Planning Commission Agenda Item Detail October 7, 2020 ......1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda...

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Transcript of Planning Commission Agenda Item Detail October 7, 2020 ......1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda...

1. Call to Order

2. Adoption of Agenda – Pursuant to established procedures, the Planning Commissionshould adopt the Agenda for the meeting.

3. Meeting Minutes

3.A. October 7, 2020 Meeting Minutes

4. Committee Reports

5. Citizen Comments

6. Public Hearings

6.A. 2035 Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Northeastern Land Use Plan(NELUP) – Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) Boundary LimitAdjustments for Two Additional Areas with Existing Industrial Land UseDesignations - (Mrs. Perkins)

Proposed revisions to the NELUP to adjust the boundary of the SWSA. This boundaryadjustment proposes to add approximately 308-acres to the Sewer and Water ServiceArea (SWSA) in two areas within the limits of the Northeast Land Use Plan of the 2035Comprehensive Plan. One area is located west of Interstate 81 and is adjacent to theVDOT rest area, the second area is located west of I-81, north of Cedar Hill Road.These areas are located within the Stonewall Magisterial District.

7. Other

8. Adjourn








Planning CommissionAgenda Item Detail Meeting Date: November 4, 2020 Agenda Section: Meeting Minutes

Title: October 7, 2020 Meeting Minutes



Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3738 Minutes of October 7, 2020




Held in the Board Room of the Frederick County Administration Building at 107 North Kent Street in Winchester, Virginia on October 7, 2020

PRESENT: Kevin Kenney, Chairman; Roger L. Thomas, Vice Chairman/Opequon District; Robert S. Molden, Opequon District; William H. Cline, Stonewall District; H. Paige Manuel, Shawnee District; John F. Jewell, Back Creek District; Charles E. Triplett, Gainesboro District; Alan L. Morrison, Member at Large; Christopher M. Mohn, Red Bud District; Kathleen Dawson, Red Bud District; Roderick B. Williams, County Attorney. ABSENT: J. Rhodes Marston, Back Creek District; Gary R. Oates, Stonewall District. STAFF PRESENT: Michael T. Ruddy, Director; Candice E. Perkins, Assistant Director; John A. Bishop, Assistant Director Transportation; Shannon L. Conner, Administrative Assistant. CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Kenney called the October 7, 2020 meeting of the Frederick County Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Kenney commenced the meeting by inviting everyone to join in a moment of silence in remembrance of fellow Commissioner, Larry Ambrogi.


Upon motion made by Commissioner Thomas and seconded by Commissioner Cline, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted the agenda for this evening’s meeting. MINUTES Upon motion made by Commissioner Thomas and seconded by Commissioner Triplett the Planning Commission unanimously adopted the minutes from the August 5, 2020 and August 19, 2020 meetings.


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3739 Minutes of October 7, 2020

CITIZEN COMMENTS Chairman Kenney called for citizen comments on any subject not currently on the Planning Commission’s agenda or any item that is solely a discussion item for the Commission. No one came forward to speak and Chairman Kenney closed the public comments portion of the meeting.

------------- COMMITTEES Comprehensive Plans and Programs Committee – Mtg. 09/14/20 Commissioner Mohn reported the Committee discussed and moved forward the two items that are on the agenda this evening: Northeast Frederick Land Use Plan (NELUP) Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) expansion request for CPPA #01-20 Waverly Farm; and Northeast Frederick Land Use Plan (NELUP) Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) boundary Review. Development Review and Regulations Committee – Mtg. 09/24/20 Chairman Kenney reported the Committee discussed the Board of Supervisor’s adoption of the ordinance amendment to expand the definition for “day-care facility” to include “adult-care”. A proposed ordinance amendment to allow backyard chickens in the RP (Residential Performance) Zoning District was discussed and included discussion of supplemental use regulations to address screening, noise, and odors. Transportation Committee – Mtg. 09/28/20 Chairman Kenney reported the Committee was updated on the Oakdale Crossing and Ravens traffic calming task which is to help alleviate speeding and other traffic issues in those subdivisions. He continued, the Committee was given and update on the Route 522 (Front Royal Pike) realignment study and they were informed there will not be a County Transportation Forum open to the general public this year due to the circumstances with Covid. Frederick Water – Mtg. 09/15/20 Chairman Kenney reported the new Water Treatment Plant is soon to be under contract and design is 60% complete. The Board also discussed and recommended the Northeast Land Use Plan (NELUP) Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) be modified in response to the Board of Supervisors request for the SWSA evaluation. City of Winchester – Mtg. 10/06/20 Commissioner Mark Loring, Winchester City Planning Commission Liaison, reported the Commission reviewed 11 items and he highlighted 4: Frederick County Middle School rezoning; a Site Plan for Royal Farms on Berryville Avenue; an Ordinance Amendment to allow chickens; and a Site Plan for the old Sara Zane Fire house. Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors’ Liaison, Supervisor Graber shared his sentiments to the Larry Ambrogi family and friends.


