Physical Education Mrs. West€¦ · Health Related Physical Fitness: 6th Grade Fitness 1....

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Transcript of Physical Education Mrs. West€¦ · Health Related Physical Fitness: 6th Grade Fitness 1....

6th Grade

Physical Education

Mrs. West


1. Read the 6th grade fitness notes and make sure you understand them

2. Complete the calorie burn chart and the fitness through exercise sheets

3. Read and annotate the article on warming up and cooling down. You should have AT

LEAST 5 annotations

4. Read and annotate the article on top 5 reasons to full squat and the article on squat

benefits. Again, you should have AT LEAST 5 annotations for each!!

5. Read and annotate the article on why knee push ups are not beneficial. Complete the

corresponding worksheet entitled Push Ups.

6. Log your daily activity for 14 days. Do this by filling out the active lifestyle activity log.

7. Sample stretches and exercises are attached for your convenien ce.

8. Use a separate sheet of paper to answer all questions/complete work if you are unable

to print off information

Name. _________________ PD ___ EVEN/ODD

Health Related Physical Fitness:

6th Grade Fitness

1. Cardiovascular - the ability to exercise the heart and lungs for long periods of time.There are two types of exercise to increase this area:

A. Aerobic: Means "with oxygen". These are exercises that involve continuousphysical activity lasting for at least 10 minutes. The heart rate and breathing ratebecome elevated and the oxygen supplied to the muscles meets the muscles' demandfor oxygen. It involves moving the large muscles of the body in repeated patterns ofmotions. EX: jogging, swimming, aerobics, cross-country skiing.

B. Anaerobic: Means "without oxygen". These are intense physical activities thatlast only a few seconds to a few minutes. Muscles use up oxygen faster than theblood can supply it even though your heart and breathing rates may be elevated.These improve muscle strength. EX: sprinting, weight lifting

2. Strength - is the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles. It is oftenmeasured by how much weight you can lift. There are two types of exercises to improvestrength:

A. Isotonic - contraction and relaxation of muscles through the full range of theirmotion. They are performed with or without weights and are repeated to developmuscle strength. EX: push-ups, pull-ups, weight lifting, crunches

B. Isometric - muscles contract but do not shorten. EX: pushing against a wall,pushing hands together

3. Muscular endurance - the ability to use the muscles many times without getting tired.People with good muscular endurance are likely to have better posture, have fewer backproblems and be better able to resist fatigue.

4. Flexibility - the ability to move your joints through a full range of motion. People withgood flexibility have fewer sore and injured muscles. Stretching before and afterexercising will increase flexibility.

5. Body composition/Body fatness -the percentage of body weight that is fat comparedto other body tissue. People who have a higher percentage of fat are more likely to be illand have a higher death rate than lean people.