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Transcript of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI · (SMK), English for Specific Purposes (ESP),...






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Yohanna Kurnitta Parama Lestari

Student Number: 051214133










~~~~God is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrow~~~~

God is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrow

Therefore I live for todayTherefore I live for todayTherefore I live for todayTherefore I live for today

Certain of finding at sunriseCertain of finding at sunriseCertain of finding at sunriseCertain of finding at sunrise

Guidance and strength for the dayGuidance and strength for the dayGuidance and strength for the dayGuidance and strength for the day

Power for each moment of weaknessPower for each moment of weaknessPower for each moment of weaknessPower for each moment of weakness

Hope for each moment of painHope for each moment of painHope for each moment of painHope for each moment of pain

Comfort for every sorrowComfort for every sorrowComfort for every sorrowComfort for every sorrow

Sunshine and joy after Sunshine and joy after Sunshine and joy after Sunshine and joy after rainrainrainrain

God is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrowGod is in every tomorrow

Planning for you and for mePlanning for you and for mePlanning for you and for mePlanning for you and for me

Even in the Even in the Even in the Even in the dark I will followdark I will followdark I will followdark I will follow

Trust where my eyes Trust where my eyes Trust where my eyes Trust where my eyes ccccannot seeannot seeannot seeannot see

Stilled by His promise of blessingStilled by His promise of blessingStilled by His promise of blessingStilled by His promise of blessing

Soothed by Soothed by Soothed by Soothed by the the the the touch of His handtouch of His handtouch of His handtouch of His hand

Confident in His protectionConfident in His protectionConfident in His protectionConfident in His protection

Knowing my lifeKnowing my lifeKnowing my lifeKnowing my life----path is plannedpath is plannedpath is plannedpath is planned

- Al BryanAl BryanAl BryanAl Bryantttt----

I dedicate this thesisI dedicate this thesisI dedicate this thesisI dedicate this thesis tttto the o the o the o the gggglory of Christ,lory of Christ,lory of Christ,lory of Christ,

tttto my parents and grandparents,o my parents and grandparents,o my parents and grandparents,o my parents and grandparents,

to all teachers,to all teachers,to all teachers,to all teachers, to all to all to all to all of of of of my lovely friends, my lovely friends, my lovely friends, my lovely friends,

andandandand to to to to Gaf.Gaf.Gaf.Gaf.




First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Lord Jesus

Christ for His blessing during my study until I can finish my thesis. I thank Him

for giving me a wonderful life, guiding me to step on the brighter way, and

helping me to stand up on my own. He always gives me the best thing and

encourages me to do the best things for my life.

I am very grateful to my sponsor Mr. Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. for his guidance, opinions, suggestions, and supports during my thesis

accomplishment. I would like to thank the lecturers of English Language

Education Study Program, especially Mr. F. Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd. and

Mr. Antonius Jody, S.Pd. for their willingness to give feedback on my designed

materials. My gratitude also goes to Ms. Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd. who also

gives me supports and advices since I started studying in PBI. I thank Ms.

Yuseva A. Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. and Father L. Harjanto, S.J., S.S., B.S.T.,

M.A. for checking and giving feedback on my thesis. I thank also all PBI staffs

who help me especially in administrative needs.

I like to express my special gratitude to Drs. Sutarto, the headmaster of

SMKN 5 Yogyakarta for giving me permission to conduct my study in SMKN 5

Yogyakarta and to representative teacher of class DKV A, Drs. Arif Hamid and

Ketua Program Keahlian DKV, Drs. Arief Am Noor for helping me in preparing

the implementation of the designed materials. I like to thank English teachers in

SMKN 5, Ms. Nuryanti, Ms. Tiwi, Ms. Nungki, and Ms. Arnita for their time,



help, advice, support and patience during the process of finishing my thesis. My

gratitude also goes to second year students of Visual Communication Design

Program both Class A and B for the active and nice cooperation.

I would like to address my great gratitude to my parents, Yohanes

Suparmanto and Natalia Kurniati. I thank them for their sincere love, care,

sacrifices, prayers, patience and guidance to me. I would like to thank my

grandparents, Mbah Kakung, Mbah Putri, Mbah Somo, and Mbok Yem, for

their prayers, unconditional support and encouragement. I am grateful to my

uncles, Rm. Supriyono and Br. Giwal Santoso, who help and support my study

up to this university level. I like to thank Mr. Mardi for his prayers and advices. I

thank Mas Aris Jeber for helping me to record the listening materials. My

gratitude also goes to Mas Sigit, Lik Warnie, Lik Warno, Om Hanto, Neng

Christin, Bude Santi, Pakde Margono, all my brothers and sisters for their help,

support and prayers.

My special thanks are addressed to my lovely friends: Triast, Delfin,

Tarie and Chika, for advice, support, and help during my effort to finish the

thesis. I thank Lianita for helping me solve problem in my thesis writing, Mbak

Rini for giving me advice and answering all my questions concerning with my

thesis. I thank Mr. Raymond, Delfin and Itok for being speakers in my recording

materials. I also thank Mbak Ika, Anis, and again Delfin for checking my thesis

and giving me advice to improve it. I also thank Yoan, Oliv, Epha, Dian, Nancy,

Nophe, Yuki (PBI 2006), Hawkeye English Course team and all PBI students

2005. I am grateful for nice friendship and great moments in PBI.



I like to thank all of my friends in UKMK (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa

Kerohanian) especially Mbak Ima, Mbak Nitnot, Mbak Nila, Mas Donie;

Mudika Gereja Santa Maria Asumpta Babarsari, Lektor Gereja Maria

Asumpta Babarsari; ex- Stero Girls (Martha, Nolen, Sekar, Antik, Prenty). I

also thank my partners of Macro Teaching from UNY (Fenty, Zuhad) for giving

me nice friendship, support, help and prayer.

My special gratitude goes to Gaf for supporting and helping me, for giving

care and encouragement when I was down especially in finishing my thesis. I

thank him for the beautiful moments and lesson I learn so far. I thank him for

tears, laughs, and smiles that bring me to be a braver woman.

My gratitude also goes to those whom I cannot mention by names. I would

like to thank them for their support, prayer, guidance and encouragement.

Yohanna Kurnitta Parama Lestari




Lestari, Yohanna Kurnitta Parama. 2010. English Listening Materials Using Task Based Language Teaching for the Second Year Students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. Listening becomes a crucial skill in English language learning. However, students often face problems in developing their listening skill. The common problems are limited sources of listening materials and limited exposure to the spoken English. Moreover, vocational students encounter more problems since they need English materials which are closely related to the students’ specialized program. This study is aimed to design English listening materials using task based language teaching as appropriate as possible with the needs of vocational students who study on Visual Communication Design Program. The problem to be proposed is: What is the appropriate design of English listening materials using task based language teaching for the second year students of visual communication design program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta? This study employed Research and Development (R&D) method which is combined with Yalden’s Instructional Design model. The R&D steps utilized in the study are (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Preliminary Form of Product Development, (3) Preliminary Product Verification, (4) Preliminary Product Revision, (5) Main Field Testing, and (6) Main Product Revision. Moreover, this study applied theories related to syllabus design, listening, and vocational school, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), material development, and Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT). This study also utilized sources of the learners’ needs and characteristics, and school-based curriculum (KTSP) applied in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta for designing the English listening materials. The appropriate English listening materials was designed based on the learners’ characteristics and needs, curriculum applied in vocational school, and material sources that were relevant to students’ program and suitable with their competence. Three units were developed as the representative materials. They were Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication Design”, Unit 2 “My Memory”, and unit 3 “How does a Camera Work?” The result of materials feedback indicated that the average point of evaluation was 3.5, which meant that the designed materials were acceptable and good enough to be applied. Unit 1 was implemented to real classroom. The implementation was conducted quite well and the students enjoyed the activities as well as the listening materials. In conclusion, the representative of the designed materials was appropriate and acceptable. The implementation result strengthens the designed materials as appropriate listening materials using task based language teaching for second year students of visual communication design program.



ABSTRAK Lestari, Yohanna Kurnitta Parama. 2010. English Listening Materials Using Task Based Language Teaching for the Second Year Students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Listening atau mendengarkan menjadi ketrampilan yang penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Akan tetapi, siswa sering menghadapi hambatan dalam pengembangan ketrampilan listening. Hambatan umum yang terjadi antara lain terbatasnya sumber materi dan kesempatan siswa untuk mendengarkan bahasa Inggris secara lisan. Lebih jauh lagi, siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) menghadapi lebih banyak hambatan karena mereka membutuhkan materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang terkait dengan program keahlian mereka. Studi ini bertujuan merancang materi listening bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan task based language teaching yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa SMK yang mengambil jurusan Design Komunikasi Visual. Terdapat sebuah permasalahan yang diajukan dalam studi ini, yaitu seperti apa design materi listening bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan task based language teaching yang sesuai untuk siswa kelas dua program design komunikasi visual di SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Studi ini menggunakan metode Penelitian and Pengembangan (R&D) yang dikombinasikan dengan model design Intruksi Yalden. Langkah-langkah yang digunakan yaitu (1) Penelitian and pengumpulan informasi, (2) Pengembangan bentuk awal produk, (3) Evaluasi awal produk, (4) Revisi awal produk, (5) Evaluasi lapangan, (6) Revisi utama produk. Studi ini juga mengadaptasi teori yang berkaitan dengan design silabus, listening, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), pengembangan materi, dan task based language teaching. Dalam merancang materi listening bahasa Inggris, penulis juga menggunakan sumber tentang ciri-ciri dan kebutuhan siswa serta Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan yang digunakan di SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Materi listening bahasa Inggris yang sesuai untuk siswa kelas dua program design komunikasi visual di SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan dan ciri-ciri siswa, kurikulum yang digunakan di SMK, dan sumber materi yang berkaitan dengan program design komunikasi visual dan juga yang sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa. Terdapat tiga unit yang dikembangkan sebagai contoh materi yaitu Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication Design”, Unit 2 “My Memory”, dan unit 3 “How does a Camera Work?” Hasil evaluasi materi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai 3.5, yang berarti materi yang dirancang dapat diterima dan cukup baik untuk diterapkan di kelas. Materi unit pertama diterapkan di kelas. Penerapan di kelas berjalan cukup baik dan siswa senang dengan kegiatan dan juga materi listening yang diberikan. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil yaitu contoh dari materi yang dirancang sudah sesuai dan dapat diterima. Hasil penerapan di kelas memperkuat materi sebagai materi listening dengan menggunakan task based language teaching yang sesuai untuk siswa kelas dua program design komunikasi visual.





TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGES .......................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF WORK'S ORIGINALITY ..................................................... iv


KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS.............................................................................. v

PAGE OF DEDICATION .................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... x

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xii

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xviii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Research Background ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................. 7

C. Problem Limitation ................................................................................ 7

D. Research Objective ................................................................................ 8

E. Research Benefits .................................................................................. 8

F. Definition of Terms ................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. 12

A. Theoretical Description ....................................................................... 12



1. Educational Research and Development ......................................... 12

2. Instructional Design Model ............................................................. 15

3. Syllabus Design .............................................................................. 18

a. Factors Affecting Syllabus Choice and Design .............................. 18

b. Functional Syllabus ..................................................................... 20

4. Listening ........................................................................................ 21

a. Teaching Listening ...................................................................... 21

b. Listening Materials ...................................................................... 23

c. Authentic Materials ...................................................................... 26

5. Vocational School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan /SMK) ................ 29

a. Characteristic of Vocational School ............................................. 29

b. English in Vocational School ....................................................... 30

c. Visual Communication Design Program (DKV) ........................... 31

6. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ............................................... 33

7. Material Development .................................................................... 35

a. Defining Objective ...................... ................................................. 36

b. Material Design Model ................................................................ 36

c. Steps of Designing Materials ....................................................... 37

8. Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) ......................................... 39

a. Definition of Task ........................................................................ 39

b. Component of Task ...................................................................... 40

c. TBLT Framework ........................................................................ 41

B. Theoretical Framework ......................................................................... 43



CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 48

A. Research Method .................................................................................. 48

1. Research and Information Collecting .............................................. 48

2. Preliminary Form of Product Development ..................................... 49

3. Preliminary Product Verification .................................................... 50

4. Preliminary Product Revision ......................................................... 50

5. Main Field Testing ......................................................................... 51

6. Main Product Revision ................................................................... 51

B. Research Participants ............................................................................ 53

C. Data Gathering Techniques and Type of Data ....................................... 54

D. Research Instruments ............................................................................ 57

1. Instrument for Research and Information Collecting ....................... 57

2. Instrument for Preliminary Product Verification ............................. 57

3. Instrument for Main Field Testing .................................................. 58

E. Data Analysis Techniques ..................................................................... 58

1. Analysis Techniques in Research and Information Collecting ......... 58

2. Analysis Techniques in Preliminary Product Verification ............... 59

3. Analysis Techniques in Main Field Testing .................................... 61

F. Research Procedure .............................................................................. 61

CHAPTER IV : RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION ........................... 63

A. The Appropriate Design of English Listening Materials Using Task

Based Language Teaching for the Second Year Students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta ......................... 63



1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs ................................................. 64

2. Statement of Purposes ...................................................................... 72

3. Syllabus ........................................................................................... 73

4. Content Description .......................................................................... 78

5. Learning Materials and Learning Activities ...................................... 80

6. Materials’ Feedback ......................................................................... 86

7. Preliminary Materials’ Revision ....................................................... 92

8. Feedback from the Classroom Implementation ............................... 103

9. Final Materials’ Revision ............................................................... 112

B. The Final Version of the Designed Materials ....................................... 113

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 119

A. Conclusions ........................................................................................ 119

B. Suggestions ......................................................................................... 121

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 122


A. Appendix A: Letters .................................................................................... 125

1. Letters of Permission to the Headmaster of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta …126

2. Letters of Permission from Bapeda ………………………………...128

3. Letters of Permission from Dinas Perizinan ………………..…….. 130

B. Appendix B: Instruments…………………………………………………….131

1. Questions Outline for Interviewing Teachers …………………..….132

2. Transcripts of Interview with Teachers ………………………........134

3. Questions Outline for Interviewing Students ……………………....146



4. Transcript of Interview with Students ……………………………...149

5. Questionnaire for Materials’ Feedback

a. Surat Permohonan Pengisian Kuisioner …………..…..…...162

b. General Description ………………………………………..163

c. Questionnaire for Materials Feedback ……………………..165

d. Samples of Filled-instruments ……………………………...168

6. Questionnaire for Classroom implementation

a. Questionnaire for the students ……………………………...174

b. Samples of Filled-instruments ……………………………...178

C. Appendix C: English Listening Materials Using Task Based Language

Teaching for the Second Years Students of Visual Communication Design

Program in SMK N5 Yogyakarta ……………………………………………….182

1. English Syllabus (First Design) ……………………………………183

2. English Syllabus (Final Design) …………………………………...192

3. Lesson Plan ………………………………………………………...201

4. Students’ Handbook ………………………………………………..210

5. Teacher’s Manual …………………………………………………..233




Table Page

3.1 The Type of Data …………………………………………………………….55

3.2 Points of Agreement …………………………………………………………59

3.3 The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions ………………………...60

4.1 Summary of Learners’ Characteristics ………………………………………71

4.2 Summary of Learners’ Needs ………………………………………………..72

4.3 Basic Competence …………………………………………………………...73

4.4 Topics, Unit Title and Learning Indicators ……………………………….…75

4.5 The Content Description ………………………………………………….…78

4.6 Learning Activities ……………………………………………………....….83

4.7 The Description of Participants for Materials’ Feedback …………………...86

4.8 Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Opinion ………………………….87

4.9 Revision of the Basic Competence ……………...………………….………. 93

4.10 Revision of the Learning Indicators ……………………………….…….... 93

4.11 Revision on the Framework of the Learning Activities ……………………97

4.12 Learning Activities after Preliminary Materials’ Revision ……………….. 99

4.13 Description of Participants for Classroom Implementation ………….….. 105

4.14 Data Presentation of Students’ Responses on the First Meeting …………106

4.15 Data Presentation of Students’ Responses on the Second Meeting ………107

4.16 Final Version of the Learning Activities ………………………………… 114




Figure Page

2.1 Language Program Development (Yalden, 1987:88) ………………….… 18

2.2 Classification of Aural Texts (Nunan, 1991:21)……………………….…. 25

2.3 Material Design Model from Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 109) …….… 37

3.1 R&D Combining with Yalden’s Model …………………………………... 52





A. Research Background

Listening skill is essential skill in foreign language learning. In fact, it

becomes a basic skill. As pointed out in Second AILA (International Association

of Applied Linguistics) conference in 1969 which mentioned that listening

comprehension is recognized as a basis skill (Morley, 2001:69). Listening

becomes important skill in foreign language learning since learners will receive

the new language through listening. According to Rost, as cited by Nunan

(2002:238), “listening is vital in the language classroom since it provides input for

the learner”. Through listening, learners obtain sources of the new language and

can start to learn the language.

Since listening skill is important in language learning, learners should

have proper listening skill on their language learning process. However, problems

arise in the effort of developing listening skill. Anne Anderson and Tony Lynch

(1988:68) state that the lack exposure to the target language is the main problem

which is faced by foreign listeners. The lack exposure to the target language

occurs because of some factors. One factor is that learners do not use the foreign

language in their daily life. They may only use the language in the school area or

when the learning activities are carried out. Another factor which causes the lack

exposure is limited sources of the target language. Sometimes, it is difficult to



obtain learning sources which are appropriate to learners’ need and competence

and useful to help learners improving their listening skill.

Common problem which is faced by many schools is that students receive

few opportunities to hear the target language. Moreover, in teaching learning

activities, students tend to have more time to listen to their teachers. Based on

writers’ observation and experience in Macro Teaching Program, the teachers

tend to speak in native language rather than in the target language. In addition,

some schools have limited and insufficient materials for their students. Another

problem is teacher’s difficulties in developing listening activities. Those problems

may obstruct students’ learning process in order to develop their English


Furthermore, vocational school (SMK) faces more problems related to

English learning materials. Vocational school students require learning materials

which focused on their specialized program. One vocational program that had

been developed rapidly in the following decade is Visual Communication Design

program. As stated by Bing Bedjo Tanudjaja, lecturer of Visual Communication

Design in Art and Design Faculty, Kristen Petra University (2003), Visual

communication design is developed rapidly due to the communication sector

progress. Moreover, the communication sector progress is increased by the

development of media industries such as newspaper, magazine, television,

advertising, etc. (Sunarto, 2008). Due to the rapid development of visual

communication design program, the students of this program need proper skills to

communicate in English especially in their program area. Proper English skills



also help them in understanding specific terms, features, or procedures in English

which are related to visual communication design program. Therefore, English

learning materials which are related to the students’ program is needed and will

give significant contribution to their work.

One phenomenon which is recognized by the writer happened in SMKN 5

Yogyakarta. SMKN 5 is one of vocational schools in Yogyakarta which has the

specialization program on the art and craft industry. As well as teachers in other

schools, the teachers in this school also have problems in developing listening

materials and activities. Based on informal interview with some English teachers

in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, there are some factors which influence the problems. The

teachers said that they are reluctant to conduct listening activities. In their opinion,

listening activities need more time and more preparation rather than other learning

activities. They said that they have to prepare the lesson plan, the materials

(cassette or CD), and the instrument to play the materials, and also find suitable

space to conduct the learning. They added that they also must have more intensive

study on the materials and prepare unexpected events when the activities take

place. Those reasons make most of the teachers in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta reluctant

to conduct listening activities, even to develop listening materials for their


Another factor which influences students’ listening skill development is

teacher talk. Rost (2002:134) says that teacher talk is one vital source of listening

materials for students. It means that teachers must speak English as often as

possible to give many opportunities for their students to listen to English.



However, according to writer’s observation, the teachers tend to speak Bahasa

Indonesia instead of English to deliver the lesson in the class. The teachers said

that they use Bahasa Indonesia since the students have difficulties in

understanding spoken English. Furthermore, the budget is one common problem

in developing listening activities as well as the materials. On the interview,

teachers said that sometimes they have to spend their own money to get other new

materials since the school only provides limited listening materials.

Furthermore, although SMKN 5 Yogyakarta does not have a language

laboratory, it has multimedia room to carry out listening activities. Unfortunately,

some teachers are anxious to use the equipment and media provided in the room.

They tend to have listening activities in the classroom using conventional media

such as tape recorder. The teachers said that they also have difficulties in finding

listening materials which are suitable for vocational students. Most of them only

use some sources such as materials provided in the school, materials from practice

teachers, and materials from other teachers. Those sources are limited to obtain

appropriate listening materials. The internet is one possible source for teachers to

get any kinds of learning materials including listening materials. Some teachers

are able to work using the internet but they are not able to obtain listening

materials. It happens because the teachers may not have sufficient knowledge of

ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

Furthermore, the teachers tend to give listening activities focusing on

materials related to TOEIC. It stands for Test of English for International

Communication. TOEIC measures the ability of non-native English speaker to



communicate with English in a work environment. The model of this test is

adapted on the final exam. Therefore, the teachers are likely to have listening

activities for the third year students to prepare the final exam. In 2006, SMKN 5

started using school-based curriculum (KTSP), which requires the teachers to

develop materials and activities according to Education Content Standard and

Graduates Competence Standard. Since the curriculum model is new, teachers

might not have sufficient competence to develop their own learning materials and

activities. From the observation, the teachers are likely to use materials and

activities they already have, or follow English text book provided in the school.

Those conditions cause lack of listening materials which impede the students to

develop their listening skill.

In addition, listening materials that have been provided in the school are

limited. Most of them are cassettes and the others are in CD format. The existing

materials, thoroughly, can not meet the students’ need. Moreover, most of them

are TOEIC materials which were intended to prepare the final exam. Some others

are materials whose topics discussed in the English textbook. There are no

listening materials which focused on students’ specialization program. The

existing materials are also lack of variation since they merely discuss on TOEIC.

Other materials such as supplementary of text books are old model materials

because they mat not follow recent English language learning development.

Moreover, students need to obtain more listening practices not only when

they have preparation for the final exam. In order to develop listening skill,

students also require more qualified listening materials rather than final exam-



based materials. The materials should also have more variety on the activities. The

variation will motivate students to enjoy the activities.

Furthermore, vocational students require more specific materials. Besides

learning English in general, vocational students also learn practical-used English

related to their specialized program. More specific materials will support students’

English development and their preparation for the future profession. Additionally,

listening materials should be appropriate with students’ competence. Appropriate

listening materials may encourage students to participate actively in the learning


Realizing the conditions of limited English listening materials and also

the teachers’ difficulties in developing listening materials and activities, the writer

is interested in designing English listening materials using task based language

teaching for specific vocational program that is Visual Communication Design

program. This study aims to design English listening materials as appropriate as

possible with the needs of the students of Visual Communication Design Program

in accordance with required English competence of vocational school. The writer

would like to conduct preliminary study both the related literatures and

observation in the field. Based on the preliminary study, the materials can be more

relevant to students’ program and more varied in kinds of listening activities. The

materials are designed according to the school-based curriculum (KTSP) and

referring to the competence standard of Visual Communication Design Program.

The writer also considers the situation and needs of the students by conducting

need analysis. Furthermore, the writer utilizes Research and Development (R&D)



as the research methodology and also applies Yalden’s instructional design model

to develop the English listening materials. The designed materials, hopefully, may

help the students to improve their listening skill.

B. Problem Formulation

This study proposed a question: What is the appropriate design of English

listening materials using task based language teaching for the second year

students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

This study was limited on the discussion of English Language Teaching

which specified on designing learning materials. The designed materials utilized

task based language teaching and focused on developing English listening skill for

vocational high school students. Due to limited time and budget, the study was

concentrated on designing English listening materials particularly for vocational

students of Visual Communication Design program. The participants of this study

were second year students of Visual Communication Design program because

they were assumed to have accomplished novice level in the first year which can

support students’ learning process in the next level. They already had the basic

knowledge of their program which can help them to understand the designed

materials better. Another consideration was that the second year students had

made adjustment toward lesson techniques and environment situation in the

school during the first year. The research was conducted in SMK N 5 Yogyakarta



because the writer had taught its students in Macro Teaching Program (Program

Pengalaman Lapangan II). Thus, the writer understood the condition and

characteristics of the school as well as the students. This understanding would

help the writer to design suitable listening materials.

D. Research Objectives

The study had an objective in accordance with the problem formulation

that is to develop appropriate design of English listening materials using task

based language teaching for the second year students of Visual Communication

Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta.

E. Research Benefits

This study was expected to give advantages for the following sides:

1. Students of Visual Communication Design program

The designed materials may help students to become familiar with

listening materials as well as the activities which especially related to their

program and hopefully may lead them in improving their listening skill.

2. English teacher

Teacher may use the designed materials to teach listening and help

students in improving their listening skill. Furthermore, teacher can use these

materials as a model to develop other listening activities.



3. School committee

The findings of this study may be used as one source to identify students’

learning progress especially in English subject, so that the school committee can

take policies and further actions to improve students’ competence.

F. Definitions of Terms

The following lists are terms which are used in this study, in an attempt to

clarify concepts and avoid misinterpretation.

1. Listening Materials

Listening materials means a set of materials that are used to teach listening

activities in order to develop students’ ability in listening skill. In this study,

listening materials are taken from the internet, books, articles and other relevant

sources which can be applied to the designed materials.

2. Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

According to Nunan (2004:1), Task Based Language Teaching is a need-

based approach which focuses on the content selection and emphasizes on the

learning through interaction in the target language. In this study, TBLT is utilized

as an approach to develop learning task of the designed materials.

3. The Appropriate Design of Materials

The appropriate design of materials means that the design of materials has

met the required considerations. In this study, the required considerations involve

two requirements. First, the materials should be designed step by step according to

the Research and Development cycle (R&D) and developed based on data



obtained from a research. Second, the designed materials should achieve the goals

of the designed materials, should be relevant with the students’ needs and

characteristics, should be varied on tasks and media utilized on the designed

materials, and the topics of the designed materials should be relevant with the

tasks and activities. The designed materials will be considered as appropriate if

the materials have met those required consideration.

4. School-based Curriculum (KTSP)

KTSP stands for Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. The National

Education Ministry launched KTSP in the 2006/2007 academic year. The

implementation of this curriculum is referred to National Education Minister’s

Regulation number 22/2006 on Education Content Standard (Standard Isi) and

number 23/2006 on Graduates Competence Standard (SKL). School-based

curriculum is operational curriculum, which is established and implemented by

each education entity (Mujiran, 2006). In this study, School-based curriculum is

one reference on the process of designing English listening materials. The

reference will be focused on Education Content Standard and Graduates

Competence Standard of English subject and Visual Communication Design

program of the second year vocational school students.

5. Second Year Vocational Student

Second year vocational student is the student who has finished his/her first

year study in the school. Referring to Graduates Competence Standard, second

year student is the student who involves in elementary level of English subject. In

this study, the participant refers to the students of Visual Communication Design



program who had passed their first year study and had accomplished novice level

of English subject.

6. Visual Communication Design

In Bahasa Indonesia, it is called Design Komunikasi Visual (DKV). In this

study, Visual Communication Design is one vocational program offered in SMKN

5 Yogyakarta. Visual Communication Design is a program which trains the

students to master visual communication field as well as its visual form elements

and features and to apply their competence to produce visual form designs by

using either two or three dimension of media.

7. SMKN 5 Yogyakarta

SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, which was called SMIK (Sekolah Menengah Industri

Kerajinan), is located at Jl. Kenari no.71 Yogyakarta. SMKN 5 prepares their

students to enter the job world specialized on the art and craft industry. The

school has eight vocational programs namely Kriya kayu, Kriya Keramik, Kriya

Logam, Kriya Kulit, Kriya tekstil, Desain busana, Desain Komunikasi visual

(DKV)- Grafis Komunikasi and DKV Animasi.





This chapter presents literature review of the study. It includes two main

parts namely theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical description

This part elaborates some theoretical principles which underline the

design of the listening materials. It includes discussion of Educational Research

and Development (R&D), Instructional Design Material, Syllabus Design,

Listening, Vocational School, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Material

Development, and Task Based Language Teaching. Each of them would be further

described below:

1. Educational Research and Development (R&D)

According to Borg and Gall (1983:772) Educational Research and

Development is a process used to develop and validate educational product which

refers to the R&D cycle. The major steps of R&D cycle are described as follows:

a. Research and Information Collecting

This step includes reviewing literatures, conducting classrooms

observations, and preparing the report (Gall, 1983: 775). The review of literatures

aims to collect findings and other information relevant to the plan of designing the

product. Whereas direct observation or interview are used to complete information



of the literature review (Gall, 1983: 777-778). Those all information becomes the

basis to develop educational product.

b. Planning

According to Gall (1983: 775), in this step the designer starts to describe

the skills, course objectives, course sequence, and small scale testing. The most

important aspect of planning is defining the objectives that would to be achieved

by the product. The objectives also provide the basis for developing instructional

program because the program can be assessed and revised until it meets the

objectives. The objectives should be formulated in terms of rank behaviors and

evaluated on the basis of their success in bringing about these rank behaviors

(Gall, 1983: 779-781).

c. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

This step includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and

evaluation devices (Gall, 1983: 775). The procedure of developing the product has

many variations depending on the nature of the product. Moreover, Gall (1983:

781) states that one essential point that must be kept is that the developer should

attempt from the beginning to develop products that are completely ready to apply

in the schools.

