Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress version... · pharmacists from 80 countries attended the 2nd...

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Transcript of Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress version... · pharmacists from 80 countries attended the 2nd...

Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress


3rd World Congress of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP PSWC2007/PharmSciFair ExhibitionApril 22-25 • 2007 • RAI Congress Centre • Amsterdam • The Netherlands

Sponsored by:European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS)American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle (APGI)Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Great Britain (APSGB)Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan (APSTJ)Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA)Controlled Release Society (CRS)Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ)Spanish Society of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (SSPPT)

Supported by:International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX)International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE)European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP)

w w w. f i p. o rg / PSWC

I n c l u d i n g• s at e l l i t e m e e t i n g s • c a l l fo r a b s t ra c t s • re g i s t rat i o n p ro ce d u re s• a cco m m o d at i o n • ex h i b i t i o n

Co - s p o n s o r i n g O rga n i s at i o n s

European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences


American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists


Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle (APGI)

S u p p o r t i n g O rga n i s at i o n s

International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX)

International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology


European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP)

Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Great Britain


Academy of Pharmaceuti-cal Science and Technology,

Japan (APSTJ)

Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA)

Controlled Release Society (CRS)

Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ)

Spanish Society of Pharma-ceutics and Pharmaceutical

Technology (SSPPT)


D e a r Co l l e a g u e s


The new millennium in 2000 saw the first Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (PSWC2000) takeplace in San Francisco, bringing together 2,500 pharmaceutical scientists from around the world. Thesecond of its kind took place in the spring of 2004 in Kyoto, Japan (PSWC2004) drawing an even larger number of participants. The third world congress devoted to global developments in the pharmaceutical sciences will convene in the exciting city of Amsterdam, April 22-25, 2007, and will centre on the theme:

O p t i m i s i n g D r u g T h e ra py: A n I m p e rat i ve fo r Wo r l d H e a l t h

The programme committee, chaired by renowned pharmaceutical scientists, ensures excellence in programme quality and widespread visibility of the event. Like its predecessors, the PSWC2007 will cover a broad spectrum of topics from basic to applied and clinical sciences, addressing timely issues of great importance to drug discovery, development, regulation, and medication management. PSWC2007 will also feature interactive round table discussions, public debates, poster sessions, an exhibition, and will devote significant attention to the future generation of pharmaceutical scientists through poster and podium presentations, as well as a pre-conference meeting for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

PSWC2007 is co-sponsored by many of the world’s leading pharmaceutical scientific and educationalorganisations, including the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) , the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA), the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Great Britain (APSGB), the Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle (APGI), the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan (APSTJ), the Controlled Release Society (CRS), and the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. The Congress is also endorsed by the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB).

The co-chairs forming the PSWC2007 Organising Committee, the Scientific Advisory Board, andFIP’s Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences invite you to Amsterdam to participate in this thirdPharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, PSWC2007. Take this opportunity to meet your colleagues at the pinnacle event in pharmaceutical sciences in one of the most colourful cities in the world!

On behalf of the PSWC2007 co-chairs of the Organising Committee,

Daan J. A. Crommelin, Ph.D. Chair of the Organising Committee

Who should attend this meeting?Pharmaceutical scientists and those involved in the scientific and professional areas associated with the research and development of pharmaceuticals and biologics, health care, public policy and drug regulatory standards.

Ta b l e o f Co nt e nt s


Co - s p o n s o r i n g a n d S u p p o r t i n g O rga n i s at i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I nv i t at i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Dear Colleagues Who Should Attend

Yo u r H o s t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Ca l l fo r A b s t ra c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5E n d o r s i n g O rga n i s at i o n a n d PSWC 2 0 0 7 Co m m i t t e e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Organising Committee Leadership Scientific Advisory Committee Local Committee Organisation

U s e f u l A d d re s s e s a n d S p o n s o r i n g O rga n i s at i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7PSWC 2 0 0 7 / P h a r m S c i Fa i r Ex h i b i t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8D at e s a n d Eve nt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9General Events Important Dates Programme Time Schedule Congress Reception Congress Dinner Opening Session

P re l i m i n a r y S c i e nt i f i c P ro g ra m m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 - 1 5PSWC 2 0 0 7 S at e l l i t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 - 1 7Young Pharmaceutical Scientists Meet in Amsterdam Workshop on Monoclonal Antibodies

H ow to Re g i s t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 - 1 9H o t e l A cco m m o d at i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 - 2 1G e n e ra l I n fo r m at i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2A m s t e rd a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

Yo u r H o s t s I nt e r n at i o n a l P h a r m a ce u t i c a l Fe d e rat i o n ( F I P )B o a rd o f P h a r m a ce u t i c a l S c i e n ce s ( B PS )

Form and ContentsAbstracts may only be submit-ted via the website Abstract Form (

Abstracts must describe un-published results and be written in English.

Submission DeadlineAbstracts must be submitted be-fore December 15, 2006.

Topics and Categories1. Target Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology2. Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products 3. Drug Metabolism and Transport4. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics5. Toxicology and Safety Sciences6. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenetics7. Formulation, Delivery, Bio- pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 8. Pharmaceutical Analysis, Bioanalysis, Quality Assur- ance/Control and Regulatory Affairs9. Clinical Pharmacology and Biomarkers10. Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance

Review & UseSeveral independent expert re-viewers will review submitted ab-stracts. Abstract:n may be accepted for poster presentation orn may be selected for oral presentation or n may be rejected Confirmation & Presentation Before January 12, 2007, the corresponding author will be in-formed about the review outcome by email.

Before January 29, 2007, the presenting author will have to be registered as congress participant. All abstracts of presenting authors not registered as Congress partici-pant before January 29, 2007, will be cancelled. The corresponding author will be informed by email.

Before April 1, 2007, the corre-sponding author will be informed by email about the day(s) and time of (poster) presentation.

PublicationThe abstracts will be posted on the PSWC2007 Website one month prior to the congress, accessible to all registered participants. Please note that there will be no Abstract Book published.

Abstract HandlingAbstract registration and handling will be done by:

NewBrooklynP.O. Box 73NL-3620 AB BreukelenThe NetherlandsTel +31 346 266110Email


Ca l l fo r A b s t ra c t s A b s t ra c t S u b m i s s i o n a n d D e a d l i n e s

Please Note!These requirements are not applicable for invited speakers. Separate informa-tion will be provided by FIP.


