Persistent Positive North Atlantic Oscillation Mode …Persistent Positive North Atlantic...

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DOI: 10.1126/science.1166349 , 78 (2009); 324Science

et al.Valérie Trouet,Dominated the Medieval Climate AnomalyPersistent Positive North Atlantic Oscillation Mode (this information is current as of April 3, 2009 ):The following resources related to this article are available online at of this article at:

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Persistent Positive North AtlanticOscillation Mode Dominated theMedieval Climate AnomalyValérie Trouet,1* Jan Esper,1,2 Nicholas E. Graham,3,4 Andy Baker,5James D. Scourse,6 David C. Frank1

The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) was the most recent pre-industrial era warm interval ofEuropean climate, yet its driving mechanisms remain uncertain. We present here a 947-year-longmultidecadal North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) reconstruction and find a persistent positive NAOduring the MCA. Supplementary reconstructions based on climate model results and proxy dataindicate a clear shift to weaker NAO conditions into the Little Ice Age (LIA). Globally distributedproxy data suggest that this NAO shift is one aspect of a global MCA-LIA climate transition thatprobably was coupled to prevailing La Niña–like conditions amplified by an intensified Atlanticmeridional overturning circulation during the MCA.

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)—the main synoptic mode of atmosphericcirculation and climate variability in the

North Atlantic/European sector—has a substan-tial influence on marine and terrestrial ecosystemsand regional socio-economic activity (1). Becausethe instrumental record of the NAO is relativelyshort (2), there is a need for information on itslong-term variability to better understand climatevariability in the more distant past and to assessNAO predictability. An array of multiproxy ap-proaches has been applied to extend the NAOrecord back in time (3); however, these only ex-tend to 1400 A.D. and do not span the MCA (4),a period (~800–1300) marked by a wide range ofchanges in climate globally, including apparentrelative warmth over the North Atlantic/Europeansector and much of the extra-tropical NorthernHemisphere (5). The MCA is the most recentnatural counterpart to modern warmth and cantherefore be used to test characteristic patterns ofnatural versus anthropogenic forcing.

A recent tree-ring–based drought reconstructionfor Morocco (1049–2002) (6) and a millennial-length speleothem-based precipitation proxy forScotland (900–1993) (7), strategically sited andsensitive to atmospheric variations in the southernand northern nodes of the NAO dipole, provideus with a basis for extending the instrumentalwinter NAO index (8) back to the MCA (Fig. 1)(9). Over the 20th century, correlations betweeninstrumental (10) Scotland andMoroccoDecember-to-March precipitation and the NAO (2) are 0.75

and –0.64, respectively. The Morocco and Scotlandreconstructions contain substantial multidecadalvariability that is characterized by antiphase os-cillatory behavior over the last millennium. TheScotland speleothem record is remarkably similarto Lamb’s reconstruction (4) of England-WalesSeptember-to-June precipitation (fig. S1), with asharp 10% decrease in inferred precipitation be-tween the late 13th to mid-14th centuries, a con-tinued decline through the mid-16th to late 18thcenturies, and an increasing trend toward present.Contrasting moisture conditions between the Mo-rocco and the Scotland proxy series were partic-ularly strong between 1050 and 1400, during the18th century, and since the 1940s. A strong in-verse relation is also found when comparing ob-servational precipitation records (10) for Scotlandand Morocco (Pearson correlation coefficientr = –0.49, P < 0.01 for 1940–2001).

We identified periods of opposing values inthe Scotland andMorocco proxies as extremes inthe residual series (NAOms), calculated as the

difference between the 30-year smoothed andnormalized Scotland and Morocco records (9).We used NAOms as a proxy for decadal-scalewinter NAO variability back to 1050. NAOms

reveals multidecadal variability over the 20thcentury similar to that seen in smoothed in-strumental NAO time series (2, 11), including ahigh-index phase from the turn of the 20th cen-tury until the 1930s, a minimum in the 1960s,and an increase since the 1970s (fig. S2). In the19th century, coherence between the individualinstrumental NAO series decreases, probably rep-resenting increasing uncertainty back in time,which is typical for both proxy and instrumentaldata (12). Interdecadal fluctuations in NAOms

correspond well with the variability reflected byother NAO reconstructions (3, 13, 14) (Fig. 2and table S1). NAOms is 350 years longer thanCook’s reconstruction (3) and covers the latterpart of the MCA (1050–1400), a period overwhich NAOms values were persistently positivecompared with the 1500–1983 reference period.

