Pirlo WSM Mar 12

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Pirlo WSM Mar 12

  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    AndreaPirloSwapping ilan orJuventus as evitalisedhe ong-servingtalymidflelder ndproveda ot ofpeoplewrong.By PaddyAgnew

    f ever hat curioustalian xpression"Laclosse on d acqua', iterallymeaningclasssnotwater",ouldbe appliedo a footballert mightwellbe o AndreaPirlo.What he sayingreally eanss, f a playeras eal uality,real ubstance,hen,n heend,twillshowhrough.AsJuventuseachedhe midway ointof thisseason's erieA titlecontest outin rontat the op of the ableanda pointclear f reigninghampions ilan therewasevery ndicationhat Pirlos lasswasshininghrough,trong ndbright.There reobviously any actorsin he currentJuveuccesstorycoachAntonioConte,midfielder laudioMarchisio,oalkeeper ig iBuffon, venthe club's ewstadium but most

    analysts ouldargue hat here s noelementmore mportanthanPirlo.Withall due especto suchasAlessandro elPiero ndRoberto aggio,it is at east rguablehatJuventusavenot hada genuine laymakerf thequality f Pirlo incehemid{980sdaysof Michel latini. ittingly,hegoalwhichsentJuve n heirway o a 2-0 winoverAtalanta n match ay19came romyetanother irlo'assist"she aidon hisstock-in-traderecision assor Swissdefender tephan ichtsteineropeningoal.Oneextraordinaryspecto Pirlo'scareer s hat he s iving roof hat notjustone,but ather wo,of the biggestclubnamesn world ootball anget twrong.Weare alking bout he Milan

    TlltlEtlilE: VERYATCH,EVERY INUTE VERY OAIWorldCupqualifier COX Confederationsup USC UEFA uperCupWorldCuo ,nals CIUC ClubWorldCup lC ltalianCupEuroChampionshipualifier ct champions eague ls ltalian upercupEuroChampionshipinals UC UEFACup/Europaeague


    Sep 6,1998 Pirlowaits n hebenchbefore oming n or hisChampionseaguedebut, gainst ealMadridn he Bernabeu._ L l- - j - . - r OrJ !J \l m ,.1,e = 9 0 : - fI H P . l . f Y ^ r y ! / ^ r u . \ l' 9{" , iEEEoT.9i+ax;E3SEFgEF$EffEE;55$$

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    Playingtime li rl -l i ' l 'I ,Goal ndtimesc0reo

    \t3ti7't#.*.'*"{t kry**eq*ft**' ' iswry.@7.v{t},;-KEY. Brescia llnternazionale I Reggina Milan lJwentus lltaly

    44 wonlo occER

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  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12



    Sept 9,1999 makesis hqtudebut,awayo Bologna, tte m a loanspell rom nternzinale-

    ? 1 om + A-- \J \J ,-lU -) J*g- :Ar fF^ 13^^5 -EqEb 6 ^ 6 i l - 6 + T o r Y . i l T N # o 9 lo _ o ^ ! ! r q = = 5 q m g ; N , ' -FEE3EssFEgg$EES

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  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    Andrea ir loNational i tvI tal ianAge32 (19rqs:79)Plaee f hir thFlero, ombardy,talyHeight5ft2Y:in (1.77n)PositinnMidfielderi*.*iBrescia1995-r99849games/6 gals)lnternazionale1998-014091mgs/0 oals)Regginaon oan)1999-200030games/6 q!)Bresciaon oan)2001 10games/9srg!:ll l i lan2001-present401gamesl4i oals)Ju \re 1tt.t52011-present19games goals)I t a l y2001-present81games/9So{sLHonoursMilanClubWorldCup2OOZUEFAChampionseague2003,2OOZUEFASuper up:2003,2007;Serie 2OO4,2O1I;tal ian up2003; talian uper!q1oo+I ta lyWorldCup2006' up to andincluding 5.01.12