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3740 Minutes of October 7, 2020

ACTION ITEMS REZ #02-20 for Pippin Industrial Park submitted by GreyWolfe, Inc., to rezone 19.885+/- acres from the RA (Rural Area) District to the B3 (Industrial Transition) District with proffers. The property is located adjacent to 4440 Valley Pike, Stephens City, Virginia in the Back Creek Magisterial District and is identified by Property Identification Number 75-A-27A.

Action – Recommend Denial

Candice E. Perkins, Assistant Director reported, this is a request to rezone 19.885+/- acres from the RA (Rural Areas) District to the B3 (Industrial Transition) District with proffers; the subject property is located on the western side of Valley Pike, adjacent to AppleLand Sports and is situated south and adjacent to the limits of the Bartonsville historic area. She noted, this item was postponed for 60 days at the August 5, 2020 Planning Commission meeting. Ms. Perkins presented a locations map of the property. She shared the Land Use which is located within the limits of the Kernstown Area Plan of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan and is within the Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA); the Plan identifies the following guidance when considering future development in this area:

• Located in the Bartonsville South area of the plan with an identified future “general commercial” land use

• Enhanced corridor buffer for Route 11, area acknowledged as the most outstanding feature of the south Bartonsville area because of the relatively pristine state of the southern portion of the corridor

Ms. Perkins shared a long range land use map of the area. She explained, the Area Plan identifies the following corridor provisions:

• Enhanced buffering along Route 11 that is intended to set this area apart from the existing commercial development along the northern third of the corridor

• Consist of a combination of setbacks, vegetative screening, planting of shade trees along the edge of the right-of-way, and the provision of bike/pedestrian access, the corridor would have a parkway-like appearance

• Future planted median strip envisioned when this section of Route 11 south becomes four lane

Ms. Perkins explained, the proposed rezoning is requesting B3 (Industrial Transition) zoning: The land use calls for general commercial, the intent of the B3 District “is to provide for heavy commercial activities, involving larger scale marketing or wholesaling, in locations that are separate from but in the vicinity of business and industrial areas”; The proffer does exclude restaurants, food stores, and motion picture theaters, however there is the potential for more intensive uses to occur; and the impact statement identifies the planned uses as office and warehouses for contractors and material storage, but this is not guaranteed in the proffer. Ms. Perkins shared the Corridor Enhancements proffered with this application.

• No construction of parking, outdoor storage, or a building within 50’ of the right-of-way of Route 11. This area shall be left open and used only for landscaping, placement of underground utilities, and other uses as defined in the County Zoning Ordinance as acceptable within buffer areas.

• The buffer shall contain a 6’ berm covered in grass to provide screening and a 6’ shade tree planted every 40’.


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3741 Minutes of October 7, 2020

• Only one freestanding monument style tenant sign along the frontage of Route 11 Ms. Perkins presented the Transportation proffers proposed with the application.

