Photographic composition

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Photographic composition

Definition:Definition: subject matter elements within

the picture area.

Photographic Composition

Definition: Definition: The pleasing arrangement of subject matter elements within the picture area.

Photographic Composition

Photographic Composition

Point of Interest• One Element Per Photo

• Think Ahead

• Large contrasting elements immediately demand attention.

• Humans attract attention, particularly eyes

Photographic Composition

Simplicity• Tell One Story

• Avoid Cluttered Backgrounds

• Focus on a Feature

Photographic Composition

Rule of Thirds• Center = Boring

• Use Rule of Thirds

Photographic Composition

Viewpoint & Camera Angle• Close but not the same

•Low angle= Drama & Size

• High angle = Orientation & Relationship

Photographic Composition

Balance• Makes photographs look harmonious

• Symmetrical/Formal

- Equal weight on both sides

• Asymmetrical/Informal

- Pivot the symmetrical photo

Photographic Composition

More Balance• Higher is heavier

• Intense objects appear heavier

• Similar shape, similar weight