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Philadelphia Daily Record

Transcript of Philadelphia Daily Record

Vol. III No. 93 (459) Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia June 1, 2012

WARNINGS ARE OUT deer-tick population is surging to epic levels thisspring. Lyme disease is a serious risk – and Southeastern Penna.’s backyardshave some of the highest infection rates in USA. Story below.

PhiladelphiaDaily Record

Lyme Time



T h e P h i l a d e l p h i aP u b l i c R e c o r d

C a l e n d a rJun.2- State Rep. Cherelle

Parker sponsors legal workshop

on Your Right to Know at Fin-

ley Recreation Ctr., 7701 Mans-

field Ave. For info (215)


Jun. 3- Italian National

Day, La Festa Della Repubblica,

in S. Phila. on E. Passyunk Ave.

between Mifflin and Moore Sts.,

12-6 p.m. Rain or shine. For

info (215) 334-8882.

Jun. 3- Congregations of

Shaare Shamayim marks 50th

anniversary at 9768 Verree Rd.

Event will honor David L.

Cohen, Exec. VP, Comcast, with

Highest Honor Award (Kol

Hakavod) for his service, espe-

cially in the Jewish community.

Honorary Co-chairs are Gov. Ed

Rendell and Hon. Jonathan

Saidel. Entertainment by

“Broadway Sings”. Event starts

at 2:30 p.m. For ticket info and

to place ad in Souvenir Com-

memorative Journal (215-677-

1600) or Dr. Ruth Horwitz,

Tribute Committee (215) 913-


June 5- Phila. Republican

Happy Hour at Paddey Whacks,

1509 South St. hosted by 5th,

8th and Philly Republicans of

Color first Tuesday of every

molnth 6 to 9 p.m. Joe DeFelice,

State GOP Director, guest


Jun. 9- Republican State

Senatorial candidate Mike Tom-

linson fujndrasier at CHickie

and Petes, 11000 Roosevelt

Blvd. Tickets at door $40, two

for $75. For info contact Kathny

Lombarfdi, 215-519-7553 or


Jun. 10- St. Edmond’s

Parish Centennial Dinner at

Penn’s Landing Caterers, 1301

S. Columbus Blvd., 2-6 p.m.

Ticket $65 with a cash bar. For

info (215) 334-3755.

Jun. 14- Fundraiser for

Councilwoman Cindy Bass at

Tavern 17, Radisson Warwick

Hotel, 220 S. 17th St., 5-7 p.m.

Ticket levels $50 to $1,000.

RSVP by Jun. 7 to Fran Fattah

at or

(215) 370-9883.

Jun. 15-16-7- Annual St. Maron

Church Lebanese Festival on

Ellsworth St. between 10th and

11th. Friday from 5 p.m., Satur-

day and Sunday from 11 a.m.

Admission free. All welcome.

Authentic Middle East cuisine

and entertainment.

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To Cope With Lyme Disease,

Casey Calls For The FedsUS Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) is urging the Centers

for Disease Control to help Pennsylvania tackle

the problem of Lyme disease as reports indicate a

warm winter and spring have increased popula-

tions of ticks, which spread the infection.

“Lyme disease is a threat in every corner of Penn-

sylvania, and residents need to know that the CDC

is doing everything in its power to tackle the in-

crease in tick population the warm weather has

caused,” said the Senator. “Ticks transmit a host of

other illnesses in addition to Lyme disease, so it is

essential that Pennsylvanians are taking precau-

tions to protect themselves and their families this


According to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health,

between 3,000 and 5,000 cases are confirmed each

year, making it the fourth-most commonly re-

ported infectious disease in the state.

Lyme disease poses a significant threat to public

health, leading to serious, chronic and debilitating

effects if it is not properly diagnosed and treated.

State Renews Water Plan

For Delaware RiverPennsylvania has signed a one-year renewal of an

agreement governing the management of water in

the Delaware River, the Pennsylvania Dept. of En-

vironmental Protection announced today.

The renewal of the flexible flow management pro-

gram, which was also signed by fellow parties

Delaware, New Jersey, New York and New York

City, is effective today, Jun. 1.

Pennsylvania is a party to the 1954 US Supreme

Court decree that established an equitable alloca‐tion of water use under federal common law.

“This agreement will ensure that the continual and

steady flow of water in the Delaware River pro-

tects Philadelphia’s water supply from salt water,

which can flow in from the Atlantic Ocean,” DEP

Secretary Mike Krancer said. “This extension will

allow all of the partners to work together this year

to find longer-term solutions to the flow issues on

the Delaware River.”

