Petrel 2009

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Petrel 2009

Petrel Seismic to Simulation Software

Optimize Exploration and Development Operations

Petrel seismic to simulation software helps increase reservoir performance by improving asset

team productivity. Geophysicists, geologists, and reservoir engineers can develop collaborative

workflows and integrate operations to streamline processes.





































Product by Schlumberger ESSCA - exclusive agent in China


The Power of Petrel 2009The Power of Petrel 2009The Power of Petrel 2009The Power of Petrel 2009

Unified seismic interpretation, geological modeling, and reservoir engineering software

Take a leap forward...

Integrate your workflows from exploration to development

Petrel 2009 delivers fast, intuitive, and productive geophysical interpretation, geologic modeling,

reservoir engineering, and innovative domain science for more accurate reservoir characterization.

Major E&P software enhancements include:

� Fault and horizon interpretation workflow efficiencies—allow rapid assessment of exploration

acreage. Run multiple iterations to rank and risk prospects, easily running uncertainties around

velocity, structure, porosity, or any other relevant property.

� Advanced multipoint statistics—combine hard well data with analogs on real-world models in

minutes rather than hours. New random Gaussian simulation enables rapid distribution of geologic

properties based on acoustic impedance (through new Petrel inversion algorithm) or other seismic

attributes, for big productivity gains in understanding rock and fluid properties of the subsurface.

� New science and approaches for fast performance and state-of-the-art scalability—leverage all the

latest computing capability for maximum return on your hardware investment.

Create powerful workflows that impact your business

The industry's only completely unified seismic to simulation workflows provide:

� Unrivalled scalability and performance—maximize investment in hardware by leveraging latest

graphics, multicores, and 64-bit memory addressing.

� Exploration through development in a single canvas—improve collaboration and eliminate

knowledge gaps created by multiple overlapping applications.

� End-to-end uncertainty analysis—more accurate risk analysis and prospect ranking.

� Customizable workflows—integrate propriety IP to generate unique workflows.

� Functionality upgrades—capture knowledge, repeat workflows, and update models while drilling.

Improve productivity with powerful next-generation geophysical workflows

Scalable 2D and multiple 3D volume seismic interpretation at your desktop deliver:

� Fast, intuitive seismic interpretation—allow rapid prospect identification.

� Integrated seismic inversion workflow—improve understanding of rock properties.

� Enhanced domain conversion—increase performance and build velocity models from stacking


� Improved seismic well tie module—more closely match geology to geophysics.

� Interactive volume blending and geobody extraction of up to 3 attributes—generate more accurate

reservoir classification.

� Improved usability—including new color bar handling, interpretation manager, automated fault

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polygon generation, and 3D paintbrush autotracker.

Get powerful 3D modeling for making better decisions

� New multithreaded Gaussian simulation algorithm—8 x faster than Petrel 2008, 1000 x faster than

Petrel 2007.

� Multipoint geostatistics—combine hard well data with analogs to distribute properties based on

seismic attributes for improved reservoir characterization.

� Seismic attributes and geobodies better integrated into the modeling process—for more accurate

modeling, targeted well planning, and improved collaboration.

Use the powerful Ocean open platform to truly customize your workflow

� Add proprietary intellectual property for customization or competitive advantage.

� Integrate third-party software into the Petrel workflow manager and uncertainty manager.

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Unify Workflows for E&P Teams - Eliminate the gaps in traditional systems that require

handoffs from one technical domain to the next using Petrel model-centric workflows in a shared earth


Manage Risk and Uncertainty - Easily test multiple scenarios, analyze risk and uncertainty,

capture data relationships and parameters to perform rapid updates as new data arrives, and perform

detailed simulation history matching.

Enable Knowledge Management and Best Practices - Reduce workflow learning curves

by capturing best practices via the Workflow Editor, providing quick access to preferred workflows, and

increasing ease of use through intuitive and repeatable workflows.

Open Framework - Seamlessly integrate your intellectual property into the Petrel workflow through

the open Ocean. This environment leverages .NET tools and offers stable, user-friendly interfaces for

efficient development—allowing focus on innovation rather than infrastructure.

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Petrel ModulesPetrel ModulesPetrel ModulesPetrel Modules


Geology and Geological Modeling

Reservoir Engineering


Results Evaluation for Managers

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Petrel Geophysics

Unified seismic interpretation software

Fully integrate with the geological and engineering tools, Petrel geophysical software allows for rapid 2D

and 3D seismic interpretation. Sample your seismic data directly into a 3D reservoir model to predict pay,

and bias reservoir property distribution using a geostatistical approach. An extensive library of seismic

attributes and volume rendering techniques can help identify hydrocarbon indicators and fracture

patterns. A fully scalable solution, Petrel takes you seamlessly from regional exploration to reservoir

Seismic Interpretation

Visualize and interpret regional 2D and 3D seismic data manually or use advanced auto-tracking

techniques. Interactively create attribute maps of horizons or intervals.

Petrel Seismic Interpretation

Petrel seismic interpretation software seamlessly combines the rigorous workflows of interpreting in 2D

with the visual and performance benefits that only 3D volume interpretation can provide. You also gain

the unique advantage of an interpretation environment unified with geology, reservoir modeling, and

reservoir engineering domains, giving the ability to rapidly interpret seismic data and compare the results

with other data in your project. Effortlessly moving from interpretation to structural model building to

property modeling and back eliminates the gaps and inevitable knowledge and data loss of traditional

systems that require handoffs from one technical domain to the next.


� Combines visual and performance advantages of 3D seismic interpretation with the traditional 2D

views for accuracy and detailed event picking, enabling advanced 3D visualization at every desktop

� Enables rapid, detailed event interpretation using accurate manual and powerful automated tracking

with a wide range of control and editing options

� Offers the unique advantage of interpreting seismic in a truly unified environment

� Provides scalable desktop interpretation from regional basin study workflows down to reservoir


2D Seismic interpretation

Load SEG-Y format data together with the corresponding UKOOA navigation data into the Petrel

application for comprehensive 2D workflows. Interpret horizons and faults across 2D data with a full set

of interpretation tools and grid directly from within the Petrel application for improved understanding and


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Regional 2D interpretation

3D Seismic interpretation

Visualize and interpret massive amounts of 3D data directly from your Windows PC without

having to load all the data to RAM. Full range of tools allows you to take a traditional line-by-line

approach combined with the latest algorithms and tools including amplitude and waveform

based tracking for best-in-class 3D volume interpretation, allowing you to achieve rapid results

while giving you control in more complex areas of weaker signal strength.

