Photographic storyboard

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Photographic storyboard

Photographic storyboardAdam Richards

Scene one shot one: A close up of the victims feet running down stairs in a block of flats

Sound of quick footsteps


Scene one shot two: A close up (low angle shot) of victims hand grabbing stairway handrail

Sound of metal being grabbed


Scene one shot three: A close up of the victims flustered face as she runs

Sound of heavy breathing


Scene two shot one: A close up of the antagonists hand putting on a black leather glove in victims flat

Sound of leather being stretched


Scene two shot two: A close up of antagonist picking up broken picture of victim and friend

Sound of broken glass rubbing


Scene two shot three: A close up of the antagonist rustling a bin bag

Sound of bin bag rustling


Scene three shot one: A mid-shot (panning) following victim as they run to door

Sound of footsteps


Scene three shot two: Mid-shot (start of match on action) of victim grabbing door handle

Sound of footsteps


Scene three shot three: Long shot (completes match on action) of victim running outside

Sound of generic outside and cars


Scene three shot four: Over the shoulder shot of victim looking back at flats

Sound of generic outdoors and cars


Scene four shot one: Mid-shot (cross cutting) Antagonist picks up ripped sleeve of victims


Scene five shot one: P.O.V shot (Cross cutting) Victim running down outdoor park stairs

Sound of footsteps, heavy breathing


Scene six shot one: Close up (cross cutting) Antagonist cleaning up from victims flat

Sound of scrubbing effect


Scene seven shot one: P.O.V shot (cross cutting) Victim running

Sound of footsteps, heavy breathing


Scene eight shot one: extreme Close up (cross cutting) Antagonist picking up blooded weapon


Scene nine shot two: Close up antagonist reaches out and rips victims sleeve off

Sound of ripping


Scene nine shot one: Mid-shot of antagonist chasing victim in flat (FLASHBACK)

Sound of footsteps, screaming, heavy breathing


Scene nine shot three: Close up (low angle shot) weapon being raised at victim

Sound of scream


Scene nine shot four: Mid-shot of victim limping towards door for escape

Sound of heavy breathing, footsteps


Scene ten shot one: Long to mid-shot of victim running to the camera

Sound of footsteps, leaves rustling


Scene eleven shot one: Mid-shot of antagonists hand grabbing victims face from behind


Scene twelve shot one: Sudden cut to black, before lift doors close

Sound of lift mechanics