Photography using the elements

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Photography using the elements

Photography using the elements

By. Blake McCray

Lines Lines show a way of movement, what way to

go kind of like the rail.

Shape formThis show shape and form because the window

is 3D and hasa geometric shape

spaceI think this shows a lot of space, it gives a 3D

feeling and it can used for many things

valueI think this has lots of value because if the different colors and shadowing

Texture This photo has lots of texture, I think it is rough and also smooth

Color This picture has lots of different color, green, black,gray.

EmphasisThis picture draws the eye to the points it can be many different things

balancethis picture is balanced in between white, and redish brick color

unityThis photo is very unified it has just enough black and just enough yellow

contrastThis Photo has lots of different colors and textures showing contrast

movementThis tree is in a movement, it is tuning in a spiral