d. Preliminary Field Testing

In the fourth step, the designer conducts the product in 1-3 schools by

using 6-12 subjects of the product. The designer also collects the data through

interview, observation, or questionnaires and then analyzes them (Gall, 1983:

775). Moreover, Gall (1983: 782) states that the aim of preliminary field testing is



to gather initial qualitative evaluation of the designed product. He adds that in all

stages of R&D cycle requires product evaluation since it is essential to set up

similar setting to those where the product will be used.

e. Main Product Revision

In this step, the designer revises the product based on the evaluation and

suggestion from the data of Preliminary Field Testing (Gall, 1983: 775).

f. Main Field Testing

Gall (1983: 775) states that in this step the designer conducts the revised

product in 5-15 schools with 30-100 subjects of the product. The data of subjects’

course performance are gathered in a form of quantitative data. Furthermore, the

aims of main field testing are to verify that the product meets its goals and to

obtain information to revise the product (Gall, 1983: 783-784). In this step, the

data should be obtained from all participants of the field testing.

g. Operational Product Revision

In this step, the designer revises the product based on the result of the data

which is collected from Main Field Testing (Gall, 1983: 775).

h. Operational Field Testing

According to Gall (1983: 775), this step involves conducting the revised

product in 10-30 schools with 40-200 subjects. The aim of this step is to make

sure that the product is completely ready to use in the schools by teachers

themselves. Therefore, Gall (1983: 784) states that the package of product must

be completed and tested in every part. The interview, observation and



questionnaires are used to collect the data. The data, then, is analyzed to

determine whether the course package is complete (Gall 1983: 784-786).

i. Final Product Revision

The last revision is conducted based on the result of data analysis in

Operational Field Testing. The final version revision for the complete package of

product is carried out after the data from the operational field test have been

analyzed (Gall, 1983: 786).

j. Dissemination and Implementation

Gall (1983: 786) states that this last step is the technique to adjust the cost

of the product developing process by operating effective dissemination and

implementation the product to the intended users. Moreover, dissemination is the

process of facilitating potential user to be interested in the product, while

implementation is the process of helping the user to carry out the product in the

means intended by the developer (Gall, 1983: 786).

The R&D cycle theory is included as the methodology of this study. In this

study, the writer adapted the six steps of R&D cycle. The detailed description of

the six steps can be seen in the theoretical framework.

2. Instructional Design Model

In this study, the theory of Instructional design is needed as a guideline in

designing the listening materials. According to Gagne and Briggs (1979:3)

“instruction is a set of events which affects learners in such way and support



learners to develop in their own direction”. Moreover, an instruction which is used

in the learning process should be planned in an organized way.

Gagne and Briggs (1979:5) add that instructional design should be

conducted by the process of a system approach. There are various kinds of

approaches which are used to design a set of instruction. One of them is Yalden’s

instructional design model. Yalden (1987:88-89) proposes eight stages in

developing language program. The stages are:

a. Need Survey

The first step is conducting need survey. Need survey is used to obtain

information about the learners as much as possible before developing the program

and to decide appropriate objectives of the program (Yalden, 1987:101).

b. Description of purposes

The second step is clarifying the objectives description of the program. In

preparing the objectives description, the program designer will work in terms of

broad and narrow focused purposes, and occupational or educational purposes.

Yalden (1987:105) argues that this step is the basis for the major decision of

designing language program.

c. Selection / development of syllabus type

The third step is choosing the syllabus types. There are several kinds of

communicative syllabus which can be chosen based on the learners’ or language

programs’ objectives.



d. Production of proto syllabus

The fourth step is producing the Porto-syllabus. According to Yalden

(1987), in this stage, the designer will work on the content description or content

specification of the syllabus. Moreover, the work of the content description

includes describing the language and language use that would be covered in the

program (Yalden, 1987: 138-141).

e. Production of pedagogical syllabus

The fifth step is producing the pedagogical syllabus. This step includes

development of teaching materials, testing sequence and testing instrument which

are used in the program (Yalden, 1987:89). Yalden (1987) states that the

pedagogical syllabus provides a list of words and phrases that are appropriate with

the topics needed by the learners. Furthermore, the words and phrases are also

selected as models of function in the language program (Yalden 1987: 144).

f. Development and implementation of classroom procedures

According to Yalden (1987:89), this step includes selecting exercise types

and teaching techniques, preparing the lesson plans and weekly schedule, and also

briefing for teachers.

g. Evaluation

The seventh step is evaluating the program. The evaluation of the program

can be obtained from the students, the program itself, and the teaching process

(Yalden, 1987:89).

Yalden’s model is described in the figure at the next page.



Need survey

Description of purposes

Selection /development of syllabus


Production of proto syllabus

Development and implementation of

classroom procedures

Evaluation Production of

pedagogical syllabus

Figure 2.1: Language Program Development (Yalden, 1987:88)

In this study, the writer applies Yalden’s instructional design model in

designing the listening materials. The writers would use each step of Yaldens’s

model in the process of designing and developing listening materials.

3. Syllabus Design

According to Krahnke (1987:73), syllabus is the base for the organization

of language courses. Furthermore, he divides six types of syllabus that are

classified according to their characteristics, differences, strengths and weaknesses.

The six types of syllabus are Structural Syllabus, Functional Syllabus, Situational

Syllabus, Skill-based Syllabus, Task-Based Syllabus, and Content-based Syllabus.

The following parts would elaborate factors affecting syllabus choice and

design and also one type of syllabus which used in this study that is functional


a. Factors Affecting Syllabus Choice and Design

The three major factors that influence the syllabus choice and design are

Program factors, Teachers factors, and Students factors. Each factor would be

described at the next page:



1) Program factors

There are three dominant program factors that affected syllabus choice.

The first factor is the goal and objective of the program (Krahnke, 1987:74-75).

The types of instructional contents should be most closely matched with the goals

of the program. The second factor is instructional resources that are available for

the program (Krahnke, 1987:76). The resources include many aspects like

textbooks, visual materials, realia, radio or television program, films, etc. The

third factor is the need to make the instruction accountable to be measured by

external measures tools such as tests (Krahnke, 1987:77). Due to this factor, some

instructional programs often teach particular kind of knowledge that will be tested,

although students did not really need it.

2) Teacher factors

Krahnke (1987:78) says that with their system and orientation, teachers

play a role in deciding the content of language instruction to be used in a program.

Teachers also have great influence on the actual learning process in the classroom.

Dealing with this factor, it is expected that teachers are able to accept the type of

instruction they have chosen before they carry out it (Krahnke, 1987:79).

3) Student factors

Students also affect the choice of instructional program. The major

influences are the goals of the students, students’ experience and expectations,

students’ prior knowledge, students’ social and personality types, and the number

of student in a class (Krahnke, 1987:79).



In this study, the description of three factors affecting syllabus choice and

design is useful to consider one type of syllabus which would be used to design

the listening materials. Moreover, the three factors can help the writer to choose a

type of syllabus which is appropriate with the purpose of the study.

b. Functional Syllabus

Functional Syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of the language

teaching consists of a set of the functions that are performed when the language is

used (Krahnke,1987:9). According to Firth (1957) and Halliday (1973), as stated

in Approaches to Syllabus Design, Functionalism develops in linguistic tradition

in Britain which emphasizes on adequate description of the language that must

consist of information on how the language is used, what is the purpose, and what

are the ways when the language is used (Krahnke,1987:30). Krahnke adds that the

main important thing of the language teaching movement is the emphasis of

language use categories rather than language form categories.

In addition, Krahnke (1987:32) says that functionalism is not part of the

content for a syllabus but it is a procedure for designing a syllabus or choosing

content of a syllabus. In choosing the specific content of a syllabus, the designer

should analyze the type of program which the learners are going to join in, take

note of notions, functions and specific forms that are used in the program, and put

all together into the syllabus (Krahnke, 1987:32).

Krahnke (1987:38) states that functional approach could be appropriately

used to define the content of a syllabus for specific programs for specific



purposes. This approach is appropriate since there is an analysis of specific

functions in various types of programs which makes it easier to develop the

syllabus with the adequate emphasis.

In the step of selection/development of syllabus type from Yalden’s

model, the writer would apply functional syllabus. The theory of functional

syllabus is included into this study since it gives deeper understanding of

functional syllabus. The information of functional syllabus also helps the writer to

choose appropriate topics, learning content, and further syllabus components

which reflecting functional discussion.

4. Listening

a. Teaching listening

Michael Rost points out some principles that influence teaching of

listening. The following points are the summary of essential principles which are

suggested by Rost. First, the teacher should provide listening activities which can

help students to minimize their worry toward the foreign learning process (Rost,

2002: 108). The activities also should allow students to negotiate their opinion of

the activities and find the meaning by their own effort (Rost, 2002: 109). The

activities should aim to help students on building autonomous process of learning

the language (Rost, 2002: 108-109).

Second, the input of the learning should be appropriate with students’

motivation and their attitudes toward listening (Rost, 2002: 108). Moreover, the

different grammatical features of the input should be given according to students’



readiness (Rost, 2002: 113). Third, teacher should encourage the students in the

process of the learning. Teacher should utilize the strategies of language use

which facilitate students to solve more difficult tasks and can motivate them to

learn more (Rost, 2002:112). In addition, teacher may not force the students to

speak since they will speak naturally as the result of work with listening (Rost,


In addition, Harmer (2007:135-136) states six principles use in teaching

listening. He says that the students should be encouraged to listen to various kinds

of listening sources as often as possible. Furthermore, the teacher should give the

students the topic or clues to predict what they will listen and make sure that

his/her students are ready to the listening activities. The students also need to

listen the audio more than once to catch missing things (Harmer, 2007:135).

Harmer says that the teacher should encourage the students to respond the

meaning of what they had listen. The teacher may also use the audio for different

application such as learning other things outside the topic which close to students’

daily life. Moreover, the students should be given listening exercise of different

levels by using different listening tasks (Harmer, 2007:136).

Anderson (1988: 66) states that most teachers use test tools to teach

listening. According to McDonough (1981:74), as stated in Listening Language

Teaching, “the technique of asking question after listening activity is a testing

technique, not a teaching technique” (Anderson,1988: 66). Teacher tends to give

test to measure students’ comprehension of the listening material. Anderson also

points out from Underwood (1979:4) that exercises should not be treated as test



tools. Listening exercises are designed as the media for practicing aural

comprehension which direct students to learn more affectively (Anderson,

1988:67). Teacher should not use listening test as a framework to assess students’

understanding of the spoken information. On the other hand, teacher should give

listening practices and various kinds of activities to activate students. For instance,

Teacher may use group discussion to express their understanding on listening

exercise. Anderson (1988: 67) adds that teacher should also change the principle

of question as primary means to assess how much students have understood.

Moreover, the students should be given adequate practice and encouraged to deal

with other problem in the target language (Anderson, 1988:68).

The principles of teaching listening which are quoted above are useful in the

process of designing the listening materials. Understanding the principles of

teaching listening will help the writer to determine what kind of activities to be

carried out, what kind of input to be utilized, and what kind of techniques to be

applied in the design materials.

b. Listening Materials

The selection of material and the creation of tasks are the most important

decisions in teaching learning listening. Rost suggests six essential concepts in

selecting listening material, they are:

1) Relevance

Listening materials are relevant if they have relation with the purposes and

interest of the learners (Rost, 2002:123).



2) Authenticity and Genuineness

Materials should have the purpose to be authentic which is appropriate

with the needs of the learners and reflecting the real use of the language. Rost

(2002:125) says that genuineness can be obtained by involving features of natural

language used by the speaker such as speed, intonation, pausing, etc.

3) Genres

Listening materials should have varieties in genres that the learners may

meet in the target language. Furthermore, learners should be able to determine

genres of the materials to help them focus in essential information they need

(Rost, 2002:126).

4) Difficulty

The selection of the materials should consider the level of difficulty of the

materials. The level difficulty of the materials is influenced by the framework of

the spoken text and also the language used in the spoken text (Rost, 2002:122-


5) Simplification

Teachers may use simplified material but they have to keep its natural

features. Simplified material will be useful if it helps learners to be more active in

responding of what they listen (Rost, 2002:131-134).

6) Teacher talk

Rost states that teacher talk is one vital source of listening material for

learners. Teacher should talk using target language as much as possible. Teacher



Unplanned Planned

Dialogue Monologue

Aural Texts

Unfamiliar Familiar

Interpersonal Transactional

may simplify the language but the genuine features of the language still must be

kept (Rost, 2002:134-135).

There are many kinds of listening materials that can be used to improve

listening skills. Anderson and Lynch (1988:63) states that listening materials can

be divided according to teachers’ view of listening activity. They divide listening

materials two types, namely autonomous and ancillary listening materials.

Autonomous listening materials are listening materials in a complete session with

the published materials which are specially designed to practice the spoken

comprehension skill (Anderson and Lynch, 1988:63). While ancillary listening

materials are taken from global language course book which include recorded

materials that are related with the learning focus (Anderson and Lynch, 1988:63).

Furthermore, Nunan proposes classification of aural texts according to the

different purpose of listening. He divides the aural texts into the following

diagram below.

Figure 2.2: Classification of Aural Texts (Nunan, 1991:21)



Aural texts are divided into two big categories: Monologue and Dialogue.

Brown (2001:251) states “In monologue … the hearer must process long stretches

of speech without interruption.” He adds that a dialogue involves two or more

speakers which aim to build social relationship or express information (Brown,


Moreover, Rost (2002: 126) argues that the materials should be varied on its

types which are suitable for the learners in their interaction with the target

language. According to Rost (2002: 127), there are 5 types of texts according to

the purpose for listening. The five types of texts are: narrative, descriptive,

comparison, causal, and problem/solution.

Information of listening materials is important to be included in this study.

The information gives description and explanation in order to select appropriate

listening materials. Furthermore, the classification of aural texts is also useful to

choose appropriate kinds of aural texts developed in the designing process.

c. Authentic Materials

Authentic material is one prominent material that is chosen and used in

teaching and learning listening. Authentic materials are any speeches that have not

been produced for the purpose of language teaching (Goh, 2002:43). According to

Rost (2002:123), authentic materials are any languages that have been actually

used by native speakers for any real purposes. Authentic materials are used

because they have more advantages than scripted oral texts or produced materials.

Field (2002: 244) argues that the recordings of spontaneous speech provide



learners the rhythm of everyday English. He states that authentic text provides

listening experiences much closer to the real life. Furthermore, it also reinforces

students to have direct relation between language classroom and the real language

use (Gebhard, 1996:102). However, there are some disadvantages of authentic

materials that teacher should pay attention to. Gebhard (1996: 101) says that using

authentic materials takes more time and effort. Sometimes it is difficult to find or

make a material that can be understood by the students.

Goh (2002: 43-47) divides authentic materials into six types, they are:

1) Videos

The use of videos gives many advantages to the learners in improving their

listening skill. Using videos, learners can contextualize of what they listen and

make inferences about things they do not listen clearly (Goh, 2002: 43-44). Types

of video that can be used are TV drama, news program, documentary, game show,

advertisement, film, music video, cartoon, interview, and talk show.

2) Songs

Since songs are generally short and use simple daily language, Goh

(2002:44) argues that they are excellent listening sources. Songs are also useful

model of recount and narrative texts which lead the students to various listening


3) Literary texts

Short poems and short stories can be used in listening activities. Both of

them are effective texts to develop learners’ critical thinking through listening



tasks. They also have various types which are beneficial to increase different types

of listening toward the learners (Goh, 2002: 45).

4) Radio broadcasts

Radio programs can be used to keep up-to-date materials and relevant

issues for the learners. Goh (2002: 46) states that radio broadcast provides many

examples of transactional and interactional talks that can be applied in different

learning objectives.

5) Interactive CD ROMS

CD ROMS offers multimedia experience by combining video, images,

sound, animation, and text. The access of CD-ROMS can give the learners useful

tools to control language sources (Goh, 2002: 46).

6) World Wide Web

Many websites provide both audio and video clips that can be downloaded

for teaching learning material. Teacher may encourage the learners to search their

own listening material by browsing many websites and to learn independently.

BBC World Service ( is one of websites which provides variety of

programs in written text and real audio (Goh, 2002: 47). Other websites that can

be used to search listening materials are,, and

The explanation of authentic materials is useful in this study. It will help the

writer to select authentic materials which are suitable to be applied in the designed




5. Vocational school (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan / SMK)

Based on PP no. 29 tahun 1990, pasal 3 ayat 2, Vocational school aims to

prepare students to come into job field and to develop students’ professionalism in

the job world. Whereas in Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum SMK (2007:17), it is

mentioned that vocational education is aimed to train students to actively develop

their own potential skills; to prepare students working in a specific field; and to

educate students to have work ethics both working independently and working in

a company.

Furthermore, the educational programs of SMK in Indonesia are divided into

6 broad programs: Agriculture and Forestry, Technology and Industry, Business

and Management, Social Welfare, Tourism, Art and Handicraft.

a. Characteristics of Vocational School (SMK)

SMK has some characteristics which are different from SMA (senior high

school). The characteristics mentioned in Pedoman Kurikulum SMK (1993) are:

1) Learning materials are based on the requirement of job competence mastery.

The competence, which should be achieved by the students, is stated in form of

profile of skill.

2) The focus of students learning is the mastery of specific required competency


3) The learning is combination process between learning theories and functional

practices. It occurs not only in the classroom but also in the job field or industries.



4) Time learning for achieving expected competences is flexible with the

students’ importance. Students’ importance becomes one consideration of the

learning process, so that each student can be well-developed on his/her


5) Learning activity emphasizes on “learning by doing”, which supports students

not only to know how to do something but also to understand the reason of doing


6) Teacher is not the only learning sources. He/she performs as a facilitator for

the students. Teacher also tends to focus on developing learning materials rather

than presenting the materials.

Moreover, according to Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum SMK (2007:i), the lesson

of vocational school covers 3 specific lesson groups, they are normative, adaptive,

and productive lesson. The productive lesson is specialized lesson in a vocational

school. This productive lesson is developed referring to Standar Kompetensi

Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI).

b. English in Vocational School

In Peraturan menteri pendidikan Nasional no 23 tahun 2006, it is stated

about Graduates Competence Standard (SKL). One standard that should be

achieved by vocational students is able to perform skills on listening, reading,

writing, and speaking in Indonesian and English. Referring to the standard,

English competence becomes essential skill for the vocational students.



According to Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional nomor 22 tahun

2006, English is adaptive lesson which aims to provide learners the ability to

communicate in English which is suitable with their vocational program. This

lesson also prepares the learners to communicate in daily activities in accordance

with the global development. Referring to Materi Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan

Kurikulum Tingkat satuan Pendidikan, the objectives of English lesson in

vocational high school are:

1) Students are able to master basis knowledge and skill of English to support

their achievement of vocational competence.

2) Students are able to apply their English competence to communicate in the

intermediate level.

English lesson in SMK is divided into 3 levels: novice, elementary, and

intermediate. Novice is the beginner level in which students are able to

communicate the sentences they had memorized before. Elementary is a level in

which students are able to communicate things or information based on certain

scope such family, workplace, etc. In the intermediate level, students are able to

communicate information that had been anticipated in certain scope or topic.

c. Visual Communication Design Program (DKV)

Visual communication design or Design Komunikasi Visual (DKV) can be

described as arts of communication by using visual language which is conveyed

through design media, as cited from Cenadi

(199:4), as cited by Maroe (2009) in, explains that



visual communication design is a design which conveys information and message

in a visual manner.

According to Dikmenjur, Visual communication is the umbrella of any

communication activities that utilize visual elements in any various media (such

as printing, graphic, product advertising, television, film/ video, the internet, etc)

by using either two or three dimension, in a static scope as well as time-based


Furthermore Sachari (2005:9), as cited by Maroe (2009) in, points out that Visual communication design is a

profession to recite and learn design by using various approaches related to the

communication, media, image, sign and value. Visual communication design also

covers features related to communication and messages, printing technology, the

use of multimedia technology, and persuasion techniques. Furthermore, Visual

communication design involves several scopes, those are advertising design,

animation, corporate identity design, environment graphics design, multimedia

design, promotion design, media graphic design, comic, caricature, poster,

illustration, and photography.

Based on Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan Dan Kompetensi Kejuruan Sekolah

Menengah Kejuruan, educational program of Visual Communication design aims

to train vocational students to have competence on:

1. Operating and utilizing graphic computer program

2. Preparing, conducting and editing photography and videography

3. Designing visual communication product both in-door and out-door media



4. Making communication product for television media.

This study includes the description of Vocational school since it is also

important in the process of designing the listening materials. Description of

characteristics of vocational school will help the writer in selecting listening

materials, activities and also learning techniques applied in the designed materials.

Description of English in vocational school is useful to help the writer in defining

the purposes of the study. Moreover, the information of Visual Communication

Design Program will also help the writer to define the purposes of the study and

the learning content, to choose materials and activities which relevant with

students’ program.

6. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1994:19), ESP can be divided into

two main types: English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for

Occupational Purposes (EOP). Furthermore, ESP is one small branch of English

Language Teaching (ELT), which means that ESP is not specialized varieties of

English. Some characteristics of ESP are:

a. ESP is not a special form of the language and has not differences from other

forms. There are some ‘typical’ aspects of particular context of use which

make the learner is more possible to meet the target situation (Hutchinson and

Waters, 1994:18).

b. Hutchinson and Waters (1994:18) states that ESP should be based on the

principles of effective and efficient learning. Although the content of learning



has many variations, the ESP learning process is not different from general


c. ESP is not particular kind of methodology or type of teaching material. Thus,

it must be seen as an approach not a product. ESP is an approach to language

learning that is based on the leaner needs. Therefore, the foundation of all ESP

is a question on why learners need to learn foreign language (Hutchinson and

Waters, 1994:19).

From characteristics above, it can be said that ESP is an approach to

language teaching which all features of content and methodology are determined

by learners’ reason for learning.

In addition, Robinson proposes other characteristics of ESP courses, as


a. ESP is generally goal directed. It means that students learn English because

they need it for their study or work purposes (Robinson, 1991:2).

b. ESP course is based on the need analysis which pays attention to students’

needs and learning needs. Therefore, ESP course is usually carried out in

specific time period with specific objectives to be achieved (Robinson,


c. Generally, students of ESP course are adults rather than children. Moreover,

the students are mostly have specific education or experienced members of the

workforce. It is usually assumed that ESP students are not the beginners but

already studied general English for some years (Robinson, 1991:3).



d. Students of ESP in a class are involved in the same kind of work or specialist

studies (Robinson, 1991:4).

In practice, ESP teacher is concerned with designing appropriate courses

for different learner groups. Hutchinson and Waters (1994:21) argue that since

ESP learning is influenced by learners’ need, the course design for the learning

plays important part of the whole work. Furthermore, they point out that the

course design is based on the fundamental questions which provide basis of

continuous process for designing the syllabus, materials, classroom teaching and

evaluation (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994:21). The fundamental questions are like:

why does the learner need to learn, who is going to involved in the process, where

and when is the learning take place, what does learner need to learn, and how will

the learning be achieved (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994:21-22).

This study deals with designing English listening materials for students of

particular vocational program, which is Visual Communication Design program.

The theory of ESP is included in this study since it is useful in the process of

designing listening materials. The foundation and characteristics of ESP will help

the writer to determine the purposes of the study and also to select appropriate

syllabus, materials, activities, as well as the learning techniques.

7. Material Development

Material development becomes an essential characteristic aspect in ESP.

In the teaching learning process, teacher expects types of materials that are

appropriate with the learners’ specific subject area. However, such materials are



difficult to obtain in public. Therefore, the teacher should design his/her own

materials that are suitable for the learners’ needs (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994:


Furthermore, Hutchinson and Waters suggest some techniques to develop

and to design ESP materials. The techniques would be elaborated below:

a. Defining Objectives

The first thing that should be done by teachers before designing materials

is defining the objectives of the materials. Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 107-108)

state some principles which can be used as guidelines to define objectives of the

materials. First, the materials should encourage students to learning and help the

management of teaching learning process. Second, the materials should represent

the nature of language and reveal the nature of the learning task. Third, the

materials should provide correct model and appropriate language use for the


b. Material Design Model

Hutchinson and Waters offer a model which help materials developers on

developing learning materials. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 108-

109), material design model consists of four components, there are input, content

focus, language focus, and task. Input is any text, recording and other

communicative data which is based on the needs of the learners. Content focus

refers to the language as means of conveying information about something.



Language focus is the involvement of opportunities for the learners to analyze and

synthesize the language. While task is a work where the learners use the content

and the language knowledge they have learned. The four components are

combined in the figure below.

Figure 2.3: Material Design Model from Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 109)

Furthermore, the major focus of designing the unit is the task. The input

plays part as a tool which guides the learners to where they are able to perform the

task. The language and the content are obtained from the input and are chosen

according to what the learners need in order to carry out the task (Hutchinson and

Waters, 1994:109). Therefore, it is important to establish the unity of both

language and content throughout the unit.

c. Steps of Designing Materials

This part elaborates the steps or stages for developing units of the

materials which are proposed by Hutchinson and Waters. The stages consist of

seven stages which would be described below:







1) Stage 1

Teacher starts to select some texts that will be used to develop the unit of

the materials. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 121), the texts should

match some criteria. They suggest that the texts should naturally exist on the

communication in the real world. The texts also should be appropriate with

learner’s needs and interest and able to create useful classroom activities.

2) Stage 2

Teacher goes to the end of the unit and considers what kind of tasks that

learners can perform at the end of the unit.

3) Stage 3

Teacher reviews the syllabus, analyzes the kind of tasks in stage 2, and

makes sure that the tasks will give benefits for the learners.

4) Stage 4:

Teacher decides what language structures, vocabulary, functions, and

contents which are included in the input. Then, teacher identifies which aspect of

language and content that can be used for the exercises.

5) Stage 5

After identifying aspect of language, teacher starts to make some exercises

and activities for practicing the items of the language aspect.

6) Stage 6

Teacher may go back to the input and do some revisions to make the input

more useful for the learners.



7) Stage 7

After doing some revision of the input, teacher may moves back to the

stage 1 up to 6 with the revised input to improve the unit.

The information of materials development is important on designing the

listening materials. The information is useful to develop sources into learning

materials which are appropriate with the purposes of the study. Furthermore, the

steps of designing materials are utilized as a guidance to select and develop

sources into learning materials.

8. Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

a. Definition of Task

According to Nunan, Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) has some

principles which underline the steps and its practices. He states that TBLT is a

need-based approach which focuses on the content selection and emphasizes on

the learning through interaction in the target language (Nunan, 2004:1). Therefore,

students’ personal experience becomes essential aspect on the learning process.

The students will focus not only on the language but also on the learning process

itself. TBLT also introduces authentic materials to the learning situation, which

makes a link between classroom learning with the language use outside the

classroom (Nunan, 2004:1).

A task becomes important element on the teaching learning process.

According to Willis (1996:23), task is activity in which the target language is used

by the learner in a communicative purpose to achieve the outcome. Moreover,



Nunan (2004:4) states that task is a piece of classroom work which involves the

learners in comprehending and producing the target language by activating their

grammatical knowledge to express and convey the meaning.

b. Component of Task

Nunan proposes minimum specification of the task components. They are

goals, input, procedures, settings, teachers and learners roles. Each of components

will be described as follows:

1) Goals

Goals are general targets on any learning tasks. Goals are reasons on why

the learners carry out a particular task (Nunan, 2004:41).

2) Input

Input is any spoken, written and visual data that is performed by the

learners in order to complete the task (Nunan, 2004: 47). Input can be made and

provided by teachers, books, students’ themselves, and any other sources.

3) Procedures

Procedures will give the details on what learners actually do with the input

to achieve the objective of the learning task (Nunan, 2004:52). Moreover, Nunan

adds about procedural authenticity. Procedural authenticity is a procedure which

aims to imitate and practice, in the classroom, the kinds of things that the learners

need to do outside the classroom (Nunan, 2004:54).



4) Learners and teachers roles

Role is the part which learners and teachers are expected to perform in

doing learning task as well as the social and interpersonal relationship between

them (Nunan, 2004:64). According to Richard and Rogers (1986), as stated in

Task-Based Language Teaching, a method and task will reveal assumption on the

learners’ role in the learning process (Nunan, 2004: 64). Moreover, Breen and

Candlin (1980), as stated in Task-Based Language Teaching, teacher has three

main roles in the communicative classroom: teacher as a facilitator, teachers as a

participant, and teacher as an observer and learner Nunan (2004: 67).

5) Settings

‘Settings’ is the classroom arrangement which is specified for the task.

Another consideration concerned with settings is whether the task is performed

wholly or partly outside the classroom (Nunan, 2002: 70-71). Moreover, it is

important to distinguish between ‘mode’ and ‘environment’ in settings for TBLT.

Learning mode is whether learners working as an individual or a group basis,

while environment is the place where the learning takes places (Nunan, 2004:71-


c. TBLT Framework

Nunan proposes six steps of TBLT framework. The six steps for developing

units of work would be described at the next page:



1) Schema building

In this step, schema building exercises are developed to introduce the

topic, put the context of the task, and introduce some key vocabulary and

expressions used to complete the task (Nunan, 2004:31).

2) Controlled Practice

This step provides students controlled practice in applying vocabulary,

expressions, and structures within the communicative context. Students may be

given brief conversation and asked to practice it in pairs (Nunan, 2004:31-32).