2D/3D Multi-volume interpretation

It is often necessary to work with multiple vintages and surveys of both 2D and 3D data. Petrel software

makes it easy to interpret across multiple 3D and 2D surveys either in the interpretation or in 3D windows

to gain the best understanding in the shortest time. Interpret the same event across multiple surveys and

grid, contour, and map either the whole event or just a part for individual surveys.

Data management

Today's interpretation projects demand a flexible and dynamic project data management structure to

cope with the amount of data involved. Current projects may cover large regional areas, thousands of 2D

lines with tens of thousands of traces covering hundreds of kilometers, and multiple 3D vintages and

surveys. The Seismic Survey Manager allows you to effectively manage the 2D and 3D seismic data

within your Petrel project, improving the user experience when working with large amounts of data.

Additional interpretation highlights

� Basemap selection of seismic lines, including 2D lines, for display in the interpretation and 3D


� Mis-tie analysis for correction of gain-, phase-, and vertical mis-ties of 2D data

� Ghost curve analysis allowing you to correlate your seismic section across faults

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� Composite lines across multiple 2D and 3D surveys for improved regional interpretation

� Smart cropping of both 2D and 3D data for interpretation or export

� Unified interpretation windows, 3D windows, and base maps with continuous cursor tracking for

improved interpretation and fully flexible interpretation workflows

� Intelligent autotracking including amplitude and waveform based tracking

� Constrain tracking by faults, horizons, polygons, dip and strike

� Interactive parameter testing for improved results

� Stored parent child relationship for easy editing and correction of interpretation

Integrated interpretation environment

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Seismic Volume Rendering & Geobody Extraction

Quickly visualize and detect anomalies in your seismic data and directly input the extracted objects into

your 3D model for enhanced facies classification.

Petrel Seismic Volume Rendering & Geobody Extraction

Visualization and extraction of 3D objects from seismic is critical for improving reservoir understanding,

detecting anomalies, and defining facies. Petrel software now allows users to interactively blend multiple

seismic volumes, isolate areas of interest, and then instantly extract what is visualized into a 3D object

called a geobody. In essence, "what you see is what you pick," making this approach to volume

interpretation fast, intuitive, and accurate. After the geobody has been extracted, it can to be directly

included in the 3D geological model, providing an efficient workflow from seismic to geological modeling.


� Interactive volume rendering of regional 3D volumes

� Rapid identification and isolation of areas of interest

� Blend up to 3 volumes for improved interactive reservoir characterization

� RGB blending available

Blending multiple attribute cubes

� WYSIWYG—extraction of geobodies based on visualized results

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� Inclusion or exclusion of extracted geobody in future settings to allow improved facies detection

� Single-click import into geological model

Extracted geobody imported directly into geological model

� Petrophysical model conditioning with geobody in the geological model

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Blending amplitude with zone information

� Can be used as hard data in multipoint geostatistics workflow

Seismic volume rendering

Interactively apply transparency on regional 3D seismic volumes to rapidly identify areas of interest. The

ability to set free volumes independent of inline x-lines and time slices and the option to set volumes on

or between horizons allow you to take a more geological approach to visualization. Multiple attribute

cubes can be applied and combined in a number of ways to help further classify the reservoir.

Geobody Extraction

After you have visualized the 3D object, a series of tools allows you to further isolate the body and then

interactively extract it. Once extracted, volumetrics can be calculated or the body can be directly sampled

into a geological model as a discrete object to condition the petrophysical modeling. Existing geobodies

can be included or excluded from further volume extraction for improved classification of facies. The

resulting property can then be used in much the same way as a facies model to condition petrophysical

property models. By filtering on this property, operations such as data analysis, property modeling, and

volume calculations can be performed on the grid cells within the bodies.

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Seismic Attribute Analysis

A fully integrated solution for seismic attribute extraction and analysis. Choose from an extensive library

of seismic attributes, which can be processed on-the-fly or as background tasks. Capture share and

repeat workflows across projects and fields for improved knowledge management.

Petrel Seismic Attribute Analysis

The attribute generation process contains a library of different single and multi-trace seismic attributes for

display and use within the seismic interpretation workflow. Seismic attribute analysis helps to enhance

information that might be subtle in traditional seismic, leading to a better interpretation of the data.

Multiprocessor capability for rapid attribute calculations

Take advantage of multiprocessor desktop workstations to run attributes faster and in the background,

freeing up the machine and allowing the user to be more productive. Optionally, generate attributes

remotely on a Linux cluster and instantly review and use the results back in Petrel, reducing the time

taken from hours to minutes and allowing more informed decisions to be made quicker.

Genetic Inversion

Seismic reflection data is the primary input for resolving structural and stratigraphic variations between

points of well control in the majority of the world's sedimentary basins for the exploitation of hydrocarbon

resources. Petrel brings a step change to this process with the fully integrated genetic inversion algorithm

allowing geophysicists and geologists to more accurately predict inter well properties from seismic inside

of Petrel. Horizon autotracking options allow you to pick directly on the impedance volume or it can be

used as an input in the enhanced geobody isolation and extraction process for improved reservoir


Surface attribute library for rapid prospect identification

A new attribute library gives the user access to over 40 attributes that can be instantly calculated directly

at interpreted events, on nearby uninterpreted events, or between events. This allows the interpreter to

extract the maximum value from seismic data by providing more detail on the subtle lithological variations

of your reservoir without having to generate new seismic attribute volumes, speeding up the prospect

identification and mapping workflows.

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Iso-frequency attribute in slices

Capture and repeat attributes to share knowledge

Attribute calculations can be built into the Workflow Manager and repeated across different events or

fields to share knowledge between teams and capture parameters for best practices.


� Structural attributes can help accelerate the task of picking horizons and faults.

� Seismic attributes related directly to log and rock properties in the model can take advantage of the

integrated petrophysical and facies modeling in the Petrel application, thus defining a better model

and reducing uncertainty.

� A wide range of attributes and combinations of different attributes can be used to identify

stratigraphical and structural events.

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Ant Tracking combined with amplitude to analyze fault structure

� Parameters can be optimized using a real-time probe or slice. You can then calculate the entire

volume or set up a series of calculations using the Process Manager.

� Instant surface attributes can be generated without having to generate seismic attribute volumes,

increasing understanding, saving time, and enhancing the mapping workflow.

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Surface attributes integrated with structural model

� Multithreaded and background processing increase performance and speeds up the calculations,

enabling the user to be more productive.

� Remote attribute generation on a Linux cluster reduces the time from hours to minutes and allows

attribute volumes to be shared among multiple users.

