Piura is_beautiful_city

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Piura is_beautiful_city

Alumno :


Piura is a city in

northwester Peru. It

was here the Spanish

conqueror Francisco

Pizarro founded the

third Spanish city in

south America and

first in Peru. San

Miguel de Piura, in

July 1532.

Piura is a hot city


What were the Tallanes?

Many vestiges of cultural activity tallanes lost by the action of the conquerors and before them by the Incas. Style has been identified as a ceramic base carved red plastered with white designs with a predominant reticulate ornamentation. the chronicler Francisco de Jerez, Poechos described in a large and beautiful city, tallan with a nearby fortresses. Of these monuments Very few traces in the late sixteenth century. I remain, however, the language sec, which has gone on in the region especially in the field during the twentieth century.


Who were the vicus?

•Vicus is an archaeological culture of Ancient

Peru that developed between 500 BC C. and

500 d. C. [Footnote 1] on the northern coast

of Peru in the Piura River downstream, 7 km

Chulucanas district in the province of

Morropón, department of Piura.

Its administrative seat was in the Vicus hill at

an altitude of 170 meters, acted as liaison

with other Andean cities located further

north. The Vicus handled metals such as

silver, gold and copper, to make their farming

implements and managed the alloy of three


Vicus went through three stages in its


-Chavín stage;

-Stage of regional development

-Mochica influence stage.

The bases of economic development were

agriculture with improving irrigation systems

and the control of the company for the

exploitation of the workforce; managed a

tight militarism. A strong contingent of noble

warriors ran their domains to enforce the

mandates of the sovereign.

• Sculptural ceramics:

It is characterized by massive and rustic appearance and its tendency realistic sculptural. Vicus ceramics has been separated into three types:-Vicus-negative-Vicus white on red-Vicus Monochrome slipped

• The gold and platinum venus :

The most precious of all, is a nude female figure, apparently of a child. It is known as the Venus de Fria.Fe worked in fine gold and 24 carat looks platino.Midesettings of 15.4 centimeters high and weighs 60 grams. Twisted wires and soldiers as watermark, highlighting their large eyes plated with platinum. The statue wears earrings mobile discoidalplates and has a mechanism to articulate the cuello.Fue developed based on various embedded and embossed plates that were welded together. A striking shape of the head that may play an artificial cranial deformation own range of characters

Cayetano Heredia was born on

August 5, 1797 Catacaos humbly

prominent was not only a surgeon

and medical tuition and organizer,

was also the founder of the public

health care services in the This

eminent professional friend of

presidents and organizer of

hospitals, never neglect their

classes in the right or left to

respond medicna consultations

and healings in the emergency

services that it had until the end


.Was care for the poor and the

great host of a free health sevices

was optimal and without

exception for all peruanos.Murio

the June 10, 1861ountry.

Miguel Grau

Seminario, Paita,

1834 - Punta

Angamos, 1879)

Marino and

Peruvian military,

naval hero of the

Battle of Angamos.

The Tondero is a genre

of dance and

specifically northern

Peruvian origin,

creating a native of the

province Morropón in

the Department of

Piura, and undoubtedly

derived from gypsy

music brought by

immigrants from

southern Spain and

Eastern Europe

Ayabaca, es una pintoresca ciudad, ubicada en las serranías piuranas a 2,815 m.s.n.m., y dentro de su bello paisaje andino, de clima saludable, también se respira en el ambiente una gran devoción religiosa por su santo patrono el Señor Cautivo, por quien su festividad atrae gran cantidad de fieles, quienes llegan en peregrinación desde diferentes zonas norteñas del Perú e incluso del país vecino, Ecuador.

CATACAOS :Noted for its

customs, cuisine, crafts, gold

and silver filigree, woven

straw and cotton

SECHURA:The attractions

are the Church Complex

Bayovar Sechura desert,

the beaches of Chulliyachi,

Constant, Matacaballo,

San Pedro and Parachique

MORROPON: Morropón:

Cradle of the world famous

pottery Vicús, tondero


SULLANA: Known as

"La Perla del Chira".

Here is Poechos Dam

PAITA:Its attractions are:

The Church of San Lucas

de Colan, the Basilica de la

Merced, the house of

Manuela Sáenz-Bolivar the

Liberator, the spas of

Colan, Yacila, crabs and


TALARA:Here is Cape

Blanco, which has a beach

great for the sport of table

and sport fishing, Mancora

Spa, Playa Punta

Balcones, Lobitos beach,

Playa Los organs


is constituted by its

landscape and climate, the

district known as the

Switzerland Canchaque

Peruvian and 14 lakes that

make up The Huaringas

COLAN:In this beautiful

emerald green sea resort,

white sand, covered with

coconut palms is what is

considered the first church

built by the Spanish in

America, the church of

San Lucas de Colan. (500