E n d o r s i n g O rga n i s at i o n

PSWC 2 0 0 7 Co m m i t t e e s

O rganising Commit tee L eader ship ChairDaan J.A. Crommelin (The Netherlands)

Se c re tar yVinod Shah (USA)

Programme Co - c hair sGeoffrey T. Tucker (UK)Tomohiko Ohwada (Japan)Wolfgang Sadee (USA)

Fund - Rais ing Co - c hair sTheo Dingermann (Germany)Dick Gourley (USA)Mitsuru Hashida (Japan)

Publ ic i t y & H ospital i t y Co - Chair sDominique Duchêne (France)Jun Haginaka (Japan)Mario Rocci (USA)

Scientif ic Advisor y Commit teeLeslie Benet (USA) Douwe D. Breimer (The Netherlands)Kamal Midha (Canada)Tsuneji Nagai (Japan)Malcolm Rowland (UK)Yuichi Sugiyama (Japan)

L o cal Commit teeMeindert Danhof (The Netherlands)Bert Leufkens (The Netherlands)Ben Westerink (The Netherlands)

O rganisat ion Ton Hoek (The Netherlands)Gretie R. v.d. Baumen (The Netherlands)


Platinum Category Bronze Category Contributor

PSWC2007 Congress Registration & Abstract Handling

NewBrooklynP.O. Box 73NL-3620 AB Breukelen The NetherlandsTel +31 346 266110Email

PSWC2007 Accommodation & Reservation

RAI Hotel & Travel ServiceP.O. Box 77777NL-1070 MS AmsterdamThe NetherlandsTel +31 20 5491927Fax +3120 5491946Email

PSWC2007 Enquiries & Information

International Pharmaceutical FederationFIP Congress & ConferencesAndries Bickerweg 5P.O. Box 84200NL-2508 AE The HagueThe NetherlandsTel +31 70 3021982Fax +31 70 3021998Email

PSWC2007 & PharmSciFair Exhibition

Chris HanneyHealth Links3rd Floor, Windsor House11A High StreetKings HeathBirmingham B14 7BBUnited KingdomTel +44 121 2483399Fax +44 121 2483390Email

PSWC2007 Promotion & Website

Hans H. LindenEUFEPSP.O. Box 1136 SE-11181 Stockholm Sweden Tel +46 8 7235025 Fax + 46 8 4113217 Email

U s e f u l A d d re s s e s

S p o n s o r i n g O rga n i s at i o n s


PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Ex h i b i t i o nThe RAI Congress Centre in Am-sterdam will play host to a three day exhibition complimenting the third Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress. From April 23-25, 2007, exhibitors and sponsors are invited to take advantage of extensive, high quality showcase opportunities, bringing the best of their products, services, and or-ganisations to the public eye.

The Exhibition LocationThe PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Ex-hibition will take place in Hall 10, taking advantage of superb day-light conditions and some of the best event facilities to be found in Europe. Hall 10 will also be the venue for all scientific posters and catering at PSWC2007, and we can, therefore, guarantee and ex-cellent thoroughfare of conference delegates.

Hall 10 at the RAIFor further information about the facilities available at RAI, please visit

Excellent Delegate Numbers – Your Guarantee of ValueTwo thousand two hundred pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacists from 80 countries attended the 2nd Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress in Kyoto

in 2004, and we fully anticipate similar numbers at PSWC2007.

The inaugural PharmSciFair in Nice last year was similarly an out-standing success. This major new event was supported by EUFEPS and many of the European Phar-maceutical Science Societies, at-tracting over 1300 delegates and over 50 exhibitors, 65% of whom said they would seriously consider returning. Exhibitor PackagesWe will have over 1000m2 of shell scheme and space-only opportuni-ties on offer at PSWC2007/Pharm-SciFair Exhibition. The basic shell scheme offer includes:

Frame, Fascia, Name Boardn Wall poster boardsn Power and lightingn 100 word entry in the programmen 1 or 2 free delegate places per stand (depending on stand size)

ChargesCost of exhibiting at PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Exhibition is Euro 400 per square metre.

All stand furnishings and oth-er requirements, e.g. Internet ac-cess, are additional to this basic cost.

More InformationFor further information about sponsoring or exhibiting at PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Exhibi-tion, please contact:

Chris HanneyHealth Links3rd Floor, Windsor House11A High StreetKings HeathBirmingham B14 7BBUnited KingdomTel +44 121 2483399Fax +44 121 2483390Email

B e p a r t o f

PSWC 2 0 0 7 /P h a r m S c i Fa i r Ex h i b i t i o n


P ro g ra m m e Ti m e S c h e d u l e6 Parallel Symposia & Events

Speaker Presentation 08:30 – 09:05

Speaker Presentation 09:05 – 09:40

Break 09:40 – 10:10

Speaker Presentation 10:10 – 10:45

Podium Presentations 10:45 – 11:15

Lunch Poster SessionKeynote Presentations 12:15 – 13:00

Round Table Discussion 13:10 – 14:10

Speaker Presentation 14:15 – 14:50

Speaker Presentation 14:50 – 15:25

Speaker Presentation 15:25 – 16:00

Podium Presentations 16:00 – 16:30

Break 16:30 – 16:45

Afternoon Sessions 16:45 – 18:15

Fo r PSWC 2 0 0 7 u p d at e s co n s u l tw w w. f i p. o rg /


G e n e ra l Eve nt sRegistration

Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:00-18:00Monday, April 23, 200708:00-16:00Tuesday, April 24, 200708:00-16:00Wednesday, April 25, 200708:00-14:00

Opening Session

Sunday, April 22, 200715:00-17:00

6 Parallel Symposia & Events

Monday-Wednesday, April 23-25, 2007 All dayExhibition Opening & Welcome ReceptionSunday, April 22, 200717:00-18:00

Poster Session & Exhibition

Monday-Wednesday All dayPresenters at Poster Boards11:15-12:15

EUFEPS Afternoon Sessions

Monday-Tuesday, April 23-24, 200716:45-18:15

Congress Dinner (Optional)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007Evening

I m p o r t a nt D at e sFriday, December 15, 2006Abstract Submission Deadline

Monday, January 29, 2007

Early Bird On-line Registration Deadline

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Advance On-line Registration DeadlineSunday – Wednesday, April 22-25, 2007

On-site Registration

Friday-Saturday, April 20-21, 2007Pre-Congress SatelliteThursday-Friday, April 26-27, 2007Post-Congress Satellite

Congress ReceptionThe Welcome Reception is planned on Sunday, April 22, 2007, right after the Opening Session to-gether with the opening of the PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Exhibi-tion in Hall 10 of the RAI Conven-tion and Exhibition Centre for all participants and accompanying persons.

Congress DinnerThe Congress Dinner on Tuesday, April 24, 2005, will take place at the famous Wintergarden of the Krasnapolsky Hotel in the Center of Amsterdam.

Tickets (Euro 90 including VAT) can be purchased via the on-line Congress Registration Form, see page 18.

Opening SessionPresenting the academic-industrial-regulatory trianglen The future of the global framework of regulatory sciences Thomas Lönngren, EMEA, Executive Director, London, UK

n Healthy Citizens, Healthy Economies Andrew Witty, GlaxoSmithKline, President European Operations, Uxbridge, UK

n The pharmaceutical sciences - getting our act together Geoffrey T. Tucker, Chair Scientific Programme Committee, Sheffield, UK


P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • M o n d ayParallel SymposiumThe era of personalised health care: Impact on drug discovery and development?

Parallel SymposiumIs gene/protein delivery delivering?

Parallel SymposiumCan ADME and PK be predicted from in silico/in vitro data?

