Planning 101 - Intentional By Grace · 2016. 4. 15. · • Daily Planner that includes monthly...

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Transcript of Planning 101 - Intentional By Grace · 2016. 4. 15. · • Daily Planner that includes monthly...



    Planning 101 How to Be More Intentional With Your Time

    By Leigh Ann Dutton

    Notes from the author:

    All contents copyright © 2015 by Leigh Ann Dutton.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this document or the related links may be reproduced or redistributed in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the


    All Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version unless otherwise




    Table of Contents

    Introduction 4 How to Use this Book 6 Why Planning Matters 7 Choosing Your Planning Tools 11 How to Do Yearly Planning to Be More Intentional 15 How to Do Quarterly Planning to Be More Intentional 19 How to Do Monthly Planning to Be More Intentional 23 How to Do Weekly Planning to Be More Intentional 26 How to Do Daily Planning to Be More Intentional 30 Planning Traps You Want to Avoid 32 When it All Seems Overwhelming 37 Give Yourself Grace 41 Now What? 44 About the Author 45 Special Thanks 46 Printables 47



    Introduction Planning comes naturally to me. It’s part of my DNA. I love the feeling of being organized and in control.

    I’m certain I was born into this world with a checklist in one hand and a pen in the other, but I’m also certain that shiny objects have always distracted me as well.

    I plan my time effectively, but I don’t always follow through with my plans. I thrive in routines and schedules until I get bored and need some spontaneity.

    I want to bring glory to God with how I use my time, yet sometimes I get caught up in living for myself instead of living for Him.

    Can you relate?

    The truth is that our best efforts at living for Him fall short. Our motives are never 100% pure, and we don't always get it right.

    We have to remember that we don’t live intentionally to be better people. Our ultimate goal in living intentionally is to glorify God.

    Based on this reality, when we fail, we can remember that Jesus died for us, and we are forgiven. We are free to pursue holiness by the grace of God. We're free to pick right back up where we left off and try again.

    I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. ~John 15:5

    If you’re anything like me, you need to grow in the discipline of not only planning but following through as well … for God’s glory and not your own.

    Like you, I need Jesus to help me determine how I should spend my time. I need His grace to change me.



    I need Jesus to work in and through me in order to bring Him glory with my life.

    That’s what this book, Planning 101, is about. I want to teach you an intentional approach to planning your time effectively because I want you to do God's will and not your own.

    As you can see, I’m not writing this book from my high horse. I’m right here with you in the daily grind of putting off the old self so that the new creation of Christ can shine through. I need the lessons this book teaches, and I need grace to change.

    I hope that by the end of this book you are encouraged to be intentional with how you fill up your time.

    I hope that you can feel in control and confident in your role as follower of Jesus.

    I hope that you walk away with practical tips you can hang your hat on because we only get one chance to make the best use of our time. We can always get more money, more friends, more stuff, but we can never get more time.

    So let’s make the best use of it, shall we?

    By Grace Alone,

    Leigh Ann Dutton



    How to Use This Book This book will teach you how to be more intentional by planning your time more effectively.

    In order to use this planning guide to the fullest, I have laid out each section in an easy to use and easy implement format.

    All you need to get started with this guide is a Bible, pen, and journal.

    As you begin to work your way into the more practical applications of this eBook, you’ll need to bring your planning tools to the table. I will help you decide what planning tools you need at that point.

    But for now, just start with a Bible, pen, and journal.

    Throughout this book, I ask you questions and give you space to journal your answers. You’re welcome to print this eBook off and interact with it that way, or you can just write your answers in your journal.

    To save paper, I would do the latter, but it’s entirely up to you. I set this eBook up so you could do it either way.

    As you work your way through this planning guide, pray for God’s revealing of Himself and His will for your life. He is faithful and He will guide you.

    Remember, you aren’t seeking to plan your time wisely because you want to be a better person. You are doing this so that you may bring glory to God with your life.

    Throughout the year, feel free to come back to this eBook time and time again. It’s here to guide you through the process of planning effectively. You learn best by doing, so don’t skimp on the doing part!

    Let’s get started!



    Why Planning Matters I've learned that until I know my WHY behind doing something my good intentions never become a reality.

    Let’s take some time to determine our WHY for planning our time wisely.