The agreement allows for the occasional release of

large volumes of cold water from reservoirs in

New York to improve fishery habitats and ecology

downstream as well as provide a balance in water

supply throughout the states during drought condi-

tions. The reservoirs provide drinking water for

millions of residents in the four states.

The agreement also calls on New York to store less

water in some of the reservoirs during most of the

year, creating greater storage capacity during

storm events to help reduce flooding downstream.



Daily WafflesFrom Joe Sbaraglia (The Waffleman)

COAL BINS - Do not confusethis coal bin with the waterinlet. This, the genuine coalbin, was a portion of the cellarwhere coal was stored untilused. The coal was used for thehouse heater. It had woodensides and a door to allow accessto the coal. It was near theheater so that the coal could be

shoveled into the house heater,from this access door. It alsohad to be near a cellar window.The truck's coal chute had tobe passed through the windowto deliver the coal into the coalbin.

COAL TRUCKS - deliveredlarge amounts of coal to homes.

When the coal truck arrived atthe home needing a coal deliv-ery, the homeowner wouldopen a basement the windowwhich gave access to the coalbin. A coal chute was attachedto the release gate by the deliv-ery man. The chute was ex-tended into the window anddirected into the coal bin. Onceall was readied, the body of thetruck was tilted up and the coalrelease gate on the truck wasopened. This allowed gravity tocause the coal to slide noisilydown the chute into the coalbin. The delivery man, with ashovel, helped the coal downthe chute as required, until thecoal delivery was completed.The coal truck carried aboutthree tons of coal. The usualdelivery was one ton of coal perhousehold.

COAL WAGONS - were horse-drawn wagons from which bagsof coal were purchased. Sold invarious weights; five, ten andtwenty-five pound bags. Thebags were weighed on a bal-ance-beam scale. The bag ofcoal was then carried into thehouse to be used in the cookingstove or house heater. Coal wasonly bought in this manner totide you over until the regularcoal delivery. It was more ex-pensive than buying coal by theton.

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Council Holds School $$

Until SEIU Deal Is ReachedPhiladelphia City Council members passed Reso-

lution 120500 yesterday. It will prevent the City

Council from advancing any proposed School Re-

form Commission budget plan until an agreement

is reached between 32BJ of the Service Employees

International Union and the SRC. The resolution

urges the SRC to quickly resolve the negotiations

to prevent the layoffs of 2,700 school district

workers, many of whom could lose their jobs as

soon as Jul. 1, 2012.

“City Council is closely monitoring the SRC

budget requests and fully expects an SEIU settle-

ment before we finalize our allocation to the

School district this year,” Councilwoman Maria

Quiñones Sánchez said.

Passage of the resolution comes a week after an

historic mass demonstration in downtown

Philadelphia against the planned closure of dozens

of schools and the layoff of every public school

aide, bus driver, attendant, mechanic, building en-

gineer, cleaner and maintenance worker. Most

school workers live in communities already reeling

from high unemployment. Their salaries alone

contribute almost $1 billion to Philadelphia’s econ-


“If this school district eliminates thousands of

good jobs, you know what is going to happen?

Kids are going to get hurt,” said Ernie Bennett, an

engineer at Tanner Duckery School employed by

Philadelphia public schools for more than 26

years. “When parents don’t have jobs, how can

they take care of their kids, or pay their taxes and

their mortgages?” Bennett, who has two grandchil-

dren in the schools and a daughter who teaches

and coaches at a Philadelphia high school, mentors

kids after work, teaching them how to use a power

drill and replace a light bracket.

The resolution calls on Governor Corbett and the

General Assembly to restore critical funding to

public education for Philadelphia and public

school districts across the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. Council also affirmed that public

education should never be dismantled for the sake

of further privatization and corporatization


32BJ represents more than 10,000 workers em-

ployed in K-12 school districts, including in

Philadelphia, New York City, and other districts

throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylva-

nia. With more than 120,000 members, including

10,000 in the Philadelphia area, 32BJ is the largest

property services union in the country.

City GOP Chair Applauds

School-Choice Rally

WEDNESDAY’S rally in support of State Sen. Anthony Williams’ SB 1, which would advance

school vouchers for students in most need, packed sidewalk in front of City Hall.

