Pgqm p pt presentation silver-austrey

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Transcript of Pgqm p pt presentation silver-austrey

Austrey CE Primary School

Primary Geography Quality MarkRound 9 Pilot

1a. Achievement is high and children make good progress


Having read, ‘The Journey’ (S Mann & N Griffiths) children in Reception were fascinated with waterfalls. We looked at photographs of waterfalls.

They made waterfalls from Duplo and old guttering.

Then they made them by digging holes and using guttering.

There’s clay-doh in there!

It won’t soak away because…

… we put a lot of water in.

…the clay is stopping it.

Use known phonics to write about what they have seen.

1c. Using ICT – digital camera, laptop, computer, bee-bot, easy-scope, metal detector

Yr 1 using the Easy Scope to look more closely at features of mini-beasts found in Forest School.

Reception used metal detectors to find ‘treasure’ during our topic about Pirates.

During ‘Austrey Week’ Reception used digtial cameras to take photographs of things they liked in the churches.

Year 5 using the interactive whiteboard when researching information about the landscape in India.

1c. Fieldwork, Active Learning and Enquiry -Reception


Children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all have regular Forest School sessions on the School site.

Pupils in all years now visit Pooley Forest School three times a year.

Here Reception are investigating the site for mini beasts. They then made mini beast sculptures from natural materials found on site.

Reception go outside in all weather. Here they make use of the snow, to put snowballs they have made in order of size.

Children learn where to look for and

how to collect mini beasts without

damaging them.

1c. Fieldwork, Active Learning and Enquiry.

YEAR 1 & 2

At Pooley children investigating Natural and Man-made materials found in the environment using the senses: linking with their Science topic.

Also at Pooley children collected soil samples, finding, coal, sand and clay.

Warwickshire County Council Kerb Safe project ensures that children are aware of their surroundings and how to behave appropriately.

1c. Fieldwork, Active learning, Enquiry and ICT

Marle Hall –Yr 6 Residential as part of Transition to Year 7 with two local small schools.

A wealth of geographical activity is experienced during this week. Here children take part in a walk across the Conwy Mountains, having been given maps to follow and taking turns in leading the group.At times they are brought together to identify features on the map and locate them as they walk.During the week they experience a variety of landscapes, from mountains to lakes and beaches, discussing similarities and differences in biodiversity and physical appearance.

1d. Effective teaching and sustainability As part of a whole school policy children are

taught to care for their school and wider environment. They are encouraged to conserve water and recycle items including paper, card and ink cartridges.

The apple tree in the school grounds provides Reception with plenty of fruit for a production line of crumbles in the autumn.

We now have four new raised beds –one for each class- to grow produce which can then be used as part of the school dinners. The soil for this is enriched with compost from fruit eaten at playtime and manure from a local farm. Rainwater for plants is collected in butts from the two sheds.

1f. Supporting other curriculum areas.

Having moved away from QCA Units to a more creative and active learning curriculum, it has been possible to link other subject areas more specifically, especially in Key Stage Two. n Class Three children visited Compton VerneyVolcano art display as a starting point for their topic in the Autumn term. They have also made 3D models to describe the canopy layers in a rainforest.Pupils in Class Four have linked Geographical work about India to Indian customs and art.Historical links are also made when studying Egypt and Greece.

As a geographical, art and literacy link, Josie uses natural materials found in the school environment to make her own Stickman

World Cup Club

1f. Extra-curricular challenge

During the World Cup the geography coordinator held a lunchtime club for pupils in Class Three. Here pupils identified countries flags and located the country using atlases. Located countries were then plotted on a world map.

More Able visitAn after school visit to nearby Ancient Woodland at Alvecote enriched studies for a group of more-able year Three and Four pupils, who had been studying the Amazon Rainforest.

1f.Visits and visitors enhance geography experiences

Pupils worked with the owner of the wood, the geography coordinator and their class teacher to think about how ancient woodland is formed and sustained. Canopy layers in British Woodland and aspects of woodland management including coppicing and new planting were also considered.

Links with other schools

Forest School session with Newton Regis Reception classChildren spent the afternoon at our Forest School site, investigating the area using their senses. They identified where the holly and nettles were in order for them to play safely. The children collected small items to show the variety of colours that can be found in Springtime.

How long was the stick you found?I found eight conkers …

Geography Champions

In May 2010 The geography coordinator met with practising teachers and Early years practitioners through face to face meetings in the North Warwickshire Early Years Cluster Group Summer term meeting.-

With support from LA advisors, advisory teachers and Warwickshire Wildlife trust, the coordinator led Learning Outside the Classroom sessions that encouraged staff to become confident in working within their settings outdoor environment.Activities included, making sculpture, using tools –potato peelers and hand drill, making collections of natural resources.

Framework link: Planning for Progression in Mapwork.

Reception -Making maps of imaginary islands. Adding features; sea, land, hills and rivers.Developing this to introduce using alpha numeric grid references.

Pierce was able to locate features found in given

squares. “The hills are in square E1.”

Map skill progression across the school was audited in 2009. It was noted that children in reception were working above their expected level as they are frequently asked to make and follow maps, use atlases to locate continents and use maps of the UK.Children in years One and Two use maps in a variety of topics and across all aspects –using, reading, interpreting, drawing, using and making symbols and making plan drawings.A greater variety of map work is required in Class Three and more work using maps of differing scales has been addressed in Class Four.