Enhancing seismic workflows

A variety of new workflows can be derived using attributes to

� precondition the data for better horizon autotracking

� enhance the fault signature of the data by calculating variance or chaos, or by filtering structural

smoothing with the edge enhancement option

� precondition the data for seismic facies extraction using relative acoustic impedance or the chaos

attribute to isolate salt bodies

� combine attributes and generate users' own attributes using the seismic calculator.

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Exploration Geophysics

Interpret regional 2D and 3D projects at your desktop. Make use of high performance computing for

improved regional understanding

Petrel Exploration Geophysics

Unprecedented access to extremely large seismic datasets

It is increasingly important to have an accurate regional understanding of the geology and regional

structure of your basin. Petrel seismic software is specifically designed to take advantage of the latest

advances in PC compute technology, providing unprecedented access to extremely large seismic

datasets while offering a remarkably interactive user experience.

Multi-3D volume handling

Scalable interpretation at your desktop

Through smart disk roaming technology and bricked seismic rendering it is possible to visualize and

interpret regional exploration datasets in both 2D and 3D at your desktop without the need to invest in

huge amounts of RAM. Users are able to visualize and interpret data directly from the disk file with a

performance quality traditionally associated with applications where data is loaded into memory.

Parallel processing enables rapid analysis

Parallel processing of geophysical workflows from volume visualization to attribute analysis is designed

to take full advantage of the rapid development of multiprocessor desktop workstations and provide

massive performance enhancements-freeing up the machine and allowing the user to become more


Linux cluster processing capability for your largest datasets.

For more information about this solution, please contact:

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64-bit for improved performance

Combine the power of advanced disk roaming with 64-bit extending memory for the ultimate performance

when working with large seismic datasets. This improves seismic scalability especially with networked

storage seismic. Single seismic data format for line and volume interpretation removes the need for

multiple geophysical applications.

Integrated interpretation environment


� 3D surveys and thousands of 2D seismic lines can be visualized together to improve understanding

of regional geology.

Regional composite 2D-line display

� Performance and image quality improves with faster hardware and will continue to improve as

hardware develops.

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� Full integration with reservoir modeling and reservoir engineering domains provides a complete

understanding of your basin.

� Exploration scale mapping support.

� Automatic fault polygon generation for improved exploration mapping and volumetric calculations.

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Automated Structural Interpretation

Spend your time understanding the trends of fault systems from these automatically extracted fault


Petrel Automated Structural Interpretation

Increase accuracy while reducing your manual fault interpretation task

Understanding the trends of fault surfaces and fluid flow properties across fault systems is one of the

most important aspects when it comes to reservoir characterization. For many years it has been possible

to spatially interpret horizon reflections but interpretation of fault surfaces or planes has been more


The Petrel Automated Structural Interpretation module uses an advanced computing algorithm "Ant

Tracking" to overcome this subjectivity. Now interpreters using 3D seismic data can spend time

understanding the trends of fault surfaces and make correlations from the automatically extracted fault

patches instead of creating fault surfaces individually and manually.

By focusing on structural geology rather than conventional segment picking, Automated Structural

Interpretation reduces conventional interpretation time while increasing your level of geological detail,

structural awareness and reservoir understanding.

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Interact with the automatically extracted fault patches using a polar plot and various filters to isolate the fault systems interest.


� Increases structural accuracy and detail

� Significantly reduces tedious manual interpretation time

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The Ant Tracking algorithm creates a new fault attribute highlighting fault-surface features

� Provides unbiased, repeatable and highly detailed mapping of discontinuities

� Fully integrates with geological modeling

� Better estimation of complex models

� Optimizes the value of 3D seismic data beyond traditional picking

Related resources

Automated Structural Interpretation - "Ant Tracking"

Petrel Automated Structural Interpretation - "Ant Tracking"

Depending on your workflow, Automatic Fault extraction can be performed at any scale. During the

exploration phase, the focus may be to look for major tectonic fault systems spanning the basin and

identify their influence on any prospects. Alternatively with known reservoirs, at appraisal, development

or production phase, a similar approach can be applied, but at a local scale. A this scale you are looking

at faults and fault systems that may be the result of tectonic forces from completely different directions

which have affect on ultimate hydrocarbon recovery.

The Ant Tracking workflow consists of four independent steps:

1. Enhance the spatial discontinuities in your seismic data using any edge detection algorithm (i.e.

variance, chaos, edge detection) and optionally, pre-condition your seismic data by reducing noise.

2. Generate the Ant Track Cube and extract the fault patches

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3. Validate and edit the fault patches

4. Create final fault interpretation model

The first step in the workflow involves the reduction of noise in your seismic data and the creation of an

edge-enhancing attribute (i.e. variance, chaos, dip deviation), highlighting special discontinuities.

During the second step, the Ant Track cube is created. The Ant Tracking algorithm follows an analogy of

ants finding the shortest path between their nest and their food source by communicating using

pheromones, a chemical substance that attracts other ants. The shortest path will be marked with more

pheromones than the longest path and so the next ant is more likely to choose the shortest route, and so


The idea is to distribute a large number of these electronic "ants" in a seismic volume; and let each ant

move along what appears to be a fault surface while emitting "pheromone." Ants deployed along a fault

should be able to trace the fault surface for some distance before being terminated. Surfaces meeting

expectations will be strongly marked by "pheromone." Surfaces unlikely to be faults will be unmarked or

weakly marked. The Ant Tracking algorithm creates a new fault attribute highlighting the corresponding

fault-surface features having orientations within some pre-determined settings. The algorithm then

automatically extracts the result as a set of fault-patches, a highly detailed mapping of discontinuities.

Manual interaction is provided in the third step. The extracted fault patches must be evaluated, edited

and filtered in order to obtain the final interpretation. This is done using an innovative approach applying

an interactive stereo-net and histogram filter tool.

In the final step, the fault patches are used for further seismic interpretation or as input to the fault

modeling directly.

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Synthetic Seismograms

Bridge the gap between your time and depth domains.

Petrel Synthetic Seismograms

Bridge the gap between your time and depth domains.

Multi-trace synthetic generation lets you fine-tune your seismogram to match the seismic extracted in

wells. The well correlation window helps you to assess the match. Any changes to the time-depth

relationship can be made and seismic horizons can be correlated with the stratigraphic boundaries

identified in your wells. When the time-depth relationship has been fine tuned, all depth indexed well tops

will be automatically assigned the updated time value.


� Minimize data load and transfer by using one application where synthetics are integrated with

seismic and well logs.

� Improve your quality control by viewing your synthetic seismogram in a variety of windows including

the 3D, interpretation or well correlation windows.

� Quickly process synthetics using the intuitive Windows guiding and help systems built into Petrel.

� The easy-to-use copy/paste functionality allows you to quickly present your interpretations to

management in any Windows application like Word or PowerPoint.