    3 Reasons Why We Should Plan

    1. Planning is a biblical practice.

    Isaiah 32:8 says, “But he who is noble plans noble things, and on noble things he stands.”

    Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

    Proverbs 13:4 says, “The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.”

    What do these passages teach you about planning?




    Does God make any promises in any of these passages?






    What is the Lord leading you to do as a result of these passages?




    2. Planning is an act of wisdom.

    Ephesians 5:15-17 says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

    What does this passage teach you about planning?




    What is the Lord leading you to do as a result of this passage?




    We have to understand what the will of the Lord is for our lives. I believe this is the key to unlocking the message God has for us in Ephesians 5:15-17.

    If you haven't determined your God-given mission statement, then I urge you to get on it right now. If you need help, I’ve provided a resource for you in the “Now What?” section of this eBook to help you get started.



    We were created to live for the glory and pleasure of God, and we will one day give an account to God for how we use our time. This should motivate us to be intentional in the planning and ordering of our daily lives.

    3. Our goal when planning must be to please God.

    Second Corinthians 5:9-10 says, “So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

    Philippians 1:9-11 says, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.”

    What do these passages teach you about planning?




    How does the understanding that you will give an account help you with situations and circumstances in your life?






    What is the Lord leading you to do as a result of these passages?




    I have found that establishing my WHY behind what I do, gives me a reason to plow through when the going gets tough. I hope that through this section, you have begun to uncover your WHY for planning your time effectively.

    Use the notes section below to journal any additional thoughts you may have about WHY you want to plan your time wisely. Perhaps write out a prayer for God to help you grow in this area of your life.










    Choosing Your Planning Tools When it comes to planning, it is probably safe to say that we all have a different preferred method of keeping everything organized.

    You can go here to see my master list of planning tools that I personally use.

    What works for me, may not work for you and vice versa. Whatever your preferred method, at the core of planning, we all need a few key items.


    It’s a given that you can’t plan your time effectively without a calendar.

    There are three calendars I suggest having on hand.

    1. Master Calendar

    Keeping up with the goings and comings of your life is no small feat. You need a master calendar for corralling everything in one place.

    A Master Calendar is a comprehensive calendar that displays notices and events for everything you have going on.

    How and where will you keep your master calendar?






    Ideas for a Master Calendar:

    • Hanging calendar kept in a central • Dry erase calendar with color-coded markers kept in a central

    location • Daily Planner that includes monthly calendar section • Google calendar • Monthly calendar printables kept in a 3-ring binder

    2. Perpetual Calendar

    A perpetual calendar is one that can be used year after year without needing to make changes.

    My perpetual calendars are for birthdays and anniversaries. I keep them in my home planning binder.

    What perpetual calendars do you need and where will you keep them?




    I have provided printable perpetual calendars in the back of this eBook for you to use.

    3. Special Calendars

    I find my special calendars particularly helpful during my yearly planning, which we will talk about soon

    Example Special Calendars:

    • School calendars • Extracurricular activities • Church bulletin



    What special calendars do you need to gather?




    Master To-Do List

    Next, you need a master to-do list.

    A master to-do list is a running list of all the tasks that need to be completed. I use this list to make my weekly and daily to-do list.

    How and where will you keep your master to-do list?




    Ideas for a Master To-Do List:

    • Spiral bound notebook • Dry erase board kept in a central location • Daily Planner that includes a master to-do list section • Google document • Master to-do list printable kept in a 3-ring binder (I provide one

    in the back of this book that you can use.)

    For the longest time, my master to-do list resided in my homemaking binder, but this is one area where paper and pencil method just wasn’t working for me.

    Then I discovered Trello! It's a free tool that can be accessed on the computer or via phone or iPad app.

  • 14  

    I use it mostly for business to collaborate with my team, but I also it for keeping up with my master to-do lists, freezer inventory, home project list, etc. Plus, my husband and I can collaborate on the boards so we can share lists (read: it's where his honey-do list is located).

    You can read more about how I create my master to-do list with Trello here.

    Planner and/or Home Planning Binder

    I've been using a daily planner since college. It's my preferred method that I always come back to no matter how many times I try to get away from it.

    There are several planners out there, but I use and recommend this one.

    In addition to a daily planner of some sort, I use a home planning binder. Some people call this a homemaking binder or home management binder.

    You can see my home planning binder here.

