Personal Project Reflective Essay

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Transcript of Personal Project Reflective Essay


V I C T O R I A S H A N G H A I A C A D E M Y M Y P 4

Sherlock LoSherlock LoClass: MYP4 (S4P)Personal Project: Tradition can be FashionSupervisor: Ms. Kathryn Janet Pickup

Inquiry Question: How can I combine current fashion trend and traditional culture to design modern fashion accessories?

Fall 09


2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................31.1 Aim............................................................................................................................................................................. 31.2 My Goal.................................................................................................................................................................... 31.3 Guiding Question/Inquiry Question............................................................................................................31.4 Methods of Achieving My Goal......................................................................................................................41.5 Area of Interaction..............................................................................................................................................4

1.5.1 Human Ingenuity...................................................................................................................................4......................................................................................................................................................................................1.5.2 Community & Service...........................................................................................................................4..........................................................................................................................................................................................

2.0 Process...................................................................................................................52.1 Investigation..........................................................................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Environment While Design...............................................................................................................52.1.2 Exhibition in Hong Kong.....................................................................................................................62.1.3 Further Research...................................................................................................................................6

2.2 Techniques and Application...........................................................................................................................72.3 Plan............................................................................................................................................................................ 7

2.3.1 Timeline.....................................................................................................................................................72.3.2 Checklist.....................................................................................................................................................7

3.0 Product...................................................................................................................83.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................83.2 Presentation...........................................................................................................................................................83.3 Specification...........................................................................................................................................................8

4.0 Reflection and Evaluation.......................................................................................94.1 Difficulties and Solutions.................................................................................................................................94.2 Relations to Area of Interaction....................................................................................................................94.3 Improvements....................................................................................................................................................10

5.0 Conclusion............................................................................................................105.1 Goal Achievement.............................................................................................................................................105.2 Survey on My Product.....................................................................................................................................11

6.0 Appendix..............................................................................................................126.1 Bibliography........................................................................................................................................................126.2 Further Research..............................................................................................................................................15

6.2.1 Youtube................................................................................................................................................... 156.2.2 Interview with A Designer..............................................................................................................16

6.3 International Baccalaureate MYP Design Cycle ..................................................................................166.4 Evidence of Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair ....................................................................................176.5 Timeline ...............................................................................................................................................................186.6 Pictures of My Product ..................................................................................................................................196.7 Survey on My Product (20 pcs) .................................................................................................................216.8 Result on Survey ..............................................................................................................................................226.9 Evidence and Process of Creating Product ...........................................................................................23

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”



1.1 AimMy personal project is about designing a series of modern fashion accessories design collection with the theme of combining Chinese traditional culture and current fashion trend. My plan is to draw a few designs in which I can explain my inspiration and definition of them. All designs are presented in a booklet format that could be sent to companies to produce or manufacture. Besides, the booklet can be mass printed by printing companies for publishing, and as a reference for other designers.

As I have seen some teenagers having antipathy to all aspects of traditional culture in Hong Kong, and their desire of modern fashion is increasing dramatically. I think it is time to solve this problem before this phenomenon leads to the disappearance of traditional culture. I hope that after people looking at my design collection, they will change their point of view, or their bias opinions toward the Chinese culture.

1.2 My GoalThe goal I want to achieve is creating a series of design collection that can influence people’s thoughts toward Chinese traditional cultures. These designs should be attractive, appropriate materials, well scaled, and well explained. To achieve my goal, I have to understand the concerns of designers consider while drawing designs. Besides, I would like to learn the techniques of presenting a design through drawings. My collection booklet should be well present, like the left page with a design, and the right page with descriptions and explanations. Every page should be show clearly and tidy. The most important is, all my designs should be full of modern fashion sense, and people would not feel the designs are outdated. However, it could trace the Chinese traditional sign or any elements in the designs. Overall, I would like to bring out a concept of “traditions can be modern fashion”.

1.3 Guiding Question/Inquiry Question

“How can I combine current fashion trend and

traditional culture to design modern fashion accessories?”