    cousins,nternazionalendMilan.ntergo t t wrongmore han10years gowhen hey et he21-year-o ldir loeave,headingrrstlyor Brescia utultimatelyfo rMilan nda decade f success.Manywould uggest,owevelha tMilan lso ot t wrongast ummerwhen hey eth im eaveorJuventuson an out-of-contractree ransfer.After n njury-interruptedeasonha t

    saw immakeust17 ppearancesinSerie , t was nderstandableha tMilanmight ave ad eservationsbout32-year-oldir lo. emight ave ona World up ,woChampionseaguetit les nd woSerie tit lesn his imeat heSanSrro ut n lur iesndag ewere gainstim .Howeve;ight romtheopenrngam e f heseasonnearlySeotember,hen uventusea tParma

    4- 1at home,t was learhatMilan admade serious istake.'A player f his evel ndability,ewas he slgning f thecentur/' aid uvegoalkeeperuffon it ha laugh fterthatgame.watchingimplayoday,thought od xists ecauset ssimplyembarrassrngow oo d e s.When metIMilan anagingirectordriano] all ianidurinohesummensaid hankso him

    Mar 30 , 2002 - celebrateswith Filippo nzaghi(right)afterscoringhis lrstgoal or Milan n a3{ win againstParmaat the SanSiro.

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  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    Argpod6 itgBts...holdinghe WorldCupafter beatingFrancen 2006

    length f anq,v ontract hichMilanwereor werenotwillingo offerPirlo.It spossible,f course,hat f Pirlowasa different, ore lamboyant,oremedia-friendly,ore'sexy" laye[henMilanwouldhave ada lot moredifftcultyletting imgo as heywouldhaveencounterederiousan esistance.hepoint boutPirlo,hough,s hat or allhis emarkableuccess,e hasdoneveryeffectiveob of keeping lowprofile.Basically,henhe soff he ield, e soff he radar. o atenights, o drugs rbetting candals,ohigh-profile arriagebreak-up,o controversialV nterviews,no nvolvementnpolitics.ust ootball."l restrictmyselfo the dressingoomand o the pitch,hose remy boundarieslhe oldLaStompon oneof his areinterviewsast ummenl'mnot nterested

    in anythinglse. don't ikedoinginterviews,don't ikegoing nTVprogrammes.do not have Facebookpage nd do not chaton Twittendon'thave website,ven f therearepeoplewhohave pened ne n my name,complete ithmyphoto..lList of prioritiesBack n he dayswhen eporters oulddescend ponMilanbMilanellorainingcentre, irlonevereatured ighon heirlistof priorities.t wasnot hat Pirlowasnot an mportant layent was athereveryonenewalltoowell hat, n hisseeminglyaciturn, nderstateday,Pirlowouldnot make or exciting V ootage.Not or nothing, irlo imself dmitsthatoneof the ewcommentsmadeabout im hatheactuallvikessone

    id*i*&i*rld+*,t'i$and old him hat hereallys rying oevenuD he itlecontest:More ecently, ngland anager abioCapello,imself former oach f bothMilan ndJuventus,xpressedhe samesense f disbelief.fterwatchinghe 2-0winoverAtalanta, apello bserved fPirlo:'l'm mazedha tMilanethi mgo .I stilldon'tunderstandt.'Youcanalwayset t wrongwhenyou're uying playefbut not when ouare etting negolBut ormer nterand talydefenderGiuseppe ergomi ees t differently,believinghat,even f halfof ltalynowseeshe departure f Pirloasa mistake,tisalso rue hathi sdeep-lyinglaymakerroledid not it easilynto he Milanscheme f things, senvisagedy coachMassimilianollegri. n opof that, heremaywellhave eenproblemsbout he

    gsep ioct Nov iDec Jan-3**":i *.:*'*---*-?'4*1' -

    May28, 2003- collects is rst ChampionseaguerophyasMilan eatJuventusnpenaltiesftera0-0 drawin heall-ltalian inaln Manchester.

