
Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Plant_Dating_survey

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


Questionnaire Introduction: This website is a platform to share information about plants, esp. for plant lovers. Every plant has its different growth stages. To record them, to compare them, and to share them, you will have a lot of fun. This project tries to use innovative interface to present this idea. Also, the questions below are mainly about the usability issues. (Please note, your information will not be sold or given to outside entities. It is for internal use only.) General: 1. Name: ___________________________________________ 2. Type: Teacher Student General Public 3. Grade Level: Elementary Middle School High School College 4. Years Using the Web: _______________ 5. Age Group: 5-10 11-13 14-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-55 over 55 6. Gender: Female Male 7. How often do you use the internet? ○ Daily ○ Weekly ○ Monthly ○ Occasionally ○ Never 8. What do you usually do on the internet? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 9. May we contact you about your input at a later date? If so, please provide your e-mail address. ________________________________________________.

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


Goal 1: start to use 1. Is the register button clearly visible on the first screen? ○ Very clear ○ Moderately clear ○ Neither clear nor confusing ○ Moderately confusing ○ Very confusing 2. When you began to register, what did you think about the relationship of these three labels: “register”, “advanced” and “preference”? ○ Side by side ○ Primary and secondary ○ I don’t know ○ None of the above _____________________ 3. Do you think it is necessary to add “choose your country” in the “register” label? ○ Very necessary ○ Moderately necessary ○ Neither necessary nor unnecessary ○ Moderately unnecessary ○ Very unnecessary 4. Was it clear that the website is mainly about when you saw the “about” label before sign in? ○ Very clear ○ Moderately clear ○ Neither clear nor confusing ○ Moderately confusing ○ Very confusing 5. Is it necessary to use “label” if there’s only one sheet? (like home page) ○ Very necessary ○ Moderately necessary ○ Neither necessary nor unnecessary ○ Moderately unnecessary ○ Very unnecessary

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


6. Are you used to setting the preference when you register a new account? ○ Yes ○ I don’t know ○ Never 7. Is it clear or confusing when you click these three buttons: “”, “skip”, “done” when you finished the register section? ○ Very clear ○ Moderately clear ○ Neither clear nor confusing ○ Moderately confusing ○ Very confusing 8. When you click the “done” button on the preference sheet, what do you wish would appear on the screen? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 9. Before you finish the registration, what else do you hope to see on the left column? (After you finishing registration, you will see “my photos”, “my favorites”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10. What else do you want to add to the “Advanced” label in register section? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________.

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


GOAL 2: Share your photos 1. Would you like to have some plants in daily life? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ Never 2. Would you like to share the happiness with others of growing plants? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ Never 3. Would you tend to manage your photos by period/ place/ etc. ? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ Never 4. To the plant you love, will you manage the photos in your local computer? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ Never 5. Should we combine the “preference” labels in the share section and in the register section? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


6. Do you think the process of uploading photos is complex? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No If Yes, why __________________________________________________________________________________. 7. Do you feel uncomfortable when forced to add “name” and “place” in uploading the photos? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No If Yes, why __________________________________________________________________________________. 8. Is the relationship clear between the labels “share”, “advanced” and “preference” in share section? ○ Very clear ○ Moderately clear ○ Neither clear nor confusing ○ Moderately confusing ○ Very confusing 9. After uploading the photos, what else do you wish to see besides the photo? (the owner's name, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10. What is your feeling after sharing the plants’ data in the field of interaction, compared to the traditional web albums? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________.

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


GOAL 3: Search others’ photos 1. Can you find the search function easily? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No If No, why __________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Do you notice a difference in the home page between un-sign-in and after-sign-in home page? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No If Yes, what’s the difference_______________________________________________________________. 3. Do you have the experience of searching specific plants via the search engine (how to grow, etc.)? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No 4. What is the name you will use when you search the plants? ○ Common name ○ Latin name ○ I don’t know the name 5. Do you feel confused when you use the “advanced” section for the search? ○ Very clear ○ Moderately clear ○ Neither clear nor confusing ○ Moderately confusing ○ Very confusing

ITGM-723 Chenyuan Cui


6. Can you find the useful comments for the photos easily? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No 7. After completing these three section: registration, share & search, do you know what this website is mainly about? ○ Yes ○ I don't know ○ No 8. After seeing the other people’s plant’s life, what are your thoughts? Is it helpful to you to get the information? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 9. What kind of search result do you wish the website would show you except the photo? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10. When finished searching, what else do you expect to do? (more function?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________.