Photography rules powerp

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Photography rules powerp

The Rules of PhotographyUnit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Terminology

P1, P2, M1, M2


Rule of thirds

• The rule of third is a guide line that says when you are taking an image you should imagine thatbthere are nine equal sections and that the main focus point of the photograph should be in one of these sections

Examples of Rule of thirds


• Framing in photography brings the focus of the image to the centre of the image. The border around the edge of the image helps isolate the main subject in the image.

Leading Lines

• When looking at an image our eyes get natually drawn to lines. This effects the way we look at images and what we see as the main focus of the image.

Balancing Elements

• Balancing your main subject not in the centre of an image making a more intresting photo.

Symmetry & Patterns

• Symetry make for some of the most eye catching imagse as they are hard to capture. A way of making them more exiting is to change the focus on one side of the symetry.

Depth of Field

• Depth of field is when the focus of the image is on either something in the foreground or the background.