours in Administration HONNAD 1 Year Bachelor of Science Honours (Community Nutrition) HONCNT 1 Year

Bachelor of Administration Honours B Admin (Hon) 1 Year

Bachelor of Commerce Honours BCom (Hon) 1 Year Bachelor of Economics Honours BEcon (Hon)

(in abeyance) 1 Year

Bachelor of Science Honours BSc (Hons) 1 Year

Bachelor of Arts Honours BA (Hons) 1 Year

BA Honours in Heritage Studies (not available in 2017) BAH 1 Year BA Honours in African Studies BAHAFC 1 Year

Honours Degree in Gender Studies HONSGS 1 Year Bachelor of Arts Honours in International Relations BAHIR 1 Year

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Criminal Justice BAHCRM 1 Year Master of Education MEd 1 Year

Masters in Rural Development MRDV 1 Years

Master of Science in Agriculture (various specializations) MSCAGR 1 Years Master of Science in Food Science and Technology MSCFST 1 Years

Master of Environmental Sciences (in Geography and in Ecology and Resource Management) MENVSC 1 Year

Master of Earth Sciences in Hydrology and Water Resources MESHWR 1 Year

Master of Earth Sciences MESC 1 Year


Master of Earth Sciences in Mining and Env. Geology MESMEG 1 Year Master of Earth Sciences in Mining MESCM 1 Year

Master of Urban and Regional Planning MURP 1 Year Master of Nursing MCur 1 Year

Master of Public Health MPH 1 Year

Master of Science in Public Nutrition MSCPNT 1 Year Master of Administration MAdmin 1 Year

Master of Commerce MCom 1 Year Master of Development Management MDM (in abeyance) 1 Year

Master of Municipal Management MMM (in abeyance) 1 Year Master of Public Management MPM 1 Year

Master of Arts MA 1 Year

Master of Arts in African Studies MAAS 1 Year Masters Degree in Gender Studies MGS 1 Year

Master of Arts in International Relations MAIR 1 Year Master of Human Sciences (not available in 2017) MHS 1 Year

Master of Arts in Criminal Justice MA.CRM 1 Year

Master of Laws LLM 1 Year Master of Laws in Human Rights LLM in Human Rights Law* 1 Year

Master of Science (Various disciplines) MSc 1 Year Doctoral Degree in Gender Studies PhDGS 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture PhDAGR 2 years Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development PhDRDV 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture PhD (Agric) 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development PhDRDV 2 years Doctor of Education DEd 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy PhD 2 years Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences PhDENV 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Hydrology and Water Resources PhDH 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Mining PhDM 2 years Doctor of Philosophy in Mining and Environmental Geology PhDMEG 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning PhDURP 2 years Doctor of Philosophy in Geography PhDGEO 2 years

Doctor of Administration DAdmin 2 years

Doctor of Philosophy PhD 2 years Doctor of Philosophy in Science PhDS 2 years

(c) Diplomas

Diploma in Freshwater Technology DIPFWT 3 Years Advanced Diploma in Sport Management ADPSM 1 Year

Diploma in Nursing Science Dip NSc 2 Years

Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Dipnpn 1 Years Diploma in Mining Impacts and Post-Mining Rehabilitation DIP MIR 2 years

Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Health Care and District Health Management PGDM 1 year

Post-Graduate Diploma in African Studies (not available in 2017) PGAS 2 years

Post-Graduate Diploma in Gender Studies PGDIGS 2 years Diploma in African Studies 1 year

Diploma in Early Childhood Education 1 year

(d) Certificate Certificate in School Leadership and Management CSLMS 1 Year

Advanced Certificate in Education (Remedial Education) ADCRE 2 Years

Advanced Certificate in Education (School Management and Leadership) ACESML 2 Years

National Professional Diploma in Education NPDE 2 Years Certificate in African Studies CAS 1 year


Higher Certificate in Choral Studies HCCS (Choral Studies) 1 year Higher Certificate in Music HCMUS (Music) 1 year

Certificate in Geographical Information Systems CERTGIS 1 year Certificate in Sport Coaching SCC 1 year

Certificate in Sport Management SMC 1 year

G.3 Simultaneous registration for two curricula

A student shall not register for a degree, diploma or certificate simultaneously with another

degree, diploma or certificate at either under -graduate or post graduate level at this or any other university.