� Display synthetic seismograms with any other item in Petrel

� Display wells in time

� A "Process diagram dialog" guides you though the steps

� Wavelet extraction from seismic

� Well seismic


The synthetic seismogram can be displayed in the well correlation window, 3D window and interpretation


Wells in time

When a time-depth relationship in wells has been established, wells can be displayed in the time domain

in all 3D and intersection windows.

Process diagram dialog

The Synthetics process dialog leads you through the steps of generating synthetic seismograms from

your well data, and simplifies the display of the data you need to use along the way.

Wavelet extraction from seismic:

Use a collection of traces around the borehole, compute auto-correlation for time window of interest,

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taper effects etc.

The workflow process for wavelet extraction involves trying several combinations of extraction

parameters, recording the results, and trying different boreholes in order to gain a better understanding of

the nature of the seismic data. The Wavelet Extract option in Petrel gives you the capability of extracting

statistical wavelets from the seismic data at a borehole.

A wavelet can be extracted from some portion of a 3D volume of seismic traces. The statistical extraction

method used in Synthetics assumes that the autocorrelation of the wavelet is the same as the truncated

autocorrelation of the seismic trace. The average autocorrelation from several seismic traces is used to

provide a more representative estimate of the wavelet.

Well seismic

The seismic can be extracted along the well paths and displayed. The extraction is not limited to the

synthetic seismogram generation, but can be done for any type of seismic volume; hence you can display

your seismic attributes in with well logs in the well correlation window.

* To access the synthetic seismograms you need the core module, well correlation and seismic

interpretation module.

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Domain Conversion

Quickly perform domain conversion backwards and forwards between time and depth. Create your

velocity models directly in Petrel or import from any third party application.

Petrel Domain Conversion

Geophysicists typically work in the time domain while geologists work with depth data. Petrel Domain

Conversion reconciles these differences by helping you make depth data the rule rather than the


Petrel allows you to quickly perform domain conversion backwards and forwards between time and depth.

All the necessary steps are performed directly in your project, so there is no need to ever leave the

friendly Petrel interface.

Use velocity models to convert between time and depth. Velocity models can now be generated directly in Petrel or imported

from third-party applications

Petrel Domain Conversion involves two simple steps. First you create a velocity model and calibrate it to

the available well markers. Next select the data you wish to domain convert, whether it is surfaces,

horizon and fault interpretations, points, well data, 2D and 3D seismic, or 3D grids.

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Define the velocity model in a spreadsheet layout where all the data and parameters are selected


� Domain conversion runs directly in Petrel, saving you time by avoiding unnecessary input and

output of information.

� Perform domain conversion at any stage in your workflow. Build 3D models in either time or depth,

and convert when it is convenient for you.

� Build multiple velocity models to test different velocity parameter scenarios and obtain a better

understanding of structural uncertainty.

� Use a 3D grid property for depth conversion, useful for conversion of complex structures such as

reversely faulted environments


� Domain conversion of 2D and 3D seismic, surfaces, horizon and fault interpretations, points, wells

and logs, well tops, and 3D grids.

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Domain conversion is available for 2D and 3D seismic, surfaces, horizon and fault interpretations, points, wells and logs, well

tops, and 3D grids

� Uses a standard layer cake approach for domain conversion, giving you the freedom to select

velocity variations for each layer, while preserving the relationships between faults and horizons.

� Velocity modeling and depth conversion can be run in the Petrel Process Manager, allowing you to

generate a single workflow that spans both time and depth domains.

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Switch interactively between time and depth

� Supported velocity methods include linear functions V=Vo, V=Vo+kZ, V=Vo+k(Z-Zo). Constants or

surfaces can be used as variables.

� Can utilize externally generated velocity cubes to create velocity models.

� Supports conversion within the same domain (Time to Time and Depth to Depth), enabling AVO

and 4D seismic workflows and the calibration of Pretack Depth Migration to well markers.

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Seismic Sampling

Convert your seismic data to depth and resample the seismic attribute into the 3D structural grid as a


Petrel Seismic Sampling

Generate seismic attribute maps on any 2D surface or average seismic properties within a time or depth



� Display any seismic data with a 3D depth converted model.

Depth converted seismic amplitude sampled into a 3D grid with attributes; envelope and cosine of phase displayed

� Import a simulation model into Petrel and quality check it with the seismic data.

Porosity from simulation result displayed with depth converted seismic

� Condition your reservoir model with depth converted seismic attributes sampled into the grid.

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Seismic Depth Conversion

With a simple click your seismic volume is depth converted according to the velocity functions for the

horizons in a 3D grid. When a seismic volume is depth converted Petrel will locate the time horizons and

the corresponding depth horizon in the two 3D grids and adjust the Z-position of each seismic trace. The

resulting depth converted seismic will be restricted to the boundaries of the 3D depth grid.

The depth converted seismic allows the same options as original seismic, including 3D auto tracking and

manual interpretation. You can display the volume in the interpretation window and create attributes from

the depth data.

Quality Control

� Display the depth converted seismic with property grids or results from simulation to ensure the

quality of the modeling.

� Different disciplines can work together on the same interface.

� Sample depth converted seismic amplitudes or attributes into an existing 3D grid.

Modeled faults and wells displayed with depth converted seismic interpretation


Sampling is the process where Petrel investigates the attribute values within a grid cell and populates the

grid cells with one attribute value. The algorithms that can be used in this process are: closest,

interpolate, intersection, and exact.

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Depth converted seismic is sampled into the 3D grid. The depth converted seismic can be volume rendered

To obtain a realistic and accurate model the sampled seismic attributes can be used to guide or condition

the property modeling.

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Petrel Geology and Geological Modeling

Identifying and recovering hydrocarbons requires an accurate, high-resolution geological model of the

reservoir structure and stratigraphy. The Petrel geology capabilities, all seamlessly unified with the

geophysical and reservoir engineering tools, enable an integrated study by providing an accurate static

reservoir description that evolves with the reservoir.

Facies Modeling

Estimate your facies distributions using a variety of pixel and object-based stochastic and deterministic


Petrel Facies Modeling

Model your pixel or object based stochastic facies using deterministic techniques. Condition the facies to

a seismic property or trend surfaces with the data analysis process, or use objects sampled directly from

seismic with the volume extraction tool.