Multidecadal fluctuations in a winter temperature-sensitive d18O record from a speleothem in theEuropean Alps (15) match the fluctuations inNAOms over the full period of the record (fig.S1), which is in correspondence with the knownrelation between the NAO, variability in thestrength of winter westerlies across Europe, andwinter temperatures across northern and centralEurope (11). In the low-frequency domain, thesewinter changes are similar to reconstructed Euro-pean annual and summer temperatures. In addition,reconstructed European winter sea-level pressure(SLP), temperature (16), and precipitation (17) pat-terns, composited for positive and negative NAOms

phases, correspond well with longer-term NAOsignatures since 1659 (Fig. 3A). The increased pres-sure difference between the Azores High (+3 hPa)and the Icelandic Low (–5 hPa) during positiveNAO phases results in enhanced zonal flow, withstronger westerlies transporting warm air to the

1Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and LandscapeResearch (WSL), Zürcherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf,Switzerland. 2Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Re-search, Erlachstrasse 9a, 3012 Bern, Switzerland. 3Hydro-logic Research Center, 12780 High Bluff Drive, Suite 250,San Diego, CA 92130–2069, USA. 4Scripps Institution ofOceanography, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093–0225, USA. 5School of Geography, Earth and EnvironmentalSciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT,UK. 6School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales Bangor,Menai Bridge, Anglesey, LL59 5AB, UK.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Fig. 1. Proxy-derived long-term NAO reconstruction. (Top) Reconstructed winter precipitation forScotland and February-to-June Palmer Drought Severity Index (29) for Morocco. Records werenormalized over the common period (1049–1995) and smoothed with the use of a 30-year cubicspline. (Bottom) Winter NAO reconstruction NAOms (black curve) is the difference of the Scotlandand Morocco records. The gray area is the estimated uncertainty; yellow and red areas are the 10and 33% highest and lowest values since 1700. The blue line represents the 30-year smoothedLisbon-Iceland instrumental NAO index series (11).

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European continent. The axis of maximum mois-ture transport and the preferred storm track extendfurther to the north and east during positive NAOphases when the Azores High is strengthened,resulting in wetter winters over northwesternEurope (50-to-200–mm positive anomalies perseason) and decreased precipitation over south-ern Europe and northwestern Africa (50-to-100–mm negative anomalies per season).

We used a proxy-model analog method [proxysurrogate reconstruction (PSR) (18)] to develop

a more complete synoptic understanding of thechanges associated with the reconstructed NAOdynamics (9). In PSR, data from coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (CGCM)simulations are reordered to maximize temporalagreement between multiple proxy records andcommensurate data drawn from the model out-put. The reordered model data set can be used tomore fully characterize climate patterns impliedby sparse and diverse proxy data. Specifically, inthis study, December-to-March precipitation and

temperature CGCM data are conditioned on theproxy precipitation records from Scotland (7) andMorocco (6) and a winter temperature recordfrom the Alps (15).