3) Authentic listening practice

This step involves intensive listening practice which exposes students to

authentic or simulated conversation of the previous step. The listening practice

may integrate the extended language form of the model conversation which is

used in step two (Nunan, 2004: 32).

4) Focus on linguistic elements

In this step, students carry out a series of exercises which are focused on

the linguistics elements used in the context. Before analyzing linguistic elements,

students have seen, listened and spoken the language in the communicative

context (Nunan, 2004: 32). Nunan adds that this method will make students easier

to notice the relationship between communicative meaning and linguistics forms.

5) Providing freer practice

This step offers students to involve in a freer practice by doing some tasks.

Here, students should be encouraged to make up whatever language they had

learnt to complete the task (Nunan, 2004:32-33).



6) Introduce the pedagogical task

The last step of the unit is introduction to the pedagogical task which

should be accomplished by the students to achieve the goals of the learning

(Nunan, 2004: 33).

The theory of TBLT provides further explanation of TBLT which is applied in

this study. This study applied TBLT framework on the development of units of

design materials. Moreover, the explanation of TBLT will help the writer to

develop tasks on each unit of the designed materials.

B. Theoretical Framework

This part elaborates theoretical framework which consist of steps to

conduct this study. It is consist of six steps which adapted from R&D cycle and

Yalden’s instructional design model. In addition, this study considers theories of

listening, syllabus design, material development, task based language teaching,

and also information of vocational school and school-based curriculum (KTSP).

Yalden’s instructional design model is chosen because it has some

strengths which supporting the process of designing listening materials. Yalden’s

model has recycling process in the evaluation stage. This recycling process would

determine the appropriateness between the purposes of the study with the final

performance of the program. It involves revisions and adjustments which can be

started at any stages based on the feedback. Other strength is that the Yalden’s

model provides need analysis. Need analysis plays important role in developing



materials specify to particular program. The six steps of this study are presented

as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting

This step is carried out based on Research and Information Collecting of

R&D cycle. It aims to gain information about students’ need and other relevant

information which can support the designing of the materials. In this step, the

writer also adapts the first step of Yalden’s model that is Need survey. The need

survey is carried out by conducting interviews and reviewing relevant

information. The interviews aim to gather information about students’

characteristics and needs, learning techniques, the existing materials, and also

expectation of this study. Moreover, the writer also reviews school-based

curriculum and information about vocational school, its characteristics, and visual

communication design program.

2. Preliminary Form of Product Development

This step is a combination of planning step and developing preliminary

form of product from R&D cycle. This step aims to develop listening materials

based on the data of the need survey conducted on Research and information

collecting step. The writer also utilizes several steps of Yalden’s model and

relevant theories in developing the materials. The description of the steps would

be presented as follows:

a. Determining the Purposes

The writer determines the purposes of the study based on the second step

of Yalden’s model that is Description of Purposes. In determining the purposes,



the writer utilizes information of vocational school characteristics, English subject

in vocational school, and also reviews school-based curriculum and characteristics

of ESP.

b. Selecting the Syllabus Type

This step aims to select type of syllabus and develop the syllabus which is

appropriate with the purposes of the study. It is carried out by adapting

Selection/Development of Syllabus Type from Yalden’s model. In this step, the

writer makes use of the factors affecting syllabus choice and design proposed by

Krahnke (1987) on choosing the type of syllabus. Moreover, theory of functional

syllabus is utilized in this step to provide deeper explanation and description of

functional syllabus.

c. Arranging the Content Description

This step is carried out according to the fourth step of Yalden’s model that

is Production of Proto Syllabus. It is aims to develop learning contents which are

included into the syllabus. In arranging the content description, the writer reviews

information of content description from Yalden (1987) and also material design

model from Hutchinson and Waters (1994).

d. Developing Listening materials and Activities

The writer develops listening materials and activities based on Production

of pedagogical step of Yalden’s model. This step aims to develop listening

materials and activities for second year students of visual communication design

program in SMK N5 Yogyakarta. In addition, the writer reviews related theories

that support the process of developing learning materials and activities. The



theories utilized in this step are theories and principles of teaching listening,

listening materials, authentic materials, and ESP. The writer also reviews school-

based curriculum and information about characteristics of vocational school visual

communication design program.

Specifically, in developing the learning materials, the writer utilizes

material design model and applied steps of designing materials proposed by

Hutchinson and Waters (1994). Furthermore, the writer also reviews theories of

task based language teaching (TBLT) and applied TBLT framework from Nunan

(2004) in developing framework of the learning activities.

3. Preliminary Product Verification

This step is carried out according to the third step of R&D cycle that is

Preliminary Field Testing. This third step aims to obtain qualitative evaluation

toward the designed materials. Qualitative evaluations are gathered by distributing

questionnaires and conducting interviews to participants who are expert on the


4. Preliminary Product Revision

This step is conducted based on Main Product Revision step of R&D

cycle. It aims to revise the designed materials by utilizing evaluations from

Preliminary Product Verification step. This step includes analyzing the data from

questionnaires and the result of interviews. Then, the writer revises the designed

material based on the data of evaluations, opinions, and suggestions from the




5. Main Field Testing

In this study, it is a combination of Main Field Testing and Operational

Field Testing from R&D cycle. This step aims to obtain quantitative data of the

designed materials’ verification and gather information to revise the designed

materials. It is also aims to make sure that the designed materials are ready to be

used in the school. In addition, the writer also applies the sixth step of Yalden’s

model that is Development and Implementation of Classroom Procedures. The

Yalden’s sixth step is carried out by preparing the classroom procedures, students’

handbook, media and equipments which will be used for conducting the

implementation. This step is carried out by implementing the designed materials

to second year student of visual communication design program in SMKN 5


6. Main Product Revision

This last step is based on Final Product Revision of R&D cycle. It aims to

revise the designed materials according to the data and information obtained from

Main Field Testing step. This step also applies the last step of Yalden’s model that

is Evaluation step. Evaluation step is carried out by evaluating and revising

components of the designed materials based on the data from classroom






This chapter discusses the method used to design English listening

materials using task based language teaching for the second year Visual

Communication Design students of SMK N5 Yogyakarta.

A. Research Method

This study employs Research and Development (R&D) method in the

process of designing English listening materials. According to Borg and Gall

(1983:772), educational research and development is a process which referred to

R&D cycle to develop and validate educational product. The process includes ten

steps which are mainly consist of analyzing relevant research findings to the

developed product, improving the product based on the findings, testing the

product in the setting field where it will be used and revising the product from the

evaluation found in the field-testing. In this study, the writer adapts the ten steps

in R&D cycle into six steps. Those six steps are (1) Research and Information

Collecting, (2) Preliminary Form of Product Development, (3) Preliminary

Product Verification, (4) Preliminary Product Revision (5) Main Field Testing,

and (6) Main Product Revision.

1. Research and Information Collecting

According to Borg and Gall (1983:775), Research and Information

Collecting includes review of literatures, classroom observations and preparation



of the report. In this step, the writer conducted study of related literatures and

interviews as the instrument to obtain the data. The essential thing of this step was

to describe as specifically as possible the product that would be developed in this

study (Borg & Gall, 1983:776).

Research and Information Collecting step aims to obtain the data of

description of people, opinions and situations. Need survey was conducted to

gather those relevant data and carried out by studying related literatures and

conducting interviews. Study of related literatures consisted of reviewing theories

related to instructional design model, syllabus design, listening, material

development, task based language teaching, recent school curriculum, and visual

communication design program. The interviews involved gathering information

about students’ characteristics, learning techniques and the existing materials, and

also expectation toward this study. The information gathered in this step was used

to plan and develop English listening materials using task based language teaching

for second year students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5


2. Preliminary Form of Product Development

After conducting Research and Information Collecting, the writer carried

out the second steps, which was Preliminary Form of Product Development. In

this step, the writer determined the skills, set the purposes of the designed

materials, stated the learning objectives that were expected to be achieved and

decided the topics which were suitable for the intended students. The following



step was developing the syllabus. The writer utilized the data from Research and

Information Collecting and applied Yalden’s model to develop the syllabus. Based

on selected topic and the syllabus, the writer developed the materials. The

developing of materials included preparing set of English listening materials,

developing handbooks, and creating the learning activities. The process also

referred to the data gathered from the Research and Information Collecting.

3. Preliminary Product Verification

After the designed materials had completed, it came to Preliminary

Product Verification. In this step, the writer distributed the designed materials and

the questionnaire to English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and English Lectures

of English Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University.

They were expected to evaluate the designed materials by filling the

questionnaire. The writer also conducted interviews to the participants to obtain

opinions and suggestions toward the designed materials.

4. Preliminary Product Revision

In the fourth step, the writer would analyze the data from the

questionnaires and also the interviews. The data from preliminary product

verification step were evaluations, opinions, and suggestions toward the designed

materials. The writer utilized the data to revise the designed materials and also to

prepare the implementation of the materials.



5. Main Field Testing

After revising the designed materials, the writer conducted Main Field

Testing. The writer implemented the product to the second year students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The writer also gathered

feedback of the designed materials and its implementation by distributing the

questionnaires to the students.

6. Main Product Revision

During the implementation of the designed materials, the writer did part of

Main Product Revision step. The writer distributed the questionnaires to the

students for gaining opinion, suggestion and evaluation about the designed

materials. The data from the questionnaires would be analyzed and used as the

basis to improve the designed materials into the final version.

The figure on the next page is figure of Research and Development

process which is used in this study combining with Yalden’s model.



(The six steps of R&D Cycle) (Yalden’s Instructional Design Model)

Figure 3.1 : The six steps of R&D cycle combines with Yalden’s Model

Research and Information


Preliminary Form of Product


Preliminary Product


Preliminary Product


Main Field Testing

Main Product Revision

Need Survey

Description of Purpose

Production of

a Proto Syllabus

Selection / Development of

Syllabus Type

Production of pedagogical



Development and

implementation of Classroom




B. Research Participants

In order to conduct this study, the writer required three groups of

participants who became the sources of data gathering in Research and

Information step, Product Testing step, and Main Product Revision step. Each

group of participant would be explained on the following paragraphs.

The first group was participant in Research and Information collecting.

They were three English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and four second year

students of Visual Communication Design Program. They were sources for the

data of strength and weakness of the students, learning techniques, the existing

materials, topic choices, teaching media and also their expectation toward this


The second group was three English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and

two English Lecturers of English Language Education Study Program in Sanata

Dharma University. They were participants for the feedback of the designed

materials in Product Testing step. The feedback included evaluations, suggestions,

and opinions to improve the designed materials.

The third group was participant for the last step taken in this study that

was Main Product Revision. They were second year students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. They were expected to

provide opinions and feedbacks of the designed materials and its implementation.



C. Data Gathering Techniques and Type of Data

This part elaborated the data gathering techniques and the type of data

which were used in this study. This study applied three types of data gathering

techniques, in which employed in Research Information Collecting step,

Preliminary Product Verification step and Main Field Testing step.

The first data gathering technique was conducted in Research and

Information Collecting step to obtain data for the need analysis before designing

the listening materials. The data of Research and Information Collecting step were

gathered throughout interviews to five English teachers and two second year

students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta.

The second data gathering technique was applied in Preliminary Product

Verification step after the writer had designed the listening materials. The data of

Preliminary Product Verification step was collected through the questionnaire and

interview in order to gain feedback toward the designed materials. The

questionnaire was distributed to three English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta

and two English lectures of English Language Education study Program in Sanata

Dharma University. It was intended to obtain evaluation toward the designed

materials. The interview was conducted to the same participants for gathering

opinions and suggestions of the designed materials.

The third data gathering technique was conducted in Main Field Testing

step. The data of Main Field Testing step was gathered from the students by

distributing the questionnaires. This was aimed to gain evaluation of the



implementation of the designed materials. The evaluation, then, was used to revise

the designed materials into final version.

The type of data would be described in the following table. The table

covers the summary of steps in which the writer gathered data; the type of data

that would be obtained; the instruments that would be used; and the sources of the


Table 3.1 : The Type of Data

Step Type of Data Instrument Sources

Research and



1. Students’ characteristics

2. Students’ needs

3. Students’ motivation

4. Students’ strength and weakness

5. Basis of listening activities

6. Listening activities in class

7. Learning techniques and activities

8. Materials, media and topic choice

9. Learning difficulties

10. Expectation toward this study

Interview - Teachers

- Students




1. Evaluation of the designed


a. Major goals of the designed


b. Explanation of the content,

tasks and activities

c. Relevance between the

designed materials with

students’ level and students’


d. Concordance between the level

of difficulty with what should

a. Closed-form


b. Interview

- Teachers

- Lectures



Step Type of Data Instrument Sources

be given to students

e. Relevance between activities

and the topic

f. Effectiveness of tasks and

activities to facilitate students

in achieving the goals

g. The instruction of each task in

the designed materials

h. Variety of task

i. Effectiveness of media and

another additional materials

2. Opinion and suggestion toward the

designed materials

Main Field


a. evaluation on the designed

materials and the implementation

a. Students’ interest of the


b. comprehension of the materials

c. clearness of the listening

materials and the instruction

d. relation between materials and

students’ vocational program

e. the most interesting part

f. the most difficult part

2. Opinion and suggestion toward the

designed materials and the



- open form

- closed form




D. Research Instruments

This study applied two types of instruments to gather data. There were

interviews and questionnaires. The interviews were used in Research and

Information Collecting and Preliminary Product Testing, while the questionnaires

were used in Preliminary Product Testing and Main Field Testing.

1. Instrument for Research and Information Collecting

The writer conducted interviews for obtaining the data in Research and

Information Collecting step. Interviews were intended to English teachers and

second year students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5

Yogyakarta. The interviews were conducted in informal way to create familiarity

among the writer and the participants. The interviews were aimed to gain

information about students’ characteristics, needs, and problems, the learning

techniques, the existing materials, teaching media and expectation toward this


2. Instrument for Preliminary Product Verification

The questionnaire was used in Preliminary Product Verification to obtain

feedback of the designed materials. It was distributed to English teachers of

SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and English Lecturers of English Language Education Study

Program in Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire was closed form type in

which the participants were expected to choose the alternative statements which



were provided in each question. Moreover, interview also conducted in this step

to gain the data about opinion and suggestion toward the designed materials.

3. Instrument for Main Field Testing

In Main Field Testing, the writer gathered the data during the

implementation of the designed materials. The data was obtained by distributing

questionnaire to the second year students of Visual Communication Design

program. The questionnaire was combination of open and closed form questions.

It was aimed to gather the data of students’ understanding and opinion toward the

designed materials. This questionnaire was made in Bahasa Indonesia to avoid

misinterpretation. The data of the questionnaire, then, would be used to revise the

designed materials into the final version.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis techniques were applied on the three steps of the overall steps

used in this study. The three steps were Research and Information Collecting step,

Preliminary Product Verification step, and Main Field Testing step. The specific

technique of the data analysis would be presented below.

1. Analysis Techniques in Research and Information Collecting

In this step, the writer utilized interview as the instrument to gather the data.

The data of interviews were analyzed from the recording of interviews. The data,

then, were presented in forms of narrative description and developed as one basis



in designing English listening materials using task based language teaching for the

second year students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5


2. Analysis Techniques in Preliminary Product Verification

In Preliminary Product Verification step, the data were collected through

questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire was in form of close-form

questions in which the responses were presented in form of Likert scale items.

According to Wiersma (1995:318), Likert scale is a scale with number of points

that represent a set of related responses, one for each point. The participants had

to choose one of the five statements from each question, which reflecting their

opinion toward the designed materials. The participants’ opinions were measured

using 5 points of agreement, as follow:

Table 3.2 : Points of Agreement

Points of



1 The participants strongly disagree with the statements

2 The participants disagree with the statements

3 The participants doubt the statements

4 The participants agree with the statements

5 The participants strongly agree with the statements

The data from closed form questions, then, were analyzed to find out the

central tendency of the participant’s statements toward the designed materials.

The measurement of central tendency, which is commonly known as averages, is

a suitable way to find single index which can represent a whole set of measures



(Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, 1979:99). The most commonly used indices are the

mean, median, and mode. The mean is the sum of all scores divided by the

number of scores, while the median is the middle point of all the scores and the

mode is the score with the greatest frequency (Wiersma, 1995:340). In this study,

the three indices were presented as follow:

Table 3.3 : The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions

No Participant’ statement


Frequency of the degree

of agreement

Central Tendency

1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md


N : Number of participants

Mn : Mean

Mdn : Median

Md : Mode

Furthermore, the mean was counted using the formulation below:


X : the range point; Σ X : the sum of all score; N: the number of participants

X = Σ X N



In addition, the interview was conducted to find out participants’ opinions,

suggestions, and/or recommendations to the designed materials. The data from the

interview would be analyzed from the recording of interview and presented in

narrative description.

3. Analysis Techniques in Main Field Testing

In Main Field Testing step, the data was obtained by distributing the

questionnaire. The questionnaire was combination of two forms of questions,

open and closed form questions. The data of open-form questions involved

participants’ understanding of the designed material and also their opinion toward

the implementation of the designed materials. Those data were analyzed and

presented in narrative description. While the data of closed-form questions were

presented in the form of table.

F. Research Procedure

This part summarizes the six R&D steps that would be conducted in this

study. The procedural step of each step of R&D would be described as follow:

1. Research and Information Collecting

� Studying the related literatures, curriculum, syllabus

� Conducting interviews

2. Preliminary Form of Product Development

� Analyzing the interview

� Stating the purposes of the learning



� Developing the syllabus

� Gathering sources for the listening materials

� Developing the lesson plan

� Developing handbook and classroom procedure

3. Preliminary Product Verification

� Distributing questionnaires

� Conducting interviews

4. Preliminary Product Revision

� Analyzing the questionnaires

� Revising the designed-materials

� Preparing the classroom implementation

5. Main Field Testing

� Implementing the designed-materials

� Distributing questionnaires

6. Main Product Revision

� Analyzing the questionnaires

� Revising the designed materials

� Writing the report





This chapter presents the result and discussion of the designing English

listening materials for the second year students of Visual Communication Design

Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta in which answers the question in the

Problem Formulation. This chapter is divided into two main parts namely

discussion on the appropriate design of English listening materials using task

based language teaching for the second year students of Visual Communication

Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and presentation of the final version of

the designed materials.

A. The Appropriate Design of English Listening Materials Using Task Based

Language Teaching for the Second Year Students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta

The appropriate English listening materials using task based language

teaching was designed based on learners’ characteristics and needs, current

curriculum used in Vocational school, materials that were relevant to Visual

Communication Design Program and suitable with students’ competence.

Moreover, in designing the listening materials, the writer employed R&D cycle,

which was combined with Yalden’s instructional model. The design of English

listening materials consisted of nine components namely: Learners’

Characteristics and Needs, Statement of Purposes, Syllabus, Content Description,



Learning Materials and Activities, Materials’ Feedback, Preliminary Materials

Revision, Feedback from the Classroom Implementation, and Final Materials’

Revision. The detailed components of the designed listening materials are

presented as follows:

1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

The learning materials should be appropriate with learners’ characteristics

and needs. In order to obtain the data of learners’ characteristics and needs, the

writer conducted interview and observed materials and references that support the

process of designing the materials. The data of the interview and the observations

would be useful in designing appropriate and relevant materials for the intended


The interview was conducted to three English teachers of SMKN5

Yogyakarta and four students of second grade from Visual Communication

Design Program. The interviews of teachers were conducted on October 7-9,

2009; while the interviews of students were carried out on October 14-15, 2009.

The result of the interview would be described below:

a. The result of interview with teachers

The interview was carried out to three English teachers of SMK Negeri 5

Yogyakarta. From the result of the interview, all teachers admitted that they rarely

conducted listening activities for their students. Furthermore, listening activities

were not well organized. One teacher said that from one Basic Competence listed



in the syllabus, they only conducted at least one meeting for the listening activity.

Two others mentioned that listening activity was only for additional activity of the

lesson. There were some reasons on why teachers seldom carried out listening

activities. First, teachers should teach a lot of materials for the second grade

students. It made them difficult to arrange time for the listening activities. Second,

conducting listening activities needed more time and work to prepare the

materials, the media, and the students themselves.

However, although teachers in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta seldom conducted

listening activities, they usually integrated them with speaking activities. The

teachers said that they used some kinds of listening activities such as listening to

dialogues, songs, and stories, filling the missing words and retelling a story. One

teacher mentioned that she once used a movie for the listening activity.

Moreover, teachers also used some kinds of media in conducting listening. They

usually used simple media that were provided in the school such as tape recording

and VCD player. Some teachers shared that they also used other materials beside

those that were provided in the school such as films, and recordings of speech.

Furthermore, teachers stated that the students have some characteristics as

mentioned below:

1) Generally, the second year students in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta do not have

proper English skill yet especially listening skill. However, the students of

Visual Communication Design Program have better competence than the

students of other vocational programs. Moreover, most of the students of



Visual Communication Design Program have had proper basic English

obtained from junior high school.

2) Students have high motivation to learn and to give attention to the lesson.

They are also enthusiastic and actively take part in the lesson.

3) Students are more interested in listening activity since it is fun.

From the interview result with the teachers, it was also found that the

second year’s students faced some difficulties in listening. The following are

some students’ difficulties on listening, which mentioned by the teachers:

1) The students accustomed to hear Javanese and Indonesian accents, so they

have problem in catching and understanding spoken English, especially from

the native speakers.

2) The students did not accustom to hear English since they get lack of exposure

to the spoken English. One teacher admitted that the teachers seldom speak

English during the lesson. They tend to use Indonesian mostly in the class.

3) Students only recognize limited vocabulary. As a result, they are not able to

guess English words or phrases they heard.

4) Since listening activities are not carried out regularly, some students are upset

when they have listening activities. One teacher said that students usually

heard spoken English from the teachers and rarely heard from the native

speaker speech. Moreover, when students listen to the spoken English,

students should pay more attention and think twice for understanding the

speech they heard. This situation usually makes the lesson run slower than the

teacher’s expectation.



Additionally, teachers also found difficulties in conducting listening

activities. They admitted that they had limited sources to find suitable materials

for their students. When teacher planned to give listening activities, they had to

prepare more intensively especially if they used native speaker recordings or

authentic sources.

Furthermore, all teachers said that English materials and its lessons should

meet standard competence listed on the school based curriculum. Unfortunately,

the English standard competence on the curriculum is the general English

competence, which also applied in senior high school. The teachers provided

materials based on the general English standard competence applied in their

school. As a result, students only obtained general English materials. However,

teachers argued that it would be better if the students obtained English materials

related to their vocational program. The materials, which are closer to students’

program, will make them easier to understand the lesson and can help them in

studying their program. Nevertheless, teachers did not have English materials

which are specified for Visual Communication Design program. They said that

they found other problems if they want to have specific English materials. In

giving specific materials, they should consult with the vocational program teacher

about the materials in vocational program. Then, they should have made some

adjustments and modifications of the materials so that the materials can be used

for English lesson.

This study is aimed to design English listening materials using task based

language teaching which is intended for the second year students of Visual



Communication Design Program. The study is also aimed to help the teachers in

developing listening materials and to make the students interested in English

lesson, especially listening. From the result of the interview, teachers expected

that this study would be beneficial and give more information about listening

materials which are intended for particular vocational program. They also hoped

that the result of the study can be a model to develop and create suitable listening


b. The result of interview with students

The interview was carried out to four students from the second grade of

Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Based on

the result of the interview, students said that they rarely obtained listening

activities. One student explained that there was no fixed schedule for particular

meeting which was intended to listening activities. Some others said that listening

activities were usually integrated with speaking activities. The students shared that

they got listening activities two or three time from their teachers.

The activities that students performed when they had listening activities

are listening and drilling difficult words, listening to a song and filling the missing

lyric, listening to recording of conversation and then doing exercises, watching

movies and analyzing the film. Moreover, the students said that teachers had used

different kinds of media such as VCD player and tape recorder.

Dealing with the media provided to support the listening activities, three

students said that their school had provided sufficient media to carry out listening



activities. Only one student argued that the facilities in the school were not

adequate enough. The students mentioned some media that had provided in the

school. They are tape recorder, VCD player, and LCD projector. In addition, the

school does not provide a facility such as language laboratory but they can have

listening activities in the multimedia room. The media, such as VCD player and

LCD Projector, are provided in the multimedia room. However, all students said

that not all classes were lucky to use the multimedia room effectively for the

listening activities. It was happen because the school only has two multimedia

rooms for students of all vocational programs.

Furthermore, three students said that they were interested in English

lesson, as well as listening. They were quite active in taking part on the listening

activities. All students agreed that listening skill is important in mastering English

competence. Three students added that all skills in English are important to learn

but they said that listening is the basic skill before they learn to speak in English

and learn other skills.

From the result of the interview, students also shared their difficulties in

listening. The following are some difficulties they have faced:

1) They could not understand the spoken materials because of the unclear


2) They were not accustomed to English accent.

3) The recordings materials were not clear enough or too fast

4) The listening materials provided were not sufficient enough.

5) They have limited vocabulary so they were difficult to guess what they heard.



In order to develop listening skill, some improvements can be performed

by both teachers and students. The students themselves argued that the listening

activities should be carried out regularly. For instance, if they have three meetings

each week for the English subject, one meeting can be used specifically to carry

out listening activities. One student added that if the students had regular meeting

for listening, students might have better preparation before the meeting. All

students mentioned that the teachers should give more interesting materials, so the

students will not get bored. One student shared that he usually got bored when

teachers merely gave structure and grammar lesson. Another student also argued

that there were some teachers who could not give effective techniques and

activities to students. It would be more enjoyable if teachers can give alternative

techniques and more activities such as speaking or listening activities.

This study presented English listening materials using task based language

teaching which are intended for the students of Visual Communication Design

Program. All students agreed that specific materials of Visual Communication

Design Program will help them in developing their listening skill and also help

them in learning their program. One student added that learning listening with

those kinds of materials seemed to be more interesting for the students since they

could apply the learning to their own program.

In addition, the students also gave some suggestions and expectation on

this study. Most of them wished that this study would design simple listening

materials that can be understood by all students of Visual Communication Design

Program. In addition, all students expected that the designed materials would use



interesting sources such as films, stories, or songs which were related to Visual

Communication Design Program.

Besides conducting the interview, the data was also obtained from

observing the English syllabus, English books, other existing materials, media and

facilities provided in the school. The English syllabus for the second grade was

used for all vocational programs. It could be said that there was no specific

English guidelines for particular vocational program. The English book provided

in the school was based on current school based curriculum. Furthermore, the

school did not provide a language laboratory. Instead, there was a multimedia

room which can be used to conduct listening activities. The school had provided

listening materials in form of CD and cassette, but only in limited amount. In

addition, the listening materials mostly related to TOEIC and exercise preparation

for the final exam.

Based on the interview results, the writer concluded some points of

learners’ needs and characteristics that were considered for designing the listening

materials. The summary are divided into two parts, they are:

Table 4.1: Summary of Learners’ Characteristics

Learners’ Characteristics

a. Most students of Visual Communication Design Program have proper basic

English from junior high school and they have better competences

comparing to students from other vocational programs.

b. Students have high motivation to learn so that they are enthusiastic and

actively take part in the lesson.

c. Students are more interested in listening activity since it is fun.



d. Students have problem in understanding spoken English. They get lack of

exposure to English.

e. Students recognized limited vocabulary that makes them difficult to guess

of what they heard.

f. Students were not accustomed to listening activities. Students might upset

and it caused the lesson run slower.

Table 4.2: Summary of Learners’ Needs

Learners’ Needs

a. Students need more listening activities and they are expected to get the

activities regularly.

b. Students need more interesting sources and materials which are related to

visual communication design program.

c. Students need simple listening materials that can be understood by all


d. Students need proper preparation before having listening activities so that

they can follow the lesson well.

2. Statement of Purposes

After gathering and analyzing learners’ characteristics and needs, the

writer started to state the purposes of the study. In Research and Information

Collecting, the writer reviewed and observed the curriculum implemented in SMK

Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. The writers examined the recent curriculum of English

subject for Vocational High School. It was aimed to determine the purposes of the

study. The goal in which stated on the competence standard is “to master

knowledge and basic skill of English to support the achievement of vocational

program competence and to communicate using English in elementary level.”



The goal of the competence standard was applied on the purpose of this study.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to achieve English basic skill to support

students’ specific competence related to their vocational program that is Visual

Communication Design Program.

Furthermore, the purpose of this study was elaborated in the basic

competence. The basic competence covered all objectives of all the topics. In

addition, the basic competence was adapted from the recent curriculum applied in

SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. The basic competence was presented below.

Table 4.3: Basic Competence

No Basic Competence


Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional

spoken text in daily context related to describing people’s

job and educational background.


Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional

spoken text in form of narrative and descriptive expositions

related to past events and future plans.


Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional

spoken text in daily context that involves expressions about

invitations and opinions.


Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional

spoken text in daily context that involves expression about

describing process and announcement.