I have created this guiding question that has included all aspects of my inquiry. It helps me to concentrate my focus on the goal as I am working throughout the project. It avoids me from me off topic while doing research.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


1.4 Methods of Achieving My GoalBefore reaching to my goal, I have to investigate and collect information. Methods like research in books, magazines, and Internet, can help me to explore my inquiry. My guiding question/inquiry question shows upon can help me to focus on the purpose and aim of my project. Since my investigation involves Chinese traditions, some of the research materials may not be able to reference, like there are some legends and stories behind their traditional sculptures or creatures, I would record them as my own knowledge instead of finding reliable sources. I have tones of designs from other design companies, which allow me to look at as a reference or inspiration while designing.

1.5 Area of Interaction

1.5.1 Human IngenuityI have chosen Human Ingenuity as my main area of interaction from the International Baccalaureate Organization, which helps me to categorize and identify my topic and goal in a specified area. Since my topic is fashion design, and my goal is to create a collection of designs, it fits into Human Ingenuity. The Human Ingenuity is about creation, and products that influence the world in our daily life. In this case, my project’s aim is to change people’s point of view toward Chinese traditions. That is exactly match with the description of this area. While I am working on the design, I always have to concern about how to create the product so as to achieve my goal. As I am going to focus on Human Ingenuity, I also have explore or acknowledge what kind of impacts or affects to us of creating my product. Lastly, as I am taking parts in Human Ingenuity, I am always solving problems and showing human creativity.

1.5.2 Community & ServiceBesides, my project is planed to utilize my product, to eradicate the phenomenon that people have antipathy toward Chinese traditions. At first, I was trying to apply another area of interaction in, which is Community & Service, as my goal can provide contribution to the community, since my influence may help to avoid the Chinese cultures and traditions disappear. Though, I do not think it fits to the service part, where I “have the opportunity to provide service for others, and in doing so develop into a responsible citizen”, as the International Baccalaureate says. Then, I have decided, I would not focus on this area of interaction, it is not compulsory to be included, but in some case, it makes sense to be fit into my project.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


2.0ProcessIt is necessary to have different steps from one to another, so as to achieve my goal. The entire process is more than creating the product, instead of doing research. This section is an overview of my investigation throughout my project.

2.1 Investigation

2.1.1 Environment while designThe first step I started was Investigation stage. Since I did not have any knowledge in accessories design, I have to find out how people draw their design. I found different photos and pictures of designers drawing their designs and the pictures of their designs. I have found a website that shows a picture of a designer drawing, and 2 pictures from his design1. The picture reveals that designers usually stay in a quite, simple, and neat environment as they are drawing designs. Their tools are very simple, and usually pencils and markers. They do not put many materials over the table, which may give them distractions.

As we can see in the picture, there are only several pens and papers on the desk. The light is very bright, which provides them enough brightness to work and help their concentration.

On the other hand, the two pictures on the right hand side shows the design is usually presented in simple lines in three-dimensional. Colors are only use for identifying the materials and highlight the outlines of the design. Furthermore, the designer portrays both sides of the designs, which give more details and express his idea.

These three images above play an important role in my investigate stage. It helps me to modify and specify the area I should find while designing. And I believe the environment will affect my mood to design and my creativity. The two pictures of design provide me a general idea of what the presentation of my design should be looked like. They will be my main reference and guide to follow throughout creating my product.

2.1.2 Exhibition in Hong Kong (see Appendix 6.4)Throughout my investigation on magazines, I have visited Hong Kong Central Library, where the biggest library in Hong Kong, to look for some updated current fashion

1 Designeast. Blog/web magazines that provide people a wide scope about the design movement in parts of Europe. <>

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


magazines over the world. I have accidentally found out an “Exhibition of Jewelry and

accessories in Hong Kong” in one of the magazines2. It was very fortunate that the

exhibition was on the twenty-third of September, which did not pass. However the exhibition is commercial use, which I could not go into it without above eighteen years old and a pass. I was very lucky though; my mother had a friend who helped her get access to the exhibition. Since the exhibition was for commercial usage, it is not allowed to take photographs. So I have asked my mother to help me get the brochures, booklets, pamphlets, and advertisements from different companies, different countries of different styles.

After getting all the brochures from the exhibition with my mother’s help, I have categorized into three groups of all information I gained. Then I have stuck some of the pictures of designs into the process journal as my inspiration and research. The exhibition provides me a huge support from inspiration in creation stage. In addition, I have also learned the sense of modern design and the western style mostly. There are many designs from India and China with different materials, like precious stone, gem, diamond, crystal, jade, and elephants’ teeth. That has helped me to have more variety of materials to decide while designing.