Co-chairsW. Sadee, Columbus, OH USAY. Sugiyama, Tokyo, Japan

Co-chairsH. Harashima, Sapporo, JapanW. Hennink, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Co-chairs S. Pang, Toronto, CanadaH. van de Waaterbeemd, Alderly Park, United Kingdom

08:30 Evaluating molecular genetic factors in drug response: Search for targets and biomarkersW.Sadee, Columbus, OH USA

A multi-functional envelope type nano device as a non-viral gene delivery systemH. Harashima, Sapporo, Japan

Transformation of in vitro data to the whole organS. Pang, Toronto, Canada

09:05 Predicting drug disposition and response in individual patientsY. Sugiyama, Tokyo, Japan

Cellular mechanisms of non-viral DNA deliveryA. Urtti, Helsinki, Finland

In vitro – in vivo extrapolation: Best use of known-knowns to discover unknown-unknownsA. Rostami-Hodjegan, Sheffield, United Kingdom

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 Biomarkers in drug development: How do they influence clinical practice?L.J. Lesko, Bethesda, MD USA

Non-viral delivery of genes and oligonucle-otidesL. Huang, Chapel Hill, NC USA

A computational systems biology approach to ADME/ToxS. Ekins, Jenkintown, PA USA

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break

Keynote Presentation Keynote Presentation

12:15 What are the main challenges for world health? What should be done now and in the future?R. Laing, Geneva, Switzerland

Transforming ‘art’ into ‘science’ in dosage form design – achievements and challengesP. York, Bradford, United Kingdom

Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

13:10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumPharmacogenetics at the bedside?

Parallel SymposiumWhat will be the impact of cell-based therapy?

Parallel SymposiumSimulation and modelling in drug develop-ment improves decisions, saving time and money?

Co-chairsG.T. Tucker, Sheffield, United KingdomM. Relling, Memphis, TN USA

Co-chairsE. Cattaneo, Milan, Italy

Co-chairsD. Stanski, Basel Switzerland and East Hanover, NJ USAM. Danhof, Leiden, The Netherlands

14:15 Pharmacogenetics – how far is reality from expectation?G.T. Tucker, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Innovative neurogenic neural stem cell lines for neurodegenerative diseaseE. Cattaneo, Milan, Italy

Applying mechanistic PK/PD models to drug developmentM. Danhof, Leiden, The Netherlands

14:50 Multiple gene pharmacogenetics in individu-alized drug therapyI. Ieri, Yonago, Japan

Stem cells for retinal repairS. Nakagawa, Osaka, Japan

Examples of modelling and simulation in the pharmaceutical industryC. Pillai, Basel, Switzerland

15:25 Pharmacogenetics in cancer therapyM. Relling, Memphis, TN USA

Cardiac regeneration: Repopulating the heartL.J. Field, Indianapolis, IN USA

The role of innovative model-based trial design to improve drug developmentS. Duffull, Brisbane, Australia

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session

16:45 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11

To promote and stimulate dis-cussion and debate on scientific issues, the PSWC 2007 Programme Committee will set up a number of mid-day Round TableDiscussion Sessions, Monday through Wednesday, convened and chaired by renowned pharma-ceutical scientists. Topics of them include:• Science or business as the driver of new drug development? • Translational science: solution to

the productivity gap? Sponsored by Organon• Does regulation help to ’innovate’ or ’stagnate’ drug development?• Can microdosing accelerate drug development?• Is there a consensus on guidelines for the evaluation of biosimilars?• Life-style drugs: a new burden to the health system?• What is the value of observa-

tional data post-marketing to assess safety and efficacy?• How can the bioavailability of poorly absorbed drugs be enhanced?• When is a human bioequiva- lence study not needed?For more information on organisa-tion and panellists etc., consult the PSWC2007 Website at: or through EUFEPS Online at: - and plan to attend the PSWC2007!

Round Table Discussions

Parallel SymposiumMetabolomics: What are the opportunities for biomarker discovery?

Parallel SymposiumWhat benefits does Process Analytical Technology (PAT) bring to the design and as-surance of product quality?

Parallel SymposiumWhat have we learnt from recent safety cases for new drug development? ISPE Midyear Symposium

Co-chairsT. Hankemeier, Leiden, The Netherlands G. Harrigan, St Louis, MO USA

Co-chairsS. Folestad, Moelndal, SwedenC. Doherty, Macclesfield, United Kingdom

Co-chairsB. Leufkens, Utrecht, The NetherlandsM Sturkenboom, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

08:30 Systems biology and metabolomics: How far are we?T. Hankemeier, Leiden, The Netherlands

Real-time prediction and control of quality – the mechanistic approach to PATS. Folestad, Moelndal, Sweden

A pharmaco-epidemiological reflection on recent drug safety casesA. Walker, Boston, MA USA

09:05 Metabolomics in Reverse PharmacologyG. Harrigan, St Louis, MO USA

The benefits of PAT in ICH and Japanese regulationY. Hiyama, Tokyo, Japan

Class effects in drug safety and managementH. Leufkens, Utrecht, The Netherlands

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 Metabolomics by CE-MS for biomarker discoveryT. Soga, Keio, Japan

Towards the desired state: a retrospective and prospective view on PATA. Hussein, Princeton, NJ USA

Is industry doing a better job?S. Perez-Gutthann, Barcelona, Spain

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break


Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

13:10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumDirty vs selective drugs in the CNS?

Sponsoring Organisation

Parallel SymposiumHow will developments in chemical methods sustain pharmaceutical industrial develop-ment?

Parallel SymposiumHow effective is the globalisation/ harmonisation of pharmacovigilance?

Endorsing Organisation

Co-chairsH. Meltzer, Nashville, TN USAC. Kruse, Weesp, The Netherlands

Co-chairsT. Ohwada, Tokyo, Japan

Co-chairsF. Lekkerkerker, The Hague, The NetherlandsM. Braun, Rockville, MD USA

14:15 Rational polypharmacy within a single molecule: The basis for current antipsychotic treatmentH. Meltzer, Nashville, TN USA

Process chemistry as leverage for drug development and profitability in the pharmaceutical industryT. Konoike, Amagasaki, Japan

The science underlying the practice of pharmacovigilanceN. Moore, Bordeaux, France

14:50 The treatment of major depression: Single or multiple targets?F. Artigas, Barcelona, Spain

Folate conjugates of biologically active compounds – discovery and developmentI. Vlahov, West Lafayette, IN USA

International variety in interpretation and management of drug safetyN. Wathion, London, United Kingdom

15:25 Muscarinic receptors as a target in the treat-ment of disorders of the CNS: Antagonism, agonism or both?B. Dean, Parkville, Australia

The synthetic development of the anti-in-fluenza neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu): A challenge for synthesis and process researchM. Karpf, Basel, Switzerland

ICH, CIOMS, ISOP, ISPE and other acronymic vehicles to enable harmonization of pharmacovigilanceC-K. Shim, Seoul, Korea

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Round Table Discussion

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Proactive risk management (plans): where are we? Chair: F. Lekkerkerker, The Hague, The Netherlands

This Symposium is a special one, organised on the occasion of the retirement of Dr F. Lekkerkerker, Chair of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB), which is supporting it. It will be followed by a Reception for guests invited by the MEB.