G.4 Time-table clashes

Students may not register for modules which at any time clash on the time-table.

G.5 Recognition of attendance and credit

5.1. Senate may grant a student exemption from attendance or examination in a module by virtue

of recognition obtained in the same or an equivalent course or module for another degree, diploma or certificate of the University.

5.2 With approval of Senate, courses or modules passed at other tertiary institutions may be recognized as part of a curriculum for a degree or diploma subject to the following:

5.2.1 Acceptance by Senate of certificates of competence issued by the outside institution. 5.2.2 At least half the minimum number of modules prescribed for the degree or diploma or

certificate, including all final year modules of major programmes must be passed at the University of Venda.

5.3 Subject to rule G 5.2.2 not more than two honours courses or 4 modules passed at another university may be recognised towards honours degree studies at the University of Venda.

G.6 Cancellation of modules

Cancellation of a module after the commencement of the following/next term shall not be allowed unless approved by SENATE and ratified by SENEX.

If cancellation is done after the census date they become fatal errors in terms of HEMIS reporting.

G.7 Completion of curricula at another University.

7.1 Senate may permit a student who lacks a single/one course or two modules to complete a degree or diploma, to complete this course or two modules at another University, on

condition that such a student satisfies the Senate that he cannot, for sound reasons; attend such lectures at this University.

7.2 Senate may admit a returning student who did not qualify to continue with his/her studies; as per rule G2.3, G10.1, G10.2; and obtained the required modules at another University, provided

maximum of two years is not exceeded and the curriculum has not been phased out.

G.8 Application of old and new rules in the event of rule amendments or interruption of studies

8.1 A student who registers for a curriculum and fails to renew his/her registration for such studies

in the following calendar year shall be judged to have interrupted his/her studies. 8.2 Where a rule relating to the composition of a curriculum is amended, a student who began

his/her studies under an old rule and did not interrupt his/her studies may complete his/her


curriculum under the old rule. A student who interrupts his/her studies forfeits the right to continue his/her studies according to the old rule.

8.3 Senate may, in exceptional circumstances, permit a student who interrupted his/her studies before a new rule came into force to continue his/her studies under such conditions as the

Dean may recommend.

G.9 Modules taken for non-degree purposes

9.1 Modules taken for non-degree purposes, at this university, shall not be acknowledged for

degree purposes without the approval of Senate. 9.2 A student who fails to obtain a degree because of failure in one or two modules may not present

that module after taking it for non-degree purposes at any other university, subject to rule G


G.10 Re-admission of students who have failed courses/modules

10.1 A student shall not be permitted to repeat a module more than once without approval of Senate

on the recommendation of the School Academic Board, provided that the student shows a good general progress in his/her curricular.

10.2 (a) A student who failed to obtain at least 60% of modules in his first level of study will

not be allowed to register level two, but permitted to repeat the failed modules

(b) A student who failed to obtain 100% of all level one modules, after two academic

years, will not be permitted to continue with his/her studies.

G.11 Switching from one school or one degree to another

No students will be allowed to switch from one school or degree to another without approval

of the relevant Deans.

G.12 Admission for Assessment

12.1 Subject to School rules, a candidate will only be continuously assessed in a particular module

if he/she attended lectures, tutorials and prescribed practicals satisfactorily and obtained a semester mark of at least 40 %.

12.2 A candidate shall not be entitled to his/her assessment results unless he or she has paid the prescribed fees.

12.3 A student must acquire a subminimum of 40% in each of the three components of assessment where applicable. A student who fails one of these components, will be allowed to repeat only

that component. The written examination component will be rewritten during the next normal

examination period for that specific module. 12.4 Details concerning subminimum in sections of module, where these are required, appear in the

rules of the School concerned.

G.13 Minimum pass and distinction

13.1 The minimum final mark to pass in any semester or year is 50%. Subject to departmental rules,

a sub-minimum of 40% in the assessment is required. 13.2 A course/module is passed with distinction if the final mark is 75% or higher. Bachelor's

degrees and diplomas are awarded with distinction if the average of the major subjects over all years of study is 75% or higher.

