Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus - JST

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������� Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus�� ����


The Records of Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus

plumbeitarsus in Japan

Yoshiki Watabe�

Abstract. Two-barred Greenish Warblers Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus were observed

and photographed on Hegura Island (37�51�05.1�N, 136�55�06.2�E), Ishikawa Prefec-

ture, on three years: from 24th to 25th May in 2000 (3 individuals), on 20th May in 2001

(1 individual) and from 24th to 25th May in 2005 (3 or more individuals). They were

distinguished from similar species (the Arctic Warbler P. borealis, Green Leaf-warbler P.

nitidus, Greenish Warbler P. trochiloides, Pale-legged Leaf-warbler P. tenellipes, Sakhalin

Leaf-warbler P. borealoides and the Large-billed Leaf-warbler P. magnirostris) by di#er-

ences in the shape of the supercilium and wing bars, in the color of the legs, bill, and tip

of the outer tail feathers, in their call, and in the wing structure. I also summarized the

records of P. plumbeitarsus in Japan based on the data from the literature and personal

communication. Eleven records (15 individuals or more) were obtained from 13th

September 1998 to 29th May 2009 and seven records (11 individuals or more) occurred in

mid and late May in 1999 to 2009.

Key words: Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus, Hegura


������ ������� Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus� ����

�������� !" #$%&'() Phylloscopus trochiloides� !"&� *!+,-./0121� 345 � 67,89:;<=>?@ABCDEF121�GHIJK�� !"LM�N O� !"&P(BQRSTUR� 6VW(XOU$L��YZUR[�X (Tic-

ehurst 1938, Baker 1997, Clements 2007)� O\] nitidus, trochiloides, plumbeitarsus&� ^_(BQRSTU�`abM=� c`a& P. trochiloidesC� viridanus, ludlowi, trochiloides,

obscuratus 4W(Xde/U� (Williamson 1967, Dickinson 2003, del Hoyo et al. 2006)N �fgL&� OCLhi0121@A�GHIJK�� plumbeitarsusBjk/U�lm;nop���L 2000q./ 2005q�T%=rstuQ%LfgK�N plumbeitarsus&� vw

Report �� �

Received 7 May 2010.

� xy:z_{|}f~4�!� �252�0236 xy:zCD���� 1�� 3� 41��� Sagamihara City Environmental Information Center, 1�3�41 Fujimi, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa

252�0236, Japan.

����� (J. Yamashina Inst. Ornithol.), 42: 164�174, 2011 �Yamashina Institute for Ornithology


��������� (Irwin 2001, 2005)����� ����������� ������ Two-barred Greenish Warbler P. plumbeitarsus ����������� ��� �!"#�$��� %&'()*+,-./01������� 23�4 5 2000� 6720028� 9: (1941)#����; (1942)�<=�� >?� P. plumbeitarsus 2�@� P. t.

plumbeitarsus8 �� 2A�8 ��)*+,-./��B��C�DE��������F=��0)*+,-./���� G�� plumbeitarsus0���������� nit-

idus, trochiloides��������H���������� 48 km��E 37I51J05.1K�D 136I55J06.2K 2LMN��8 �O�� 2PQ�R�P�S� TP�U!VW XY8� "Z� 0.552 km2� #[ 12.4 m�$%�\ ]���� 2&�^_` _`a 20028���'�b�(c�)*d� �e]f�gh�i+�� �5b��jk�l�m� n�o�p���.qrs Pinus thunbergii�t,������u��-v�wx� yz�� 2000.� 2001.� 2005.� 5{�|/�}B���010~���2��� �� ������3��|/0G��� ������3��4m����}B��2���

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� 1 2000 5�2000. 5{ 22�� 27�G���H�;�+� 24�� 1 B� 25�� 3 B0wx���wx�o� 24�� 25�� 2�o��¡ 5�o>Q��=�� ���¢[ 5�8 m�.qrs,�� n�+���C£��,¤�¥B¦d<m��G§�D�B¦d�<@wx ��� wx¨E��F��� 8 m�=�� wx��G©� 24�� 25���ª��� wx���H«�=��� 24��¬? 6� 15�� 7� 30�G�I­�®�J¯=�� °K��>?�6�� 6�� 24� 5� 43��''5�6�6� 4 m/s, 6� 43��'�6�6� 5 m/s