    What will you use to corral all of your planning sessions?











    How to Do Yearly Planning to Be More Intentional One thing that turns many people off from yearly planning is this question:

    How am I supposed to know what I’m going to want to be doing in December?

    This is definitely one of the hardest parts of getting motivated to do yearly planning.

    However, once I realized that my yearly planning wasn’t the end-all be-all, it made a lot more sense.

    Let me explain.

    Yearly planning is primarily made up of evaluation and goal setting, which I talk about in my eBook, Live for Him: A Grace-Filled Look at Planning. It is the 10,000-foot view of our lives. We’ll call it the bird’s eye view. You take a sweeping glance at all that your year will bring.

    3 Steps to Efficient Yearly Planning

    1. Gather your tools

    Before getting started with your yearly planning, you want to gather all of your tools for planning.

    Tools you need for this session:

    • Master calendar • Perpetual calendars • Special calendars • Pen or Pencil



    Additional tools recommended:

    • Mission Statement • Yearly Goals

    2. Fill in recurring dates

    The first thing I like to do is go through my calendar and fill in all the recurring dates like birthdays and anniversaries that I want to remember.

    This is also when I will make note of the dates for major holidays that my family observes and usually celebrates in some way:

    • Easter • Christmas • 4th of July • Thanksgiving • Memorial Day • Labor Day

    3. Write down important events

    Next, I think through what we'll be doing for the major holidays and events, along with if I need to make any notes about preparation.

    For example, will we be camping over Memorial Day weekend? If so, then I need to put a date on my calendar to make reservations for the campsite. The sites will fill up quickly; I'll put a reminder a few weeks prior to make the call for our reservation.

    Will we try to take an anniversary trip this year? I will put a reminder on my calendar to book a hotel, etc. a few weeks prior to our anniversary date.

    I will do this over and over for each important event for the year.

    The point is to do as much of the planning now, setting reminders in my calendar, etc. so that nothing sneaks up on me during the year.



    Some other events to make note of during this time (this is not an exhaustive list!):

    • Family vacations or road trips • Conferences (this one is my favorite) • Intentional Conversations with your spouse • Festivals • Homeschool field trips • Church events • Swimming lessons for the kids (and other extracurricular

    activity sign ups) • Concerts • Doctor appointments • School calendar • House cleaning tasks

    Even if you don't put specific reminders into your calendar, you can make simple notes on the planning page of the month you need to remember to do something.

    That's all there is to yearly planning!

    You can be as specific or as vague as you want during yearly planning. It's entirely up to you and your style of planning.

    I like to do as much planning as I possibly can during yearly planning. I've realized that once my year gets started, it's hard for me to slow down and think as critically as I do during yearly planning.

    Therefore, I like a lot of detail in my yearly planning, but it doesn't have to be that way for you.












    How to Do Quarterly Planning to Be More Intentional After you’ve done your yearly planning, you want to schedule a quarterly planning time.

    You should have slotted these times on the calendar when you did your yearly planning. I have found that putting the dates on the calendar for my planning sessions really helps me to make them happen.

    I do quarterly planning during the first week of January, April, July, and October.

    Let's get really confusing for a second.

    In January I do my yearly planning, quarterly planning, and monthly planning all at one time. Yes, this planning session can run a little bit long, but it's worth it because I believe it sets me up for success for the remainder of the year.

    In April, I do my quarterly and monthly planning at the same time. I do the same thing in July and October.

    I mention this because I don't want you think you have to schedule a date for quarterly planning and monthly planning on two different days.

    Does that make sense? You can do them together as often as possible.

    Now what is quarterly planning?

    Quarterly planning allows you to break your year down into pieces or rather quarters (duh!).

    Quarterly planning zeroes in on the next three months, which is more accurate than yearly planning to know what you have going on.



    Gather your tools

    Before getting started with your quarterly planning, you want to gather all of your tools.

    Tools you need for this session:

    • Master calendar • Perpetual calendars • Special calendars • Pen or Pencil

    Additional tools recommended:

    • Mission Statement • Yearly Goals

    Some things to consider during quarterly planning:

    This is a good time to pull out the roles and goals worksheets from your yearly planning and goal setting session.

    I usually use my roles outlined during my yearly planning to define what I want to think through during my quarterly planning time.