G.14 Aegrotat examinations, Tests and other forms of Assessment

14.1 An assessment may be granted to a student who has been prevented from sitting for the examination:


(a) by illness on the day of the examination/assessment, or during or immediately before

the examination/assessment, provided that a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner is submitted to the satisfaction of the Senate, and provided further

that the student's application is supported by the invigilator concerned or another

responsible person; or

(b) as a result of domestic circumstances such as serious illness or death of a close relative during the examination/assessment, or other reasons, provided that the Senate judges

it to be a bona fide case, and the student can provide satisfactory proof of such extraordinary circumstances.

14.2 The School Academic Board Examination Committee will determine whether the whole or only part of the examination in the subject concerned shall be written.

14.3 Where a candidate is permitted to write a part of the examination or present himself/herself for assessment that part of the examination/assessment presented before the illness or relevant

circumstances shall remain valid.

14.4 Application for such a special examination and assessment must be made on the prescribed form within 14 days of the date on which the examination was held, and the student must pay

the applicable fees as determined by the Council.

14.5 No supplementary examinations are awarded on aegrotat examinations except if the course/module is the only outstanding course/module for the award of the degree.

G.15 Special and Supplementary Examinations

15.1 The Examinations Committees of the School Academic Board may admit a student to a

supplementary examination.

15.2 Admission to a supplementary examination is subject to the relevant School rules.

15.3 (a) A candidate who fails the main examination (i,e. having an examination mark of at least

40 %) may be considered for a supplementary examination provided that the final mark

(year/semester mark) plus examination mark is 40% or above.

(b) A final year student who, after the main or supplementary (June/July and Nov/Dec) examination, has failed only one or two modules for which he/she was registered for that

year, and only requires that one or two modules to obtain (complete) a degree, may write a special examination in the module/s failed in January or August once only.

(c) Students who have one outstanding module to qualify for a degree after an aegrotat examination in January may be awarded a supplementary examination in June. These

students will not be required to pay any registration fees. However, if the student fails in June, a registration fee will be required for admittance to the next assessment period.

(Refer to G. 10.4)

(d) A student who fails to write a supplementary or an aegrotat examination in January due to

illness or other domestic circumstances as outlined in rule G14.1 (a) and (b), may, with the approval of the Dean, be allowed to write such examination in June.

(e) A student who passes a module after re-writing it does not qualify for any further

supplementary or additional examinations in another module for any reason.

15.4 A candidate wishing to take the supplementary examination granted to him/her shall pay the

required examination fees. 15.5 Fees are to be paid before sitting for supplementary


15.6 A candidate must obtain at least 50 % for a pass in the supplementary examination. 15.7 The semester mark is not taken into consideration.

15.8 No aegrotat examinations are awarded to a supplementary or aegrotat examination.



16.1. Basic Definition

Postgraduate programmes: refer to any training beyond the undergraduate general three years degree, and/or undergraduate, professional four-year degree above NQF level 6.

16.2. Codes

The following numbers denote the programme. 5- Honours

6- Masters 7- Doctoral degrees

16.3. Module offering and registration

16.3.1 Post-graduate modules will be offered subject to the availability of suitably qualified

staff in the appropriate field of study.

16.3.2 A student who has enrolled for post-graduate studies must renew his/her registration at the beginning of each semester until he/she has complied with all requirements of

the degree except for yearlong courses 16.3.3 Failure to renew registration will result in students being excluded from the


16.4. Returning students

16.4.1 Returning students are required to register for subsequent year/semester of study.

16.4.2 All students are required to obtain written permission from Senate on suspension of their studies and must resume their studies within a period of not more than three


16.4.3 Students suspending their studies without permission from Senate will be required to register according to the rules and learning programme applicable at the time of their


16.5. Simultaneous registration for two programmes Students may not register for a degree, diploma or certificate simultaneously with another

degree, diploma or certificate at either undergraduate or postgraduate level at this or any other

university without approval/permission of Senate.

16.6. Timetable

All postgraduate teaching and learning contact hours will be timetabled between 8:00 and

21:00 hours.