� Use a facies 3D model to incorporate your lithological information when modeling reservoir

properties such as porosity

The facies model can be used directly in the petrophysical module

� Guide your algorithms with a range of trends

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Multipoint Geostatistics

Traditional reservoir modeling techniques use simplified, two-point statistics to represent geological

phenomena that have complex geometrical configurations. The use of multipoint statistics has improved

in recent years, reducing the limitations. The Petrel 2009 release reintroduces multipoint geostatistics,

providing users with new methods to model complex geological features and connectivity. These

workflows work efficiently in multimillion cell models and honor well, seismic, and probability data. The

workflows are much faster than before and use less than five percent of the memory needed to run MPS

in the model, improving performance when using training images.

MPS uses training images to model facies, providing the user with a new method to model complex geological features.

Indicator kriging

Petrel Facies Modeling features indicator kriging, a deterministic, pixel based method for producing

krieged facies models.

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Fluvial modeling, using flowlines, source points, trend direction and width trend

Sequential indicator simulation

Stochastic, pixel based method for facies models features lets you:

� Individually set variograms and volume fractions for each facies

� Use object modeling to distribute facies objects

� Distribute channels in your model by using fluvial modeling

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Fluvial modeling, using flowlines and source points

Interactive editing

Use the intuitive drawing tools as pencil, brush and airbrush as a standard drawing package. Edit your

facies models and use them as a background in object and fluvial modeling.

Constrain the facies to fit with your conceptual model

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Other features

� Use the Data Analysis process to investigate and edit trends in the data, condition the model to a

seismic cube or build a variogram.

� Use the scientific calculator for calculations.

� Filter by index, zone, segment, value and upscaled cells

� Generate synthetic logs for well trajectories.

� Generate connected volumes.

� Visualize facies in the mapping module for printing scaled maps and intersections in combination

with any other filtered or unfiltered data.

� View facies in 3D using simbox mode.

Petrophysical Modeling

Distribute continuous petrophysical properties into your 3D model using an assortment of algorithms,

including 1, 2, and 3D trends; facies models; and seismic data. Also, experience the performance of

parallel algorithm for these purposes. (New in 2009)

Petrel Petrophysical Modeling

Assign petrophysical values to cells in a 3D grid

Upscaled log, ready to be used in petrophysical modeling


� Create 3D models of petrophysical properties using well logs

� Use 3D facies models and/or 3D seismic attributes to control and condition the model

� Allows combination of modeling techniques for each run

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Detailed porosity study in a single channel

Deterministic modeling

� Simple and ordinary kriging

� Moving average, based on inverse distance weighting

� Functional, based on function approximation

� Closest point

Deterministic modeling in Petrel

Stochastic modeling

Petrel uses sequential gaussian simulation for distribution of petrophysical property data in the 3D grid.

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This includes:

� User defined variogram and range

� Trends in vertical and horizontal directions. Simple kriging, ordinary kriging and co-located

co-kriging with secondary data, excellent for inversion data

� Conditional and unconditional simulation.

Porosity model conditioned to a channel facies

Random Gaussian Simulation

When the correlation between soft data and hard data is zero, the simulation depends on well data only

and is completely independent of sot data such as seismic. As the correlation increases, so does the

dependence of the final result on the seismic data. Petrel software calculates the optimal correlation

between seismic and porosity and uses this as the default for colocated cosimulation. However, this

correlation is one of the sensitivities that should be examined within an uncertainty study. The Petrel

2009 release gives users a quick visual appreciation of the correlation without having to restart the

simulation every time.

Run your our own algorithm

Run your own algorithm, in combination with other available methods found in the user interface.

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Well Correlation

Display and organize your logs in a flexible 2D visualization environment. Edit well tops interactively in

2D or 3D and estimate logs using the powerful well log calculator.

Horizontal well interpretation splits the well into separate panels for easier correlation

Petrel Well Correlation

Construct a consistent geological model that honors the relationships between faults and horizons in 3D


Well correlation panel Dip and azimuth data represented with tadpole diagrams

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� Gain a better understanding of your well distribution by viewing well trajectories and log data in 3D


� Display dip and azimuth information as tadpole diagrams

� Access well data from industry standard databases

� Display well picks in time directly on seismic data

� Display synthetic seismograms

Dip and azimuth data represented with tadpole diagrams Well intersection fence

Data Import

� Import well trajectories, well headers, deviations and logs separately or combined

� Use the OpenSpirit plug in to access and update well data in GeoFrame or OpenWorks databases

� Edit existing logs or generate new ones from any number of curves using the powerful well log


� Interpret discrete properties interactively

� Sample data from a property model along well trajectories

� Import FMI interpretation

Working with well picks

Pick horizon tops in the well panel and see the effects directly in 3D, or vice versa. You can also edit tops

manually in a spreadsheet style editor.

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Fault Analysis

Calculate fluid flow properties and sealing potential for faults in a Petrel model. Use results directly in

simulation without leaving Petrel.

Petrel Fault Analysis

The Fault Analysis module lets you calculate fluid flow properties and sealing potential for faults in a

Petrel model.

The module uses geologic parameters such as fault displacements and adjacent rock types to estimate

fault zone thickness, permeability and sealing potential. From the fault zone permeability and thickness

estimations, transmissibility multipliers are calculated for each cell that lies adjacent to a fault.

Properties calculated on fault planes

The Fault Analysis module also enables you to assign basic properties to a fault such as a uniform

transmissibility multiplier and threshold pressure. Fault properties can then be visualized in the viewers

and used as keywords in the ECLIPSE simulators.

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� Calculate the sealing potential of faults with user defined equations.

� Generate detailed Allen diagrams for visual analysis.

� Use the calculated transmissibility multiplier directly in simulation without leaving Petrel.

Displacement weighted permeability

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Fracture Modeling

Create discrete fracture networks for fracture reservoirs based on well log interpretation and/or seismic

data in 3D and integrate them seamlessly in the reservoir model. Upscale the fracture properties to the

simulation model and use results directly in simulation.

Petrel Discrete Fracture Modeling

Modeling flow in fractured reservoirs is difficult. The challenge requires a software solution that supports

tight integration between the static and dynamic reservoir modeling disciplines and provides a way to

visualize and analyze many data types that may be direct or indirect indicators of fractures.

Integrated technology for better workflows

Integrated technology from Golder Associates-a leader in fracture modeling-included in the Petrel 2009.1

software release enables you to create an integrated workflow for fractured reservoir characterization.

Cross-section of a fracture network

Petrel 2009.1 also supports ECLIPSE dual-porosity models, making it even simpler to simulate naturally

fractured reservoirs.


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Discrete fracture network showing fracture size as an attribute

� Comprehensive and easy-to-use tool to model discrete fracture networks

� Works directly in Petrel and uses all tools available in the software (i.e., train estimation and model,

process manager, property calculators, etc.)