• Total Vehicle Trips per Day shall not exceed 646 (determined at Site Plan submission)

• Construct a two-lane rural collector road as shown on the GDP and the Comprehensive Plan

o Completed in phases and each phase must be completed to the proposed entrance of each building prior to the issuance of its occupancy permit

o The road shall be designed for rolling terrain, a traffic count of 1,475 Vehicles Per Day for future growth, and a minimum radii of 446’ per VDOT standards; final design to be approved by VDOT and ultimate buildout will be to the western property line. Pippin Lane shall be the only permitted Route 11 entrance

• Dedicate a 20’ strip along Route 11 for a 5’ sidewalk and future road improvements prior to the first CO

• Reserve a 50’ ROW through the development as shown on the GDP for Pippin Lane as shown on the Comprehensive Plan; dedicated when completed or requested by the County in writing within 90 days

Ms. Perkins presented a GDP of the property. She continued, the contribution to Frederick County for Fire and Rescue purposes of $0.10 per building square foot to be disbursed to the Frederick County Fire and Rescue Department; the term “building square foot” shall be the combined floor area for each store. Ms. Perkins explained regarding Sanitary Sewer; the proffers to utilize Health Department approved drain fields, if available and allowed at the time of development, otherwise Public Sewer will be used. She noted, the Comprehensive Plan states that uses in the SWSA should be served by public sewer and the Subdivision Ordinance also requires connection where available; the use of drain fields is not permitted under current regulations. Ms. Perkins concluded, key items to consider with this rezoning and its conformance with the Comprehensive Plan:

• B3 zoning requested – the plan calls for future “general commercial” land use • Do the corridor proffers for a 50’ green area, 6’ berm, and 1 tree per 40’ meet the

corridor goals of the Comprehensive Plan • Is the planned Pippin Lane identified proposed in a way that it could serve as the

Stephens City bypass if situated in this location in the future Commissioner Thomas asked if the Applicant had committed to addressing the VDOT comments. Ms. Perkins referred Transportation comments to Mr. John Bishop. Mr. Bishop responded that is correct. Commissioner Thomas inquired how the no traffic on Springdale Road will be enforced. Mr. Bishop responded that will be addressed at the site plan process, whereas the department would not allow traffic on Springdale Road. Commissioner Triplett asked how the vehicle trips per day of 646 will be controlled and what happens if that number is exceeded. Mr. Bishop responded it is something that gets worked out as the site is developed using ITE trip generations rates for the proposed use. Commissioner Jewell stated it is in the proffer that they will not use Springdale Road; is there also a bridge that would need to be built to get from Springdale Road to the property. Mr. Bishop commented, you could technically go through the adjoining property which does have access to Springdale Road via a shared driveway; he does not foresee Springdale Road being a reasonable path but


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3742 Minutes of October 7, 2020

does understand the concerns. Commissioner Jewell requested clarification that the 646 vehicles per day are all types of vehicles and not just large trucks. Mr. Bishop stated that is correct, all vehicles. Chairman Kenney asked, this is including 19.8 acres, how many acres are out there total that we could be looking at the same thing in a few years. Ms. Perkins deferred to the Applicant for the exact acreage. Commissioner Molden requested clarification, the Comprehensive Plan shows this as RA, and could be moved to B2 but we are considering moving it to B3. Ms. Perkins explained, the Kernstown Area Plan calls for the property to be general business which would be consistent of the B2 zoning ordinance. Commissioner Molden asked, if any of the other properties that are adjoining this property would have to go through this same process. Ms. Perkins stated any property that wishes to be rezoned would have to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Molden commented, this Application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Manuel noted, the property at the rear of this Application is roughly 74 acres. Mr. Tim Stowe of Stowe Engineering, PLC, representing the Applicant came forward and summarized the changes that have been made since the last Planning Commission discussion:

• The goal is to prohibit access to Springdale Road • Of the total vehicle count of 646 – approximately 8% will be trucks • Limited the size of the buildings to 35,000 sf • Pippin Lane is not comingled with Stephens City bypass, they have reserved

additional 30’ right-of-way • Increased the natural buffer • Added proffer for outdoor storage • B3 intensity – proffered out additional uses • Added screening for the visual aspect from Route 11 • Comprehensive Plan was recently updated – it is clear where the historical area