� 2 2001 5�2001. 5{ 20�� 26�G���H�;�+� 20�� 1 B0� 30�owx��� ���¢[ 5 m>��±² Elaeagnus sp. #.qrs�³´ ��tµ,�� ��##G§�£¶��m� ,·�¸¹�B�� wx¨E��F��� 6 m�=�� G©�ª��� wx���H«�=��°K��>?�6��6�� 20� 10� 43��'5�6�6� 9 m/s�=��]�� ��L?�M�wxv�<m� ��� �.qrs,º�� �� 1 B�»K ���m� 0® B�¼�½�[B�

)*+,-./ Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus�����¹�|/ 165

�� 3 2005� 5�2005� 5 � 23��� 27��������� 24� 1 ��� 25� 3 �������

��� �������� �24� !"#$%� �24�� 25� &'�� 24� �()*�+,�������-. 15 m ������/0+,12�� ��� 24�! 25� �()*�+,�"#$%��� .3�-.� 2.5 m� ��� 50% �� ��45� �6 �789� Artemisia sp., :;� Polygonaceae� <=� Carex sp. >?�@�) 1 m �.+�������� 100% &'�� ��A��BCD� 5 m &'�� �E� 24�)�F� 25�)G,�� ��HI��J&'�� K�DL�M��N� �O� 24� 8 D 55�)P�P����O7 m/s &'��

����� �Q� 1 �� 3 �*�+,�R�� (Figs. 1, 2 & 3) �� �S�R��T�U4�V)W'��X1����YZ![\�]�)^_`ab�c P. borealis de�12��Q� 1 !Q� 3

����f5 2�^_`ab�cgF��� h+�'�)� Q� 2 ����f5 �iU4j()2>�'��k� lm+��'mF���>�'�� ��� �n1���!�2o,���pqrs">t\u�vw�#\�x y\u�>5� z{|cab�c P. cor-

onatus �}4!#\u)~>5���,�F�\ ���,�F�� Q� 3 � 1 �����)�o� �\u�vw1��4��)W'�� ���S$%����S!�U}1����&\ ��� Q� 1 ��'(��)y\ ��4��p2�� )*�U}1����qrs">y&\ ���� )*�Y���+�)�~WF� ,gF��)p'!p-)�2��)�5� ,���.f�Bp-)�2��p*�+,�)� ,gFM�p'!p-)�2���*�+,>�'�� ��� ^_`ab�c�g� /�(������ 0�,4�!�>5�M�.f����121���)*)�f�12�)� 1��12>�'�� )*�����\ ��4�!pW'�� �����\�,gFM��5� ,gF����,!qr2�-��3�W4�!)����4���� ��,�S  ��Y�y&\(�)W4�!)����4����5�[���42#\ �Q� 1 ! 3 ����\u�vw�#\ �Q� 2 &'�� �¡6!

l¡6�¢£�&\�� ¤51�3> 2��5v�Y0�12�� �� 2��5v�^_`ab�cgF��� -)�5� ¥�¦ab�c P. inornatus §¨©ª«ab�c P. proregulus

�e�12��  7���[��¥�¦ab�c§¨©ª«ab�c�g�>¬\(��*�+,o� s" ���� $�qr­$�&\()>�'�� 5[��(����®¯�� �S��°�8�� X1�l¡6¢£ &\���¬\()WF� l¡69±( ²U4l¡6¢£&\(�:+���B³´� 1/3 �� l¡6¢£&\(�Bp:2(���;�<µgFp:5���� ��� l¡6¢£�&\(�³= p = p¶�� ³=�-)��'��B:K7���Q� 3 ��� (Fig. 3C) g4!� ´�� 7>,� P7 �� P6 ! P8 �·,gFC�'�� ·��k� ¸7��! 7���� 7>�K7��)?±�1���� P9 �¢£�� Q� 3 � 2005� 5 � 24�¹º� 1>��� (Fig. 3C) �� P3 ¢£.f W4g� ���� ³����4 7��!·���?±�124K7���:+���� ^_`ab�c �i�1h+5� ����»¼)½@&'�Q� 1 ! 3 �� 1/2 �� 2/3A�&'�� P10 �

B ( � -166

� 1. 2000�5�25������ ������������ Phylloscopus plum-


Fig. 1. Two-barred Greenish War-

bler Phylloscopus plumbei-

tarsus photographedonHe-

gura Island, Ishikawa Pre-

fecture, 25th May, 2000.

� 2. 2001�5�20������ ������������ Phylloscopus plum-


Fig. 2. Two-barred Greenish War-

bler Phylloscopus plum-

beitarsus photographed on

Hegura Island, Ishikawa

Prefecture, 20th May,


� 3. 2005�5�24� (C)�25�(A, B)����� ������������Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus.

