Playful Blended Digital Storytelling in 3D Immersive eLearning Environments for Literacy Motivation

Post on 08-May-2015

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Presentation at IDEE Workshop 2014 (June 9th, 2014 Albacete, Spain) about the pedagogical design, the technical development and initial findings of the educational program “From the Ancient to the Modern Tablets” involving digital storytelling, gamification, playful design and 3d virtual worlds to motivate K-12 students and promote literacy and extracurricular reading.

Transcript of Playful Blended Digital Storytelling in 3D Immersive eLearning Environments for Literacy Motivation

Playful Blended Digital Storytelling in 3D Immersive eLearning Environ-

ments for Literacy Motivation

Stylianos Mystakidis &

Niki Lambropoulos

University of Patras

Habib M. Fardoun &

Daniyal M. Alghazzawi

King Abdulaziz University 3rd Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (Albacete, June 9th 2014)

Stylianos Mystakidis MSc, PMP, Phd cand.

• Learning Innovator @ Library & Information Services, University of Patras (Greece)

• Adjunct Faculty @ University of the West of England – UWE (Bristol, UK)

• Adjunct Faculty @ Open University of Catalonia – UOC (Barcelona, Spain)

• Teaching Mentor @ University of Washington – UW (Seattle, USA)

Good Digital Teaching Practice Seal



• Scenery

• Theoretical Background

• Pedagogical Design

• Technical Development

• Preliminary Results

• Conclusion


University of Patras (Upatras)

• World Ranking*: #327 • Greece Ranking*: #2 • 24,460 students | 754 Faculty members • 24 Departments in 5 Schools • Prominent Research Center on ICT & Engineering • St Andrew (Patras’ patron Saint)

*Webometrics, 2012

Library & Information Services

• National & European Research Projects

• Institution-wide Services (e.g. Repository)

• ISO 9001:2000

• Openness- & Innovation-oriented

“Schools go to University”

• Open days

• 2 weeks each Spring

• Primary & Secondary School class visits

• 2014: 14 Departments offering 36 educational programs & activities


Prepare a short, engaging educational

program for K-12 classes visiting the

University of Patras’ Library

Theoretical Background


• Stories are extremely powerful tools for learning

• Better recall when in a narrative (Adval, 1998)

• “Stories allow us to learn from the experience of others without having to face another person’s personal consequences”

Gamification & The Power of Play

Flow Theory (Csikszentmihalyi)

Games vs Play vs Gamification vs Toys

3D Virtual Immersive Learning Environments Instructional Strategies

• Socio-constructivist instructional methods

• Situated and experiential learning (Dawley & Dede, 2013; Falconer, 2013)

• Simulated learning (Falconer & Frutos-Perez, 2009)

• Game-based learning experiences (Hill & Mystakidis, 2012)

Pedagogical Design Technical Development

From the Ancient to the Modern Tablets

Learning Objectives

• Motivate extracurricular reading and promote of early literacy;

• Establish cognitive links between writing, books and acquiring knowledge with technology;

• Possess introductory user skills with a tablet; and

• Practice team collaboration

Experience Design (Levels)

1. Playful Library Tour *30’+

2. Interactive Presentation & Game *45’+

3. Creative Group Reflection with Tablets *30’+

1. Playful Library Tour

Engagement through Play

• Team play

• Competition

• Challenge

• Quests

• Choices

• Curiosity

• Expression

2. Interactive Presentation & Game

• Classroom & video projector

• Instructor controls avatar in the 3d Virtual Environment

• Avatar appearance & movement

• 2 Teams

• Scoring points by answering questions

• Mini-game: Phoenician Alphabet Challenge

Interactive Presentation & Game (II)

Immersion (Second Life)

3d Virtual Immersive Environments :

• UW Museum of Virtual Media

• Museum Island

• Ancient Alexandria

• Alice Academy

• International Spaceflight Museum

3D Virtual Immersive Learning Environments

• Cave Paintings, Lascaux Cave, France 32000 BC

• Ancient Tablets, Mesopotamia, 3500 BC

• Ancient Greece, Linear Α & Β’, 1450 BC

• Alphabet, Phoenicia, 1200 BC

• Great Library of Alexandria, Egypt, 200 BC

• Manuscript copying, Byzantine Empire, 600 AD

• Movable Type, China 1040 AD

• The Future of Books & Knowledge

Lascaux Cave, UW Museum of Virtual Media

The Role of 3D Virtual Immersive Learning Environments

• Depict civilization’s architecture, natural environment and aesthetics,

• Show clothing and appearance of a representative of each milestone (through the avatar’s clothing and skin)

• Visualize objects and notions not available in the physical life, e.g. the arrangement of scrolls in the Great Library of Alexandria

• Demonstrate through programming how inventions worked (e.g. movable type)

• Include objects to be used as prompts during the game (e.g. the Phaistos disk)

3. Creative Group Reflection with Tablets

Results I

Results II

We love books!

Preliminary Results


• “From the Ancient to the Modern Tablets”

• Program offered since 2012

• Participation: 1500 students from 20 schools (ages: 7-15)

Evaluation Findings

• Online Questionnaire (Likert scale)

• 28 teachers

• 81% children acquired new skills (agree & fully agree)

• 85% helped children assume a positive attitude towards books & reading

• 98% 3D VIEs useful for facts recall & history understanding

Teachers’ Quotes

“I have never seen my class so quiet and concentrated as when they attended this

program” (oral statement)

“You exceeded teachers’ & students’ expectations; you have captivated childrens’

interest and they enjoyed the program greatly. The whole visit to the Library was so alive.”



• Customization / adaptation for older classes

• Atmosphere creation

• Avatar appearance & gestures count!

• Encourage participation non-stop with micro-interactions!

• Surprise!

• Learning as Show


• University of Washington

• Randy Hinrichs, CEO 2b3d

• Anna Gadler-Pratt, SL Educator & Artist

• Tom Layton, Alice Academy

• Carlolello Zapatero, Museum Island

Contact us for more… Stylianos Mystakidis


Niki Lambropoulos
