Picture book report card

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Transcript of Picture book report card

Picture book 1

Meren Imchen. The rooster and the sun/Sevalum Suriyanum(English-Tamil). India: Tulika Publishers, 2006.

A farmer got tired and hot when he was working. He shouted to the sun that the sun made it so hot. The sun felt bad and he said he will never come back. Many day has passed. There was only darkness. There has no sunshine. The farmer apologize to the sun. He sent his trusted buffalo and his trusted pig to say sorry the sun but it was fail. The farmer decided to choose his good-for-nothing rooster to the sun. The rooster was very scared because there was darkness all around. The rooster beg forgiveness from the sun but the sun refused the rooster. The rooster cried and said "I have to walk all the way back alone, will you come if I shout for help?". The sun said " Yes, I will". At home the farmer was very worry. Suddenly, the rooster is coming and then the rooster shout "Kakarakko-ko!" The sun come to help. Finally, the sun come back ,and everyone was happy.

Picture book 2

Margaret Read Macdonald. The boy from the dragon palace. United state of America: Albert Whitman &company Chicago Illinois, 1940.

A poor flower seller give his flower to the dragon king who live beneath the sea by tossed the flower into the wave. Suddenly, a beautiful lady with a little boy come from the sea to say thank you the flower seller. Then the beautiful lady bring the little boy to him. The little boy will bring the man luck If the flower seller make a shrimp, vinegar and sugar for the boy. The poor man spend his coin for shrimp. After the boy swallow it all, he snuffled his nose on left and right sleeve. Then a snot-nosed give him many gold coins. The poor man feed the little boy every day. The snot-nosed gave him a palace, some servants, a chest full of treasure, a garden, a pond with golden fish and dancer. When he had everything, he took the snot-nosed out of his palace. And the snot boy snuffled on his left and right sleeve, the palace was disappear. A flower seller was very poor. This picture book show that "The human always want something more and they never said thank you".

Picture book 3

Margaret Read Macdonald. Go to sleep gecko!: A Balinese folktale. Arkansas: August House publisher, 2006.

One night an elephant head a loud noise "GECKO-o! GECK-o! GECK-o!". It's gecko. The elephant ask the gecko "what are you doing" and let the gecko go to bed. The gecko can't sleep because a fireflies blinking their light on and off. The elephant has to do something. Next morning the elephant talk to fireflies to stop blinking. The fireflies said they have to blink on and off because without the light someone would step buffalos poop. The gecko let the elephant to talk with buffalos. The buffalos have to poop because a rain washes hole and they have to fill them up. If they don't do it, someone would stumble and get hurt. Next the gecko let the elephant to talk with the rain. It have to rain because they make a puddles for mosquitoes. If the rain doesn't do it, the mosquitoes died. The gecko would be nothing to eat. This world is all connect. Something we just have to put up with. At last, the gecko understood about everything and went to sleep.

Picture book 4

Margaret Read Macdonald. Fat Cat: A Danish folktale. Arkansas: August House publisher, 2001.

This picture book talk about a fat cat. The fat cat is a hungry cat. He swallowed 35 pies, a wash lady, soldiers and their swords, the king and his elephant and a mouse and her scissor and needle and thread. The mouse saw around cat's stomach. There are so many thing that the cat swallowed. The mouse took her scissor and poked the hole that the cat's stomach. She began to snip. The hole is big enough for everything in the cat's stomach jumped out. At last, the mouse sew up the cat's tummy and they become friends. Now, whenever folk meet cat they are careful to speak with respect.

Picture book 5

Margaret Read Macdonald. The old woman and her pig: An Appalachian folktale. New York: HarperCollins publishers, 2007.

This picture book talk about the old woman and his pig. There was the old woman and her little boy. One day, the little boy found a shinny copper penny. The old woman will buy a fat pig. The boy stay and tent the home. The old woman will be back before dark. She singing along the way to buy a pig. She go to the market place and take one fat pig. She was so happy to going home. She singing along the way to home. Until she cross the bridge, The pig cannot cross the bridge. He was scared of the water and the height. The old woman began to worry because it's almost too dark. She ask a dog and a rat to help but they can't. Then a cat came. She said that the cat will worry the rat. Then the rat will nip the dog, dog will bark at pig, the pig will cross the bridge and she will get home. The cat said yes to help the old woman because the little boy used to stroke the cat's fur, give him a saucer of cream and scratch behind his ears. The cat did like the old woman said. Finally, she got home and hugged the little boy.