P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • M o n d ay


EUFEPS agreed to provide a number of parallel Afternoon Sessions, on Monday and Tuesday afternoon, open to all delegates and focussing on current topics and issues not covered in the Symposium Pro-gramme, nor in the ”Round Table Discussions”. They are there to add to the value of attending this important Congress. Topics consid-ered include:• Strategic, innovative and critical drug research initiatives: one year later• Pharmaceutical sciences research

training and education: needs and supply• Pharmaceutical sciences in silico learning systems• European drug development cen- tres and European growth areas• How to start up a new company• Drug product quality needs and performanceFor more information on contents and contributors, consult the PSWC2007 Website at: or through EUFEPS Online at: - and plan to attend the PSWC2007!

EUFEPS Afternoon Sessions


P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • Tu e s d ayParallel SymposiumDruggability: A concept that will fill the pipeline?

Sponsoring Organisation

Parallel SymposiumDrug targeting: How successful are we?

Parallel SymposiumWhat is the state-of-the-science in receptor site modelling?

Co-chairsD. Nicholson, Oss, The Netherlands

Co-chairsM. Hashida, Kyoto, Japan

Co-chairsS. Dahl, Tromsoe, NorwayM. Ishiguru, Osaka, Japan

08:30 Druggability and the concept of ADME spaceD. Smith, Sandwich, United Kingdom

Lipid bubbles formed from liposomes for drug and gene deliveryK. Maruyama, Tsukui, Japan

Genomics to drug targets by molecular modellingS. Dahl, Tromsoe, Norway

09:05 Druggability: The broader and the physico-chemical viewsB. Testa, Lausanne, Switzerland

Polymer-based combination therapies as improved anticancer treatmentsR. Duncan, Cardiff, UK

Functional structural models of G protein coupled receptorsM. Ishiguru, Osaka, Japan

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 Concave druggability of protein surfaces for accelerating in silico screeningH. Shirai, Ibarakai, Japan

Targeted multifunctional nanocarriers: Evolu-tion of conceptN. Peppas, Austin, TX USA

Structure-based virtual screeningB. Shoicet, San Francisco, CA USA

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break

Keynote Presentation Keynote PresentationSponsoring Organisation

12:15 Are we meeting the challenges of resistance to anti-infective drugs and of newly emerging infectious diseases?L. Schlesinger, Columbus OH USA

Will novel approaches to the treatment of cardiovascular disease prove highly effective?J. Kastelein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

13:10 Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumDrug-drug interactions: Avoid or understand?

Parallel SymposiumWhat is the future of smart, feed-back, on-demand drug delivery systems?

Parallel SymposiumHow are disease and PK-PD connected?

Co-chairsK. Thummel, Seattle, WA USA

Co-chairsJ. Kopecek, Salt Lake City, USAK. Kataoka, Tokyo, Japan

Co-chairsY. Tanigawara, Tokyo, JapanR. Bruno, Mountain View, CA USA

14:15 Managing herb-drug interactions: Under-standing mechanism and educating the publicA. McLachlan, Sydney, Australia

Smart drug delivery systems: State-of-the-art and future directionsJ. Kopecek, Salt Lake City, USA

Bone disease progression and drug actionN. Holford, Auckland, New Zealand

14:50 Role of the pharmacist in avoiding drug-drug interactions with patient self-careE. Nakashima, Tokyo, Japan

Light-induced gene and drug delivery by supramolecular nanocarrierK.Kataoka, Tokyo, Japan

Mechanism-based modelling of disease pro-gression – disease system analysisB. Ploeger, Leiden, The Netherlands

15:25 Application of a drug-drug interaction data base in drug development and clinical educa-tionK. Thummel, Seattle, WA USA

Design of pH-responsive and glutathione-re-active polymer therapeuticsP. Stayton, Seattle, WA USA

Modelling of cancer progression and drug effectsR. Bruno, Mountain View, CA USA

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session

16:45 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11

P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • Tu e s d ay


Parallel SymposiumWhat’s new in methods of measuring human drug response?

Parallel SymposiumIn silico product development from molecule to man: Dream or reality?

Parallel SymposiumNutraceuticals: Are new methods of evaluating risk/benefit required?

Co-chairsA. Cohen, Leiden, The NetherlandsP. Macheras, Athens, Greece

Co-chairsP. York, Bradford, United KingdomV. Venkatasubramanian, West Lafayette, IN USA

Co-chairsH. Ohama, Tokyo, JapanR. Oledzka, Warsaw, Poland

08:30 The data intensive first administration to man study – functional outcome replaces tolerability: The impact of new measurement techniquesA. Cohen, Leiden, The Netherlands

Thermodynamics of pharmaceutical systems from molecular simulationJ. Anwar, Bradford, United Kingdom

Risk analysis and evaluation of scientific evidence for nutraceuticals in JapanH. Ohama, Tokyo, Japan

09:05 Pathophysiological concepts as a basis for the measurement of treatment response in inflammatory and obstructive airway diseaseH. Reddel, Sydney, Australia

Title to be confirmedH. Umeyama, Tokyo, Japan

Risk assessment for low risk nutraceuticalsJ. Hathcock, Washington, DC USA

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 PET imaging for evaluation of drug effects in neuropsychiatric diseaseM. Laurelle, Greenford, United Kingdom, and New York, NY USA

Towards intelligent decision support for product development challenges and op-portunitiesV. Venkatasubramanian, West Lafayette, IN USA

The philosophy of the evaluation and regula-tion of nutraceuticals in the European UnionA. Somogyi, Budapest, Hungary

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break


Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

13:10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumHave omics technologies improved the chance for successful drug development?

Parallel SymposiumAre pharmaceutical manufacturing technolo-gies in stagnation?

Parallel SymposiumAre we using the right outcome measures to ascertain patient benefit from drug therapy?

Co-chairsT. Guentert, Basel, Switzerland

Co-chairsJ. Fix, Lawrence, KS USA

Co-chairsL. Bootman, Tucson, TX USAA. Hussain, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

14:15 Genomics and drug discovery: Have the promises been fulfilled?K. Lindpaintner, Basel, Switzerland

The changing landscape of pharmaceutical manufacturing: Incremental or breaking new ground?J. Fix, Lawrence, KS USA

Outcomes measurement: Overview of theo-retical and applied issuesL. Bootman, Tucson, TX USA

14:50 Omics and the search for improved biomarkersM. Bleavins, Ann Arbor, MI USA

Innovation needed in pharmaceutical research and technology in the 21st centuryR. Ibuki, Shizuoka, Japan

Outcome measurement: Issues and strategies for pre-market developmentW-F Huang, Taipei, Taiwan

15:25 Changing the drug development paradigm: Opportunities offered by new technologiesJ. Kuromitsu, Ibaraki, Japan

Can new production technologies and new excipients meet the demands of future drugs?H. Frijlink, Groningen, The Netherlands

Outcomes measurement: Issues and strate-gies for post-marketing developmentJ. Cooke, Manchester, United Kingdom

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation


Parallel SymposiumHow to manage drug therapy at the extremes of age?

Parallel SymposiumHow can nanotechnology and materials sci-ence solve drug delivery problems?

Parallel SymposiumHow important is genetic and physiological variability in drug transporters?

