Personal biography of breanna nielsen

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Personal biography of breanna nielsen

The Personal Biography of Breanna Nielsen

Red Deer College Building on Excellence Academic Award

From a very young age, under the influence of my supporting parents, I have

understood the importance of a good education. Early into my education experience, I

strived to bring home the perfect report card, and as each year past by, working hard to

achieve my personal best became a natural habit just as much as a priority. This natural

habit to do my personal best not only developed throughout my education, but spread

into sports, work, and pretty much anything else I associated myself with. By being

motivated to work hard, I also developed a strong sense of leadership in everything I

did. I began to naturally lead group assignments and took on roles as team captain, and

soon following these experiences, had earned the place of Class President for my grades

9 and 10 years, Volleyball Team Captain in grades 9 and 11, taken on my very own

volleyball team as a coach throughout the 2009/2010 volleyball season, as well as taken

on the role as the Grad Trip Organizer for the graduating class of 2010 at Lacombe

Composite High School.

Throughout my life, I have learned to understand that life is a learning

experience, despite your age, there is always more to understand, more knowledge to

gain, and more experiences to live through. But as a growing and maturing teenager

myself, I have come to understand the severity and importance of a good, strong

foundation developed throughout the early years of a life. As children and young youth

grow up, their early experiences and observations of the world around them develop

and influence who they will become in the future and how they see the rest of the

world. Having dealt with similar experiences as a young person, I hold an interest in

helping those children and young youth who are trying to develop their individual

identities within the world’s society. In the life of young people today, we struggle with

pressures from the media, peer and parental expectations, divorce, stress, fear,

developing self confidence, and much more. My interests are to help aid young people,

much like myself, in conquering the struggles thrown upon us in life, to better prepare

ourselves for the future and result in a healthy, happy, long life.

With this area of interest, I have chosen to begin my journey at Red Deer College

taking a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, to allow myself to better understand the

human experience and lead me down the path towards my future ambitions. In the

future, I can see myself using my natural characteristic of being a leader, to begin my

own organization which concentrates on aiding young people towards conquering the

struggles of early life, and encourage and motivate them towards achieving the dreams

they have set for their own lives.

I would like to thank you for recognizing my hard work to get to this point in my

life, and appreciate your support of allowing me to become one step closer to achieving

my dreams.