2.1.3 Further Research Beside the most essential investigation shown above, there are more researches I have done in order to build my knowledge and understanding in all aspects of design and Chinese traditions.

Youtube (see Appendix 6.2.1): I have surfed to the popular video website and find some video clips about “how to draw three dimensional items”. These videos3

help me to improve my techniques on drawing better three-dimensional items, which provide me a lot of help to establish my final product.

Interview with a designer (see Appendix 6.2.2): One of my elder cousins is a fashion designer but living in United States. I was really lucky that she was coming back to Hong Kong, and I could interview her face to face. She has a lot of experience of the process of designing, while she has her own company. She explained very well about the process and the other things from the crucial to the minor things they have to consider. It provides me an overview of the process of designers work.

2.2 Techniques and ApplicationsAs I am going to create a booklet with designs in it, I have to learn some techniques for drawing and presenting my designs in order to apply to the final product. As I have mentioned above, three-dimensional technique will be essential while drawing the

2 “Jewellery Review”. May30-Jun2. Bi-monthly Jewellery Magazine, Vol. 3/20093 A series of video clips about drawing 3-D by “expertvillage” in Youtube.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


design. I have learned some basic techniques to draw three-dimensional items in youtube (see appendix 6.2.1). It helps me to improve my drawings in my design.

There is an application that I am now already in use while writing the essay. It actually applies the International Baccalaureate MYP Technology’s Design Cycle (see appendix 6.3). The cycle is formed by Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, and Evaluate stage. These five stages are equivalent to my essay structure, and my process of creating my product. After the investigation, I designed the presentation of my product, like a booklet. Then I created a timeline or a timeframe to suggest the work schedule. Next, I started to draw the designs and combine them together into a booklet. Finally, I finished my evaluation in the project statement. All above reveals that I am applying the design cycle in IB organization established for Technology lessons.

2.3 PlanThe second step is to draft a plan for myself to manage both time and quality of product. Unlike Technology’s design cycle, I have placed the design brief and design specification in the plan. Since I have created a checklist and timeline (see appendix 6.5) for my plan, I would be always looking at it during my drawing of my designs, so I think placing the design specification in the plan can let me have a easy review of the requirement of my product, instead of separating into another part.

July 13 Research on Jewellery Designs 2 weeks

July 30 Research on Definition of Accessories 3 days

August 5 Research on Chinese Traditions 2 week

August 13 Research on Western Designs 2 week

August 28 Research on Accessories Designs 2 week

September 8 Design and create Product 8 weeks

2.3.1 TimelineMy timeline is set after my planning stage, until the twenty-seventh of November. The period of time in between is for investigation and creation. Since there is a long period of time for me to do research, I would easily forget about it or miss the deadline. In order to keep myself on track, my timeline has included the time I work for research every week. According to the Chinese traditional culture, people wear their accessories or jewellery in some important and significant events, like wedding and so on. So my design would be categorized into wedding accessories, and with four to five designs.2.3.2 ChecklistOn the other hand, the checklist contains all including elements of the product, so that I can tick off every line in the checklist. In the checklist below, there is a box that contains the requirements of my product, which is the design specification. Every design that I have drawn has to compare to the design specification, as a final check and review on it.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


3.0 Product

3.1 IntroductionMy product is a booklet named “Traditions can be Modern Fashion” (see appendix 6.6). The designs will be surrounding with the “wedding theme”. Each of the designs represents different traditions or hidden meaning in Chinese culture. The aim and the purpose of the booklet are, by presenting this booklet to people, especially for teenagers to look at, to change their conceptions toward Chinese traditions and cultures. As nowadays people’s ambitions and desires of following the modern fashion trend increase, they always recognize Chinese traditions as outdated and old culture. I hope that people can change their ideas and identify Chinese traditions could be fashionable throughout looking at my designs.

3.2 PresentationI have used a booklet style to present my content or designs. I have thought about using other presentation, like proposal. However, my target group is mainly teenagers, which they would not be attracted by a formal proposal format. Thus I have decided to create a booklet with an attractive cover page.

The cover page is neat and tidy, which using a crossover design that combining western style but with the Chinese traditions wording. Inside it, there is a small paragraph of introduction showing my purpose of creating the product. Then it starts off from a title page written “wedding theme”. After that, every design would demonstrate in two pages. The left hand side pages are for showing diagrams and pictures in different perspectives. The right hand side pages are for listing materials contained in designs, descriptions, and inspirations.