    3g q :9 ,9 i 3= 3 e OO =9 3, 09 ?E ^ 6 j , E - t e o r O - f : I E I . t E = q , - { ; ; - = - E - o s ^ r y s e ' o ? 1; ? ? E 1 = : i - ^ : ; e : : b r Y q E . r Y A I Q ? Q 9 t Y o . r X ? H l f o = l : - : b Y I - q , ? F o E T o . - -;6 Hs iTE:*sE=t= t ;gE* ;!=? :g lEEE** :? tg=" q : i :E3r -oEg ' - oHrH;$ ' \ ' s rH ErEf E $ *5E FEE sscE 3 : ?Ecg$EE $ET

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  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    June 2, 2004 Pirlo ndChristianieri(right)aredejected s taly crashoutof Euro2004 in Portugnldespite inningheir astgroupmatch gninst ulgaria.

    fromsevenears gobyhisWorldCup-winningtaly oach,Marcelloippi,who oldLaRepubblico:Pirlois a silentleader n he pitch.His eetdo hetalkingor himlLippimadehat ommentimmediatelyfter 2-0 World upqualifyinginoverScotlandt heSanSiron March 005, nwhich othItaly oalsad omerom allmarkPirloree-kick. nalysinghatparticularperformance,orldocceroncluded:'ltaly'svictoryver cotlanday avebeen nalltoopredictableesult,ut t

    6 0 ii5 0 i

    was significantne n hat t sawMarcelloippiSide onsolidateheirhold nEuropeanualifyingroup ,smoothinghepathhrougho heGermany006 inals ext ummerWhen nd f taly et here,oo, t salltooprobablehatnoplayerotti,Buffon, esA ndZambrottancluded,willbemore rucialo he taliancausehanPirlolThe est, f course,shistory.l untilthen, otall ootballansworldwideadregisteredhe ow-profileirlo, ewashardo gnorenGermany.an f hematchn taly'spening inagainstGhana,heir emi-finalgainst ermanyand n hevictoriousinalgainstrance,Pirlo as ne f hekey lementsn hatWorld upriumph.The ame gainstcotlandhepreviousear ad ervedo convinceLippithatecould uild ismidfieldaroundhecreativekills f Pirlo. etthe emarkablehing bout irlos hat,althoughrodigiouslyalented,t ookhim omeimetoestablishisideal osition.Even efore emade isSeriedebutnMay 995forBrescia,na 2-0away efeat yReggianaust wodaysafter is16th irthday,henews boutPirlo as lreadyut. his oy adwogreateetand ould ut heballwhereverhewanted,uthewas faverageeightandnotvery ast.Howeve[uchwas isreputationhat,n November995,nterinvitedim oplayna rainingameusttogetagoodook t him.Inter learlyikedhe ook f whatthey awbut t ook hem hree earsobuyhim romBrescia.nhindsight,irlo'smoven hesummerf 1998 ould othaveome taworsemoment.hatirst

    Mar26, 2005 - scores othgoals, isonly brace or hiscountry, s taly beatScotlandn a WorldCup ualifrer.

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    KEY-grescia llnternaionale rReggina rMilan lJwenus rha[48 wonlo occER

    rA 'Sepi;.. t ':- *:

  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    season t Interwas he nfamousearwhen ourcoaches ameandwent nquickashion:irstGigiSimoni,henRomania'sircea ucescu,hen eservecoachLuciano astellini,nd inallyRoyHodgson. o oundmattersoff,by hebeginningf the ollowingeason,herewasa fifthman n charge, ithLippidraftedn o replaceHodgson.In he chaos f the irstseason, irlogot a little ost,makingust18 irst-teamappearances.n hesecond eason,tgotworse ince ippi ould eeno rolefor himandadvised im o acceptloanmove o Reggina,herehe hadanexcellent ampaign.ackat base or the2000-01 season, ithMarco ardelliow

    in charge, e wasagain oaned ut, histime o hisol dclubBrescia.he oanwasmadeeven houghTardellinewhimwell,having oachedhe taly idewhich,much nspired y Pirlo, ad ustwon he2000 Europeannder-2lChampionship.Themove,hough,urnedout o bea luckybreak or Pirlo.Brescia'soachin hosedayswasCarloMazzone.ealready adRoberto aggion his eamso he neededo findanother ositionorPirlo.na March 001 Serie game thome o Lazio, eplayed imasa centraldefensive idfieldenight n rontof thedefence utwith he mandateo makethe play rom hatdeep-lyingosition.Evenf thismighthave een he

    Early cward...aEuropean nder-2|Championshipwinner n 2(XXl

    beginningf whatBrazilianoachCarlosParreira emorablyefined s Pirlob"Zico-in-font-of-the-defence"ole, nterwerenot convinced.t theendof theseason,nd or reasonsestknown othemselves,nteropted o tradePirlofor Milan's rgentinian idfielderAndreas uglielminpietro.Whenhegot o Milan, irlo oonrealisedhat withplayersuchasPortugal'suiCosta, razil's ivaldoandClarence eedorf f Hollandaround,herewasalready glutoftalented,ttacking idfielders.uringpre-seasonraining,oachCarloAncelottiwas truggling ith hesame onundrumwhenPirlo imself ame pwithasolution.Whynot ry out he Bresciatactical olution, sed o successfullyalongside aggio? amely,rophimdeepin midfield,n rontof the defence ut stillwith he playmakingrief.It worked etter hanAncelotti adever magined.hepositionalwitchallowed ncelottito layPirlodeep,with

    July9, 2006 - kissinghe WorldCup ollowingItaly's enalty hoot-out ictory n he Finalagainst nnce n Berlin.

    May25, 2005 - a nre penaltymiss sMilanlose o Liverpoolnpenaltiesn heChampionsLeague inalafter eing -0 up at half-time.

    Aug Seoj .J i ; l ; - t00,

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  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    Seedorfn he ight ndGennaroGattuson he eft,andwithRuiCosta rRivaldolayingehindhe rontmen.Notsurprisingly,heSeedorf-Pirlo-Gattusotrio emainedquintessentiallementnwinning ilanides verhenext ecade.Untilthen,irlo ad ften eenlabelled'luxurytem",playmakerobediscardedhen is idewasn rouble.Never gain. earsatet ookingack nhis nitial ifficulties,irlo ould ffordobephilosophical,elling aStompoastsummer:Theycanplaymewhereverthey ike ut eel hat ama N010,hemanwho ontrolsllthe raffic,venfI have ever ctually ornhat hirt.started ith he 21 at Bresciand havestuck ith hatlCuriously,n hisnow ong-establishedrole, irloends ea vitalstopper'forhis

    i team.Ascentrddeftnge players o,heisnotyour rdge g hrlking rute, ut, thisdoes ot nalc in my ess ffectivefor easors e irEeltmceexplained,saying:'Toe6frdh defence,o winI backheball, ul don't lwaysaveogoslidingnto he aclde.tb also bout ourpositioniry sretimes llyouhaveo dois akea sEp bacfThe nost bviousspectf hePirlo ole,tough, s hat t allows imto dictatehe empo othof hisown1side ndof hegame.ThesecretorI someonen mypositions o keept

    Mry 23, 2007 Pirlo nspires ilan o a 2-l winin heChampionseagueFinal gainst iverpool,theirconquerors f twoyean before.

