Pillowcase Dresses for Little Girls

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Pillowcase Dresses for Little Girls

For Charity or Family

Before After

Plus a little lace &

a pocket =

For larger sizes, consider an

opening in back to help

with movement.

Print fabric is best as it will not show soil

Avoid semi sheer fabrics

Poly-cotton blend will have body and resist wrinkles

For straps, use bias tape or make your own binding/ties

Pockets? Ruffled hem? Lace trim? Appliques?

Check remnant rack for suitable fabrics or trim!

1. Sew center back seam.

Finish with zigzag if not

serged, for durability.

2. Finish top edge with serger,

zigzag stitching, or fold under,

press and stitch casing for elastic.

3. Measure and press for elastic casing and

bottom hem.

5. Use the crease to help with alignment

of lace or other trims.

6. Stitching elastic casing with

twill tab for size.

7. After inserting the elastic

into the casing, pin firmly and

stitch across each open end.

Plan to reinforce both underarm

seams if serged originally.

Fold and press for

elastic casing.

Remember to include the

size written with indelible

ink on twill tape.

After stitching the ends

of the casing & securing

the elastic, pin and stitch

ties onto armholes.

If desired,

add a pocket or


Give as gifts

Donate to various charities:

Bear Creek United Methodist Church – Piece

Makers will send to orphans in Haiti

Go to Little Dresses for Africa and send to them

Other outlets – De Pelchin, Star of Hope, etc.

The End