16.7. Recognition of credits and attendance

16.6.1. Senate may grant a student exemption from attendance or examination in a module by virtue of recognition obtained in the same or an equivalent course or module for

another degree, diploma or certificate of the University. 16.6.2. Upon approval of Senate, courses or modules passed at other tertiary institutions may

be recognized as part of a learning programme for a degree or diploma subject to the


93 Provided that courses/modules passed are not more than 50 %.

16.8. Cancellation of modules

Cancellation of registration for a module after the census dates or commencement of the

subsequent semester is not allowed.

16.9. Completion of curricula at another university

Senate may permit a student who lacks a single module to complete a degree or diploma, to take this module at another university, on condition that such a student provides sound reasons

for such a request. A student should satisfy that such a module is the equivalent of the outstanding module at this University.

16.10. Application of old and new rules in the event of rule amendment or interruption of studies.

16.10.1 Students who register for a learning programme and fail to renew their registration for

such studies in the following calendar year, will be judged to have interrupted their

studies. 16.10.2 Where a rule relating to the composition of a curriculum is amended, students who

began their studies under an old rule and did not interrupt their studies may complete their learning programme under the old rule. Students who interrupt their studies

forfeit the right to continue their studies according to the old rule.

16.10.3 Senate may, in exceptional circumstances, permit students who interrupted their

studies before a new rule came into force to continue their studies under such conditions as a school academic board may recommend.

16.11. Modules taken for non-degree purposes

16.11.1 Modules taken for non-degree purposes, at this university, shall not be acknowledged for degree purposes without the approval of Senate.

16.11.2 A student who fails to obtain a degree because of failure in one or more modules may

not present those modules after taking them for non-degree purposes at any other

university, subject to rule A7.

16.12. Re-admission of students who have failed courses/modules

16.12.1 A candidate who fails one module or course in the learning programme, and obtains an aggregate of at least 50% may be admitted for assessment in that module or

course on one further sitting.

16.13. Switching from one school or one degree to another.

No student will be allowed to switch from one school or degree to another without the approval

of the relevant deans.

16.14. Admission for assessment

16.14.1 Subject to respective school rules, candidates will only be assessed in a particular

module if they attended lectures, tutorials and prescribed practicals satisfactorily and obtained a semester mark of at least 50%.

16.14.2 Candidates are not entitled to their assessment results unless they have paid the prescribed fees.


16.14.3 A student must attain a minimum of 50% pass in each of the components of assessment. A student who fails one of these components, will be allowed to repeat

only that component. The written examination component will be conducted during the next normal examination period for that specific module.

16.14.4 All written examinations will be taken only during official examination sessions.

16.15. Minimum pass and distinction

16.15.1 The minimum final pass mark in any module is 50%. Subject to department rules, a subminimum of 50% in the assessment is required.

16.15.2 A student passes a module with distinction if the final mark is 75% or higher.

Postgraduate programmes are awarded with distinction, if the average score of all the modules of the years of study is 75% or higher.

16.16. Aegrotat examinations, Special examination, tests and other forms of assessment

16.16.1 An Aegrotat Examination may be granted to a student who has been prevented from sitting for the examination -

(a) by illness on the day of the examination or assessment, or immediately before the

examination or assessment, provided that a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner is submitted to Senate, and/or provided that the student’s

application is supported by the invigilator concerned or another responsible person;


(b) as a result of domestic circumstances such as serious illness or death of a close relative during the examination or assessment, or other reasons, provided that the

Senate judges it to be a bona fide case, and the student can provide satisfactory

proof of such extraordinary circumstances.

16.16.2 Special examination will not be offered to postgraduate students except with special permission of Senate.


H.1. Admission

1.1 To qualify for admission a student must possess a Bachelor’s degree with an average of 60% pass in the final two years of study, or if Senate approves, the student should

have completed the modules for a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent status must have been conferred on the student by Senate.

H.2. Minimum duration of study

2.1 For full-time students the honours degree is offered over one academic year and

students write examinations and present themselves for continuous assessment during the year of registration. For part-time students the degree is normally offered over two

years. Part-time students are assessed at the same time as full-time students during scheduled assessment and examination periods. Except with the special permission of

Senate, the duration of the full-time study shall not exceed two years, and the duration

of the part-time study shall not exceed three years.

2.2 Duration of study: The degree shall not be conferred on a candidate before at least one year has elapsed since he or she obtained the Bachelor’s degree or another


undergraduate degree as set out in the school rules and unless he or she has been registered for one year at this University.