Co-chairsH. Derendorf, Gainesville, FL USAH. Christensen, Oslo, Norway

Co-chairsC-M. Lehr, Saarbrucken, GermanyH. Ghandehari, Baltimore, USA

Co-chairsK. Giacomini, San Francisco, CA USA

08:30 Pharmacotherapy in the elderlyH. Derendorf, Gainesville, FL USA

Nanotechnology for overcoming biological barriersC-M. Lehr, Saarbrucken, Germany

Functional genomics of membrane transport-ersK. Giacomini, San Francisco, CA USA

09:05 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in neonates and infantsT. Dalla Costa, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Particle design for absorption enhancement using a 4-nozzle spray drier and DNA vaccine by self-organised Tat nanospheresH. Okada, Tokyo, Japan

Pharmacogenomics of MDR1/ABCB1 and CYP3As in tacrolimus therapy after organ transplantationK . Inui, Kyoto, Japan

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 Dose optimisation in childrenS. Higuchi, Fukuoka, Japan

Can higher definition of the nanoscale result in better drug delivery systems in the 21st century?H. Ghandehari, Baltimore, USA

Assessing the impact of variability in ABC drug transporters using mouse modelsA. Schinkel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break

Keynote Presentation Keynote Presentation

12:15 Drug resistance in cancer chemotherapyT. Tsuruo, Tokyo, Japan

Will an understanding of the molecular ge-netic basis of neurodegenerative disease lead to effective treatments?A. Aguzzi, Zurich, Switzerland

Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

13:10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumIs the patient taking the tablets?

Parallel SymposiumDeveloping biotech products: What are the challenges and solutions?

Parallel SymposiumControl of intracellular pharmacokinetics: Advantages for drug therapy?

Co-chairsM. Roberts, Brisbane, AustraliaJ. Kennedy, Cork, Ireland

Co-chairsM. Tsuchiya, Gotenba, JapanB. Leufkens, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Co-chairsH. Kroemer, Greifswald, GermanyW. Evans, Memphis, TN USA

14:15 When are dose administration aids of benefit?M. Roberts, Brisbane, Australia

The challenge of the next generation of therapeutic antibodiesM. Tsuchiya, Gotenba, Japan

Transporter mediated cellular uptake and elimination of drugs as a prerequisite of drug actionH. Kroemer, Greifswald, Germany

14:50 Clinical and economic impact of patient’s variable adherenceJ. Urquhart, San Francisco, CA USA, and Maastricht, The Netherlands

Drug delivery systems for biopharmaceuticalsS. Frokjaer, Copenhagen, Denmark

Intracellular pharmacokinetics determines drug action in patients with HIVR. Kim, Nashville, TN USA

15:25 Medication errors and human factors in medi-cation use safetyP. Schneider, Columbus, OH USA

Efficient transepithelial delivery of biophar-maceuticalsJ. Mrsny, Cardiff, United Kingdom, and Menlo Park, CA USA

Intracellular pharmacokinetics determines drug action in cancerW. Evans, Memphis, TN USA

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session EUFEPS Afternoon Session

16:45 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11 See framed information, page 11

P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • We d n e s d ay


P R E L I M I N A RY S C I E NTI F I C P RO G R A M M E • We d n e s d ayParallel SymposiumSystems biology: A driver of drug discovery and development?

Parallel SymposiumHow to engineer desired particle properties for drug delivery?

Parallel SymposiumOff-label use of medicines: Abuse or a vehicle for innovation?

Co-chairsC.R. Noe, Vienna, Austria

Co-chairsE. Fattal, Paris, FranceT. Nagai, Tokyo, Japan

Co-chairsA. Kalis, The Hague, The Netherlands

08:30 Theory of biological robustness and system drug designH. Kitano, Tokyo, Japan

Particle design for nucleic acids and contrast agentsE. Fattal, Paris, France

Two worlds and why the twain will never meetJ. Lisman, The Hague, The Netherlands

09:05 Systems Biology: What does it mean for phar-maceutical sciences?A. Aszódi and C.R. Noe, Vienna, Austria

Novel particle design for drug deliverH. Takeuchi, Gifu, Japan

Regulatory and ecomonic aspects of the off-label use of medicinesA. Wertheimer, Philadelphia, PA USA

09:40 Coffee Break

10:10 Title to be confirmedB. Palsson, San Diego, CA USA

How to optimize particle properties for pul-monary drug deliveryG. Hochhaus, Gainesville, FL USA

Benefits of off-label use and how to use itK. Tsutani, Tokyo, Japan

10:45 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

11:15 Posters Lunch Break


Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion

13:10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10 See framed information, page 10

Parallel SymposiumMolecular targeting in cancer chemotherapy?

Parallel SymposiumMiniaturisation in analytical methods: Is small always beautiful?

Parallel SymposiumCounterfeiting of medicines: Detection and prevention?

Co-chairsJ. Au, Columbus, OH USA

Co-chairsS. Lunte, Lawrence, KS USAJ. Haginaka, Nishinomiya, Japan

Co-chairsA. Moffat, London, United KingdomZ. Y. Yang, Guangzhou, China

14:15 Lessons from preclinical and clinical devel-opment of suramin, a drug with multiple molecular targets.J. Au, Columbus, OH USA

Separation based sensors for pharmaceutical analysis using microdialysis and microchip electrophoresisS. Lunte, Lawrence, KS USA

New methods of detection of counterfeit medicines for laboratory and field useA. Moffat, London, United Kingdom

14:50 Title to be confirmedE. Liu, Singapore, Singapore

Micro and nano chemical systems on chips for analytical and biological sciencesT. Kitamori, Tokyo, Japan

The FDA initiative on combating counterfeit drugsF. Fricke, Cincinnati, USA

15:25 The challenges of developing targeted cancer therapies: An industry perspectiveS. Eck, Ann Arbor, MI USA

Microchip strategies for biomarker detec-tion and screening utilizing fluorescence and MALDI-TOF MS readoutT. Laurell, Lund, Sweden

Combating counterfeiting in AsiaZ. Y. Yang, Guangzhou, China

16:00 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation

16:15 Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation Short Podium Presentation


The Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress 2007 (PSWC2007, April, Amsterdam 22-25, 2007, The Neth-erlands) is pleased to offer a pre- satellite symposium dedicated to the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists. Doctorate students and postdoctorate fellows from all over the world will convene in Amster-dam to exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments in pharma-ceutical sciences.

During the one and a half day event, young scientists will present lectures in parallel sessions on such topics as: Target Discovery/Medici-nal Chemistry, Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics, Drug Deliv-ery/Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Analysis/Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs, Clini-cal Pharmacy/Pharmacoepidemiology and Toxicology/Safety. In addition, poster presentations will be held on the latest research findings in all fields of pharma-ceutical sciences. The students/postdoctoral fellows will have the opportunity to present their work during “poster walks”.

In each scientific section, the most outstanding poster presentation will be honored with a “Young In-vestigator Award”. Keynote lecturers in all areas will give comprehensive overviews on the current develop-ments in their particular fields.

This pre-satellite meeting will give young pharma-ceutical scientists the unique opportunity to network and share professional experiences before the start of the 3rd Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress on April 22, to which they are also invited to register for and attend.