Rick Hellberg, newly elected Chairman of the

Philadelphia Republican City Committee, released

the following statement on Wednesday’s School

Choice Rally:

“Yesterday students, parents, local activists

and legislators stood tall to protect the

rights of children in Pennsylvania to a

quality education when they met at City

Hall in support of school vouchers and Ed-

ucational Improvement Tax credits.

“The Philadelphia Republican Party stands

with them. When far too many of our

schools are branded ‘failing,’ we must look

to new avenues to provide the students of

this city with an educational opportunity

equal to the best offered around the Com-

monwealth. Philadelphia’s children deserve

no less. Both they and their parents are en-

titled to the choices provided in the com-

petitive marketplace of a voucher based


“We appreciate the efforts and support of

Joe Watkins, former Republican candidate

for Lieutenant Governor, David Hardy,

CEO of Boys’ Latin Charter School and

former Republican candidate for City

Council-at-Large and Dave Kralle, our cur-

rent Republican candidate for State Repre-

sentative in the 169th Dist. Their support

and the efforts of organizations like Stu-

dents First PA will bring needed relief to

Philadelphia and all its citizens.”



PGW Drops Gas RatesThe Philadelphia Gas Works today announced its

latest in a series of natural-gas rate decreases for res-

idential, commercial, industrial and municipal cus-

tomers. For the average residential heating customer,

the change lowers their PGW bill by an additional

2.5% per month, approximately, and equates to new

savings of $34.36 per year.

In the last year alone, PGW’s natural gas rate has

fallen from $1.562 per 100 cubic feet on June 1,

2011, to today’s rate of $1.35623 per Ccf for resi-

dential customers. On an annualized basis, the aver-

age PGW residential customer, using 880 Ccf of

natural gas a year, now pays $181 less than they did

twelve months ago.

PGW reviews its gas rate quarterly and determines,

based on market conditions, whether it should

change. The new rate begins today, Jun. 1 and will

stay in effect through Sep. 1, 2012. The price for

PGW’s commercial, industrial and municipal cus-

tomers will also decrease today.

“With so many household costs on the rise for

Philadelphians, these additional savings on natural

gas are good news, and bring welcome relief to our

customers for the fifth consecutive quarter,” said

PGW President and CEO Craig E. White. “Im-

proved wholesale natural-gas prices and PGW’s

commitment to effective purchasing and planning

mean our customers continue to reap the rewards as

we monitor the natural gas markets and continue to

identify real savings on their behalf.”

Currently, PGW anticipates that its rates should re-

main stable for the foreseeable future, based on mar-

ket projections, producing savings for all of the

company’s customers, compared to recent years.

PGW’s residential natural-gas rates are made up of

two main components: a supply charge and delivery


The supply charge is the part of the bill that reflects

the amount of gas used by the customer. This charge

is what PGW pays for the gas and is passed on to

the customer without markup.

The delivery charge includes the cost of delivering

natural gas to the customer’s residence, distribution

system maintenance and customer billing costs, as

well as weather adjustments.





DPW Launches New

Transparency PortalTo help Pennsylvania taxpayers better understand

how the Dept. of Public Welfare spends their

money, Secretary Gary D. Alexander has an-

nounced a new addition to the agency’s website.

“We want to clear up any confusion about the peo-

ple that we serve, what our programs do, and, most

importantly, how we spend taxpayer dollars,”

Alexander said. “In an attempt to be more open

and accessible, we have created an extensive sec-

tion on our website dedicated to government trans-

parency. It is important that we show the scope of

the department’s functions and how funds are


New information on the website includes:

Fees set by the department to pay doctors and sup-


Provider reimbursement rates;

Facility audits; and

Benefit enrollment data.

The new open government section of the website

also compiles existing information that has been

updated to better explain the department’s daily

activities. This updated information includes:

· Budget information;

· Extensive statistical data;

· Facility inspection results; and

· Legislative testimony.

“Information on our open government pages will

be updated as we identify additional ways that we

can tell the story of Public Welfare in Pennsylva-

nia,” said Alexander.

The new information is found online at by clicking on the “trans-

parency” graphic on the homepage. For more in-

formation about DPW, visit

or call 1 (800) 692-7462.

Pennsylvanians who suspect welfare fraud should

call 1 (800) 932-0582.

Nutter, Oh Team Up

Against Monument


Mayor Michael A. Nutter has offered legislation,

introduced today by City Councilman David Oh,

that toughens the penalties, both fines and poten-

tial incarceration, on those who vandalize or dam-

age public art and memorials, including those that

honor military, police, firefighters and other na-

tional defense or public safety subjects.