3.3 SpecificationThe designs that contained in the product have to reveal my understanding in modern fashion jewellery design as well as Chinese traditions. I have to use my own knowledge of the design concept and my creativity to combine both modern fashion and Chinese traditions elements together in my designs. Since the area of accessories is huge, I could not draw designs for all accessories. In my product, my accessories types are focusing on jewellery like rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. These are the most essential accessories that can match with different clothing and dressing. Furthermore, these accessories limitations are less than the others. Accessories like watches, handbags, and so one, have less area to elaborate my design techniques.

4.0 Reflection and Evaluation

4.1 Difficulties and Solutions

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


I have completed my project to achieve my goal. I have faced different challenges and difficulties throughout my process to succeed. In the beginning of the investigation, I tried to find information about Chinese accessories in both books and Internet. The result of nothing found, creates a huge roadblock to my investigation. Although I have stuck there, I kept on finding information about it. I have wasted plenty of my time in my investigate stage, and affect my schedule of timeline. After a week, I have given up and started exploration and research in other aspects. I have delayed about two weeks time in my investigation

In addition, my time management was not as well as I thought. At the beginning, I could follow the template that I have created in my timeline. However, once finishing the summer holiday and started my school year, my time management has messed up as I have to concentrate on my academic learning and assessments; and my Personal Project. Finally, I have solved the problem by doing it in weekends and holidays, to compensate the lack of work in school days.

As for the interview and the exhibition time, since the exhibition time was fixed, I could only wait until the end of September in order to gather those important information and research. In the case of interview, my cousin could only be back in Hong Kong in February. I had to wait for her in order to have a meeting. All these issues affected my time management and delayed the process of my project.

Other than time management, the quality of work is very essential either. In my creation of the booklet, the designs I have drawn need variations between each other. Yet, I had only few ideas while drawing. It took me longer time than I expected to finish my end product. In fact, it relates to the time management too. I have delayed the completion of my product for two to three weeks than my timeline schedule.

4.2 Relations to Area of InteractionI have mainly focused on Human Ingenuity throughout the process of creation. I have shown human creativity while designing the accessories and create a presentation for my product. I have also solved problems and find solution of how to change people’s thought towards Chinese traditions and the disappearance of Chinese culture. The booklet could reveal my understanding towards accessories design and the essential elements of Chinese traditions in through my personal creative skills and intelligence. While designing the presentation of my designs, I have thought of the structure, outlook, and attractiveness toward the target group. It also helps to influence and change people’s thought of “Traditions can be Modern Fashion” after looking at it. My creations or designs enable to bring positive impact of protecting the Chinese traditions, in which both accessories and traditions are human creations.

Additionally, after establishing my product, it can provide an opportunity for the teenagers to read, as to change their concept of traditions as outdated and old fashioned. That could help to preserve the traditional culture. In another words, I have contribution to the community through demonstrating examples in my product. It shows my project can relates to the Community and Service as well.

4.3 ImprovementsIn my investigate stage, I have found a huge quantity of designs. However, I think my analysis in my process journal is not enough. I should be able to write even detail if I have well manage my usage of time. At first I have thought about going to the store and take photographs from their products. Though, I found that was illegal. So I only have

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


information from books, magazines, video clip, and brochures. If next time I could organize even well and requested some companies for permission before hand, then I could have photographs as my primary sources.

After finishing my project, I have found myself committed many mistakes and wrong decisions. And now I reflect my work, look back to the work I have done. Throughout my investigation, I could not find any information about Chinese traditional accessories from books nor the Internet. I have kept trying to find information about it, even though no results could be found and overtime in the timeline. If next time, I will skip the information that cannot be searched and do the parts that I know first. That can improve the efficiency of the investigation process.

Throughout the time I used to draw the designs for the final product, I have wasted a lot of time to think of what to draw and just blank thinking in my mind. If any similar situations occur next time, I should use a blank piece of paper for brainstorming about the different elements and features that might include into the designs. I could draw all over the paper and give myself some ideas. Having a look in my previous investigation could help too.