Picture book 6

N.M. Bodecker. Hurry, Hurry, Mary dear. Now York: Simon & Schuster Children's publishers, 2001.

Danish who was the Mary's husband hates winter. So he did not help Mary do any housework. He just sat and asked Mary to do the all things such as picking the apples, dilling the pickles, digging the turnips, smoking the hams, and etc. Even though she did not want to do the all things, she had no choice. Finally, Mary decided not to do the all things. She got a freedom.

Picture book 7

Margaret Read Macdonald. Surf War! : A folktale from the Marshall Islands. Georgia: August House littlefolk publishers, 2009.

One day a small sandpiper was out eating small minnows from the ocean. when a very large whale came and saw what the sandpiper was doing, the whale

yelled at the sandpiper to stop! When the sandpiper refused an argument started over who there were more of the bay, sandpipers or whales, the winner would have claim to the island and the ocean around it. They was calling their brothers and sisters and cousins. So there were so many. They could not tell who had more. Then each side decide to make it impossible for the other side to survive. They harm themselves just to prove a point. The thing that they did harm to everything around the bay. Finally, Whale and Sandpiper share and care the bay together.

Picture book 8

Margaret Read Macdonald. The old woman who lived in the vinegar bottle: A British fairy tale. United States : August House, 2005.

There was an old woman who live in a vinegar bottle. Every day she complain that she deserves to live in a cottage with a thatched roof and roses growing up the walls. One day, a fairy heard the old woman's complaint. The fairy can do it ,and she told the old woman that "When you go to bed tonight, turn round three times and close your eyes. In the morning, just see what you shall see." When she went to bed that night, she do like the fairy told. In the morning, she found a charming cottage with a thatched roof and roses growing up the walls. But not a word of thanks did she give to the fairy. Even though she got a charming cottage, she still complaint that she deserves a smart row house with lace curtains at the windows and a brass knocker on the door. And the fairy told her do the same. When she went to bed, she do the same. When she opened her eyes in the morning, she found a smart row house like she want. The old woman still complaint that she deserves to live in a mansion on a hilltop with a manservant and a maidservant to do her bidding. The fairy told her to do the same. In the morning she found a mansion on a hilltop. Next, she still complaint that she should be living in a palace with musicians to entertain her and courtiers to bow to her. She did the same that the fairy told. She found the palace. After that she didn't get enough. She complaint that she deserve to be Empress of the Universe. The fairy told her do the same. In the morning, the old woman found herself live in the vinegar bottle as the same. The fairy exclaimed that "If she can't be happy here, she won't be happy there. For, after all, happiness comes from the heart! Not from the house!"

Picture book 9

Paul Owen Lewis. Storm boy. Oregon: Beyond words publishing, 2001.

A chief's boy went to fishing and met a storm. He found himself ashore and met the strange village that everything were large. People invited him enter the large house. There was crowded with people enjoy the feast. The chief of the village cook the food and sing the song for the boy. The boy and people danced together. The celebration went on for long time. The boy began to think about home because

he miss his father and mother. He would find the way back home. Them the drum was stopped. The chief of the village said that they are glad that the boy come to village but the boy want to return. So the chief sent the boy go back home. Finally, the boy was laying on the beach in front of his village. He met his father and mother. His mother told that he was lost for one year ago. The boy said that he just was lost only yesterday. But the time has passed, the boy still think of the strange village.

Picture book 10

Beatrix Potter. The tale of peter rabbit. Maryland: Ottenheimer publishers, 1988.

