Planning Your Next Business Event

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Planning Your Next Business Event

Image Source: Adriano Castelli /

Business events, whether they’re seminars, small networking gatherings or large scale conferences can be a great way to boost your marketing and grow your business. Whether you’re an experienced event organiser or new to this area, consider these five important tips when planning your next event.

1. PurposeClearly define the purpose of the event.

What is it you’re trying to achieve? Are you looking to obtain more leads? Launch a new product or service? Encourage customer loyalty?

Whatever the reason for the event, make sure your purpose is clearly defined and keep referring back to this. Being clear from the outset can help you establish realistic objectives and measure outcomes accordingly.

It will also help with setting your budget and ensuring the project doesn’t lose focus.

2. AudienceWho is your target audience for the event?

Are you looking to attract new customers or are you targeting your current client base?

Or both?

Which specific group of clients are you focusing on?

Defining your target audience for the event is crucial as it will help with everything, from marketing activities to planning your agenda and deciding on give-aways.

3. BudgetIt is important to establish a budget and stick to it. Work out how you’re going to fund the event. This may come down to using allocated money from your marketing budget or you may wish to consider raising funds through sponsorship, ticketing etc. If you are reliant on raising funds to cover costs then make sure you gauge interest first. Sign up sponsors and sell advance tickets prior to booking venues etc.

4. Marketing PlanEstablish a careful marketing plan for your event. Depending on the size and scope of the event, this may be a simple outline or a detailed strategy.

Start with your purpose and audience, define clear objectives and work from there.

Always measure outcomes carefully and work out how you’re going to do this in advance.

5. Promotional ProductsThe event isn’t just about the day itself. Make sure you create a lasting impression with carefully selected promotional products.

For example, consider putting together a delegate bag where key sponsors can add their literature / complimentary gifts etc.

A comfortable shoulder strap is key, so bags don’t get in the way when delegates are walking around.

Remember to customise the bags with your branding and contact details.

Silicone WristbandsIf you’re promoting a cause or new product silicone wristbands are a fun and creative way to raise awareness.

Everyday ItemsPractical items that can be used everyday are effective as they ensure your message is seen repeatedly.

And FinallyWhatever the size and scope of the event careful planning is key.

It may help to put together a detailed checklist that you can refer back to for future events.

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