5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Survey on My Product (See Appendix 6.7)To prove that I have achieved my goal successfully, I have conducted a survey to collect people’s ideas and opinions. The survey can reveal people’s thoughts about my success on this project, which influences others’ thoughts toward Chinese traditions with a better impression and shows that Chinese traditions can be a part of modern fashion.

In the survey, I have raised three questions as checking my success of achieving my goal. Questions are: 1) Checking the specification of my product; 2) Would you buy the products that shown in the design; and 3) Do you think I can influence people not to dislike traditional culture. The result (see Appendix 6.8) shows most of the people that I have asked are satisfied with my product, which mostly agree that my product contains

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


modern fashion design, traditional elements, variety of materials, creative design, well explanations, and well presented. Among the twenty people I have asked, thirteen people agree with me that my creation can influence people not to dislike traditional culture. Besides, ten people said that they will definitely buy the accessories with my design, and five people said that they might buy it. The result of the survey reveals the success of achieving my goal.

5.2 Goal achievementMy aim is to design modern accessories that combining current fashion trend and Chinese traditions. As my product successfully completed, it reveals that I have reached my goal. I am very satisfied with my final product, with applying the Human Ingenuity and Community and Service into my project. It helps me to understand the influences my product can create and acknowledge the contribution I have made to preserve Chinese traditions by finishing my product. The product definitely shows my unique and special designs clearly, as well as my creativity and talent. The product that can influence people’s conceptions toward Chinese traditions or not is not the main focus and essential in my goal, though I hope it helps and contributes to the community somehow. I think the greatest achievement in this project to me, is that I am really enjoying the entire process of achieving my goal. Of course, I am also glad to see that I have succeeded in creating the final product and finishing the entire project that I have never attempted.

3880 words

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.0 Appendix

6.1 Bibliography6.1.1 Magazines and Websites:

2009. Photograph. Jewelry Review vol.3, Bi-month jewelry magazine.

"A delicate balancing act." Jewelry Review vol.3 May 2009. Print.

The gem & jewellery export promotion council. Exhibitors' Directory - Hong Kong

Jewellery & Gem Fair 2009. India: The gem & jewellery export promotion

council, 2009. Print.

Hong Kong Jewelry - the international magazine for jewelry professionals no.119 2009.


Korea Federation of Jewelry Manufacturers' Association, Korea Trade-Investment

Promotion Agency. PREMIUM KOREA - Hong Kong Jewelry & Gem Fair 2009.

Korea: Korea Federation of Jewelry Manufacturers' Association, Korea Trade-

Investment Promotion Agency, 2009. Print.

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. Exhibitors' Directory - Hong

Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair 2009. India: The Ministry of Commerce & Industry,

Govt. of India, 2009. Print.

Solitaire International - the Indian Gem and Jewellery Magazine, September 2009. India, 2009. Print.

"珠寶美學史話─《首飾設計百種:歷史‧美學與設計》." JEWEL & STYLE 寶石

風珠寶社群網. Web. 03 Jan. 2010.



2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.1.2 Pamphlets and Booklet from the Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair:

中國寶石 China Gems. Vol. 70. 中國寶石雜誌社, 3/2009. Print.

香港珠寶快訊 Jewelry Express. Vol. 49. Hong Kong:, Fall/Winter 2009.


銀流 SILVERSTYLE. September 2009. Print.

925 Sterting Silver. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Mee Ngai Wah (HK), 2009. Print.

Amber - The Earth's Natural Treasure. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Palminic International,

2009. Print.

Chrysoprase. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Po Yuen Gems, 2009. Print.

Dragon Palace. Shenzhen, China: Arts Mei Jewellery, 2009. Print.

Elsa Lee. Monaco: Elsa Diffusion SAM, 2009. Print.

The Finest Platinum & Gold Jewelry. Bangkok, Thailand: Miki Siamese International,

2009. Print.

The Finest Platinum & Gold Jewelry. Bangkok, Thailand: Miki Siamese International,

2009. Print.

Four Seasons Gems. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Four Seasons Gems, 2009. Print.

Geermei 格爾美 Jewellery. Shenzhen, China: Geermei, 2009. Print.

Guangzhou Panyu Jewelry Manufacturers Association Annual Report. Guangzhou Panyu

Jewelry Manufacturers Association, 2009. Print.

HKJJA Membership Directory 2009-2010. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade

Manufacturers Association, 2009. Print.