Important Deadlines Abstract submission, through website: December 15, 2006Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 12, 2007 Registration, through website, deadline:January 29, 2007

Organising CommitteeS.C. De Smedt (chair), P. Augustijns, J. Commandeur, D. Crommelin, M. Danhof, G.J. De Jong, J. Demeester,

W. Hennink, U. Holzgrabe, O. Klungel, C.M. Lehr, H. Linden, E. Mastrobattista, R. Schiffelers, F. Siepmann, J. Siepmann, N.P.E. Vermeulen, B.H. Westerink

Further InformationPlease see: presatellitePSWCOr contact:Professor Dr S.C. De Smedt Ghent University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Harelbekestraat 72, 9000 Gent, BelgiumTel +32 9 2648076 Fax +32 9 2948189Email


09:00 - 09:15 Introduction (S.C. De Smedt)

09:15 - 09:45 Key note lecture I

09:45 - 10:15 Key note lecture II

10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break

10:45 - 12:30 Oral session I

14:00 - 14:30 Key note lecture III

14:30 - 15:00 Key note lecture IV

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 - 17:30 Oral session II

18:00 - 19:30 Poster walk


09:00 - 09:30 Key note lecture V

09:30 - 10:00 Key note lecture VI

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 -12:15 Oral session III

12:15 - 12:30 Closing of the scientific programme

Afternoon & evening Social programme

Young Pharmaceutical Scientists Meet in Amsterdam

April 20-21 • 2007 • Amsterdam • The Netherlands

Pre-Satellite for and by PhD Students and Young PostDocs

EAPB and EUFEPS Workshop on

Monoclonal Antibodies

April 26-27 • 2007 • Amsterdam • The Netherlands


Scope and AimMonoclonal antibodies are one of the most important classes of therapeutic recombinant proteins. They are under clinical evalua-tion for a broad range of important therapeutic areas including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious diseases. Significantly, classical Bi-otech companies are no longer the only players and traditional large Pharma companies have now also recognised the potential of recom-binantly manufactured monoclonal antibodies.

This Workshop will cover a broad spectrum of topics from the design and engineering of mono-clonal antibodies, through process development (e.g. cell line optimisa-tion and down stream processing), analytics, formulation aspects and manufacturing up to clinical appli-cations. An important element of the Workshop will be the attention paid to current regulatory require-ments for the introduction of mono-clonal antibodies. Trends towards modification of antibodies by conju-gation or subsequent glycosylation as well as their reduction in size to antibody fragments such as domain or single chain antibodies will also be discussed.

Topics Covered n Design of antibodies and engineeringn Upstream development including expression systems and feed strategiesn Downstream development including purification and recovery optimisationn Physical characterisation, formulation and delivery systemsn Scale-up issues and pro- duction scale manufacturingn Analytics and specs

n Clinical usen Pharmacokinetics and safetyn New classes of antibodies or antibody derivativesn Regulatory requirementsn Commercial impact and new trends

Scientific Planning CommitteeKaroline Bechtold-Peters, Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany, Co-chairWim Jiskoot, Leiden/Amster-dam Center for Drug Research (LACDR), Co-chairDaan J.A. Crommelin, Dutch Top Institute Pharma, The NetherlandsBarry Moore, XstalBio, United KingdomWayne Gombotz, Omeros Corp., USAJan van de Winkel, Genmab, The NetherlandsSven Stegemann, Capsugel, Belgium

Additional InformationFor more and updated information, including on registration fee and procedures as well as accommo-dation reservation, see circulating announcements and/or consult the PSWC2007 Website, the EAPB Web-site or the EUFEPS Online.

EAPB www.eapb.orgEAPB is a professional association dedicated to the advancement of biotechnology in pharmaceutical sciences, specifically as applied to industrial materials, process-es, products and their associated challenges. Its members constitute scientists employed in industry, government and university labo-ratories, biotech companies and scientific organisations.

EUFEPS www.eufeps.orgFounded in 1991, the mission of EUFEPS is to advance excellence in the pharmaceutical sciences and innovative drug research, and to represent the interests of sci-entists engaged in drug research and development, drug regulation and drug policymaking. Currently, EUFEPS links 24 Member Societies in 24 European countries.

AAPS www.aaps.orgAAPS is a professional scien-tific society of more than 12,000 members employed in academia, industry, government and other research institutes worldwide. Founded in 1986, AAPS provides a dynamic international forum for the exchange of knowledge among scientists to enhance their contri-butions to public health.

FIP www.fip.orgFIP, founded in The Hague, more than 90 years ago, is the worldwide federation of national pharmaceu-tical, professional and scientific, associations, with a mission to represent and serve pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences around the globe. Through its member as-sociation, FIP connects, represents and serves more than a million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists around the world.

Post-Satellite by EAPB and EUFEPS

Organisers and Co-sponsorsOrganisers of this PSWC 2007 Post-Satellite are the European Association of Pharma Biotechnology (EABP) and the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS), and it is co-sponored by the American Association of

Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).

Registration ProceduresParticipants for the PSWC as well as PhD students and young Post-Docs for the Pre-Satellite Meeting can register on-line via

NewBrooklynAll registrations are being handled by

NewBrooklynP.O. Box 73NL-3620 AB BreukelenThe NetherlandsTel +31 346 266110Fax +31 346 263308Email

Please note! The organisers are obliged by the Dutch Tax Authorities to charge 19% VAT (Value Added Tax). VAT will be charged to all participants. The amount will be specified on the invoice. For more information about Value-added tax in the Netherlands and how to reclaim VAT please visit

Registration fee includes:n Access to all PSWC scientific sessions (Additional registration for Pre-Satellite and Post-Satellite is required)n Access to website to view abstracts and speakers informationn Access to the exhibition/ postersn Final Congress Programmen List of Participantsn Congress Bag n Name badgen Invitation to the Opening Session, on Sunday, April 22, 2007n Invitation to the Welcome Reception, on Sunday, April 22, 2007On-site (if applicable) delegates will receive:n Proof of payment on PSWC letterheadn Poster certificate on PSWC letterheadn Certificate of attendance on PSWC letterhead

PSWC Accompanying Persons reg-istration fee includes:n Access to the exhibition/ postersn Name badgen Invitation to the Opening Session, on Sunday, April 22, 2007n Invitation to the Welcome Reception, on Sunday, April 22, 2007

PaymentRegistration fees are to be paid in Euro either by Credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express) or Bank transfer. Instruc-tions for payment are included on the payment page of the Registra-tion Form.

After receipt of your registra-tion and payment, you will receive an email confirmation and (until April 1, 2007) a letter of invita-tion.

Registration fees are quoted in EURO

Delegate type,including 19% VAT

Early Payment, before January 29, 2007

Advance Payment, before April 1, 2007

On-site Payment, as of April 1, 2007

1 Participant PSWC € 773.50 € 1,011.50 € 1.130.50

2 Academic / Government PSWC € 535.50 € 714.00 € 892.50

3 Student PSWC € 238.00 € 297.50 € 416.504 Day registration PSWC – – € 327.25

5 Student PSWC and Pre-Satellite Meeting € 297.50 – –

Accompanying Person PSWC € 71.40 € 142.80 € 142.80

PSWC Congress Dinner € 90.00 € 90.00 € 90.00


How to Register


Group RegistrationGroup registration is only applica-ble if:a. The group has a contact person who is responsible for registration and payment.b. The group includes a minimum of 5 participants.c. The invoice for all group members can be sent to one invoice address.

