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Transcript of Pharmacology

Md. Waliullah Wali



Pharmacology can be defined as the study of substances that interact with living systems through

chemical processes, especially by binding to regulatory molecules and activating or inhibiting normal

body processes. These substances may be chemicals administered to achieve a beneficial therapeutic

effect on some process within the patient or for their toxic effects on regulatory processes in parasites

infecting the patient. Such deliberate therapeutic applications may be considered the proper role of

medical pharmacology, which is often defined as the science of substances used to prevent,

diagnose, and treat disease.

Toxicology is that branch of pharmacology which deals with the undesirable effects of chemicals on

living systems, from individual cells to complex ecosystems.

Pharmacodynamic Principles Most drugs must bind to a receptor to bring about an effect. However, at the molecular level, drug

binding is only the first in what is often a complex sequence of steps.


Agonist drugs bind to and activate the receptor in some fashion, which directly or indirectly brings

about the effect. Some receptors incorporate effector machinery in the same molecule, so that drug

binding brings about the effect directly, eg, opening of an ion channel or activation of enzyme activity.

Other receptors are linked through one or more intervening coupling molecules to a separate effector

molecule. The five major types of drug-receptor-effector coupling systems are discussed in Chapter 2.

Pharmacologic antagonist drugs, by binding to a receptor, prevent binding by other molecules. For

example, acetylcholine receptor blockers such as atropine are antagonists because they prevent

access of acetylcholine and similar agonist drugs to the acetylcholine receptor and they stabilize the

receptor in its inactive state. These agents reduce the effects of acetylcholine and similar molecules in

the body.


Some drugs mimic agonist drugs by inhibiting the molecules responsible for terminating the action of

an endogenous agonist. For example, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, by slowing the destruction of

endogenous acetylcholine, cause cholinomimetic effects that closely resemble the actions of

cholinoceptor agonist molecules even though cholinesterase inhibitors do not bind or only

incidentally bind to cholinoceptors . Other drugs bind to receptors and activate them but do not evoke

as great a response as so-called full agonists. Thus, pindolol, a b adrenoceptor "partial agonist," may

act as either an agonist (if no full agonist is present) or as an antagonist (if a full agonist such as

epinephrine is present).

Md. Waliullah Wali



Termination of drug action at the receptor level results from one of several processes. In some cases,

the effect lasts only as long as the drug occupies the receptor, so that dissociation of drug from the

receptor automatically terminates the effect. In many cases, however, the action may persist after the

drug has dissociated, because, for example, some coupling molecule is still present in activated form.

In the case of drugs that bind covalently to the receptor site, the effect may persist until the drug -

receptor complex is destroyed and new receptors or enzymes are synthesized, as described

previously for aspirin. Finally, many receptor-effector systems incorporate desensitization

mechanisms for preventing excessive activation when agonist molecules continue to be present f or

long periods.


To function as a receptor, an endogenous molecule must first be selective in choosing ligands (drug

molecules) to bind; and second, it must change its function upon binding in such a way that the

function of the biologic system (cell, tissue, etc) is altered. The first characteristic is required to avoid

constant activation of the receptor by promiscuous binding of many different ligands. The second

characteristic is clearly necessary if the ligand is to cause a pharmacologic effect. The body contains

many molecules that are capable of binding drugs, however, and not all of these endogenous

molecules are regulatory molecules. Binding of a drug to a nonregulatory molecule such as plasma

albumin will result in no detectable change in the function of the biologic system, so this endogenous

molecule can be called an inert binding site. Such binding is not completely without significance,

however, because it affects the distribution of drug within the body and determines the amount of

free drug in the circulation. Both of these factors are of pharmacokinetic importance.

Pharmacokinetic Principles In practical therapeutics, a drug should be able to reach its intended site of action after administration

by some convenient route. In some cases, a chemical that is readily absorbed and distributed is

administered and then converted to the active drug by biologic processes¾inside the body. Such a

chemical is called a prodrug.

In only a few situations is it possible to directly apply a drug to its target tissue, eg, by topical

application of an anti-inflammatory agent to inflamed skin or mucous membrane. Most often, a drug is

administered into one body compartment, eg, the gut, and must move to its site of action in another

compartment, eg, the brain. This requires that the drug be absorbed into the blood from its site of

administration and distributed to its site of action, permeating through the various barriers that

separate these compartments. For a drug given orally to produce an effect in the central nervous

system, these barriers include the tissues that make up the wall of the intestine, the walls of the

capillaries that perfuse the gut, and the "blood-brain barrier," the walls of the capillaries that perfuse

the brain. Finally, after bringing about its effect, a drug should be eliminated at a reasonable rate by

metabolic inactivation, by excretion from the body, or by a combination of these processes.