This picture book talk about Peter who disobey his mother. One day, Mrs. Rabbit sent her children ( Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter) to picked up black berry. She warned her children to stay away from Mr.Gregor's garden but Peter disobey. He went to Mr. Gregor's garden. He ate some lettuce and bean. Then he felt sick. He went to find some parsley but he met Mr. Gregor. Mr. Gregor ran after Peter and yell him. Peter ran faster and found the place to hind. He lost his jacket and shoes. He run and run faster until he was safe at home. Mrs. Rabbit put him to bed and gave him a chamomile tea. Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail had bread, milk and blackberries for supper. This picture book can teach us about obedience the warn from mother or father.

Picture book 11

Ezra Jack Keats. Peter's chair. United States : Puffin book, 1998.

This picture book is about a boy, Peter, who is disgruntled at the change that is occurring around the house for his new baby sister Susie. Peter sees that his baby items are being painted over in pink, which is the color that will identify if the baby is going to be a girl. Babies don't care what color their furniture is. But Peter feeling that everything he has is going to be given to his sister. He takes his childhood chair and runs away from home. He realizes that he isn't a little boy anymore because he

was too big. He is a boy but not a baby. He has to accept change in the household when a sibling is born. Peter is not seen as a spoiled brat. He just doesn't want to have to give in to Susie. Peter learns a valuable lesson and is willing to help his family anyway he can.

Picture book 12

Nicola Grant. Don't be nosy posy. Wilton: Tiger Tales, 2004.

Posy the piglet wants to know everything around her! "Who wakes you up every morning?" she asks the rooster. "Does it hurt to lay eggs?" she asks the hen. She really gets in trouble when she asks "What does this button do?" and she blows the horn on the farmer’s tractor. The farmer comes running, yelling, "Don’t be so nosy, Posy!" But Posy can’t stop being nosy. One day when she hears a strange sound coming from the field so she decides to see what’s going on. She finds Callie the cow with her head caught in the fence. It’s a good thing Posy was so nosy this time or Callie might have been stuck for good! Two sentences end with a question mark when it's unwarranted: "I wonder what that is?" and "I wonder what this does?" Large, brightly colored cartoons depict the cuddly pig and her cohorts in an idyllic English countryside. Children who share Posy's inquisitive nature will empathize with her quest to find out about her world.

Picture book 13

Steve Smallman. The Very Greedy Bee. Wilton: Tiger Tales, 2010.

This picture book is about a greedy bee who didn't share anyone. The very greedy bee spends all of his time gobbling pollen and guzzling nectar. He won't even share his flower with a tired lady bug just looking to rest. One day the very greedy bee finds a meadow full of flowers and decides not to tell anyone. He spends the entire day buzzing from flower to flower until thump. The very greedy bee is so full that he cannot fly! It's getting dark and he doesn't know how to get home unless he flies. With the help of some new found friends the very greedy bee is able to return to his hive. Finally, the greedy bee get home. He has learned that it's best to

work with others and share what you have. This vividly colored story will have your children smiling about the greedy little bee.

Picture book 14

Maurice Sendak. Where the wind thing are. New York: HarperCollins publisher. 2012.

This picture book talk about Max, who is sent to bed without supper for his rambunctious escapades in the house. That very night in Max's room a forest grew and grew until it turned into a thick jungle of trees and vines hanging everywhere. There even was an ocean tumbling, and a private boat for Max that took him into the world where the wild things are. The roaring, fierce creatures with yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and claws filled the land of this world. But Max wasn't frightened. He tamed them with a magic trick, and they made him the king of all wild things. Max realized that Even though he got everything, he wasn't fun anymore. Finally, Max got back to his room. He found his supper waiting for him and it was still hot. The illustrations are very artistic and helpful to envision the story. Some of the pages have just drawings without any words that can make kids imagined what will happen next.

Picture book 15

Phyllis Root. One Windy Wednesday. Massachusetts: Candlewick, 1997.

Bonnie Bumble has problems when, after a windy Wednesday, the duck moos like a cow, the pig baas like a lamb, the cow oink like a pig and the lamb quack like a duck. When the windy died down. Bonnie helps each animal get their 'voice' back. Bonnie Bumble put everything right again. This picture book can encourage children to learn about animal's voice. I think it's a cute illustrations and funny story.

Picture book 16

Eric Carle. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. United States : Philomel Books, 1994.