    You can learn more about how to outline roles and set goals in my eBook, Live for Him: A Grace-Filled Approach to Planning.

    During quarterly planning, you will think through the same type of things you did during yearly planning, but you'll go more in depth. You're going to get more concrete because you have a better idea of your current situation and needs.



    Some things to think about during quarterly planning:


    • Spiritual goals • Conferences (this one is always a priority for me) • Fun activities for yourself • Doctor appointments • Hair appointments


    • Monthly Date Nights • Getaway opportunities • Intentional Conversations


    • Extended family visits • Birthdays and celebrations • Field trips • Vacations


    • Events • Serving Opportunities • Bible Studies


    • Travel • Deadlines • Project timelines • Evaluations



    Everything else

    • Holidays • Extracurricular activities • House cleaning

    If you completed your yearly planning, quarterly planning should be a breeze. You're just moving in a little closer and with more finality - less pencil, more pen type planning.










    How to Do Monthly Planning to Be More Intentional Monthly planning is probably my favorite planning time!

    After completing yearly planning and quarterly planning, it's usually a breeze to do monthly planning, and it feels so productive.

    I have found that the more specific I am with my monthly planning, the easier my month flows and the more likely I am to do my weekly planning, which we will talk about next.

    Because you’ve done your yearly planning, you know that major events are probably already on the calendar (i.e., church conferences, birthdays, holidays).

    Also, since you’ve completed your quarterly planning, you know whether or not you need to travel this month or if someone is coming to visit us.

    Tools you need for this session:

    • Master calendar • Perpetual calendars • Special calendars • Pen or Pencil

    Additional tools recommended:

    • Mission Statement • Yearly Goals

    Tip: Before getting started, it's a good idea to review your mission statement along with your roles and goals. This will keep your God-given purpose fresh in your mind as you fill in your calendar.



    Things to Think About During Monthly Planning

    Date Nights - We set aside a day each week to for date night. We try to do three date nights at home and one date night out a month. If you need date night ideas, see this post.

    Family time - We set aside one to two times a week for family time. Right now Tuesday is family night out! We like to go out to eat and just get out of the house. Then either Saturday morning or Saturday evening is reserved for family time depending on what we have going on that week.

    Work deadlines - Since we are a work at home family, we have to make sure we communicate all work deadlines so we can be sure we're getting enough time to work to complete the task. This could also include out of town meetings, financial planning, etc.

    Small group, Bible studies, etc. – I check the church calendar, small group events, etc. to be sure everything is on my calendar.

    Budget meetings – My husband and I try to do budget meetings weekly. I slot these into our shared calendar.

    Hospitality - We love having people in our home. I like to add to my calendar potential times to gather with friends and family so we can be sure to get plans in place. This is our favorite way to gather with friends.

    Miscellaneous - Some other things I try to think about during monthly planning is car maintenance (oil change, tire rotation, etc.), haircuts, doctor appointments, etc.

    After it’s all said and done, our calendar will look something like this:



    As I said about yearly planning & quarterly planning, this plan is the same…it is not the end all be all. There are many times our schedules get shifted. Life happens and things don't always go as planned. That's okay!










    How To Do Weekly Planning to Be More Intentional In Steven Covey’s book, First Things First, he uses an analogy about rocks in a bucket to explain time management. When I heard this story, it enabled me to see just how simple prioritizing can be … both to do and to mess up.

    The story goes: you’ve got big rocks, small rocks, sand, and water. The big rocks represent your top priorities. The small rocks, sand, and water represent the lesser priorities, respectively.

    You fill the bucket first with the big rocks to ensure that they are in place. Then, you add the small rocks to fill in the crevices that the large rocks did not fill. Next, adding the sand, this fits around the small cracks that are still left. Even after adding all of these different size rocks, there is more room in the bucket, which the water in turn can fill.

    Basically, the story teaches that it’s not about how much you can fit into your schedule but making sure the most important things go in first.

    If you put the sand and the water in first, then the big rocks don’t fit. As a result, your priorities fall to the wayside. This analogy has completely transformed how I think about weekly planning.

    4 Suggestions for Efficient Weekly Planning

    1. Evaluate

    Evaluation is a big part of living intentionally. When God created the world, there is something He did at the end of each day that I think we far too often overlook.

    God saw and declared it was good (ref Genesis 1).

