Pick a Suitcase This is Your Case These 4 positions made up George Washingtons cabinet.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Pick a Suitcase This is Your Case These 4 positions made up George Washingtons cabinet.

Pick a Suitcase

This is Your Case

This is Your Case

These 4 positions made up George Washington’s cabinet


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Secretary of State

Secretary of Treasury

Secretary of War

Attorney General

This act of George Washington established the Supreme Court

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Judiciary Act

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George Washington’s handling of this event in Western, PA demonstrated the power of the central gov’t

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Whiskey Rebellion


The concept of staying out of foreign affairs (urged by George Washington)

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Grab Bag

Incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats under Adams

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XYZ Affair


Law passed by Adams to prevent criticism of the gov’t

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Sedition Act

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Law passed by Adams to restrict immigrants coming into the US

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Alien Acts

Yearbook Time

The placing of the interests of a region ahead of the interests of the nation

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A devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation

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The acquisition of territory from France under Jefferson for $15 million

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Louisiana Purchase


President Jefferson’s decision not to trade with any foreign country

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Embargo Act

New Seats

US foreign policy of opposition to any European interference

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Monroe Doctrine


Proponent of the National Bank to help solve the problem of federal debt

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Alexander Hamilton


Political party formed by Alexander Hamilton in favor of a strong central gov’t

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Political party created by Thomas Jefferson to represent individual rights and strong state gov’ts

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Boston Pic

This election ended in a tie between Jefferson and Burr and led to the 12th Amendment

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Election of 1800

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The “crisis” event that led to the Embargo Act and ultimately the War of 1812

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Chesapeake-Leopard Affair


The forced seizure of American sailors into the British navy

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Sunny D

Southern congressmen who advocated war with Britain

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War Hawks


U.S. President during the War of 1812

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James Madison

1pt. Binder

Author of the “Defence of Fort McHenry” during the War of 1812

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Francis Scott Key


Battle that took place after the War of 1812 where the US upset the British

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Battle of New Orleans

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Major General who led US forces in the Battle of New Orleans

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Battle of New Orleans



First 5 presidents in order…

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George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe20 min amnesty

James Madison passed this law because the Americans were losing seaman to the British

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Non-intercourse Act

Index Card

Thomas Jefferson sent these 2 people out to explore recently purchased land

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Lewis and Clark

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