Figure 3B shows composite differences be-tween the MCA and the Little Ice Age (LIA)(averages for 1049–1298 minus those for 1448–1923) in December-to-March SLP, precipitation,and near-surface temperature from the PSR re-construction, based on a 240-year simulation withtheMaxPlanck Institute coupledECHAM4-OPYCmodel (19). At the three proxy-model comparisonpoints, the agreement between the input proxy-andmodel-derived series is close, with correlationsof 0.94, 0.94, and 0.92 for Morocco precipitation,Alps temperature, and Scotland precipitation, re-spectively. Results show an SLP dipole withcenters over southern Scandinavia (–2 hPa) andacross Iberia (+1.5 hPa) and increased westerliesacross western Europe. Considering uncertainties(supporting online text), a plausible range for themagnitude of the PSR-reconstructed MCA-LIANAO difference is 1.5 to 6.0 hPa. For compar-ison, the late 20th century upward swing in theNAO was ~7.5 hPa. Increased precipitationover the northeast Atlantic extends across theBritish Isles and into northwestern Europe (20-to-40–mm positive anomalies per season), anddecreased precipitation extends across north-western Africa, Iberia, and south-central Europe(20-to-50–mm negative anomalies). MCA-to-LIA winter temperature differences of 0.3° to0.5°C cover most of western Europe with thelargest amplitude over Iberia and southern France.The reconstruction suggests an MCA-LIA de-crease of westerlies on the order of 0.8 to 1.2ms−1,a decline of 10 to 20%. Similar patterns andmagnitudes found using National Center for At-mospheric Research Community Climate SystemModel data (fig. S3C) (20) suggest that resultsdo not depend on the particular model used inthe study.

The persistently strong winter MCA NAOand its weakening during the LIA raise questionsabout the mechanism responsible for producingsuch a temporally pervasive atmospheric stateover the North Atlantic, as well as MCA-LIAclimate anomalies elsewhere (Fig. 4). The wide-spread signature of this climatic shift implies thatchanges in tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs)were involved. A possible explanation is that heat-ing of the western equatorial Pacific (21, 22) andof the tropical Indian Ocean (23) induced de-creased eastern and central tropical Pacific SSTsresulting in an initial strengthening of the NAOthrough tropospheric dynamics (18, 24). Thismodeled La Niña–like state during the MCA issupported by marine proxy records (Fig. 4C andtable S2) that show warm SST anomalies in thewestern tropical Pacific during theMCA (25) andcool SSTs in the central and eastern tropicalPacific (26).

Stronger westerlies associated with a pro-longed positive NAO phase may have enhancedthe Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Fig. 3. Empirical and model-derived NAO patterns. Proxy and instrumental (16, 17) (1659–1995)(A) and PSR (18) reconstructed [with Max Planck Institute model data (19)] (B) fields of December-to-February SLP, temperature, and precipitation were composited for positive and negative NAOphases. NAO phases were determined in (A) as the 10% most positive versus the 10% mostnegative NAOms winters (1659–1995) (Fig. 1) and in (B) as average values for the period 1049–1298 minus those for 1448–1923. Composite difference maps are shown for SLP (red and bluecontours, in meters), temperature (orange and dashed purple contours, in degrees Celsius), andprecipitation (shaded areas, in millimeters). Shaded areas and contours reflect significant (P < 0.1)differences, calculated with a t test.

Fig. 2. Proxy-based NAO reconstructions. NAOms compared with reconstructions by Cook et al. (3), Glueckand Stockton (13), and Luterbacher et al. (14). All series were smoothed with the use of a 30-year splineand normalized over the 1500-to-1983 common period. The blank period in the Luterbacher reconstructionrepresents the period before 1659, for which only seasonal values were available. SCIENCE VOL 324 3 APRIL 2009 79




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(AMOC) (27), which, in turn, generated cross-equatorial salinity and SST anomalies in thetropical Atlantic and a related northward migra-tion of the intertropical convergence zone (28).An enhanced AMOC may have accommodateda constructive feedback mechanism, proxy evi-dence for which is provided by North Atlanticrecords (Fig. 4B and table S2), that reinforcedthe La Niña–like conditions in the tropical Pa-cific (22).

