Playa presentation 14112012

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Playa presentation 14112012

Cursor Oy presents:

Playa – Game Industry Hub

Playa – Game Industry Hub

• Playa Game Industry Hub is a network of game industry players in the region of Southeastern Finland

• Playa represents 16 game developers and game industry suppliers and a growing number of service providers

• Playa is supported by regional educational institutes from vocational education level to universities, that offer game industry education

• Playa is created and operated by Cursor Oy, the regional development company of Kotka-Hamina Region

Playa´s ambition is to become one of the main game industry clusters in the world


• Playa Game Industry Hub is a common marketing brand and a service concept serving the region of Southeastern Finland

• Playa was launched on 27th of January 2012

• Playa represents its member companies – 16 game developers and game industry suppliers in the region, 5 universities providing game industry education and research, along with two regional development companies (Cursor & Wirma)

• Playa is the latest development in a process of active regional development activities in supporting the growing game cluster

• From the start, focus is on business and commercial success, with a long term structural resource development aspect – mainly engaging in education and training new skilled talents

• We’ve had a lot of success in helping new companies get established abnd new ones relocating to the area from other parts of Finland and Russia – Currently we are the 3rd largest regional game industry cluster in Finland, only behind Helsinki and Tampere – this development from 3 to 16 companies has happened in less than a year

• We have managed to secure a decent level of public funding to develop our services and activities even further – Also including possible franchising Playa to other regions in Finland

Key strengths of Playa - Game Industry Hub

• Heavy focus in commercial success and business development through a network of heavy-weight industry experts

• Efficient business acceleration process

• LevelUp - Cool common working space for companies providing all the necessary tools to kick-start new game business

• Very good resources and expertise in cooperating with Russian markets through Rubicon-programme

• Active representation at the main industry events together with member companies

• Playa Game Industry Hub represents 16 game studios that develop games to different platforms: Consoles, PC, mobile and web. We also have a game simulator manufacturer (TOP-LAT) and game sound and music providers (Tempo Music & Strawberry Bay Sound) onboard

– Pauhu Games – Heliwood – Kukouri Mobile Entertainment – Nitro Games – Octane Games – Skyrock Games – SongHi Entertainment – Routa Games – Seepia Games – TOP-LAT – Goodkind – TripleBit Studios – Tempo Music – Futurepier – Strawberry Bay Sound – Along with these companies, we have a number of companies being established and companies that are moving to the region

• In the beginning of 2011 we started with 2 game developers and now we are at 16. The aim is to grow the number to 20 before

end of the 2012.

• Game development in Southeastern Finland has a focus in entertainment, but there has also been encouraging development in serious gaming. Nitro Games, Carea (public healthcare provider) and Cursor Oy have been working on a ”MediGame”-project, that combines professional physical rehabilitation processes and gaming elements through motion sensor tehcnology.

Game Industry in Southeastern Finland

The Future

• Business Acceleration Services – Playa focuses in offering a number of business critical services that enable the member companies to reach commercial success and proper funding as effciently as possible

• Supplier and service provider network – Playa aims to strengthen its network of industry suppliers, experts and service providers to offer reliable and high quality partnerships to game developers

• Deeper cooperation with educational and other public institutes – Ensure a steady flow of new talents and expertise to the industry, including new entrepreneurs and new employees. We are looking for new partners in Finland and abroad

• New and innovative projects – As a project-oriented development company, Cursor Oy as the operator of Playa, will plan and execute new projects in game industry with an international network of partner organisations. One of the upcoming hot topics will be Serious gaming and its commercial and academic prospects.


• Kaakon Peliklusteri

– Creation and operations with LevelUp – Game development environment

– Demo projects with game industry startups

– Game Lab for KyAMK students

– Development of the game development programme at KyAMK

– Game development research at LUT

• Game Cluster

– Game industry coaching for startups and other game companies

– Representation at international industry events

– Marketing activities for the cluster

– Concept / Demo competitions

– Development and establishing game publishing actors in Finland

– Coordinated game education at KyAMK, Saimia, Metropolia and TuAMK

– Game development research at LUT

Examples on how Playa helps game companies in different growth phases

Bubbling under:

Team of motivated and skilled game developers planning to build a business

• Cursor provides expert services on how to set up a new company

• Playa introduces the team to key contacts

• Universities support and develop new business and provide concept building workshops and events

Fresh Start-up:

Newly founded company with ideas, concepts, expertise and loads of motivation – Demo projects started

• Playa Launchpad: provides a modular 5-8month guided training programme that covers all the topics and hands-on training needed to build a smart and successful game studio – Coaches and mentors are all hardened game industry professionals

• LevelUp: Provides office space, tools, development licenses and software needed to kick-start development. Common working environment with like-minded entrepreneurs

• Financing: Help in gathering early-stage financing is provided by seasoned experts

Getting out there:

Demo is ready, training completerd, sales pitches honed to perfection, strategies are clear. Ready to sign a publishing deal!!