    T A . ! r. t m Y - Aa o g r 8 E = r _gSHEFeEr ^ r y g?E==: l l i i i ry 3r o eas iq$$3FueEEgeEE'EgE'EgE'giEEEBEEse?FEgEEe*EEsE=


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    Jun18,2009 - a bigshoc[ oneyearbeforetalydefend heir WorldCup, s hey oseF0 to EgyptntheConfedentions upnSouthAfrica.Jun24,2010 ltaly's efence f the WorldCupendsas hey ail o getout of theirgroup.Pirlo,playsonly34 minutes s a subagBinst lovakia.

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    iFeb rMar:ss8-a009 iAug lsep*ffi##-a#q*KEY rBrescia llnternainde lReggina lililan lJwentus I ltaly50 wonlo occER


  • 8/3/2019 Pirlo WSM Mar 12


    simplelesays.'Keepossessionand eepheballmovinguicklyothat ou ireoutyour pponents.hat!mymethodlLittle onderhatwhen ippi asasked yGazzettaelloSport bouthisseason'suve,espokenthusiasticallyaboutheexcellentransfer arketcampaignonductedy heclubastsummer'Pirlo,fcourse,asheoutstandingurchaselesaid.'l avebeenalkingo he uventusefendersand hey ellme hat, ycomparisoniththe ast ewseasons,hey eela otmorecomfortablenowinghat heyhavereferenceointnmidfield,omeoneheycan iveheballto, ertainhathewilldosomethingoodwith tevenf hehasgot hree uys n opof himlLippi,f course,as easono ruefully

    reflect n usthowmuch n njuryoPirlocosthimand talyatthe2010WorldCup.In heend,Pirlo layednly 4 minutesinSouth frica,ppearingsa substitutein hesecondalf f taly'sinalfirst-roundame,hat nfamousefeatySlovakia.taly admany roblemsnSouth frica ut he oss f Pirlo ascertainlyne f hebiggest.As orhis urprise oveoJuventus,Pirlo imselfas aidmorehan ncethat t was is wn ecision,ot hatofMilan. ftera decade t Milan ndafterapoof njury-interruptedeason,he imetochangead ome. otivationasnshort upply.moveo anambitious,hungryJuve,eeno climb ack n opmight e ust he hing.So af his ooksike marriageadeinheaven.S

    Dec16, 2OO7 MilandefeatBoca uniorsfromArgpntinao win he ClubWorldCupn Yokohama,Japan.Jun172008- celebratingisgoalagain$ nncentheir Euro 008gmupgEme.taly ost o Spainn hequarter-frnalsut Pirlodid notplay.

    o: 1 ^ ar J Y so \l s/ I i .- y y ' t g y 1 o ^ T ? I ?1 I o H A ' . e 9 9 j ; = o f 3 3 a l S F ri H 5 6 5 : = cgE=#:rHECEECE EEE5rEFEEe EEE Ci s o 1: i - q - c S - oE3=[] '0EgFiiiEEtEgEgEF$Eseg5$g

    a:( J O; 3 r r2 9 l U - ! e = ^ [ ^ o1 = r - 6 o - ^ , * E X 3 3- ? Q e 3 ^ - ? lI . 6 s f o = f q u ? X . r lapEEsr+ sc,EEEEE E.J . -? ., \ m1o - Y N +* 6 1 . m - - o 9 ' 1o = ? e Y e : o 9 ' r J s J H- p F E Ep ; p o p r E S -r , = F H E , E E F E S E E = dEficF"E;fisH5fiEgEft

    n !g ? E r r- Y - o E 6 d T T ?. l , K 9 O q - - i - - Y Q N o os i?^ l r X3 g nE =ET3 lT . : t - y eogo ^3 ^egEE E FreAEgSE FEFEcH$E E

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    iAug $sPtrs#ffi-#ffitrffi

    ],l,ov4,2010 helpsMilanwin1-0 n he astof his18Milaneseerbies. ewouldappearn only10moregamesor he RossonerieforeoiningJuve.Oct 2, 2011 celebntingwithJuventuscoachConte fterhisnewclubdefeatMilan -0 at home.



    wonlo occeRl