3. Syllabus

Before working on the syllabus, the writer chose a type of syllabus that is

suitable with the purposes of the study and also the situation described on the

learners’ characteristics and needs. Here, the writer employed functional syllabus



design. According to Krahnke (1987: 10), functional syllabus is a syllabus in

which the content of the language teaching is a set of functions that are performed

when language is used. Functional syllabus design was chosen since it is

appropriately used to define specific content of materials that are related to

students’ vocational program.

Using the type of functional syllabus, the writer then chose the topics

which reflecting functional discussion. The topics were also chosen based on the

basic competence of this study. In deciding the topics, the writer referred to the

following considerations:

1) The learners’ characteristics and needs

From the learners’ characteristics and needs, students need simple and

interesting listening materials related to their vocational programs. Therefore, the

writer should choose topics that are simple and interesting for the students.

Furthermore, students need to have listening activities regularly. Listening

activities can be carried out regularly if it is involved in the English lesson.

Therefore, the topics chosen should be relevant or similar to the English syllabus

applied in the school so that listening activities can be carried out regularly.

2) The result of observation and study of related literatures

In the study of related literatures, the writer examined the curriculum

including the English syllabus, books, and any existing materials used in the

school. This study applied the schools standard competence as the purposes of the

study. Therefore, the writer considered the topics and materials listed in the

English syllabus to determine the topics of the designed materials.



3) The situation mostly faced by the students in their vocational program.

Referring to the topics listed in English syllabus and materials used in the

school, the writer adapted the topics that are mostly faced by the students in

Visual Communication Design Program field. The adapted topics and materials,

which are related to students’ vocational program, hopefully can fulfill the

learners’ needs.

From the three considerations above, there were eight topics chosen. The

time allocation for each topic was 90 minutes. Each topic had the learning

objectives that hopefully are achieved by the students at the end of the program.

The learning objectives were stated as the learning indicators. The topic, unit title

and the learning indicators are listed in the table below.

Table 4.4: Topics, Unit Title, and Learning Indicators

No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators

1 Describing

People’s job

Jobs in Visual




Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in the

spoken text accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Describe people’s job accurately.






She graduated


Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in the

spoken text accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the



No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators

spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Describe people’s educational

background accurately.

3 Talking about

Past Events



Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

narrative and descriptive expositions

related to past events accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and descriptive

exposition related to past events.

4 Talking about

Future Plans I’m going to ….

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

narrative and descriptive expositions

related to future plans accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and descriptive

exposition related to future plans.

5 Inviting

Someone Join us!

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in

inviting, accepting and refusing

invitation accurately.



No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of inviting, and

accepting or refusing invitations








You’re right!

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in

giving opinion, agreement and

disagreement accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of giving opinions,

agreement and disagreement accurately

7 Describing


How does a

camera work?

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in

describing process accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of describing

process accurately

8 Telling




Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the

spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in

announcement accurately.



No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators

3. Pronounce some words related to the

spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of giving

announcement accurately.

In designing the syllabus, the writer also referred to the Yalden’s syllabus

design, which is consist of topics, learning indicators, learning materials, learning

activities, time allocation, and learning sources. The complete syllabus can be

seen in the appendix C on page 183.

4. Content Description

After composing the syllabus, the writer arranged the learning content of

the designed materials, namely content description. According to Yalden

(1987:89), content description is included into production of proto syllabus. The

description of the content that the syllabus will have is the description of language

and language use to be covered on the designed materials. In this study, the

developing of the content description was based on the data from learners’

characteristics and needs, the purposes of the study, the basic competence, the

topics chosen and also the learning indicators. The content description of each

topic can be seen in the table 4.5 below.

Table 4.5: The Content Description

No Topic Content Description

1 Describing People’s job a. Describing the job of graphic designer.

b. Describing the job of illustrator.



c. Describing the job of photographer.

d. Listening to the jobs descriptions.

2 Describing People’s

Educational background

a. Describing educational background from

people’s CV.

b. Describing educational background from

people’s biography.

c. Listening to the descriptions of people’s

educational background.

3 Talking about Past Events a. Talking about childhood moments.

b. Talking about memorable experiences.

c. Listening to the childhood experiences.

4 Talking about Future Plans a. Talking about planning after graduation from


b. Talking about future professions.

c. Listening to people planning.

5 Inviting Someone a. Inviting someone to visit an exhibition.

b. Accepting and/or refusing invitation.

c. Listening to conversation about invitation.

6 Giving Opinions,

Agreement and/or


a. Giving opinions on someone’s art designs

(poster, advertisement, photography, etc).

b. Expressing agreement and or disagreement

about someone’s opinions.

c. Listening to conversation about giving

opinions, agreement and disagreement.

7 Describing Process a. Describing the work of a camera.

b. Describing essential parts of the camera.

c. Listening to the description of the work of a


8 Telling Announcement a. Telling announcement of an art design contest.

b. Telling announcement of an art design


c. Listening to announcement of an exhibition.



5. Learning Materials and Learning Activities

Based on the content description and the syllabus, the writer then chose

and selected appropriate and relevant materials. The materials were obtained from

several sources such as books and articles from the internet. The writer selected

sources that were suitable with the topics and relevant to visual communication

design program. After getting appropriate sources, the writer combined and

modified the materials into several texts. The texts, then, were read and recorded

into recording materials.

Besides composing the recording texts, the writer utilized additional

materials such as videos and pictures to support the designed materials. Relevant

and suitable videos and pictures were mostly obtained from the internet.

After selecting the materials, the writer was ready to design the learning

activities. The writer utilized the six steps concept of TBLT Framework proposed

by Nunan in arranging the learning activities. The six steps of TBLT framework

were simplified into 5 steps or sections. There were five sections of the learning

activities namely Introduction, Pre task, Language Focus, Main Task, and Post


In the students’ handbook, Introduction and Pre task sections were called

“Get Ready”, Language focus was called “Let’s See”, Main Task was called

“Work It ”; and Post task was called “Show Time”. Each section of the learning

activities will be described further in the next page:



1) Introduction and Pre task

This section involves introducing the topic, putting the context of the task

that students will do, and introducing some key vocabulary and expressions

needed to complete the task. This section also provides students an example of

listening practice related to the topic and exercises to apply vocabulary and

expressions that students had been introduced to. This section consists of activities

such as discussing recent news or information, pictures or figures, listening or

watching video related to the topic. The listening sources were taken from

recordings materials or videos. The activities will be followed by answering some

questions, filling the missing words and identifying expressions used in the

recordings. In the handbook, this section is called “Get Ready”.

2) Language Focus

This section comprises further explanation and discussion about

expressions and language structure used in the previous activities. It also gives the

students some other expression or words that can be used within the context.

Beside explaining and discussing the expressions, this section provides exercises

for the students. This section is named “Let’s See”.

3) Main Task

This section lets the students to do some tasks related to what they had

learnt. The students will listen to the recording or watch the video related to the

topic. The students are asked to answer questions, retell the story, discuss the

recording or respond the expressions after listening the recording. The activities



on this step can be used to check whether students had already understood the

topic. Main task section, in the handbook, is called “Work It” .

4) Post Task

This section is the last task that should be accomplished by the students to

achieve the objectives of the learning. Students are given opportunities to apply

expressions and words they had learnt in real life situations and to present it in

form of role play, simulation, monologue, and other kinds of tasks. This last

section is called “Show Time” .

As stated in the syllabus, there were 8 units in which each unit was

planned for one meeting (90 minutes). Three units would be developed as

representative materials, those were: Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication

Design”; Unit 3 “My Memory”; and Unit 7 “How does a Camera Work?”

Furthermore, the designed materials would be presented in a form of students’

handbook which consisted of three units: Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication

Design”; unit 2 “My memory”, and unit 3 “How does Camera Work?” The

detailed description of learning activities in each unit of the handbook can be seen

in the table learning activities on the next page.



Table 4.6: Learning Activities

Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

Unit 1 Jobs in visual Communication Design

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce kinds of jobs in DKV

- mentioning kinds of jobs in Visual Communication Design

- completing vocabulary

- Students discuss their partner to mention jobs/professions in Visual Communication Design.

- Students complete the vocabulary then discuss their work.

Prepare students by providing an example of listening practice

- listening the recording or watching the video

- completing the missing words of the paragraph

- Students complete the paragraph while listen to the recording.

- Students and teacher discuss the paragraph.

Let’s See Language Focus Explain the expressions and/or the language used in the topic

- discussing the expressions and the language used to describe the jobs

- doing exercise

- Teacher explains the expressions and the language used to describe the jobs.

- Students do the exercise then discuss it together.

Work It Main task Exposure to the listening task

- listening the recording - taking notes of the

important information

- Students take notes of the important information while listen to the recording.

- Students share their information to the other.

Show Time Post task Apply what students have leant in the real situation

- describing a job/profession in group

- Students make a group consist of 3-4 members.

- In group, students describe a job/profession in visual communication design



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

Unit 2 My Memory

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce the childhood moments

Sharing opinions about some pictures of childhood moments

- Students are divided into several groups.

- In group, students share their opinion about the pictures of childhood moments.

Prepare students by providing an example of listening practice

- listening the recording - completing the missing

words of the paragraph - answering questions

related to the paragraph

- Students complete the missing words while listen to the recording.

- Students answer the questions then discuss their work.

Let’s See Language Focus Explain the expressions and/or the language used in the topic

- discussing the expressions and the language used to describe past moments

- doing exercise

- Teacher explains the expressions and the language used to describe past moments.

- Students do exercise then discuss it together.

Work It Main task Exposure to the listening task

- listening the recording - taking notes of the

important information

- Students take notes of the important information while listen to the recording.

- Students share their information to the other.

Show Time Post task Apply what students have learnt in the real situation

- sharing memorable childhood moments

- Students make group consist of 3-4 members.

- In group, students share their childhood moments.



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

Unit 3 How does a camera work?

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce a camera and terms of photography

- sharing information related to a camera and photography

- completing vocabulary

- Students share information related to a camera with their partner.

- Students complete the vocabulary then discuss their work.

Prepare students by providing an example of listening practice

- listening the recording - completing the missing

words of the paragraph - answering questions

related to the paragraph

- Students complete the missing words while listen to the recording.

- Students answer the questions then discuss their work.

Let’s See Language Focus Explain the expressions and/or the language used in the topic

- discussing the expressions and the language used to describe a process

- doing exercise

- Teacher explains the expressions and the language used to describe a process.

- Students do exercise then discuss their work.

Work It Main task Exposure to the listening task

- listening the recording - completing the missing


- Students complete the missing words while listen to the recording.

- Students and teacher discuss the result.

Show Time Post task Apply what students have learnt in the real situation

- conducting a role play or simulation about describing a process related to photography

- Students make a group consists of 3-4 members

- In group, students make a short role play or simulation about describing process related to photography.



6. Materials’ Feedback

After the designed materials was finished and completed, the writer

validated and verified the designed materials through Preliminary Product

verification. The product verification was conducted by distributing

questionnaires and conducting interview to the participants. It was aimed to gain

feedback toward the designed materials which included evaluations, opinions and

suggestions for the material’s improvement. The participants were three English

teachers of SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta and two lecturers of English Education

Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The description of the participants

was described in the following table:

Table 4.7: The Description of Participants for Materials’ Feedback

No Group of participants

Sex Educational




M F S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10 11-15

1 English Teachers of SMKN 5


√ √ √

2 √ √ √

3 √ √ √

4 English Lectures of English

Language Education Study

Program of Sanata Dharma


√ √ √

5 √ √ √

Total 2 3 5 4 1

The questionnaires were distributed on 1st – 6th of February, 2010. The

interviews were conducted on 8th – 17th of February, 2010 when the writer

received the feedback of the questionnaires. The result of the questionnaires and

interviews were presented as follows:



a. Data Presentation and Analysis

The writer distributed the questionnaires to the participants to obtain

feedback of the designed materials. The result of the questionnaires revealed

participants’ opinion and evaluation toward the designed materials. Their opinions

were indicated using five points of agreement. The descriptive statistics of the

participants’ opinion were presented on the table below:

Table 4.8: Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Opinion

No Participant’ statement on…

Frequency of

the degree of


Central Tendency

1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md

1 The standard competencies of the

designed materials are well formulated

1 4 5 3.6 4 4

2 The indicators are well formulated 1 4 5 3.8 4 4

3 The listening materials are match with

the competencies and indicators

1 1 3 5 3.4 4 4

4 The materials are relevant to visual

communication design program.

3 2 5 3.4 3 3

5 The materials are relevant to the

students’ knowledge and skill level.

1 2 3 5 3.2 3 4

6 The level of difficulty of the designed

material is appropriate with what should

be given to the students.

4 1

5 3.2 3 3

7 The materials are able to help the

students develop their listening skill.

1 1 3 5 3.4 4 4

8 The tasks or activities in each unit are

relevant to topic in each unit.

1 1 3 5 3.4 4 4

9 The tasks or activities in each unit are


3 2 5 2.8 2 2



No Participant’ statement on…

Frequency of

the degree of


Central Tendency

1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md

10 The tasks or activities in each unit can

facilitate the students to achieve the goals

and objectives.

2 1 2

5 3 3 2 ; 4

11 The instruction in each task or activity is

clear enough to be understood by the


2 1 2

5 3 3 2 ; 4

12 The tasks and activities are interesting

and various enough to motivate students.

3 2 5 3.4 3 3

13 The tasks and activities can help students

to understand the topic

3 2 5 3.4 3 3

14 The recording and spoken text are clear 2 2 1 5 2.8 3 2 ; 3

15 Generally, the pictures and lay out

provided can help students to understand

the lesson more

1 4

5 3.8 4 4

16 Generally, the content of the designed

materials is well elaborated

1 1 3 5 3.4 4 4


N : Number of participants Mn : Mean

Mdn : Median Md : Mode

The result of the descriptive statistics of the participants’ opinions

indicated that the average point of agreement on the evaluation was 3,5 . From the

result, it can be said that the designed materials was good enough and acceptable

to be applied. However, the designed materials needed to have some revisions and

improvements as suggested by the participants.



b. Participants’ comments and suggestions

In obtaining comments and suggestions of the designed materials, the

writer conducted interview to the participants whom were asked to fill in the

questionnaires. The participants were asked to give opinions, strengths,

weaknesses of the designed materials and also suggestions to the materials’


Four participants stated that generally the designed materials were good

enough. One participant said that the designed materials were an innovation in

developing materials which specialized to one vocational school program.

Furthermore, the following list is a summary of the strengths of the designed


1) The designed materials had enough variety on listening materials, activities,

and media.

2) The designed materials had level of difficulties that was appropriate with

students’ ability.

3) Some units were already good and well developed, such as in Unit 3.

4) The layout and pictures provided on the handbook could support the topic of

the materials and attract students’ attention.

5) Teacher’s manual was good and clear enough.

Although the designed materials were overall good, they still had some

weaknesses that should be improved. The list in the next page is weaknesses

mentioned on the interviews:



1) Some of the types of listening materials were not appropriate with the types of

materials stated in the Basic Competence of the syllabus.

2) Some learning indicators were not appropriate in developing listening skill

and did not support the basic competence.

3) The framework of the learning activities was complicated and confusing.

Some activities on the materials did not have connection with the previous or

the following activities.

4) Some of the instructions on the handbook were too long and some the other

was difficult to understand.

5) Some of the recordings were not clear enough.

6) Some materials were not necessary to be included on the designed materials

since they were not intended to develop listening skill, such as: materials

about tenses and grammar. One participant said that the students will get

confused if they should also pay attention to the sentence grammar when they

have to concentrate to understand the spoken text.

7) Some activities were too difficult for the students, such as an activity on the

Main task of Unit 1.

8) The tasks after listening activity were mostly activities which asked students

to fill in the missing words. This kind of task did not guarantee that the

students had understood the spoken texts.

9) There are some grammatical mistakes both in the instructions and in the




The participants also gave some suggestions toward the designed

materials. The suggestions are presented as follows:

1) Since some of the materials did not match with the syllabus, it would be better

to revise the Basic Competence and also the learning indicators of the

syllabus. One participant suggested that the writer removed some learning

indicators that did not support the listening purpose.

2) Two participants said that the activities were complicated and not well

elaborated. Thus, they suggested that the framework of the learning activities

should be revised.

3) Four participants argued that the recordings were not clear enough. It would

be better if the writer re- record the spoken texts. Moreover, three participants

suggested the writer to add spoken instruction on the recordings so that the

recordings can be easily used together with the handbook.

4) There were some unclear and complicated instructions in some parts of the

unit. The instructions needed to be changed into clearer and simpler


5) One participant suggested that the writer needed to add more stimulus

questions and activities in the introduction part to prepare the students and get

students’ attention on the topic.

6) One participant stated that the topic on Unit 2 was too general. It would be

better if the writer change the topic and activities that more relate to the

students’ program.



7) Two participants suggested the writer to have more variation on the activities

which can help students to understand the topic.

8) There were some activities that seemed too difficult for the students. One

participant suggested the writer to add clues or more instructions for the


9) The writer still made grammatical mistakes in designing the materials. It

would be better if the writer review all the materials and correct the mistakes.

10) Two participants stated that the grammar review was not really needed on the

listening activities. They suggested the writer not to include the grammar

review on the designed materials.

7. Preliminary Materials’ Revision

The data of Preliminary Product Verification was used to revise and

improve the designed materials to make the materials better. The writer utilized

feedback and suggestions from the participants as the basis to revise the designed

materials. The revisions of the materials would be presented as follows:

a. Revising the syllabus and the lesson plans

Since the basic competence and the learning indicators did not matched

with the materials, the writer revised the basic competence, the learning

indicators, as well as the lesson plans to make them in concordance with the

materials. The tables at the next page were the revision of basic competence and

of the learning indicators.



Table 4.9: Revision of the Basic Competence

No Basic Competence on the fist design Basic Competence after revision

1 Understanding interpersonal

conversation and transactional spoken

text in daily context related to

describing people’s job and

educational background.

Understanding meaning in short spoken

functional text and monolog in the form

of simple narrative, descriptive and news

item about describing people’s job and

educational background.

2 Understanding interpersonal

conversation and transactional spoken

text in form of narrative and

descriptive expositions related to past

events and future plans.

Understanding meaning in short spoken

functional text and monolog in the form

of simple narrative, descriptive and news

item about past events and future plans.

3 Understanding interpersonal

conversation and transactional spoken

text in daily context that involves

expressions about invitations and


Understanding interpersonal and

transactional conversation in daily

context that involves expressions about

invitations and opinions.

4 Understanding interpersonal

conversation and transactional spoken

text in daily context that involves

expression about describing process

and announcement.

Understanding meaning in short spoken

functional text and monolog in the form

of simple narrative, descriptive and news

item about announcement and describing


Table 4.10: Revision of the Learning Indicators

Topic Learning Indicators on the first


Learning Indicators after revision


People’s job

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

the spoken text accurately.

3. pronounce some words related to

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.

3. Identify detailed information



Topic Learning Indicators on the first


Learning Indicators after revision

the spoken text accurately

4. Retell the spoken text

5. describe people’s job accurately

from the spoken text.




Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

the spoken text accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately

4. Retell the spoken text

5. Describe people’s educational

background accurately

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.

3. Identify detailed information

from the spoken text.

Past Events Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

narrative and descriptive

expositions related to past events


3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and

descriptive exposition related to

past events.

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.

3. Identify detailed information

from the spoken text.

Future Plans Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in

narrative and descriptive

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.



Topic Learning Indicators on the first


Learning Indicators after revision

expositions related to future plans


3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and

descriptive exposition related to

future plans.

3. Identify detailed information

from the spoken text.

Invitation Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions

used in inviting, accepting and

refusing invitation accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions


5. Use the expressions of inviting,

and accepting or refusing

invitations accurately

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the conversation correctly.

2. Identify expressions used to

invite, accept and refuse

invitation accurately.

3. Identify the meaning of the

expressions used to invite, accept

and refuse invitation.

4. Respond the invitations


Opinions and



Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions

used in giving opinion, agreement

and disagreement accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions


Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the conversation correctly.

2. Identify expressions used to give

opinion, to express agreement

and disagreement accurately.

3. Identify the meaning of the

expressions used to give opinion,

to express agreement and

disagreement accurately.



Topic Learning Indicators on the first


Learning Indicators after revision

5. Use the expressions of giving

opinions, agreement and

disagreement accurately

4. Respond the opinions accurately.



Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions

used in describing process


3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions


5. Use the expressions of describing

process accurately.

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.

3. Identify detailed information

from the spoken text

Announcement Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions

used in announcement accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to

the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions


5. Use the expressions of giving

announcement accurately

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to

the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the

spoken text.

3. Identify detailed information

from the spoken text



b. Revising the framework of the learning activities

Based on the material’s feedback, the framework of the learning activities

was complicated and not well elaborated. Therefore, the framework was re-

arranged and simplified into the better one.

Table 4.11: Revision on the Framework of the Learning Activities

Sections of the first designed


Sections of the design materials after


Get Ready Introduction Get Ready Introduction + Pre task

Pre task

Let’s See Language Focus Work It Main task

Work It Main task

Show Time Post Task Let’s Do It Post task

c. Revising parts of the handbook

The writer also revised some parts of learning materials and activities in

the handbook. The following are the revisions of the handbook:

1) Revising the instructions on some activities in the handbook.

Since there were some complicated and unclear instructions in the

activities, the writer revised them into simple and clear instructions.

2) Re-recording the spoken texts

Some of the recordings of the spoken texts were not clear enough. For that

reason, the spoken texts were re-recorded and added by oral instructions for each

spoken text.



3) Removing and changing some materials sources and activities

There were materials sources which were not appropriate with the

syllabus. Some sources were removed since they were irrelevant with the basic

competence. Some others were modified to make them more appropriate. Some

learning activities were also revised along with the materials sources. The

complete learning activities after preliminary materials’ revision can be seen on

the table in the next page.



Table 4.12: Learning Activities after Preliminary Materials’ Revision

Unit Sub-unit Title Section Aims Activity Techniques

Unit 1 Jobs in visual Communication Design

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce and prepare students to learn about professions in visual communication design

- Activity 1 : completing the mind maps of professions

- Activity 2 :

describing the professions using the mind maps

- Activity 3:

matching the vocabulary used in the main task

- Activity 1 : 1. Students complete the mind maps of

professions. 2. Teacher and students discuss the mind

maps. - Activity 2 :

1. Using the mind maps, students describe the professions.

2. Some students share their descriptions. 3. Teacher and students discuss the

descriptions. - Activity 3:

1. Students match the vocabulary. 2. Teacher and students discuss the result. 3. Students practice the pronunciations of the

vocabulary. Work It Main task Give exposure

to the listening sources and provide tasks related to the listening sources.

- Activity 4 1. Listening the

recording and completing the missing words

2. Matching the descriptions

- Activity 5 Listening the recording and completing the paragraph.

- Activity 4 1. Students listen to the recording and

complete the missing words. 2. Students match the descriptions with the

correct pictures. 3. Teacher and students discuss the

descriptions. - Activity 5

1. Students listen to the recording and complete the paragraph.

2. Teacher and students discuss the



Unit Sub-unit Title Section Aims Activity Techniques

- Activity 6

Answering questions related to the paragraph.

paragraph. - Activity 6

1. Students answer the comprehension questions.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

Let’s Do It Post task Give opportunity to apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

Activity 7 Making a description of profession in a group

Activity 7 1. Students make a group consist of 3-4

members. 2. In group, students make a description of

profession. 3. Some groups present their descriptions.

Unit 2 Popular Logos

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce and prepare students to learn about popular logos

- Activity 1 Mentioning the logos

- Activity 2 Matching the vocabulary used in the main task

- Activity 1 1. Students find out the products or

companies that used the logos provided in the pictures.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

- Activity 2

1. Students match the vocabulary. 2. Teacher and students discuss the result. 3. Students practice the pronunciations of

the vocabulary. Work It Main task Give exposure

to the listening sources and provide tasks

- Activity 3 Listening the recording and completing the information table

- Activity 3 1. Students listen to the recording and

complete the table information. 2. Teacher and students discuss the



Unit Sub-unit Title Section Aims Activity Techniques

related to the listening sources.

- Activity 4

Listening the recording and completing the paragraph

- Activity 5

Working on the comprehension practice

information table. - Activity 4

1. Students listen to the recording and complete the paragraph.

2. Teacher and students discuss the paragraph.

- Activity 5 1. Students work on the exercise related to

the paragraph. 2. Teacher and students discuss the

students’ work. Let’s Do It Post task Give

opportunity to apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

Activity 6 Answering questions in a pairs.

Activity 6 1. Students choose a partner. 2. In pairs, students answer the questions. 3. Students compare their answer to the

others. 4. Some students present their answer in

front of the class. Unit 3 How does a camera work?

Get Ready Introduction Introduce and prepare students to learn about a camera and its work

- Activity 1 Answering question about a camera

- Activity 2

Completing parts of a camera

- Activity 3

- Activity 1 1. Students answer the questions about a

camera and share it to the others. 2. Teacher and students discuss the answers

briefly. - Activity 2

1. Students complete parts of a camera by using picture provided in the handbook.

2. Students share their work to the others then discuss it with teacher.

- Activity 3



Unit Sub-unit Title Section Aims Activity Techniques

Matching the vocabulary used in the main task

1. Students match the vocabulary. 2. Teacher and students discuss the

students’ work. 3. Students practice the pronunciations of

the vocabulary. Work It Main task Give exposure

to the listening sources and provide tasks related to the listening sources

- Activity 4 1. Listening the

recording and choosing the correct words

2. Arranging the jumbled paragraph

- Activity 5

Working on the comprehension practice

- Activity 4 1. Students listen to the recording then

choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

2. Students re-arrange the jumble paragraph. 3. Teacher and students discuss the

paragraph. - Activity 5

1. Students work on the comprehension practice.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

Let’s Do It Post task Give opportunity to apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

Activity 6 Discussing about the work of a camera in a group.

Activity 6 1. Students make group consist of 3-4

members. 2. In group, students discuss the work of a

camera. 3. Students write the process using their own

words. 4. Some groups present their work in front of

the class.



4) Checking the grammar and correcting the grammatical mistakes

There were some grammatical mistakes found in the handbook. Hence, the

writer checked and corrected the grammatical mistakes.

5) Adding more stimulus questions and activities in the introduction parts

The introduction part of the designed materials was improved by adding

more questions to attract students’ attentions and more activities to prepare the

students to the topic.

6) Revising unit 2

There was a suggestion to revise the topic on unit 2 since the topic was too

general for the intended students. Therefore, the writer changed the topic on unit 2

“My Memory” with more related topic for the student that was “Popular Logos”.

Along with the topic, the writer revised the materials as well as the activities on

unit 2.

8. Feedback from the Classroom Implementation

This study employs the R&D last step that is Main Field Testing by

implementing the designed materials to the real classroom. The implementation

was carried out to the second year students of Visual Communication Design

Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The classroom implementation was aimed to

make sure that the designed materials were appropriate with students’ need and

ready to be used. Furthermore, the writer could find out students’ opinion toward

the designed materials.



The classroom implementation was carried out on April 21 and 22, 2010 to

the students of Visual communication Design class A in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The

writer planned to implement two units of the materials, in which each unit would

be performed in 90 minutes. The first meeting would be carried out for unit 1

“Jobs in Visual Communication Design”, while the second meeting would be for

unit 2 ”Popular Logos”. However, the implementation was done out of plan. On

the first meeting (April 21, 2010), the writer could perform only the half part of

the unit one. On the second meeting (April 22, 2010), the writer continued the rest

of the activities on unit one. It can be said that one unit of the designed materials

required more than one meeting (90 minutes). Therefore, the writer carried out

only one unit which was finished on two meetings (2 x 90 minutes).

Furthermore, the writer also gathered evaluation and feedback of the

designed materials by distributing the questionnaires to the students at the end of

each meeting. The feedback would be useful to find out whether the materials

were appropriate to the students. It was also be used to revise and improve the

designed materials into the final version. The presentation of the participants and

questionnaires’ result would be presented as follow:

a. Description of the participants for Classroom Implementation

The participants of classroom implementation were second year students

of Visual Communication Design Program from class A. There was 37 students of

class A, 20 students was male while 17 students was female. All students were on

the second grade, which is assumed to have accomplished the novice level of



English subject in the first grade. The following table summarizes students’

amount which attended the meetings of classroom implementation.

Table 4.13: Description of the Participants for Classroom Implementation

Meeting Sex Number of students Total

Meeting 1 Male 15 31

Female 16

Meeting 2 Male 16 32

Female 16

b. The Data Presentation from the Result of Classroom Implementation

The writer gathered evaluation and feedback of the designed materials by

distributing the questionnaire at the end of the two meetings. The questionnaire

was combination of close-form and open-form questions. The questions deal with

students’ opinion about the designed materials and its implementation and also

their understanding of what they have learnt. The questionnaires were distributed

twice, on the first and second meeting. Since there were some weaknesses from

the questionnaires distributed on the first meeting, the writer revised them to

obtain more valid data of the second meeting.