On Memorial Day, Nutter announced during cere-

monies at memorials to fallen veterans that he

would send this legislation to City Council this


“I’ve been in regular contact with the veterans who

maintain the All Wars Memorial to Colored Sol-

diers & Sailors, the Korean and Vietnam veterans

memorials and others monuments and other veter-

ans groups about how we can better maintain these

places that honor heroes who made the ultimate

sacrifice in defense of our nation. Their stories

about vandalism and damage at these and other sa-

cred memorials raised serious questions,” said the

Mayor. “Councilman Oh and I want to send a very

strong message that such behavior will not be tol-



erated. We’re doing that by substantially increas-

ing the penalties for vandalizing or damaging these

monuments and public works of art and by pro-

hibiting people from using their skateboards,

rollerblades and bikes in a way that damages these


The bill prohibits skateboarding, rollerblading and

bicycling on monuments and public art and would

make this new offense punishable with a maxi-

mum fine of $2,000, up to 90 days in jail for adults

and confiscation of the skateboard, rollerblades or

bike. The ordinance also eliminates the lower

penalty level for ethnic intimidation and institu-

tional vandalism, making all violations subject to a

maximum $2,000 fine and up to 90 days in jail.

“Philadelphia is a city with deep historical and cul-

tural roots, and protecting our public spaces, his-

torical landmarks, memorials and outdoor public

artwork is essential to maintaining that aspect of

our city’s image” said the Councilman. “I was

happy to introduce an ordinance today on behalf of

Mayor Nutter so that we can better combat vandal-

ism and public nuisances around these precious as-

sets that are meant to be enjoyed by those who call

Philadelphia their home as well as visitors to our

great city.”

Thomas Amendments

Restore Services $$State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas D-N. Phila.) has in-

troduced several bills that would amend the

2012/13 state budget. Thomas recently presented

an alternative to Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed

budget that reallocates $1.7 billion in the general

budget focusing on the areas of education, jobs,

healthcare and housing. These amendments would

allow parts of Thomas’ proposal to be voted on as

part of the budget bill.

In the area of education, Thomas’ amendments

would restore $250 million to Basic Education, in-

crease the School Nutrition Incentive Program by

$3 million, restore $5 million to the STEM (sci-

ence, technology, engineering and math) Program,

$11 million to PELL Grants and $100 million to

the Pennsylvania Accountability Block Grant Pro-


“The Republican budget plan is not a restoration of

Governor Corbett’s cuts,” explained Thomas, dem-

ocratic chair of the House Urban Affairs Commit-

tee. “It does nothing to repair the damage from the

massive and devastating cuts Corbett signed into

law last year that hurt seniors, low-income and

middle-income families all across Pennsylvania.”

Thomas’ amendments include $5 million for a new

workforce development program and $6 million to

restore the Emergency Mortgage Assistance Pro-

gram under the Pennsylvania Housing Finance


“Thousands of Pennsylvanians have lost their jobs

and are facing foreclosures in rural and urban

Pennsylvania while the Pennsylvania Housing Fi-

nance Agency remains underfunded,” Thomas

said. “We need to help people instead of kicking

them while they’re down as the Corbett budget


Under health care, Thomas’ amendments would

add $2 million to breast-cancer screening, $1.147

million to trauma centers, $5 million to acute care

hospitals and $7 million to AIDS programs. Fund-

ing for human services programs also would be re-

stored under Thomas’ amendments. They include

$3 million for child-care assistance, $130,000 for

rape crisis programs, $220,000 for domestic-vio-

lence programs and $5 million for community-



Thomas said money to fund the programs in his

amendments would be reallocated from the $263

million expected from the Bank Settlement lawsuit

in addition to funding in Corbett’s budget targeted

to the Corrections Dept., Camp Forestry and the

Governor’s Technology Modernization Program.

“This isn’t just about numbers and dollar signs,”

said Thomas. “It’s about real people – our children

in public schools, our elderly family members, and

our disabled and chronically ill neighbors. I am

calling on Gov. Corbett and his Republicans allies

to put aside their political ideology and to put the

interests of the people ahead of their partisan

agenda that is hurting the people they claim to rep-


Thomas said people should call their State Repre-

sentatives and urge them to support these amend-

ments. “Gov. Corbett and the Republicans have

ignored the millions of faces behind this budget,

but we cannot allow their voices to go unheard. I

and other House Democrats will keep fighting to

provide budget choices that help Pennsylvanians

rather than the inhumane choices they are trying to

force on us.”