    To see something means you actually have to look! To declare something as good you have to evaluate what you’ve done!



    God went over His work to make sure it was complete and perfect.

    Therefore, when I do my weekly planning, I like to complete a short evaluation before I dive in. You can find a printable in the back of this eBook filled with questions to ask yourself each week.

    In my eBook, Live for Him: A Grace-Filled Look at Planning, I walk you through this process and go a little more in depth.

    Evaluating how I did the previous week helps me to be sure I make changes in the coming week that align with my God-given priorities. My weekly evaluation is a time that I can do a quick hard stop. It stops the cycle of misaligned priorities and helps me to be intentional with what I put on my schedule in the coming week.

    2. Review Mission Statement and Goals

    I walk you through how to creative a mission statement for your life and set goals based on this mission in my eBook, Live for Him: A Grace-Filled Look at Planning.

    Each week, take time to review your God-given purpose and check in with your goals.

    3. Do a brain dump

    Next, pull out your master calendar and to-do list.

    Review your master to-do list and add to it anything that comes to mind.

    This is your weekly brain dumping session. Get everything out of your brain!

    4. Make a plan

    So much of your week has already been planned for you because you've completed your yearly, quarterly, and monthly planning. These mini planning sessions are adding up to make a huge impact on your week!



    When making your plan for the week, I like to start with my big rocks - my top priorities.

    For me, that's my husband and kids. I make sure to put on my calendar:

    • Date night • One-on-one time with each child • Homeschool needs • Family time

    Then, I add in work needs.

    • Deadlines • Meetings • Writing time • And so on and so forth!

    Finally I add in the additional things like church events, Bible study, play dates, and anything else that crops up in life.

    We can't do everything!

    Every need is not our calling. And I would add - every want is not necessarily something we should make happen.

    Just because our Sunday school class is having a get together, it doesn't mean I have to be there. Just because there are ball games every single week for nieces and nephews, it doesn't mean I have to be at every single one of them.

    Do I want to be? Absolutely!

    But sometimes we have to say, "No" to really good things, in order to say "Yes" to the best things.

    We have to know our God-given purpose. We have to know the mission of our family. We have to live as though the Bible is true.



    If everything makes its way into your schedule that's okay, but it doesn't have to. You can choose to live with more margin in your life if that's something you desire. You are the only one who can make that choice though.

    Weekly planning is as simple as that!

    Depending on how much time you put into your other planning sessions, weekly planning can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to one hour to complete.

    Tip: Before I get started with weekly planning (or any planning session) I set a time limit for myself. Setting a time limit helps me to stay on task and not get lost in details.










    How to Do Daily Planning to Be More Intentional We have finally arrived at what we have all been waiting for. The day in which all of your other planning can pay off!

    We've done our yearly planning, then zoomed in closer and closer through quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning to this very day that is waiting to be tackled.

    How are you feeling?

    Because you've done so much planning already, your daily planning will consist of mostly review and deciding how to tackle your to-do list for the day.

    Take five to fifteen minutes at the beginning of your day (or the night before) to plan your day. Creating a daily plan helps bring clarity to your mind, which makes you more productive and gives your day purpose.

    Tools You Need for This Session:

    • Weekly calendar • Pen or pencil • Blank to-do list

    My Secret Recipe for Creating a Daily To-Do List

    Step 1: Grab two pieces of paper and a writing utensil.

    Step 2: Write down everything you want to get done today.

    Step 3: Put a #1 beside everything that is NON-negotiable.

    Step 4: Put a #2 beside everything that would be nice to get done, but can wait until tomorrow, if needed.

    Step 5: Put a #3 beside everything else.

    Step 6: Mark all of the #3s off your list.



    Step 7: Rewrite your list putting the #1s at the top in order of priority.

    Step 8: Add the #2s below your list of #1s in order of priority.

    That’s it! That’s my secret recipe for creating a daily to-do list that works!

    Making a prioritized to-do list helps me to get more done each day because I simply stick to my list. I know I’m working on the best things and not just the good things.










    Planning Traps You Want to Avoid We all have different planning needs. Some of us are wired to be planners by nature. Others of us feel stifled in our souls at the mere thought of planning. Yet all of us have to do plan in some shape, form, or fashion.

    Now that we’ve talked about planning, I want to go over some planning traps people commonly fall into so that you can avoid them.

