PHPExtensions - ThecusPHPExtensions This module enhances the built in PHP functionality by adding...

Post on 24-May-2020

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Transcript of PHPExtensions - ThecusPHPExtensions This module enhances the built in PHP functionality by adding...


This module enhances the built in PHP functionality by adding some loadable extensions. Through the module management page the

extensions to be activated can be selected. In addition to the extensions provided for the build in PHP library a PHP CLI/CGI of the same

version is made available.


After enabling the module the module status and configuration page can be accessed. This page allows to select which extensions

should be loaded. Currently the following extensions are provided by this module:

bcmath - binary calculator

bz2 - provides support to read/write bzip2 compressed files

calendar - simplifies converting between different calendar formats

curl - provides an interface to the libcurl library

dbase - access records stored in dBase-format (dbf) databases

exif - manage EXIF information in images

ftp - allows access to FTP servers

gettext - provides a NLS (Native Language Support) API

json - provides JSON encode/decode functions

ldap - provides LDAP support

mailparse - Mail parser functions

mbstring - multibyte string functions

mcrypt - provides an interface to the mcrypt library

mhash - provides an interface to the mhash library

pgsql - provides PostgreSQL support

shmop - read, write, create and delete Unix shared memory segments

snmp - wrapper around the underlying Net-SNMP

soap - provides SOAP specific function

wddx - Web Distributed Data Exchange

xattr - access extended file attributes

xsl - implements the XSL standard

After enabling the module, the path to the PHP CLI binary is


Using the CGI Version of the Module with the built in web server

To use the CGI version of the module the following has to be added to a .htaccess file located in the root of the web tree of the module

that requires this extensions:

AddType application/x-httpd-php-phpextensions .php


If you receive a "500 Server Error" error message when accessing your web pages you either missed to enable the PHPExtensions

module of have a typo in the .htaccess file.

Using the CGI Version of the Module with the Thecus WebServer module

To use the CGI version of the module with the Thecus WebServer module add the following to the modules httpd.conf (and ssl.conf if


<IfModule !mod_actions.c>

LoadModule actions_module modules/


<IfModule mod_actions.c>

ScriptAlias /.PHPExtensions/cgi-bin/ /raid/data/module/PHPExtensions/cgi-bin/

<Directory /raid/data/module/PHPExtensions/cgi-bin/>

AllowOverride None

Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


<Directory "/">

AllowOverride All



Next create a .htaccess file with the following content in the root of the web application:

AddType application/x-httpd-php-phpextensions .php Action application/x-httpd-php-phpextensions /.PHPExtensions/cgi-bin/php

Known issues

Due to changes in libphp5 introduced in firmware 5.x (or 3.x already) on 32bit models dynamic loading of extensions will not work on

this firmware versions. A ticket has been opened with Thecus to get the old functionality restored (dynamic loading of

modules/extensions) - TicketID MIA-702251. Modules that intent to use this module should use the CGI version of PHP provided with

this module. On 64bit models the module has been tested successfully with firmware v2.

Further informationen

PHPExtensions / Changelog

Official web site of PHP

Other modules known to use this module


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