Plants use flowers or cones to reproduce

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Plants use flowers or cones to reproduce

How do plants use flowers or cones to reproduce?


make seeds that grow into new plants.

Plants can reproduce:

grow stems and roots that grow into new plants.

When plants reproduce, they make more

of the same kind.

Maple trees produce seeds. These seeds can grow into new maple trees.

1-Each seed carries information from the parent plants.

2-The seed uses this information and food stored from the parent plant in the seed to grow into a new plant.

3-The new plant will be like its parents.

4- After seeds are produced , they may scatter or move away from the parent plant. This gives the new plant more room to grow.

Parts of a flower


This part Makes pollen

Pollen helps form seeds

Pollination happens when animals or wind move pollen to the part of the flower that makes seeds.

Animals or wind can pollinate, or carry pollen to another flower.

After pollination, seeds formnear the center of the flower. Another part, fruit, often growsaround the seed to protect it.

How seeds grow

seeds need air, water, and the right temperature to germinate, or begin to grow.

1- As the seedling (young plant) grows, it grows out of the soil.

2- Leaves grow from the stem.

3- The leaves use sunlight to make sugar for food.

5- The seedling can grow into an adult plant that has flowers.

6- The flowers are pollinated and new seeds form.

7- If these new seeds germinate, they can grow into new plants.

Seed coat Seed leaf

developing plant leaf embryo

How cones help plants

Small pollen cones

Large seed cones

1- wind blows pollen from small pollen cones to large seed cones.

2- pollen sticks to the large seed cones.

3- seeds begin to grow under scales of the seed cones.

4- seeds become fully developed and float to the ground.

5- each seed can grow into a new plant.