    Common Planning Traps

    1. Becoming too rigid

    One of the biggest planning traps I see people fall into is thinking everything has to be perfect. If you're not willing to be flexible, then your planning is in vain.

    We don't plan our time to be better people or "have it altogether." We plan our time in order to make the best use of our time for the glory of God.

    It is important to remember that while a schedule helps you manage your time, it is not the master of your time. There may be some days in which you must throw out the pre-planned agenda and roll with the punches. And that is OK! Give yourself grace, do what you need to do, and then start anew the next morning.

    Are you holding too tightly to your plans?






    2. Over planning

    Another trap I see people fall into is over planning. I'm guilty of this one too often!

    Sometimes I find myself planning and planning and planning and planning, but never doing anything I plan. I think I have to get it all perfectly outlined before I can jump in. Or I plan it but don't have the discipline to follow through.

    I see this show up most often in my home preschool plans for my son. It's easy to over complicate things by over planning.

    Along with using wide margins of time, setting aside 1-2 hours of unscheduled time each day will help take the pressure off your already burdened shoulders. Depending on your needs, you can use this “free time” to get extra work done, play catch up, or take a needed break. I always prefer to take a nap or do something fun, if possible!

    What areas of your life are you simply spinning wheels? Do you need more margin in your life?




    3. Giving up too soon

    If planning isn't something you're naturally inclined toward, then the "give up too soon trap" is probably your stumbling block. You've tried the planning thing, but you just fail the minute you try. Why bother?

    We have to be willing to do the hard work of failing and trying again when it comes to planning our time for God's glory. We won't always get it right. That's okay! Don't give up.



    Are you discouraged and ready to give up? Write a prayer for help on the lines that follow.




    4. Choosing the wrong tools

    Just because I use and love my daily planner, doesn't mean that it's the right planner for you.

    Just because Susie Green down the street is committed to paperless planning to save the earth doesn't mean that will work for you.

    Just because I like to plan my time in chunks like quarterly or monthly doesn't mean this will be the best strategy for you.

    Choose the tools (and methods) that work for you. Many people fail to plan their time effectively because they choose tools created for a totally different type of person than who they are!

    Do you need to re-evaluate the tools you’re currently using?




    5. Doing too much

    Finally, we live in a productivity driven society. If we're not doing something all the time, then we must be a lazy bum.

    Well, I'm here to tell you that rest is not a sin and every need is not your calling.



    When you're doing too much, planning your time becomes far too difficult. Things start dropping through the cracks no matter how well you plan because you're simply doing too much.

    In what areas are you doing too much?




    6. Procrastinating

    As I’ve told you, I am a planner by nature. I love making lists. I have a list for housework, grocery shopping, projects to complete, pictures to take, blog posts to write, and so on.

    My problem is that I’m not very good at checking things off the list because I am a procrastinator.

    Here are some things I procrastinate:

    Doing the dishes. I can think of one hundred and one “more important” things to do than get the dishes done.

    Transferring laundry from washer to dryer. At least the laundry is clean, right? I can always do that later.

    Cleaning the high chair. It’s just going to get dirty again.

    Starting dinner. I would hate for my husband to be running late and it get cold.

    Finishing a book. I will pick up this other book for now. I can finish that later.

    Making a phone call. You never know how long a phone call will take, and I would hate to be rude. I’ll make the call later when I have more time.



    Procrastination leads to chaos, and chaos does not lead to effective time management.

    What are some tasks you tend to procrastinate?




    Can you think of any other planning traps you’re falling into? Use the notes section below to continue seeking the Lord for wisdom in this area.










    When It All Seems Overwhelming I woke up in a fog. The to-dos were piling one on top of the other. Tasks undone spun through my mind. Exhaustion pelted my body. I hardly even knew which end was up let alone how to get it all done.

    I was tired and completely overwhelmed.

    When it all seems overwhelming, planning or doing anything can seem pointless. Why does it matter? I'm behind. I'll never catch up. Something isn't going to get done. I'm a failure.

    However, when it all seems overwhelming, giving up isn't an option. Even though it feels hopeless. Even though it feels like what you do doesn't matter. It isn't hopeless and what you do matters.

    7 Tips for When it All Seems Overwhelming

    1. Take a deep breath

    Nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Usually when I'm overwhelmed, I go into panic mode.