ends and the commercial areas begin Commissioner Jewell requested conformation that the purpose of this rezoning is so Mr. Gregory can move and expand his current business. Mr. Stowe stated that is correct. Commissioner Thomas commented the proffers still have a large number of items that could be put there; if this is primarily for the Gregory’s business why haven’t they proffered more out. Mr. Stowe state that is why the building square footage has been reduced to 35,000 sf and it allows for a little flexibility. Chairman Kenney asked for a description of the woven fence. Mr. Stowe explained, it would be American wire fence that would not be visually obtrusive. Chairman Kenney noted, it would look like a pasture down below; that land basically was not going to be used for developmental purposes because of the way it lays so we’re not talking about a big sacrifice on behalf of the Applicant. Mr. Stowe commented, it allows the vegetation and trees to grow which will provide additional buffers. Chairman Kenney noted, it will be hard to block the view on that elevation. Commissioner Mohn requested clarification on the size of the building and if the square footage is for each building. Mr. Stowe stated the square footage of 35,000 is for each building. Commissioner Thomas commented he is concerned about this application and he does not think it goes along with the Comprehensive Plan. He continued, if this is rezoned to B3 it will open up a precedent for others in the area to attempt a B3 zoning. He noted, if this is just for the Gregory business then other uses in the proffers need to be removed. Commissioner Thomas commented, he is not sure how vehicles are going to be monitored from using Springdale Road. He reiterated; this application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Mohn agreed with Commissioners Thomas and Molden; he


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3743 Minutes of October 7, 2020

feels there is a real disconnect with the Comprehensive Plan and this is in a unique spot. Commissioner Jewell commented consideration should be given to keep small businesses going. Commissioner Triplett agrees with Commissioner Thomas and he noted the 35,000 sf buildings will be very large. Chairman Kenney echoed with Commissioners Thomas, Molden, and Mohn; he does not think it is appropriate for the area and does not fit the Comprehensive Plan. He noted, the Applicant did make an effort with the proffers. Chairman Kenney concluded, the area does not lend itself to this type of project and the other adjoining acreage concerns him. Motion made by Commissioner Jewell and seconded by Commissioner Cline to approve this application of which did not move forward Yes: Jewell, Cline, Manuel No: Thomas, Molden, Morrison, Triplett, Dawson, Mohn, Kenney Absent: Marston, Oates Upon motion made by Commissioner Thomas and seconded by Commissioner Triplett to deny this application BE IT RESOLVED, the Frederick County Planning Commission does recommend denial of REZ #02-20 for Pippin Industrial Park submitted by GreyWolfe, Inc., to rezone 19.885+/- acres from the RA (Rural Area) District to the B3 (Industrial Transition) District with proffers. The property is located adjacent to 4440 Valley Pike, Stephens City, Virginia in the Back Creek Magisterial District and is identified by Property Identification Number 75-A-27A. Yes: Thomas, Molden, Morrison, Triplett, Dawson, Mohn, Kenney No: Jewell, Cline, Manuel Absent: Marston, Oates INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 2035 Comprehensive Plan Amendment – CPPA #01-20 Waverly Farm, Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) Expansion Request Candice E. Perkins, Assistant Director reported, Waverly Farm CPPA is a request to expand the boundary of the Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) around four parcels; to include 145.5+/- acres (33-A-69, 33-A-70, 44-A-80, and 44-A-80A). She continued, the site is located west and adjacent to Interstate 81, south of Hopewell Road in the Stonewall Magisterial District and is currently zoned RA and utilized for agricultural purposes. Ms. Perkins explained, the SWSA currently encompasses 51.36 acres west and adjacent to the I-81 interchange and NELUP shows the area inside of and surrounding the current limits of the SWSA with a mixed use of industrial/office land use designation; the remainder of the area (33-A-69) is planned for future industrial. She presented a locations map of the SWSA amendment. Ms. Perkins stated, the SWSA expansion shown by Staff and recommended by Frederick Water does show a slightly larger area to create a more consistent boundary; this would change the total from 145 acres to 171 acres (four additional properties). Ms. Perkins shared the draft NELUP text being proposed: NELUP does not contain guiding text for this area; proposed text outlines the purpose and importance of the SWSA; relationship to economic development planning; recognition of the need for funding of the infrastructure improvements needed to serve areas within the SWSA boundary for future development.