• Playa will take aspiring game companies to main international industry events to meet publishers, media, investors and partners. Focus is on high visibility, shared contacts and good facilities

• Expert network will provide help with negotiating good deals

• Playa follows the international industry event schedule with different profiles – Especially focusing on Game Connection events. At GC, developers can quite easily have 30-40 publisher meetings within a 3 day event

Scaling up business:

Publishing deal signed, production well underway and marketing in full speed. Need for capital is huge to scale the business up and start new projects

• Playa will provide an acceleration programme – Venture Gym- for Born Global-type developers, motivated by fast internatinal growth

• Focus will be on fast growth and funding, private and public

• A dedicated team of serial entrepreneurs as accelerator managers will hel p the company get the company on growth track and help secure investments and funding

• Most promising companies will be have chance to pitch to international VC’s and other key stakeholders in global finance hotspots

Becoming a star:

First game out with a bang. Consumers happy, new projects started, steady cashflow, good financial backing.

• Playa will help with resourcing, together with partner universities

• Playa will help in creating product development projects together with companies

• International events will continue to provide visibility and media attention

• New staff can be trained with Playa Launchpad programme

Coaching modules



- Understanding of how game

industry works, key dynamics

of the marketplace


- History of Games


- Business dynamics and

value chain

- Currect trends

- Skills and teamd

Founding a game



- How to do things

correctly from the start


- Forming a company

- Partnership deals

- Governance

- Owner strategy

-Finance alternatives

Strategy workshop


- Setting up a vision, mission and strategy

- How to measure success

- Partnerships and networks


- Objectives

- Competencies and networks

- Products and technologies

- Marketing

- Outsourcine

Crafting a demo


- How to create a

convincing demo

- How to manage initial



- Arts and plauability

- Processes and tools

- Technologies and platforms

Marketing strategies


- How to plan and execute marketing strategies

- Undestanding of the

publishing value chains

- Defining the right



- Publisihing mechanics and


- Distribution

- Pricing

- Marketing communications

- Social media

- Communities

Sales and pitching


- How to deliver

convincing sales pitches

- How to pitch to investors


-Sales strategy

- Pitching techniques and


- Crafting presentatiions

- How to habdle aftercare and


Producing games


- How to manage

development projects

- How to set up processes

- How to resource



- Processes

- Schedules

- Quality and testing

- Resourcing

- Budgeting

- R&D



- How to secure

company financing

- How to leverage finance

- Understand strategic

aspects of finaning


- Finance strategy

- Private & public


- Crafting investor


- Crafting successful




- How to negotiate publishing contracts

- Understanding of legistlations,

roles and responsibilities


- International IP legislation

- Crafting contracts and


- Due diligence

- Conflicts

- Negotiation techniques

Rubicon – connecting Russian and Finnish game industries

• Rubicon is a unique service concept developed by Cursor Oy for Russian companies aiming at global markets via Finland.

• Rubicon will support you during all stages of establishing and development your company in Finland regardless if you are start-up or already strong market player.

Your benefits:

• You’ll receive full-range service for establishing business in Finland from one window

• As a Finnish company you’ll have an access to the Finnish innovation support system and R&D financing

• You will have easier access and exposure to venture funds, business angels and other private funding

• You’ll have easier access to international markets, networks and clients

• Your products will have ”Made in EU” lable and very trustworthy IPR protection

• You can use our expat services and enjoy the quality of life in the EU

And at last, but not at least, you’ll become a part of Playa!!!

What we are looking for?

• New game industry start-ups to grow and succeed together with us

• Established companies to relocate or set new offices in the region

• New suppliers, service providers and partners that bring added value to Playa and our companies

• New partners for new and innovative projects

Business Development:

Mikko Kähärä, Project Manager

Cursor Oy

+358 40 190 2536

Business Development:

Markus Råmark, Project Manager

Cursor Oy

+358 40 190 2539

Education & Training:

Teemu Saarelainen


+358 44 702 8555
