
Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Photography

Photography techniques

By Serena Jeffery

Photo’s taken by me:

Lighting Light captures a photo.

From the relentless power of full sun over water to the beam from a single candle, it is light photographers play with, light in its many moods and manifestations that we capture on film.

Click icon to add pictureWhen studying atmospheric

optics, and astronomy in particular, it is customary to

think of the surroundings (sky, soil, etc.) being a giant sphere

with directions.

The celestial sphere (right) is an imaginary sphere with

unspecified radius, centered on the observer (you).

This is why a rainbow seems fixed in a rainstorm. Although

the storm may move the rainbow will seem fixed.

Except if you move, so will the rainbow.

High speed macro photography


To take better photo’s with water etc. I found that, setting the Flash to manual mode and setting the power to its lowest setting or so (1/64) will help by making the flash fire a very brief burst of light, which freezes the action better.

The Set up:

keeping the subject parallel to the lens so that everything is in focus. You need to be close because the flash power is reduced.

After learning new tips these

are the pictures I took:

I learned that when taking pictures of things close up, such as water, it is much

better to take pictures if I put a bright object in the background

so my point of focus is more visible and stands out more. I

chose to use grape fruits in the background so the water didn’t blend in with the white walls.

Success! After many rocks being thrown into the water, and many times finding the perfect focus to get the water I got a

picture of the water moving in the air and the background color shows off the color of the droplets clearly.

I figured out that taking pictures of things like a cat work out a lot better if if you narrow in on certain things so that the picture won’t make the cat look fatter than it should of misshaped.

For instance I found that out taking a picture of my cat, which is on the next slides.

The next slide is a picture of my cat that I found did not extenuate him.

The following picture is the one I found make him look like the cute kitty he is.