    How will it ever get done?

    Will I ever sleep again?

    Will I ever wake up not feeling exhausted and behind?

    Are my kids going to be scarred for life because Mommy didn't stop what she was doing to play with them?

    Will I always be this busy?

    And on and on I go. Tormenting myself and asking questions that really don't matter, or at least, asking questions that do not move me forward.

    Taking a deep breath and speaking truth to myself is usually the first thing I do.



    2. Rest

    I know it seems counter-intuitive to rest when it all seems overwhelming. When it seems you will never catch up on laundry, get a hot shower, or finish the remodeling project, resting is the last thing you want to do. You

    I get it. I totally do. However, your mind and body are in overdrive. Let (or perhaps make?) yourself rest.

    Take a walk

    Sit on the porch and listen to the birds sing

    Pour yourself a cup of tea

    Go on a family bike ride

    Just rest. Let your body relax and desensitize from all it's going through in this season.

    We're all different in what brings our bodies and souls rest. However, we were created to rest. Do something that gives life to you!

    And no, it's not to just get something done. I don't buy it! Rest.

    3. Brain dump

    Sit down with a piece of paper and dump everything out. Anything that is spinning through your mind, write it down.

    What are some tasks you can brain dump right now?






    4. Make a plan

    Now that you've dumped everything out of your mind, make a plan for getting things done. Don't just start doing. Think through the most important tasks, what you can mark off your list, or put off until later.

    Go back to the section on how to do your daily planning and create a prioritized to-do list.

    Also, think about tasks you can delegate to someone else during this time. Remember every need is not YOUR calling.

    5. Set a timer

    When it all seems overwhelming, getting started is the hardest part. But set a timer and do something. Do something that will motivate you when it's accomplished to keep going forward.

    When my house is a wreck, I go to my room and make my bed.

    When I'm overwhelmed with my work, I will free write for 15 minutes or schedule a couple of days of Facebook posts.

    When I'm overwhelmed by tasks, I've usually neglected intentional time with my children so I'll start with just getting on the floor and playing with my boys.

    Whatever you need to do that will motivate you set a timer, and make it happen.

    6. Work your plan

    Instead of thinking about all you need to do, just do the next thing. You don't have to accomplish everything on your list today, but you do have to keep doing the next thing.

    If you've prioritized your list, then just keeping moving through the list until you're done. Do the best you can!



    7. Finish what you start

    Finally, finish what you start. You've made your list. You know your priorities, you know what you can put off until later, and you know what you need to hand off to someone else. Stick to the list and finish each task before moving on to something else.

    When you're overwhelmed, it's tempting to multitask your way through the day. Don't do it! Work on one thing at a time and finish what you start.

    When I wake up in a fog of depression from all I have to complete, I work these seven tips.

    Almost without fail, I end the day feeling much better than when I started. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Just focus on the next thing and keep moving forward. Don't give up!










    Give Yourself Grace Have you ever had this thought?

    I just need to do better. If I would just discipline myself, I could manage all of my tasks. If I would just spend my time more wisely instead of frittering it away on Instagram, I could get everything done.

    For some of us, these words ride the daily Ferris wheel of our thoughts.

    I need to do better.

    I need to be more disciplined.

    I need to make more sacrifices.

    We desperately want to do God’s will. We want to live for Him, but we lose sight of a key part of the gospel message.

    We can’t be better.

    We are dead.

    We need Jesus.

    We need a Savior.

    “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” ~Matthew 9:12b-13

    My friend, it’s not about being better. Christianity is not a self-improvement plan. We can’t pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and be better or more disciplined.



    Yes outwardly, we might appear to be making changes, but on the inside, where it matters, we’re still just as dead and unchanged as ever apart from the work of Christ within us.

    Those who are well have no need of a physician.

    The Pharisees did all the right things. They followed the rules with great fervor. Yet they didn’t see their need for Jesus.

    For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. ~Romans 7:18

    God requires mercy and not sacrifice.

    Give yourself grace. You don’t have to do everything. You don’t have to change everything about yourself. You don’t have to do better, try harder, and sacrifice more.

    If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. ~Romans 8:11

    I know you want to bring glory to God in all you do, but can you do me a favor?

    Can you give yourself grace?

    Can you stop trying to get yourself straight in your own strength and in your own ways?

    Will you release control?