On the first meeting, the writer distributed 31 questionnaires and received

30 questionnaires. On the second meeting, the writer distributed 32 questionnaires

and received 30 questionnaires. It seemed that not all the participants submitted

the questionnaires. The result of the close-form questions can be seen on the table

at the next page.



Table 4.14 : Data Presentation of Students’ Responses on the First Meeting

No Question Response Total Yes No

Number of students

% Number of students

% Number of



1 Are the listening activities enjoyable?

27 90 % 3 10 % 30 100%

2 Are the listening materials enjoyable?

25 83 % 5 17 % 30 100%

3 Are the listening materials easy to understand?

26 87 % 4 13 % 30 100%

4 Are the recordings clear?

7 23 % 23 77 % 30 100%

5 Are the instructions in each activity clear?

30 100 % - - 30 100%

6 Are the materials related to Visual communication Design Program?

28 93 % 2 7 % 30 100%



Table 4.15 : Data Presentation of Students’ Responses on the Second Meeting

No Question Response Total

Absolutely Yes Yes Fair No Number of


% Number

of students

% Number of


% Number of


% Number of



1 Are the listening activities enjoyable?

3 10 % 19 63 % 8 27 % - - 30 100%

2 Are the listening materials enjoyable?

3 10 % 20 67 % 7 23 % - - 30 100%

3 Are the listening materials easy to understand?

6 20 % 24 80 % - - - - 30 100%

4 Are the recordings clear?

8 27 % 18 60 % 4 13 % - - 30 100%

5 Are the instructions in each activity clear?

11 37 % 19 63 % - - - - 30 100%

6 Are the materials related to Visual communication Design Program?

27 90 % - - - - 3 10 % 30 100%



Based on the result of the first questionnaires, 90% students answered they

enjoyed with the activities, and 83% students answered they enjoyed with the

materials. It showed that most of the students were enjoyed the listening activities

and the materials. Twenty six students (87%) agreed that the listening materials

were easy to understand. Furthermore, all participants answered that the

instruction in each activity were clear. About 93% participants agreed that the

listening materials were related to visual communication design. However, twenty

three students (77%) answered that recording was not clear. Only seven students

(23%) argued that the recording were clear.

As mentioned before, the questionnaire for the second meeting was

revised. The alternative answered was changed from two options into four

options. From the second questionnaire, more than 50% of the participants agreed

that the listening and its materials were enjoyable. About 63% students answered

the listening activities were enjoyable and 67% of them stated that the listening

materials were enjoyable. All participants also argued that listening materials were

easy to understand. It was showed from the result that 80% students answered yes

and another 20% answered absolutely yes. Moreover, 60% students argued that

the recording was clear, and another 20% students stated that the recording was

very clear. About 63% students stated that the instructions in each activity was

quite clear, while 37% students that the instructions were very clear. Most of the

participants, about 90% students, agreed that the materials for second meeting

were related to Visual Communication Design Program. Only 10% students



answered that the materials were not related to Visual Communication Design


Furthermore, the students’ responses from the open-form questions of the

questionnaires can show their understanding of what they have learnt. On the first

meeting, 30 students have written the topic and also kinds activities which they

done on the first meeting. It means that all students whom fill in the

questionnaires have known what they learnt and what activities they got. The

students also mentioned the most interesting and difficult parts of all activities on

the first meeting. Nineteen students mentioned that the most interesting activity

was listening activity. They wrote that the listening activity was easy to

understand and it was fun activity. Nine students mentioned that vocabulary

activity was the most interesting part. They argued that in this activity they got

new words and English terms of their vocational program. Moreover, some

students also wrote some parts that they found difficult. Listening activity was one

of the difficult activities. Twelve students said that listening activity was difficult

because the recording was not clear. Another difficult part of the activities was the

questions part. Seven students mentioned that some questions were confusing.

On the second meeting, the writer conducted the rest of activities on unit

one. Based on the result of the open-form questions, 30 students wrote the topic

and also the activities they got on the second meeting. It can be said that all

students recognized what they have learnt as well as on the first meeting. In

addition, 19 students mentioned that listening activity was the most interesting

part. The students also wrote difficult part of the activities on the second meeting.



Eleven students mentioned that the comprehension practice was the most difficult

part. It was difficult because some of the students were not understood the

questions given on the activity. Moreover, eight students stated that there was no

difficult part from the activities since the teacher helped them to understand the

recording as well as the practice. From 30 students, there were 6 students whom

did not fill in the most difficult part of the activities. Based on the responses of

open-form questions both from the first and second meeting, it can be concluded

that most of the students knew what they have learnt and understood the materials.

In addition, the questionnaires provided spaces for the participants to write

down their reasons or explanation about their answers. There were some reasons

on why students enjoyed and actively took part on the listening activities. Most of

the students agreed that the listening activities were enjoyable both on the first and

the second meetings of classroom implementation. Some of them stated that it was

fun because they learnt English materials related to their programs. They enjoyed

it because the activities were carried out in a simple and relax way. Some other

argued they enjoyed it because they seldom have this kind of activities. On the

second meeting, some students stated that they enjoyed with the listening

materials since it was clearer than the first meeting’s materials. Some other

mentioned that the materials were easy to understand since it was still related to

their vocational program.

The students also gave some comments and suggestions for the designed

materials. On the first meeting, most of them stated that the recording was not

really clear. They suggested providing clearer recording. Some others suggested



adding listening to the music. From the second meeting, some students suggested

that the activities can be carried out in more fun and attractive one. Other

participants suggested that the activities can be added by games or listening to the


During the classroom implementation, the writer also found some

weaknesses that were not recognized by the students. The writer realized that the

activities were not done according to the lesson plan. According to the lesson

plan, one unit was planned for one meeting (90 minutes). However, since the

lesson run slower, only one unit can be implemented on two meetings. For the

recording materials, the writer recognized that some parts of the recordings were

not clear. Therefore, it needed to be re-edited into clearer recordings. Moreover,

the writer recognized that there were some parts on the handbook that should be

revised. The vocabulary activity on the pre-task section did not show TBLT

techniques. The writer also found in unit 1 activity 5, one alternative answer was

missing so that the students were confused to find the correct word. In addition,

there was a question on unit 1, activity 6 that was not well arranged.

In a conclusion, it can be said that the classroom implementation run quite

well. Students were enjoyed the activities as well as the listening materials. It

means that the representative of the designed materials was appropriate and

acceptable. Nevertheless, since there were some weaknesses and suggestions of

the designed materials and it’s implementation, revision needed to be performed

to get much better materials.



9. Final Materials’ Revision

Based on the result of questionnaires and writer’s experiences during the

implementation, the designed materials were revised into the final version. The

following are the revisions of the designed materials:

a. Revising the lesson plans

From the experience of classroom implementation, it needed longer time

to finish all activities on one unit. Therefore, each unit of the designed materials

would be managed for two meetings (2 x 90 minutes). The revision result of the

lesson plan can be seen in the appendix.

b. Editing the recording materials

The writer realized that some of the recordings were not clear. To make

them clearer, the writer edited some of the recording files.

c. Revising some parts of the handbook

Some parts of the handbook should be revised as in the vocabulary activity

and some activities on Unit 1. The writer improved the vocabulary activity into

activity which exposes TBLT and also revised activities 5 and 6 on Unit 1 into the

better ones.

d. Adding listening to music

Since each unit of the designed materials will be used for two meetings,

the writer added one activity on two units. From suggestion of classroom

implementation, many students suggested to add listening to music. Therefore, the

writer included listening to music on unit two and unit three.



B. The Final Version of the Designed Materials

This part elaborates the final version of the designed materials after

undertaking some revisions based on the Materials’ feedback and the Classroom

Implementation. The designed materials were designed for the second year

students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. There

are 8 units or topics, in which each unit is allocated for two meetings (each

meeting 90 minutes). Each unit consisted of 3 sub sections namely Get Ready

(Introduction and Pre task), Work It (Main task), and Let’s Do It (Post task). From

the 8 units, three units were chosen as the representative materials, there were

Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication Design”; Unit 3 “Popular Logos”; and

Unit 7 “How does a Camera Work?” The final version of the learning activities is

described on the next page, while the final version of the handbook can be seen in

the appendix C page 210. Moreover, the final design of syllabus can be seen in the

appendix C on page 192.



Table 4.16: Final Version of the Learning Activities

Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

Unit 1 Jobs in visual Communication Design

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce and prepare students to learn about professions in visual communication design

- Activity 1 : completing the mind maps of professions

- Activity 2 :

describing the professions using the mind maps

- Activity 3:

matching words used in the main task with their synonym

- Activity 1 : 1. Students complete the mind maps of

professions. 2. Teacher and students discuss the mind


- Activity 2 : 1. Using the mind maps, students describe

the professions. 2. Some students share their descriptions. 3. Teacher and students discuss the


- Activity 3: 1. Students match the words with the

synonyms. 2. Teacher and students discuss the result. 3. Students practice pronunciations of the


Work It Main task Give exposure to the listening sources and provide tasks related to the listening sources.

- Activity 4 1. Listening the recording

and the completing missing words

2. Matching the descriptions

- Activity 4 1. Students listen to the recording and

complete the missing words. 2. Students match the descriptions with the

correct pictures. 3. Teacher and students discuss the



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

- Activity 5

Listening the recording and completing the paragraph.

- Activity 6

Answering questions related to the paragraph.

descriptions. - Activity 5

1. Students listen to the recording and complete the paragraph.

2. Teacher and students discuss the paragraph - Activity 6

1. Students answer the comprehension questions.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

Let’s Do It Post task Give opportunity to

apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

Activity 7 Making a description of one profession in a group

Activity 7 1. Students make a group consist of 3-4

members. 2. In group, students make a description of

profession. 3. Some groups present their descriptions.



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

Unit 2 Popular Logos

Get Ready Introduction and Pre task

Introduce and prepare students to learn about popular logos

- Activity 1 Mentioning the logos

- Activity 2

matching words used in the main task with their synonym

- Activity 1 1. Students find out the products or

companies that used the logos provided in the pictures.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

- Activity 2 1. Students match the words with the

synonyms. 2. Teacher and students discuss the result. 3. Students practice pronunciations of the


Work It Main task Give exposure to the listening sources and provide tasks related to the listening sources.

- Activity 3 Listening the recording and completing the information table

- Activity 4 Listening the song and completing its lyric

- Activity 5 Listening the recording and completing the missing

- Activity 3 1. Students listen to the recording and

complete the information table. 2. Teacher and students discuss the table


- Activity 4 1. Students listen to the song and complete

the missing lyric. 2. Teacher and students discuss the students’


- Activity 5 1. Students listen to the recording and

complete the missing words.



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques


- Activity 6 Working on the comprehension practice

2. Teacher and students discuss the paragraph.

- Activity 6 1. Students work on the exercise related to

the paragraph. 2. Teacher and students discuss the

students’ work. Let’s Do It Post task Give opportunity to

apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

Activity 7 Answering questions in a pairs.

Activity 7 1. Students choose a partner. 2. In pairs, students answer the questions. 3. Students compare their answer to the

other. 4. Some students present their answer in

front of the class. Unit 3 How does a camera work?

Get Ready Introduction Introduce and prepare students to learn about a camera and its work

- Activity 1 Answering questions about camera

- Activity 2

Completing parts of a camera

- Activity 3 matching words used in the main task with their synonym

- Activity 1 1. Students answer the questions about a

camera and share it to the others. 2. Teacher and students discuss the answers

briefly. - Activity 2

1. Students complete parts of a camera by using picture provided in the handbook.

2. Students share their work to the others then discuss it with teacher.

- Activity 3 1. Students match the words with the

synonyms. 2. Teacher and students discuss the result.



Unit Sub-unit Title

Section Aims activity Techniques

3. Students practice pronunciations of the words.

Work It Main task Give exposure to the listening sources and provide tasks related to listening sources

- Activity 4 1. Listening the recording

and choosing the correct words

2. Arranging jumbled paragraph

- Activity 5

Working on the comprehension practice

- Activity 4 1. Students listen to the recording then

choose the correct words to complete paragraph.

2. Students re-arrange the jumble paragraph. 3. Teacher and students discuss the

paragraph. - Activity 5

1. Students work on the comprehension practice.

2. Teacher and students discuss the students’ work.

Let’s Do It Post task Give opportunity to apply what students have learnt in the real life situation

- Activity 6 Listening the song and completing its lyric

- Activity 7 Discussing about the work of a camera in a group.

- Activity 6 1. Students listen to the song and complete the

missing lyric. 2. Teacher and students discuss the work.

- Activity 7

1. Students make a group consist of 3-4 members.

2. In group, students discus the work of a camera.

3. Students write the process using their own words.

4. Some groups present their work in front of the class.





This chapter presents conclusions of the study and suggestions for English

teachers and also for further researchers who like to use this design.

A. Conclusions

The aim of this study is to develop appropriate design of English listening

materials using task based language teaching for the second year students of

Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. In designing the

listening materials, the writer employed Research and Development (R&D) cycle

which was combined with Yalden’s instructional design model. Moreover, the

writer also utilized other relevant theories related to material development, task

based language teaching, teaching learning listening, recent school curriculum,

and visual communication design program.

The appropriate design of English listening materials using task based

language teaching for the second year students of Visual Communication Design

Program is materials design which has met the two required requirements. The

first requirement is that the materials design is developed according to the data

obtained from a research and is performed step by step according to the R&D

cycle. The second requirement is that the designed materials should achieve the

purposes of the study, should be relevant with the students’ needs and

characteristics, should be varied on tasks and media utilized on the designed



materials, and the topics of the designed materials should be relevant with the

tasks and activities. The data utilized for designing the materials was gathered

from the need analysis of the students and the current curriculum, the result of

preliminary field testing and also the result of classroom implementation. Based

on those data, the designed materials was revised and improved to make it

appropriate as possible for the intended students.

The designed materials consisted of 8 units or topics, in which three units

were selected as the representative materials. The three units that were developed

are Unit 1 “Jobs in Visual Communication Design”, Unit 3 “Popular Logos”, and

Unit 7 “How does a Camera Work?” Based on the data of preliminary product

verification, the representative materials were good and acceptable enough.

Before implementing the materials, the writer revised the designed materials by

utilizing the feedback of preliminary product verification. Furthermore, the

implementation was carried out to the second year students of Visual

Communication Design program in SMKN5 Yogyakarta. The classroom

implementation was well conducted and the result was satisfied enough. The

students enjoyed the listening materials and its activities. The result of classroom

implementation strengthen the designed materials as appropriate design of

listening materials using task based language teaching for the second year students

of visual communication design program. Based on the result of preliminary

product verification and classroom implementation, it can be concluded that the

designed materials have met the required requirements as appropriate design of



English listening materials using task based language teaching for the second year

students of visual communication design program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta.

B. Suggestions

The writer would like to give suggestions for those who are going to use

this designed listening materials and who are interested in a research at the same


1. For English teachers

a. Teachers can use the designed materials as a model to develop other topics

of the materials and use them for teaching learning activities.

b. Teachers can apply other techniques and strategies that suits with the

students’ needs and characteristics.

c. It is expected that teachers can appropriately prepare the materials and the

media before conducting the learning activities.

d. It is also expected that teachers can carry out listening activities regularly

to help students in developing their listening skill.

2. For further researchers

a. Further researchers can develop and design listening materials which are

intended for other vocational high school program.

b. Further researchers can develop and modify the materials using other

techniques and strategies that are more suitable for the students.




Anderson, A. & Lynch, T. 1988. Listening Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., and Razavieh, A. 1979. Introduction to Research in

Education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Borg, W. R & Gall, M. D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction. London: Longman Inc. Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles. London: Addison Wesley Longman.

Field, J. 2002. The Changing Face of Listening. In Methodology in Language Teaching, edited by Jack C Richard & Willy A. Renandya. New York: Cambridge University Press. Gagne, R. M. & Briggs, L. J. 1979. Principles of Instructional Design. New York:

Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Gebhard, J. G. 1996. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language: A

Teacher Self-development and Methodology Guide. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

Goh, Christine C. M. 2002. Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom. RELC Portfolio Series 4. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Harmer, J. 2007. How to Teach English. London: Pearson Education.

Hutchinson, T & Waters, A. 1994. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning- Centred Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Krahnke, K. 1987. Approaches to Syllabus Design. London: Prentice-Hall Inc.

McKean, E. 2005. The New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press. Morley, J. 2001. Aural Comprehension Instruction: Principles and Practices. In Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 3rd edition, edited by Marianne Celce-Muircia. Boston: Heinle&Heinle. Nunan, D. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology. London: Prentice Hall International.



Nunan, D. 2002. Listening in Language Learning. In Methodology in Language Teaching, edited by Jack C Richard & Willy A. Renandya. New York: Cambridge University Press. Nunan, D. 2004. Task-Based Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Priharini, A. W. 2008. Authentic Listening Materials Based on Principled

Eclecticism for Seventh Graders. Unpublished Thesis. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Robinson, P. C. 1991. ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide. London: Prentice Hall International. Rost, M. 2002. Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Pearson Education

Wiersma, W. 1995. Research Methods in Education: An Introduction. Boston: Allyn&Bacon. Willis, J. 1996. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. London: Addison Wesley Longman. Yalden, J. 1987. The Communicative Syllabus; Evolution, Design and Implementation. London: Prentice-Hall International. _______________________. 1993. Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. _______________________.2004. Materi Sosialisasi Kurikulum SMK 2004 Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris.Jakarta: P3G Kejuruan Bisnis dan Pariwisata Jakarta. _______________________.2006. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia nomor 22 tahun 2006 Tentang Standar ISI. Jakarta. _______________________.2006. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia nomor 23 tahun Tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta. _______________________.2007. Materi Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Kurikulum Tingkat satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) SMK. Jakarta. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.



_______________________.2007. Naskah Akademik Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum SMK. Pusat Kurikulum Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

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Mujiran, P. Critical remarks on 2006 Curriculum. (,en/, accessed on September 23, 2008) Sunarto, P. 2008. Peta Masalah Pendidikan DKV. Galeri Nasional 23 Agustus 2006. ( masalah-pendidikan-dkv/, accessed on July 9, 2009) Tanudjaja, B. B. 2003. Pentingnya Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan pada Pendidikan Desain Komunikasi Visual di Indonesia. NIRMANA Vol. 5, No. 2, July 2003: 191 – 200. (, accessed on April 27, 2009) ______.2009.Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan Dan Kompetensi Kejuruan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. ( SMK%20(%20Lampiran%20PERMENDIKNAS)/SKKD/082- 085%20SKKD%20Seni%20Rupa.doc, Accessed on July 9, 2009)

______2008. Mengenal Desain Komunikasi Visual. ( komunikasi-visual/, accessed on April 27, 2009)























Questions Outline for Interviewing Teachers

1. General questions

• Berapa tahun anda mengajar di SMK 5?

• Untuk kelas XI DKV, berapa kelas yang anda ajar?

• Berapa lama anda telah mengajar kls XI DKV?

2. Question about listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali pertemuan / jam pelajaran untuk bhs


• Berapa kali anda mengadakan kegiatan listening untuk siswa?

3. Question about basis of listening activities

Kegiatan mengajar listening anda berdasarkan/mengacu pada? (kurikulum

sekolah, buku pegangan, students’ ability / interest)

4. Question about learning techniques/strategies and activities

• Strategi / teknik apa saja yang dipakai dalam menyampaikan materi

• Kegiatan apa saja yang dipakai dalam pembelajaran listening

5. Question about choice of :

• Material

Apa saja referensi/materi yang anda gunakan untuk kegiatan listening

(film, buku listening, rekaman berita,lagu)

• Media

- berapa media yang dipakai untuk mendukung kegiatan listening?

- Media apa saja yang di pakai? ( gambar, foto, kaset, VCD, mp3)

- Fasilitas apa saja yang mendukung kegiatan listening (yang tersedia di


• Topic

Bagaimana anda memilih topic untuk kegiatan listening?

6. Question about students’ characteristics

• Menurut anda, secara umum bagaimana kemampuan bhs. Inggris siswa

terutama listening skill? (Baik, cukup, kurang)



• Apakah siswa berada dlm Level of competence yang sama? (beginner)

7. Question about students’ motivation

• Bagaimana minat and antusias siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan


• Apakah siswa aktif mengikuti kegiatan listening?

• Kalau minatnya kurang, apa penyebabnya?

• Kalau minat bagus, alasannya?

• Solusi terhadap kurangnya minat?

• Apakah kelas kondusif (mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran / kegiatan


8. Question about students’ strength

Kekuatan / kelebihan siswa dalam pelajaran bhs inggris terutama listening

9. Question about students’ weakness

Kelemahan siswa dalam listening activities

10. Question about learning difficulties

• Ada kesulitan menyampaikan materi? Apa saja?

• Apakah siswa kesulitan menerima materi?

11. Question about students’ needs

• Aktivitas dan materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan

listening skill siswa?

• Menurut anda, apakah materi ESP yang spesifik dgn program keahlian

mereka akan membantu siswa? Ya / tidak, kenapa?

12. Question about expectation toward this study

Harapan anda terhadap penelitian ini?



Transcript Recording of Interview with Teacher

(Respondent 1)

1. General questions

• Berapa tahun anda mengajar di SMK 5?

R: Sudah 4 tahun

• Untuk kelas XI DKV, berapa kelas yang anda ajar?

R: untuk tahun ini 1 kelas

• Berapa lama anda telah mengajar k;ls XI DKV?

R: karena tiap tahun saya dapat kls DKV, maka sampai sekarang saya

sudah 4 tahun mengajar di kelas DKV

2. Question about listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali pertemuan / jam pelajaran untuk bhs


R: seminggu, ada 2 kali tatap muka untuk pelajaran bahasa inggris

• Berapa kali anda mengadakan kegiatan listening untuk siswa? Jumlah

pertemuan keg listening dalam 1 minggu / I semester

R: Sejauh ini, saya belum merencanakan. Tapi bisa dikatakan, satu

Kompetensi Dasar ada minimal satu kali kegiatan listening. Tergantung

materinya juga, karena tidak semua materi memfokuskan pada listening.

3. Question about basis of listening activities

• Kegiatan mengajar listening anda berdasarkan/mengacu pada? (KTSP

sekolah, Buku pegangan, students’ ability / interest)

R: semua kegiatan berdasarkan dari silabus

4. Question about learning techniques/strategies and activities

• Strategi / teknik apa saja yang dipakai dlm menyampaikan materi

(conversation, krj kelp/individu, listening kaset/film, reading, etc)



R: yang pernah saya lakukan listening dengan film, lalu siswa retell the

story by their own words

• Kegiatan apa saja yang dipakai dlm pembelajaran listening?

R: Fill in the blanks dan completing missing lyrics.

5. Question about choice of :

• Material

apa saja referensi yg anda gunakan untuk kegiatan listening

(film, buku listening, rekaman berita,lagu)

R: Sejauh ini saya ambil dari buku yang sudah tersedia, yang sudah

dilengkapi dengan kaset atau VCD. Atau ambil dari luar, misalnya song,

ringkasan cerita dari film. Tahun lalu saya memberikan film untuk DKV

animasi, materi tentang reported speech.

• Media

- berapa media yang dipakai untuk mendukung kegiatan listening?

- Media apa yang di pakai ( gambar, foto, kaset, VCD, mp3)

- Fasilitas apa saja yang mendukung keg listening (yang tersedia: lab,

tape, kaset)?

R: Fasilitas sudah ada. Saya pernah pakai kaset, VCD, dan lab


• Topic

Bagaimana anda memilih topic untuk kegiatan listening?

(Syllabus, menyesuaikan buku, atau media yang tersedia)

R: dari silabus

6. Question about students’ characteristics

• Menurut anda, secara umum bagaimana kemampuan bhs. Inggris siswa

terutama listening skill? (Baik, cukup, kurang)

R: Sejauh ini saya lihat kemampuan mereka belum terasah, kususnya

untuk listening. Kalau untuk kemampuan lain … ya standard.

• Apakah siswa berada dlm Level of competence yang sama? (beginner)



R: tidak

7. Question about students’ motivation

• Bagaimana minat and antusias siswa dalam mengikuti keg. Listening?

R: Minat nya cukup besar (ketika saya mengajar), siswa antusias belajar

• Apakah siswa aktif mengikuti kegiatan listening?

R: aktif

• Kalau minat bagus, alasannya?

R: kebanyakan siswa punya kepribadian yang baik

• Apakah kelas kondusif (mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran) dlm kegiatan


R: cukup kondusif

8. Question about students’ strength and weakness

• Kekuatan / kelebihan siswa dalam pelajaran bhs inggris terutama


R: Minat siswa besar, siswa juga kemampuannya sudah lumayan,

sehingga guru tinggal membantu mereka untuk meningkatkan


9. Question about learning difficulties

• Ada kesulitan menyampaikan materi? Apa saja?

R: Ada, apalagi ketika siswa belum pernah diberi listening. Mereka bisa

kaget, dan pelajaran bisa berjalan tidak sesuai rencana (lambat).Ada

beberapa alasan:

1. Karena mereka kurang mendapat listening, kerutinitasnya belum ada.

Selama ini keseringan mereka mendengar secara lisan dari guru, jarang

memakai media seperti kaset.

2. Kendala bahasa. Kalau mendengar English, mereka harus berpikir dua




3. Siswa harus berkonsentrasi lebih banyak ketika listening untuk bisa

menangkap pelajaran.

4. Kadang siswa juga kaget, ketika harus konsentrasi penuh untuk listening

(biasanya santai ketika mengikuti pelajaran)

10. Question about students’ needs

• Aktivitas dan materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan

listening skill siswa?

R: Menurut saya materi yang diperlukan ya materi yang memang harus

memenuhi standard kelulusan.

• Menurut anda, apakah materi ESP yang spesifik dgn program keahlian

mereka akan membantu siswa? Ya / tidak, kenapa?

R: Saya melihat siswa DKV ketika nantinya di dunia kerja, mereka bekerja

bagaimana cara membuah brosur, undangan, mencetak. Nanti materi

listening bisa berkaitan dengan periklanan, cara membuat undangan,

vocabulary, terms istilah-istilah, atau instruction

11. Question about expectation toward this study

Harapan anda terhadap penelitian ini…

R: Saya lihat bagus, karena mbak akan mendesign listening tapi

mempersempit ruang lingkupnya, DKV saja. Ketika mbak nanti bisa

mengapresiasikan dan menghasilkan materi listening, saya harap bisa

menjadi contoh dan gambaran materi listening yang khusus untuk satu

jurusan saja. Saya harap nantinya materi yang mbak design bisa lebih

spesifik ke jurusan, lebih bermanfaat, dan bisa membantu kami, guru-guru di




Transcript Recording of Interview with Teacher

(Respondent 2)

1. General questions

• Berapa tahun anda mengajar di smk 5?

R: Saya mulai mengajar 2006, jadi sudah sekitar 3 tahun

• untuk kelas XI DKV, berapa kelas yang anda ajar?

R: Untuk kls 2 DKV, saya mengajar 2 kls

• Berapa lama anda telah mengajar kls XI DKV?

R: Tiap tahun kebetulan saya dapat kelas DKV. Jadi ya sudah 3

tahun.Untuk sekarang ini saya mengajar satu kelas 2 DKV

2. Question about listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali pertemuan / jam pelajaran untuk bhs


R: Untuk tahun ini, Kelas 1 4 jam, kelas 2 6 jam, kelas 3 6 jam.

Kelas dua ditambah jamnya, karena materi teori banyak, sehingga

dikelas tiga nanti siswa tinggal mempelajari pengayaan.

• Berapa kali anda mengadakan kegiatan listening untuk siswa? Jumlah

pertemuan keg listening dalam 1 minggu / I semester?

R: Disini jarang melatih listening, biasanya listening hanya untuk

selingan ketika siswa bosan. Bukannya guru tidak mau mengajarkan

tetapi karena kitaharus mengajarkan materi yang terlalu banyak, sulit

untuk mencari waktu untuk kegiatan listening. Sebenarnya disini ada

ruang multimedia, tapi kadang harus rebutan dengan guru mata

pelajaranl lain, dan biasanya sudah dijadwal.

3. Question about basis of listening activities

• Kegiatan mengajar listening anda berdasarkan/mengacu pada? (KTSP

sekolah, Buku pegangan, students’ ability / interest)



R: Yang jelas harus melihat materi yang di ajarkan pada hari itu,

mengacu pada syllabus. Apa saja Standar kompetensi yang harus

diajarkan, dari situ saya mencari bahan listening dari luar supaya ada

variasi bahan.

4. Question about learning techniques/strategies and activities

• Strategi / teknik apa saja yang dipakai dlm menyampaikan materi

(conversation, krj kelp/individu, listening kaset/film, reading, etc)

R: biasanya dintegrasi dengan speaking, memakai media tape atau

laptop, atau di ruang multimedia. Kegiatan listening kan bisa

dimasukkan dalam speaking, walapun fokusnya speaking tapi siswa juga

sudah melatih listening. Tapi kalau khusus pelajaran listening, berarti

kita harus memakai media seperti tape, kaset, atau belajar di ruang


5. Question about choice of :

• Material

apa saja referensi yg anda gunakan untuk kegiatan listening

(film, buku listening, rekaman berita,lagu)

R:Selain textbook, saya biasanya mengambil materi listening dari

TOEIC, kadang pakai lagu. kalau film saya minim sumber. Kita harus

cari film yang percakapannya pas dengan kemampuan siswa. Kalau

sampai sekarang saya belum pernah memakai film.Untuk SMK arah

fokusnya memang ke TOEIC. Jadi mulai kelas dua, kegiatan listening

siswa mulai dikenalkan dengan TOEIC secara umum, supaya di kelas

tiga anak-anak tidak blank dengan TOEIC. Tujuannya hanya test-

oriented saja

• Media

- berapa media yang dipakai untuk mendukung kegiatan listening?