H.3. Research for honours degree

3.1 An honours degree comprises of coursework and a research component.

3.2 The research component will include a taught research methodology module.

3.3 Students produce a research proposal and carry out a research. 3.4 A mini dissertation will not exceed 60 pages.

3.5 Both the proposal and mini-dissertation must meet all requirements as prescribed for a scientific research project in the relevant discipline.

H.4. Supervision

4.1. The research proposal of each student must be approved by a departmental board.

4.2. Research must be undertaken in close consultation with the supervisor. Student’s

progress must be kept by both the supervisor and the Head of department and a report must be produced every semester. This report must serve at the respective school

boards through the School’s Higher Degrees Committee at the end of every semester. Each school shall submit their reports to the Dean, who will in turn submit these reports

to Senate.

H.5. Assessment of Honours Mini-Dissertation

5.1 The mini dissertation may be handed in only upon the written recommendation of the supervisor and co-supervisor, where applicable, for examination.

5.2 All examination reports will be approved by the respective departments. These reports should be submitted through the School’s higher degrees committee to Senate for


A candidate who fails the mini-dissertation will be allowed to resubmit within a period

not exceeding 6 months.

Students must submit five bound copies of the final mini-dissertation to their

departments for onward transmission to the Examination Section. These mini dissertations must be hard bound after finalisation.


1. Programmes offered

1.1. Masters by coursework and dissertation

1.2. Masters by dissertation only

1.2.1 All master’s degree studies involving coursework and dissertation must have a 50 % research component.

1.2.2 Coursework for Master’s degree will be governed by the specific departmental regulations and the general rules stipulated above (Section. A)

2. Admission

2.1 Candidates will be admitted into the master’s degree if they obtained the Honours or a

professional 4 year degree with at least 60% in the subject for which they want to enrol, or have an equivalent status conferred on them by Senate and have satisfied Senate as to their

proficiency in the subject of study.

2.2 Before a student’s application for registration can be considered, a provisional topic and field of study is to be specified and submitted to the Registrar on recommendation by the Head of

Department and approval by the School Board concerned.


2.3 A student may be required to visit the University for an Interview with the Head of Department concerned before registration.

2.4 Unless otherwise decided by the Senate, a second master’s degree may not be taken in the same field of study.

3. Duration of Study

3.1 Unless otherwise decided by Senate and subject to special provision in the school rules, the

degree may be conferred if the candidate has been registered for at least a minimum of one academic year for the degree concerned at this university.

3.2 The maximum period of study is three years full time and four years part-time. Senate may refuse to renew the registration of a student who does not complete the study within the

prescribed time or may renew it subject to any conditions it may deem fit to impose.

3.3 Senate may, at any time, suspend or cancel the registration of any student who, in its view, is not making satisfactory progress.

3.4 Students who wish to defer their studies at any stage must submit an application to the relevant department. If granted, such deferment will be for a maximum period of one year, after which

a further application must be submitted. Deferment will, at most, be granted twice. A student

who applies for deferment will be bound by the provisions of A4 & A10.

4. Supervision

4.1. Appointment of supervisor and a co-supervisor:

(a) The department will identify a supervisor (b) A co-supervisor may be appointed on the discretion of the department concerned

4.2 Research proposals must be approved by the school’s higher degrees committee. 4.3. The research proposal of each student must be approved by the Departmental board, which

will assign project supervisors where necessary. Research will be undertaken in close consultation with the supervisor and HOD/Director of the programme.

4.4. Research must be undertaken in close consultation with the supervisor. Student’s progress

must be kept by both the supervisor and the Head of department and a report must be produced every semester. This report must serve at the respective school boards through the

School’s Higher Degrees Committee at the end of every semester. “Each School shall submit their reports to the Senate Higher Degrees Committees, who in turn will submit the reports to


5. Submission of dissertation

5.1 No person may submit a dissertation for assessment more than once without the special permission of Senate.

5.2 The Supervisor(s) of a candidate who satisfies the requirements of a degree to be awarded at

the April/May graduation ceremony must notify the Registrar not later than 30th September of

preceding year of the intention to submit the dissertation for assessment. The dissertation must be submitted by 30 November or by special written permission of the Head of the

Department, the Dean and the Registrar, not later than 15 January- provided that this does not constitute a guarantee on the part of the University that the dissertation will have been

examined in time for the ensuing graduation.