Students Please note, as a PhD student or PostDoc you can choose to regis-ter for:1. PSWC Congress2. Both PSWC and the Pre-Satellite Meeting. Requirements: abstract submission before December 15, 2006, and congress registration before January 29, 2007

In both options the following con-ditions must be met:n You must still be a PhD student, or have graduated as a PhD, after May 1, 2005n The congress registration office must receive an official document signed by the Head of Department of your univer- sity, proving your PhD student/ recent graduate status together with your registration. Please add this document to your on-line registration form or fax the document to New Brooklyn +31 346 263 308

Until the congress registration of-fice has received your proof of stu-dent status the (student) registra-tion will NOT be processed.

Day CardsDay cards can only be purchased on site. Pre-registration for a day card is not possible. Please note that it is not possible to change a pre-regis-tration booking into a day card.On site payment of registration fees can be made via:1. Credit card: VISA, MasterCard or American Express are accepted2. Cash in Euro

Terms of Cancellation Cancellation of registration must be sent in writing to NewBrooklyn (see address on page 18).

In case of cancellation before March 1, 2007, the registration fee, less an administration fee of 10%, will be refunded.

In case of cancellation between March 1 , 2007, and April 1, 2007, the registration fee, less an admin-istration fee of 50%, will be refund-ed.

As of April 1, 2007, the regis-tration fee will not be refunded.

Please note that the terms of cancellation are applicable in all circumstances. Also if a visa is of-ficially refused to the participant.

Changes of Registration and NamesChanges of names are in all cir-cumstances considered as cancel-lations and will be treated as new registrations.

PSWC2007 SatellitesFor registration to the Pre-Satel-lite and the Post-Satellite please, see above and check either one of:

Hotel AccommodationRAI Hotel & Travel ServiceRAI Hotel & Travel Service is part of the Amsterdam RAI Congress Centre. It arranges hotel accommo-dation for many international con-ferences in Amsterdam. The RAI Hotel & Travel Service has been appointed as the official accommo-dation agent for PSWC2007. They offer hotels near the RAI Congress Centre as well as in the historical city centre of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam RAI Hotel & Travel ServiceP.O. Box 77777NL-1070 MS AmsterdamThe NetherlandsTel +31 20 5491927 Fax +31 20 5491946Email

Selection of HotelsIn close consultation with the or-ganisation, the RAI Hotel & Travel Service made a wide selection of hotels in Amsterdam, in different categories (3- to 5-star). We of-fer hotels near the RAI Congress Centre, as well as in the historical city centre of Amsterdam.

PSWC2007 Hotel Website for On-line BookingsThere is a special Hotel Website for PSWC2007. Please find this at: you can read a comprehensive description of each hotel. There are also photos, a map of Amster-dam, and ‘How to get to the RAI Congress Centre’. As you make your reservation on-line, you will receive direct confirmation.

Excellent Hotel RatesAs RAI Hotel & Travel Service han-dles hotel reservations for many events in Amsterdam through-out the year, the RAI Hotel & Travel Service is able to offer the lowest available hotel rates for PSWC2007.

If you wish to receive a hard copy of the hotel booking form, please contact RAI Hotel & Travel Service (for address, see above).

Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, April 22 - 25, 2007



tion Standard

roomsingle use, €

Standard roomdouble use, €





5 S




Bilderberg Garden – Mangerie de Kersentuin 2 180.00*** 180.00*** 22.00 5

Hilton Amsterdam 2 200*** 200*** 25.50 5Marriott 3 215.00 215.00 25.50 5NH Barbizon Palace 3 170.00 170.00 25.00 5NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky 3 180.00 180.00 25.00 5Okura , Standard room 1 220*** 255*** 28.00 5Okura, Corner room 1 255*** 290*** 28.00 5Okura, Deluxe room 1 290*** 325*** 28.00

4 ST




Apollofirst 2 133.00*** 158.00*** incl. 5Best Western Delphi 2 122.00*** 137.00*** incl. 5Golden Tulip Inntel Amsterdam Centre 3 155.00*** 155.00*** 18.50 5

Holiday Inn, Standard room 1 180.00*** 180.00*** 21.00 5Holiday Inn, Deluxe room 1 210.00 210.00 21.00 5Holiday Inn, Excutive room 1 230.00 230.00 21.00 5Le Meridien Apollo 2 180.00*** 180.00*** 23.00 5Mercure aan de Amstel 2 165.00 185.00 19.50 5NH Schiller 3 125.00 125.00 17.00 5Novotel 1 165.00 185.00 19.50 5Savoy Hotel 1 125.00*** 125.00*** incl. 5Victoria 3 170.00*** 170.00*** 21.00 5Sofitel 3 175.00 195.00 23.00 5

3 ST




Albus Grand 3 115.00 115.00 15.00 5Amstel Botel 3 98.00 98.00 incl. 5Avenue 3 116.50 129.00 incl. 5Bellevue 3 116.50 129.00 11.00 5Best Western Beethoven 2 120.00*** 120.00*** incl. 5

Best Western Eden 3 100.00*** 120.00*** 16.00 5

Best Western Lancaster 3 115.00*** 115.00*** 16.00 5Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Amstel 2 102.00 113.00 incl. 5 Deluxe room 2 107.00 118.00 incl. 5Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Zuidwest 4 102.00 113.00 incl. 5Europa 92 3 130.00 140.00 incl. 5Hampshire Inn Prinsengracht 3 130.00 130.00 incl. 5Hotel de Filosoof 3 125.00 135.00 incl. 5Hotel V 1 120.00 135.00 incl. 5Ibis Airport 5 79.00 79.00 12.00 6Ibis Amsterdam Centre 3 119.00 134.00 14.00 5Ibis Amsterdam Stopera 3 99.00 99.00 14.00 5Ibis Amsterdam Westcorner 4 99.00 99.00 11.00 5Leidse Square 3 129.00 149.00 incl. 5NH City Centre 3 110.00 110.00 17.00 5Owl Hotel 3 115.00 123.00 incl. 5Owl Hotel, Single room 3 98.00 ** incl. 5Ramada City Centre 3 135.00*** 135.00*** 11.00 5Tulip Inn City West 4 99.00 99.00 15.00 5Tulip Inn Amsterdam Centre 3 TBA TBA 15.00 TBA

New Amsterdam 3 115.00 115.00 incl. 5Trianon 3 99.00 109.00 incl. 5


All quoted rates are per night and in Euro (€), including VAT




Individual and Group Reservationsn Individual Reservations for up

to 9 rooms can be made through the fully secured hotel website. A direct confirmation will be sent by email. If you prefer to make your res-ervation offline, please send an email or fax. All individual reservations re-quire a guarantee with a valid credit card. The payment of your stay will be settled at the hotel.

n Group Reservations for 10rooms or more can only be made by special request. Please choose your preferred hotel and send by email or fax your exact request: number of rooms, arrival and departure dates, room type (single or double), preferred hotel and/or location and maximum room rate. A tailor-made offer will be sent to you within 2 working days following the receipt of your request. This will include the payment and cancellation conditions.