- Media apa yang di pakai ( gambar, foto, kaset, VCD, mp3)



- Fasilitas apa saja yang mendukung keg listening (yang tersedia: lab,

tape, kaset)?

R: Ada ruang multimedia, tape ada, kaset, VCD

6. Question about students’ characteristics

• Menurut anda, secara umum bagaimana kemampuan bhs. Inggris siswa

terutama listening skill? (Baik, cukup, kurang)

R: Kalau untuk kelas dua kemampuannya bisa dikatakan sama dengan

kelas 1. Kalau untuk anak DKV dan animasi kemampuan di atas rata-rata,

sehingga kegiatan belajar bisa berjalan lancar. Paling setengah dari

jumlah seluruh siswa yang kemampuannya di atas rata-rata, sedangkan

yang lain kurang karena bekal dari SMP mereka kurang menguasai.

• Apakah siswa berada dlm Level of competence yang sama? (beginner)

R:Tidak, dalam satu kelas kemampuan anak berbeda-beda. Misalnya

dalam satu kelas, bisa digolongkan jadi 3 tingkat : anak yang bisa,

sedang-sedang saja, dan anak yang di bawah.

7. Question about learning difficulties

• Ada kesulitan menyampaikan materi? Apa saja?

R: Karena anak-anak terbiasa dengan logat jawa dan Indonesia, mereka

kesulitan memahami English yang berbeda intonasinya, pelafalan yang

yang simple-simple saja terkadang siswa tidak bisa memahami. Siswa

tidak terbiasa mendengar English. Kalau untuk media sudah

memenuhi/cukup. Dari gurunya sendiri yang kurang menggunakan

bahasa Inggris di kelas.

• Apakah siswa kesulitan menerima materi?

R: Iya, mereka kurang paham

8. Question about students’ needs

• Aktivitas dan materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan

listening skill siswa?



• Menurut anda, apakah materi ESP yang spesifik dgn program keahlian

mereka akan membantu siswa? Ya / tidak, kenapa?

R: Sebenarnya kalau menurut silabus, bahasa Inggris di SMK hanya

general English saja. Tapi akan lebih baik bila dimasukkan term ato istilah,

kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan jurusan siswa.Kalau mau mengajarkan

English yang spesifik, belum ada referensi yang khusus mengajarakn ESP.

Kalau kita mau mengajarkan yang spesifik, kita harus pinjam buku dari

kejuruan lalu menerjemahkan dulu, yang artinya dua kali kerja.

9. Question about expectation toward this study

Harapan anda terhadap penelitian ini…

R:Saya senang dengan penelitian ini karena mau mendesign materi listening.

Harapan saya, kami bisa mendapat informasi baru tentang materi-materi

yang spesifik. Saya berharap orang-orang muda itu lebih fokus ke ESP,

jangan ke general English, karena SMK ingin mengembangkan kejuruannya.



Transcript Recording of Interview with Teacher

(Respondent 3)

1. General questions

• berapa tahun anda mengajar di smk 5?

R: sudah 3 tahun

• untuk kelas XI DKV, berapa kelas yang anda ajar?

R: untuk tahun ini ada 1 kelas

• Berapa lama anda telah mengajar kls XI DKV?

R: sudah 2 tahun

2. Listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali pertemuan / jam pelajaran untuk bhs


R: Karena disini team teaching, ngajarnya dibagi-bagi dengan guru lain.

Saya mengajar dapat seminggu 1 kali

• Berapa kali anda mengadakan kegiatan listening untuk siswa? Jumlah

pertemuan keg listening dalam 1 minggu / I semester

R: Untuk listening, jadwal atau programnya tidak terprogram dengan

baik, karena listening membutuhkan media dsb, ruang multimedia harus

antri. Jadi kegiatan listening belum bisa terencana. Kegiatannya tidak


3. Basis of listening activities

• Kegiatan mengajar listening anda berdasarkan/mengacu pada? (KTSP

sekolah, Buku pegangan, students’ ability / interest)

R: dari silabus

4. Learning techniques/strategies and activities

• Strategi / teknik apa saja yang dipakai dlm menyampaikan materi

(conversation, krj kelp/individu, listening kaset/film, reading, etc)



• Kegiatan apa saja yang dipakai dlm pembelajaran listening

(drills, tny-jwb, diskusi, pemecahan masalah, fill in te blank, respond


R: Siswa mendengarkan lagu lalu melengkapi missing lyrics. Keseringan

saya pakai Old songs, karena kalau lagu baru cenderung susah.

5. Choice of :

• Material

apa saja referensi yg anda gunakan untuk kegiatan listening

(film, buku listening, rekaman berita,lagu)

R: saya pernah pakai lagu dan rekaman dialogue.Untuk kelas 1 dan 2,

listening orally dari guru mereka, jarang memakai media. Karena

materi kelas 2 susah, membuat materi sendiri juga susah, medianya

juga terbatas. Jadi biasanya untuk listening hanya untuk intermezo,

misalnya listening to songs. Memang agak susah dikaitkan dengan

materi. Listening hanya untuk additional material.

• Media

- berapa media yang dipakai untuk mendukung kegiatan listening?

- Media apa yang di pakai ( gambar, foto, kaset, VCD, mp3)

- Fasilitas apa saja yang mendukung keg listening (yang tersedia: lab,

tape, kaset)?

R: fasilitas ada. misalnya ada tape tapi kondisinya kurang. Kaset ada

tapi ketersediaannya kurang dan hanya materi untuk kelas tiga. Kalau

buku yang khusus listening belum ada. Biasanya yang ada paketan

misalnya TOEIC. Kegiatan listening utk kelas 1 dan 2 jarang, listening

seringnya diberikan di kelas tiga untuk persiapan UAN.

6. Students’ characteristics

• Menurut anda, secara umum bagaimana kemampuan bhs. Inggris siswa

terutama listening skill? (Baik, cukup, kurang)

R: Dibanding jurusan yang lain, kemampuan mereka lumayan baik.



• Apakah siswa berada dlm Level of competence yang sama? (beginner)

R: Tidak

7. Students’ motivation

• Bagaimana minat and antusias siswa dalam mengikuti keg. Listening?

R: Siswa ada kepedulian untuk memperhatikan pelajaran.Sebernarnya

ketika listening, mereka lebih tertarik, karena jarang dilakukan. Siswa

merasa lebih fun ketika pelajaran listening, misalnya sing a song.

Minatnya lumayan besar.

8. Learning difficulties

• Ada kesulitan menyampaikan materi? Apa saja?

R: Ada beberapa:

1. listening benar-benar butuh persiapan. Kalau sumber secara orally

atau rekaman suara sendiri, kita harus bisa tahu apa yang kita katakan.

Tapi kalau rekaman native speaker, kita harus benar-benar tahu apa

yang mereka ucapkan.

2. kata-kata simple-pun siswa masih kesulitan untuk menangkap. Native

speaker omongannya kurang jelas. Siswa tidak terbiasa mendengarkan

omongan native speaker, vocabulary siswa kurang jadinya mereka tidak

bisa menebak atau mengira-ngira apa yang di ucapkan.

Perbendaharaan kata siswa juga kurang.

• Apakah siswa kesulitan menerima materi?

R: Iya

9. Students’ needs

• Aktivitas dan materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan

listening skill siswa?

• Menurut anda, apakah materi ESP yang spesifik dgn program keahlian

mereka akan membantu siswa? Ya / tidak, kenapa?



R: Kendala di sini adalah English di sini masih general english. Kalau

untuk materi yang lebih spesifik, mungkin mbak akan lebih tahu bila

tanya ke guru jurusan, mereka lebih tahu apa yang dipelajari siswa.

10. Expectation toward this study

Harapan anda terhadap penelitian ini…

R: Saya harap hasil penelitian mbak bisa bermanfaat



Questions Outline for Interviewing Students

1. Questions about listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali mendapat pelajaran listening?

• Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapat ketika pelajaran listening?

(drilling, tanya-jwb, diskusi, fill in the blanks, listen to


• Apakah kamu merasa enjoy dengan kegiatan listening?

• Apa yang membuat kamu merasa enjoy / tidak enjoy dengan kegiatan

listening? (materinya sesuai dengan kemampuan, ada game, song,

kegiatannya menarik, materi & penyampaiannya jelas,gurunya


• Bagaimana dengan kegiatan atau tugas2 yang diberikan guru?


• Ketika kegiatan listening, cara atau teknik apa yang lebih kamu suka?

(materi sesuai buku, ada game, songs)

• Menurut kamu, kegiatan listening apa saja yang kamu butuhkan untuk

meningkatkan kemampuanmu?

2. Questions about material, media and topic choice

• Materi apa saja yang diberikan guru ketika kegiatan listening?

• Materi di dapat dari ...

• Apakah materi listening yang diberikan menarik?

• Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening yang diberikan cocok dengan

kebutuhan / kemampuan siswa? (sudah, terlalu sulit /gampang, tdk


• Apakah kamu punya buku pegangan atau materi lain untuk menunjang

pelajaran listening?

• Menurut kamu, materi seperti apa yang kamu butuhkan?



• Apakah kamu membutuhkan materi listening yg spesifik ke program

DKV? Iya / tidak, kenapa?

• Apakah guru menggunakan media saat kegiatan listening?

Apa saja media yang dipakai?

• Apakah media yang tersedia atau yang sudah diberikan sudah

mendukung? kegiatan pembelajaran listening? Cukup / kurang?

• Apakah topic materi yang diberikan guru sudah sesuai dengan

kebutuhan siswa?

3. Questions about learning techniques and activities

Apakah materi listening di kelas sudah disampaikan dengan baik?

4. Questions about students’ strength and weakness

• Apakah kamu bisa menangkap pelajaran listening dengan baik?

• Kalau iya/ tidak, kenapa?

5. Questions about learning difficulties

• Menurut kamu, listening itu.... mudah/biasa saja/sulit?

• kalo sulit, kenapa?

(kurang konsentrasi kelas tidak kondusif, kosa kata terbatas, english

terdengar asing, penyampaian materi terlalu cepat/panjang, kurang

latihan, gugup tidak bisa mengikuti, malas, tidak mengerti, guru yang


• Apa yang kamu lakukan saat menemui kesulitan di pelajaran listening?

( tanya teman, guru, buka kamus, membiarkan, nebak)

• Apakah kamu melatih kemampuan listening kamu di luar jam sekolah?

Apa saja kegiatan & media yang dipakai? ( listening songs, films,

english news, recordings)



6. Questions about students’ motivation

a. Apakah kamu bersemangat / minat saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa


b. Bagaimana dengan kegiatan listening?

c. Apakah kamu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bhs inggris, terutama

saat pelajaran listening?

d. menurut kamu, apakah listening itu penting dalam penguasaan bhs

inggris? Kenapa?

7. Questions about expectation toward this study

Harapan kamu terhadap penelitian ini



Recording Transcript of Interview with students

(Student 1)

1. Questions about listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali mendapat pelajaran listening?

R: tidak tentu. Kalau untuk listening tergantung dengan materinya.

• Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapat ketika pelajaran listening?

R: sampai sekarang baru 1 kali listening, kegiatannya drilling. Kalau

yang memakai media seperti tape belum pernah. Kelas satu dulu

pernah, itupun mahasiswa PPL yang kasih kegiatan listening.

Kegiatannya mendengarkan lagu, dan recording telephone.

• Apakah kamu merasa enjoy dengan kegiatan listening?

R: enjoy saja. Kegiatan yang diberikan sampai sekarang sudah beri

manfaat, misalnya drilling. Dengan drilling kita jadi tahu cara

pelafalan kata yang tepat, kita bisa mengingat-ingat karena

penyampaiannya jelas.

• Apa yang membuat kamu merasa enjoy / tidak enjoy dengan kegiatan


R: Untuk pelajaran bhs inggris, saya meras enjoy karena saya suka

dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

• Bagaimana dengan kegiatan atau tugas2 yang diberikan guru?


R: Selama ini kegiatannya cukup menyenangkan. Lalu juga sudah

sesuai, kitanya juga bisa paham.

• Ketika kegiatan listening, cara atau teknik apa yang lebih kamu suka?

R: kalau saya lebih suka listening to story, karena kalau ada bagian-

bagian yang kurang jelas kita bisa ngira-ngira dari kata-kata yang

sebelumnya kita dengar. Listening songs juga lumayan suka, tapi

mungkin kadang lagunya tidak jelas.

• Menurut kamu, kegiatan listening apa saja yang kamu butuhkan untuk

meningkatkan kemampuanmu?



R: Kalau disini (SMKN 5), pelajaran bahasa Inggris masih kurang.

Skil-skil dalam bahasa Inggris saling melengkapi. Kalau satu nggak

bisa, yang lain juga nggak bisa. Pnginnya nggak cuma belajar materi

(teori /grammar aja) tapi juga belajar speaking dan listening.

Seharusnya, tiap pertemuan kegiatannya diganti-ganti, jangan hanya

materi(teori/grammar saja). Kita bisa melatih speaking atau listening

yang masih berkaitan dengan topik, malah lebih asyik. Kalau

belajarnya begini terus lama-lama bosen.

2. Questions about material, media and topic choice

• Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening yang diberikan cocok dengan

kebutuhan / kemampuan siswa?

R: Menurutku ada beberapa guru yang masih kurang efektif memilih

materi dan teknik mengajarnya. Tapi ada juga guru yang yang

tekniknya enak. Kita bisa ngedonk. Sebelum ngajar mereka kasih tahu

dulu kita mau belajar apa, lalu langkah-langkahnya, lalu dikasih

contoh detail, baru diberi latihan.

• Apakah kamu punya buku pegangan atau materi lain untuk menunjang

pelajaran listening?

R: enggak

• Apakah kamu membutuhkan materi listening yg spesifik ke program

DKV? Iya / tidak, kenapa?

R: Menurut aku, kayaknya enak kalau pelajaran listening berkaitan

dengan pelajaran DKV. Materi kayak gitu juga bantu kita dan seru

• Apakah guru menggunakan media saat kegiatan listening?

Apa saja media yang dipakai?

R: biasanya pakai tape recorder.

• Apakah media yang tersedia atau yang sudah diberikan sudah

mendukung? kegiatan pembelajaran listening? Cukup / kurang?

R: kalau menurut aku belum.



3. Questions about learning techniques and activities

Apakah materi listening di kelas sudah disampaikan dengan baik?

R: untuk penyampaian materi sudah lumayan.

4. Questions about students’ strengh and weakness

• Apakah kamu bisa menangkap pelajaran listening dengan baik?

R: bisa

5. Questions about learning difficulties

• Menurut kamu, listening itu.... mudah/biasa saja/sulit?

R: Kadang sulit, kadang mudah

• kalo sulit, kenapa?

R: Medianya nggak jelas suaranya, logat yang kita dengar beda, lalu

kosa kata yang kita tahu juga kurang.

• Apa yang kamu lakukan saat menemui kesulitan di pelajaran listening?

R: Tanya teman. Kalau mereka nggak tau, paling ya ngawur.

• Apakah kamu melatih kemampuan listening kamu di luar jam sekolah?

Apa saja kegiatan & media yang dipakai?

R: enggak

6. Questions about students’ motivation

a. Apakah kamu bersemangat / minat saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa


R: iya

b. Bagaimana dengan kegiatan listening?

R: iya, aku semanagt kalau listening.

c. Apakah kamu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bhs inggris, terutama

saat pelajaran listening?

R: lumayan aktif

d. menurut kamu, apakah listening itu penting dalam penguasaan bhs

inggris? Kenapa?



R: menurutku penting. Karena kalau kita mau ngomong pakai English

(percakapan), kita mesti ngerti dulu yang di omongin tu apa. Kalau

nggak biasa mendengar native, kan jadi aneh kalau mau percakapan.

Biar kita bisa ngomong.

7. Questions about expectation toward this study

Harapan kamu terhadap penelitian ini

R: Semoga materi yang nanti dibuat simple saja, biar semuanya bisa

ngerti dan bisa paham, biar nggak ada protes. Trus juga nggak




Recording Transcript of Interview with students

(Student 2)

1. Listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali mendapat pelajaran listening?

R: Bahasa Inggris ada 3 kali seminggu. Kalau listening tergantung

materi yang dikasih sama guru.

• Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapat ketika pelajaran listening?

R: waktu kelas satu kita dapat kegiatan listening lagu dan

conversation lewat telepon.

• Apakah kamu merasa enjoy dengan kegiatan listening?

R: lumayan enjoy

• Apa yang membuat kamu merasa enjoy / tidak enjoy dengan kegiatan


R: listening bisa untuk selingan, jadi tidak bosan

• Bagaimana dengan kegiatan atau tugas2 yang diberikan guru?


R: ada yang mudah, ada yang susah.

• Menurut kamu, kegiatan listening apa saja yang kamu butuhkan untuk

meningkatkan kemampuanmu?

R: kegiatan yang memakai media, misalnya film.

2. Material, media and topic choice

• Materi apa saja yang diberikan guru ketika kegiatan listening?

R: listening lagu, conversation

• Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening yang diberikan cocok dengan

kebutuhan / kemampuan siswa? (sudah, terlalu sulit /gampang, tdk


R: ada yang cocok tapi ada juga yang susah.

• Apakah kamu punya buku pegangan atau materi lain untuk menunjang

pelajaran listening?

R: tidak



• Apakah kamu membutuhkan materi listening yg spesifik ke program

DKV? Iya / tidak, kenapa?

R: Menurut aku bisa bantu kita belajar karena sesuai dengan jurusan


• Apakah guru menggunakan media saat kegiatan listening?

Apa saja media yang dipakai?

R: pakai tape

• Apakah media yang tersedia atau yang sudah diberikan sudah

mendukung? kegiatan pembelajaran listening? Cukup / kurang?

R: sudah memadai, cuma kalau untuk pelajaran bhs inggris belum

pernah memanfaatkan secara maksimal. Guru biasanya pakai tape,

tapi sepertinya kurang jelas.

3. Learning techniques and activities

Apakah materi listening di kelas sudah disampaikan dengan baik?

R: sudah lumayan

4. Students’ strength and weakness

Apakah kamu bisa menangkap pelajaran listening dengan baik?

R: lumayan bisa.

5. Learning difficulties

• Menurut kamu, listening itu.... mudah/biasa saja/sulit?

R: sedang-sedang saja

• kenapa?

R: Mudahnya kalau waktu menyusun kalimat, atau mendengarkan

omongan guru. Kita masih bisa paham. Susahnya kalau dengar orang

asing ngomong. Ngomongnya cepat banget, kadang ada yg

disambung-sambung, kita susah ngertinya.

• Apa yang kamu lakukan saat menemui kesulitan di pelajaran listening?

R: cari sendiri jawabannya.

• Apakah kamu melatih kemampuan listening kamu di luar jam sekolah?

Apa saja kegiatan & media yang dipakai?



R: Ya. Biasanya dari nonton film dan main game. Itu bisa bantu, aku

bisa nambah kosa kata baru

6. Students’ motivation

a. Apakah kamu bersemangat / minat saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa


R: Iya.senang saja dengan bahasa Inggris.

b. Bagaimana dengan kegiatan listening?

R: Iya, Listening juga suka juga.

c. Apakah kamu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bhs inggris, terutama

saat pelajaran listening?

R: lumayan aktif

d. menurut kamu, apakah listening itu penting dalam penguasaan bhs

inggris? Kenapa?

R: Penting. Karena listening itu dasar dari bahasa Inggris, dasar kita

buat speaking

7. Expectation toward this study

Harapan kamu terhadap penelitian ini

R: lebih baik materinya dibuat simple saja mbak.Bisa ditambah film biar

kita bisa dibantu dengan gambar visual.



Recording Transcript of Interview with students

(Student 3)

1. Listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali mendapat pelajaran listening?

R: untuk Bahasa Inggris seminggu 3 kali, gurunya beda-beda. Kalau

listening tidak tentu. Belum ada pertemuan khusus buat listening.

Paling kalau ada, yang beri mahasiswa PPL. Sampai sekarang si

belum ada hari khusus untuk listening. Paling kegiatan listening

digabung dengan skill-skil lain yang sesuai dengan materi pada hari


• Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapat ketika pelajaran listening?

R: mendengarkan rekaman percakapan, sama lagu.

• Apakah kamu merasa enjoy dengan kegiatan listening?

R: Enjoy, saya senang sekali dengan listening

• Bagaimana dengan kegiatan atau tugas2 yang diberikan guru?


R: Menyenangkan. Tiap guru kasih skill yang berbeda.

• Ketika kegiatan listening, cara atau teknik apa yang lebih kamu suka?

(materi sesuai buku, ada game, songs)

R: Bermain dan belajar. Lalu pakai media misalnya pakai tape ato


• Menurut kamu, kegiatan listening apa saja yang kamu butuhkan untuk

meningkatkan kemampuanmu?

R: Buat aku, mungkin kegiatannya perlu dirutinkan. Misalnya dari 3

kali pertemuan, ada 1 kali pertemuan khusus buat listening. Materinya

juga yang asyik, nggak bikin jenuh. Kalau rutin, siswa juga bisa

persiapan sebelum kegiatan.

2. Material, media and topic choice

• Materi apa saja yang diberikan guru ketika kegiatan listening?

R: Songs, rekaman percapakan, film



• Apakah materi listening yang diberikan menarik?

R: iya

• Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening yang diberikan cocok dengan

kebutuhan / kemampuan siswa?

R: Sudah sesuai karena sudah ada standarnya.

• Apakah kamu punya buku pegangan atau materi lain untuk menunjang

pelajaran listening?

R: tidak.

• Apakah kamu membutuhkan materi listening yg spesifik ke program

DKV? Iya / tidak, kenapa?

R: menurutku iya. Bisa membantu skill listening,sekaligus bantu

pelajaran di jurusan kita.

• Apakah media yang tersedia atau yang sudah diberikan sudah

mendukung? kegiatan pembelajaran listening? Cukup / kurang?

R: Sudah cukup,memadai, cuma kesempatan untuk bisa belajar disitu

(ruang multimedia) kurang. Tiap jurusan bisa beda-beda

kesempatannya. Ada yang sering pakai ruang multimedia, ada yang


3. Learning techniques and activities

Apakah materi listening di kelas sudah disampaikan dengan baik?

R: Sudah. Gurunya enak, materinya juga gampang dipahami

4. Students’ strength and weakness

Apakah kamu bisa menangkap pelajaran listening dengan baik?

R: bisa

5. Learning difficulties

• Menurut kamu, listening itu.... mudah/biasa saja/sulit?

R: gampang-gampang susah mbak

• kalo sulit, kenapa?

R: Kadang pelafalannya yang susah dimengerti, tapi ketika di ulang-

ulang akhirnya bisa tahu juga. Jadi nggak ada kesulitan khusus sih.



• Apakah kamu melatih kemampuan listening kamu di luar jam sekolah?

Apa saja kegiatan & media yang dipakai?

R: iya. Biasanya nonton film, atau mendengarkan musik.

6. Students’ motivation

a. Apakah kamu bersemangat / minat saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa


R: iya

b. Bagaimana dengan kegiatan listening?

R: iya

c. Apakah kamu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bhs inggris, terutama

saat pelajaran listening?

R: iya

d. menurut kamu, apakah listening itu penting dalam penguasaan bhs

inggris? Kenapa?

R: iya. Menurutku semua skill itu penting. Tapi kalau listening yang

paling penting. Dari kita nggak tahu sama sekali, kita dengar terus-

menerus dan akhirnya paham arti sama cara pengucapannya.

Listening yang terus-menerus bisa sangat bantu kita supaya lancar

memakai bahasa Inggris.

7. Expectation toward this study

Harapan kamu terhadap penelitian ini

R: materinya bisa pakai film, misalnya film-film fotografi. Atau pakai

video clip yang bisa bantu kita paham dengan materinya.



Recording Transcript of Interview with students

(Student 4)

1. Listening activities in class

• Dalam seminggu, berapa kali mendapat pelajaran listening?

R:pelajaran listening biasanya digabung dengan skill lain.

• Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapat ketika pelajaran listening?

R: mendengarkan rekaman percakapan, song, drilling kata-kata

biasanya digabung dengan kegiatan speaking.

• Apakah kamu merasa enjoy dengan kegiatan listening?

R: Enjoy aja. Sayangnnya listening jarang. Paling sering pelajaran

teori (grammar) atau speaking.

• Bagaimana dengan kegiatan atau tugas2 yang diberikan guru?


R: cukup menyenangkan.

• Ketika kegiatan listening, cara atau teknik apa yang lebih kamu suka?

R: kegiatan yang ada gamenya. Kalau untuk listening, aku suka

listening song,atau film biar lebih seru dan nggak bosen. Klo yang

udah pernah dan asyik, kegiatan listening sekaligus speaking.

2. Material, media and topic choice

• Materi apa saja yang diberikan guru ketika kegiatan listening?

R: materi hapalan, lagu

• Apakah materi listening yang diberikan menarik?

R: Menarik

• Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening yang diberikan cocok dengan

kebutuhan / kemampuan siswa?

R: Sudah sesuai,karena materinyasudah dipelajari waktu SMP, jadi di

SMK cuma mengulang untuk lebih memperdalam lagi.

• Apakah kamu punya buku pegangan atau materi lain untuk menunjang

pelajaran listening?



R: nggak

• Apakah kamu membutuhkan materi listening yg spesifik ke program

DKV? Iya / tidak, kenapa?

R: menurutku butuh, karena bisa bantu kita.

• Apakah media yang tersedia atau yang sudah diberikan sudah

mendukung? kegiatan pembelajaran listening? Cukup / kurang?

R: menurutku sudah cukup

• Apakah topic materi yang diberikan guru sudah sesuai dengan

kebutuhan siswa?

R: sudah sesuai karena memang listeningnya disesuaikan dengan

topik. Klo song hanya untuk selingan.

3. Learning techniques and activities

Apakah materi listening di kelas sudah disampaikan dengan baik?

R: sudah

4. Students’ strength and weakness

Apakah kamu bisa menangkap pelajaran listening dengan baik?

R: Sedikit-sedikit, banyak susahnya.

5. Learning difficulties

• Menurut kamu, listening itu.... mudah/biasa saja/sulit?

R: susah

• kalo sulit, kenapa?

R: kalau ada listening, suaranya ada yg nggak jelas, logatnya juga

beda,pelafalannya beda.

• Apa yang kamu lakukan saat menemui kesulitan di pelajaran listening?

( tanya teman, guru, buka kamus, membiarkan, nebak)

R: Tanya teman

• Apakah kamu melatih kemampuan listening kamu di luar jam sekolah?

Apa saja kegiatan & media yang dipakai?

R: enggak



6. Students’ motivation

a. Apakah kamu bersemangat / minat saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa


R: Lumayan. Kadang guru dengan teknik ngajarnya yang kurang sreg.

Kadang ada juga yang penyampaiannya terlalu cepat.

b. Bagaimana dengan kegiatan listening?

R: lumayan

c. Apakah kamu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran bhs inggris, terutama

saat pelajaran listening?

R: lumayan

d. menurut kamu, apakah listening itu penting dalam penguasaan bhs

inggris? Kenapa?

R: menurutku semuanya penting.. Listening bantu kita supaya bisa

lancar speaking

7. Expectation toward this study

Harapan kamu terhadap penelitian ini

R: mbak bisa buat materi yang ada percakapan, story, atau lagu



Hal : Permohonan Pengisian Kuisioner Lampiran : 1. Gambaran Umum (General Description) 2. Modul Materi Siswa 3. Silabus Bahasa Inggris 4. RPP (Lesson Plan) 5. Lembar kuisioner


Bapak/Ibu ........................

Di tempat

Dengan hormat, Saya di bawah ini sebagai mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta Nama : Yohanna Kurnitta Parama Lestari

NIM : 051214133

Fakultas : Keguruan and Ilmu Pendidikan

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

hendak menyelesaikan skipsi/tugas akhir dengan judul

“Designing English Listening Material for the Second Year Students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta”.

Untuk keperluan penyelesaian tugas akhir tersebut, saya memohon Bapak/Ibu untuk

menilai dan memberikan pendapat terhadap materi yang telah saya susun dengan

mengisi lembar kuisioner terlampir.

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya buat. Atas kesediaan bapak/ibu, saya ucapkan

terima kasih.

Yogyakarta, Januari 2010

Mengetahui, Hormat saya, Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M. Hum. Yohanna Kurnitta PL




Studi ini berjudul “Designing English Listening Material for the Second Year

Students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5

Yogyakarta”. Inti dari studi ini adalah menyusun materi listening untuk siswa kelas

2 / XI program Design Komunikasi Visual (DKV) SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta.


Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penyusunan materi ini yaitu:

1. membantu siswa agar semakin familiar dengan kegiatan listening terutama

materi-materi yang berkaitan dengan program DKV

2. membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan mendengarkan percakapan

maupun text lisan dalam bahasa Inggris.

