Perspectives on AnimalBehavior -...

Post on 22-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Perspectives on AnimalBehavior -...

Perspectives on Animal Behavior

Third Edition

Judith GoodenoughBiology Department / University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Betty McGuireDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology / Cornell University, Ithaca

Elizabeth JakobPsychology Department / University ofMassachusetts, Amherst

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Our editor, Kevin Witt, had confidence that threeacademics with very different schedules could worktogether to produce a current text with a single voice.We thank him for his encouragement and support.Many other dedicated people at John Wiley & Sonshelped get this book into your hands. Alissa Etrheim,out editorial program assistant, helped us put this booktogether. She provided gentle reminders to keep us onschedule and always offered to help in any way possible.We are particularly grateful for her help with permis­sions. The text was improved by the skills of our copyeditor, Betty Pessagno. Anna Melhorn, SeniorIllustration Editor, and Sheena Goldstein, our photoeditor, are largely responsible for the appearance of thetext. We also thank Will Sillin for his beautiful illustra­tions that begin each chapter and each of the threeparts of the book. Elaine Soares, our photo researcher,worked diligently to find the perfect photographs forour needs. Cecile Billioti de Gage/Prepare headed pro­duction of our book. She helped set priorities and suc­cessfully moved the project along even at the busiesttimes of the academic year. We are now happy to passthe project to the capable hands of Lucy Parkinson, ourmarketing director. Each person is a professional, apleasure to work with, and a team player.

We thank the reviewers who provided essential feed­back that helped shape this new edition:

Mitchell Baker, Queens CollegeZane Barlow, University of Massachusetts Amherst"Willy Bemis, Cornell UniversityRenae Brodie, Mount Holyoke CollegeBruce Byers, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Ethan Cloftfelter, Amherst CollegeFiona Cross, University of CanterburyPerri Eason, University of LouisvilleSarah Huber, Randolph-Macon CollegeBrian Kelly, University of Massachusetts AmherstChris Maher, University of Southern MaineSarah Partan, Hampshire CollegeMark Petrie, University of CanterburyJeff Podos, University of Massachusetts AmherstDenise Pope, Mount Holyoke CollegeAdam Porter, University of Massachusetts AmherstNancy Solomon, Miami University of OhioTheodore Stankowich, University of MassachusettsAmherstZoran Tadic, University of ZagrebChristina Veino, University of MassachusettsAmherstPaige Warren, University of Massachusetts AmherstGordon Wyse, University of MassachusettsAmherst

We are also grateful to the many authors who weregenerous enough to check over our portrayal of theirwork. Any remaining errors are, of course, ours.


I would like to thank many of my friends and col­leagues at UMass for lending their expertise to variousaspects of this book. Zane Barlow's comments ongenetics greatly improved the chapter. As always,Gordon Wyse provided valuable suggestions on thenervous system. Adam Porter helped smooth the writ-


x Acknowledgments

ing of the most difficult sections. My e-mail friendfrom Croatia, Zoran Tadic, Faculty of Science,University of Zagreb, provided useful comments and afresh perspective on many chapters. Although she didnot help with writing, Margaret Ludlam helped mecope when things got tense, as they often did. She isalways cheerful and calm. Most of all, I would like tothank my family who have always been my cheeringsquad, and who have encouraged and supported me atevery stage of this revision. My husband Steve bore thebrunt of my obsession. After months of my spendingmany more hours with the computer than with him,Steve merely quipped that he was getting rather fondof the back of my head and continued to do what wasnecessary to keep the household running smoothly.He's the funniest person I know, and his wit kept mesane. After 38 years of marriage, he still keeps me onmy toes by introducing me as his first wife. My daugh­ters, Aimee and Heather, still the joy of my life, remindme that the people you love must always come first.They'll find time to spend with me when they know Ineed a break. Their courage and confidence in reach­ing for their dreams encourages me to keep stretchingtoward mine-the most immediate of which is thecompletion of this revision. My mother, Betty Levrat,instilled in me a love of learning and was always willingto do whatever needed to be done to free time for mywriting.


I thank my husband, Willy Bemis, for his continuousencouragement throughout this project and willingnessto read (and edit) everything I passed his way. Mydaughter Kate let us use some of her wonderful photo­graphs in the third edition-at 16 she already has a keeneye and understanding of animal behavior. I thank myson, Owen, who always reminds me, by his near contin­uous recitation of animal facts, how fascinating animalsare to all who watch them. My mother, Dora McGuire,and siblings, Kevin and Cathy McGuire, provided

refuge at the Jersey shore where I could escape thedeadlines and e-mail (not to mention the weather inIthaca), and relax and reconnect for a few days. Myfather, James McGuire, died during the writing of thisedition. He was an avid birder and a dedicated volun­teer at his local animal shelter, and I know that hewould have enjoyed our new text. Finally, I thankLowell Getz, close friend and colleague of almost 25years, for listening patiently and always being there. Wewill get those manuscripts done, Lowell, I promise!


I thank my husband, Adam Porter, who was incrediblysupportive throughout this process, was always readyto read something and offer his frank opinion anddetailed edits, and saved our credit rating by takingover paying the bills when I was too distracted tonotice them. I began work on my section of the bookduring my sabbatical leave, and I thank the faculty,staff, and students of my host institution at theUniversity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealandfor their help and friendship, Robert Jackson for hissponsorship, and the Fulbright Foundation for sup­port. I am grateful for the patience of my graduate stu­dents and collaborators whose manuscripts and paper­work languished during the more intense periods ofbook preparation. Penny Jaques, Betsy Dumont, JoeElkinton, and my other colleagues in the Organismicand Evolutionary Biology Program kept me sane andat least somewhat on track when I foolishly agreed tobe Graduate Program Director when this book wasunderway. I am grateful to additional friends and fam­ily for forgiving my incessant conversation, deep sighs,and continuous e-mails about the book and forreminding me that there are other things beyond mycomputer screen, particularly Doreen Jakob, AlexisJakob, Carolyn Truini, Jack Dringoli, MargaretDringoli, Perri Eason, Marta Hersek, Chris Maher,Maggie Hodge, and Nancy Reynolds. Now it's finallytime to get back outside!