Independent of temperature indicators, thepersistent positive NAO phase reconstructed forthe MCA now provides a dynamical explana-tion of winter warmth over Europe duringMedie-val times (Fig. 4A). Whereas non-stationarity isa general challenge for proxy-based reconstruc-tions, the records used here originate from lo-cations that were shown to lie consistently withinthe influence of the northern and southern nodesof the NAO dipole (3). To help overcome thereduced degrees of freedom in the low-frequencydomain that generally limit possibilities for cal-ibration, our proxy-based reconstruction wasadditionally supported by physically plausiblePSR-based synoptic fields. The persistent posi-tive phase reconstructed for the MCA appears tobe associated with prevailing La Niña–like con-ditions possibly initiated by enhanced solar irra-diance and/or reduced volcanic activity (21) (Fig.4D) and amplified and prolonged by enhancedAMOC. The relaxation from this particular ocean-atmosphere state into the LIA appears to beglobally contemporaneous and suggests a notableand persistent reorganization of large-scale oce-anic and atmospheric circulation patterns.

References and Notes1. J. W. Hurrell, Y. Kushnir, G. Ottersen, M. Visbeck, in

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3. E. R. Cook, R. D. D’Arrigo, M. E. Mann, J. Clim. 15, 1754(2002).

4. H. H. Lamb, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 1,13 (1965).

5. J. Esper, E. R. Cook, F. H. Schweingruber, Science 295,2250 (2002).

6. J. Esper et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L17702 (2007).7. C. J. Proctor, A. Baker, W. L. Barnes, R. A. Gilmour,

Clim. Dyn. 16, 815 (2000).8. The NAO is defined by an atmospheric seesaw

between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High and isexpressed as an index as the normalized December-to-March sea-level pressure difference between thesetwo poles (12).

9. Materials and methods are available as supportingmaterial on Science Online.

10. T. D. Mitchell, T. R. Carter, P. D. Jones, M. Hulme, M. New,A Comprehensive Set of High-Resolution Grids of MonthlyClimate for Europe and the Globe: The Observed Record(1901-2000) and 16 Scenarios (2001-2100) (WorkingPaper 55, Tyne Centre for Climate Change Research, Univ.of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2004).

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23. J. W. Hurrell, M. P. Hoerling, A. Phillips, T. Y. Xu,Clim. Dyn. 23, 371 (2004).

24. M. P. Hoerling, J. W. Hurrell, T. Y. Xu, Science 292, 90(2001).

25. L. Stott et al., Nature 431, 56 (2004).26. K. M. Cobb, C. D. Charles, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards,

Nature 424, 271 (2003).27. T. L. Delworth, R. J. Greatbatch, J. Clim. 13, 1481 (2000).28. A. Timmermann et al., J. Clim. 20, 4899 (2007).29. W. C. Palmer, Meteorological Drought (Research paper

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30. T. J. Crowley, Science 289, 270 (2000).31. J.E., D.C.F., and J.D.S. were supported by the European

Commission MILLENNIUM Integrated Project (grant017008) and J.E. and D.C.F. by the Swiss National ScienceFoundation through the National Centre for Competencein Climate Research (NCCR-Climate). N.E.G. is gratefulfor support from National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (grant NA06OA-R4310120), and J.D.S.acknowledges a Royal Society–Leverhulme Trust SeniorResearch Fellowship. We thank C. Ammann, E. R. Cook,D. Lund, J. Luterbacher, M.-A. Sicre, J. Smith, D. Stephenson,and three anonymous referees for supplying data anduseful suggestions.

Supporting Online and MethodsSOM TextFigs. S1 to S5Tables S1 and S2References

24 September 2008; accepted 19 February 200910.1126/science.1166349

Fig. 4. Large-scale Medieval Climate Anomaly pattern. Geographicallocation and time series (1050–2000) of proxy records of Europeantemperatures [(A), black triangles in the map at left], North Atlanticconditions [(B), black squares], tropical Pacific conditions [(C), blackcircles], and external forcings (D). Records in (A) to (C) were smoothedwith a 60-year spline and normalized over the full period. References for

all records are provided in table S1. The radiative forcing time series isderived from (30) with the volcanism time series consisting of 30-yearaverages. The 1300-to-1450 MCA-LIA transition period is highlighted ingray. The map indicates inferred climatic conditions and an intensifiedAMOC during the MCA, as derived from the proxy records. L, IcelandicLow; H, Azores High.

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