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3744 Minutes of October 7, 2020

Ms. Perkins shared the application history with the Planning Commission:

• CPPC July 2020 – recommended further study of the CPPA • Joint BOS/PC work session – directed the CPPA to be studied further • Frederick Water – “recommended SWSA revisions in the Rt. 11 North Corridor”

o Approved September 2020 o Analysis includes the Waverly CPPA and the overall NELUP SWSA

boundary adjustments o Areas for potential removal and addition

• CPPC September 2020 – recommended approval of the Waverly SWSA expansion with a total expanded area of 171+/- acres and recommended approval of the NELUP text

Ms. Perkins shared Frederick Water’s recommended SWSA revisions in the Rt. 11 North Corridor:

• Removal of areas when planned land uses would not require water/sanitary sewer • Addition of areas when planned land uses would require water/sanitary sewer • Private investment in infrastructure will be necessary to develop future/planned

areas • SWSA removal – 681.97 acres from the SWSA (planned extractive mining land

uses) • SWSA addition – 1,017 acres to the SWSA (planned business/industrial) • Focus on areas with past denied CPPA/SWSA amendments • Frederick Water shows a possible net 335.43 acre addition to the SWSA

Commissioner Thomas asked if the property owners of 16 acres approve of being included and does it change their property value. Ms. Perkins stated yes, they are aware and approve of the inclusion; the property values should remain relatively the same. This item was forwarded to the Board of Supervisors with a favorable recommendation. 2035 Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Northeast Land Use Plan (NELUP) Candice E. Perkins, Assistant Director reported this discussion is for proposed adjustments to the boundary of the Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) for the Northeast Frederick Land Use Plan (NELUP). This SWSA boundary review focuses on the overall boundary shown in the NELUP and examines areas that could be adjusted either by expanding or decreasing the limits of the SWSA boundary. She continued, it also provides the opportunity to ensure the SWSA boundaries follow existing property lines where appropriate and the text is proposed for inclusion in the NELUP narrative in Appendix I; this is the same text proposed with the Waverly CPPA. Ms. Perkins explained, study was coordinated with Frederick Water to ensure that any area recommended for potential inclusion could be served by existing or planned future infrastructure. She shared Frederick Water’s recommended SWSA revisions in the Route 11 North Corridor:

• Removal of areas when planned land uses would not require water/sanitary sewer • Addition of areas when planned land uses would require water/sanitary sewer • Private investment in infrastructure will be necessary to develop future/planned



Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3745 Minutes of October 7, 2020

• Removal – 681.97 acres from the SWSA (planned extractive mining land uses) • Addition – 1,017 acres to the SWSA (future planned business/industrial) • Focus on areas with past denied CPPA/SWSA amendments • Frederick Water shows a possible net of 335.43 acre addition to the SWSA

Ms. Perkins presented the areas proposed for the SWSA adjustments:

• Expansion: West of I-81, south of the West Virginia line, north and south of Rest Church Road

• Expansion: East of I-81, south of the West Virginia line, east of Woodside Road, north and south of Grace Church Road

• Expansion: Properties associated with Waverly Farm CPPA #01-20 • Reduction: East of Martinsburg Pike and north and south of Brucetown Road

Ms. Perkins reported, two areas with a planned industrial land use, which are currently outside of the limits of the SWSA, have not been identified for inclusion: the area west of I-81 adjacent to the VDOT I-81 rest area (approximately 114 acres); and the area west of I-81 north of Cedar Hill Road and runs adjacent to I-81 (approximately 172 acres). Ms. Perkins shared the history of the application:

• CPPC July 2020 – recommended further study of the CPPA and a NELUP study • Joint BOS/PC August 2020 work session – directed Staff to undertake a

