Pets of wool

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Pets of wool

Pets of woolMariana Sarria Espinosa.

To begin we will have to do a pompom of wool

The materials are: Scissors.


The steps are the following ones

We cut the carton in the shape of circle with smaller other one in the center, which is where we will spend the wool

We tie both chunks of carton with a bit of wool in order that they remain united

We spend the wool of it was inside up to covering the hole of the center with the wool

Once covered the whole carton and the hole we will cut the wool for the edge (never free the wool)

We cut the whole wool until it remains like that

We separate the cartons that stayed inside to a measure of two centimeters

We tie the wool with a chunk in order that the pompom does not fall apart

To end we will decorate the pompom with rubber eva to do the eyes the feet and the ears