5.3 For assessment purposes a candidate must submit five suitably bound copies of the

dissertation, which remain the property of the University until the finalisation of assessment. One copy remains with the supervisor, one copy remains with the Examination Section, and

three copies are forwarded to the examiners. Copies from examiners should be made available to the supervisor and student for corrections. Examination copies should be returned to the

supervisor upon submission of final bound copies.


One copy remains with the supervisor, one copy remains with the Examination Section, and three copies are forwarded to the examiners.

5.4. After finalization, a candidate must submit five hard bound copies and a soft copy in PDF

of their dissertation to the School.

5.5. Five hard copies are to be submitted to Examination Section. Four hard copies are to be

Distributed to the supervisors and external examiners. In the event the supervisors and/or

external examiners are more than four, the student must provide the additional copies. One

hardcopy and a soft copy should be forwarded to the Library.

5.6. A candidate and the supervisors must complete the of dissertation submission form. 5.8. Candidates who fail to submit both hard copy and soft copy of their dissertation will not


5.9. The full text of the dissertation will be uploaded on the Univen Institutional Repository in PDF


6. Masters Dissertation Examination:

6.1. Subject to special provisions in the school rules, the assessment will be in two parts:

Dissertation, and Oral Examination where necessary. 6.2. On recommendation by the Head of Department, Higher Degrees Committee, Senate would

appoint the following:

6.2.1 Three examiners, two of whom must be external. Where an internal examiner

cannot be found, three external examiners must be appointed. 6.2.2 This committee shall be chaired by the head of the department provided he or she is

not the supervisor or co-supervisor.

6.3. No dissertation which has previously been submitted for a degree at any other university shall

be accepted, but material taken by the candidate from own published work may be incorporated in the dissertation. All data and material consulted must be clearly acknowledged. If called

upon, the candidate must submit, together with the present dissertation, a copy of every dissertation previously submitted for another degree, whether it was accepted or not.

The dissertation must show proof of the candidate’s proficiency in the field and

ability to do research independently. The contents should be logical, and technically sound, and the language be of high standard.

6.4. An abstract of not more than 250 words in the language in which the dissertation is written, must form an integral part of the dissertation. The summary must be submitted to the

supervisor for approval.

6.5. If the dissertation is not written in English, each copy of the dissertation must also contain a copy of the abstract in English.

6.6. The dissertation must be typed in A4 format, on good quality white, opaque paper, using at least one and a half spacing and leaving a left margin of at least 2 centimetres. After approval

of the dissertation, and before the degree can be conferred, six bound copies and one loose copy suitable for scanning of the final, corrected dissertation, must be submitted. One bound

copy remains with the Department, one with the School of Postgraduate and Integrated

Studies, and the remaining ones are forwarded to the University Library for distribution to national libraries. The final bound dissertations should have hard covers with a glued spine.

The title of the dissertation and the name of the candidate must appear on the cover as well as on the spine of each bound copy. The dissertation may not be typed on stencil and must in

the opinion of the University, be suitable for scanning.

6.7. The title page of the dissertation must bear a declaration such as the following:

(Full title of the dissertation ___________________________________________________)

by (Full name of the candidate __________________________________________________)


submitted in fulfilment/partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

_____________ in _________________________________at the University of Venda

Supervisor/Co-supervisor (if applicable) _________ Date submitted___________________

6.8. When the dissertation is submitted for examination, it must be accompanied by the following declaration by the candidate:

I,____________________________________. hereby declare that the dissertation for the

_____________________________ degree at the University of Venda, hereby submitted by

me, has not been submitted previously for a degree at this or any other university, that it is

my own work in design and in execution, and that all reference material contained therein has

been duly acknowledged.

Signature ___________________________ Date: _________________

6.9. The pass mark for a dissertation is 50 %. A master’s degree can be obtained with distinction. The distinction mark is 75 % or higher. Any special requirements in respect of a pass with

distinction are indicated in the relevant school rules.

6.10. The university may make copies of a dissertation and distribute such copies as it deems fit. 6.11. The university also may publish the whole, or part, or parts of a dissertation in consultation

with the candidate and the supervisor in accordance with existing copyright laws and University's Research Policy.