NELUP SWSA boundary review • Frederick Water – recommended SWSA revisions in the Rt. 11 North Corridor

o Approved September 2020 o Overall NELUP SWSA boundary – recommendations for areas for

potential removal and addition • CPPC September 2020 – recommended approval of the SWSA boundary

adjustments recommended by Frederick Water and the proposed NELUP text o CPPC did not recommend inclusion of the two areas shown remaining

outside the SWSA and stated they should seek a future CPPA Commissioner Thomas commented this looks like the addition of 350+/- acres but really it is the addition of 1,000 acres because the 681+/- acres was never going to need sewer and water service. He continued, so we have significantly increased the area where we might have to provide sewer and water service and the practicality of us having to provide that in the future could be pretty expensive to Frederick County residents that depend on that service. Ms. Perkins stated, when Frederick Water does their land planning they take the entirety of the acreage that is currently in the SWSA and typically base the capacities on that; they have looked at the EM (extractive manufacturing) as an understood piece of land that is part of their whole plan and with their recommendations they have noted these understandings that are going to have to come online at some point such as new plants, expansions, etc. Commissioner Mohn commented, the important things to keep in mind is every piece of ground that has been brought in or being brought in as part of this adjustment to the SWSA has been planned and identified for a future land use; it is not expanding the development are, this is land that we have anticipated through prior planning efforts with the NELUP; we are now able to right size the SWSA with input from Frederick Water that we have never had before. He noted this does align with the land use. This item was forwarded to the Board of Supervisors with a favorable recommendation.


Frederick County Planning Commission Page 3746 Minutes of October 7, 2020

ADJOURNMENT No further business remained to be discussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Cline to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Jewell and unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, ____________________________

Kevin W. Kenney, Chairman

____________________________ Michael T. Ruddy, Secretary


Planning CommissionAgenda Item Detail Meeting Date: November 4, 2020 Agenda Section: Public Hearings

Title: 2035 Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Northeastern Land Use Plan (NELUP) –Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) Boundary Limit Adjustments for Two AdditionalAreas with Existing Industrial Land Use Designations - (Mrs. Perkins)




Department of Planning and Development 540/ 665-5651

Fax: 540/ 665-6395

MEMORANDUM TO: Frederick County Planning Commission FROM: Candice E. Perkins, AICP, CZA, Assistant Director RE: Public Hearing – Northeast Frederick Land Use Plan (NELUP) Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) Adjustments – Additional Areas DATE: October 26, 2020 At the Board of Supervisors meeting on October 14, 2020, the Northeast Land Use Plan (NELUP) Sewer and Water Service Area (SWSA) boundary adjustments were discussed. At that meeting, the Board directed that two areas which were not previously identified for inclusion in the SWSA boundary, be added and sent forward for public hearing. The first area is located west of Interstate 81 and is adjacent to the VDOT rest area and the second area is located west of I-81, north of Cedar Hill Road. Both areas are shown with a future industrial land use designation by the NELUP. These additions would increase the SWSA boundary by approximately 308-acres. The addition of these two areas was previously discussed as part of the overall adjustments to the boundary of the SWSA for the NELUP by the Comprehensive Plans and Programs Committee (CPPC) on September 12, 2020 and the Planning Commission on October 7, 2020. The Board of Supervisors ultimately directed these areas to be scheduled for public hearing as part of the overall SWSA boundary adjustment. As the legal advertisement for NELUP SWSA boundary adjustment was published prior to the October 14, 2020 meeting, it did not account for these two areas and the additional acreage; therefore, this 308-acre SWSA expansion is following a separate public hearing schedule. Staff Conclusion: This proposed expansion of the SWSA for 308-acres is presented to the Planning Commission for public hearing. Staff is seeking a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on this expansion. Please find attached a map that identifies the current SWSA and the two additional areas proposed for inclusion. CEP/pd


StephensonRural Community


Clear Brook & BrucetownRural Community







Area PlansParcelsUrban Development AreaExisting SWSAProposed SWSAFuture Route 37 Bypass

Long Range Land UseBusinessMixed Use Industrial/OfficeIndustrialWarehouseHeavy IndustrialExtractive Mining Rural Community CenterFire & RescueSensitive Natural AreasInstitutional

Northeast Frederick Land Use Plan - SWSA Boundary AdjustmentsExisting SWSA and

NELUP Proposed AdjustmentsPart 1

(Scheduled for BOS Review 10/28/20)

Clear Brook & BrucetownRural Community


StephensonRural Community









NELUP Proposed AdjustmentsPart 2

Map Produced by Frederick County Planning and Development Dept.October 20, 2020

I0 0.8 1.60.4 Miles

Proposed SWSA BOS Recommendation

Proposed SWSA