Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet

Post on 27-Jun-2022

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Transcript of Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet

Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  




(Head of The Permaculture School, Austria ,Accredited Teacher by The Permaculture Research Institute)

At SARAYA ECO STAY, GOA 31st January to 29th February 2020 

Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

The Teacher  

Christoff Schneider - Head of Permaculture School , Austria , Composting Expert, Permaculture Designer & Consultant with over 15 Years of Experience on small scale gardens & properties up to 1600 ha and large scale, professional composting. - Permaculture Research Institute Accredited Teacher 'It is the highest in the morning to spend time with a cup of tea in the vegetable garden, to observe, to enjoy, to discover and to teach people in courses and with gardens, permaculture design ethics & philosophy.'




A land management system that consciously and synergistically integrates agriculture and social design principles into the native ecosystem. It offers a practical and creative approach to the problems of diminishing resources and threatened life support systems the world now faces. The core principles of each of these systems is to Care for the Earth, Care for people & Fair share. 

The essence of permaculture - the design of an ecologically sound way of living - in our households, gardens, communities and businesses. It is created by cooperating with nature and caring for the earth and its people. Intelligent Design is Key. 


This Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC), based on Bill Mollison's Permaculture Designers’ Manual, gives you the appropriate tools to create a sustainable, resource and cost effective environment while reducing the ecological footprint and the human impact on mother nature.  

This course has been refined since its inception in the late 1980's. It will take 80 hours of theory to complete, plus extensive hands on design experience. 


Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

Permaculture Design Certificate Course

Full Bill MOllison 80 hour Certificate Course

14 Day Course - 31st January to 13th February 2020

What’s Included? A Summary 1) Introduction to Permaculture (PC) - What it is ? Ethics, History & Principles , Peak Oil , Self Sufficiency   

2) Concepts & Themes in Design - Gaia, The Earth as a Living Organism, Sustainable & Regenerative Futures   

3) Methods of Design - Energy & Entropy   

4) Patterns- Flows , Zones & Sectors, In depth Design, The Edge   

5) Climatic Factors - Factors, Zones, Atmosphere, Microclimates   

6) Trees & their Energy Transaction - Biomass & uses of trees, their Influence, Hedges, Windbreaks, Forest Gardens   

7) Water - Global water cycle, Storage, Harvesting, Keyline, Ponds, Dams, Tanks, Purification , Earthworks, Biotopes   

8) Aquaculture - History, The case for aquaculture , Ponds, Lakes, Swales, Channels, Chinampas   

9) Soil - Types, Classification , Soil Biota, Creation ,Ph, Soil Improvement methods, Difficult soils   

10) Earthworks & Earth Resources - Planning of ethical Earthworks, Surveying, types, Methods, Constructs, Planting  

11) Permaculture in Humid, Cool & Cold Climates, PC in Humid Tropics + PC Dryland Strategies - Climate, precipitation, temperature, Soil improvement & Water conservation, Settlement & house design, Ecological building materials, the tropical home garden, Traditional & modern polyculture, House Garden, Greenhouses, Orchard, forest garden, agroforestry , Free range forage systems, fences, Food processing & storage ,Integrated animal systems, Pioneering strategies, Urban Development, Desert Gardens   

12) Strategies of an Alternate Global Nation :- Ethical basis on an alternative nation, Alternatives to political systems, Money, finance & ethical investment, Alternative currencies, Urban Permaculture, Transition Towns, Public welfare economy, Steve Cran, 5 rings of sustainable community development   

13) Project Planning & Presentations:- Project presentation, Party and certificate presentation, Showtime 

Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  



‘Learn the basic knowledge of how to live in harmony with Nature through Observation and Intelligent Design. Permaculture, however, goes beyond the garden and its principles. Its wisdom can be applied to building , education, art , community and also knowledge of oneself & human society.’ 




Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  


15th - 29th February 2020

COMPOSTING & HUMUS BUILDING - 15th to 17th Feb 2020

-Understanding the Living System, Humus & Soil  

-Soil & Humus & Edaphon versus Fertilizer & Mulch & Green Manure  

- The role & quality of hot composting, cold composting & quality worm farming in sustainable closed loop systems  

-Soil pollution & erosion  

-Creation and Composition of Soil  

-Soil pores and crumb structure  

-The Edaphon  

-Understanding the role of Main Nutrients and Trace Elements 

-Soil improvement 

-Soil Testing -Hot Composting with controlled microbiological carbonisation,  

-Cold composting, Soil Mixtures, Compost Extracting for gardens & farms, the use of perfectly activated Terra Preta 

-Hot Composting with future controlled microbiological carbonization, different ways and the advantages of cold composting, -VSA = Visual Soil Assessment 

- Worm farming 

Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

  Advanced Permaculture Design - 18th & 19th February 2020

Only for PDC graduates. - A step by step guide and real life approach to working with clients in the field, right from the design process to implementation. 

-Hone your design skills and build confidence in the design process. 

-We fit this course to your personal needs. 

-Design process overview. 

- Creating a detailed site plan and design for implementation in the Gardening and Food Forest Courses!  

-Reading the landscape and natural patterns 

-Using Zone and Sector-planning way beyond landscape design to structure daily life, projects, companies, aid projects 

-Client interview and goal articulation 

-Practical collecting of necessary informations 

-Creating a quotation 

-Laws. Finding out regulations and talking with administrations. 

-Planning exercises of given design tasks in groups and or of your own personal project. 

-One-on-one mentoring with Christoff 


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Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  


21st & 22nd FeBruary 2020





BUILDING GARDEN BEDS - Theory and hands-on

Explaining and building; planning, calculating, earthworks 

-Finding and best use of local resources 

-The advantage of ''good" tools. 

-Raised, mound, mandala, keyhole gardens, vertical gardens 

-Pot planting 

-Polyculture systems, planting regimes, green manure crops, perennial cropping systems 

-Water management 

-Integrated animal management 

-How to set up a simple greenhouse, walipini, nursery, winter garden 


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Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  


Food Forest Building, Forest Gardening, Agro forestry Intensive

Theory + hands on - 23rd to 25th February 2020


We will go through all the steps of how to create very energy efficient Food Forest, Forest Gardening, Agro forestry systems. 

Different beginnings, different middles, different ends… and you will feel real confident how to do it. 

-Learning the Theory and Practically building a food forest from scratch! 

- Pattern language of a forest 

- Succession in natural systems 

- Planning, Design and Maintaining of food forest systems 

- Water management, small and big scale 

- Use of tools, machinery and animals to prepare the land 

- Pioneer plants for regeneration 

- Improving soil-microbiology for better humus building 

- Suitable trees and plants  


Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

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Natural building course - 27th to 29th Feb 2020


 In this workshop we learn how to  

- Find suitable clay - Test clay mixtures for different purposes with Clay Brick Samples for testing 

- Discuss several technical realization options for clay ovens, rocket stoves, lorena stoves - Build a foundation for our projects 

- Build simple but very functional pizza-oven & rocket stove with pyrolysis for harvesting charcoal 

- Make a bottle window - Make mud bricks and play around with clay plaster 

- Make simple pottery for having even more creative fun 

- Screening of movie about straw bale building before heading to the bonfire!   

- Theory of how to build mud houses, getting an overview of different techniques and some hands on experience. 


Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  


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Accommodation and food at Saraya Eco Stay  



Shared Tree House  Single Bed - Rs.300 Double Bed (On Loft) - Rs.500 

Private Tree House ( Double Bed)  Rs.1200  

Private Earth House ( Double Bed)  Rs.1500 

*Each Room has its own dedicated Bathroom-Each bed in the Sharing rooms are single beds-Each 

bed comes with a mosquito net *more info on our accomodation is available at and 

Saraya Goa on FB. 