Md. Waliullah Wali



Drug permeation proceeds by several mechanisms. Passive diffusion in an aqueous or lipid medium is

common, but active processes play a role in the movement of many drugs, especially those whose

molecules are too large to diffuse readily.

1. Aqueous diffusion¾ Aqueous diffusion occurs within the larger aqueous compartments of the

body (interstitial space, cytosol, etc) and across epithelial membrane tight junctions and the

endothelial lining of blood vessels through aqueous pores that¾in some tissues¾permit the passage

of molecules as large as MW 20,000-30,000.*

Aqueous diffusion of drug molecules is usually driven by the concentration gradient of the permeating

drug, a downhill movement described by Fick's law (see below). Drug molecules that are bound to

large plasma proteins (eg, albumin) do not permeate most vascular aqueous pores. If the drug is

charged, its flux is also influenced by electrical fields (eg, the membrane potential and¾in parts of the

nephron¾the transtubular potential).

2. Lipid diffusion¾ Lipid diffusion is the most important limiting factor for drug permeation because

of the large number of lipid barriers that separate the compartments of the body. Because these lipid

barriers separate aqueous compartments, the lipid:aqueous partition coefficient of a drug determines

how readily the molecule moves between aqueous and lipid media. In the case of weak acids and

weak bases (which gain or lose electrical charge-bearing protons, depending on the pH), the ability to

move from aqueous to lipid or vice versa varies with the pH of the medium, because charged

molecules attract water molecules. The ratio of lipid-soluble form to water-soluble form for a weak

acid or weak base is expressed by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (see below).

3. Special carriers¾ Special carrier molecules exist for certain substances that are important for cell

function and too large or too insoluble in lipid to diffuse passively through membranes, eg, peptides,

amino acids, glucose. These carriers bring about movement by active transport or facilitated diffusion

and, unlike passive diffusion, are saturable and inhibitable. Because many drugs are or resemble such

naturally occurring peptides, amino acids, or sugars, they can use these carriers to cross membranes.

Many cells also contain less selective membrane carriers that are specialized for expelling foreign

molecules. One large family of such transporters bind adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and is called the

ABC (ATP-binding cassette) family. This family includes the P-glycoprotein or multidrug-resistance

type 1 (MDR1) transporter found in the brain, testes, and other tissues, and in some drug-resistant

neoplastic cells. Similar transport molecules from the ABC family, the multidrug resistance-

associated protein (MRP1 through MRP5) transporters, play important roles in excretion of some

drugs or their metabolites into urine and bile and in resistance of some tumors to chemotherapeutic

drugs. Several other transporter families have been identified that do not bind ATP but use ion

gradients for transport energy. Some of these are particularly important in the uptake of

neurotransmitters across nerve ending membranes.

Md. Waliullah Wali


4. Endocytosis and exocytosis¾

A few substances are so large or impermeant that they can enter cells only by endocytosis, the process

by which the substance is engulfed by the cell membrane and carried into the cell by pinching off of

the newly formed vesicle inside the membrane. The substance can then be released inside the cytosol

by breakdown of the vesicle membrane. This process is responsible for the transport of vitamin B 12,

complexed with a binding protein (intrinsic factor) across the wall of the gut into the blood. Similarly,

iron is transported into hemoglobin-synthesizing red blood cell precursors in association with the

protein transferrin. Specific receptors for the transport proteins must be present for this proce ss to


The reverse process (exocytosis) is responsible for the secretion of many substances from cells. For

example, many neurotransmitter substances are stored in membrane-bound vesicles in nerve endings

to protect them from metabolic destruction in the cytoplasm. Appropriate activation of the nerve

ending causes fusion of the storage vesicle with the cell membrane and expulsion of its contents into

the extracellular space.

*The capillaries of the brain, the testes, and some other tissues are characterized by the absence of

pores that permit aqueous diffusion. They may also contain high concentrations of drug export pumps

(MDR pumps; see text). These tissues are therefore protected or "sanctuary" sites from many

circulating drugs.


MD. Waliulah Wali

Department of Pharmacy

Southeast University