Pest Control Methods For Bed Bugs

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pest Control Methods For Bed Bugs

Pest Control Methods for Bed Bugs

In Atlanta Bed bugs and other pests pose a great deal of a problem to the

households. For Pest Control in Atlanta there are various companies which

offer great deals on their services. Depending upon the extent of infestation,

you can treat the problem on your own or you can take help of professionals. A

solution to any problem can be found only once the problem has been rightly



It is typically oval shaped and

reddish brown in color. Due to

their extremely small size and

flat shape they take shelter

anywhere. These bed bugs

usually bite the occupant of

the mattresses, clothes and

live in small spaces where

they also have easy access to

their food. They feed

exclusively on human blood

and their bite is clearly visible

and easily distinguishable.

Steps for Pest Control in Atlanta guide to pest control

The final step in the pest control- killing the bed


The first step of identification

has been converted above. Next

comes controlling the

infestation from spreading

further. Anything present in

the room must be sealed in a

plastic bag. If the infected

furniture cannot be treated to

eliminate bed bugs, it is

important that you dispose it

responsibly so that no other

person is tempted to drag the

same into their homes and

invite bed bugs willingly.

Further, infested clothes should be washed in boiling hot water. On the other

hand an alternative treatment for the clothes can be a cold treatment by

placing the clothes in the freezer at 0 degree Fahrenheit for approximately a

period of four days.

A follow up plan:

Once the entire process of elimination of bed bugs finishes, it is important that

you conduct an inspection again after a few days so that in case needed, you

are able to prevent a relapse of the entire situation. Especially, if earlier during

the treatment you noticed the presence of any eggs, retreatment proves to be a


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