3. membantu guru bahasa Inggris SMK N5 Yogyakarta untuk menyediakan

materi listening yang sesuai dengan kemampuan para siswa.


Design materi disusun berdasarkan kurikulum yang digunakan oleh SMKN 5

Yogyakarta yaitu KTSP 2006 dan juga Silabus Bahasa Inggris yang telah dissun

oleh penulis. Penulis menyusun Silabus Bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari 8 unit

atau topik dengan alokasi waktu 90 menit untuk setiap unit (Silabus dapat dilihat

pada lampiran silabus). Untuk studi ini, penulis menyusun materi listening yang

terdiri dari 3 unit. Berikut adalah 3 topik yang disusun:

Unit Topik Judul

1 People’s Job Jobs in Visual Communication design Program

2 Past Events Childhood Memory

3 Describing Process How does a Camera Work?

Setiap unit terdiri dari beberapa sub unit kegiatan, yaitu: Introduction, Pre-

Task, Language Focus, Main Task, dan Post task.

Introduction merupakan bagian pengantar materi yang mengajak siswa masuk

ke dalam topik bahasan serta mengenalkan kosakata dan ekspresi yang akan



digunakan dalam topik tersebut. Pengantar bisa berbentuk kegiatan tanya –

jawab,menonton video, atau mebrikan pendapat mengenai gambar yang berkaitan

dengan topik. Pre Task merupakan kegiatan yang menyediakan contoh rekaman

atau text lisan dan juga latihan untuk menerapkan kosakata dan ekspresi yang

telah didapat dari bagian pengantar. Latihan berupa kegiatan menjawab

pertanyaan, mengisi kata yang hilang, atau mengidentifikasi ekspresi yang

digunakan dalam rekaman/text lisan.

Language Focus bertujuan menyampaikan lebih detail tentang ekspresi

maupun tata bahasa (grammar) yang digunakan dalam setiap topik. Bagian ini

juga menyediakan latihan (grammar excercies) untuk siswa. Main Task

merupakan kegiatan utama di setiap topik. Pada bagian ini, siswa akan

mendengarkan rekaman atau menonton video, kemudian siswa diminta menjawab

pertanyaan atau menceritakan kembali cerita dalam rekaman. Kegiatan ini

bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh siswa memahami topik yang sudah

diberikan. Post Task adalah kegiatan terakhir yang memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk menerapkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari dalam konteks hidup

sehari-hari. Siswa dapat menampilkan role play, simulasi, monolog, atau kegiatan

yang lain.




Evaluation of Listening Materials for the Second Year Students of visual

Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta

Participant’s Identity

Name : ……………………………………………………..

Sex : Male / Female

Educational background : S1 / S2 / S3

Teaching Experiences : ……… years


The questionnaire consists of two parts: Part I and Part II.

Part I is the section where you are expected to state your evaluation toward the designed

materials by choosing one of the opinions.

Part II is interview section where the designer would ask some questions and you are

expected to give opinion and/or suggestions orally.

Part I

You are expected to choose one of the opinions by putting a tick (√ ) the number

which indicates your degree of agreement. The number and the degree of agreement

can be categorized as follows:

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Doubt

4 Agree

5 Strongly Agree



No Lecture’s / teacher’s evaluation on … Degree of Agreement

1 2 3 4 5

1 The standard competencies of the designed

materials are well formulated

2 The indicators are well formulated

3 The listening materials are match with the

competencies and indicators

4 The materials are relevant to visual

communication design program.

5 The materials are relevant to the students’

knowledge and skill level.

6 The level of difficulty of the designed

material is appropriate with what should be

given to the students.

7 The materials are able to help the students

develop their listening skill.

8 The tasks or activities in each unit are

relevant to topic in each unit.

9 The tasks or activities in each unit are well-


10 The tasks or activities in each unit can

facilitate the students to achieve the goals

and objectives.

11 The instruction in each task or activity is

clear enough to be understood by the


12 The tasks and activities are interesting and

various enough to motivate students.

13 The tasks and activities can help students to

understand the topic

14 The recording and spoken text are clear



No Lecture’s / teacher’s evaluation on … Degree of Agreement

1 2 3 4 5

15 Generally, the pictures and lay out provided

can help students to understand the lesson


16 Generally, the content of the designed

material is well elaborated

Part II

The following list is interview questions which will asked by the designer. You are

expected to give opinions and/or suggestions of the listening material orally.

1. What is/are comment(s) and opinion(s) about the overall designed listening


2. What are the strengths of the designed listening materials?

3. What are the weaknesses of the designed listening materials?

4. What are your suggestions and/or critics toward the designed listening materials?
















Questionnaire for the second year students of Visual Communication Design Program in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta

Nama : Kelas : Tanggal :

1. Topik apa yang kamu pelajari hari ini?



2. Kegiatan apa saja yang kamu dapatkan?





3. Apakah kegiatan listening hari ini menyenangkan?

a. Ya Alasannya: ............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

b. Tidak Alasannya:.............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Apakah materi listening hari ini menyenangkan?

a. Ya Alasannya: ............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

b. Tidak Alasannya:.............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Apakah materi listening hari ini mudah dipahami?

a. Ya b. Tidak

6. Apakah rekaman suara materinya jelas? a. Ya b. Tidak



7. Apakah instruksi / perintah /petunjuk di setiap kegiatan sudah jelas? a. Ya b. Tidak

8. Menurut kamu, apakah materi listening hari ini berkaitan dengan program DKV?

a. Ya

Alasannya: ............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

b. Tidak Alasannya:.............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Dari semua kegiatan (vocabulary activities, listening, questions part, dll)

yang kamu dapat, bagian mana yang paling menarik? Alasannya?




10. Dari semua kegiatan (vocabulary activities, listening, questions part, dll) yang kamu dapat, bagian mana yang paling sulit? Alasannya?


11. Tuliskan saran, komentar, dan/atau kritik atas kegiatan listening hari ini!









~~ Terima Kasih ~~
















English Listening Materials Using

Task Based Language Teaching for the Second

Years Students of Visual Communication Design

Program in SMK N5 Yogyakarta



English Syllabus (First Design)

English Listening Materials Using Task Based Language Teaching for the Second Year Students

of Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta.

School : SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta

Subject : English

Grade : XI

Semester : 2

Standard competence : communicate using English in elementary level



Unit 1 : Jobs in Visual Communication Design Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials Learning Activities T ime allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in daily context related to describing people’s job and educational background.

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in the spoken text accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Describe people’s job accurately.

- vocabulary: jobs and profession from DKV field

- related pictures - Recording materials - Video - Related text - Grammar : simple


1. Introduction - Introduce topic - Introduce vocabulary

2. Pre task - Listening or watching

video - Completing missing


3. Language focus - Grammar review: Simple present - Exercises

4. Main task - Listening to recording

of jobs description - Retell the recording

5. Post task - Make description of job (in group)

2 x 45’

Video: - Recorded text from: - - Books: - Understanding and

Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar.

- New interchange by Jack C Richards



Unit 2 : She graduated from… Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in daily context related to describing people’s job and educational background.

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in the spoken text accurately.

3. pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately

4. Retell the spoken text

5. describe people’s educational background accurately

- Vocabulary: related to educational background

- Related pictures - Sample of CV, job

advertisement, biography

- Recording

conversations - Movies, video - Grammar : past tense

1. Introduction - showing CV - introduce vocabulary and expressions

2. Pre task - listening to dialogue - answering questions

3. Language focus - Grammar review : Past tense - Exercise

4. Main task - listening recordings or

videos related to educational backgrounds of DKV

- retell the recordings 5. Post task

- make a biography and present it orally

2 x 45’

- video: - recording text - Books: English for life, Pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris SMK kls 3, penerbit Kanisius, New Interchange

- Sample of CV and biography



Unit 3 : Childhood Moments Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in form of narrative and descriptive expositions related to past events and future plans.

Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in narrative and descriptive expositions related to past events accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and descriptive exposition related to past events.

- Vocabularies and expressions related to past events

- Related texts

and pictures - Recordings of

childhood experience

- Movies, video - Grammar : simple past

1. Introduction - watch video /showing

picture - introduce vocabularies

2. Pre task - listening to recording - answering questions

related to events in the recording

3. Language focus: - Grammar review:

Past tense - Exercises

4. Main task - listening recording or

watching video - retell the letter or film

5. Post task Share memorable childhood moments.

2 x 45’

Video: - Recording text from:

Books: - General basic 2 from

Yayasan LIA



Unit 4 : I’m going to … Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in form of narrative and descriptive expositions related to past events and future plans.

Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify language features used in narrative and descriptive expositions related to future plans accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Retell the spoken text.

5. Present narrative or/and descriptive exposition related to future plans.

- Related vocabularies and expressions

- Recording of

dialogue, news, etc

- Movie, songs - Grammar:

future tense

1. Introduction - asking students to make

brief planning - introducing vocabularies

2. Pre task - listening or watching video

about future plans - answering questions /

discussion 3. Language focus

- Grammar : future tense - exercise

4. Main task - listening to dialogue or

watching film - retell the dialogue or films

5. Post task Make dialogue or role play about future plans after graduating from school

2 x 45’

- Video or film - Recording text Books: - Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK kls 2& 3 penerbit Kanisius; - Window on the world; English First 3



Unit 5 : Join us! Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in daily context that involves expressions about invitations and opinions.

Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in inviting, accepting and refusing invitation accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. respond the expressions accurately

5. Use the expressions of inviting, and accepting or refusing invitations accurately

- Expressions used to invite someone, to accept and refuse invitation

- Related vocabularies

- Recording dialogue, video, movie

- Example of invitation card

- Grammar: related expressions

1. Introduction - Asking how to invite - Introduce vocabularies

2. Pre task - Listening to a conversation - Answering questions

3. Language focus - Grammar review: Expressions use to invite, accept, and refuse - Exercises

4. Main task - Listening dialogue / watching movie or video - Retell or respond the dialogue or movie

5. Post task Make role play about invitations

2 x 45’

- video - recording text - invitation cards -books: Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK kls 3, penerbit Kanisius, Pathway to English, New interchange, General Basic two from Yayasan LIA



Unit 6 : You’re right! Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in daily context that involves expressions about invitations and opinions.

Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions

related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in giving opinion, agreement and disagreement accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of giving opinions, agreement and disagreement accurately

- Expressions used to give opinions, express agreement and disagreement

- Related vocabulary and pictures

- Grammar : related expressions

- Recording dialogue, video

1. Introduction - Asking opinion about

someone’s art design - introduce vocabulary

and expressions 2. Pre task

- listening to dialogue - answering questions or discussing opinion from the dialogue

3. Language focus - Grammar review: Expressions use to give opinion, to agree or disagree -Exercises

4. Main task - listening to recordings - give respond about opinions on the recordings or video

5. Post task - Make role play of giving


2 x 45’

- video - recording text -books: Task Reading, The Brigde English Competence 2



Unit 7 : “How does a camera work?” Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media

Understanding interpersonal conversation and transactional spoken text in daily context that involves expression about describing process and announcement.

Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in describing process accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of describing process accurately

- expressions used to describe process

- vocabulary: part of camera and terms in photography

- related text and picture about camera

- video, recording

1. Introduction - Showing pictures or

watching short video - Introducing vocabulary

and expressions 2. Pre task

- Listening to recording - Answering questions

3. Language focus - Grammar review:

Expression used to describe process

- Exercises 4. Main task

- Listening to recording - Retell the process

5. Post task Make role play or simulation to describe a process

2 x 45’

Video: - Recording text from: - - -

uk Books: - Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK kls 2, penerbit Kanisius



Unit 8 : Attention please! Time allocation : 2 x 45’ (90 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media



conversation and


spoken text in

daily context

that involves

expression about


process and


Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify and mention expressions used in the announcement accurately.

3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately.

4. Respond the expressions accurately.

5. Use the expressions of making announcement accurately

- expressions used

in the announcement

- recording dialogue or video

- related pictures - related

vocabulary - example of


1. Introduction - Example of announcement - Introduce the vocabulary

and expressions

2. Pre task - listening a dialogue or watching a video - answering questions

3. Language focus

- Grammar review : Expressions used in the announcement

- exercise

4. Main task - listening the recordings or

watching a film - respond the announcement

5. Post task

- make a role play about announcement

2 x 45’

- video - recording of a dialogue

- Samples of announcement, taken from



English Syllabus (The Final Design)

English Listening Materials Using Task Based Language Teaching for the Second Year Students

of Visual Communication Design Program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta.

School : SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta

Subject : English

Grade : XI

Semester : 2

Standard competence : communicate using English in elementary level



Unit 1 : Jobs in Visual Communication Design Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short

spoken functional

text and monolog

in the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about


people’s job and



Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the

main idea of the spoken text.

3. Identify

detailed information from the spoken text.

1. Terms related to the professions in visual communication design

2. Words, terms

used in the recording texts.

3. Related texts

about description of professions in visual communication design program

4. Mind maps

1.Greetings+ introduction 2.Get Ready

- Activity 1: Completing the mind maps of professions

- Activity 2: Describing the professions - Activity 3: Matching words with their

synonyms 3.Work It

- Activity 4: Listening the recording, choose the correct words and matching the descriptions with correct professions.

- Activity 5: Listening the recording and completing the paragraph.

- Activity 6: Answering the questions and discussing the result

4.Let’s Do It - Activity 7: Describing one of the

professions 5.Closing

2 x 90’

Recorded text from: 1., 2. 3.



Unit 2 : Educational Background Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short

spoken functional

text and monolog

in the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about


people’s job and



Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the

main idea of the spoken text

3. Identify

detailed information from the spoken text

1. Words, terms related to educational background

2. Related pictures 3. Sample of CV,

job vacancies, biography

4. Recording

monolog 5. Movies or video

1. Greetings+ introduction

2. Get Ready - Activity 1: Mentioning educational

background from sample of CV or biography

- Activity 3: Matching words with their synonyms

3. Work It

- Activity 4: Listening the recording of biography

- Activity 6: Answering the questions and discussing the result

4. Let’s Do

- Activity 7: Listing educational background from the recording text

5. Closing

2 x 90’

- recording text - Books: English for life, Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

SMK kls 3, penerbit Kanisius, New Interchange

- samples of CV





Unit 3 : Popular Logos Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short

spoken functional

text and monolog

in the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about

past events and

future plans.

Students are able to: 1.Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2.Identify the main

idea of the spoken text.

3.Identify detailed

information from the spoken text

- Pictures of Logos

- Words,

terms used in the recording texts

- Related texts

about history of some logos

- Recording

texts - Related song

or video

1. Greetings+ introduction 2. Get Ready

- Activity 1: Answering questions and mentioning logos

- Activity 2: Matching words with their synonyms.

3. Work It - Activity 3: Listening the

brief information of logos and completing the information table

- Activity 4: Listening the song and completing its lyric.

- Activity 5: Listening the recording and completing the missing words.

- Activity 6: Answering comprehension questions

4. Let’s Do It - Activity 7: Answering the

questions in pairs 5. Closing

2 x 90’



Unit 4 : I’m going to … Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short

spoken functional

text and monolog

in the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about

past events and

future plans.

Students are able to: 1.Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2.Identify the main

idea of the spoken text.

3.Identify detailed

information from the spoken text

- Recording of

monolog - Related texts

about future plans

- Movie, video

or songs - Related words,

terms and pictures

1. Greetings+ introduction

2. Get Ready • Activity 1: making future

plans • Activity 2: matching

words with their synonyms

3. Work It

• Activity 3: Listening the recording about future plans

• Activity 4: Answering comprehension questions

4. Let’s Do It

Activity 5: Listing future plans based on the recording

5. Closing

2 x 90’

- Video or film

- Recording text

Books: - Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK kls 2& 3 penerbit Kanisius; - Window on the world; English First 3



Unit 5 : Would you like to come… Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media





conversation in

daily context

that involves



invitations and


Students are able to: 1. answer the questions

related to the conversation correctly

2. Identify expressions used to invite, accept and refuse invitation accurately.

3. Identify the meaning of the expressions used to invite, accept and refuse invitation.

4. Respond the invitations accurately

- Expressions used to invite someone, to accept and refuse invitation

- Related

words, terms and pictures

- Recording of

dialogue or video

- Example of

invitation card

1.Greetings+ introduction 2.Get Ready

- Activity 1: Using expressions to invite someone, to accept and refuse an invitation.

- Activity 2: matching words with their synonyms

3.Work It - Activity 3: Listening the dialogue

and completing with appropriate expressions.

- Activity 4: Answering the questions related to the dialogues.

- Activity 5: identifying expressions used in the dialogues and their meaning

4.Let’s Do It - Activity 6: practicing the dialogue

with partner 5.Closing

2 x 90’

Video and recording of dialogues Invitation cards taken from: Books: - Pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris SMK kls 3, penerbit Kanisius,

- Pathway to English, New interchange,

- General Basic two from Yayasan LIA



Unit 6 : You’re right! Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media






in daily

context that




invitations and


Students are able to: 1. Answer the

questions related to the conversation correctly.

2. Identify expressions used to give opinion, to express agreement and disagreement accurately.

3. Identify the meaning of the expressions used to give opinion, to express agreement and disagreement accurately.

4. Respond the opinions accurately.

- Expressions used to give opinions, express agreement and disagreement

- Related words,

terms and pictures

- Recording of

dialogue or video

1. Greetings+ introduction 2. Get Ready

- Activity 1: Using expressions used to give opinion, to express agreement and disagreement

- Activity 2: Matching words with their synonyms

3. Work It - Activity 4: Listening the dialogue

and choosing appropriate expressions

- Activity 5: Answering the questions related to the dialogues

- Activity 6: identifying expressions used in the dialogues and their meaning

4. Let’s Do It - Activity 7: practice the dialogue

with partner 5. Closing

2 x 90’

- video - recording of dialogue Books: - Task Reading - The Brigde English Competence 2



Unit 7 : “How does a camera work?” Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short


functional text

and monolog in

the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about


and describing


Students are able to: 1.Answer the

questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2.Identify the main idea of the spoken text.

3.Identify detailed information from the spoken text

1. Pictures of camera and its part

2. related terms of

camera and photography

3. Words, terms used

in the recording texts

4. Related texts

about camera 5. Recording texts

1.Greetings+ introduction 2.Get Ready

- Activity 1: Answering the questions

- Activity 2: Completing parts of a camera.

- Activity 3: Matching words with their synonyms

3.Work It - Activity 4: Listening the

recording; re- arranging the jumbled paragraph; and completing the passage.

- Activity 5: Answering comprehension questions

4. Let’s Do It - Activity 6: listening to a song

and completing its lyric - Activity 7: describing the

work of a camera 5.Closing

2 x 45’

Recording text from:


sCameraWork.html Books: - Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK kls 2, penerbit Kanisius



Unit 8 : Attention Please! Time allocation : 2 x 90’ (180 minutes)

Basic Competence

Indicators Learning Materials

Learning Activities Time allocation

Sources and/or media


meaning in short


functional text

and monolog in

the form of

simple narrative,

descriptive and

news item about


and describing


Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions

related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main

idea of the spoken text.

3. Identify detailed

information from the spoken text

- recording of monolog or video

- related pictures - related words

and terms - example of


1. Greetings+ introduction 2. Get Ready

- Activity 1: mentioning kinds of announcement and information included in the announcement

- Activity 2: Matching words with their synonyms

3. Work It - Activity 3: Listening the

recording and completing the table

- Activity 4: listening the recording and completing the announcement

- Activity 5: Answering the questions related to the recording

4. Let’s Do It Activity 6: listing down detailed information from activity 4

5. Closing

2 x 90’

- video - recording text - Samples of announcement, taken from



Lesson Plan

Institution : SMK N 5 Yogyakarta

Subject matter : English

Class : XI DKV Program

Standard Competence : Communicate using English in elementary level

Basic competence : Understanding meaning in short spoken functional text

and monolog in the form of simple narrative, descriptive

and news item about describing people’s job and

educational background.

Unit : 1

Topic : People’s Job

Title : Jobs in Visual Communication Design

Time allocation : 2 x 90’

A. Learning objective

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the spoken text

3. Identify detailed information from the spoken text

B. Materials

1. Terms related to the professions in visual communication design

2. Words, terms used in the recording texts.

3. Related texts about description of professions in visual communication

design program.

4. Recording texts.

5. Mind maps.



C. Sources

Recording texts were compiled and adapted from:,

(The articles were accessed on November 28, 2009)

D. Learning process

Meeting 1

Section Activity Time allocation

Greeting + Introduction

- Teacher greets the students. - Teacher introduces the topic.

5’ 10’

Get Ready

Activity 1 - Students complete the mind maps.


Activity 2 - Using the mind maps, students describe

the three professions (in pairs). - Some students shared their descriptions in

front of the class.


Activity 3 - Students match the words with their

synonyms. - Teacher discusses the result with students. - Students practice to pronounce the words.


Work It

Activity 4 - Students listen to the recording. - Students choose the correct words. - Students match the descriptions with the

correct professions. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson. - Teacher closes the meeting.




Meeting 2

Section Activity Time allocation

Greeting + Review - Teacher greets the students. - Teacher reviews activity 2 and 3 (briefly).

5’ 15’

Work It

Activity 5 - Students listen to the recording. - Students complete the missing words. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 6 - Students answer the questions related to

the passage (in pairs) - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Let’s Do It

Activity 7 - Students make group consist of 3-4

persons. - In group, students describe one of the three

professions using their own words. - Some groups come in front the class to

share their description


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson - Teacher closes the meeting




Lesson Plan

Institution : SMK N 5 Yogyakarta

Subject matter : English

Class : XI DKV Program

Standard Competence : Communicate using English in elementary level

Basic competence : Understanding meaning in short spoken functional text

and monolog in the form of simple narrative, descriptive

and news item about past events and future plans.

Unit : 2

Topic : Past events

Title : Popular Logos

Time allocation : 2 x 90’

A. Learning objective

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the spoken text

3. Identify detailed information from the spoken text

B. Materials

1. Pictures of logos

2. Words, terms used in the recording texts

3. Related texts about history of some logos

4. Recording texts

C. Sources

1.Recording texts were compiled and adapted from: - Articles assessed on February 11, 2010



- Articles accessed on February 12, 2010

- Articles accessed on Mach 1, 2010

D. Learning process

Meeting 1

Section Activity Time allocation

Greeting + Introduction

- Teacher greets the students. - Teacher introduces the topic.

5’ 10’

Get Ready Activity 1 - Students answer the questions. - Students mention companies/product that

used the logos. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 2 - Students match the words with their

synonyms. - Teacher discusses the result with students. - Students practice to pronounce the words.


Work It Activity 3 - Students listen to the recording. - Students complete the information table. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 4 - Students listen to the song. - Students complete the lyric of the song - Teacher discusses the result.


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson. - Teacher closes the meeting.




Meeting 2 Section Activity Time

allocation Greeting +

Review - Teacher greets the students. - Teacher reviews activity 2 and 3 (briefly).

5’ 15’

Work It

Activity 5 - Students listen to the recording. - Students complete the missing words of the

passage. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 6 - Students answer the questions related to

the passage (in pairs). - Teacher discusses the result with students


Let’s Do It

Activity 7 - Students make group consist of 3-4

persons. - In group, students answer the questions. - Some groups come in front of class to

share result.


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson. - Teacher closes the meeting.




Lesson Plan

Institution : SMK N 5 Yogyakarta

Subject matter : English

Class : XI DKV Program

Standard Competence : Communicate using English in elementary level

Basic competence : Understanding meaning in short spoken functional text

and monolog in the form of simple narrative, descriptive

and news item about announcement and describing process

Unit : 3

Topic : Describing Process

Title : How does a Camera Work?

Time allocation : 2 x 90’

A. Learning objective

Students are able to:

1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly.

2. Identify the main idea of the spoken text

3. Identify detailed information from the spoken text

B. Materials

1. Pictures of camera and its parts

2. Related terms of camera and photography

3. Words, terms used in the recording texts

4. Related texts about camera

5. Recording texts

C. Sources

1. Recording texts were compiled and adapted from:



(Accessed on December 2, 2009)



D. Learning process

Meeting 1

Section Activity Time allocation

Greeting + Introduction

- Teacher greets the students. - Teacher introduces the topic.

5’ 10’

Get Ready

Activity 1 - Students answer the questions. - Students share their answer with friends.


Activity 2 - Students complete the parts of a camera

(in pairs). - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 3 - Students match the words with their

synonyms. - Teacher discusses the result with students. - Students practice to pronounce the words.


Work It

Activity 4 - Students listen to the recording. - Students complete the passage. - Students re-arrange the paragraph. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson. - Teacher closes the meeting.




Meeting 2

Section Activity Time allocation

Greeting + Review - Teacher greets the students. - Teacher review activity 4 (briefly).

5’ 15’

Work It

Activity 5 - Students answer the questions related to

the passage (in pairs). - Teacher discusses the result with students


Let’s Do It

Activity 6 - Students listen to the song. - Students complete the lyric of the song. - Teacher discusses the result with students.


Activity 7 - Students make group consist of 3-4

persons. - In group, students describe the work of

the camera. - Some groups come in front of the class to

share their description.


Closing - Teacher concludes the lesson. - Teacher closes the meeting.






This Handbook was designed for the second year students of Visual

Communication Design Program in SMK N5 Yogyakarta. This book is the product

of second revision of the previous book. The material of this book was redesigned

based on evaluation, feedback, and suggestions from the expertise that was

obtained from the preliminary field testing and also from classroom


This handbook consists of three units. Each unit is divided into three

sections: “Get Ready”, “Work It”, and “Let’s Do It”.

“Get Ready” is the introduction and pre-task section to prepare students

for the main task/ main activity. This section consists of activities to introduce the

topic and exercises of vocabulary used in the topic. “Work It” is the main section

or the main task of the unit. In this section, students will listen to the recordings

and do some activities related to the recordings. “Let’s Do It” is the last section

of this handbook. In this section, there are activities where the students can apply

materials/information they have learnt to do the last task. “Work It” and “Let’s

Do” sections can be used as evaluation devices to measure students’ achievement

toward the lesson in each unit.

This book also provides Teacher’s Manual for each unit which gives

directions for the teachers and helps the teachers to use the handbook together

with the CD.

Hopefully, this handbook can be useful to improve students’ skills

especially listening skill and to help teachers conducting listening activities. I

open any comments or suggestions for the improvement of this handbook. Thank


Yohanna Kurnitta PL



Cover ………………………………………………………...…… 210

Preface …………………………………………………….…....... 211

Table of Contents ..………………………………………..…....... 212

Unit 1 ………………………………………………………..…… 213

Unit 2 ……………………………………………………….……. 219

Unit 3 ……………………………………………………….……. 226

Teacher’s Manual …………………………...………………..…...233

Teacher’s Manual for Unit 1 ………………………………..…….234

Teacher’s Manual for Unit 2 ………………………………...……238

Teacher’s Manual for Unit 3 ………………………………...……244

References …………………………………………………...……250





A. Get Ready • Activity 1

Here are some clues you can use: - what he/she does - things or equipment s/he uses to work - what course or educational program she/he should meet - what he/she makes

Complete the mind maps below with everything that you know related to the professions.

Graphic designer



………………… …………………


………………… …………………




………………… …………………


………………… …………………





………………… …………………


………………… …………………




• Activity 2

Based on the mind maps, describe these three professions using your own words

• Activity 3

- Match the underlined words in the sentences with their synonym in the box. - Practice to pronounce the underlined words correctly.

1. A self-employed

2. Students have

person is an independent worker, who works

independently of an employer.


3. Mr. John is a

to keep the school’s environment clean.

wage and salary

4. He has

worker in R&B Company. He gets monthly

salary from its company.


5. I have

plan to design the advertisement for the next

exhibition. Two weeks ago, he has prepared the detailed theme for his



6. After several part-time jobs, he is now got a

the technical skill of painting. I am able to draw using

hands skills and specialized computer software.



job in a house


Synonym Salaried (adj) Get, Pick up (v) Freelance (adj) Steady (adj) Responsibility (n) Complicated, Fancy (adj)

a. Graphic Designer ………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………… b. Illustrator ………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………… c. Photographer ………………………………………………………………………………




B. Work It! • Activity 4

- Listen to the recording and choose the correct words in the brackets. - Match the descriptions with the correct pictures of professions

Description 1 I use (image / images), typography and page (layouts / lie out) to promote a message. I create visual design, such as (advertisements / advertising), logos and other forms of materials. I should have skills on (digital design / graphic design), visual art, drawing and photography. I can work as a (freeman / freelance) or work in a company.