� Provides a direct input for ECLIPSE dual-porosity moels

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Petrel Reservoir Engineering Software

Pre- and postprocessing of simulation data

Perform streamline simulations, reduce uncertainty, and plan future wells with the Petrel simulation

workflow. Recreate geologically accurate models using advanced upscaling techniques for full reservoir


Reservoir Engineering Core

Build and run ECLIPSE simulation models and analyze results directly from within Petrel.

Petrel Reservoir Engineering Core

Your entry point for detailed ECLIPSE simulation and pre & post-processing

PVT and rock properties tables

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The Petrel Reservoir Engineering Core lets you select and launch the appropriate ECLIPSE simulator

and analyze your results—all within Petrel.

Build efficient simulation models.

Use this tool to build ECLIPSE simulation models directly from your geological models, adding fluid

properties, well completions, production history, and event scheduling. Organize geological realizations

and develop scenarios into cases.


� Integration and improved communication between Geophysics to Reservoir Engineering

� Access to the Petrel process manager allows for rapid model updates and simulation based

uncertainty quantification

� Petrel usability for the petroleum engineers

PVT and rock properties tables


� Well completion design - import tubing and completion data; interactively create completion string

specifications alongside the log view of the well; intersect the completion description with the grid

and calculate connections to grid cells for the simulator; specify completions relative to horizons and

copy them from well to well

� Flow controls - import historical production rates and average them up into simulation control time

steps; set prediction controls and economic limits

� Fluids - import or create from correlations the pressure, volume, temperature (PVT) properties for

oil, water and gas

� Case definition - select which realization of each grid, property, and engineering data is to be used

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in a simulation run; copy cases, make modifications; and run them directly in ECLIPSE

� Results & case trees - manage cases in folders and analyze the results in the new results tree

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Advanced Gridding and Upscaling

Resample and re-grid fine-scale geological models to coarser-scale simulation models using a wide

range of upscaling techniques.

Petrel Advanced Gridding and Upscaling

For resampling fine-scale geological models to scales appropriate for simulation models

Use a wide range of gridding and upscaling techniques

Resample fine-scaled geological models to coarser-scale simulation while still preserving

important details in the geologic model. An assortment of averaging methods includes a flexible

tensor upscaling function for determining effective permeability in each simulation cell.

Advanced gridding techniques include

� Local gridding (LGR) — to create small cells around wells, surface, or polygons for improved


Local Grid Refinement

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� Stair step (IJK) gridding — to ensure grid orthogonality when faults are highly inclined

Stair-step faulting


� Preserve geologic knowledge scale—construct a simulation grid from the same 3D model as your

fine-scale geological grid

� Get an accurate upscaled representation of your modeled properties—from standard averaging or

flow-based tensor techniques

� Capture complex structural or near-wellbore effects—using advanced gridding techniques

Flow-based tensor upscaling—how it works

When upscaling permeability from a fine geological grid to a coarser simulation grid, a block of grid cells

from the fine grid will have direction-dependant permeability. This is modeled using a permeability tensor.

The default output is permeability properties for X, Y, and Z. You can also request coupling terms XY, XZ,

and YZ. In situations where there are only a few cells in each coarser cell, you can define a skin zone that

includes additional cells outside the coarse cell to calculate the upscaled permeability. The larger zone

improves the pressure field calculations and the accuracy of the flow relative to directional permeability


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History Match Analysis

Analyse history matching studies by computing and visualizing statistics, comparing simulated with

actual history.

Petrel History Match Analysis

History match multiple models and isolate the best geological realization

Simplify the history matching process and arrive at best history match sooner. The efficient, easy-to-use

Petrel History Match Analysis module lets you quickly and easily analyze hundreds of ECLIPSE reservoir

simulation runs to isolate the most likely geological realization.

Rank models by match to history


� Quantify history match quality to identify the best-possible realization

� Identify history match problems in the field from immediate graphical results

� Manage hundreds of runs and cases with simple case management tools

� Change properties and rerun all cases from any ECLIPSE family of simulators thanks to complete

integration with Petrel

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Identify problem wells

History match analysis—How it works

The tool calculates statistics on the quality of a history match across many realizations and highlights the

best matches for further study. Results are calculated on every well and for every data type (oil rate,

water rate, bhp, water cut, etc.)

By combining different matches into scenarios, you can move from a case view to a field view and down

to the specific details in any well. The results are then displayed in a map window with color codes

indicating good and bad history matches. Instead of looking at hundreds of line plots and trying to find the

best case, the cases are ranked according to your choices.

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Rank and screen reservoir models in a dynamic environment by combining ECLIPSE FrontSim

streamline technology with Petrel 3D modeling for more accurate production forecasting.


Rank and screen reservoir models in a dynamic environment by combining industry-standard streamline

technology with intuitive and interactive 3D modeling. ECLIPSE FrontSim streamline reservoir simulation

software is a three-phase, 3D simulator that models multiphase flow of fluids along streamlines. FrontSim

enables you to construct enhanced reservoir models quickly, paving the way for more accurate

production forecasting and better decisions.

The effect of fault seal analysis on streamlines provides additional insight into flow behavior


� Efficiently rank, screen and visualize multiple sensitivity runs, combining static and dynamic

information to create more reliable models in less time.

� Optimize well placements by combining streamline analysis with the detailed static model to

enhance sweep efficiency.

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� Validate upscaled reservoir models with dynamic data by understanding grid orientation issues,

thereby improving the quality of the model used for reservoir simulation.

Streamlines output from FrontSim allow visualization of the fluid movement within your Petrel model

Identify flow patterns

When heterogeneity and reservoir uncertainties are dominating the fluid flow behavior in your reservoir,

stochastic modeling techniques are used to create multiple views of your fine scale geological model.

With FrontSim, you can dynamically identify the tortuous flow paths by visually depicting the

injector-to-producer streamline bundles and make ranking decisions based on production history, not

static methods alone.

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FrontSim streamlines displayed with Sw cross section and seismic inline

Improve your reservoir management

Identifying optimal drilling locations is not only based on engineering constraints, but also on reservoir

heterogeneity. Running FrontSim on your fine scale geological model lets you identify injectors not

contributing to production, or producers that are cycling injected water. Such analysis lets you make

development and field management decisions to optimize sweep, improve ultimate recovery and

minimize injection costs.

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Streamline simulation result data

Build better quality models

Identifying the representative model from stochastic analysis is challenging enough. Fine scale

geological models must then be upscaled to reduce the number of cells for practical full-field simulation.

The knowledge gained using FrontSim can directly impact ECLIPSE reservoir simulation models,

resulting in more reliable models with better predictive forecasting.

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Petrel Drilling Workflows

Well path design, drilling visualization, and real-time model updates

Petrel workflows improve operational efficiency by setting an environment to visualize and understand

relationships between the drilling processes in the earth context.


