Pets - Celebrate · 2017-12-14 · Pets 20 wonderful images collected from the “Celebrate...

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Transcript of Pets - Celebrate · 2017-12-14 · Pets 20 wonderful images collected from the “Celebrate...


20 wonderful images collected from the

“Celebrate What’s Right with the World”

Facebook page.

Enjoy the beauty, then click here to learn more and be-

come a part of the celebration!

There's something about a dog - or any animal, for that matter, that is deeper

than mysterious! Here, my son and his Weimaraner, Dutch, communicate eye-to-

eye, soul-to-soul. Dutch had misbehaved but wanted set free from the small space

to which he had been confined between chair, fireplace and Daniel himself.

Here we have supplication and evaluation - a meeting of the minds!

~ Dean D. Ziegler

© Dean D. Ziegler

© Denise Neale Jensen

"The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love

are dogs and infants."

~ Johnny Depp

Early morning on a beautiful day, my husband and "Buddy" walking on a trail

near our home in Central Illinois.

~ Nancy Miller Brachbill

"Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and

shelter and affection, they will think you are God."

~ Christopher Hitchens

© Nancy Miller Brachbill

To know others is wisdom…To know yourself is enlightenment.

Celebrating getting to know yourself.

~ Maurice Doepker

© Maurice Doepker

© Jennifer Schooley

I celebrate a very special dog and his very special boy.

~ Jennifer Schooley

What could be better than a "high four" from a parrot?

~ John Derby

© John Derby

In celebration of friendships that won't be denied. ~ Betty Gross

© Betty Gross

"You spoke vassal?"

Celebrating pets, and their amazing ability to say volumes with just a look!

~ Carol Aldinger

© Carol Aldinger

A boy and his dog, for the moment.

This boy and his Mom were afraid of 'Ula'Ula and her enthusiastic romping.

Only 20 minutes later he was throwing her toy and racing her to fetch it.

What a time they had!

I am grateful I got to share this moment, when his fear melted and he came to

know the joy of dogs.

~ Karen Helmeyer

© Karen Helmeyer

Fishing at Howard Prairie Lake in Southern Oregon. "I got your back!”

~ Tom Lavine

© Tom Lavine

I am Belle, master of my father's office. If he is down, I snuggle up in my bed

and he just melts….He is SOOO easy.

Shot with a Fisheye lens, Belle looks very big to be on my desk, but I assure you

she is a whopping 7 lbs. soaking wet and very loved.

~ John Barclay

© John Barclay

Celebrating making new friends!

"Bring Your Dog to Work Day" at the Wild Arctic/SeaWorld.

Callie meets Ruby, the beluga whale, for the first time!

~ Dawn Otjen

© Dawn Otjen

Celebrating today the joy of new friendship. That wonderful time when two

seemingly different souls find they kinda like each other.

~ Suzanne Klump

© Suzanne Klump

Out best friend catching a little nap in the sunshine. His name is Kodak and our

girls named him that because he was a "Kodak moment" the first time they saw

him. He definitely is a celebration of what's right in the world!

~ Steve Nelson

© Steve Nelson

It's like the first time, every time for him, as he waited patiently for her outside…

a little love on the Haight!

~ Amy Howry Yamamura

© Amy Howry Yamamura

Celebrating "playful silhouettes" as they bring joy to my life and a smile to

my face!

~ Barbara Bozzo

© Barbara Bozzo

Celebrating my princess, Sara.

Companionships come in many forms - for me it's my dog. Sara is a

Queensland Blue Heeler. She is an all around good girl. She loves all the

critters and is so kind-hearted. All she wants to do is have fun. If it's a cold,

blustery day she still wants to be out in it. She makes poppa and momma go

out even on days that one would feel like just relaxing on the couch. She will

track deer and sometimes we catch up to them, but usually the deer get

away. She will look at us like she is saying "hurry, they are right here". She

doesn't chase the animals. She doesn't let us get out of her sight and when

we ask her to stop, she stops right away. I'm sure we would see more critters

if our dog wasn't with us, but I couldn't imagine going out without her. It is

so awesome to have unconditional Love.

~ Tina Alexander

© Tina Alexander

Look into my eyes. Do you know what that is?

That, my best friend, is unconditional love for you.

~ Jeff Parks

© Jeff Parks

…and the giggles, Oh God, Moonshadow makes me laugh so hard,

I can't hold the camera still!

With my whole heart and soul, celebrating his delightful presence in my life!

~ Cathy Drew

© Cathy Drew

Today I'm celebrating unbridled joy. It's been awhile since I posted a picture of

our puppy, Benjamin. He is now over 1 year old, but he is still a puppy. When

we take him to the dog park, he runs and runs and runs like the wind. He loves

chasing a ball and brings it back for more. He is a joy to watch because you can

tell that he is experiencing a natural joy and it is contagious! I will never have

his energy, but I can still experience that joy in the things that I naturally

enjoy. Bennie (as we call him - NEVER Benji) reminds me of this every day!

~ David Pickles

© David Pickles

About Celebrate What’s Right with the World!

In the two years, more than140,000 people have visited our website,

(, more than 8,000 people have ‘liked’ us on our

Facebook page, ( and more than 15,000

photographic celebrations have been posted!

Amazing! Thousands of uplifting visual stories of joy and beauty, happiness and


For all of us who have been involved in the project, we see how much it has

changed us. Not so much in an intellectual way, but rather in a deep and abid-

ing emotional way. By seeing life as a celebration, by focusing on all we have to

be thankful for, we find ourselves filling with gratitude. First, perhaps, for the

big things in life. Now, more and more, for everything., every cloud, every tree,

every person, every opportunity, every breath. Living life to the fullest is so much

easier through the lens of celebration. Imagine what life would be like if every-

one saw life that way.

Come to our sites and join the celebration!

The Celebrate Webpage


This is the webpage that gave rise to the Celebrate Facebook Page. It’s full of

images, videos, blogs, and quotes that can help to make everyday a Celebra-

tion. We invite you to partake in every part of it.


The Celebrate Facebook Page


This is the site that all of the images in this PDF come from. Please come visit

and enjoy the hundreds of celebrations posted here, then post your own and

join the celebration!