Personification - Home - BranstonJunior · Personification -Another figurative technique-...

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Transcript of Personification - Home - BranstonJunior · Personification -Another figurative technique-...


L.O: To understand what personification is and how to use it

in description

Personification -Another figurative technique-

Personification is when you give human qualities to an object or animal.

It is another writing technique that we can use to engage our reader and make our stories

sound really effective!

Writers often use personification to help describe something. They use it to create an

image in the readers mind.


The stars danced playfully in the sky.

The printer ate the paper.

The flowers nodded their heads as the wind blew.

The ocean waves swallowed the boat.

The old chair moaned as the boy jumped on it.

When trying to come up with suitable word choices for personification, first think of an object and then the characteristics it

has and consider your options.

The choices you come up with can set different moods, so think carefully about

what mood you want to set.


• The candle burned bright before slowly dying.

• The candle danced merrily in the dark.

• The candle’s light whispered in the darkness


• The rain kissed my cheeks as it gently fell.

• The rain sang a sweet song.

• The rain drummed a ferocious beat on the ground

Task 1 – Come up with three different examples of personification for each picture (like I did for mine)

trying to show different moods, for each of the following:

Task 2 – Pair up the beginning and end of these sentences so that they make sense. Write them in your

work books

Task 3 - Write out these sentences and underline the use of personification

Task 4 – When you have identified the personification – explain what it is trying to portray/image it is trying to



You will have seen all of these in lessons and over the past few days. The only one we haven’t

covered is pathetic fallacy