Maximize reservoir exposure by designing a well trajectory, understanding at initial stages the potential

risks the well might be exposed to

Understand the relationship between actual undesired drilling events (well control, mud losses, wellbore

stability, stuck pipe, etc.) in geological context

Monitor execution in a proactive manner in real time to ensure optimum well position and foresee

potential risks when the actual well path trajectory is approaching a risk zone, deviations from planned

well trajectory, and variations in the prognosis.

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Well Path Design

Design well paths, identify surface locations, pick targets, and adjust trajectories dynamically in a 3D

canvas to find the optimal solution.

Petrel Well Path Design

Design well paths in 3D

Design wells interactively by digitizing the path directly in the 3D window—on any type of data, including

raw seismic, property models or simulation results. Edit well nodes in the 3D window or the spreadsheet

editor, or copy and paste into Excel for editing. Share data points describing the new well with Osprey


An automated approach to design drillable wells given a set of reservoir targets

Minimize the total cost of your drilling program

Automatically generate well trajectories and platform locations for a set of reservoir targets to minimize

the total cost of your drilling program, using the Petrel Well Cost Optimizer (part of the Well Path Design

module). Targets defined as "must hit" data points for the optimized well paths must can be locked to

platforms, and target-platform sets can be constrained by closed boundaries.

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Minimize the total cost of a drilling project by evaluating the cost for all possible scenarios

Automatically computed well trajectories are constrained by a user-defined dogleg severity. The output is

a set of optimized trajectories based on geometrical drilling constraints extending from the reservoir back

to the surface. The Drilling Difficulty Index (DDI) provides a first-pass evaluation of the relative difficulty

encountered in drilling a well.


� Automatically generate well trajectories and platform locations that minimize the total drilling

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program cost

� Manually design wells quickly in 3D, directly on seismic lines, property models, STOIIP maps and

even simulation results

� Display well path segments that exceed your specified dogleg severity

� Create instant well reports and synthetic property logs

� Export generated well paths for use in drilling and reservoir simulation packages

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Drilling Event Visualization for Petrel

Visualize undesired drilling events in geological context to enhance both the well design and the

execution of drilling operations through a proactive risk management approach.

Drilling Event Visualization for Petrel

Visualize and correlate drilling risks

Geologists and drillers plan better proposals

Drilling events such as lessons learned, best practices, and risks encountered on offset wells (such as

kicks, losses, high/low pressure zones, and other difficult drilling conditions) can be easily imported into

the Petrel application. Geologists can improve well proposals by visualizing and correlating the events on

the 3D and well section windows. Better collaboration while drilling produces more feasible well


Visualize drilling events and risks in the Petrel shared earth model using a WITSML view of drilling information

Drillers proactively reduce risk

Risks and events can also be entered directly and edited as needed. They can be migrated to a planned

well, reclassified and correlated to geology. Importing the Osprey Risk drilling risk prediction model

allows a comprehensive view of simulated drilling risks alongside the event-driven drilling knowledge.

The entire operations team makes better decisions

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Visualizing these risks and events in the overburden shared earth model enables the entire team to

monitor the impact of geology interpretation changes on the drilling process, minimizing geologically

driven risk.

Correlate offset well risks using the well section window

Real-time risk is effectively managed

Risks can also be exported in WITSML format for proactive use in other tools, used in Real-time

Drilling, such as PERFORM Toolkit real-time and postdrilling data optimization and analysis

software and PERFORMView real-time drilling monitoring and visualization software.


� Enhance well planning with knowledge correlation and create better well proposals.

� Collaborate while drilling.

� Reduce risk by dynamically updating a common earth model with real-tie drilling data.

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Real-Time Data Link

Accept streaming real-time data (via the Osprey Connect component)—including trajectory, logs, events,

and other relevant data—from the InterACT real-time monitoring and data delivery application or other

WITSML data sources. Real-time drilling workflows interact closely to update the earth model and well

paths and make critical decisions during the drilling operation.

Real-Time Data Link

The Petrel Real-Time Data Link can connect to streaming real-time data from InterACT wellsite

monitoring and data delivery system. This gives you a secure, real-time data link directly from the wellsite

to the desktop.

The Petrel Real-Time Data Link can also connect WITSML data sources, from any vendor, to wells in

Petrel, allowing you to load trajectory and log data. This data is saved with your Petrel project for later


View drilling events in the earth model reduces non-productive time

Now, the Petrel shared earth model can be driven by real-time data, allowing you to understand the full

impact of new geologic knowledge on the well while it is being drilled. Surveillance in a shared earth

model while drilling allows effective cross-discipline collaboration in real time.

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Petrel Data and Results Viewer

Visualize, evaluate, print, plot and collaborate on all data found in a Petrel project

The Data and Results Viewer provides easy access for viewing well, reservoir interpretation and

simulation results. This module is ideal for simulation engineers, partners and stakeholders.

The viewer provides access to all Petrel data items found in a project, without the overhead of learning

the individual Petrel modules.


� Low cost alternative for viewing Petrel interpretations and simulation results

� Provides the ability to visualize simulation results interactively in 2D, 3D or as line plots

� Create simulation and economic forecast repots quickly and interactively

The Data and Results Viewer is designed for the consumer of reservoir description, interpretation and

simulation. It provides an ideal solution for collaboration between the drilling engineer and the reservoir


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Petrel Utility Systems

Classification and Estimation

Use neural network technology for estimating well logs, surfaces, seismic volumes, and 3D property


Petrel Classification and Estimation

For your neural network analysis needs

Handle data estimation and forward modeling problems

Neural networks have emerged as proven technology to handle data estimation and forward

modeling problems. The Classification and Estimation module provides an alternative to the

deterministic and stochastic 3D property estimation techniques currently found within Petrel. It

also introduces new workflows for log estimation, property mapping and seismic classification.

Neural network estimation of facies from 3D seismic

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Classification and estimation process—how it works

This module gives you access to tools for neural network analysis, enabling you to train and then create

the estimation model object. Data types available for use as input to the estimation and classification

process include:

� Well logs

� Surfaces with attributes, including seismic attribute maps

� Properties, both discrete and continuous

� Points with attributes (attributes can be sampled from maps or seismic volumes, points could also

be well tops or point well data)

Neural Network estimation of facies logs

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Predictive modeling

Once the nonlinear functions have been created, the estimation model can be used for predictive

modeling on a wide variety of data types via the appropriate Petrel process for that data type. The

relevant Petrel processes are:

� Make well logs — well logs

� Multi-trace attribute generation — seismic attribute cubes

� Facies modeling — discrete property generation

� Petrophysical modeling — continuous property generation

� Make surface — surface attributes (including seismic attribute maps)


� Generalized neural network implementation for the estimation of well logs, surfaces, seismic

volumes and 3D property models.