6.12. In the event of the publication of the whole, or part, or parts of a dissertation by a candidate,

mention must be made that such dissertation or thesis was the product of a degree obtained at this University. The name of the supervisor as well as the Department in which the study

was completed must also be mentioned. 6.13. Unless otherwise decided by Senate, students who wish their dissertation or part(s) of the

dissertation to be treated as confidential or secret, must submit a full substantiated application, supported by the institution concerned, when the title or topic of the projected dissertation is

initially submitted for approval. If it is approved that the dissertation be kept confidential or

secret, the procedure to be followed will be determined by the Senate.


A. Admission.

1.1. To be admitted, subject to special provisions in the relevant school rules, candidates

must have obtained the Master’s degree or such other qualification as in the opinion of Senate is of equivalent status, in the field where they wish to study, except if Senate

approves that it may be in another field, in which case they must satisfy Senate as to their proficiency in the selected field.

1.2. Before a candidate’s application for registration can be considered, the title or topic of the proposed thesis, together with a brief outline of the research must be submitted

to the department and School’s Higher Degrees Committee concerned for

recommendation to the School of Postgraduate Studies and approval by Senate. 1.3. The research proposal must be approved by the relevant School’s Higher Degrees

committee. The student should submit a research proposal not exceeding 20 pages within six months of registration.

B. Duration of study

Unless otherwise decided by Senate and subject to special provisions in the school:

(a) the degree may be conferred only after the candidate has been registered for a period of at least two years fulltime or 3 years part-time for the degree

concerned at this University, and


(b) the maximum period of study is five years full time or seven years part-time, subject to Senate approval. Extension may be granted only in exceptional cases

and for only one year. A student who desires an extension must submit a motivated application for consideration by Senate.

C. Re-registration and deferment of studies

3.1 For the duration of the programme a student must register each year by the stipulated date.

Registration each year is subject to the recommendation of the Head of Department and may be rejected in any year on grounds of unsatisfactory

progress. When applying for registration annually, the student must give, on the prescribed form, a short exposition of progress to date and study plans

for the year concerned. A progress report must be endorsed by the

Supervisor. 3.2 Students wishing to defer studies at any stage must submit a motivated application

beforehand. If granted, such deferment will be for a period of one year only, after which a further application must be submitted. Deferment will, at most, be granted


D.4. Supervision

4.1 Appointment of supervisor and a co-supervisor:

a) The department will identify a supervisor.

b) A co-supervisor may be appointed on the discretion of the department

concerned. 4.2 Research proposals must be approved by the school’s higher degrees committee

4.3 The research proposals of each student must be approved by the Departmental board,

which will assign project supervisors where necessary. Research will be undertaken in

close consultation with the supervisor and HOD/Director of the programme.

4.4 Research must be undertaken in close consultation with the supervisor. Student’s progress must be kept by both the supervisor and the Head of the department and a

report must be produced every semester. This report must serve as the respective

school boards through the School’s Higher Degrees Committee at the end of every semester and subsequently to Senate.

D.5. Submission of Thesis

5.1 No person may submit a thesis for assessment more than once without the special permission of Senate.

5.2 The Supervisor(s) of a candidate who satisfies the requirements of a degree to be

awarded at the April/May graduation ceremony must notify the Registrar not later than 30th September of preceding year of the intention to submit the thesis for assessment.

The thesis must be submitted by 30 November or by special written permission of the Head of the Department, and the Dean – not later than 15 January – provided that his

does not constitute a guarantee on the part of the University that the thesis will have

been examined in time for the ensuing graduation. 5.3 For assessment purposes a candidate must submit five suitably bound copies of the

thesis which remain the property of the University until the finalisation of the assessment. One copy remains with the supervisor, one copy remains with the

Examination Section, and three copies are forwarded to the examiners. Copies from examiners should be made available to the supervisor and student for corrections.

Examination copies should be returned to the supervisor upon submission of final

bound copies.


5.4 After finalization, a candidate must submit five hard bound copies and a soft copy in PDF format as a CD or DVD of their dissertation to the School.

