Photos and screen shots

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Photos and screen shots

I started by inserting my main image by using the place tool in the file tool at the top of the page

I placed the image my adjusting the sizes by the corner of the image and fitting it to the size and place on the page I intended to place it.

I used the healing spot brush tool to get rid of my models spots

Using the magic wand tool, I draw around my image and will delete the background

Using the blur tool in the filter tool box, I intend to blur the imager then fix the motion so the image is more clear

Using the image- adjustments- black and white tool, I made my image black and white and then used the layer style tool box to create more of a black and white effect and to help some areas of black and white stand out more.

I created a drop shadow effect to create a 3D effect and make it look like he is playing against a wall.

Using the burn tool I wanted to create more of a shadow effect, this filed and I got feed back telling me this was a bad idea.

I added a blue background making my image stand out more with its drop down shadow

I added a banner (strip) at the top for my advertisements. I created a gold colour effect to fit in with my intentions.

I have added my text at the top using different sizes doe different information and fonts. I have also added my chosen masthead.

I intended to have text on the piano in this kind of layout but it did not look of a professional standard.

I changed the writing on the keyboard to horizontal angle

I added my main title to the cover and added a classic shape of brush to give the text more of a formal look.

I added my bar code to the bottom right of the page with a lighting effect to create a spot light on my page

I added information to my cover my using different sized texts and fonts to make the headings stand out. The colour red and white is part of my colour scheme.

I added 2 white bars at the top with texture to separate the information like the date, issue and price.