A young caterpillar is born and begins to eat his way through the world and through many foods . These foods are eaten on each of the seven days of the week. One sunny Sunday, the caterpillar was hatched out of a tiny egg. He was very hungry. On Monday, he ate through one apple. On Tuesday, he ate through two pears and still he was hungry. On Wednesday, he ate through three plums. On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries. On Friday, he ate through five oranges. On Saturday, he ate through many desserts. Then He was a big fat caterpillar and he wasn't hungry anymore. He built a cocoon and stay inside it for two weeks. After that he push out. Finally, he was a beautiful butterfly. Strikingly bold, colorful pictures and a simple text in large, clear type tell the story of a hungry little caterpillar progress through an amazing variety and quantity of foods.

Picture book 17

Rob Scotton. Splat the Cat: A Whale of a Tale. New York: HarperCollins, 2013.

Splat is determined to discover a shell like that to bring back for his grandfather. But as hard as he looks on the beach, all he can find is broken shells. Until he gets some help from a whale. Splat is a cat that gets into adventures with his friend a mouse. Splat is excited because his grandfather told Splat that you can hear the sea if you put a seashell up to your ear. In this story he leaves with his family for a trip to the ocean. His grandpa asks him to bring back a shell. So all through the story he goes in search of a shell he can bring back. He gets very frustrated because first he helps his family do various things when they first get

there such as helping dad with umbrella. But then when he does start looking he can't find one that hasn't been broken. He follows a bird that is dropping shells. Then he fell into swell and he met the whale. Splat asked the whale for help to catch a shell. Finally, he can catch the shell from the bird. He has found a shell for show and tell and for his Grandpa.

Picture book 18

Deborah Diesen. The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux., 2010.

This book is about keeping promises and keeping a relationship. Mr. Fish promised to help his friend Ms. Clam who lost the pearl. Mr. Fish found every inch of the land. He swam deeper through so many thing,and he was grimmer. Although he’s fast as a sailfish, as smart as dolphin, and as strong as a shark, Mr. Fish scared of the dark. He though he want to give up because he scared of the dark. Then he heard that Miss Shimmer's whisper for cheer Mr. Fish on. He felt braver. Finally, Miss Shimmer and Mr. Fish found Ms. Clam's pearl. The illustrations are genius and the story is creative, playful, and communicates a great message.

Picture book 19

Britta Teckentrup. Big Smelly Bear. St. Alban: Boxer Books, 2013.

There was a big smelly bear who never washes and brushes . When the animals got a smell of the smelly bear, They will run away. There was just only flies come near Big Smelly Bear. One morning he wakes with a terrible itch on his back. He tried to scratch his back. No one can help him. He met big fluffy bear. The big fluffy bear told the big smelly bear to take a bath. Big Smelly Bear must bathe before she will come near him. After the big smelly bear took a bath, the big fluffy bear scratch the big smelly bear's back. Finally, they were friends. Even though the big smelly bear said that he is not going to take a bath, he went down the big pond in some night.

Picture book 20

Karma Wilson. Where Is Home, Little Pip?. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books , 2008.

This picture talk about a penguin named Pip who lost the way to home. Mama and Papa always reminds Pip not to wander far, and she never does. Until one day a black, Pip was far from home. She turned back to home but It wasn't there. She met a whale, a kelp gull and a sled dog and asked the them about her home but it wasn't. They just know where their home is, they do not know where Pip's home is. Pip tried to looking for her home. She was stopped and cried. She begins to sing a song about home that her parents taught her. Finally, Pip met Papa and Mama. They was so happy. This book is well written and beautifully illustrated. The penguins are all extremely expressive and the landscape sets the stage perfectly for the story.

Easy Book 1

Nathaniel Benchley. A ghost named Fred. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

George has no friends. He makes up games and imaginary friends to play with and pretend to be a cowboy, a pilot, or even a submarine. One day, while pretending to be an astronaut, it starts to rain. He enters an big dark old house to find shelter from the rain and then he meets a ghost named Fred, a friendly ghost. Fred is guarding a treasure that only he knows where it is hidden. But Fred soon realizes that he cannot remember where the treasure is. George agrees to help him find it.