Meals During the Course   

3 Meals a day and 2 Snack & Tea Breaks  Rs. 1000/- per day  

* We will be trying our best to organically grow as much of the food as we can and source the rest from organic local farmers to the highest extent 

possible .The food cooked is made with minimal oil, local & healthy ( either coconut/ groundnut/ mustard) ,no refined foods , whole grains , fresh, 

low on chilli and of course made with love . The cafe is open 6 days days a week In case anyone is curious to try the items on the cafe menu.The food 

served will be more than sufficient and nothing extra will be necessary however if you have any specific supplements or health products that you 

like to use please carry your own (eg. Spirulina, Ayurvedic medicine, multi vitamins,etc) .We are not far from shops and some things can be found 

not too far from Saraya as well. Those not be having all meals with us can specify below and we can customise the rate accordingly. All the food 

served is strictly vegetarian and some dairy based foods are used for those who consume dairy, Vegan and gluten free items are available, for those 

with other intolerances and allergies please do specifying and we will try our best to accommodate. 


Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

*All rates are Customizable to individual needs depending on how many meals people will be 

eating with us. 

*Discounted rates are available for subsidized fee applicants. 

Workshop Fee - Energy Exchange

Permaculture Design Course (Classes Only,Excludes Accommodation & Food) - Per Person 


Normal Fee   Rs. 27,000/-  

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.21,000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- (On Application Only, Limited seats available) 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations , Government  

Rs. 1,00,000/- 

*For Every 9 students that apply one student in need will receive 

food/accomodation/classes at highly subsidized rates 


Advanced Courses  

Advanced Course 1- Humus Building , Soil and Composting Intensive - 3 Days   

Normal Fee   Rs.7500/- 

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.6000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- (On Application Only, Limited seats available) 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations, Government  

Rs. 30,000/- 


Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

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Advanced Course 2- Advanced Permaculture Design - 2 Days 


Normal Fee   Rs.5000/- 

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.4000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- (On Application Only, Limited seats available) 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations ,Government  

Rs. 20,000/- 


Advanced Course 3- Vegetable Gardening and Garden Bed Building Intensive - 2 Days 


Normal Fee   Rs.5000/- 

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.4000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- (On Application Only, Limited seats) 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations, Government  

Rs. 20,000/- 



Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

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Advanced Course 4 - Food Forest Building & Agro-Forestry Intensive - 3 Days 


Normal Fee   Rs.7500/- 

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.6000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- On Application Only, Limited seats 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations ,Government  

Rs. 30,000/- 


Advanced Course 5- Natural Building and Clay Work Intensive - 3 Days 


Normal Fee   Rs.7500/- 

Discounted Fee (On Application only)  Rs.6000/- 

Subsidised Fees for Citizens /Farmers /Locals/Students- ( On Application Only, Limited seats) 

Contact Saraya Eco Stay for Lowest Rates (Fee Should not be a barrier to attend) 

Corporations, NGOs, Large Organisations ,Government  

Rs. 30,000/- 



Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

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Final Registration Form Permaculture Courses Saraya 2020


Saraya is a space where people can come together to create, share and experience art, food and live in rhythm with nature.

Saraya - is a co-creative effort, a community space that is growing and coming to become a significant contributor to the conscious Goa Landscape. It is an open sharing space, for ideas and visions to be explored, creating change and being changed in return..

Our Eco Stay has been designed around the existing Treescape and is constructed with natural & local materials. We experiment with local & seasonal foods in our cafe, apart from finding healthy, whole & tasty foods (gluten-free and vegan options available!) We are in the process of developing an in-house Garden to feed our Cafe as much as we can :)

We have an Art/Workshop Space which has been hosting a range of progressive workshops on topics related to Sustainability, Permaculture, Art, Yoga and much more over the last few years.

Permaculture Courses Goa 2020 Course Packet  

We are excited to be hosting our second PDC after such a beautiful and productive response last year with so many people attending and so much learned and shared!

Hope to see you at this wonderful learning journey ! 



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