Planning for advertisement

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Planning for advertisement

Planning -Advertisement.

For our project, we will be focusing on the genre of electro-pop. We have a song which is copy right free which is 64 Funk Remix by Ben Garbutt. For this part of planning, the central focus will be on the advertisement which will be featured in print magazines.

The genre we are focusing on is electro-pop. The genre originated from pop, hip hop, house, funk and new wave. The genre first flourished in the late 70s to early 80s and has developed over the years. Recently, Electro pop has developed into mainstream culture with the likes of Katy Perry and Kesha recently making electro-pop singles and both successful in the charts.

With a successful advertisement, this will help increase sales, and popularity of the artist. The advertisement will have to link to the theme of electro-pop. Here are some examples advertisements and articles advertising bands in the electro pop genre:

The examples featured above are on present electro artists in the charts at the moment. The Artists are represented in a playful but rebellious way. Each example has their own outburst of colour

which helps it burst out of the page and grab the attention of the reader.

In my opinion, the way electro pop is represented is seen as something loud and original. The art is dark but it has bright colours that radiate of the page with sharp writing that interpreting lighting bolts and electricity in writing form. I also think that the art has a confident detachment to conventional advertisements and CD covers. I also think another way of using art to represent electro-pop is bright colourful animations and using an object or something as the main focus on the cover to symbolise something.

To move forward to producing the advertisement, I have looked at images that I think would inspire the design for the advertisement and create a strong pathway for the theme of the design.

Above: These are the images I have looked at I have specifically looked at these images because of the poses and also the filters on the image. They enhance the images and bring a brighter and happier mood. I also think that with the brightness amplified, it makes the image less dull and eye catching. I also have looked at the poses and the objects used in them as I like how bold they look to make the image look very appealing.

The further influences, I have also looked at cartoons. I have chosen an animated theme because I like the colours and the bold images. I think that a cartoon image is visually stronger than an image as I think that a cartoon can stick in someone’s mind more than an image. I also think that using a cartoon in the design will create a more dynamic original advertisement that will attract attention.

By looking at the images above, I have chosen to design graphics based on amphibians. I like how they can symbolise something fast, sneaky and unpredictable. I also think that amphibians are bold creatures even though they are small and characters can be created with these simple animals.

The first animal I have looked at and created is a frog. I like how bold they are and how their features distinguish them as an unpredictable animal

Above is the process of producing the frog vector. I made this using Photoshop CS4 and used the pen tool creating shapes with different shades of green. I think that this is a strong image to use as I think that green is a colour that is eye-catching. I also think that even though the frog is an animation, I have still added realistic features and shading to make it look real. This makes the frog have a naïve feel to it but also, a realistic feel.

As well as a frog, I have also drawn a lizard. I have used similar tools, however, I have included airbrushed shading and I have personalised it in my own way.

As well as the cartoons, I have also made a selection of colour schemes that could be on the advertisement. This can affect the

theme, the style of the advertisement and also it will prevent clashing with different colours.

One of the main features of an advertisement would be the font. A successful font can help make an appealing advertisement. It must be clear, interesting and bold. Keeping in theme with the drawings I have previously done, I have decided to look at American high school themed fonts.

Another element that help makes the advertisement look appealing is the layout. A successful advertisement poster has all the elements in the poster in a suitable place. The theme, images and fonts have to be considered in an appropriate place. I have made mock ups of different layouts to see what the possible final product will look like.

The colours I have outlined in gray are the possible colours that I think would be suitable as a colour scheme on the advertisement. The colours are bright and will attract attention. The colours also bring a naïve theme to the advertisement to link to the childish element of the animations.

I really like these two fonts. I like that they link to the theme, but they’re more basic than the others featured on the page. I think that both these fonts will suit each other

I think that this font will be suitable for the advertisement. As it suits the theme as the design is based on

I came up with another design that has been influenced with the previous designs I have produced. In numerous discussions within the group, the design was a mutual idea that was kept simple. The colour scheme has been kept limited to allow them to compliment each other. The colours also help the design to be easy on the eye to prevent confusion.

With discussion, this is the final idea for the final advertisement piece. I will take this idea, and add other elements to it as it looks very plain and basic. The Frog and lizard I have previously produced will be used in the final version of this advertisement with clouds and extra elements to make this advertisement look successful.