Pitch Document - The Shady Bunch

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Pitch Document - The Shady Bunch


Bois is the complete opposite of his exterior. He is a physically weak lumberjack character who struggles to lift his axe, never mind chopping a tree down. Saying this, Bois is very brave and his only fears on the whole island is the darkness and bears, probably due to problems with them prior to the island. It’s unknown if Bois is just stubborn or he’s in denial so much his mind is melting to believe he’s a real lumberjack and once someone questions his “job” in a doubtful way he overwhelms with anger.

As the trusting right hand man of Paul and often a voice of justice and reason, Bois is in the middle of the shear insanity of Kovsky and the fearing cautiousness of Paul.


Bois found himself on the island after getting washed away whilst on a ice river fishing trip and passing out. When waking up on the mysterious island far from anything he’s ever known he eventually found the other two. He knows how to look after himself as he grew up alone in the harsh, cold Canadian wilderness hunting, staying warm and fending for himself. Bois is a very mysterious character. Some believe he was born with his full beard, some think he doesn’t have a face behind the beard most in unknown about him, however he is still more trusted that Kovsky.

PaulPaul is a stereotypical geek/nerd character who is socially inept and awkward... as well as the fact he doesn’t talk! He’s characterized by his passive, nervous and cautious social behavior. He is always aware of his surroundings as the threat of danger is to much for Paul and he often struggles with the unknown. He keeps pride in his appearance as not only does he almost fear dirt and mess, but is always worried about hurting himself and damaging his clothes and body. Paul is a compulsive perfectionist. What he lacks in physical stature and prowess, he makes up for with his ingenious ideas on how to make life easier and simpler. Being very much the brains of the group he is, much like in society, he is often shunned for his extensive knowledge by the mysterious, insane Kovsky. His struggle to become more savage and athletic goes again all his previous life choices, making his survival more of a challenge that the others who seem to have benefits and skills which help out their everyday life.


Kovsky is the life of the group. He causes mayhem, plays constant pranks, and doesn’t think of others, only his entertainment; most probably because he has gone almost totally insane! He is very mysterious and non of the group trust him nor really like him, however his extensive knowledge of the island makes him someone to keep around. He fears very little and is very brave. When someone in the group has a problem, Kovsky is the person to go to. Even Kovsky himself doesn’t know who he is as he one day woke up on the island alone, with no recollection of previous events. He can’t even remember how long he’s been on the island for! He is the self elected leader of the group and is very unpredictable. Sometimes he’ll say and do things just for his entertainment which usually requires others being un-comfortable and other times he’ll do things for the good of the group which leaves others very weary of him.

Run Time And Episodes In A Season.I found a running theme that in the 1st season of two or my favorite animations, The Simpsons and The Regular Show, both aired 12 episodes. I would like to stick to this theme as this seems like a good and working amount or episodes. Saying this, The Regular Show is 15 minutes long and plays in blocks of 2 and The Simpsons are 30 minutes long. I want my animation to be 5-10 minutes long so play short, entertaining stories which are something which could be watched by anyone with any time frame. Those who only have 10 minutes before they have to do something else, or those who have all day who can watch it in blocks.

Episode 1- 'Berries'. The trio eat some mysterious berries Kovsky finds which can only end badly. After ingesting, all three begin to hallucinate.Episode 2- 'Wilson'. A beach ball washes up on the shoreline and leaves the friends all fighting over who's it is. The insanity the ball is inflicting upon the three leaves them making a trip up the island volcano to throw it into the flames.Episode 3- 'The Hunt'. Hunger strikes the group quickly leaving them hunting what they thought was a pig but ends up to be an island myth, the black bear.Episode 4- 'Escape'. After struggling to survival on the island, a raft is made in the hope of escape. However, once escape looks a possibility, a giant sea turtle starts attacking leaving the friends fighting for their lives only ending up sailing in a circle back around to the other side of the island.Episode 5- 'Home' A attempt on making a giant, extravagant tree house is made, however the group can't manage it and the scribbled plans in the dirt end up being a shaky hut.Episode 6- 'company'. Kovsky find and befriends a wild goose found searching the wild. It quickly becomes apparent to the other 2 that the goose is evil and they have to get rid of the goose before it's too late.Episode 7- 'Television'. Missing home comforts, Bois decides to start narrating everything happening irritating the other 2 massively leaving them to get him to stop.Episode 8- 'Mystery'. After finding out Kovsky doesn't know how or for how long he's been on the island, the group search for clues and travel to the stop he woke up at.Episode 9- 'Beard'. After Kovsky becoming jealous of bois' facial hair, he attempts to shave his off.Episode 10- 'Homeland'. A parody of The Hobbit, the trio travel back to the shack they once stayed at which ends up to be guarded by the black bear from Episode 3, the hunt.Episode 11- 'Birthday'. Kovsky's birthday comes and best friends Paul and Bois go out to find him a gift.Episode 12- 'The plane' After a plane soars out of the sky and crashes on the island the group go to investigate. Once at the plane they see what they think is a ghost but is actually the dead paratrooper moving due to the wind.

Run Time And Episodes In A Season.

Name: Stephan Seagull

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Media Consumption: Stephan watches gaming channels on YouTube who play Prison Architect Minecraft, and other indie computer developments and games, as well as various skate video's from different channels. He plays games on his Xbox such as GTA, Skate 3, and Minecraft mainly for the socialising aspect and doesn't take his gaming to seriously.Spending Power: Stephan has his own disposable income due to a paper round and buys things that entertains him so he's very independent in that sense.Hobbies and interests: Stephan plays football for a sunday league each week from the mornings to later afternoon in which he makes his own way to with friends on bikes. He also skateboards for a few hours a week in which he just messes around when doing with friends. He likes creating things like his own CD covers in his own time.Average day: Stephan goes to his secondary school for 8 until 3:30 where he studies history, art, business and PE as well as his required subjects like math, english and science. He stays and plays football with his friends for a hour or so. After this he goes home, relaxes for a hour or so, eats dinner, does some homework and does some revision after which he watches some television cartoons before bed.Why my animation appeals to him: My animation would be on around 10 o'clock when he lyes in bed watching television cartoons. It has references in which he would understand as they're from his generation and is something which is visually something completely different however he's aware of the structure.

Target Audience

Time Scale And Budget

This is a graph I made showing how i would go about organizing the making of my cartoon if I had the supplies and funds to do it to very high standards. It gave me a insight on how the creators of cartoons and the workforce go about making it and how long each task takes. This shows how i priced each worker and how much for how long.

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