Phillip project

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Phillip project

My Journal to tell

Mom, If I ever get home!

The unfortunate egg

I need someone to take care of me!

All you have to do is:

- Turn of a filter so I don’t get hurt

-Water temperature needs to be 16-28 degrees celcius

- I must be fed protozoa for at least the first 7 days and newly

hatched brine shrimp for the next 2 weeks

- Fish food I need fish food actually chopped up white worms for 3


-But DON’T over feed me

-I will then mature in 2-6 months

-I will live for four or more years

I arrived at this unusual place, I had no idea where I

was at so I took a picture of myself because I was

going to show mom.

Day 1: stage 12

Day 2: stage 26

It felt like I was trapped and all I could see was

straight up this big eye looking at me!

- I do have 106 heart beats per min

If you click on the video you

can watch my hear beat!

Day 5: stage 31

As you can see I am getting more developed I have no

idea who my owners are but I think they are taking

good care of me.

- Phillips eyes have grown and become very

pronounced You can see faint traces of blood. His

heart beat is now 150 beats per min

Day 6: stage 33

I can see people but they cant quite see me

yet, they look like nice people.

This is what I look like!

- Some internal

organs have

developed and his

fin has widened

and heart beat

has increased to

170 beats per


Day 7: stage 34

I feel like I am almost ready to hatch! My owners

are very nice and they take good care of me.

- Phillip has

some slight jaw

movement and

some yellow


His heartbeat

has increased

to about 195

per minute

Day 8: stage 35

My eyes are very big, and that is

how I see my wonderful owners.

If only I could talk to tell them to

take me back to my mom!

- His embryo twitches a lot and

the spleen is very visible

Day 9: stage 35

Today I am feeling good, and

I think I’m going to hatch then

I can swim!

- Phillip is twitching

and shaking a lot

almost ready to


Day 10: I hatched!

I can swim I can see I can do everything

like my dad!

My owner’s Taylor and Alicia have told me that I am a biology lab. Me

and all my brothers and sister, everyone has seemed to enjoy watching

us grow and I do not mind leaving my parents as long as I put pleasure in

other peoples lives.

They have told me that everyone has really found it interesting how

we grew and they described the smiles on all the faces when students

came in and saw there own fish hatched. Now I am In a tank back with

my brothers and sisters just like we were in the beginning.


The Japanese Medaka (white book used in class)

By: Taylor Newcome