Playing the Macro Violin: Shifting from Ego to Eco-System Being

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Playing the Macro Violin: Shifting from Ego to Eco-System Being

Playing the Macro ViolinShifting from "Ego" to "Eco-System" Being

"When I gave my first concert in Chartres, I felt that the cathedral almost

kicked me out. For I was young and I tried to perform as I always did: just playing my violin. But then I came to realize that in Chartres you actually

cannot play your small violin, but you have to play the macro violin. The small

violin is the instrument that is in your hands. The macro violin is the whole

cathedral that surrounds you. The cathedral of Chartres is entirely built

according to musical principles. Playing the macro violin requires you to listen and to play from another place. You

have to move your listening and playing from within to beyond yourself." - quoted from Miha Pogacnik and Scharmer's, "

The Blind Spot of Leadership"

Playing the Macro Violin (overview)

• My "intention statement":• Current situation: What key challenge or question is the group facing?• Stakeholders: How might others view this situation?• Intention: What future are we trying to create?• Learning threshold: What do we need to let-go of - and what do we need to learn?• Help: "Where" or in "what" do we need input or help?

• Stillness

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

My "intention statement" - The Current Situation

What key challenge or question is the group facing?

"From your experience thus far, what's the single greatest determinant or factor shaping (informing) your

answer to the two questions with which one's presented at the bottom of the "U" . . . Who is my Self? (highest future potential "self") and What is my Work?."

My "intention statement" - The Current Situation

"How we relate to our own and others gender and sex is both extremely personal and

profoundly philosophical. In fact, few domains of inquiry are as equally personal and

simultaneously philosophical than sex, gender, and sexuality. This inquiry is personal in that few topics are more intimate to our sense of

self-identity, our most immediate desires, and our needs for love, intimacy, and connection."

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens from the Forward to Integral Voices on Sex, Gender, and Sexulaity

My "intention statement" - Stakeholders

How might others view this situation?

What's the nature and quality of our

interpersonal relations with community

members? Is it mindful? If so, how . .

. in what ways?

My "intention statement" - Intention

What future are we trying to create?

"So you don't get to choose between yourself and this other, between the shape of yourself and what's passing around you.

So this is the piece I wrote for the plane, but also to look at the way that human beings can travel enormous distances.

They don't have to do the work, they simply have to have the conversation . . . and the conversation does all the work for you. The organization doesn't have to do the work, it just has to have the conversation with the people itself. The converstaion creates a

dynamic whereby you look around and the work's been done."

TEDx - David Whyte - "The Conversational Nature of Reality"

My "intention statement" - Learning threshold

What do we need to let go of and learn?

"We live on a razor's edge. From one instant to another, any of us can regress to

yesterday's mindset or connect with an emerging future possibility. In all countries and civilizations around the globe, we face the same challenge: crossing the threshold to this other side, to the field of the future that is waiting to emerge. Rilke referred to

crossing this threshold as a shift of perspective and consciousness:

... for here there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life.

("Archaic Torso of Apollo," Rainer Maria Rilke)"

"You Must Change Your Life" - Otto Scharmer, HuffPost

My "intention statement" - Help

"Where" or in "what" do we need help?

"We will be continuing to orient ourselves to the

issue at hand and working to gain a deeper

appreciation of the affects of mindfulness in

directing our conversation."

Roanoke Food Security Mindfulness Initiative


Listen to your heart: Connect with your heart to what you're hearing.

Listen to what resonates: What images, metaphors, feelings and

gestures come up for you that capture the essence of what you


Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

Each coach shares the images/metaphors, feelings and gestures

that came up.

Having listened to all coaches, the moderator

reflects back on what s/he heard.

Generative Dialogue

All reflect on the moderator’s remarks and move into a generative dialogue on how these

observations can offer new perspectives for better

serving the group’s situation and journey.

Go with the flow of the dialogue. Build on each

others ideas.

Closing Remarks

By coaches

By moderator: How do I now see

our situation and way forward?

Thank you: An expression of

genuine appreciation to each other.

Playing the Macro ViolinShifting from "Ego" to "Eco-System" Being