Ho Ho Gems Company. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Ho Ho Gems Company, 2009. Print.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


Hong Kong Jewellery. Vol. 3 No. 121. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Jewellery Magazine,

2009. Print.

Jewellery News Asia 20th Anniversary Special. Hong Kong: Bonas-Couzyn Pacific Ltd,

2009. Print.

Jewellery News Asia. Vol. 301. 亞洲珠寶雜誌, September 2009. Print.

Jewelry ERP System. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Objective Solution Limited, 2009. Print.

Kowloon, Hong Kong; Guangdong Province, China: Chung Fat Jewellery; Cubic

Zirconia Jewellery Manufactory, 2009. Print.

Kowloon, Hong Kong: Siu Cheung Jewellery FTY., 2009. Print.

Lee Gems Show In Hunghom. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Lee Gems, 2009. Print.

Natural Stabilised Turquoise. Yee On Gems & Jewellery Fty., 2009. Print.

Our Product Excite You. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Ka Fu Co, 2009. Print.

Perfetto - Brand of Hua Xing. Hong Kong: Perfetto, 2009. Print.

Pure Natural Lustrous Keshi Pearl. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Luen Hing Pearl & Jewellery

Limited, 2009. Print.

Sangam. Mumbai, India: Sangam, 2009. Print.

Sterling Silver. Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong: New Concept Jewellery, 2009. Print.

Suzhou Jewellery International Exhibition Trade Center. China Suzhou: Yee On Group,

2009. Print.

We Can Do More Than You Expect. Kowloon, Hong Kong: NEW PROSPERITY GEM

ENT., 2009. Print.

We Can Do More Than You Expect. Taipei, Taiwan: Prosperity Gem Ent., 2009. Print.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.2 Further Research

6.2.1 Youtube

"YouTube - How to draw 3D shapes." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 02 Oct. 2008. Web. 24 July 2009. <>.

"YouTube - Stampendous Shading & Shadows: An Object Lesson A." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 11 Mar. 2009. Web. 24 July 2009. <>.

"YouTube - How to Draw: 3D Drawing Techniques : How to Finish a 3-D Drawing." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 18 Jan. 2008. Web. 24 July 2009. <>.

"YouTube - How to Draw: 3D Drawing Techniques : Introduction to 3-D Drawing." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 18 Jan. 2008. Web. 24 July 2009. <>.

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.2.2 Interview with A Designer

Biography of the Designer: River North — Cyndi Chan is the creative mind behind inTime LLC. She earned her BA in Fashion Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which is also world famous designer Vivienne Tam’s alma mater. She interned for Donna Karan and worked with several cutting edge designers in New York before she started her own line in Chicago. ORi’EN is her signature line, which she derived from the word “Orient.” Her design philosophy for this line emphasizes in elegant tailoring and classic chic with a twist. “It’s all about the fabrics!” she exclaims, referring to the importance of the selection of fabrics and how it affects the drape performance on each garment. She studies closely in this matter to create ultimate fits for each client. She loves to show contrast in color, fabrics and textures in her pieces. Her collection includes a beautiful array of tailored jackets, coats, pant suit sets, pleated or layered mini skirts, sleeveless sweaters as well as multi-functional dresses.

6.3 International Baccalaureate MYP Design Cycle

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.4 Evidence of Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair

Visitor Badge for entering the Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair

Booklets and Pamphlets from the Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.5 Timeline jmhgmghmghmghmhmhmhmhmh

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.6 Product’s pictures

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


Survey on the Personal Project’s Product

1. Check the box if you think my product includes it:

Modern Fashion Design Traditional elements Variety of Materials Creative Design Well Explanation of Designs Well Presented order

2. Would you buy the products that show in the design?

No Depend on Price Maybe Definitely

3. Do you think I can influence people to not dislike traditional culture?

No May not No Comment Okay Yes

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”



Modern fashion

Traditional element

Variety of Materials

Creative Design

Well Explanation of Designs

Well presented order

20/20 20/20 14/20 19/20 19/20 18/20


No Depend on Price Maybe Definitely

1/20 3/20 6/20 10/20


No May Not No Comment Okay Yes

0/20 2/20 5/20 6/20 7/20

2009-2010 MYP Personal ProjectAccessories Designs Booklet, “Tradition Can Be Modern Fashion”


6.9 Evidence and Process of Creating Product