Fig. 3. Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phyllosco-

pus plumbeitarsus photographed on

Hegura Island, Ishikawa Prefecture,

24th (C) and 25th (A, B) May, 2005.

������� Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus������� ! 167

����������� �������� P10�� ������������������� P6�� P8 �� 3������� !"#$ %&����'�� (�)*+����,-��.����� /0�12*+ 3��4"%&567' (Fig. 3B) 8� ��+$�+�9$:;< ��=�������������>'?1 @��A0 B��CDEF0�G� 2�HI�� J�=� G� 1$ 3��HI��=?���JK�JA0� 3��L�� ������������M=N �1����O�4� PQRST �� PQRUST $�#�"V� W�XYD�Motacilla alba�O�4�ZZ[?2? G� 3��\] Accipiter gularis�^_L�`��J�a4J PQR�T $2bV5�'��c�����������d�� G� 3�HI�efC gh�i�jkl ��Lm n�`Zn�o�Ipqr�s"$4�tu�ps"#$ !=� 8�9��`��ps"#$�J�=�� v��� wx�yz'?{� O@�� 1 m|B�}�"#$�J�=��

������#L��HI� ���������K� ~�$*0 c� ���������['I@! 9�.�J�0�p���"0� IB! 9�.�J#0� ��J$�$��� !� � 1�=?2? � 9����#0% J�=�#$�� ��������Phylloscopus�.�$���L" (Baker 1997, del Hoyo et al. 2006)� ������������b� �p��I@! 9�.���0�p���"0�&�� J B�'p��IB! 9�.��#0� 2(���J)� !"#$�����������������U���;L��� ��S����� P. tenellipes ������ P. borealoides W������� P. magnirostris �2�L�$���L" (del Hoyo et al. 2006)��������� $�� *  +��h¡�.,�!"#$ $� *  �¢%�£'J2#$ (�)��-¤'?2"��)��� �����"(�)��_���¥2./�!"#$ �� *  /2�0�p���¦0 /§�0 �¦0 /200J;$1¨�L"0� /20©�!"#$ O�4 ‘drzt’, ‘drz-it’, ‘dzrt’, ‘drrt’, ªF«¬ªFF«¬ ªSR«¬ J;$1G�L"#$�� gTicehurst 1938, Alstrom, & Olsson 1987, Harris

et al. 1989, Svensson 1992, Leader 1993, Baker 1997, Beaman & Madge 1998, Svensson et al. 1999&2­a® 2000 ¯3°9� 2004l (4�HI$±J"���S������ $� #0 ���S��0² +�@$o ³´05p��"#$)p6µ�`¶�)$(�)����) 5�� 6�'�-¤'?��J2#$B� 70�¢%p·2?�0�!"#$ �� ³¸0 /270 /2¹5�!"�0/2ºE�0J;$1G�L"0©�!"#$ O�4 »�8J ‘tik tik’, ‘pit pit’, ‘pink’,

‘tsic’J;$1G�L"#$�� g¼Q½�´ 1996, Baker 1997, del Hoyo et al. 2006 9:9�2009l (4�HI$±J"�������� &;��h< A¦�0�=|B�"�0$0> ±J"#$ $� # ���S��0#0�!" o? ³´05p��"#$ B� ¢%p·2?�0�!"

@ % A v168

��� ������� �� ���� ������������������������� ��� !"#� $%&� ‘tsu’, ‘heep’, ‘peet’����������� '()*+,-���./ 012345 1996� 6789: 2000� ;<=>. 2004, del Hoyo et al. 2006� ?@>.2007, Brazil 2009A� B��CD�E��FGHIJKH�L � +����MN(O�PQ�RS �������� TU'V�WX�Y������� ����� der-tee’, ‘dir-tee ?’, ‘wee-chi ?’������ 2Z[� 1Z[)\?�]�����./ (Ali & Repley 1997, Baker 1997, Grimmett et al. 1998, Brazil 2009)� B��CD� E��F

P. nitidus� P. trochiloides� ^_`KH�L � ab�cY�RS c��defgR�hi���� T./jk�l�mn�o�./pqrP��s�mn�t��u�vwxKH�L,uyrPz�* 55�65% 0^_`KH�L� P. trochiloides�{| P. t. viridanusA ��� 55

}70% (P. nitidus)������ P10�s�~�)\t���� P6./ P8R�� 3�,T�����\ P5�T��� �,�/��.��� ��������� ��vwxKH�L)\�*� +���������b.����z��Q�b������ ���vwxKH�L)\���*�*jk���� G����L,�S���(�i�����./� B��CD���i� (Svensson 1992, Baker 1997, Beaman & Madge 1998, van der Vliet et al. 2001, del Hoyo

et al. 2006)F�����./� B��CD � P. nitidus, P. trochiloides� ^_`KH�L����.�����k/��F