Description 2 I use my creativity and technical skills of (planting / painting) and drawing to communicate ideas, facts, and feelings. Mostly, I work as a freelance that’s work on the market such as for (magazines / magistracy), newspaper, and on commercial work like (brooch / brochures) and catalogue. I create the design using (land skills / hands skills) and also use (computer aided design / computer ails design) (CAD).

Description 3 I produce images that express specific message to the (pure / viewer). I should have both (ethical skill / technical skill) and creativity to created commercial and qualified (pictures / picker) with the (camp area / camera). I work in a specialized area such as in fashion, (wedding / welding), social importance, but not the general one. Usually, I work as a freelance.

Illustrator (Description … )

Graphic Designer (Description … )

Photographer (Description … )



• Activity 5 Complete the passage by choosing the words in the right column based on the recording you hear!

• Activity 6

Answer the following questions

1. What does the recording tell about? ………………………………………………………………………..…… 2. What is graphic designer? …………………………………………………………………………….. 3. How do graphic designers work? …………………………………………………………………………….. 4. What are the differences between self-employed and wage-and-salary

graphic design? …………………………………………………………………………..… 5. What kinds of course work that graphic designer should meet? …………………………………………………………………………..… 6. What kinds of other subjects that can give good point for graphic

designer? ………………………………………………………………………..……

What is a graphic designer?

Graphic designers are those who use ……………… levels of design to create ………………, illustration, logos, websites, and other visual materials for their clients.

Graphic designers can work alone or in a team. Their ……… depend on their job descriptions.

For those who are …………………, the job will depend on the orders they get. For …………………… graphic designers, they generally have more ………….. work.

Graphic designers should meet some required course work, which includes graphic design, …………, digital design, …………, and graphic form.

It is a good point if they can also …………… related subject such as illustration, 3-D design, fine art, …………………, photography, and film or television.

Adapted from (,28 November 2009)

fine art advertisement master self-employed advertising sophisticated wage-and salary painting visual art typography duties drawing stable



C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

• Glossary

Visual design : Design visual Images : gambar Typography : Tipografi; seni cetak tata huruf Layouts : Susunan ; tata ruang Advertising : periklanan Visual art : Seni rupa Fine art : Seni; seni murni Painting : Lukisan Drawing : gambaran Brochure : Brosur Catalogue : Catalog Hands skill : Keahlian tangan Computer aided Design (CAD)

: teknologi untuk membuat rencana gambar (merancang) dengan bantuan komputer

Viewer : penonton Technical skill : Keahlian teknis Graphic design : Design grafis Digital design : Design digital Graphic form : Bentuk grafis

• Make a group of 3-4 students • Make description of one of the three professions using your

own words • Use information you had got from the previous activities • Present or share your definition with the whole class




A. Get Ready • Activity 1

Which logos that you can recognize easily? Why?

Mention companies /products that use the logos below!



• Activity 2

1. The University of Health Sciences (UHS) organized a seminar on Saturday to commemorate

the World Mental Health Day.

2. Telephone instrument was invented by Alexander Graham Bell 1876. Bell announced his discovery

, first in lectures to Boston scientists.

3. The nelson Mandela International Day is a tribute

to South African anti-apartheid fighter.

4. The visitors of the exhibition can move on to enjoy snack and beverage

at Buzz Restaurant.

5. Class size will increase under the new scheme


6. You can recognize Doraemon easily, because he has distinctive


7. The supermarket tries to lure

customers with price discounts.

8. Students have to register

for the final exam by the end of May.

9. Paseo is a trademark

for a cleansing tissue.

no Synonym brand (n) celebrate, admire, remember (v) arrangement, pattern, layout (n) distinct, unique, special (adj) list, record, enlist (v) drink (n) salutation, appreciation, compliment (n) lead on, attract, catch (v) finding (n)

Match the underlined words in the sentences with their synonym in the table then practice to pronounce the underlined words correctly.



B. Work It! • Activity 3

Listen to the recording and complete the table by choosing the correct information.


1. 2. 3.


a. Shoes company b. Clothing


a. Fruit company b. Computer and

gadget company

a. TV channel b. Delivery channel

Created in

a. 1972 b. 1971

a. 1976 b. 1967

a. 1981 b. 1991


a. Caroline Davidson

b. John Davidson

a. Bob Janoff b. Rob Janoff

a. Frank Olinsky b. Prank Olinsky

The logo’s meaning

a. the wing of the

Greek Goodness

b. the swing of

Greek Goodness

a. to tribute the fruit

of the knowledge tree

b. to tribute the truth

of the three knowledge

a. flexible treatment

represent various genre of music

b. flexible judgment of

genre of music



Coca cola is one of the famous trademarks for soda drinks. Beside its popular logo, coca cola is also well-known for its jingle song. “Always Coca cola” was popularized by Joey Diggs and broadcasted in 1993.

Always Coca-Cola Joey Diggs "do do do do dood, do do do ,do do do do do do dood, always coca-cola (2x) Wherever there's a _______, there's always a flirt whenever there's school, there'll always be _______ wherever there's a beat, there's always a ______ whenever there's fun there's ________ coca-cola... yeah. "do do do do dood, do do do ,do do do do do do dood, always coca-cola (2x) The ______ will always shine, the birds will always ________ As long as there is thirst, there's always the real thing Coca-cola is always ________ Whenever there is fun, there's__________ coca-cola do do do do dood, do do do ,do do (coca-cola) do do do do dood, always coca-cola (ooh, ooh, oooh) do do do do dood, do do do ,do do (doo dood do do doooh) do do do do dood, always coca-cola (hey eh) taken from

• Activity 4

Listen to the song then fill in the missing words on the lyric below



• Activity 5

Listen to a recording and complete the blanks by choosing suitable words in the box.

1950 letters created famous

trademark beverage handwriting 1915

pure invented leather display

scheme lure medicine scene

Coca Cola’s Logo

It is one of the most …………… soft drink, but in the beginning,

it was not kind of ……………. It was …………… by John Pemberton as

a patent ……………. in 1885. He took his medicine to Jacob’s Pharmacy

and they judged the formula as excellent.

Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson,

………. its logo. The logo used the ……….. of Spencerian script that

was dominant form of formal …………….. in the United States during

the era. The red and white colored ………….. in the logo was kept

simple and distinctive to ……… young minds.

It got registered as a ………………. in 1887 and then become the

brand’s corporate identity. In …………., the logo was first advertised in

the Atlanta Journal and also appeared on the ………….. of Pemberton’s


Complied and adapted from ; ; and



1. Coca cola was invented as a drink. (…) 2. Coca cola logo was created by John Pemberton (…) 3. The logo became a trademark in 1987. (…) 4. The logo used handwriting letters that was usually used in that period. (…) 5. John Pemberton was a pharmacist. (…) 6. The passage talked about the invention of coca cola (…)

• Activity 6

Decide these statements whether it is true (T) or false (F)

C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

Answer the questions below in pairs!

• Glossary

Represent (v) : Menggambarkan / melambangkan Wing (n) : Sayap Greek Goodness (n) : Dewa Yunani Knowledge (n) : Pengetahuan Announce (v) : mengumumkan Channel (n) : Saluran (tv/radio) Treatment (n) : perlakuan made up (v) : Terbuat dari Flexible (adj) : Mudah disesuaikan Genre (n) : Aliran /macam famous/Well-know (adj) : Terkenal Invent / Create (v) : menciptakan Medicine (n) : obat Pharmacist (n) : Ahli farmasi Excellent (adj) : sempurna Letter (n) : Tulisan Handwriting (n) : Tulisan tangan Display (n) : pameran

1. Based on activity 3 and 4, which is the oldest logo? 2. In your opinion, what is the most interesting logo?

Give reasons and share them to your friend




A. Get Ready • Activity 1

Look at the picture and share the answers of the following questions with your friends.

• Activity 2

Look at the part of camera below and complete the statements below.

1. Optical element is ………………………………………….……………..

2. Chemical element is ………………………………....................................

3. Mechanical element is ……….……………………………………………

• What is this?

• Can you operate it?

• Mention essential parts of this camera!

Optical element

Mechanical element

Chemical element



• Activity 3

- Match the underlined words in the sentences with their synonym on the table.

- Practice to pronounce the underlined words correctly

1. A camera uses a piece curved

of lens.

2. A ray

of sunshine comes through the window.

3. The ball bounced off

the pot into the net.

4. The road bends

to the left after the first traffic light.

5. The company undergoes

rearrangement of the staffs.

6. A roll film should be developed

in a dark room.

7. He dyes

his white T-shirt into a black one.

8. She reserved

the car into parking area.

no Synonym undertake, experience(v) color, change the color of (v) to make photographs from a film(v) overturn, turn around (v) arched, curled, rounded(adj) glance off, reflect(v) beam of light(n) turn, curve(v)



How does a Camera Work?

(…) The (light / night) travels at different speeds, in different substances and for

this reason; the light slows down when it enters the lens. As a result, the light

(bands/ bends) when it enters the lens. The light bends again when it exits the

lens because parts of the light (weight/ wave) enter the (ail/ air) at different

places on the lens.

(…) The film is (dyed/ died) by the chemicals reaction and the negative image is

formed. When the image is printed, the negative image is (reserved/

reversed) to create a true positive printed image.

(…) In this illustration, we will use SLR (Single-lens reflex camera) because this

camera also (from/ forms) the basis for today’s digital models. Essentially, a

camera consists of three basic parts: an optical element - (the length / the

lens), a chemical element - (the filth /the film) and a mechanical element -

(the camera body itself).

(…) When the light exits the lens, it is projected onto the film (surface/ surfeit)

- that is the chemical element. The film is made up of minute light-sensitive

elements in which each element (undergo/ undergoes) a chemical reaction

when it is (expound /exposed) to light. When the roll film is developed, the

film undergoes another chemicals reaction that depends on the type of the


(…) The optical element is the lens. This is generally a (curbed /curved) piece

of glass or plastic. Its job is to take the (rays / reign) of light bouncing off an

object and redirect them so they come together to form a real image - that

looks just like the (scene / scheme) in front of the lens.

B. Work It

• Activity 4

Listen to the recording, and rearrange the jumbled paragraphs. On the second listening, complete the paragraph by choosing the correct words in brackets.



• Activity 5

Answer these following questions based on the passage in activity 4!

1. What does the passage tell about?


2. Mention three basic part of camera! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. What is/are the jobs of the lens? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Why does the light slow down when it enters the lens? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. When does the light bend? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

6. What happen when the light exits the lens? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. Mention chemical reactions that happen in the process! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

• Activity 7

Listen to the song then complete the missing words of the lyric at the next page.

A Photograph may keep long lasting memories in our life. The song you will listen is

a song about photographs which can play back sweet memories in the past.

“Photograph” is one single from Nicelback, a Canadian band. This song was

nominated as the best single in Juno Award 2006.



Photograph By Nickelback

Look at this photograph Every time I do it makes me …………. How did our eyes get so red And what the hell is on Joey's head And this is where I grew up I think the ………….. owner fixed it up I never knew we'd ever went without The second …………. is hard for sneaking out And this is where I went to …………… Most of the ………….. I had better things to do Criminal records says I've broke in twice I must have done it half a dozen times I ……………. if it's too late Should I go back and try to graduate Last …….. and now that it was back then If I was them I wouldn't let me in Oh oh oh oh God I....I Chorus: Every ………… of looking out the back door I have a photo ………… spread out on my bedroom floor It's hard to say, time to say it Goodbye, goodbye Every …………… of walking out the ………. door I found the photo of the …………..

Remember the old arcade Blew every

that I was looking for It's hard to say, time to say it Goodbye, goodbye

…………. that we ever made The cops seeing us hanging out They said somebody went and burned it down We used to listen to the ……… And sing along with every ……. we know We said someday we'd find out how it feels To ……. to more than just the steering wheel Kim's the first …….. I kissed I was so nervous that I nearly missed She's had a couple of ……. since then I haven't seen her since God knows when Oh oh oh oh God I...I Back to chorus I miss that ……., I miss the faces You can't erase it, you can't …………. it I miss it now, I can't believe it So hard to …………, So hard to leave it If I could I relive those days I know the one thing that would never change...... back to chorus Look at this photograph Every time I do it makes me ………… Every time I do it makes me taken from ALLYRICS.NET



C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

• Glossary

Optical element (n) : Elemen optik Chemical element (n) : Elemen kimia Mechanical element (n) : Elemen mekanis Lens (n) : Lensa Form (v) : membentuk Speed (n) : Kecepatan Substances (n) : Zat / bahan Slow down (v) : Melambat Exit (v) : Keluar Wave (n) : gelombang Air (n) : Udara Project (v) : memproyeksikan Surface (n) : Permukaan Light-sensitive element (n) : Elemen yang sensitif terhadap cahaya Expose (v) : Menyingkap terhadap cahaya Depend on (v) : Tergantung dari Print (v) : Mencetak

• Make a group consisting of 3-4 students

• Discuss in your group on how a camera works

then write the process using your own words




Unit 1 Jobs in Visual Communication Design

A. Get Ready • Activity 1

1. Ask students to complete the mind maps with everything that they know related to the professions.

2. Ask students to use clues provided in the module

3. The following are terms can be used to complete the mind maps

4. Ask students to share their mind maps • Activity 2

1. Ask students to describe the three professions based on the minds maps 2. Students may work in pairs or group. Students may have different

definitions. • Activity 3

1. Ask students to match the underlined words in the sentences below with their synonym on the box.

2. Discuss the result and then practice to pronounce them. 3. The answer keys are on the next page.

No Synonym 3 Salaried (adj) 5 Get, Pick up (v) 1 Freelance (adj) 6 Steady (adj) 2 Responsibility (n) 4 Complicated, Fancy (adj)

a. Graphic Designer : design, graphic form, typography, art, concept, visual, communicate, process, etc

b. Illustrator : painting, drawing, computer, images, print, imagination, etc c. Photographer: camera, picture, view, lighting, scene, studio, etc

Clues for the mind maps - what he/she does - things or equipment s/he uses to work - what course or educational program s/he should meet - what he/she makes



1. A self-employed

2. Students have

person is an independent worker, who works independently

of an employer.


3. Mr. John is a

to keep the school’s environment clean.

wage and salary

4. He has

worker in R&B Company. He gets monthly

salary from its company.


5. I have

plan to design the advertisement for the next exhibition.

Two weeks ago, he has prepared the detailed theme for his project.


6. After several part-time jobs, he is now got a

the technical skill of painting. I am able to draw using hands

skills and specialized computer software.


job in a house production.

B. Work It! • Activity 4

1. Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the correct words in the brackets

2. Play the recording two times. 3. After that, ask students to match the descriptions with the correct picture of

profession 4. Discus the result

Here is the transcript of the recordings

Description 1 I use (image / images), typography and page (layouts / lie out) to promote a message. I create visual design, such as (advertisements / advertising), logos and other forms of materials. I should have skills on (digital design / graphic design), visual art, drawing and photography. I can work as a (freeman / freelance) or work in a company.

Description 2 I use my creativity and technical skills of (planting / painting) and drawing to communicate ideas, facts, and feelings. Mostly, I work as a freelance that’s work on the market such as for (magazines / magistracy), newspaper, and on commercial work like (brooch / brochures) and catalogue. I create the design using (land skills / hands skills) and also use (computer aided design / computer ails design) (CAD).



• Activity 5

1. Ask students to listen to the recording and complete the passage by choosing

the words in the right column. 2. Play the recording two times. 3. Discuss the result.

Here is the transcript of the recording.

• Activity 6

1. After students have understood the passage in activity 5, ask them to answer

the following questions. 2. Students may be divided into groups consisting of 3-4 students.

What is a graphic designer?

Graphic designers are those who use sophisticated levels of design to create advertising, illustration, logos, websites, and other visual materials for their clients.

Graphic designers can work alone or in a team. Their duties depend on their job descriptions.

For those who are self-employed, the job will depend on the orders they get. For wage-and-salary graphic designers, they generally have more stable work.

Graphic designers should meet some required course work, which includes graphic design, typography, digital design, drawing, and graphic form.

It’s a good point if they can also master related subject such as illustration, 3-D design, fine art, visual art, photography, and film or television.

Adapted from (,28 November 2009)

Description 3 I produce images that express specific message to the (pure / viewer). I should have both (ethical skill / technical skill) and creativity to created commercial and qualified (pictures / picker) with the (camp area / camera). I work in a specialized area such as in fashion, (wedding / welding), social importance, but not the general one. Usually, I work as a freelance.



3. Discuss the answers (all the answers are provided in the passage).

C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

Here are the possible answers 1. What does the recording tell about?

The recording tells about the description of graphic designer or what graphic designer is.

2. What is graphic designer? (Par 1) Graphic designers are those who use sophisticated levels of design to create advertising, illustration, logos, websites, and other visual materials for their clients.

3. How do graphic designers work? (Par 2) They both can work together (in a team) and work alone (as a freelance)

4. What are the differences between self-employed and wage-and-salary graphic design? (Par 3) For self employed graphic designers, they job will depend on the orders they get. While for wage-and-salary graphic designers, they have more stable work

5. What kinds of course work that graphic designer should meet? (Par 4) Graphic designers should meet some required course work, which includes graphic design, typography, digital design, drawing, and graphic form.

6. What kinds of other subjects that can give good point for graphic designer? (Par 5) subject that can give good point for graphic designer: illustration, 3-D design, fine art, visual art, photography, and film or television.

- Ask students to make a group consisting of 3-4 students. - Ask them to make description of one of the three professions using their own

words. - Ask 2 or 3 groups to present or share their definition to the whole class.



Unit 2 Popular Logos

A. Get Ready • Activity 1 Ask students to choose which logo they can recognize easily and ask the reason Ask students to mention companies / products that use the logos below

• Activity 2

Federal Express (Delivering packages company) Nike (shoes company) the coca cola company

Sony Erricson Warner Bross Apple Inc. (Mobile phone Company) Entertainment incorporated (Computer Company)

Roxy (clothing distro) Nestle (Food Company) Garuda Indonesia (flight company)

Mc Donald’s Philips (lamp company) Walt Disney (fast food restaurant) (Entertainment incorporated)

Ford (car) MTV (Music Television) Red bull Kratingdaeng (drink supplement)

United Parcel Service Microsoft Starbucks Coffee (Package Delivery Company)



1. The University of Health Sciences (UHS) organized a seminar on Saturday to commemorate

2. Telephone instrument was invented by Alexander Graham Bell 1876. Bell announced his

the World Mental Health Day.

discovery3. The nelson Mandela International Day is a

, first in lectures to Boston scientists. tribute

4. The visitors of the exhibition can move on to enjoy snack and

to South African anti-apartheid fighter.


5. Class size will increase under the new

at Buzz Restaurant.

scheme6. You can recognize Doraemon easily, because he has

. distinctive

7. The supermarket tries to voice.

lure8. Students have to

customers with price discounts. register

9. Paseo is a for the final exam by the end of May.


for a cleansing tissue.

B. Work It! • Activity 3

no Synonym 9 brand (n) 1 celebrate, admire, remember (v) 4 arrangement, pattern, layout (n) 6 distinct, unique, special (adj) 8 list, record, enlist (v) 4 drink (n) 3 salutation, appreciation, compliment (n) 7 lead on, attract, catch (v) 2 finding (n)

- Ask students to match the underlined words with their synonym. - Discus the result and practice to pronounce them - Here is the answer keys

- Ask students to complete the table by choosing correct alternative information based on the recording.

- Play the recording one or two times and discuss the result. - The table and the transcript are in the next page.




1. 2. 3.



Shoes company

b. Clothing company

a. Fruit company b.


Computer and gadget company

TV channel

b.Delivery channel

Created in

a. 1972 b.



a. 1976

b. 1967

1981 b. 1991


a. a. Bob Janoff b.

Caroline Davidson

b. John Davidson

a. Prank Olinsky b. Rob Janoff Frank Olinsky

The logo’s meaning


a. to tribute the truth

of the three knowledge


the wing of the Greek Goodness

b. the swing of

Greek Goodness


to tribute the fruit of the knowledge tree

flexible treatment represent various genre of music

b. flexible judgment

of genre of music

1. The Swoosh Nike was designed by Caroline Davidson in June 1971. The logo represents the wing of the Greek Goodness and becomes well-know symbol for Running Shoes Company.

2. The apple logo was re-designed by Rob Janoff to change the previous symbol. It was created in 1976 to commemorate the discoveries of gravity and to tribute the fruit of the tree of knowledge in Adam and Eve’s story.

3. MTV logo was created by Frank Olinsky with his team of Manhattan design. This logo was announced together with the channel in 1981.The logo was made up from a large capital letter “M” and lower-case “tv”. The various treatments of this logo made it so flexible that represent various genre of music.



Waving Flag By K’naan Ooooooh Wooooooh Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud In the streets our head are lifting’, as we lose our inhibition, Celebration it surrounds us, every nations, all around us # Singing forever young, singing songs underneath that sun Let’s rejoice in the beautiful game And together at the end of the day. We all say Chorus: When I get older I will be stronger They’ll call me freedom Just like a waving flag And then it goes back And then it goes back And then it goes back And then it goes back (2x) Oooooooooooooh woooooooooohh hohoho Give you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take you higher See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud In the streets our head are lifting, as we lose our inhibition, Celebration, it surrounds us, every nations, all around us Back to # then chorus Wooooooooo Ohohohoooooooo ! OOOoooooh Wooooooooo We all say! Back to chorus 2x Wooo hooooo hohohohoooooo And everybody will be singing it Wooooooooo ohohohooooo And we are all singing it Taken from

Always Coca-Cola Joey Diggs "do do do do dood, do do do ,do do do do do do dood, always coca-cola (2x) Wherever there's a pool, there's always a flirt whenever there's school, there'll always be homework wherever there's a beat, there's always a drum whenever there's fun there's always coca-cola... yeah. "do do do do dood, do do do ,do do do do do do dood, always coca-cola (2x) The stars will always shine, the birds will always sing As long as there is thirst, there's always the real thing Coca-cola is always the one Whenever there is fun, there's always coca-cola do do do do dood, do do do ,do do (coca-cola) do do do do dood, always coca-cola (ooh, ooh, oooh) do do do do dood, do do do ,do do (doo dood do do doooh) do do do do dood, always coca-cola (hey eh) taken from

• Activity 4

- Ask students to listen to the song and complete the missing lyric. - Play the song then discuss the result. - Here is the complete lyric.



• Activity 5

1950 letters Created Famous

trademark Beverage handwriting 1915

pure Invented leather display

scheme lure medicine scene

Coca Cola’s Logo

It is one of the most famous soft drink, but in the beginning, it

was not kind of beverage. It was invented by John Pemberton as a patent

medicine in 1885. He took his medicine to Jacob’s Pharmacy and they

judged the formula as excellent.

Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson,

created its logo. The logo used the letters of Spencerian script that was

dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States during the era.

The red and white colored scheme in the logo was kept simple and

distinctive to lure young minds.

It got registered as a trademark in 1887 and then become the

brand’s corporate identity. In 1915, the logo was first advertised in the

Atlanta Journal and also appeared on the display of Pemberton’s


Complied and adapted from ; ; and

- Ask students to listen to the recording and complete the missing words by choosing appropriate words provided in the box.

- Play the recording two times then discuss the result. - Here is the transcript of recording.



• Activity 6

1. Coca cola was invented as a drink. ( F )

2. Coca cola logo was created by John Pemberton ( F )

3. The logo became a trademark in 1987. ( F )

4. The logo used handwriting letters that was usually used

in that period. ( T )

5. John Pemberton was a pharmacist. ( T )

6. The passage talked about the invention of coca cola ( F )

C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

- Ask students to answer these questions in pairs.

- Teacher may discuss the result together. - Teacher also can ask two or three pairs to share their answer in front of the


1. Based on activity 3 and 4, which is the oldest logo? 2. In your opinion, what is the most interesting logo? Give reasons

and share them to your friend

- Ask students to decide the statements whether it is true (T) or false (F) based on the passage in the previous activity.

- Discuss the result briefly.



Unit 3 How does a Camera Work?

A. Get Ready • Activity 1

• Activity 2

Here are the possible answers 1. Optical element is the lens

2. Chemical element is the film

3. Mechanical element is/are the camera body / parts of camera body

(Teacher can see the parts of camera body in the next page)

1. Ask students to look at the camera picture then answer the questions. 2. Discuss the students’ answer briefly.

1. Ask students to look at the picture of part of camera 2. Ask students to answer the questions in pair.

The lens

Camera body / parts of camera body

The films





• Activity 3

1. A camera uses a piece curved

of lens.

2. A ray

of sunshine comes through the window.

3. The ball bounced off

the pot into the net.

4. The road bends

to the left after the first traffic light.

5. The company undergoes

rearrangement of the staffs.

6. A roll film should be developed

in a dark room.

7. He dyes

his white T-shirt into a black one.

8. She reserved

the car into parking area.

B. Work It

• Activity 4

The transcript of the recording is on the next page.

no Synonym 5 undertake, experience(v) 7 color, change the color of (v) 6 to make photographs from a film(v) 8 overturn, turn around (v) 1 arched, curled, rounded(adj) 3 glance off, reflect(v) 2 beam of light(n) 4 turn, curve(v)

1. Ask students to match the underlined words in the sentences with their synonym on the table.

2. Discuss the result and then practice to pronounce them.

1. Ask students to listen to the recording and re-arrange the jumbled paragraphs.

2. On the second listening, ask them to complete the paragraphs by choosing the correct words in the brackets.

3. Discuss the result.



How does a Camera Work? (3) The (light / night) travels at different speeds, in different substances and for this

reason; the light slows down when it enters the lens. As a result, the light (bands/ bends) when it enters the lens. The light bends again when it exits the lens because parts of the light (weight/ wave) enter the (ail/ air) at different places on the lens.

(5) The film is (dyed/ died) by the chemicals reaction and the negative image is formed.

When the image is printed, the negative image is (reserved/ reversed) to create a true positive printed image.

(1) In this illustration, we will use SLR (Single-lens reflex camera) because this camera

also (from/ forms) the basis for today’s digital models. Essentially, a camera consists of three basic parts: an optical element - (the length / the lens), a chemical element - (the filth /the film) and a mechanical element - (the camera body itself).

(4) When the light exits the lens, it is projected onto the film (surface/ surfeit) - that is

the chemical element. The film is made up of minute light-sensitive elements in which each element (undergo/ undergoes) a chemical reaction when it is (expound /exposed) to light. When the roll film is developed, the film undergoes another chemicals reaction that depends on the type of the film.

(2) The optical element is the lens. This is generally a (curbed /curved) piece of glass

or plastic. Its job is to take the (rays / reign) of light bouncing off an object and redirect them so they come together to form a real image - that looks just like the (scene / scheme) in front of the lens.

• Activity 5

1. Ask students to answer the following questions based on the passage in activity 4 (in group).

2. Discuss the result. 3. The answer can be seen in the next page



Here are the possible answers

1. What does the passage tell about?

The passage tells about the work of the camera / the process on how camera works.

2. Mention three basic part of camera! - the optical element : the lens - the chemical element : the film - the mechanical element : the camera body

2. What is/are the jobs of the lens? Its jobs are: • to take the rays of light bouncing off an object • to redirect the rays of light so they come together to form a real


3. Why does the light slow down when it enters the lens? The light slow down when it enters the lens because the light will travel/move at different speeds when it enters different substances.

4. When does the light bend? The light bends when it enters the lens and it bends again when it exits the lens.

5. What happen when the light exits the lens? When the light exits the lens, it is projected onto the film surface (the chemical element)

6. Mention chemical reactions that happen in the process! - the film undergoes chemical reaction when it is exposed to light - the film undergoes another chemical reaction when it is developed - the film is dyed by the chemical reaction.

• Activity 6

1. Ask students to listen to the song and fill in the missing lyric. 2. Play the song then discuss the result. 3. The complete lyric is on the next page



Photograph by Nickelback

C. Let’s Do It • Activity 7

Look at this photograph Every time I do it makes me laugh How did our eyes get so red And what the hell is on Joey's head And this is where I grew up I think the present owner fixed it up I never knew we'd ever went without The second floor is hard for sneaking out And this is where I went to school Most of the time I had better things to do Criminal records says I've broke in twice I must have done it half a dozen times I wonder if it's too late Should I go back and try to graduate Last man and now that it was back then If I was them I wouldn't let me in Oh oh oh oh God I....I Chorus: Every memory of looking out the back door I have a photo album spread out on my bedroom floor It's hard to say, time to say it Goodbye, goodbye Every memory of walking out the front door I found the photo of the friend

Remember the old arcade Blew every

that I was looking for It's hard to say, time to say it Goodbye, goodbye

dollar that we ever made The cops seeing us hanging out They said somebody went and burned it down We used to listen to the radio And sing along with every song we know We said someday we'd find out how it feels To sing to more than just the steering wheel Kim's the first girl I kissed I was so nervous that I nearly missed She's had a couple of kids since then I haven't seen her since God knows when Oh oh oh oh God I...I Back to chorus I miss that town, I miss the faces You can't erase it, you can't replace it I miss it now, I can't believe it So hard to stay, So hard to leave it If I could I relive those days I know the one thing that would never change...... back to chorus Look at this photograph Every time I do it makes me laugh Every time I do it makes me...... lyrics from ALLYRICS.NET

1. Ask students to make groups consisting of 3-4 students. 2. Ask students to discuss in their group on how camera works. 3. Ask students to write down the process using their own words and collect their






- Azar, Betty Schramfer. Understanding and Using English Grammar (1989).

New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.

- General basic 2 (2002). Jakarta: Yayasan LIA

- Wiyono, Drs. Tri Suko Bambang, dkk. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK Untuk

kelas 2 (2001). Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

- __________. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2008). Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Internet sources:,