� An alternative to geostatistics when there exists a non-linear relationship between a set of input

data and a given output, or when there is no single or set of two variables that provides an adequate


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Surface Imaging

Display images such as scanned maps, attribute maps, seismic time-slices, or satellite images draped

over structural models

Petrel Surface Imaging

With the Surface Imaging utility you can drape a surface with any image, including aerial or satellite

images, scanned maps, seismic time-slices, or property maps. For example, in hill terrain, you can drape

a satellite image over the model to check access to proposed drilling sites. You can also drape maps or

property surfaces over models.

Satellite & topography

Build 3D models when only paper data is available. Paper maps can be scanned and then imported as

images, from which digital maps can be created by digitizing over the contours.


� Drape satellite images over the topographic surface to precisely locate surface features.

� Import scanned maps or drawings, orientated correctly in 3D space and draped over a surface.

� Drape property maps, isochore maps and maps of any seismic attribute over time or depth


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Seismic attribute map draped on surface


� Import images in a range of formats and drape (project) over surfaces in the Petrel model.

� Set corner coordinates

� Images can be gridded where the pixel intensity is used as elevation. This is an excellent way to

display images together with your Petrel models.

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Digitized from scanned map

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Process Manager and Uncertainty Workflow Editor

Evaluate the risk and understand the uncertainty of your reservoir using the Uncertainty Workflow Editor,

or create and modify your own workflow to achieve maximum understanding of your field.

Petrel Process Manager and Uncertainty Workflow Editor

Workflow Capture-Manage Risk and Uncertainty

The Process Manager, an integral part of Petrel software, captures data parameters and relationships

that enable rapid updating of reservoir models as information from new wells arrives.

Geoscientists and engineers can create multiple model realizations to assess the impact on reserve

volumetrics or to cost well placement. Engineers can run all the possible scenarios in ECLIPSE directly

without leaving Petrel.

Original oil-in-place (STOIP) histogram Uncertainty envelope for top and base of reservoir

In addition to understanding uncertainty and risk management, the Process Manager empowers

knowledge sharing, allowing best practices and workflows to be easily shared across your organization.

With Petrel, asset teams can reduce project cycle time and maximize productivity.

Open API for external algorithms

New in Petrel 2009, Petrel offers the ability to plug-in external algorithms for uncertainty analysis in the

workflow editor. Now the user can utilize their own experimental design algorithms or optimizers using


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Data Analysis

Understand your data before you start modeling and validate your model afterwards. Features include

data transformations, trend and distribution analysis, interactive modeling of variograms, and histogram

and crossplot generation.

Petrel Data Analysis

The Data Analysis utility lets you analyze data interactively to gain a better understanding of the trends

within your data. You also benefit from an understanding of the relationships across all your data types.

The vertical distribution of facies can be analyzed and edited interactively


� Gain better control of the modeling process through trend analysis and transformations

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1D trends can be drawn directly on the data in a simple plot window

� Perform interactive and intuitive variogram analysis

� Rapidly generate presentation-ready cross plots and histograms

� Calculate and save regression curves and cumulative distribution functions

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XY cross plots can be colored according to a third property e.g. zone or facies.

Continuous properties

Use simple transformations such as input and output truncations, scale shifts, logarithmic and box-cox

operations. More complex data transformation functions allow you to edit the property distribution directly

on the histogram.

Discrete Properties

Perform facies thickness analysis, investigate and edit vertical facies distributions and correlate facies

type to seismic attributes.

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The vertical distribution of facies can be analyzed and edited interactively


Simplify the whole data analysis process by using the intuitive, interactive variogram analysis tool.

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Variogram analysis couldn't be easier in Petrel. See the search parameters plotted together with input data in a map window

� Define the search criteria for the analysis and see the resultant search cone plotted together with

the input data in the map window

� Edit the variogram models either graphically, on the histograms or by typing numbers directly as


� Generate variogram maps from your input data to determine major and minor directions

Data Management

Save all the detailed analysis for each property for use later in the modeling process or when you are

updating your models at some later time.

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Database and Application Connectivity


Create and execute plug-in modules directly in Petrel.


Ocean is an open software development environment that offers seamless integration of your intellectual

property into the Petrel mainstream workflow. It allows your developers to focus on innovation, rather

than infrastructure. The environment leverages the modern .NET tools, and offers stable, user-friendly

interfaces for efficient development.

Your own innovation enhancing the power of your workflows

Ocean manages much of the plumbing for E&P software with a feature-rich set of APIs, enabling

software developers to focus on the business logic of their applications. Whether it is an in-house E&P

company development group or vendor of specialized software or university, Ocean enables software

developers to create the techniques of tomorrow. The Ocean environment facilitates an accelerated

delivery of technological innovation and significantly reduces the time-to market of additional

interpretation techniques.

Common architecture for seamless operation

The Ocean framework provides a set of interfaces (APIs) to support powerful features, such as graphical

windows (2D and 3D), data tree, process manager, unit and coordinate system services, and federated

data access.

For Ocean developers support and more information on Ocean clients and events please visit the Ocean

Developer's Portal.

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OpenSpirit Plug-In

Seamlessly integrate your logs, markers, seismic volumes and interpretations in OpenWorks™,

GeoFrame and Finder with Petrel.

Petrel OpenSpirit Plug-In

For integration with your corporate database

Petrel now connects you to all your interpretation data, ensuring consistency and transparent

access to project and corporate databases like GeoFrame, Finder, and OpenWorks. Use the Petrel

OpenSpirit plug-in to create your ideal seismic-to-simulation workflow, putting you in command

of your reservoir model—today and tomorrow.

OpenSpirit—how it works

OpenSpirit™ is a third party plug and play framework giving applications direct, platform

independent access to corporate and project databases. The OpenSpirit module in Petrel

provides a seamless connection to your existing UNIX database and other OpenSpirit enabled

applications. Access data across projects and even across databases in a single action, without

the need to learn multiple user interfaces for specific databases.

Supported data types

The OpenSpirit link in Petrel supports read easy write access to the following data types:

� 3D seismic surveys (live link - read only)

� Interpretations of horizons and faults

� Well trajectories

� Well tops

� Well log

3D cube operations

The Petrel 'live link' to seismic data means that the 3D cube can be accessed on demand, without

the need to save it locally. For more intensive operations on the cube, the standard 'load into

memory' and 'realize' options can be used to provide rapid access to all data or a subsection of


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