Personal Sports Branding

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Personal Sports Branding

Personal Sports Branding

Be Passionate

If you can imagine your life without doing what you do, than you’re probably not passionate about what you’re doing.










Be Insightful

Use words and language your listeners know and understand.










Be Valuable

Give your fans something they can’t get anywhere else: YOU.










Be Empathetic

Put yourself in your fan’s shoes and understand that they don’t understand what it is that you do.










Be Niched

Your fans require messaging customized to them.










Be Pretty

The professional athlete has it going on aesthetically. Therefore, so should you.










Be Helpful

Don’t obsess over how much you’re giving away, but rather give away your obsession.










Be Influential

Don’t look to others for things to talk about. Look for things to talk about from within yourself.










Be Involved

The people around you facilitate the reach of your influence. Be around people who can handle maximum growth.










Be Relevant

Provide your fans with an identity they can relate to.










Be Connected

Use social media to expand your online reach, which translates into o�ine reach.










Be Validated

Authoritative platforms make you o�cial. Establish yourself with credible sources in the public eye.










Be Global

The world has become a smaller place thanks to the Internet. Don’t limit yourself to the constraints of traditional advertising.










Be On Top

Be the person who refuses to give in to push back from those who can’t see the unseen.










Be A Friend

Show your face to the world and reveal who you really are. Win over hearts of favor.










Be An Opportunist

Consistently provide opportunities for others to become a part of what you’re doing.










Be A Team Player

If you want to go fast, do it on your own. If you want to go far, do it with others.










Be An Idea

The idea of you outlasts everything you’ve done. The thought of you stands alone. Nor does it a�liate itself with your track record of victories.










Be Educational

Inform your fans about everything you care about and stand for.










Be A Trigger

Show your face to the world and reveal who you really are. Win over hearts of favor.

Can you trigger an emotional response? Good, you got somebody to care about what you’re doing.










Be Vocal

If you want large-scale reception, just spit it out and say it already!










Be A Winner

Be in the right and know when you’re not. Own your mistakes and recognize that no one is perfect, including you.










Be Inspiring

The ability to empower people with ears that can listen and eyes that can see, is called having power.

This is a core characteristic of all Influencers.










Be Known For What You Do™

Leah DyckSocial Media Sports

Personal branding isn’t image development. It’s YOU development.