Payment, Changes and Cancellation Conditionsn Individual Reservations

All individual reservations re-quire a guarantee with a valid credit card. The payment of your stay will be settled in the hotel. Notifications of cancella-tions and changes can be made online or in writing to the RAI Hotel & Travel Service. An ad-ministration fee of Euro 15 per room will be charged for can-cellations. For cancellations received within 48 hours prior to the arrival date, the hotel is entitled to charge the first night’s room rate.

n Group ReservationsIf you request 10 rooms or more, the RAI Hotel & Travel Service includes in the offer the special payment and can-cellation conditions for group reservations.

Flights, Car Rental, Excursions and Airport TransfersThe RAI Hotel & Travel Service has selected some reputable travel af-filiates which offer flights to/from Amsterdam (including low cost airlines), excursions in Amster-dam, airport transfers to and/from the hotels and car rental. These can all be booked online on the PSWC2007 hotel website.

LEGEND1 hotel located walking

distance to the RAI (max. 15 minutes)

2 hotel located near the RAI (5-10 minutes by taxi)

3 hotel located in the city cen-tre of Amsterdam

4 hotel located on the outskirts of Amsterdam

5 hotel in Schiphol Airport area* per person per night** not applicable*** discount for Sunday night

April 22, 2007for exact rates per night please visit our website

In case the preferred hotel, category or room price is not listed, please contact RAI Hotel & Travel Service. Aside from the selected hotels RAI Hotel & Travel Service has contracts with more than 50 hotels in Amsterdam and can assist you in making reservations in other ho-tels as well.

Please note RAI Hotel & Travel Serv-ice cannot be held responsible for any printing errors and/or omissions. Please note that the breakfast prices – that are excluded – are the prices for 2006. The prices for 2007 may change slightly.


G e n e ra l I n fo r m at i o nCongress Venue

Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Congress CentreP.O. Box 77777NL-1070 MS Amsterdam/ Europaplein, NL-1078 GZ AmsterdamThe

SecretariatFIP Congress & ConferencesAndries Bickerweg 5P.O. Box 84200NL-2508 AE The Hague The NetherlandsEmail

AwardsOutstanding pharmaceutical sci-entists will be recognised during the Opening Session. Check our website regularly for updates.

BadgesAll delegates and accompanying persons will receive a personal badge upon registration in the Fo-rum Foyer of the RAI Exhibition and Congress Centre as of Sunday, April 22, 2007. All participants and accompanying persons are kindly requested to wear their badges throughout the Congress. Only par-ticipants wearing their name badge will be admitted to the sessions, Exhibition in Hall 10, Opening Session and Welcome Reception. Accompanying persons wearing their name badge are welcome to the Exhibition Hall 10, Opening Session and Welcome Reception.

Business HoursBanks are open from 09:00-16:00 from Monday to Friday. Shops and Department Stores are generally open from 10:00-18:00.

Credit cardsHotels, shops and restaurants usually accept all credit cards.

ClimateThe congress will take place in April.Temperatures rise between 15-20 de-grees Celsius, but it is recommended to always bring an umbrella.

CurrencyThe currency used in The Nether-lands is Euro.

Dates to RememberFriday, December 15, 2006Abstract Submission DeadlineMonday, January 29, 2007Deadline for On-line Early Bird RegistrationSunday, April 1, 2007Deadline for On-line Advance RegistrationSunday-Wednesday, April 22-25, 2007On-site Registration

DressInformal dress is acceptable for all sessions. Business attire is recom-mended for the Opening Session and the Congress Dinner on Tues-day evening.

Electrical AppliancesElectrical appliances in The Neth-erlands operate on 220 volts.

ExhibitionAn exhibition of the latest achieve-ments in new equipment services and products will be organised in conjunction with the Congress in the Event Hall 10. It will be inte-grated with the scientific posters. Further information can be ob-tained on the website, or directly from the PSWC2007/PharmSciFair Exhibition Organiser (see page 8):

Health Links3rd Floor, Windsor House11A High Street, Kings HeathBirmingham B14 7BBUnited Kingdom Tel +44 121 2483399Fax +44 121 2483390Email

Housing AgentRAI Hotel & Travel Service has blocked rooms in all hotel catego-ries at special rates. Further infor-mation is available on the website and under Hotel Accommodation.

InsuranceThe Organising Committee ac-cepts no liability for personal inju-ries sustained, sickness or for loss or damage to property belonging to congress participants and/or accompanying persons, incurred either during or as a result of the congress. It is recommended that each participant takes out a per-sonal insurance.

LanguageThe official congress language is English. No simultaneous inter-pretation will be provided.

Presentation Equipment and Speakers Preview RoomAll session rooms are equipped with a laptop and LCD projection.All speakers are requested to proceed to the Speakers Preview Room to check their presenta-tion.

Speakers are requested to give their memory stick well in advance to the technician in each session room and collect it from the tech-nician at the end of the session.

Copies may be requested for use in the Press Room.

VATVAT (value added tax) in the Neth-erlands is 19% on most items and has to be paid on top of the regis-tration fee. For more informationabout value added tax in the Neth-erlands and how to reclaim VAT, please visit

TippingIt is not necessary to give tips in taxis or restaurants. Service is in-cluded in the bill. However, if serv-ice has been particularly exempla-ry it is within custom to round up the bill.

Visa Participants from EU countries do not need a visa to enter The Neth-erlands. Participants from all oth-er countries should check if it is necessary to apply for a visa. Of-ficial invitations are available via

B e a u t i f u l A m s t e rd a mAmsterdam is often referred to as one of the most colorful cities in the world. And rightly so! Where else do you find so many places of interest, famous museums, cozy pubs, fun shops and (flower) markets? Amsterdam has many surprises in store for you!

A rc h i t e c t u re a n d D e s i g nAmsterdam is one of Europe’s treasure troves for lovers of architecture and a city of international importance in terms of modern design. Enjoy these aspects of the city and take a peek at Amsterdam’s architectural highlights.

T h e G ra n d Ca n a l sElegant mansions stand along Herengracht, Prinsengracht and Keizergracht. In the course of the centuries these houses have been made over to meet changing tastes. Take a canal tour and see some beautiful examples of 18th century architecture.

R i j ks m u s e u m & Va n G o g h M u s e u m – T h e M a s t e r p i e ce sRembrandt, Vermeer, Jacob van Ruysdael, Jan Steen and Vincent van Gogh.Top works of art by these world-famous artists have been brought together in one spectacular collection with naturally ‘The Night Watch’ as one of the highlights.


Additional FIP Events

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w w w. f i p. o rg / PSWC

I nt e r n at i o n a l P h a r m a ce u t i c a l Fe d e rat i o n ( F I P )PO Box 84200, NL-2508 AE The Hague

The Netherlands

B o a rd o f P h a r m a ce u t i c a l S c i e n ce s ( B PS )



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