    Will you let it go and seek first the Kingdom of God?



    Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers as the spring rains that water the earth. For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. ~Hosea 6:1, 3, 6

    It’s hard. I know it is. But it’s harder to do it your own way.

    Surrender is easier than sacrifice.

    Grace is more beautiful than works.

    Let’s not get caught up in doing good things for the Lord, but let’s say with Paul that we want to "discern what is best" when planning how we will spend our time.

    Together, let's allow our lives to be pleasing to God, our Redeemer.

    Let’s be people who plan our lives for the glory of God.










    Now What? Do you have goals and plans, but struggle in the day-to-day? Are you easily overwhelmed by your big ideas or even your daily to-do list?

    Intentional By Grace Unplugged is a 10-day eCourse where I share my ten best tips for living intentionally every single day! It will take you behind the scenes of my life as I share what I am so very passionate about - teaching you to live for Him!

    Who is this eCourse for?

    • those who want to learn how to be intentional and live life on purpose

    • those who struggle to follow through

    • those who burn the candle at both ends

    • those who need more sleep • those who are frazzle • those who are unorganized • those who want to learn how to

    live for Jesus **Get 25% off with code

    “IBGPLAN” at checkout**

    Look what you’ll discover!

    • How to get more sleep • How to create a routine that

    works for you • What Leigh Ann’s house looks

    like form time-to-time • How to reset when things veer

    off track • My tried and true method for

    making a list that works for you, not against you

    • Tips and tricks for managing interruptions

    • How to be more productive • Ways to deepen relationships

    with those you love • Tips for making time with Jesus

    a priority • And more!



    About the Author

    Leigh Ann is passionate about inspiring others to live life intentionally by grace for the glory of God. In all she does, she seeks to make it impossible to not think about God. She is the wife to the man of her prayers, Mark, and mama to two loveable little boys, Samuel and Timothy and one sweet little girl, Lucy, born into Heaven.

    She is author of a 7-Day Scripture Study on Living Intentionally and the eBooks, Live for Him: A Grace-Filled Look at Planning and 20 Minute Meals: Giving Weary Chefs Grace While Keeping Families Healthy. In addition, she has written the Fruit of the Spirit Curriculum for Toddlers and created a 10-day eCourse dedicated to teaching women how to live intentionally every single day.

    You can find her ministering to the women at Intentional By Grace, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and Google+.




    Special Thanks This book truly seemed like a piece of cake when the idea was swarming around in my head. However, I quickly realized that there was always just one more scripture to add, one more piece of encouragement, one more … one more … one more.

    This book wouldn’t exist without the continued support of my husband, Mark. He is my rock and my biggest source of encouragement.

    Thanks to my mother-in-love, as there is no one else I’d trust with the care of my children more than you. I am so grateful the Lord saw fit to bring you and your son into my life. I’m eternally grateful!

    Thanks to Ashley Roe for her continued help in creating beautiful graphics for Intentional By Grace including the cover of this eBook!

    To my amazing readers, thank you for reading and encouraging me to continue doing what I love. Your comments and emails are a great source of delight for me! I look forward to continuing this journey with you.

  • Month:

    Planning 101

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

  • Month:

    Planning 101

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Planning 101

    Perpetual Calendar JANUARY FEBRUARY   MARCH    ______________________________    ______________________________    ______________________________    ______________________________    

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      Planning 101  


    Master Project List












































    Planning 101  


    Weekly Evaluation  Did you accomplish any goals this week? Why or why not?    What practical steps can I take this week to … 1. Strengthen my relationship with the Lord.    2. Bless my spouse.    3. Love my children.    4. Serve others, express thankfulness and/or encouragement to one person this week.    5. Simplify my life.    

  • Planning 101


    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


  • Planning 101


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


  • Planning 101

    Today’s Plan Date:    

    In the Kitchen:  Breakfast Lunch Dinner    


    Memory Verse:      

    To-Do: _________________ ¨_____________________________    ¨_____________________________    ¨_____________________________    ¨_____________________________    ¨_____________________________    ¨_____________________________    

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    Plan of Attack      

    AM Noon PM


    Planning 101Monthly Blank CalendarPERPETUAL CALENDARmaster project listweekly evaluation questionsWeekly Blank CalendarWeekly Blank Calendar m-suDaily To Do List