5.5 One hard copy and a CD/DVD are to be submitted directly by the student and/or supervisor to the Library for the uploading of the dissertation on ETD. A receipt must

be provided by the Library upon successful uploading and submission of hard copy.

5.6 The Library receipt (copy) and four hard copies are to be submitted to Examination Section. The four hard copies are to be distributed to the supervisors and external

examiners. In the event the supervisors and/or external examiners are more than four, the student must provide the additional copies.

5.7 A candidate and the supervisors must complete the submission of thesis form. 5.8 Candidates who fail to submit a hard copy of their thesis will not graduate.

5.9 The full text of the thesis will be posted on the web in PDF format.

D.6. Doctoral Thesis Assessment:

6.1 The relevant school appoints an examination committee for approval by Senate:

(a) at least three examiners two of whom are external and one is internal but not the supervisor or co-supervisor of the thesis.

(b) An oral defence committee which includes the supervisor and co-supervisor, where applicable.

(c) A chairperson of the oral examination committee, in a non-examining capacity, who is normally the head of the department or another senior member of the

Department, subject to (b) above.

(d) A candidate has to present herself/himself for the defence of her/his thesis before the examination committee as part of the requirements or the degree.

(e) The examination committee shall decide on the final results after the defence of the thesis.

(f) The final results will consist of the results of the thesis plus those of the


6.2. No thesis which has previously been submitted for a degree at any University will be accepted, but material taken by the candidate from own existing work may be

incorporated in the dissertation. Such material must be clearly indicated. If called upon,

the candidate must submit, together with the thesis, a copy of every dissertation previously submitted for another degree, whether it was accepted or not.

6.3. The thesis must show proof of the candidate’s proficiency in the field and of the

ability to do independent and original research. The contents should be logical, the language be of a high standard.

6.4. A summary of not more than 350 words in the language in which the thesis is written

must form an integral part of the thesis. The abstract must be submitted to the supervisor for approval.

6.5. If the thesis is not written in English, each copy of the thesis must also contain a copy

of the abstract in English.

6.6. The thesis must be typed in A4 format, on good quality white, opaque paper, using at

least one and a half spacing and leaving a left margin of at least 2 centimetres. After approval of the thesis, and before the degree can be conferred, a further six bound

copies and one loose copy suitable for microfilming or scanning of the final, corrected dissertation, must be submitted. One bound copy remains with the Department, one

with the School of Postgraduate and Integrated Studies, and the remaining copies are

forwarded to the University Library for distribution to the Legal Deposit Library. The thesis must be bound in hard covers with a glued spine. The title of the thesis and the

name of the candidate must appear on the cover as well as on the spine of each bound


copy. The thesis may not be typed on stencil and must in the opinion of the University, be suitable for microfilming or scanning.

6.7. The title page of a thesis must bear the following inscription:

(Full title of thesis) ____________________________________________________.

by (full name of the candidate) ___________________________________________

Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


In the subject ___________________________________________________ at The

University of Venda_______________________ ____________________________

Supervisor _________________________________________ Co-supervisor (If


Submitted on ___________________________.20 __________________________

6.8. In addition to proof of the candidate’s proficiency in the methods and techniques of

research, a thesis will not be approved unless it makes an original contribution to the specific field of study.

6.9. When the thesis is submitted for examination, it must be accompanied by the following

declaration by the candidate:

”I _________________________________________________________ hereby

declare that the thesis for the ______________________________. degree at the

University of Venda, hereby submitted by me, has not previously been submitted for a

degree at this or any other university, and that it is my own work in design and

execution and that all reference material contained therein has been duly


Signature __________________________Date_______________________

6.10 The university is authorized to make copies of a thesis and to distribute such

Copies as it deems fit.

D.7. The University also has the authority to publish the whole, or part, or parts, of a thesis if the candidate does not make any attempt to do so within a period of six months after such

examination has been concluded. Existing copyright laws and the University's Research Policy must be complied with.

D.8. In the event of the publication of the whole or part, or parts, of a thesis by a candidate, mention

must be made that such thesis was the product of a degree obtained at this university. The name of the supervisor as well as the Department in which the study was completed, must also

be mentioned D.9. No marks will be given on the thesis, results will only be indicated by a pass or fail.

D.10. Any patent or issues on intellectual will be governed by the University’s research policies.