�������P. nitidus, P. trochiloides� ^_`KH�L��� �+���\��rSFP. nitidus D�������������\� ab�  V� D+��c���¡���� P9

�WX ¢£ P4WX� P5WX�¤¥,����./ (Svensson 1992, Baker 1997, van der

Vliet et al. 2001, del Hoyo et al. 2006)� B��CD� E��FP. trochiloides, 4{|�¦§/�P��S§� {|¨�,��rSF {| P. t. viridanus

� ab�¢£�����©rP�\� ª« ¢£9~�� 1B¬­�¤~�,��®¯�°[±S�� 9~�WX�Y�N ²�,hr��.��� ²�� ³�.��\� 9~�WXY�N�t�����´�)\°¢£µ��� (Ticehurst 1938, Svensson 1992, Baker 1997,

van der Vliet et al. 2001)� B��CD� E��F {| P. t. ludlowi ª«� 1B��*� P9�P3)\µ��� (Ticehurst 1938, Williamson 1967, Ali & Ripley 1997, Grimmett et al. 1998)� B��CD� E��F {| P. t. trochiloides 1B�ª« uy#��¬� 2B[ ³�.��\� P9�¢£ P3)\µ��� (Ticehurst 1938, Svensson 1992, Ali & Ripley 1997)� B��CD� E��F {| P. t. obscuratus P9� P2�¶t. P3�¶t��� P2� P3�¤¥�t������� B��CD���{|���·¸¹ ���� D+��cY������ (Tic-

ehurst 1938, Williamson 1967)� B��CD� ººE��F^_`KH�L D+��Y������� ab��(»kP�©i�CD 9¼������� ¤~��9~��WX�cY�.Y����S§ 2B�ª«������ 9~�WX�Y�N ²�,hi���� 9~�WXY�N�t�����´�)\°¢£9����� P9

^_`KH�L Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus�½B,�­��� 169

� P2���� P5������� P2� P4�� ������ (Ticehurst 1938, Svensson

1992, Baker 1997, van der Vliet et al. 2001)� ��������� ���� ����� !"��#��$%& ��'����()*+���� ,���� �-��� ./%)��� 0�#���&1&2�� (Dickinson 2003, del Hoyo et al.

2006), P. nitidus � P. trochiloides 345��#�������6�� ��7�8���9:� ;��<=� ��#��>���������� ! P. plumbeitarsus�?@�A��

��������5� P. trochiloides��������BCDE (2000)��AF���,�2�G���:�� � ��H��G�CDE (2005)� P. trochiloides �!IJ 2"G�� ����� !�!IJ 6"G��K#LA��;=� MANAG��O:=P$;=%Q;=: � &R��A��MSG�TUV� P$;� Table 1 ���W�� �X� ��H��G�CDE(2005)�� Table 1 �Y;�G�Z�� [\]'�^(_��X` 2001) 5a 5� 1

������� !G����� bc (2002)�de�*+fg�YLA=: � ;�;�&R�hi$,���� ��������� !2���� jk�� !2� �?@��W� Table 1��YL��<��bc (2002)������ !��;�jk�� !���;�:���;�lm-�./no�� pqLA=: de���01K2�<r�;�:J� &Rs2jk�� !de �lm-t3�*4�u�v@ de�wx� � Gy z{|%}~ �:u��jk�� !��������� !��� �?@�A �� ��2r �g���� ��8�5;:� bc (2002)�� �6�7�8��8����:�n2�8��) n2� ��T����� !�n��;=: �;=: �� �9!I���A=:�:� 6:Gy�� !I�;=� van der Vliet et al. (2001)���5�6� P. trochiloidesZ��n2���� �����n�v@� Leader (1993) T�9;����������/:n2� �;=: � ;�;���� Leader (1993)��6���1 :n2� ��TGy;OO� ��� ����n���<�:n�2��� ����� !���n2� �;=: � bc (2002)�pqLA=: de2��6n����/n2��� ����� !"�:���2� 7�8T;�;rA�:�� jk�� !���6:� bc (2002)���;=:�:�� de��<=�>n2������ n2�������� !��>jk�� !����;=: � ��� bc (2002)�� ?@��A�¡)¢£¤¢��:�;=: �� de���¥�����>¡)¢£¤¢�� �u�v@� jk�� !��;=: � L��� ���v@ ¦�B§�M���C¨;=: ©�B§�LD� P9�L� P10ª�©�m-��C¨E�� bc (2002)�#W=: �u�� ����� !��>«;�jk�� !�6:� ©�B§� 7Fv@ ���¬¥�=?@ �� ��������� !��>jk�� !�?@ Zu�­®2� ������ !G�� 13"�<�� Mu¯� No. 3u¯ 2000) 5a 26�G��

No. 6, No. 7 3"�*+fg�012�<�� �°;� No. 3 5a 26�G������±����2�²�����³LA=: �W� �A�*���°<�7�8�� � ;��<=� *+fg�G1;=: ����� !G�� 11" 15��hJ ´Hµ;���G�LA�¶¬�� 1�I��ª>·:��¸T¹J;=¬º;�» °<�� �A�u¯� ¼

K � L ½170

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�������Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus�� ���� 171

����� 5���� 1� 1� 5���� 2� 2� 5� �� 5� 9���� ������ 9��� �� 10���� 3� 3�� 5��� ����� 7� 11�������� ��������� ������ !�"��# $� 2000� 5� 24�25�2001� 5� 20� 2005� 5� 24�25� 3��%����� &'� �()��*+,(2005)�-./�01 '2� 1999� 5���� 345����"67��� 1999� 5�26 -./�01�89:;�������&7<��89#�=>�?@�A�BC $D �"�� "���6� �E��F���� ��G��&H�I8JKL�&73��"6�-./�01�� 1998� 9� 13� 1����� I8JKL����������� !�"�-./�01�� 2000� 5� 24�25 M24 1� 25 3N ����

P. trochiloides����-./�01 '2� 1999� 5� 31 M1N � 2002� 5� 26

M1N � 2�O���� P#�����QRL����89#3��SO��� 7T;3��G��&H�I8JKL�&7 (Table 1)� U�� -./�01�� 1998� 4� 5 V�=W:� F��X�Y:� Z[� ���[�\]� ��[� �^��_� `�[�A P. trochil-

oides�aQ:;��=>�?@ $D89:;67��� bcdefgh�i�j3k6W;&7�l M=>�? BCN� � �mn"&����bcdefgh���1 o7pqrq����s��� �t $��� ��'D���� u��v�w�xy1 M�z� 40{N | 5����A 6�F� }~"��p 1G��!��"�� 5�F��A�A; M�� 1941N� ���#��p#| 5�����fq$p#�qe���%| 5� � }~ (del Hoyo et al. 2006)� �����v M�z 39{47�p� 119{27�N '2� 1985�u������ 5� 5�A 6� 1U���� ��:;� 5�� 4� �3������:;� (Williams 1986)� "���6� ��� '2���&� 5��� ���������<��� ��1 o7pqrq����s���'��&7� U����&���:;67����7T;3����(1��D� =) o7� <�<��A��&���:;�3�����*������A;�� U�� ��������� ��¡�$�A$>�s ��:;67�<��A� ��&��u����s�$�A$>�� ¢�6}~"67�3����A;�� ���v�w�xy1| 8�+�A 9�+� ����#| 8�P � ��| 9��A 10��� }~£� M�� 1941, del Hoyo et al. 2006N� ?%� �����v '2� 1986��A 1990�U� '2�����D������:;�¤�¥&��� (Williams 2000)������������ 13� M¦§��QRL� �"67�3�� 11�N � 9��� �� 10���� 3��� ��1 o7pqrq���s��'��&���� �����v������D�¤�¥&���<��A� pqrq�¨©�ª|�� }~£��¥&7i�j��D� ��&�������¥&7<��«��l���i�j���A;��

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���|U�l� ��D� ¬#­,@ ��t®¯ °±-7�O7�²�� 7�³���t ³76�./|7�O7�� =>�?@���)´µ�&A¶ �´µ�·0¸ M¹sN �!º �@ ��t®¯ °±-7�O7�� 2005� 5��89�»�P1¼2@ '

� # 3 ½172

������ ����� ������������ ����� ����� � !�� "#$%� � &'� ( )*� ��+,�-.�/� 0�12�3�45�67������ 89:�;<=��>?@.A �B.�/� ��CDE���F� GH�IJKL������� MN/� OP��Q�RS�;<=�TU� VWXY�

� � � �

Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. 1997. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan Together with Those of Bangladesh,

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Alstrom, P. & Olsson, U. 1987. Field identification of Arctic and Greenish Warblers. In International bird

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P. J. Grant, J. T. R. Sharrock, S. Taggar, & H. Shirihai), pp. 54�59. International Birdwatching Center

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